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Last active December 27, 2019 13:59
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Git Productive - Global .gitconfig aliases
# Opens the Atom editor.
atom = ! atom
# ===================================
# Viewing history
# ===================================
# Shows a graphical log.
logone = log --oneline --decorate --all --graph
# Shows the log for the last commit.
loglast = show --summary
# Less verbose status.
st = status --short --branch
# ===================================
# Staging
# ===================================
stagea = "!f() { \
clear; \
git add -A; \
git st; \
echo 'Staging all the working changes....'; \
}; f"
unstagea = "!f() { \
clear; \
git reset HEAD --; \
git st; \
echo 'Unstaging all the changes by moving them back to the working directory....'; \
}; f"
unstage = "!f() { \
clear; \
git reset HEAD ${1-'--'}; \
git st; \
echo 'Unstaging change(s) by moving it(them) back into the working directory....'; \
}; f"
# ===================================
# Commits
# ===================================
# Commits everything in the working and staging ares.
# When a commit message is not provided, it pops the editor open.
commita = "!f() { \
git add -A; \
commit_msg=$1; \
if [[ $commit_msg != '' ]]; \
then git commit -m \"$commit_msg\"; \
else git commit; \
fi; \
clear; \
git st; \
git loglast; \
echo 'Committed all changes....'; \
}; f"
# Commits everything in the working and staging ares.
# When a commit message is not provided, it pops the editor open.
commitanv = "!f() { \
git add -A; \
commit_msg=$1; \
if [[ $commit_msg != '' ]]; \
then git commit --no-verify -m \"$commit_msg\"; \
else git commit --no-verify; \
fi; \
clear; \
git st; \
git loglast; \
echo 'Committed all changes....'; \
}; f"
# Uncommits the last commit, throwing away the commit and moving the changes
# back into the working directory.
uncommit = "!f() { \
git reset HEAD^ -q; \
clear; \
git st; \
echo 'Uncommitted the last commit, moving the changes back into your working directory....'; \
}; f"
# Pops open your text editor, where you can reword the last commit message.
# Any WIP changes are stashed and then reapplied after you get done changing the message.
reword = "!f() { \
git stash; \
git commit --amend; \
git stash pop; \
clear; \
git loglast; \
echo 'Fixed the commit message....'; \
}; f"
# Adds all of the new changes (WIP) in both your working and staging areas to the last commit.
# It keeps the commit message. Therefore, no commit message is needed.
addto = "!f() { \
git add -A; \
git commit --amend --no-edit; \
clear; \
git loglast; \
echo 'Added all working and staged changes (WIP) to the last commit....'; \
}; f"
# Rolls everything back to the last commit. CAUTION: this command deletes
# all of the changes you've made.
rollback = "!f() { \
git unstage; \
git checkout -- .; \
git clean -fd; \
clear; \
git st; \
echo 'Rolled back to the last commit....'; \
}; f"
# ===================================
# Branches
# ===================================
# Creates a new branch and checks it out.
newbranch = checkout -b
# Deletes both the local and remote branch.
deletebranch = "!f() { \
name=$1; \
if [[ $name == '' ]]; \
then echo 'Whoops, you forgot to give me the branch name.'; exit -1; \
fi; \
clear; \
git branch -D $name; \
echo \"Deleted the local ${name} branch.\"; \
git branch; \
git push origin --delete $name; \
echo \"Deleted the remote ${name} branch.\"; \
}; f"
# Renames the current branch.
rename = "!f() { \
new_name=$1; \
if [[ $new_name == '' ]]; \
then echo 'Whoops, you forgot to give me the new branch name.'; exit -1; \
fi; \
clear; \
git branch -m $new_name; \
echo \"Renamed the current branch to ${new_name}.\"; \
git branch; \
}; f"
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This global .gitconfig file is from the hands-on coding lab, Git Productive on Know the Code.

In this lab, we are taking confusing and time-consuming tasks, wrapping them up in scripts, and building a simple alias command to automate the work we do every single day in our workflow.

These aliases have been tested on Windows and Mac.

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