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Last active December 8, 2015 13:56
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--[ BASE TYPES ]--
-- |Weak type to distinguish between FilePath and FileName.
type FileName = String
-- |A simple wrapper to hold a base directory name, which can be either an
-- absolute or relative path. This lets us give the DirTree a context, while
-- still letting us store only directory and file /names/ (not full paths) in
-- the DirTree. (uses an infix constructor; don't be scared)
data AnchoredDirTree a b =
(:/) { anchor :: FilePath, dirTree :: DirTree a b }
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- |The String in the name field is always a file name, never a full path.
-- The free type variable is used in the File/Dir constructor and can hold
-- Handles, Strings representing a file's contents or anything else you can
-- think of. We catch any IO errors in the Failed constructor. an Exception
-- can be converted to a String with 'show'.
data DirTree a b =
Failed {
name :: FileName
, err :: IOException
| Dir {
name :: FileName
, contents :: [DirTree a b]
, dir :: a
| File {
name :: FileName
, file :: b
} deriving Show
-- |All possible directory information we could ever need from a directory.
data DirInfo = MkDirInfo {
permissionsD :: Permissions
, creationTimeD :: Maybe UTCTime
, changeTimeD :: Maybe UTCTime
, modTimeD :: UTCTime
, accessTimeD :: UTCTime
, symD :: Bool
, hasSubDirs :: Maybe Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |All possible file information we could ever need from a file.
data FileInfo = MkFileInfo {
permissionsF :: Permissions
, creationTimeF :: Maybe UTCTime
, changeTimeF :: Maybe UTCTime
, modTimeF :: UTCTime
, accessTimeF :: UTCTime
, symF :: Bool
, fileSize :: Word64
} deriving (Show, Eq)
--[ ZIPPING ]--
-- |The zipper type, left is the (current) directory, right
-- are the breadcrumbs.
type DTZipper a b = (DirTree a b, [DirTree a b])
-- |The base zipper of a tree with empty crumbs element.
baseZipper :: DirTree a b -> DTZipper a b
baseZipper dt = (dt, [])
-- |Goes down the given subdir in a given directory. Returns `Nothing`
-- if the subdir does not exist.
goDown :: FileName -> DTZipper a b -> Maybe (DTZipper a b)
goDown fn (dtp@(Dir n cs d), xs) =
case mcdt of
Just cdt -> Just (cdt, Dir n crumb d : xs)
Nothing -> Nothing
crumb = foldr (\x y -> if equalFilePath fn (name x) then y else x : y)
[] cs
mcdt = DL.find (\x -> equalFilePath (name x) fn) cs
goDown _ _ = Nothing
-- |Goes down the given subpath in a given directory. Returns `Nothing`
-- if the subpath does not exist.
goDown' :: FilePath -> DTZipper a b -> Maybe (DTZipper a b)
goDown' fp dz = go (splitPath fp) dz
go [] dz = Just dz
go (fn:fns) dz = goDown fn dz >>= go fns
-- TODO: error handling if the parent of a file is a file too (wat?)
-- |Goes up one directory. This cannot fail. If you call it on the
-- root node of the zipper, you get it back untouched.
goUp :: DTZipper a b -> DTZipper a b
goUp dz@(_, []) = dz
goUp (dt, Dir n cs d : xs) = (Dir n (dt:cs) d, xs)
-- |Goes up to the root directory/node of the zipper.
goRoot :: DTZipper a b -> DTZipper a b
goRoot dz@(_, []) = dz
goRoot dz = goRoot (goUp dz)
-- |Gets the full path of the current directory in the zipper context.
-- This might not be a real absolute filesystem path, because it depends
-- on the zipper context.
getFullPath :: DTZipper a b -> FilePath
getFullPath dz@(dt, _:_) = getFullPath (goUp dz) </> name dt
getFullPath (dt, []) = name dt
-- |Retrieve the (current) directory component from the zipper.
unZip :: DTZipper a b -> DirTree a b
unZip = fst
-- |Retrieve the (current) directory component from the zipper and
-- transform it to an `AnchoredDirTree`.
unZip' :: DTZipper a b -> AnchoredDirTree a b
unZip' dz@(dt, _) = (takeDirectory . getFullPath $ dz) :/ dt
-- |Map a function over the (current) directory component of the zipper.
withZip :: (DirTree a b -> DirTree a b) -> DTZipper a b -> DTZipper a b
withZip = first
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