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Created May 29, 2014 18:21
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DNS ad and malware block script for DNSmasq and pixelserv
# DNS Ad/Malware blocker for Tomato/DD-Wrt based routers
# Requires: DNSmasq and Pixelserv
# Merges block lists:
# * Winhelp2002
# * Pgl Yoyo
# * Malware Domains
# Copyright (c) 2014, Jeffrey Clark [dude @ zaplabs com]
log () {
logger -s -t adblock "$1"
set -e
SCRIPT_PATH=$( cd -P "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )
BR0_INET=$(ip addr show dev br0 | sed -r -n "s/.*inet ([0-9\/\.]+).* global br0/\1/p")
inet () {
echo $BR0_INET | sed -r "s/([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)/$1/"
pixelserv_pid () {
ps | sed -r -n "s/[\ ]*([0-9]+).+pixelserv [0-9\.]+.*/\1/p"
## TODO: Make a loop to get a free IP address and cache
[ ! -d "${DATAPATH}" ] && mkdir "${DATAPATH}"
NET_NUM=$(inet '\4')
NET_NUM=$(($NET_NUM + 2))
IP=$(inet "\\1.\\2.\\3.$NET_NUM")
INET=$(inet "$IP\\/\\5")
log "IP/Network: $INET"
set +e
ping -c 1 -W 2 -q $IP >/dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then
log "Adding $INET to br0"
ip addr add $INET dev br0
log "$INET exsists on br0"
set -e
## Start pixelserv
if [[ "$(pixelserv_pid)" != "" ]]; then
set +e
killall -9 pixelserv
sleep 1
set -e
log "Starting pixelserv on $IP"
${SCRIPT_PATH}/pixelserv $IP -r
if [ ! -e "${DATAPATH}/list.winhelp2002.txt" ]; then
log "Downloading host file 1..."
wget -T 10 -O - | \
awk '{ if ($1 == "") { gsub(/www\./, ""); if (LAST != $2) { print $2; LAST=$2; } } }' \
> ${DATAPATH}/list.winhelp2002.txt
if [ ! -e "${DATAPATH}/list.yoyo.txt" ]; then
log "Downloading host file 2..."
wget -T 10 -O - '' \
> ${DATAPATH}/list.yoyo.txt
if [ ! -e "${DATAPATH}/list.malware.txt" ]; then
log "Downloading host file 3..."
wget -T 10 -O - '' \
> ${DATAPATH}/list.malware.txt
if [ ! -e "${DATAPATH}/list.dnsmasq.conf" ]; then
cd "${DATAPATH}"
log "Processing exclusions, creating dnsmasq configuration..."
cat list.winhelp2002.txt list.yoyo.txt list.malware.txt | sort -u | \
grep -vf "${SCRIPT_PATH}/adblock.exclusions.txt" | \
awk '{ print "address=/" $0 "/'${IP}'" }' \
> ${DATAPATH}/list.dnsmasq.conf
log "Processing additional hosts..."
sed 's/\(.*\)/address=\/'${IP}'\/\1/' ${SCRIPT_PATH}/adblock.additional.txt > ${DATAPATH}/additional.dnsmasq.conf
if [ -e "/etc/dnsmasq.conf" ]; then
CONFTEST=$(nvram get dnsmasq_custom | grep -- 'conf-dir='${DATAPATH})
if [[ "x${CONFTEST}" = "x" ]]; then
log "Modifying DNSmasq configuration."
nvram get dnsmasq_custom > /tmp/$$.dnsmasq
echo "conf-dir=${DATAPATH},txt" >> /tmp/$$.dnsmasq
nvram set dnsmasq_custom="$(cat /tmp/$$.dnsmasq)"
rm /tmp/$$.dnsmasq
log "Restarting local DNS server"
service dnsmasq restart
log "dnsmasq.conf not found... something is very wrong"
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