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Last active November 15, 2016 23:27
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simple pixelshift algorithm for pentax
// pentax pixelshift algorithm with motion detection
// derived from dcrawps (, but with additional motion correction methods and adapted for RawTherapee data structures
// If motion correction is enabled only the pixels which are not detected as motion are set
// That means for a complete image you have to demosaic one of the frames with a bayer demosaicer to fill red, green and blue
// before calling pixelshift in case motion correction is enabled.
// copyright (c) Ingo Weyrich 2016
// is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <cmath>
#include "rawimagesource.h"
#include "../rtgui/multilangmgr.h"
#include "procparams.h"
#include "StopWatch.h"
float greenDiff(float a, float b)
// calculate the difference between to green samples
// add a small epsilon to avoid division by zero
return std::fabs(a - b) / (std::max(a, b) + 0.0001f);
using namespace std;
using namespace rtengine;
void RawImageSource::pixelshift_simple(int winx, int winy, int winw, int winh, bool detectMotion, int motion, bool showMotion, unsigned int frame, unsigned int gridSize)
if (plistener) {
plistener->setProgressStr (Glib::ustring::compose(M("TP_RAW_DMETHOD_PROGRESSBAR"), RAWParams::BayerSensor::methodstring[RAWParams::BayerSensor::pixelshift_simple]));
// If the values of two corresponding green pixels differ my more then motionThreshold %, the pixel will be treated as a badGreen pixel
const float motionThreshold = 1.f - (motion / 100.f);
unsigned int offsX = 0, offsY = 0;
if(detectMotion && !showMotion) {
// if motion correction is enabled we have to adjust the offsets for the selected subframe we use for areas with motion
switch (frame) {
case 0:
offsX = offsY = 0;
case 1:
offsX = 0;
offsY = 1;
case 2:
offsX = offsY = 1;
case 3:
offsX = 1;
offsY = 0;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,16)
for(int i = winy + border - offsY; i < winh - (border + offsY); ++i) {
float *greenDest = green[i + offsY];
float *nonGreenDest0 = red[i + offsY];
float *nonGreenDest1 = blue[i + offsY];
int j = winx + border - offsX;
int c = FC(i, j);
if (c == 2 || ((c & 1) && FC(i, j + 1) == 2)) {
// row with blue pixels => swap destination pointers for non green pixels
std::swap(nonGreenDest0, nonGreenDest1);
// offset to keep the code short. It changes its value between 0 and 1 for each iteration of the loop
unsigned int offset = (c & 1);
float greenDifMax[gridSize];
// motion detection checks the grid around the pixel for differences in green channels
if(detectMotion) {
if(gridSize == 3) {
// compute maximum of differences for first two columns of 3x3 grid
greenDifMax[0] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset][j - 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset][j - 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j - 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j])
greenDifMax[1] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset][j + 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset][j + 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j + 1])
} else if(gridSize == 5) {
// compute maximum of differences for first four columns of 5x5 grid
greenDifMax[0] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset - 1][j-2], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset -2][j - 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j-2], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset][j - 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 3][j-2], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset +2][j - 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j-2], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset][j - 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j-2], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j - 1])
greenDifMax[1] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset-2][j - 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset - 1][j]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset][j - 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset+2][j - 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 3][j]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset][j - 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j - 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j])
greenDifMax[2] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset - 1][j], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset -2][j + 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset][j + 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 3][j], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset +2][j + 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset][j + 1]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j + 1])
greenDifMax[3] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset-2][j + 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset - 1][j+2]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset][j + 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j+2]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset+2][j + 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 3][j+2]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset][j + 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j+2]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j +- 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j+2])
offset ^= 1; // 0 => 1 or 1 => 0
// this is the index for the last column of the grid. Obviously we have to start with gridSize - 1
int lastIndex = gridSize - 1;
for(; j < winw - (border + offsX); ++j) {
offset ^= 1; // 0 => 1 or 1 => 0
if(detectMotion) {
bool skipNext = false;
float gridMax;
if(gridSize == 1) {
// compute difference for current pixel and skip next pixel, that's the method from dcrawps
gridMax = greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset][j + 1]);
skipNext = !showMotion;
} else if(gridSize == 3) {
// compute maximum of differences for third column of 3x3 grid and save at position lastIndex
greenDifMax[lastIndex] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset][j + 1], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j + 2]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset][j + 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j + 2]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j + 1], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j + 2])
gridMax = max(greenDifMax[0],greenDifMax[1],greenDifMax[2]);
} else if(gridSize == 5) {
// compute maximum of differences for fifth column of 5x5 grid and save at position lastIndex
greenDifMax[lastIndex] = max(greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset - 1][j+2], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset -2][j + 3]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j+2], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset][j + 3]),
greenDiff(riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 3][j+2], riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset +2][j + 3]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset - 1][j+2], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset][j + 3]),
greenDiff(riFrames[0 + offset]->data[i + offset + 1][j+2], riFrames[2 + offset]->data[i - offset + 2][j + 3])
gridMax = max(greenDifMax[0],greenDifMax[1],greenDifMax[2],greenDifMax[3],greenDifMax[4]);
// adjust index for next column
lastIndex ++;
lastIndex = lastIndex == gridSize ? 0 : lastIndex;
if (gridMax > motionThreshold) {
// at least one of the tested pixels of the grid is detected as motion
if(showMotion) {
// if showMotion is enabled make the pixel green
greenDest[j] = 10000.f;
nonGreenDest0[j] = nonGreenDest1[j] = 0.f;
if(skipNext) {
// treat the horizontally next pixel also as motion
offset ^= 1;
// do not set the motion pixel values. They have already been set by demosaicer or showMotion
// motion correction disabled or no motion detected => combine the values from the four pixelshift frames
greenDest[j + offsX] = (riFrames[1 - offset]->data[i - offset + 1][j] + riFrames[3 - offset]->data[i + offset][j + 1]) / 2.f;
nonGreenDest0[j + offsX] = riFrames[(offset << 1) + offset]->data[i][j + offset];
nonGreenDest1[j + offsX] = riFrames[2 - offset]->data[i + 1][j - offset + 1];
if(plistener) {
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