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Last active June 8, 2016 14:14
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A Genetic Algorithm implementation of CodingGame MarsLander1 puzzle.
package org.gzk.marslander
val GRAVITY = acceleration(0.0, -3.711)
val maxX = 6999
val minX = 0
* power : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
* angle : -90, -75, ... , 0, +15, +30, ..., +75, +90
data class ControlCmd(val power: Int = 0, val angle:Int = 0)
data class State(val fuel: Int, val power: Int, val angle: Int, val particule: Particule){
val position: Point
get() = particule.position
val speed: Speed
get() = particule.speed
enum class FlyState {
Landed, Crashed, Flying
val Line.landingZone: Pair<Point, Point>
get() = points.withIndex()
.first { it.value.y == points[it.index + 1].y }
.let { it.value to points[it.index + 1] }
* Handle the physics (acceleration, speed, fuel, ...)
class Lander(initState: State, val cmds:List<ControlCmd>, val ground: Line) {
val trajectory = mutableListOf(initState)
var flystate = FlyState.Flying
init {
fun computeTrajectory() {
for ((i, cmd) in cmds.withIndex()) {
val nextState = trajectory[i].computeNextState(cmd)
if (evaluateOutside(nextState)) return
if (evaluateHitTheGround(nextState)) return
if (evaluateNoFuel(nextState)) return
fun evaluateOutside(state: State): Boolean {
if (state.position.x > maxX || state.position.x < minX) {
flystate = FlyState.Crashed
return true
return false
fun evaluateHitTheGround(nextState: State): Boolean {
if (ground > nextState.position) {
if (nextState.angle == 0
&& nextState.speed.ySpeed > -40
&& nextState.speed.xSpeed.abs() <= 20
&& ground.isHorizontalAtX(nextState.position.x))
flystate = FlyState.Landed
flystate = FlyState.Crashed
return true
return false
fun evaluateNoFuel(nextState: State): Boolean {
if (nextState.fuel <= 0) {
flystate = FlyState.Crashed
return true
return false
fun State.computeNextState(cmd: ControlCmd, time: Time = 1.0.sec): State {
val newAngle = angle + (cmd.angle - angle).coerceAtLeast(-15).coerceAtMost(15)
val newPower = power + (cmd.power - power).coerceAtMost(1).coerceAtLeast(-1)
val thrustAcceleration = Acceleration((Vector(0.0, 1.0) * newPower.toDouble()).rotate(newAngle.deg()))
val acceleration = GRAVITY + thrustAcceleration
val newParticule = particule.accelerate(acceleration, time)
val newFuel = fuel - newPower
return State(newFuel, newPower, newAngle, newParticule)
fun Double.abs(): Double = Math.abs(this)
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