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Created January 15, 2021 12:05
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Test Webdataset with torch-xla multiprocessing distributed setting
from itertools import islice
import os
import torch
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import transforms
import numpy as np
import torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader as pl
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
import torch_xla.distributed.xla_multiprocessing as xmp
import webdataset as wds
This is a toy implementation of webdataset for torch-xla.
I was suspecting that the pl.MpDeviceLoader was somehow not splitting examples across cores and workers, but
it seems to be fine (test by setting `split_per_core` and `split_per_worker` to True/False).
batch_size = 5
num_iters = 64
dataset_length = 8 * 100
tpuip = '' # set this to your TPU's IP
num_cores = 8
num_workers = 4
split_per_core = True
split_per_worker = True
# This is just the webdataset default OpenImages dataset:
urls = "{000000..000554}.tar"
urls = f"pipe:curl -L -s {urls} || true"
# Setting up:
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '1' # good to have for webdataset
os.environ["XRT_TPU_CONFIG"] = f"tpu_worker;0;{tpuip}:8470"
def identity(x):
return x
def main(device_idx):
print(f'Starting process {device_idx}.')
device = xm.xla_device()
normalize = transforms.Normalize(
mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
preproc = transforms.Compose([
dataset = (
wds.Dataset(urls, length=dataset_length)
.to_tuple("jpg;png", "json")
.map_tuple(preproc, identity)
def shard_selection(urls_):
"""Split urls correctly per accelerator.
:param urls_:
:return: slice of urls_
urls_this = urls_[device_idx::num_cores]
return urls_this
def shard_shuffle(urls_): # not really a *shuffle*...
"""Split urls correctly per worker.
:param urls_:
:return: slice of urls_
worker_info =
if worker_info is None:
return urls_
num_workers_ = worker_info.num_workers
worker_id =
urls_ = urls_[worker_id::num_workers_]
return urls_
if split_per_core:
dataset.shard_selection = shard_selection
if split_per_worker:
dataset.shard_shuffle = shard_shuffle
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset,
collate_fn=None) # batching, collate done in dataset hence the None:s
device_dataloader = pl.MpDeviceLoader(dataloader, device)
xm.rendezvous('init') # wait until all processes started
ids = list()
for i, sample in enumerate(islice(device_dataloader, 0, num_iters)):
print(f'device={device_idx} :: iter={i}')
ids_this = list()
for example in sample[1]:
id = example[0]['ImageID']
except KeyError:
id = 'None'
ids += ids_this
print(f'Process {device_idx} done.')
# Count unique image ids:
ids_int = list()
for id in ids:
id_int = np.frombuffer(bytes(id, encoding='utf-8'), np.uint8).astype(np.int32) # to int because I want to gather from all devices
ids_int = torch.stack(ids_int).to(device) # shape [batch_size * num_iters, 16]
# Check that all ids are unique:
ids_int_all = xm.all_gather(ids_int, 0)
ids_unique = torch.unique(ids_int_all, dim=0)
if len(ids_unique) == len(ids_int_all):
xm.master_print('All examples unique.')
xm.master_print('Non-unique examples detected:')
xm.master_print(f'Num examples={len(ids_int_all)}')
xm.master_print(f'Num uniques={len(ids_unique)}')
raise KeyboardInterrupt
if __name__ == '__main__':
xmp.spawn(main, args=(), nprocs=num_cores, start_method='fork')
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