<script lang="ts">
  import { onDestroy } from 'svelte'
  import { tweened } from 'svelte/motion'
  import { cubicOut } from 'svelte/easing'
  import { scaleLinear } from "d3-scale"
  const DEG_PER_RAD:number = 180/Math.PI

  export let fullWidth:number = 500
  $: centeredWidth = Math.min(500, fullWidth)
  $: fullHeight = centeredWidth

  const PADDING = 30
  $: width = centeredWidth - 2*PADDING
  $: height = fullHeight - 2*PADDING
  $: halfWidth = width/2
  $: halfHeight = height/2

  const animation = tweened(0, {
    duration: 4000,
    easing: cubicOut
  const interval = setInterval(() => {
    animation.set($animation===1 ? 0 : 1)
  }, 5000)
  onDestroy(() => clearInterval(interval))
  const timeAxisPadding = 40
  $: dynamicPaddingForTimeAxis = $animation * timeAxisPadding //we need to squeeze the unwrapped BRG to make room for the time axis
  $: x2Scale = scaleLinear().domain(
    [0, 180, 180, 360]
      dynamicPaddingForTimeAxis/2, //offset the center by half the dynamic padding
      -$animation*halfWidth + dynamicPaddingForTimeAxis, //offset the left end of the BRG by the dynamic padding
      dynamicPaddingForTimeAxis/2, //offset the center by half the dynamic padding
  $: y2 = $animation * halfHeight
  $: thetaScale = scaleLinear().domain(
    [0, 180, 180, 360]
    [0, (1 - $animation)*180, ($animation - 1)*180, 0]
  $: getLineDataFromAngle = (angle, radius=halfWidth) => {
    const x2 = x2Scale(angle)
    const theta = thetaScale(angle) / DEG_PER_RAD
    return {
      x1: x2 + radius * Math.sin(theta),
      y1: - radius * Math.cos(theta),
      x2, y2,
  const circleDegrees:number[] = []
  for(let i=180; i<360; ++i) { //push numbers 180 to 359
  for(let i=0; i<180; ++i) { //push numbers 0 to 179
  circleDegrees.push(179.9) //this is now equal to [180, 181, ..., 359, 0, 1, ..., 179, 179.9]
  $: topFactor = (12 + 3*$animation) / 16 //make the circle a little offset from the edge
  $: circlePathRadius = halfWidth * topFactor
  $: circlePath = circleDegrees.reduce(
    (d, degree) => {
      const { x1, y1 } = getLineDataFromAngle(degree, circlePathRadius)
      d += ` ${x1},${y1}`
      return d
  const ticks:{angle:number,label:string, dy:number}[] = [
    {angle:180,     label: "180°",      dy: 15},
    {angle:225,     label: "",          dy: 0},
    {angle:270,     label: "270°",      dy: -5},
    {angle:315,     label: "",          dy: 0},
    {angle:0,       label: "0° (360°)", dy: 0},
    {angle:45,      label: "",          dy: 0},
    {angle:90,      label: "90°",       dy: -5},
    {angle:135,     label: "",          dy: 0},
    {angle:179.999, label: "180°",      dy: 15},
  $: lineData = ticks.map(t => getLineDataFromAngle(t.angle))
  $: ticksWithLabels = ticks.filter(t =>
    t.label.length > 0 //only allow ticks with a label
    && !(Math.floor(t.angle)===179 && $animation===0) //hide the 179.999 label if the animation is at 0
  const tickEndDy = -5
  $: textData = ticksWithLabels.map(t => {
    const { x1, y1 } = getLineDataFromAngle(t.angle)
    return {
      attr: {
        x: x1,
        y: y1,
        dy: tickEndDy*$animation + (1 - $animation)*t.dy
      label: t.label,
  $: timeAxisTop = -halfHeight * topFactor

  <div bind:clientWidth={fullWidth}>
      <g transform={`translate(${fullWidth/2},${fullHeight/2})`}>
        <g class="grid">
          <path d={circlePath}/>

          {#each lineData as line}
            <line {...line}/>

          <line x1={x2Scale(180)} y1={y2} x2={x2Scale(179.9)} {y2}/>

          {#each textData as text}
            <text {...text.attr}>{text.label}</text>

        <g class="timeAxis" transform={`translate(${-halfWidth + timeAxisPadding - 10},0)`} opacity={Math.max(0, 10*($animation-0.9))}>
          <text x={-20} y={timeAxisTop} dy={5} text-anchor="end">Now</text>
          <line x1={-15} y1={timeAxisTop} x2={0} y2={timeAxisTop}/>
          <line x1={0} y1={timeAxisTop} x2={0} y2={halfHeight}/>
          <line x1={-15} y1={halfWidth} x2={0} y2={halfHeight}/>
          <text x={-20} y={halfHeight} dy={-5} text-anchor="end">5 sec</text>
          <text x={-20} y={halfHeight} dy={10} text-anchor="end">ago</text>

  .grid line, .grid path {
    fill: none;
    stroke: gray;
    stroke-width: 1px;
  .grid text {
    text-anchor: middle;
  .timeAxis line {
    stroke: gray;
    stroke-width: 2px;