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Last active December 17, 2018 19:44
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Divide-and-Conquer Solution for Bitonic Array Indexing
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% Copyright 2018 Alexander L. Hayes
\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm]{geometry}
\newcommand*\Let[2]{\State #1 $\gets$ #2}
\title{Divide and Conquer Method for Bitonic Array Indexing}
\author{Alexander L. Hayes\\
The University of Texas at Dallas\\}
\textbf{\underline{Given}}: A bitonic array A[1, ..., n] of numbers strictly increasing up to an index \texttt{p}, and strictly decreasing after.
\textbf{\underline{Find}}: The index \texttt{p} using a divide and conquer algorithm. Set up the recurrence relation and solve it.
\textbf{\underline{Allowed}}: Comparison operations.
\caption{Divide-and-conquer method that returns the index where a bitonic array switches from strictly increasing to strictly decreasing.}
\Function{FindP}{Array \textbf{A}, int \textbf{start}, int \textbf{end}}
\Let{$i$}{$\lfloor($\textbf{start} + \textbf{end}$)\ /\ 2 \rfloor$}
\Comment{Recurr over half the indexes (rounded down)}
\If{$(\textbf{end} - \textbf{start}) \leq 3$}
\Comment{Small case in the recurrence when three or fewer remain}
\State \Return{small\_case(\textbf{A}, i)}
\If{$\textbf{A}[i - 1] < \textbf{A}[i + 1]$}
\State \Return{FindP(\textbf{A}, i, \textbf{end})}
\Comment{Recurr on the right half of \textbf{A}}
\ElsIf{$\textbf{A}[i - 1] > \textbf{A}[i + 1]$}
\State \Return{FindP(\textbf{A}, \textbf{start}, i)}
\Comment{Recurr on the left half of \textbf{A}}
\State \Return i
\Function{small\_case}{Array \textbf{A}, int \textbf{i}}
\Comment{Three or fewer comparisons}
\If{\textbf{A}$[i - 1] <$ \textbf{A}$[i] <$ \textbf{A}$[i + 1]$}
\State \Return{i + 1}
\ElsIf{\textbf{A}$[i - 1] >$ \textbf{A}$[i] >$ \textbf{A}$[i + 1]$}
\State \Return{i - 1}
\State \Return i
\section*{Recurrence Relation and Proof by Substitution Method}
The recurrence relation for the \textbf{FindP} function may be defined as follows:
$$t(n) = t\Big(\Big\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \Big\rfloor\Big) + 1$$
The overall cost is $t(n)$. At each step, the length of the array is being divided in half (line two of Algorithm \ref{Alg1}) until the total length being reasoned about is three or fewer. The ``$+ 1$" represents all constant-time operations, such as the \textbf{small\_case} function which performs comparisons on exactly three indexes. All other comparisons and math operations are also assumed to take constant time.
\item \textbf{\underline{Guess}}: $t(n) = \mathcal{O}(\log{}n)$
t(n) &= c \cdot \log{}n\\
t\Big(\Big\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \Big\rfloor \Big) &= c \cdot \log{\Big( \Big\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \Big\rfloor \Big)}\\
\item \textbf{\underline{Substitution}}:
t(n) &= c \cdot \log{\Big( \Big\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \Big\rfloor \Big)} + 1\\
&\leq c \cdot \Big( \log{n} - \log{2} \Big) + 1 && \text{Floor terms are dropped}\\
&\leq c \cdot \log{n} - c \cdot \log{2} + 1\\
&\leq c \cdot \log{n} - c + 1 && \log{2} \text{ is also constant}\\
&\leq c \cdot \log{n}\ && \text{True for}\ c > 1\\
\item Since our substitution differs from our guess by a constant factor, we have a sufficiently tight bound to accept our hypothesis.
$$\blacksquare\ t(n) = \mathcal{O}(\log{}n)$$
This problem was provided by \href{}{Professor R. Chandrasekaran} as a bonus problem for his CS 6363 Computer Algorithms course in the Fall 2018 semester.
\subsection*{Python Implementation}
def find_p(array):
Find the element ``p`` in a bitonic array where the entries
switch from strictly increasing to strictly decreasing.
def small_case(_array, _i):
"""Small condition when a few elements are compared."""
if _array[_i - 1] < _array[_i] < _array[_i + 1]:
return i + 1
elif _array[_i - 1] > _array[_i] > _array[_i + 1]:
return _i - 1
return _i
def find_p_helper(array, start, end):
"""Helper function with explicit start and end positions."""
i = (start + end) // 2
if (end - start) <= 3:
return small_case(array, i)
if array[i - 1] < array[i + 1]:
return find_p_helper(array, i, end)
elif array[i - 1] > array[i + 1]:
return find_p_helper(array, start, i)
return i
return find_p_helper(array, 0, len(array))
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