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Created February 15, 2019 08:33
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A naive progress bar manager for Android apps
data class LoadingTask(val tag: String, val lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner)
data class ProgressBarNotification(
val visible: Boolean
* This class is used to manage whether the progress bar should visible or not.
* Each task represents a network operation which might take a long time. While this task is running, we need the
* progress bar to be visible to the user. Each such task is added to a tasks queue, and whenever a task is created
* or completed, we send a notification to hide/show the progress bar. The status of the progress bar is exposed through
* an immutable live data object.
* This class is aware of the lifecycle of objects that add loading tasks to it. When such an object is destroyed before
* its added tasks are completed, they are cleared automatically.
class ProgressBarManager : DefaultLifecycleObserver {
private val progressBarLiveData = MutableLiveData<ProgressBarNotification>()
private val tasksRegistry = mutableMapOf<LifecycleOwner, MutableList<LoadingTask>>()
* This function adds the newly submitted task to the task registry. If the tasks registry map already has an entry
* for this task's lifecycle owner, then it is added to its task list. Otherwise, a new list if created for its
* lifecycle owner. Whenever a task is added, the progress bar is updated.
* Also registers this class as an observer of the lifecycle of the associated lifecycle owner of the given task.
* @param task The newly added task to be added to the registry
fun addTask(task: LoadingTask) {
with(task) {
// If this owner already exists in our registry, add this task its task list else create a new list for it
tasksRegistry[lifecycleOwner]?.add(this) ?: run {
tasksRegistry[lifecycleOwner] = mutableListOf(this)
* This is a convenience method to find a task by its associated tag, and if it exists and remove it from the tasks
* registry.
* @param tag The tag associated with the task
fun completeTaskByTag(tag: String, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner) {
findTaskByTag(tag, lifecycleOwner)?.let {
* Removes the given task object from the lifecycle registry, and updates the progress bar status after it.
* @param task The task to be removed/completed
fun completeTask(task: LoadingTask) {
* Find a task in the registry using its associated tag
* @param tag Tag associated with the task
* @param lifecycleOwner The lifecycle owner who submitted this task
* @return The requested loading task, if it is found
fun findTaskByTag(tag: String, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner): LoadingTask? {
return tasksRegistry[lifecycleOwner]?.firstOrNull { task ->
task.tag == tag
* Checks if the task registry has no tasks in it. If true, hides the progress bar. Else, shows it.
private fun updateProgressBar() {
if (tasksRegistry.values.all { list -> list.isEmpty() }) {
} else {
* Get the live data object for listening to progress bar updates.
* @return immutable form of [progressBarLiveData]
fun getProgressBarLiveData(): LiveData<ProgressBarNotification> = this.progressBarLiveData
* Invoked whenever the lifecycle owner of an associated task is destroyed.
* It removes all the associated tasks of this owner, in case they were not complete yet.
override fun onDestroy(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
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