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Last active January 14, 2021 08:44
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HXP CTF 2020 - Octothorpe (Crypto Hard)
The idea is to reach a state consisting of 00 and FF bytes.
Because of the independence of shifts values, if the message block is the same 32-byte part repeated 2 times,
the state is preserved. We then can change the 32 byte part arbitrarily and keep the hash value unchanged.
To do this we first craft a 32x2 message block that lands on such state after 2nd round (1st round does nothing).
We have 32 bytes of freedom (-charset constraints), so this is reasonable and can be done with 1 byte guess and propagation.
One caveat is that the initial state is rather symmetric and and it's not always easy to land on a desired state,
so we prepend random block first to randomize the state.
$ time pypy3
init b'96b51b030a5685a42a1a2df5a805e1248cc4960258fede157379983c69b623a3'
state acba0a20c2036c12dd6d566d29329287
GOOD1! [65, 0, 114, 57, 66, 73, 87, 98, 71, 103, 119, 113, 48, 85, 110, 80, 89, 0, 85, 82, 69, 116, 84, 106, 70, 112, 69, 79, 107, 109, 50, 81]
GOOD2! [87, 50, 0, 100, 77, 54, 101, 88, 117, 74, 84, 100, 66, 104, 53, 114, 101, 65, 0, 90, 82, 78, 116, 113, 86, 101, 119, 82, 49, 115, 120, 100]
data1 = b'96b51b030a5685a42a1a2df5a805e1248cc4960258fede157379983c69b623a3A2rdB6WXGJwd0hnrYAUZENTqFeERks2dA2rdB6WXGJwd0hnrYAUZENTqFeERks2d&cmd=ls&a=bbbbbbCCCCDDDDCCCCDDDD&cmd=ls&a=bbbbbbCCCCDDDDCCCCDDDD'
data2 = b'96b51b030a5685a42a1a2df5a805e1248cc4960258fede157379983c69b623a3A2rdB6WXGJwd0hnrYAUZENTqFeERks2dA2rdB6WXGJwd0hnrYAUZENTqFeERks2d&cmd=cat%20/fla*&something=12345&cmd=cat%20/fla*&something=12345'
real 0m0.213s
user 0m0.173s
sys 0m0.040s
import os
import string
from random import choice
from collections import defaultdict
from octothorpe import rol, ror, octothorpe, sbox, shift
def solve(off):
block = [0] * 32
while True:
block[off] = choice(ALLOWED)
block[off+16] = choice(ALLOWED)
for j in range(off+1,off+16):
j %= 16
jprev = (j-1) % 16
jnext = (j+1) % 16
v = state[j]
b1, b2 = block[jprev], block[jprev + 16]
for k in range(4):
b = [b1, b2][k & 1]
jj = jprev + k*16
v ^= sbox[b ^ ror(state[jprev], shift[jj], 8)]
target = min(v, v ^ 0xff)
if not precomp[jnext][target]:
block[jnext], block[jnext+16] = choice(precomp[jnext][target])
res = forward(state, block*2)
if all(v in (0, 0xff) for v in res[off^1::2]):
return block
def forward(x0, block):
x = list(x0)
for j in range(16):
jprev = (j-1) % 16
jnext = (j+1) % 16
for k in range(4):
i = jj = j + k*16
x[jprev] ^= sbox[block[i] ^ rol(x0[j], shift[jj], 8)]
x[jnext] ^= sbox[block[i] ^ ror(x0[j], shift[jj], 8)]
return x
ALLOWED = list((string.ascii_letters + string.digits).encode())
# initial state is weird, too much symmetries to dig out what we want
#state = bytes(octothorpe.initial_state)
# so compress random block first to randomize
init = os.urandom(32).hex().encode()
print("init", init)
o = octothorpe()
state = bytes(o._state)
print("state", state.hex())
# precompute solutions for each position, targeting any particular value
precomp = [[[] for _ in range(128)] for _ in range(16)]
for jnext in range(16):
for b1 in ALLOWED:
for b2 in ALLOWED:
val = 0
for k in range(4):
b = [b1, b2][k & 1]
jj = jnext + k*16
val ^= sbox[b ^ rol(state[jnext], shift[jj], 8)]
val = min(val, val ^ 0xff)
precomp[jnext][val].append((b1, b2))
sol1 = solve(0)
print("GOOD1!", sol1)
sol2 = solve(1)
print("GOOD2!", sol2)
sol = [sol1[i] if i % 2 == 0 else sol2[i] for i in range(32)]
sol = bytes(sol)
data1 = init + sol * 2 + b"&cmd=ls&a=bbbbbbCCCCDDDDCCCCDDDD" * 2
data2 = init + sol * 2 + b"&cmd=cat%20/fla*&something=12345" * 2
print("data1 =", data1)
print("data2 =", data2)
import math
rol = lambda value, shift, size: ((value << (shift % size)) | (value >> (size - (shift % size)))) & ((1 << size) - 1)
ror = lambda value, shift, size: ((value >> (shift % size)) | (value << (size - (shift % size)))) & ((1 << size) - 1)
class octothorpe:
digest_size = 16
block_size = 64
name = "octothorpe"
state_size = 16
shift_count = 64
round_count = 20
initial_state = bytearray.fromhex('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')
function = lambda i: math.cos(i ** 3)
sbox = sorted(range(256), key=function)
shift = [int(8 * s) % 8 for s in map(function, range(shift_count))]
new = classmethod(lambda cls, data: cls(data))
copy = lambda self: octothorpe(_cache=self._cache[:], _length=self._length, _state=self._state[:])
digest = lambda self: bytes(self._finalize())
hexdigest = lambda self: self.digest().hex()
def __init__(self, data: bytes = None, *, _cache: bytes = None, _length: int = None, _state: bytearray = None) -> None:
self._cache = _cache or b''
self._length = _length or 0
self._state = _state or self.initial_state[:]
assert len(self._state) == self.state_size, 'Invalid state size'
if data:
def update(self, data: bytes) -> None:
self._cache += data
while len(self._cache) >= self.block_size:
block, self._cache = self._cache[:self.block_size], self._cache[self.block_size:]
self._length += self.block_size
def _finalize(self) -> bytearray:
clone = self.copy()
clone._length += len(clone._cache)
clone.update(b'\x80' + b'\x00' * ((self.block_size - 9 - clone._length) % self.block_size) + (8 * clone._length).to_bytes(8, 'little'))
return clone._state
def _compress(self, block: bytes) -> None:
prev_state = lambda index: (index - 1) % self.state_size
next_state = lambda index: (index + 1) % self.state_size
for r in range(self.round_count):
state = self._state[:]
js = []
jjs = []
for i in range(self.block_size):
j, jj = (i * r) % self.state_size, (i * r) % self.shift_count
self._state[prev_state(j)] ^= self.sbox[block[i] ^ rol(state[j], self.shift[jj], 8)]
self._state[next_state(j)] ^= self.sbox[block[i] ^ ror(state[j], self.shift[jj], 8)]
sbox = octothorpe.sbox
shift = octothorpe.shift
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