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name: "devmo",
description: "Search for your words",
author: {name: "Ivan Morgillo", email: "imorgillo [at] sanniolug [dot] org"},
homepage: "",
license: "GPL v3",
url: "{QUERY}&type=fulltext",
parser: {container: "div#searchResults > ul > li", title: "div.title > a + a", preview: "div.searchpreview"
author: {name: "Ivan Morgillo", email: "imorgillo [at] sanniolug [dot] org"},
homepage: "",
license: "GPL v3",
description: "Search Bing for your words",
name: "bing",
url: "{QUERY}&form=QBLH&filt=all",
parser: {container: "div#results > ul.sb_results > li",
title: "div.sb_tlst h3",
preview: "p"}
name: "latex",
description: "Write LaTex and render it with mimetex ",
help: "Write down some LaTex statement, i.e. \frac{1}{S^2 - 1}",
author: {name: "Ivan Morgillo", email: "imorgillo [at] sanniolug [dot] org"},
license: "GPL v3",
homepage: "",
arguments: {object: noun_arb_text},
preview: function(pblock, args) {
var postdata = args.object.text;