Mass convert large media files on cloud VM instance/cluster into smaller size. Output is generally 10X+ smaller on a 1080P or higher format and almost visually lossless. Can be further down-sized using UHARC if you have many files. Also, way cheaper if you're using cloud VMs for scraping as well.
Quad-core CPU-optimized instances work best in terms of resource vs cost. I've experimented with octa-core instances but the gains aren't linear and rank lower on cost vs time gains.
Use snap for latest ffmpeg release (possibly improved compression algorithm). If you're using ffplay for testing installed through apt, then ffmpeg command here may cause clash.
sudo snap install ffmpeg
echo "#!/bin/bash" >> Processor.sh
echo "for file in ./*.mp4; do ffmpeg -i \"\$file\" -c:v libx265 -preset fast -c:a copy \"H265/\$(basename \"\$file\" .mp4)_x265.mp4\" done" >> Processor.sh