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Created October 8, 2014 16:08
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SparkCore LED Effects Demo
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Spark IDE.
#include "LEDEffect.h"
#include "clickButton.h"
//#include <LEDEffect.h>
// General Garage Controller Config
int internalState = 0; // Start up
// LED Config
const int ledPin = D0;
LEDEffect led1(ledPin);
int ledState = 0;
// Relay Config
const int rlyPin = D1;
char rlyState = 0;
unsigned long rlyLastTime = 0;
const int rlyLockoutTime = 3000; // Seconds
const int rlyTime = 2000;
// Button Config
const int buttonPin1 = D3;
ClickButton button1(buttonPin1, LOW, CLICKBTN_PULLUP);
void setup()
// Pin Mode Config
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rlyPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Clickbutton Setup
button1.debounceTime = 20; // Debounce timer in ms
button1.multiclickTime = 250; // Time limit for multi clicks
button1.longClickTime = 1000; // time until "held-down clicks" register
ledState = 1;
digitalWrite(rlyPin, LOW);
void goRelay()
if(rlyState == 0) // Relay is "normal"
rlyState = 1;
rlyLastTime = millis();
void relayUpdate()
if(rlyState == 1) // Relay is "ON"
digitalWrite(rlyPin, HIGH);
if(millis() > (rlyLastTime + rlyTime))
rlyState = 2; // Lock the relay
else if(rlyState == 2)
digitalWrite(rlyPin, LOW);
if(millis() > (rlyLastTime + rlyLockoutTime))
rlyState = 0; // Lock the relay
rlyState = 0;
digitalWrite(rlyPin, LOW);
void stateLEDUpdate()
if(rlyState == 0) // Normal Relay Operation
if(internalState == 0) // Normal Operation
void loop()
// Update button state
if(button1.clicks == 1)
/*if(ledState == 0)
ledState = 1;
else if(ledState == 1)
ledState = 2;
else if(ledState == 2)
ledState = 3;
else if(ledState == 3)
ledState = 4;
else if(ledState == 4)
ledState = 5;
ledState = 0;
LEDEffect.cpp - Library for LED Effecs.
Created by Harrison H. Jones, October 3, 2014.
//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LEDEffect.h"
LEDEffect::LEDEffect(int pin)
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
_pin = pin;
_time = millis();
_brightness = 125;
_fadeAmount = 5; // how many points to fade the LED by
_fadeDirection = _fadeAmount;
_ledState = 0; // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = breath, 3 = fade down, 4 = fade up, 5 = blink
_ledDelay = 30; // in ms
void LEDEffect::update()
if(millis() > _time + _ledDelay)
_time = millis();
if(_ledState == 0)
_brightness = 0;
else if(_ledState == 1)
_brightness = 255;
else if (_ledState == 2)
// change the _brightness for next time through the loop:
_brightness = _brightness + _fadeDirection;
// reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade:
if (_brightness == 0)
_fadeDirection = _fadeAmount;
else if (_brightness == 255)
_fadeDirection = -_fadeAmount;
else if (_ledState == 3) // Fade down
// change the _brightness for next time through the loop:
_brightness = _brightness - _fadeAmount;
// reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade:
if (_brightness == 0)
_brightness = 255;
else if (_ledState == 4) // Fade up
// change the _brightness for next time through the loop:
_brightness = _brightness + _fadeAmount;
// reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade:
if (_brightness == 255)
_brightness = 0;
else if(_ledState == 5)
if(_brightness == 255)
_brightness = 0;
_brightness = 255;
else if(_ledState == 6) // Dim
analogWrite(_pin, _brightness);
void LEDEffect::off()
_ledState = 0;
_ledDelay = 10;
void LEDEffect::on()
_ledState = 1;
_ledDelay = 10;
void LEDEffect::breath(int ledDelay)
if(_brightness == 0)
_fadeDirection = _fadeAmount;
else if(_brightness == 255)
_fadeDirection = -_fadeAmount;
_ledState = 2;
_ledDelay = ledDelay;
void LEDEffect::fadeDown(int ledDelay)
_fadeDirection = -_fadeAmount;
_ledState = 3;
_ledDelay = ledDelay;
void LEDEffect::fadeUp(int ledDelay)
_fadeDirection = _fadeAmount;
_ledState = 4;
_ledDelay = ledDelay;
void LEDEffect::blink(int ledDelay)
_ledState = 5;
_ledDelay = ledDelay;
void LEDEffect::dim(unsigned char brightness)
_ledState = 6;
_brightness = brightness;
_ledDelay = 1000; // Not really required.
LEDEffect.h - Library for LED Effecs.
Created by Harrison H. Jones, October 3, 2014.
#ifndef LEDEffect_h
#define LEDEffect_h
//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "application.h"
class LEDEffect
LEDEffect(int pin);
void update();
void off();
void on();
void breath(int ledDelay);
void fadeDown(int ledDelay);
void fadeUp(int ledDelay);
void blink(int ledDelay);
void dim(unsigned char brightness);
int _pin;
unsigned char _brightness;
unsigned char _fadeAmount; // how many points to fade the LED by
unsigned char _fadeDirection;
unsigned char _ledState; // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = breath, 3 = fade down, 4 = fade up, 5 = blink
int _ledDelay; // in ms
unsigned long _time;
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