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Last active January 18, 2019 05:06
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Variant Types Example

reasonml box component

open Rebolt; /* or BsReactNative */
open Style;
/* This isn't represented very well. It's taken from "get it done" production code. */
/* But it illustates the idea of how to use variant types. */
module Box =
type paddingType = [ | `p(float) | `px(float) | `py(float)];
type marginType = [
| `mt(float)
| `mb(float)
| `mr(float)
| `ml(float)
let baseStyle = [] /*display(Flex) hmmmm */;
let getPaddStyle = spaceType =>
switch (spaceType) {
| `p(p) => [padding(Pct(p))]
| `px(p) => [paddingRight(Pct(p)), paddingLeft(Pct(p))]
| `py(p) => [paddingTop(Pct(p)), paddingBottom(Pct(p))]
let getMargStyle = marginType =>
switch (marginType) {
| `mt(m) => [marginTop(Pct(m))]
| `mb(m) => [marginBottom(Pct(m))]
| `mr(m) => [marginRight(Pct(m))]
| `ml(m) => [marginLeft(Pct(m))]
let paddingStyle = spaceType =>
switch (spaceType) {
| Some(spaceType) => getPaddStyle(spaceType)
| None => baseStyle
let marginStyle = marginType =>
switch (marginType) {
| Some(marginType) => getMargStyle(marginType)
| None => baseStyle
let bgColorStyle = bg =>
switch (bg) {
| Some(bg) => [backgroundColor(String(bg))]
| None => []
let style = (paddingType, marginType, bgColor) =>
/* Here, we are applying "1.5 margin left", into the m/margin prop. The variant type means 1.5 can */
/* be implemented as however we want, which is the power of this kind of abtraction. (I use `Pct` as seen above) */
<Box m={`ml(1.5)}>
title="Signup here."
onPress={_evt => navigation.push(Config.SignUp)}
open Rebolt;
let get = (arg, default) =>
switch (arg) {
| None => default
| Some(value) => value
module type BoxConfig = {
type paddingType;
type marginType;
let style:
(option(paddingType), option(marginType), option(string)) => Style.t;
module BoxView = (Config: BoxConfig) => {
let make =
(~p=?, ~m=?, ~bgColor=?, ~style as additionalStyle=Style.(style([]))) =>
~style=Style.combine(, m, bgColor), additionalStyle),
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