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HildisviniOttar /
Last active November 13, 2021 19:20
THORChain vulnerability TSS

TSS Churn with 2 evil nodes

Currently TSS works by the system auto-generating a set of TSS invitees that collectively generate a new vault pubkey outside of process. Each node that participates in the signing ceremony then posts in their results into THORChain as a MsgTssPool.

Two evil nodes are able to front-run a TSS signing ceremony by posting in a fake TSS result and voting twice, which achieves consensus and creates a vault controlled by attacker, stealing funds (before the valid tx arrives).

Note: #thorsec team found a similar bug allowing spoofing ID which was patched in - this vulnerability is similar but works even with the original ID spoof patch. After disclosure, MR 1922 also incorporated fixes to stop this attack presented below.


shazow / flashbotnfts.ts
Last active May 26, 2023 01:20
WIP: Flashbot NFTs
import { BigNumber, providers, Wallet } from "";
import { FlashbotsBundleProvider, FlashbotsBundleResolution } from "";
const GWEI = BigNumber.from(10).pow(9);
const PRIORITY_FEE = GWEI.mul(3);
const LEGACY_GAS_PRICE = GWEI.mul(12);
# Ethereum helper methods
# source this in your .bashrc or .zshrc file with `. ~/.ethrc`
# --- Solidity sandbox ---
scratch() {
cd ~/Documents/projects/solidity-sandbox || exit
bash $1
cd "$dir" || exit
Strernd / parseErc20Transfer.js
Created June 7, 2021 11:09
Parses an ERC20 Transfer from the Ethereum API.
const converter = require("hex2dec");
const Eth = require("ethjs");
const eth = new Eth(new Eth.HttpProvider(process.env.INFURA));
async function getERC20TransferByHash(hash) {
const ethTxData = await eth.getTransactionByHash(hash);
if (ethTxData === null) throw "TX NOT FOUND";
if (
ethTxData.input.length !== 138 ||
ethTxData.input.slice(2, 10) !== "a9059cbb"
itzmeanjan /
Last active May 28, 2021 21:57
Polygon ( aka Matic Network ) Mempool Exploration
from python_graphql_client import GraphqlClient
from json import dumps
from asyncio import run
from re import compile as re_compile
from pytimeparse import parse
reg = re_compile(r'^(\d+(\.\d+)?)')
handle = None
gorgos / ExampleSlidingWindowOracleDaiWethKovan.sol
Created January 9, 2021 20:16
ExampleSlidingWindowOracle with DAI + WETH for Kovan.
pragma solidity 0.6.6;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
library SafeMath {
set-option -g prefix C-g
unbind-key C-g
bind-key C-g send-prefix
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc"
set-option -g status-position bottom
set -g base-index 1
fuadnafiz98 / transparent.vim
Last active April 18, 2023 07:26
vim transparent background
" for transparent background
function! AdaptColorscheme()
highlight clear CursorLine
highlight Normal ctermbg=none
highlight LineNr ctermbg=none
highlight Folded ctermbg=none
highlight NonText ctermbg=none
highlight SpecialKey ctermbg=none
highlight VertSplit ctermbg=none
highlight SignColumn ctermbg=none
cryptoscopia / dydxFlashLoanTemplate.sol
Created October 21, 2020 06:42
A single-file simplest possible template for a contract that obtains a flash loan from dydx, does things, and pays it back.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// The ABI encoder is necessary, but older Solidity versions should work
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
// These definitions are taken from across multiple dydx contracts, and are
// limited to just the bare minimum necessary to make flash loans work.
library Types {
enum AssetDenomination { Wei, Par }
itzmeanjan / ChildERC20.sol
Last active July 6, 2021 06:43
An illustration of sending data from Ethereum root chain to Matic child chain
// File: contracts/child/ChildToken/ChildERC20.sol
pragma solidity 0.6.6;
contract ChildERC20 is