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DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider AWS (i-094f2e8cec8294eb7)
INFO interface: Machine: action ["read_ssh_info", "start", {:target=>:ctgawsvm}]
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
11:34 $ ssh -vvv -i ~/.ssh/drupal-vm.pem
OpenSSH_6.9p1, LibreSSL 2.1.8
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 21: Applying options for *
debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /Users/37332/.ssh/drupal-vm.pem type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider AWS (i-00463878091d9b8b8)
INFO interface: Machine: action ["read_ssh_info", "start", {:target=>:ctgawsvm}]
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_read_ssh_info #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000101bd3dd0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000101bcba40>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::AWS::Action::ConnectAWS:0x00000101bcb9f0>
INFO connect_aws: Connecting to AWS...
10:44 $ DRUPALVM_ENV=prod; vagrant up --provider=aws
There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix
the following errors and try again:
AWS Provider:
* A region must be specified via "region"
# Note that the example .travis.yml file for child projects lives in /install.
sudo: false
language: php
- 5.6
bundler: true
apt: true
haynescw / image files
Last active September 16, 2016 18:03
array:3 [▼
"name" => "partner_71_page_333_repImage_d.jpg"
"reference" => "c886368399e9231b4dcd6938dfdeac7e26cc3b55.jpeg"
"url" => ""
array:3 [▼
"name" => "partner_71_page_333_logo_b.jpg"
"reference" => "798d20923f44e216dac78fdb7da0d945e30088d9.jpeg"
"url" => ""
PHP Fatal error: Trait 'Drupal\Console\Command\ServicesTrait' not found in /Users/37332/Documents/Clients/BELIZE/dev/belize/docroot/modules/contrib/metatag/src/Command/GenerateGroupCommand.php on line 28
Recoverable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Drupal\Console\Command\Command::__construct() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet, none given in /Users/37332/Documents/Clients/BELIZE/dev/belize/vendor/drupal/console/src/Command/Command.php on line 35
haynescw / gist:8721761
Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
Project Nptebook
This is the start of our project notebook
mkdir -p .vim/autoload
mkdir -p .vim/backup
mkdir -p .vim/bundle
cd .vim/bundle
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://