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Last active October 14, 2019 13:56
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Hitcon CTF 2019 Quals - Lost Modulus Again
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"# HITCON CTF 2019 Quals - Lost Modulus Again (crypto)\n",
"The challenge is a typical RSA challenge with partial information about the private key given:"
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"source": [
"from Crypto.Util.number import *\n",
"class Key:\n",
" def __init__(self, bits):\n",
" assert bits >= 512\n",
" self.p = getPrime(bits)\n",
" self.q = getPrime(bits)\n",
" self.n = self.p * self.q\n",
" self.e = 0x100007\n",
" self.d = inverse(self.e, (self.p-1)*(self.q-1))\n",
" self.dmp1 = self.d%(self.p-1)\n",
" self.dmq1 = self.d%(self.q-1)\n",
" self.iqmp = inverse(self.q, self.p)\n",
" self.ipmq = inverse(self.p, self.q)\n",
" def encrypt(self, data):\n",
" num = bytes_to_long(data)\n",
" result = pow(num, self.e, self.n)\n",
" return long_to_bytes(result)\n",
" def decrypt(self, data):\n",
" num = bytes_to_long(data)\n",
" v1 = pow(num, self.dmp1, self.p)\n",
" v2 = pow(num, self.dmq1, self.q)\n",
" result = (v2*self.p*self.ipmq+v1*self.q*self.iqmp) % self.n\n",
" return long_to_bytes(result)\n",
" def __str__(self):\n",
" return \"Key([e = {0}, n = {1}, x = {2}, y = {3}])\".format(self.e, self.d, self.iqmp, self.ipmq)\n",
"def main():\n",
" key = Key(1024)\n",
" flag = open('flag').read()\n",
" encrypt_flag = key.encrypt(flag)\n",
" assert key.decrypt(encrypt_flag) == flag\n",
" print key\n",
" print encrypt_flag.encode('hex')\n",
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"We are given $e,n,(p^{-1}\\mod q),(q^{-1}\\mod p)$... Oops! We are not given $n$, we are given the **private exponent** $d$ instead! Are we done already? Not so fast!\n",
"Without $n$, we can not reduce modulo, and exponentiations are somewhat useless.. We have to use the primes' inverses. These are numbers used in the Chinese Remainder Theorem.\n",
"Let $i_p = (p^{-1}\\mod q), i_q = (q^{-1}\\mod p)$. Then, by CRT, we have\n",
"i_pp + i_qq \\equiv 1 \\pmod{n}.\n",
"Note that since $i_p,p,i_q,q$ are all roughly of size $\\sqrt{n}$, we can deduce that actually\n",
"i_pp + i_qq = 1 + n.\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"We also have the standard equation\n",
"ed = 1 + k\\phi(n) = 1 + k(pq - p - q + 1),\n",
"where $0 \\le k < min(e,d)$. Since $e = 1048583$, we can try all possible values for $k$. The two last equations then become equations with only $p,q$ unknown and thus can be solved by standard methods."
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"source": [
"from __future__ import print_function, division\n",
"from sage.all import *\n",
"from Crypto.Util.number import *\n",
"class Stop(Exception): _render_traceback_ = lambda self: None"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"e = 1048583\n",
"d = 20899585599499852848600179189763086698516108548228367107221738096450499101070075492197700491683249172909869748620431162381087017866603003080844372390109407618883775889949113518883655204495367156356586733638609604914325927159037673858380872827051492954190012228501796895529660404878822550757780926433386946425164501187561418082866346427628551763297010068329425460680225523270632454412376673863754258135691783420342075219153761633410012733450586771838248239221434791288928709490210661095249658730871114233033907339401132548352479119599592161475582267434069666373923164546185334225821332964035123667137917080001159691927\n",
"ip = 22886390627173202444468626406642274959028635116543626995297684671305848436910064602418012808595951325519844918478912090039470530649857775854959462500919029371215000179065185673136642143061689849338228110909931445119687113803523924040922470616407096745128917352037282612768345609735657018628096338779732460743\n",
"iq = 138356012157150927033117814862941924437637775040379746970778376921933744927520585574595823734209547857047013402623714044512594300691782086053475259157899010363944831564630625623351267412232071416191142966170634950729938561841853176635423819365023039470901382901261884795304947251115006930995163847675576699331\n",
"ct = 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"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"k = 973605\n",
"p = 166564961597106229342966450443567005929416288372170308009700499465281616388542030734600089639466922805142577582894052957547174764252067983124558747593344882775630971023610755334859287415681252266825395627416912206349590353878868107848653100299011246746851490276537231636534462821659050996145878589643016881929\n",
"q = 135136928230019073146158752709151576119155564982754768027494878210491711363872928718225319693774548227271767324623087432404412585662574641211148315864508708036871556964386141364368797168619283425834644924573664613109609076319077176698754203574237779054129492453503018443013301394555677417140681949745410143477\n",
"source": [
"vp = PolynomialRing(QQ, names='p').gen()\n",
"for k in reversed(range(e)): \n",
" vq = (e * d - 1 - k * (ip - 1) * vp) / QQ(k * (iq - 1))\n",
" poly = iq * vq + ip * vp - vp * vq - 1\n",
" for zp, _ in poly.roots():\n",
" if zp != int(zp): continue\n",
" zp = abs(int(zp))\n",
" if pow(2, e * d % (zp - 1), zp) != 2: continue\n",
" \n",
" print(\"k =\", k)\n",
" print(\"p =\", zp)\n",
" zq = vq.subs(p=zp)\n",
" print(\"q =\", zq)\n",
" n = int(zp * zq)\n",
" m = int(pow(ct, d, n))\n",
" assert pow(m, e, n) == ct\n",
" print(repr(long_to_bytes(int(m))))\n",
" raise Stop"
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