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Created April 6, 2017 19:16
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Password Cracker
// Original Author: Kris Kaspersky
// Adapted from Listing 1.17 of Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage.
// Used in
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
// This example illustrates the worst practices of software development!
// It contains many of errors that have a negative effect on performance.
// Profiling will eliminate all of them.
#define ITER 10000000 // Maximum number of iterations
#define MAX_CRYPT_LEN 200 // Maximum length of the ciphertext
// Decrypting ciphertext using the found password
void DeCrypt(char *pswd, char *crypteddata)
int a;
int p = 0; // Pointer to the current position within the data
// Decrypting the current character
crypteddata[p] ^= pswd[p % strlen(pswd)];
// Decrypting the next character
} while (++p < strlen(crypteddata));
// Calculating the password checksum
int CalculateCRC(char *pswd)
int a;
int x = -1; // CRC calculation error
for (a = 0; a < strlen(pswd); a++)
x += *(int *)(pswd + a);
return x;
// The CRC calculation algorithm is awkward.
// This was done intentionally to demonstrate misalignment.
// Checking the password CRC
int CheckCRC(char *pswd, int validCRC)
if (CalculateCRC(pswd) == validCRC)
return validCRC;
// else
return 0;
// Processing the current password
void do_pswd(char *crypteddata, char *pswd, int validCRC, int progress)
char *buff;
// Displaying the current state on the terminal
printf("Current pswd : %10s [%d%%]\r", &pswd[0], progress);
// Checking the password CRC
if (CheckCRC(pswd, validCRC))
{ // CRC match
// Copying ciphertext to the temporary buffer
buff = (char *)malloc(strlen(crypteddata));
strcpy(buff, crypteddata);
// Decrypting
DeCrypt(pswd, buff);
// Displaying the decryption results
printf("CRC %8X: try to decrypt: \"%s\"\n",
CheckCRC(pswd, validCRC), buff);
// Password generation procedure
int gen_pswd(char *crypteddata, char *pswd, int max_iter, int validCRC)
int a;
int p = 0;
// Generating passwords
for (a = 0; a < max_iter; a++)
// Processing the current password
do_pswd(crypteddata, pswd, validCRC, 100 * a / max_iter);
// * Main loop of password generation *
// Using the "counter" algorithm
while ((++pswd[p]) > 'z')
pswd[p] = '!';
if (!pswd[p])
pswd[p] = ' ';
pswd[p + 1] = 0;
} // end while (pswd)
// Returning the pointer to initial position
p = 0;
} // end for(a)
return 0;
// Displaying the number, using DOT as a delimiter
void print_dot(float per)
// * * * CONFIGURATION * * *
#define N 3 // Separating three positions
#define DOT_SIZE 1 // Size of the DOT delimiter
#define DOT "," // Delimiter
int a;
char buff[666];
sprintf(buff, "%0.0f", per);
for (a = strlen(buff) - N; a > 0; a -= N)
memmove(buff + a + DOT_SIZE, buff + a, 66);
if (buff[a] == ' ')
memcpy(buff + a, DOT, DOT_SIZE);
// Displaying on the screen
printf("%s\n", buff);
main(int argc, char **argv)
// Variables
FILE *f; // For reading the source file (if present)
char *buff; // For reading data from the source file
char *pswd; // Currently tested password (needed by gen_pswd)
int validCRC; // For storing the original password CRC
unsigned int t; // For measuring the execution time
int iter = ITER; // Maximum number of passwords
char *crypteddata; // For storing the ciphertext
// built-in default crypt
// Those who read this text have discovered a great secret. ;)
char _DATA_[] = "\x4B\x72\x69\x73\x20\x4B\x61\x73\x70\x65\x72\x73\x6B"
// Title
printf("= = = VTune profiling demo = = =\n"
// Help
if (argc == 2)
printf("USAGE:\n\tpswd.exe [StartPassword MAX_ITER]\n");
return 0;
// Memory allocation
printf("memory malloc\t\t");
buff = (char *)malloc(MAX_CRYPT_LEN);
if (buff)
return -1;
// Getting the ciphertext for decryption
printf("get source from\t\tbuilt-in data\n");
buff = _DATA_;
// Calculating CRC
validCRC = *(int *)(strstr(buff, ":") + 1);
printf("calculate CRC\t\t%X\n", validCRC);
if (!validCRC)
printf("-ERR: CRC is invalid\n");
return -1;
// Extracting the encrypted data
crypteddata = strstr(buff, ":") + 5;
// printf ("cryptodata\t\t%s\n", crypteddata);
// Allocating memory for the password buffer
printf("memory malloc\t\t");
pswd = (char *)malloc(512 * 1024);
pswd += 62;
// The consequences of misaligned data, when requesting blocks
// of a chosen size, are demonstrated. The malloc function
// always aligns the address by the desired 64 KB.
memset(pswd, 0, 666); // Initialization
if (pswd)
return -1;
// Parsing command line arguments, and getting the
// initial password and maximum number of iterations
printf("get arg from\t\t");
if (argc > 2)
printf("command line\n");
if (atoi(argv[2]) > 0)
iter = atoi(argv[2]);
strcpy(pswd, argv[1]);
printf("build-in default\n");
strcpy(pswd, "!");
printf("start password\t\t%s\nmax iter\t\t%d\n", pswd, iter);
// Starting password enumeration
printf("===\ntry search... wait!\n");
t = clock();
gen_pswd(crypteddata, pswd, iter, validCRC);
t = clock() - t;
// Output of the number of passwords per second
printf(" \rPassword per sec:\t");
print_dot(iter / (float)t * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;
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