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Created August 31, 2019 19:35
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set directory=~/.vim/backup
set backupdir=~/.vim/backup " keep swap files here
filetype off " required
call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged') " you need to create this directory first (or change it)
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' " bottom status bar
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' } " fuzzy finder conf
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' " fuzzy finder
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree' " folders tree
"Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' " code commenter
Plug 'neomake/neomake' " run programs asynchronously and highlight errors
"Plug 'Twinside/vim-hoogle' " Hoogle search (Haskell) in Vim
"Plug 'vmchale/dhall-vim' " Syntax highlighting for Dhall lang
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'do': { -> coc#util#install()}} " LSP client + autocompletion plugin
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' " configurable status line (can be used by coc)
Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin' " shows files git status on the NerdTree
call plug#end()
" End of plugins here
" ===================
" airline: status bar at the bottom
let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1
let g:airline_section_error = '%{airline#util#wrap(airline#extensions#coc#get_error(),0)}'
let g:airline_section_warning = '%{airline#util#wrap(airline#extensions#coc#get_warning(),0)}'
" Highlighting for jsonc filetype
autocmd FileType json syntax match Comment +\/\/.\+$+
" Nerd commenter
filetype plugin on
" Better Unix support
set viewoptions=folds,options,cursor,unix,slash
set encoding=utf-8
" Handle window actions with Meta instead of <C-w>
" Switching
nnoremap <M-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <M-j> <C-w>j
nnoremap <M-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <M-l> <C-w>l
" Moving
nnoremap <M-H> <C-w>H
nnoremap <M-J> <C-w>J
nnoremap <M-K> <C-w>K
nnoremap <M-L> <C-w>L
nnoremap <M-x> <C-w>x
" Resizing
nnoremap <M-=> <C-w>=
nnoremap <M-+> <C-w>+
nnoremap <M--> <C-w>-
nnoremap <M-<> <C-w><
nnoremap <M->> <C-w>>
" Clear search highlighting
nnoremap <C-z> :nohlsearch<CR>
" Nerdtree git plugin symbols
let g:NERDTreeIndicatorMapCustom = {
\ "Modified" : "ᵐ",
\ "Staged" : "ˢ",
\ "Untracked" : "ᵘ",
\ "Renamed" : "ʳ",
\ "Unmerged" : "ᶴ",
\ "Deleted" : "ˣ",
\ "Dirty" : "˜",
\ "Clean" : "ᵅ",
\ "Unknown" : "?"
\ }
function! TrimWhitespace()
let l:save_cursor = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', l:save_cursor)
command! TrimWhitespace call TrimWhitespace() " Trim whitespace with command
autocmd BufWritePre * :call TrimWhitespace() " Trim whitespace on every save
" Nerdtree
map <C-F> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <C-S> :NERDTreeFind<CR>
" Other options
let mapleader=','
set backspace=2
colorscheme torte
syntax on
set shell=/bin/bash
set laststatus=2
set noshowmode
" Fixes broken cursor on Linux
set guicursor=
" NerdTree config
let g:NERDTreeDirArrowExpandable = '▸'
let g:NERDTreeDirArrowCollapsible = '▾'
let g:NERDTreeMinimalUI = 1
let g:NERDTreeDirArrows = 1
" General editor options
set hidden " Hide files when leaving them.
set number " Show line numbers.
set numberwidth=1 " Minimum line number column width.
set cmdheight=2 " Number of screen lines to use for the commandline.
set textwidth=120 " Lines length limit (0 if no limit).
set formatoptions=jtcrq " Sensible default line auto cutting and formatting.
set linebreak " Don't cut lines in the middle of a word .
set showmatch " Shows matching parenthesis.
set matchtime=2 " Time during which the matching parenthesis is shown.
set background=dark " Color adapted to dark background.
set listchars=tab:▸\ ,eol:¬ " Invisible characters representation when :set list.
set clipboard=unnamedplus " Copy/Paste to/from clipboard
set cursorline " Highlight line cursor is currently on
set completeopt+=noinsert " Select the first item of popup menu automatically without inserting it
" Search
set incsearch " Incremental search.
set ignorecase " Case insensitive.
set smartcase " Case insensitive if no uppercase letter in pattern, case sensitive otherwise.
set nowrapscan " Don't go back to first match after the last match is found.
" Tabs
set expandtab " Tab transformed in spaces
set tabstop=2 " Sets tab character to correspond to x columns.
" x spaces are automatically converted to <tab>.
" If expandtab option is on each <tab> character is converted to x spaces.
set softtabstop=2 " column offset when PRESSING the tab key or the backspace key.
set shiftwidth=2 " column offset when using keys '>' and '<' in normal mode.
" Toggle display of tabs and EOF
nnoremap <leader>l :set list!<CR>
" Fuzzy finder shortcut
nnoremap <C-p> :FZF<CR>
" Disable arrow keys and page up / down
noremap <Up> <nop>
noremap <Down> <nop>
noremap <Left> <nop>
noremap <Right> <nop>
inoremap <Up> <nop>
inoremap <Down> <nop>
inoremap <Left> <nop>
inoremap <Right> <nop>
vnoremap <Up> <nop>
vnoremap <Down> <nop>
vnoremap <Left> <nop>
vnoremap <Right> <nop>
noremap <PageUp> <nop>
inoremap <PageUp> <nop>
vnoremap <PageUp> <nop>
noremap <PageDown> <nop>
inoremap <PageDown> <nop>
vnoremap <PageDown> <nop>
" Disable mouse / touchpad (only in vim)
set mouse=nicr
inoremap <ScrollWheelUp> <nop>
inoremap <S-ScrollWheelUp> <nop>
inoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> <nop>
inoremap <ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
inoremap <S-ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
inoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
inoremap <ScrollWheelLeft> <nop>
inoremap <S-ScrollWheelLeft> <nop>
inoremap <C-ScrollWheelLeft> <nop>
inoremap <ScrollWheelRight> <nop>
inoremap <S-ScrollWheelRight> <nop>
inoremap <C-ScrollWheelRight> <nop>
" ------------------- COC config -----------------------
" Smaller updatetime for CursorHold & CursorHoldI
set updatetime=300
" don't give |ins-completion-menu| messages.
set shortmess+=c
" always show signcolumns
set signcolumn=yes
" Some server have issues with backup files, see #649
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
" Better display for messages
set cmdheight=2
" Use <c-space> for trigger completion.
inoremap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
" Use <cr> for confirm completion, `<C-g>u` means break undo chain at current position.
" Coc only does snippet and additional edit on confirm.
inoremap <expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<C-g>u\<CR>"
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