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henryw374 / kaocha-coverage-repl.clj
Created March 23, 2022 10:28
kaocha coverage repl
(kaocha.plugin.cloverage/cloverage-main-hook (kaocha.repl/config))
(catch :kaocha/early-exit m
(prn m)))
henryw374 / reagent_interval.cljs
Last active June 9, 2022 06:05
clojure reagent interval subscription
(ns com.widdindustries.reagent-interval
"functions to create reagent reactions (ie ratoms) whose value changes
as an argument function is called periodically"
(:require [reagent.ratom :as ratom]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn interval-async
"create ratom whose value will initially be initial-state,
and thereafter may change as f is called with the 'state' atom every delay-ms"
[f delay-ms initial-state]
henryw374 / clojure-delete-on-close-fileinput-stream.clj
Created February 2, 2022 15:29
clojure fileinputstream delete
(ns delete-on-close-fileinput-stream)
(defn create-fis [^ f]
(proxy [] [f]
(close []
(proxy-super close)
(.delete f))))))
henryw374 / parsing-offset-names.clj
Last active December 15, 2021 11:07
java.time offset zonedatetime
; demonstrating that offset names such as EST, CEST etc are not always parsed properly into ZonedDateTime.
; EST, CEST are defined as fixed offsets from UTC so are not ambiguous in that respect, although apparently the same abbreviation
; is used more than once for the same thing in some cases! Ideally they could be parsed to OffsetDateTime,
; but I can't find a way to get that working. Comment if you know how ;-)
; old parse api
(SimpleDateFormat. "M/d/y, H:m z")
(.parse "3/26/2020, 14:00 EST"))
henryw374 / safe_subs.clj
Created November 30, 2021 14:01
clojure safe subs substring
(defn subs-safe
"like clojure.core/subs but more forgiving"
([^String s start] (subs-safe s start (count s)))
([^String s start end]
(when s
(let [end (if (> end (count s))
(count s)
(ns my.ns
(:require [com.widdindustries.log4j2.log-api :as log]
[com.widdindustries.log4j2.config :as config]
[com.widdindustries.InfluxDbProvider :as influx]
[com.widdindustries.influx-data :as influx-data]
[com.widdindustries.log4j2.log-impl :as log-impl])
(:import [org.apache.logging.log4j.message MapMessage]
[org.apache.logging.log4j Level]
[org.influxdb InfluxDB InfluxDBFactory InfluxDB$ConsistencyLevel]
[org.influxdb.dto Query]))
(ns com.widdindustries.timelines
"create timelines which are (possibly infinite) sequences of maps with a ::time key.
Multiple timelines can be merged into a single timeline
Zero dependency - BYO time lib
Demo in comment at the end
henryw374 / jsonista-streaming.clj
Last active September 30, 2022 10:17
demo reading and writing json with clojure jsonista library in a streaming style
(ns streaming
"read-write large json arrays with jsonista - techniques from
comment at end shows running/testing code"
(:require [jsonista.core :as j])
(:import (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper)
(com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonToken JsonGenerator JsonParser)
( OutputStream ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayInputStream InputStream)))
henryw374 / com_widdindustries_statsatom.clj
Last active November 9, 2020 15:21
drop-in-replacement for clojure.core/atom which records count of updates and attempts to update
(ns com-widdindustries-statsatom
"A drop-in replacement for clojure.core/atom
The difference is that this record the following stats, held in the atom's metadata:
- number of times updated via swap!/swap-vals! and
- number of attempts made to do those updates
Clearly these stats themselves need to be atomically updated so there's some overhead added there.
(:refer-clojure :exclude [atom])
(ns ftp-client
[ :as io]
[ :as log]
[miner.ftp :as ftp])
(:import [java.nio.file Path Paths Files FileSystem FileSystems]
[java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute]
[ File]))
(defn remove!