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gwblok / RunScripts-TriggerTS.ps1
Created October 25, 2019 19:28
This will Trigger a Task Sequence based on the Package ID
<#Triggers Task Sequence based on Package ID Parameter
Once Triggered, it will wait 2 minutes, then parse the execmgr log using a function from Jeff Scripter: ConvertFrom-Log
Once Parsed, looks for if the Task Sequence Successfully Started and reports back (Only if the Time Stamp for Starting is After the time you run the script)
Param (
gwblok / Get-HPCMSLVer.ps1
Created December 23, 2019 20:45
Check HPCMSL Version
#This will download the latest version of the HP Script Library, Install it and confirm it's installed.
#region: CMTraceLog Function formats logging in CMTrace style
function CMTraceLog {
Param (
gwblok / Get-HPBIOSVerCompliant.ps1
Created December 23, 2019 21:00
Check if HP BIOS is Current
#Check if HP Bios is Current
[version]$BIOSVersionInstalled = Get-HPBIOSVersion
[version]$BIOSVersionAvailableOnline = (Get-HPBIOSUpdates -latest).Ver
if ($BIOSVersionInstalled -lt $BIOSVersionAvailableOnline)
{Write-Output "Has $($BIOSVersionInstalled), Needs: $($BIOSVersionAvailableOnline)"}
else {Write-Output "Compliant"}
gwblok / Get-HPBuildSupport.ps1
Created December 23, 2019 21:04
Checks if the current installed OS build is supported by HP
$CurrentBuild = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name 'ReleaseID'
$SupportedOSList = $null
$SupportedOSList = Get-HPDeviceDetails -oslist | Where-Object {$_.OperatingSystemRelease -eq $CurrentBuild}
if ($SupportedOSList -ne $null){Write-Output "Compliant"}
else{Write-Output "$CurrentBuild not supported by HP"}
gwblok / Windows10BuildWebData.ps1
Created December 26, 2019 19:16
Pulls Windows 10 Release Information from Microsoft Website - Scrap HTML
@gwblok (GARYTOWN.COM) 2019.12.26
Used to Grab Windows 10 Release Info and pull into PowerShell
Pulling Tables in was stolen from:
$URL = ""
[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject]$WinReleaseWeb = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL
gwblok / Reset-TS.ps1
Created January 13, 2020 15:28
Reset-TaskSequence Function - Software Center "Installing" Spinning Wheel Reset
#Reset Task Squence - When Software Center shows "Installing" but nothing is really happening.
function Reset-TaskSequence
$OutputText = "Resetting CM Services to clear out TS - Takes about 3 minutes"
CMTraceLog -Message $OutputText -Type 2 -LogFile $LogFile
Set-Service smstsmgr -StartupType manual
Start-Service smstsmgr
start-sleep -Seconds 5
if (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/ccm -ClassName SMS_MaintenanceTaskRequests )
gwblok / DownloadContentviaBITS.ps1
Created January 15, 2020 04:41
The idea behind this is for pre-caching. You provide a Package ID, the script reaches out to DP and builds a list of all the files It then makes BITS Transfer calls to each file pulling it down to your destination.
<#GARYTOWN.COM - @GWBLOK - Assisted big time by Jeff Scripter.
The idea behind this is for pre-caching.
You provide a Package ID, the script reaches out to DP and builds a list of all the files
It then makes BITS Transfer calls to each file pulling it down to your destination.
Since it's using BITS, it is also then using BranchCache (Assuming you have BranchCache Enabled)
Once Completed, you can then delete the destination (since it's then in branchcache).
If you don't want to actually delete what you download, Comment out the Delete Line at the end.
gwblok / ExportTSCopies.ps1
Created February 3, 2020 23:17
Export Task Sequence Copies and Content
<# @gwblok - GARYTOWN.COM
2020.02.03 - Initial Release
This script takes the TS's you specify and creates copies of it and any task sequences that it calls (Run Task Sequence Step)
It then builds folders structures for it to maintain versioning.
The first run, you might see some errors as it might look for the previous export, and you won't have one yet.
You'll need to update Server Paths for where you will be keeping the logs and the exports.
You'll need to update the SFTP info (at the end) if you plan to upload to SFTP server.
It also exports the Packages you set as well, so you'd need to update that list.
Look over the script, I've got comments along the way that help explain what is going on.
gwblok / HPCMSL_CI_Detection_Methods.ps1
Last active April 30, 2020 03:56
HPCMSL CI Detection Methods
#Detection Method for HP Client Management Script Library
(Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\cimv2\sms' -Query "SELECT ProductVersion FROM SMS_InstalledSoftware where ARPDisplayName like 'HP Client Management Script Library'").ProductVersion
#Detection Method for HP BIOS Version Compliance / Detection Method for HP Model Supported on Current OS
$HPCMSLVers = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\cimv2\sms' -Query "SELECT ProductVersion FROM SMS_InstalledSoftware where ARPDisplayName like 'HP Client Management Script Library'").ProductVersion
if ((Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).Manufacturer -like "H*"){$IsHP = $true}
if ($HPCMSLVers -ne $Null -and $IsHP -eq $true)
$RestartProgram = Get-CimInstance -ClassName "CCM_SoftwareDistribution" -Namespace "ROOT\ccm\policy\machine\actualconfig" | Where-Object {$_.PKG_Name -match "Restart Computer" -and $_.PRG_ProgramName -match "Exit Force Restart"}
$RestartProgramDeployID = $RestartProgram.ADV_AdvertisementID
$RestartProgramPackageID = $RestartProgram.PKG_PackageID
$RestartProgramProgramID = $RestartProgram.PRG_ProgramID
[XML]$XML = $RestartProgram.PRG_Requirements
$Schedule = $xml.SWDReserved.ScheduledMessageID
$Program = ([wmi]"ROOT\ccm\policy\machine\actualconfig:CCM_SoftwareDistribution.ADV_AdvertisementID='$($RestartProgramDeployID)',PKG_PackageID='$($RestartProgramPackageID)',PRG_ProgramID='$($RestartProgramProgramID)'")
$Program.ADV_RepeatRunBehavior = 'RerunAlways'