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add_action( 'cmb2_init', 'pilau_cmb2_custom_fields' );
* Register custom fields
function pilau_cmb2_custom_fields() {
// Loop through CPTs
foreach ( get_post_types( array( '_builtin' => false ), 'objects' ) as $cpt ) {
gyrus / pilau-multiply-posts.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Allows the artificial multiplication of posts in WordPress queries for testing purposes.
* Allow the multiplication of posts in query results for testing purposes.
* In the query args, set pilau_multiply to the number you want the posts multiplying by.
* NOTE: If using get_posts() instead of WP_Query, you will need to set suppress_filters to true.
add_filter( 'the_posts', 'pilau_multiply_posts', 10, 2 );
function pilau_multiply_posts( $posts, $query ) {
gyrus / pilau-list-dimensions.js
Created August 9, 2014 20:18
Use jQuery to calculate the heights of each row in a list, and the total number of rows (even if the list items are floated)
* For a list, calculate how many rows, height of each row
* @param {object} l The list jQuery object
* @return {object}
function pilau_list_dimensions( l ) {
var d = {
gyrus / wp-override-image-sizes
Created February 19, 2015 21:32
Override WordPress image sizes defined in admin
add_filter( 'option_thumbnail_size_w', function() { return 176; } );
add_filter( 'option_thumbnail_size_h', function() { return 210; } );
add_filter( 'option_thumbnail_crop', function() { return 1; } );
add_filter( 'option_medium_size_w', function() { return 400; } );
add_filter( 'option_medium_size_h', function() { return 265; } );
add_filter( 'option_medium_crop', function() { return 1; } );
add_filter( 'option_large_size_w', function() { return 746; } );
add_filter( 'option_large_size_h', function() { return 372; } );
gyrus / pilau_ie10classes.js
Created April 8, 2015 21:13
jQuery HTML classes for IE 10+
* A hack to add classes to the HTML element (a la Paul Irish) for IE 10+
* IE 10 and over no longer support conditional classes. However, sometimes
* you still need to target IE above 9!
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
var html = $( html );
if ( /MSIE 1[01]\.\d+;/.test( navigator.userAgent ) || /Trident/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
html.addClass( 'ie' );
if ( /MSIE 10\.\d+;/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
gyrus / pilau_wp_head.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Wrapper for wp_head() which manages SSL
* Wrapper for wp_head() which manages SSL
* @uses wp_head()
* @param bool $ssl
* @return void
function pilau_wp_head( $ssl = false ) {
if ( ! $ssl || WP_LOCAL_DEV ) {
gyrus / .bashrc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Linux .bashrc aliases
# Edit the hosts file
alias edit-hosts='sudo gedit /etc/hosts'
# Edit this file
alias edit-bash='sudo gedit ~/.bashrc'
# Apply changes in this file to current terminal session
alias refresh-bash='source ~/.bashrc'
# Switch to local web root
gyrus / free.php
Created June 18, 2015 09:36
Free custom filter for Events Calendar Pro Filter Bar
* Free? filter
* @package Young_Hackney
* @since 0.1
class TribeEventsFilter_Free extends TribeEventsFilter {
public $type = 'checkbox';
gyrus / admin.css
Created June 22, 2015 22:58
Hide recurring instances in admin for The Events Calendar WordPress plugin
// Optional - a bit of spacing
.filter-checkbox {
margin: 0 .8em;
gyrus / hierarchical_cpt_template.php
Created September 25, 2015 16:58
Re-route template for hierarchical custom post types
add_filter( 'page_template', 'pilau_hierarchical_cpt_template' );
* Re-route template for hierarchical custom post types
* Not sure why this is needed????
* @param string $template
* @return string