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Created May 21, 2013 22:31
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(defn g> [g a b]
(letfn [(ann [item]
(for [dep (get g item)
i (cons dep (ann dep))]
(not (contains? (set (ann a)) b))))
(defn merge-sorted [gt [x & xs] [y & ys]]
(and (nil? x) (nil? y)) nil
(nil? x) (cons y ys)
(nil? y) (cons x xs)
(= y x) (cons x (merge-sorted gt xs ys))
(gt x y) (cons x (merge-sorted gt xs (cons y ys)))
(gt y x) (cons y (merge-sorted gt (cons x xs) ys))
:else (list* x y (merge-sorted gt xs ys)))))
(defn deps* [start g]
(letfn [(visit [n already-seen]
(assert (not (contains? already-seen n)) "has no cycles")
(let [already-seen (conj already-seen n)]
(for [[node deps] g
:when (contains? (get g node) n)
i (visit node already-seen)]
(reverse (distinct (visit start #{})))))
(defn deps [g]
(reduce (partial merge-sorted (partial g> g))
(for [[node deps] g
:when (empty? deps)]
(deps* node g))))
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