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start-fluent-agent-lite - fluent-agent-lite launcher script


start-fluent-agent-lite --primary-server HOST:PORT [--secondary-server HOST:PORT] -T TAG:FILE [-T TAG:FILE ...] [OTHER OPTIONS]


start-fluent-agent-lite -h | --help | -?

$ start-fluent-agent-lite --primary-server --tag-prefix service \
    -T www:/var/log/nginx/www_access.log \
    -T app:/var/log/apache2/app_access.log


This script is launcher script for fluent-agent-lite.

fluent-agent-lite can read from only one file, so we need to run several fluent-agent-lite(s) if read and transfer multiple files.

start-fluent-agent-lite starts fluent-agent-lite(s) using Proclet as many as target files (specified -T or --tag-file options)


  • --agent-path Str, -a Str

    path of fluent-agent-lite (DEFAULT: fluent-agent-lite (search in $PATH))

  • --tag-prefix Str

    Prefix of each tags, specified in '--tag-file' option

  • -f Str, --field-name Str

    fieldname of fluentd log message attribute (DEFAULT: message)

  • --primary-server SERVERNAME[:PORT] (Str)

    Fluentd server name and port (SERVERNAME:PORT), as primary server. 'fluent-agent-lite' try to connect to primary server at first, and if fails, then try to connect secondary server (if it specified).

    Default port is 24224 (if omitted).

  • --secondary-server SERVERNAME[:PORT] (Str)

    Secondary fluentd server name and port.

  • -p Str, --primary-server-list Str

    primary servers list file (server[:port] per line, random selected one server)

  • -s Str, --secondary-server-list Str

    secondary servers list file (server[:port] per line, random selected one server)

  • -b Int, --raed-buffer-size Int

    log tailing buffer size (DEFAULT: 1MB)

  • -n Int, --process-nice Int

    tail process nice (DEFAULT: 0)

  • -t Str, --tail-path Str

    tail path (DEFAULT: /usr/bin/tail)

  • -i Num, --tail-interval Num

    tail -F sleep interval (GNU tail ONLY, DEFAULT: tail default)


    Pairs of tag and target file.

    You can specify more than one this option.

  • -l Str, --log-path Str

    log file path (DEFAULT: /tmp/fluent-agent.log)

  • -P TAG:DATA, --ping TAG:DATA

    send a ping message per minute with specified TAG and DATA (DEFAULT: not to send)

  • -S Int, --ping-interval Int

    ping message interval seconds (DEFAULT: 60)

  • -d Str, --drain-log-tag Str

    emits drain log to fluentd: messages per drain/send (DEFAULT: not to emits)

  • -k Int, --keepalive-time Int

    connection keepalive time in seconds. 0 means infinity (DEFAULT: 1800, minimum: 120)

  • -w Num, --reconnect-wait-max Num

    the maximum wait time for TCP socket reconnection in seconds (DEFAULT: 3600, minimum: 0.5)

  • -r Num, --reconnect-wait-incr-rate Num

    the rate to increment the reconnect time (DEFAULT: 1.5, minimum: 1.0)

  • -j, --json

    use JSON for message structure in transfering (highly experimental)

  • -v, --log-verbose

    output logs of level debug and info (DEFAULT: warn/crit only)

  • -F, --force

    force start even if input file is not found

  • --debug

    increase debug level of start-fluent-agent-lite -d -d more verbosely.


Fluent::AgentLite, Proclet


HIROSE Masaaki

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010_000;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default no_ignore_case no_ignore_case_always);
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Validator;
use Log::Minimal env_debug => 'SFAL_DEBUG';
use Proclet;
my $PROG = substr($0, rindex($0, '/') + 1);
my $Debug = 0;
my %arg;
'tag-file|T=s@', # TAG=TARGET_FILE
'P|ping=s', # TAG:DATA
'debug' => \$Debug,
'help|h|?' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose=>1) },
) or pod2usage();
$ENV{SFAL_DEBUG} = 1 if $Debug;
debugf("arg: %s", ddf(\%arg));
my @opts_common;
for my $k (qw(f b n t i l P S d k w r)) {
push @opts_common, "-$k", $arg{$k} if exists $arg{$k};
for my $k (qw(f v F)) {
push @opts_common, "-$k" if exists $arg{$k};
my @opts_server = ();
if ($arg{'primary-server'}) {
push @opts_server, $arg{'primary-server'};
push @opts_server, $arg{'secondary-server'} if exists $arg{'secondary-server'};
} elsif ($arg{p}) {
for my $k (qw(p s)) {
push @opts_common, "-$k", $arg{$k} if exists $arg{$k};
} else {
pod2usage("Invalid option: requires -p or --primary-server");
my @opts_target_file = ();
my $tag_prefix = exists $arg{'tag-prefix'} ? $arg{'tag-prefix'}."." : "";
for my $tagfile (@{ $arg{'tag-file'} }) {
my($tag, $file) = split /=/, $tagfile, 2;
push @opts_target_file, ["${tag_prefix}${tag}", $file];
unless (@opts_target_file) {
pod2usage("Invalid option: requires --tag-file TAG=TARGET_FILE");
my $agent_path = exists $arg{'agent-path'} ? $arg{'agent-path'} : 'fluent-agent-lite';
debugf("agent path: %s", $agent_path);
debugf("common: %s", join(' ', @opts_common));
debugf("target_file: %s", ddf(\@opts_target_file));
debugf("server: %s", join(' ', @opts_server));
my $proclet = Proclet->new(
color => 1,
for my $target_file (@opts_target_file) {
my @args = ($agent_path, @opts_common, @$target_file, @opts_server);
code => sub {
exec { $args[0] } @args;
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
B<start-fluent-agent-lite> - fluent-agent-lite launcher script
B<start-fluent-agent-lite> --primary-server HOST:PORT [--secondary-server HOST:PORT] -T TAG=FILE [-T TAG=FILE ...] [OTHER OPTIONS]
B<start-fluent-agent-lite> -p SERVER_LIST_FILE [-s SERVER_LIST_FILE] -T TAG=FILE [-T TAG=FILE ...] [OTHER OPTIONS]
B<start-fluent-agent-lite> B<-h> | B<--help> | B<-?>
$ start-fluent-agent-lite --primary-server --tag-prefix service \
-T www=/var/log/nginx/www_access.log \
-T app=/var/log/apache2/app_access.log
This script is launcher script for fluent-agent-lite.
fluent-agent-lite can read from only one file, so we need to run several fluent-agent-lite(s) if read and transfer multiple files.
start-fluent-agent-lite starts fluent-agent-lite(s) using L<Proclet> as many as target files (specified -T or --tag-file options)
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--agent-path> Str, B<-a> Str
path of fluent-agent-lite (DEFAULT: fluent-agent-lite (search in $PATH))
=item B<--tag-prefix> Str
Prefix of each tags, specified in '--tag-file' option
=item B<-f> Str, B<--field-name> Str
fieldname of fluentd log message attribute (DEFAULT: message)
=item B<--primary-server> SERVERNAME[:PORT] (Str)
Fluentd server name and port (SERVERNAME:PORT), as primary server. 'fluent-agent-lite' try to connect to primary server at first, and if fails, then try to connect secondary server (if it specified).
Default port is 24224 (if omitted).
=item B<--secondary-server> SERVERNAME[:PORT] (Str)
Secondary fluentd server name and port.
=item B<-p> Str, B<--primary-server-list> Str
primary servers list file (server[:port] per line, random selected one server)
=item B<-s> Str, B<--secondary-server-list> Str
secondary servers list file (server[:port] per line, random selected one server)
=item B<-b> Int, B<--raed-buffer-size> Int
log tailing buffer size (DEFAULT: 1MB)
=item B<-n> Int, B<--process-nice> Int
tail process nice (DEFAULT: 0)
=item B<-t> Str, B<--tail-path> Str
tail path (DEFAULT: /usr/bin/tail)
=item B<-i> Num, B<--tail-interval> Num
tail -F sleep interval (GNU tail ONLY, DEFAULT: tail default)
=item B<--tag-file> TAG=TARGET_FILE, B<-T> TAG=TARGET_FILE
Pairs of tag and target file.
You can specify more than one this option.
=item B<-l> Str, B<--log-path> Str
log file path (DEFAULT: /tmp/fluent-agent.log)
=item B<-P> TAG:DATA, B<--ping> TAG:DATA
send a ping message per minute with specified TAG and DATA (DEFAULT: not to send)
=item B<-S> Int, B<--ping-interval> Int
ping message interval seconds (DEFAULT: 60)
=item B<-d> Str, B<--drain-log-tag> Str
emits drain log to fluentd: messages per drain/send (DEFAULT: not to emits)
=item B<-k> Int, B<--keepalive-time> Int
connection keepalive time in seconds. 0 means infinity (DEFAULT: 1800, minimum: 120)
=item B<-w> Num, B<--reconnect-wait-max> Num
the maximum wait time for TCP socket reconnection in seconds (DEFAULT: 3600, minimum: 0.5)
=item B<-r> Num, B<--reconnect-wait-incr-rate> Num
the rate to increment the reconnect time (DEFAULT: 1.5, minimum: 1.0)
=item B<-j>, B<--json>
use JSON for message structure in transfering (highly experimental)
=item B<-v>, B<--log-verbose>
output logs of level debug and info (DEFAULT: warn/crit only)
=item B<-F>, B<--force>
force start even if input file is not found
=item B<--debug>
increase debug level of start-fluent-agent-lite
-d -d more verbosely.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Fluent::AgentLite>, L<Proclet>
=head1 AUTHOR
HIROSE Masaaki
# for Emacsen
# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# cperl-close-paren-offset: -4
# cperl-indent-parens-as-block: t
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# coding: utf-8
# End:
# vi: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=0 et ft=perl fenc=utf-8 :
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