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Forked from ryangomba/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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import math
import json
class Point:
def __init__(self, latitude, longitude):
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude = None # core distance
self.rd = None # reachability distance
self.processed = False # has this point been processed?
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate the distance between any two points on earth
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def distance(self, point):
# convert coordinates to radians
p1_lat, p1_lon, p2_lat, p2_lon = [math.radians(c) for c in
self.latitude, self.longitude, point.latitude, point.longitude]
numerator = math.sqrt(
math.pow(math.cos(p2_lat) * math.sin(p2_lon - p1_lon), 2) +
math.cos(p1_lat) * math.sin(p2_lat) -
math.sin(p1_lat) * math.cos(p2_lat) *
math.cos(p2_lon - p1_lon), 2))
denominator = (
math.sin(p1_lat) * math.sin(p2_lat) +
math.cos(p1_lat) * math.cos(p2_lat) *
math.cos(p2_lon - p1_lon))
# convert distance from radians to meters
# note: earth's radius ~ 6372800 meters
return math.atan2(numerator, denominator) * 6372800
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# point as GeoJSON
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_geo_json_dict(self, properties=None):
return {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [
'properties': properties,
class Cluster:
def __init__(self, points):
self.points = points
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate the centroid for the cluster
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def centroid(self):
return Point(sum([p.latitude for p in self.points])/len(self.points),
sum([p.longitude for p in self.points])/len(self.points))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate the region (centroid, bounding radius) for the cluster
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def region(self):
centroid = self.centroid()
radius = reduce(lambda r, p: max(r, p.distance(centroid)), self.points)
return centroid, radius
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cluster as GeoJSON
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_geo_json_dict(self, user_properties=None):
center, radius = self.region()
properties = { 'radius': radius }
if user_properties: properties.update(user_properties)
return {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [
'properties': properties,
class Optics:
def __init__(self, points, max_radius, min_cluster_size):
self.points = points
self.max_radius = max_radius # maximum radius to consider
self.min_cluster_size = min_cluster_size # minimum points in cluster
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get ready for a clustering run
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _setup(self):
for p in self.points:
p.rd = None
p.processed = False
self.unprocessed = [p for p in self.points]
self.ordered = []
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# distance from a point to its nth neighbor (n = min_cluser_size)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _core_distance(self, point, neighbors):
if is not None: return
if len(neighbors) >= self.min_cluster_size - 1:
sorted_neighbors = sorted([n.distance(point) for n in neighbors]) = sorted_neighbors[self.min_cluster_size - 2]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# neighbors for a point within max_radius
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _neighbors(self, point):
return [p for p in self.points if p is not point and
p.distance(point) <= self.max_radius]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mark a point as processed
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _processed(self, point):
point.processed = True
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update seeds if a smaller reachability distance is found
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _update(self, neighbors, point, seeds):
# for each of point's unprocessed neighbors n...
for n in [n for n in neighbors if not n.processed]:
# find new reachability distance new_rd
# if rd is null, keep new_rd and add n to the seed list
# otherwise if new_rd < old rd, update rd
new_rd = max(, point.distance(n))
if n.rd is None:
n.rd = new_rd
elif new_rd < n.rd:
n.rd = new_rd
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run the OPTICS algorithm
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run(self):
# for each unprocessed point (p)...
while self.unprocessed:
point = self.unprocessed[0]
# mark p as processed
# find p's neighbors
point_neighbors = self._neighbors(point)
# if p has a core_distance, i.e has min_cluster_size - 1 neighbors
if self._core_distance(point, point_neighbors) is not None:
# update reachability_distance for each unprocessed neighbor
seeds = []
self._update(point_neighbors, point, seeds)
# as long as we have unprocessed neighbors...
# find the neighbor n with smallest reachability distance
seeds.sort(key=lambda n: n.rd)
n = seeds.pop(0)
# mark n as processed
# find n's neighbors
n_neighbors = self._neighbors(n)
# if p has a core_distance...
if self._core_distance(n, n_neighbors) is not None:
# update reachability_distance for each of n's neighbors
self._update(n_neighbors, n, seeds)
# when all points have been processed
# return the ordered list
return self.ordered
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def cluster(self, cluster_threshold):
clusters = []
separators = [0]
i = 0
while i < len(self.ordered) - 1:
this_i = i
next_i = i + 1
this_p = self.ordered[i]
next_p = self.ordered[next_i]
this_rd = this_p.rd if this_p.rd else float('infinity')
next_rd = next_p.rd if next_p.rd else float('infinity')
# use an upper limit to separate the clusters
if this_rd > cluster_threshold:
elif next_rd > cluster_threshold:
i += 1
# use a jump metric to separate the clusters
# if this_rd - next_rd > cluster_threshold:
# separators.append(this_i)
# elif next_rd - this_rd > cluster_threshold:
# separators.append(next_i)
# i += 1
i += 1
for i in range(len(separators) - 1):
start = separators[i] + 1
end = separators[i + 1]
if end - start > self.min_cluster_size:
return clusters
optics = Optics(points, 200, 5) # 200 meter radius for neighbor consideration
ordered =
clusters = optics.cluster(100) # 100 meter threshold for clustering
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