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Created March 12, 2014 21:06
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Puppet 3.5.0 log / issue review
** = no jira issue targeting 3.5.0
-- = jira issue targeting 3.5.0 (or manually fixed for redmine issues and duplicates)
Git Log per mentioned issue
-- (#16570) a.k.a (PUP-1058)
32b1f61 Don't load the node object again in configurer
-- (#20516) a.k.a (PUP-792) Evaluator
872f0d7 Add support for epp templates in new lexer
-- (#20584) a.k.a (PUP-208)
56c2a36 Add acceptance test for safer yaml handling in query parameters
03734e5 Add acceptance test for safer yaml handling in request body
-- (#21869) a.k.a (PUP-768)
0b84445 Fix recursion in cert expiration check
-- (#21874) a.k.a (PUP-644)
6fbc1ef Apply making name[x] and name [x] different.
-- (#22363) a.k.a (PUP-792) - Evaluator
4707539 Fix faulty references to Puppet::AST
718ebc4 Fix problems from changed validation of relationships.
16c9097 Remove validation of relationship expressions
5f2281b Add description of iterating an enumerable type with each.
96862df Add support for Float range.
c37da60 Improve error messages from [] operator
6173265 Improve label provider
0bf0e62 Add label.plural support to LabelProvider
5ab367f Add test to assert that hash lookup miss == undef
a93904b Make hash lookup agnostic for nil/undef lookup
d91ec64 Add file/line information to resource operations
dfedea7 Add file/line when creating resources and parameters
dca73e6 Remove support for extract type and title from type calculator
7d3b22b Fix failing test (typo in regexp).
3ec41e2 Improve error for Class[File['foo']]
7d1ed7b Improve validation of names and variables
7a6a7d8 Add compiler integration test for future evaluator
c88d587 Make errors for illegal Class[x] references better.
231ddaa Make compilation work using new evaluator
6c4f052 Make queries work with future evaluator
6921bcb Fix problems with undef equality & problems from added tests
20ae071 Produce meaningful output for all runtime errors
f9343fd Improve error messages for division by 0 and infinity
1f31e7e Add additional rvalue checks to if, unless, and literal list
647a76a Add validation of case and hash.
8d1d883 Add alternative Visitor impl that may prove faster
aef7e43 Refactor Type system, add Enum, Regexp, and Variant
54300d9 Fix failing tests on Ruby 1.8.7
5604115 Make string and array access operation work as specified.
f99fc7d Fix problem with integer string to Integer on Ruby 1.8.7
63ea50e Add relationship test
7c7bc58 Add tests for [] without keys and unsupported LHS => error
ee46b7b Add test that literal type can be interpolated
d057f61 Add strict variable lookup mode
8319670 Port use of FileSystem to Lexer2
37a3011 Rename box_numeric to coerce_numeric
8298f4b Handle failing tests due to renamed collect/map
b610a28 Make test for [] on Class to get parameter really work
463ce09 Make access with [] also work for class parameters
2ddb879 Add capability to match against Type
9c5b4af Add additional Integer range tests
ac7618d Fix issues with type comparisons
81e85da Fix problem with reversal of compare <, > of types
39acf01 Fix problems in TypeParser
60dc68c Add test of instance? for integer range
57c869d Add Integer range inference test
b5f900a Add test for Integer type to string
aa234c0 Make Integer[from, to] work as a Range type
8f6f9fb Remove support for compound assignments
edf5e8e Add test that false != ''
e37a98b Add test that shows negaice shift reverses direction
050314a Remove ablity to apply operator % to floats
1713df3 Add more String interpolation tests
09b7115 Add test for interpolation string conversion undef / default
450dd9e Make interpolation use string_ for all runtime types
f944fc2 Correct failing test that relied on fixed bug for Type[Undef]
19d2c2b Add missing support for Numeric type
1ce685e Improve handling of PNilType
78a7270 Refactor name of Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Lambda to Closure
60bf2af Remove the support for applying [] operation without arg(s).
8779a40 Remove unused datatype_reference method in evaluator.
c3e089f Make selector and case use same equality as for '==' operator
ac6a8d2 Add support for evaluation of CollectExpression.
775d209 Add lookup of resource parameter value
ff5c140 Add impl of evaluation of resource defaults and overrides
0f3a988 Fix issues relating to handling of undef and "to_s"
86d6f53 Add evaluation of Resource Expression
acb7f73 Fix typos, missing methods
f523ac8 First wiring of new evaluator to parser factory
8a4de7a Add top level Program model, and add pops AST bridge
eafaec2 Make if, unless, case be rvalue producers
52ca43b Add tests for evaluation of types
04fe41e Add Puppet 4x validator & tests
aebf6b2 Refactor model of literals
f61cdde Change evaluator error reporting to use Pops::Issues
07b39dd Add parse / validate / evaluate tests, fix evaluator issues
51ef75e Add evaluation of calls / lambdas
d1bd7e7 Add examples for -= and += (parser) and fix issues in evaluator
3c1c376 Add validation test for -= (UNSUPPORTED_OPERATOR) in Puppet 3
34f10b5 Add support for -= operator (validate as error in puppet 3).
0ccf3c9 Add tests of Block, and Array/Hash +, -, and << operators
709b843 Add examples for match result variable shadowing
253fc14 Add evaluation of conditionals test and fixes
e5fcabe Fix typos in test example titles
74278bc Add Integer[from, to, step] feature to produce array
9788ff3 Remove defunct testing of type operations
8dbd865 Add variables tests and fix evaluation implementation.
ff5be26 Add "future evaluator"
ff551b5 Add test of capability to create array of types using []
c0591c2 Add [] type operation to subtypes of PCatalogType
f1eab08 Remove super type from PHostClassType
9305ffa Add abstract type PCatalogEntryType
120774f Add type parameter to PType
3110458 Extend type system with PHostClassType and PResourceType
38198f6 Add [] method to PPatternType to create regexp.
-- (#22365) Marked 3.5.0 in redmine, no Jira ticket ?
1fa7110 Add validation of select expression
-- (#22366) aka. (PUP-527)
ba4ced2 Fix model building of CollectExpression
-- (#22454) aka (PUP-792) Evaluator
43c7b3e Fix partial shadowing of match variables.
-- (#22744) aka. (PUP-609)
f066e74 Filter virtual resources in the static compiler
-- (#22962) a.k.a (PUP-792) Evaluator
fd7525c Remove alternative lambda syntaxes from tests
-- (#23141) a.k.a (PUP-730) and (PUP-980)
cbe63d3 Remove Darwin from the list of OSs with the new 'update' support
5e7ad8b Split spec test into two for the two non-remounts scenarios
11fd446 Fix remount on bsd if options are specified
c6c2c74 Add OpenBSD to the exclusion list for 'remounts' in mount type
-- (#23219) a.k.a (PUP-797)
7fb721d - Fix support of extra arguments in windows service
-- (#23316) a.k.a (PUP-958)
ad2b5ea Update yum package provider support :holdable
-- (#23373) a.k.a #23373
e195de6 Only parse section lines once
1b26c11 Restore 'all' functionality
2ad6b8d Don't apply all metadata
53a4203 Use puppet config set in tests
6f2c833 Don't set metadata when it isn't supported
ce6b415 Check for minimal use of [main]
3b486fb Reuse existing section headers
00c2abf Add section control to the config print action
1285d40 Pull apart settings into a few more classes
3ffabc7 Provide a more structure config file parse
39f54e8 Have config parsing use IniFile's sections
024df99 Support selecting the section
7cc05f5 Always open config so we are reading from the beginning
62cd3aa Fix line number tracking for settings config
056f65b Pull apart ConfigFile and IniFile
e4b7556 Remove duplicate config file parsers
6505d15 Allow basic control of puppet.conf
9f0fbb3 Update acceptance test to use config set
-- (#23376) a.k.a (PUP-950)
b69a3e2 Add support for ssh-ed25519 keys to ssh_authorized_key type
-- (#3220) a.k.a PUP-1561
977aacf uniquify implicit record names
f098f2e save overhead in cron type unit test and add cleanup
3957d38 make the unit test "generating cron resources" match the new behaviour
fd200e6 fix a cron testing quirk with potential benefits for normale operation
5645ba2 make sure that generated cron resources belong to the correct user
5a5bd36 crontab: allow purging unmanaged resources
-- (#7173) a.k.a (PUP-771)
34c4697 Add HTTP basic auth support to HTTP reporting in Puppet.
-- (#7659) a.k.a (PUP-721)
90e103f add more tests for possible hash use syntaxes
a838929 add a test for puppetdoc in the presence of hash literals
64f1a1a Fix commentstack when parsing hashes
** (DOC)
0b0a3b6 Environments route is v2.0 not v2
66e0fd2 Fix a typo in docs for the include function
770194f Update rspec examples to show desired style
fac2f11 Point readers to how to run acceptance tests
05e1036 Clarify use of --profile
a5ee135 Stop using non-words
e978330 Explain some basics for profiling puppet
22e6b07 Remove remaining developer docs
6e1c325 Extract sections of README_DEVELOPER
fe16ed6 Create a quickstart guide to get people going
6f24451 Point to the local docs
b4235bc Document certificate_factory methods
** (DOCS)
b915e7f Update description for Exec type's logoutput parameter
** (DOCUMENT-22)
f2801ca Clarify matching of crontab entries
** (MAIN)
959e0cc Remove symlinks from acceptance harness
** (MAINT)
b3f8cb0 Remove dead-code check if ImportExpression is r-value
cffea9c Remove dead code checking non existing ImportExpression
7c4cfe2 Fix parallel:spec rake task when dependencies are not present.
495efc7 Remove some duplication in tests
420a9db Add rake task for parallelizing specs.
d782a60 Correct name of test for epp function
1539c1b Fix scope.find_global_scope when running tests
6f97e45 Correct spelling in comments
e13941e Speed up External Syntax Check if there are no errors
c9f4c58 Fix missing argument in BindingsModelDumper
022fe3d Fix issue when issure report was called without issues
f409405 Add eAllContainers enumerator to Containment
ba3b5d9 Change regex for picking up beaker hosts to match current output
3da573e Remove trailing commas
30aa2be Pin to Beaker 1.7 and default to preserve_hosts onfail
a0ae696 Remove unused rsync for preserved acceptance test reruns
c00e883 Release hosts to the vcloud pooling api
674bee9 Match current spec style and usage
88c1012 Change Travis CI to output documentation format for specs.
e61ac84 Fix useradd spec when using ruby-shadow 2.3.3.
fd0ed3c Broaden managehome acceptance test on windows 2003
637dd61 Detect reparse when :code changes
cad535d Remove desc for generate tasks
1df0eb4 Use with_puppet_running_on in backported cve tests.
8c7cc30 Fix typo in unicode escape in future lexer
fa522ac Allow arrays, bools, and numerics to be frozen
8a877d8 Add Ruby 2.1.0 to Travis CI
bf84e35 Add test for interpolation of setting having false value
e7b6d9f Make setting not screw up when interpolating a false value
f9a51e9 Broaden managehome acceptance test on windows 2003
04067ed Revert to installing facter.git#stable if testing from github
f597f80 Remove a pending test which isn't pending on anything planned or asked for
5801c89 Remove stale comment about shortened list in http_environments
828e581 Add to_data_hash on Puppet::SSL::Base
1c4fccd Update for support clarification
3bd0a26 Banish "configuration parameter"
ce5d84d Revise help for puppet config subcommand
06d5f53 Add newline at end-of-file under lib
cfdcf76 Fix two example command lines that were missing 'rake'
413a733 Ensure there is a fully ruby env
69a4051 Fix spec for UTF-8 strings in user comment properties
85922de Typo fixes: repeated words (e.g. "the the")
641f5ea Improve Puppet::Util::Docs.scrub's handling of one-liners
e9c916d Revise docs for evaluator setting
69d03c8 Fork for each scenario
c129f40 Hold token name in local variabel
018e2b4 Reduce calls to settings
f854342 Remove String check
40c315b Use JSON for parsing metadata.json
0412515 Optimize adding tags
a0d87d2 Scrub whitespace on global setting descriptions when inserting into man pages
d032a16 fixup yumrepo provider to use fs abstraction
a0e9882 Implement FileSystem.file? for consistency
a76d681 Fix yumrepo inifile spec to stub the correct method
6d26a20 Revise and reformat docs for validate_cmd parameter
96fc0cf Add missing class method instance? to TypeCalculator
18a87a4 Fix pkgin package provider spec to ensure resource uses the pkgin provider.
728d836 Add missing noun that was accidentally
747a62f Switch from an .each to a .last so we don't repeat ourselves.
8952cdb Fix regexp with unescaped { causing warning when running tests
e93ac60 Correct indentation in type parser
8c27513 Fix issue with type_of not handling Optional type
690f029 Add Array type size constraint test
dd5d3e1 Added Yarddoc documentation.
8f4d73f Remove the noop check here, we don't allow flush to be called when noop is set.
dcd63c1 Make msgpack feature do the correct requires
faa3978 Simplify msgpack format code
346bebe Unify to_pson in FormatSupport module, just like with to_msgpack
3c892bf Deprecate from_pson methods
39c2fdf Change name from from_pson to from_data_hash
4acaafb Fix syntax error in example code
c87f1fe Fix typo in spec
6d2eeaa Unset the defaultprovider after caching it
379c5af Switch from -fd to -fp for specs to reduce disk space usage
5b2f99c Remove unused dependencies
85c0894 Don't check for
90351dc Pass arrays instead of strings
f8ceaa0 Remove documentation rspec output
4d408df Clean up tests
6c982a9 Add how-to for destroying individual hosts
8bab12e Extract re-usable resource matcher
7534bf7 Acceptance install_utils uses release rpm symlinks
1ca7c2c Remove warning added during debugging
b349e7d Add optional_parameter_count method to Closure
abcfc8d Fix error message in reduce function
8e835d5 Fixing acceptance test failure caused by GH-2293.
29509c3 Fix load order dependency
b439bb8 Remove dead port code
da5bc0e Fix acceptance test failure caused by backtrace preservation change (GH-2293). We should not be accessing the exception object from the else clause of the begin/rescue/else.
21ddae1 Adding .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset to .gitignore for RVM users.
c5162bc Fix another broken rspec restriction
3156ca1 Don't duplicate hash keys in rspec tests
bda42f2 expand ExtensionFactory creation for clarity
5d6f48d Only load yard tasks if yard is available
ffecc4e Fix major performance regression in Puppet specs
c593804 Reset Puppet::Parser::Functions early in TestHelper.initialize
df859f8 remove dead code in scope_spec
898b660 Unravel require of forge code
f716cf7 Mark new context methods private
23fb77f Alias TESTS as TEST
f44bca4 really fix the execution locale test
d6f67ea Fix unused argument and variable in file_spec.rb
22a0032 Fix typo in spec test description
ca995cc Correct documentation of each function
8fc9544 remove dead code for indirector cache
76ae6a2 Clean up sshkey and ssh_authorizd_key type specs
a685897 Fix typo in a RuntimeError name
f2e7760 Derive path for status.json (rather than fixed offset from cwd)
2327f68 Ensure HieraPuppet cached instance is reset
3f0c113 Get rid of http handler's initialize_for_puppet method.
1959c1a Remove unused file_system/file.rb
897f317 Add () around potentially problematic Ruby expression
f49b9ce Fix up type parser's handling of String
fecccb3 Remove stale commented code
781e579 Update fedora platform designation for ticket_6857 test
33b3920 Fix typo in documentation for --parser and --evaluator
de12ade Add convenient create/override ability to Injector
255df4e Add handling of layered multibind
260eaf1 Simply confine test to any platform with Ruby shadow
091730d Add support for final binding
5c48b2f Cleanup spec tests after refactor of binder one step create
b94a4aa Refactor Binder to not use two step creation.
93b43a0 Remove support for categories in the binder
be0cebf Fix inconsistency when case option is a Type.
f7e81b3 Acceptance test selector tests for a string rather than a type
37aabc4 No longer install json gem for future parser acceptance runs
236b87d Add temp workaround for travis
a430cbc Add test for Type[Type[x]] instance? operations
4250646 Correct assignable? for Type without type parameter
f8cb0ce Add support for Collection[<size constraint>] to type parser
5614f21 Add support for Ruby['classname'] in type parser
335278d Add test for Ruby['classname']
eb0196d Add support for Ruby['classname'] in access operator.
cda3993 Add support for Type[T] in TypeParser
a702bb8 Add test of Type[T] access operator.
860b0d0 Add support for Type[T] in access operator
fa4e64e Add support for creating the PType (metatype) in type factory
9acfb98 Uniform use of TypeCollectionHelper in Scope
8841654 Log exception using log_exception
c320f65 Require json for logstash test
3d1ddf1 Fix several issues with type system implementation
8590720 Make injector accept undef/nil when doing type checking
bff6ed3 Make handling of undef more strict as a type
092ee00 Add support for Optional in TypeParser and TypeFactory
48c73a2 Add Optional Type
d0c6e41 Remove use of mocking
3c79f8a Drop -v flag when untarring acceptance artifacts
13fcb1a Update test to work on non-UTF-8 systems
6494a11 Fix rdoc generator for Ruby 2.1.0
f879dbc Remove duplicate test
1b112a1 Fix a comment.
3215d45 Provide option to 4x->3x convert to handle :undef differently
da5d5a2 Revert including augeas
e1fde8c Pin beaker to 1.2.0
29b705d Make Resource::Type use the CodeMerger strategy
7d1cf4c Make 3x conversion use verbatim types for non Host/Resource.
8c8e101 Fix failing test for access operator since array is now ok
1d9692d Make [] operator flatten keys for all LHS types except hash.
74bda42 Switch to setting Beaker log_level to debug
69ad509 Fix deprecation message to point to the right alternative
caf92e6 Check --parser setting on the test host
9059da0 Remove unused code
8a68b3d Differentiate between re-assignment and reserved var assignment
1659b26 Fix various issues with +=, -= in future evaluator
f11b917 Fix issues in runtime3 support for future evaluator
1741f32 Fix problems with scope bound? and exist? methods
71e9217 Fix flawed test for future evaluator
a07ee79 Fix dumping of ast (PopsBridge::Expression).
e07333c Fix issue with dumping a future evaluator Expression
a475153 Make integratin/scope_spec run for both current & future parser
65e4739 Move 'jeff_append_to_array' from acceptance to integration test
513ece6 Add Issue for reassignment of variable
fbdc1cf Fix future parser inability to parse virtual class instantiation
09a44c6 Fix "should_not_reassign" acceptance test for future parser
3bba6db Remove an escaped return char that was breaking solaris options
2479210 Don't cd to nonexistent el6 directory
32197e7 Fix typo in example title
2179b4a Disable repo_proxy when running solaris acceptance
6ba2acb Script package pipeline submission for Jenkins
4ce17f7 Pin acceptance to beaker ~> 1.2
c9ff5a9 Move everything out of el6 and into acceptance/
a5a9c01 Windows ruby commands need a cmd /c prefix
2b5d183 Ensure rgen gem installed for future parser tests
96caba1 Share common acceptance setup
ff96ef3 Add an acceptance pre-suite step to set the parser
a04d428 Remove obsolete line of code
4ad3536 Fix type calculations for Variant
987b8ea Move require pops_bridge to pops.rb
625b3dc Allow specifying tests to run to rake task
1d121c3 Fix stale comments and remove commented out code.
157ac49 Fix spelling in a comment.
66fce66 Comment out unreachable code in pops bridge
fe9112d Fix indentation of attr_reader
b2e845f Fix typo of o-diaresis char in comment
7e83025 Fix indentation in benchmark_spec.rb
fa18883 Remove calls to debugger in performance / serialization tests
82300dc Raise exception when reaching corner case of code merge
e4e4a57 Fix failing tests after rebase to latest master
826c157 Remove debugger call
ab509d9 Remove call to debugger
c64c1c1 Error with file set to "" should be taked as file is not known
0a4e52e Refactor evaluating parser tests
7b28eaa Remove dead code/comment
aaf2d91 Add TODO comment about \u handling in string quoting
f88ab81 Delete reference grammar.ra
9f1a1ae Cleanup unused code and fix comments
ea3d6ac Remove stale TODO comments
1cdea27 Remove support for hyphen in name in lexer2
fb6a1ee Remove unused constructs and use faster polymorph calls
29ecb43 Clean up stale comments
5b3fec7 Remove unused OptionalAttributeOperation
bb39e91 Remove unused cruft from pops model
563554a Remove unused model class LiteralText
2dba6bf Fix issue after optimizing validation calls; renamed var
ada7756 Protect against endless recursion if user calls with wrong type
68f7272 Remove unused file CallOperator
01b5296 Cleanup comments
d9be82d Add missing DELETES token in grammar
0859519 Fix indentation
a930dbf Add use of new evaluator in specialization of EvaluatingParser
4b3438d Remove dead / unused and broken code in Factory
a0bca5e Improve handling of loc/sourcepos calculation in parser support
cd7f8ad Allow any expression as hash key in parser
3765069 Fix parsing hostnames containing '.' as sequence instead of name
7770c23 Add test examples for nested naming of classes
2989f40 Move Lexer2 to the correct namespace (Puppet::Pops::Parser)
4adaaf7 Fix problem after adding flag to respond_tp? call
39e097b Improve output from match_tokens2.
299b324 Remove TODO comment (fixed thing), and yardoc text typos
a66b923 Cleanup Scope impl from unused methods & test specific code
2a3d619 Remove unused ephemeral?(name) from scope.
0d0c999 Add ruby-augeas to Gemfile and Travis for more test coverage
** (PERF)
40ded61 Make small performance improvement to assignment validation
f61569a Make small performance improvement to validation
6f45d1c Move all behcmarks to one unit test and exclude it with filter
8a154ab Make location calculation lazy and pass all tests
8ca589f Include perf benchmark for parse + validate
02e9223 Speed up containment calculation by 2x
1a54491 Make future parser use new faster lexer
37c602c Add Lexer2 - a faster Lexer replacement
89bc985 Make lexer 30% faster
35807f6 Change TypeCalculator to use optimized visitor calls.
28ccec2 Add optimized versions of Visitorv.visit_this_n
-- (PUP-1029)
e79d999 Improve error message consistency and information
34bf008 Update documentation of map function
da6f08a Make map function consistent with others
ba8199d Fix problem with Enumerator for String chars on Ruby 2.0.0
253866c Fix problem with class Enumerator btw. 1.8.7 and 1.9.3
09bfbcb Make the slice function use the common Enumeration support.
0ef996b Make reduce functon use common Enumeration support.
fef9f01 Make each function use the Enumeration support.
720059c Make map function use common Enumeration support.
70eb5d9 Make filter function use common Enumeration support.
df159e2 Add Enumeration - common place to produce an Enumerator.
-- (PUP-1048)
0ce0c64 Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog
f605577 Windows puppet service should log to the eventlog
-- (PUP-1051)
39a8807 Add rspec test to verify fix
!! (PUP-1066) Stuck in "Ready for CI"
ce83c66 Add the ability to delete files. Add a .destory and .destroy? in order to flag files for deletion. We also sneak in a .entries reader in order to let us read the entries directly.
-- (PUP-1068)
747076f Add basic auth to HTTP Connection
-- (PUP-1118)
3c4669d Convert environment for nodes on load
f381f2c Fix rdoc1 specs to match changes to rdoc puppet_parser_core
5c988b9 Stop using
d474c2e Add acceptance test for using directory envs
e70300f Ensure there is only one *root*
8781d0d Move root environment to Context
1b9cf6f Document Puppet::Environments
4b30d16 Make environments readable by puppet master
757505b Create a new context after app initialization
ba6e5ab Simplify Puppet::Context
f40365a Load full environments from a directory
ecb317b List environments from a directory
76c064f Add check for getting multiple environments
03fea79 Move global context methods to Puppet
abdb04a Remove use of Environment.current
58a6cc5 Provide context at initialization for environments
bdce683 Introduce "create" to make specific environments
4810aeb Fetch the environment's manifest & modulepath at init
-- (PUP-1120)
f1fed00 Remove group write permission for ca settings
8fb2253 Be explicit about group for ssl directory
1246979 Make modes of public ssl directories explicit
c6846c2 Fix private key permissions for group read
-- (PUP-1133)
187e047 Cleanup after Rails temp log files
3e00466 Cleanup Windows symlink
d758620 Clean up leftover parser generate temp
776767c Reset permission on Windows test files
ba09bfe Windows tests write config to temp
-- (PUP-1144) Marked 3.4.2 - was part of this done after??
a3befa0 Improve handling of underscore in variable names
ae9d4f9 Make variable name checking stricter
1304a33 Fix up failing tests (pending new/better validation)
c2446db Make future parser accept $_private
-- (PUP-1150)
488bcc2 Fix race condition in Puppet::Util::Lockfile.
-- (PUP-1151)
255d381 Respond with 404 when path not known
8142d09 Convert to cygwin paths on windows
2e7ba15 Consolidate JSON schema validation
6dcd9b1 Ensure that json is installed for tests
7cdb196 Add access to environments in auth.conf
fc42c64 Inject source of environments
1e04f6e Hard code return of only production environment
2e9d8dd Authorize v2 api requests
828a759 Move HTTP Errors to own module
1fa50a4 Fix the master port # (thus addressing a failure on windows)
64b7629 Fix environment enumeration endpoint test
3a68c73 Have puppet depend on json
ff429b6 Specify JSON and error responses
32e54bd Add documentation for environments endpoint
64b9d96 Implement Route changes.
bf002ce Change Route matching semantic specs.
7ac514e Add a 405 error class to http handler
5189d6e Add routing framework.
ecddcc5 Factor out v1 HTTP request processing into own request processor.
a08de79 Environment enumeration authorization test.
-- (PUP-1158)
c35ae4f Only output load warning when file given by user has an error
-- (PUP-1166)
02878e8 Add better error message when turning on strict_variables
-- (PUP-1176)
0b401fc Add feature switch for evaluator to ParserFactory
6fccece Add evaluator feature switch for future/current evaluator
-- (PUP-1212)
3d55fa9 Add stacktrace to all evaluator issues
d584977 Fix uninformative stack backtrace in evaluator errors
-- (PUP-1218)
6a6ef5c Add spec coverage for sshkey ssh-ed25519
eac21e8 Add spec coverage for ssh_authorized_key ssh-ed25519
208ca9b Teach the ssh_authorized_key provider about ssh-ed25519 too.
fff10ad Add ssh-ed25519 support to the sshkey type
-- (PUP-1220)
51b8731 optimize template scoping fix
29cff9d make the dynamic scoping fix for #22800 flexible
c54a95d apply proper scoping rules to scope#to_hash
-- (PUP-1246)
a595118 Update tests to show line numbers
8124266 Fixed hiding error details in fileserver.conf parser
-- (PUP-1275)
e117af8 Never try to fork on Windows
-- (PUP-1278) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix version
ab168ce Updating Windows service event messages.
2cfc323 Windows Puppet Agent Service gracefully terminates after succesfully being put into a Paused state
-- (PUP-1282)
fe4bcba Allow patch version float on windows dependencies
40193c5 Express Windows specific gem dependencies
-- (PUP-1318)
295467b Fixing expected parameters in service provider specs now that service output is no longer squelched by default. Redmine 565, a seven year old issue referenced in a comment in lib/puppet/provider/service/service.rb, is no longer applicable to `Puppet::Util::Execution#execute`. It was squelching service output because of a bug in ruby where `#read` on a pipe never returned when the spawned process is SIGTERM'd by one of its children. The current implementation of `Puppet::Util::Execution#execute` redirects to a temporary file instead of reading from a pipe. We should no longer be squelching service output so that users can easily diagnose service failures.
4c38910 Service now outputs full errorlog on fail
50a9eb3 Make service squelch false This will allow us to get failure output from commands...
-- (PUP-1327)
ede7cf4 integration spec for the nagios type
ffbf6b3 simple unit test for the new nagios parameters
39f2015 add the file attributes owner, group and mode to nagios types
-- (PUP-1350)
f9bcdf6 keep original stacktrace when error happens parsing inline template
-- (PUP-1369)
4ef4e50 Fixed a bug in package/package_settings
652f3b2 Add more specs for package/package_settings
6ba2a7b Add package_settings property for package
-- (PUP-1372)
c977045 Add variable and pops type checks to defined function
-- (PUP-1387) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix version
d45930c fixes wrong hash in subjectKeyIdentifier
-- (PUP-1404) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix Version
fcf482a Don't swallow execpipe tests on windows
6551e50 LC_ALL test to actually tests LC_ALL
6c54310 Add tests for execpipe locale setting
c9b51eb execpipe resets LANG and LC_ALL
-- (PUP-1407)
d65211e Fix specs on 187
4b75311 Actually test deserialization and CRLReasons
e32b0e9 Verify extensions are still present after revocation
64f94d1 Add authorityKeyIdentifier to CRL to make the CA conform to RFC5280
ed2e92b Verify that CRL times are within expected ranges
29dffc4 Rewrite certificate_revocation_list test to use a temporary CA instead of mocks
-- (PUP-1409)
9fbcbf0 add authorityKeyIdentifier to client certificates
-- (PUP-1420)
2292f59 Move global StateMachine to Puppet::Zone
-- (PUP-1421)
14e257d Remove flawed source validation in package provider appdmg.
-- (PUP-1432)
a8e9358 Add error spec that tests serialization
208f6e9 Fix error JSON schema
7ce5d10 Move JSON error ser8n to error classes
5a5f0d3 Add V2 API structured errors.
-- (PUP-1447) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix Version
8408ac0 Added unless_uid option to User Resource management.
-- (PUP-1448)
73b0c2b Validates the user type shell property
-- (PUP-1451)
411e8fd Make SSL file permissions a bit more relaxed for public files
-- (PUP-1463) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix Version
78b54c7 Enable puppet.service during upgrade if puppetagent.service was previously enabled
-- (PUP-1470)
8384c50 Add test for new behavior
a690fef Make mk_resource_method with false.
-- (PUP-1473) Marked 3.4.3, and merged to stable
065c4f5 Fix issue with UTF-8 in user comments
-- (PUP-1484)
446f39e Fix serialization of TagSet
-- (PUP-1490) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix version (seems to have been verified in 3.4.2, but was not marked as fixed for 3.4.2)
4a89dcf Support --test option for puppet apply
-- (PUP-1491) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fixed Version, also moved from stale "ready for merge state"
f7f4550 (packaging) Remove Fedora 18 as a default build target
-- (PUP-1492) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0, no code mentioned in issue, by commit references issue.
0bb13a1 Fix pacman specs so that they pass when yaourt is installed. Stub out the location of yaourt. Fix spec that assumes pacman is executed when yaourt is installed.
-- (PUP-1505)
d5fedb3 Correct require
2f31653 Switch to using facter.search_external for setting search paths for external facts
-- (PUP-1510)
c1a17ff Fixed forcelocal bug with ensure => absent
-- (PUP-1529) Marked fixed in 3.4.3
efa9eef Make squelch of parse error use context instead of global
-- (PUP-1549)
655ace5 Update documentation showing reason phrase
181d56c Use standard reason phrases on webrick
-- (PUP-1551)
e17268b Use environmentpath in can_enumerate_environments test
370d5bc Rename environmentdir acceptance test to environmentpath
04a657c Change environmentdir to environmentpath
-- (PUP-1559)
580a1ce Ensure ADSI Group SIDs may be looked up
-- (PUP-1563)
9936638 Don't recurse when dependencies are empty
218e0f1 resolve_install_conflicts excessively recurses
-- (PUP-1564)
2968a45 Add uninstall_options to RPM provider docs
e37330f add :uninstall_options feature to package rpm provider
-- (PUP-1574)
c65745c Environment setting does not override apply/parser manifest
-- (PUP-1576)
6fc7d25 Make hyphen in bare words legal (future parser)
-- (PUP-1579)
424ce15 Rename the Literal type to Scalar
-- (PUP-1584)
444c333 Expand some modulepath settings for windows
f3c2d6c Be explicit about adding log functions to root environment
a07e73b module_tool uses current_environment with target_dir overrides
6a5600f Module tool acceptance with_environment tests directory envs
-- (PUP-1588) dup (PUP-1589), auto generated
a2c320c Constrain new msgpack specs to only run with msgpack lib
fb6c03b Add msgpack indirector terminii
-- (PUP-1592)
e0240fe Speed up loading of user defined types by 2x
-- (PUP-1619)
5b8e79a Add instance? tests for struct and tuple
d2cfada Fix typo in Tuple instance_of logic
e1d378d Fix problems with Ruby 1.8.7 Range min/max & Infinity
d5c26fe Add tests and fix issues in type parser
dbdff13 Add support for Struct in Type Parser
e372a34 Accept missing struct keys if type for key is optional
b9840e5 Add support for a Struct Type
c527b94 Make Tuple a subtype of Data when its elements are Data
731d2ba Add more tests of Tuple Type
9c3068a Fix problem with parsing Tuple
36ec72d Add first impl of working Tuple Type
-- (PUP-1636)
159a979 Confine two tests to el5 and el6 which are all the tests are written for
4bdee68 Skip enc test on RHEL7
9ffb57a Add firewall service name for rhel7
1d52d35 Add a rhel7 config
-- (PUP-1665)
be1e39d Fix traversal of signed certs when listing signing requests.
-- (PUP-1670)
cffffb2 Add validate_cmd parameter to file type
-- (PUP-1676)
30ee60d Allow main as a directory environment.
9725e5b Environmentpath acceptance test uses basemodulepath
5d7ff32 Puppet::Settings retrieves directory environment settings
-- (PUP-1677) on both 3.4.3 and 3.5.0, UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix version
5aca376 Fix tests for PE compatibility
-- (PUP-1678)
445c54e Puppet::Node::Environment.create expands manifest path
601c76d Provide valid, standard source URIs
c7e3697 List environment settings instead of modules
-- (PUP-1681)
5820d4c Always go through the native windows methods
-- (PUP-1707)
e418494 StringIO#set_encoding doesn't exist in ruby 1.8
b6b7906 Ensure ERB generated help content is UTF-8 encoded
5208c1a Ensure puppet man works for all applications
24c8fa2 Fix possible gsubs on nil in man page ERB template
-- (PUP-1722)
654438a Permit HTTPS and FTP protocols in yumrepo
-- (PUP-1732)
8ae792f Remove the fixture and stub for what *not* to do
8b54913 Report only services from systemd
-- (PUP-1735 UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix Version
b5b96cf Reimplement deprecated Puppet::Node::Environment.current
-- (PUP-1765)
5d49d37 Use master ssldir setting with default environment test
c40941d Change assert_not_match to assert_no_match
9088d34 Directory env respects cmdline modulepath and manifest
-- (PUP-1766)
d25afca Break out at first failed match
784b5e6 Add support for :feature to defaultfor
0b5cbc8 Set systemd as a default provider for the service type on rhel7
5cc77cc Add support for multiple defaultfor's
4444551 Remove duplicate test
-- (PUP-1814)
95a3a09 Make double backslash in sq string behave as documented.
-- (PUP-1821)
e11cb26 Require Facter 1.7 or greater
-- (PUP-1825)
079e3ec Allow use of facter 2.x
-- (PUP-1839)
e2fee27 Override settings by just assigning
c967d63 Introduce overridden defaults
7e836e5 Re-deprecate set_value
5455b53 Flush cache when setting value
-- (PUP-1846)
93102e5 File content diffing should respect loglevel
-- (PUP-1885)
73c53bb Stringify ignores for file serving
-- (PUP-1895)
2cba220 Change <%( )%> to <%| |%> for EPP parameters
-- (PUP-1897)
edd3e8e Allow EPP render expression to render a block
-- (PUP-1898)
a78662b Fix reference to ArgumentException
12849b5 Fix broken exception raising when inline_epp gets non string
-- (PUP-906) WAS (PUP-2118) MARKED WRONG, 2118 is a PR, not a PUP issue - this is PUP-906
f73142e (#22330) add btrfs to SELinux filesystem whitelist
!! (PUP-266) NEEDS ATTENTION - There is mention of a revert, but these commits are here... and the issue is marked 4.x
d17b938 Puppet manages group and owner on config
403a9a3 Ensure ADSI Group SIDs may be looked up
-- (PUP-30)
597cde0 Fix problem with changed behavior in StringScanner.scan_until
2a73421 Add tests of inline_epp function
b49ccda Add more tests of epp() function
8ac3bd1 Fix tests and issues occurring when running tests
95aa2d6 Complete implementation of functions epp, and inline_epp
b72749e Rename epptemplate and inline_epptemplate to use 'epp'
2437c17 Add call-by-value of closure in evaluator
e692abb Add tests for epp parser and make them pass
787d3f3 Make epp parser emit EPP_START, and generate Program
be64496 Add tests for heredoc at parser and evaluator levels
6e81e03 Complete implementation of sublocated expression
74873c4 Add SUBLOCATE token to lexer to communicate subspace
e93eeaa Add support for the SubLocatableExpression
420edbd Add SubLocatableExpression to handle "embedded" expressions
2f8428c Add foundation for heredoc and epp (parser and model)
-- (PUP-490)
69d4f56 Remove dead code after removal of ImportExpression
9ce3dca Remove comment that mentions "import" from transform_calls
f09ea59 Remove partial support for import (the sequel)
b766960 Remove partial import-support from future evaluator
-- (PUP-542)
5207eba Test the gamut of mutation
56521b7 Make tests pass on 1.8.7 ('hash' vs 'Hash' in message)
b51c12b Improve descriptions of trusted & immutable node data settings
8ccb392 Add structured facts to immutable $facts
-- (PUP-546) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix Version
16909de Fix problems with lookup after removal of hiera2
a223088 Replace lookup function with something useful
c494b1e Update default.rb and remove mention of hiera2
3937029 Remove hiera2.rb (central file with require's for hiera2)
11be2bf Remove automatic injector lookup for class parameters.
9efd726 Remove hiera2 support from binder
-- (PUP-576) a.k.a (PUP-1064)
3ebdccf Update store_configs test for Debian
f4b6cc2 Handle Ruby 2.0 OpenSSL lib error message
-- (PUP-576,PUP-1064)
284bbfc Update to activerecord 3.2.x to work around a Ruby 2.x issue
-- (PUP-640)
2418ebd Update report schema for error events
-- (PUP-648)
c73d590 Implement upgradeable and versionable on the pkgin package provider
-- (PUP-649)
48c8152 Loosen checks for crontab provider
1c0e54c Use class instance variable
-- (PUP-652)
4ebf3af Fix error reporting for ParsedFile
-- (PUP-665)
330ce17 Don't call hooks unless absolutely necessary
e25be73 Setting nil reverts to default
2307946 Allow settings to be undefined
-- (PUP-672)
fa2f6cf TrustedInformation handles a nil certificate.
59b13da Fail fast if pop root of Context stack
d288d68 Move TrustedInformation into Puppet::Context
7a1a025 Puppet::Context is immutable.
5f7fc89 Updated test to match trusted data structure
a706fa3 Provide certificate extensions as trusted data
a80015a Track trusted information using the context
3383996 Add defaults for context lookups
46f3300 Add nested context capabilities
f5b2a41 Add acceptance test for trusted data
-- (PUP-713)
75766d5 Add tests for the special property of the cron type
1ee89b7 cron: forbid the mixing of special and numeric schedules
-- (PUP-716)
33db03f Assert path before making stat expectation
b390fc3 File19Windows#symlink calls exist? on instance not class.
207bb32 Fix issues found in review (mainly typos)
c342ede Change back to stubs from mocks
56fb51b Re-add memory impl
47238bd Add Memory based file impl
28e63af Fix up tests after FileSystem API change (unit/provider)
6574ecc Fix up tests after FileSystem API change
6d3075c Fix up FileSystem API change, tests indirector, parser, node
09a4d48 Fix up unit/network specs after FileSystem API change
25d7156 Fix up ssl_file_spec, yaml_spec after FileSystem API change
1970b55 Fix up json_spec after FileSystem API change
b79bcfa Fix up file_server_spec after FileSystem API change
3aa4c98 Fix up direct_file_server_spec after FileServer API change
e9d2c99 Remove references to FileSystem::File in non code
45a7fd2 Fix reference to FileSystem::File in implementation
dae0a9d Fix typos after change of FileSystem API
7c0d051 Fix reference to removed FileSystem::File
f28781c Fix up base_spec tests after FileSystem API change
2cdcce4 Refactor tempfile_spec after FileSystem API change
a96e7f2 Refactor and mae file_system/file_spec green
3d03292 Fix up tests in ssl dir
3acea26 Fix up transaction tests
0180757 Fix up metadata_spec after refactored FileSystem changes
5d26652 Fix up the type tests
b4b18e1 Fix up all of util
2699ca9 Fix up watcher spec
0e02e6b Fix up content_spec.rb
268483c Fix up fileset_spec (1 failing test remains)
3c67f61 Fix up YAML specs
b5d8439 Make more tests in fileset_spec pass
4592401 Change more tests after refactoring
938b4e7 Change Puppet::FileSystem::File to module methods
-- (PUP-724,#21922) Marked as fixed 3.4.2
1004eae Autoload compares only integer secs
-- (PUP-751)
1e6a373 Fix resource_type to check for changes
0729c99 Ensure resource knows it's type
13ab9b4 Preserve environment across resource copy
c8c1ea5 Benchmark defined resource types
0b64460 Check for reparse once per compile
-- (PUP-753)
ba5a68f Benchmark system startup
56bdffc Write times in millis
a8391b5 Add task to run/profile all scenarios
9dbbdbe Write a JMeter CSV log
85ffdfb Constrain ruby-prof solely to the development group
6b9b19c Use an earlier version of ruby-prof on 1.8.7
a36d369 Remove duplicate calls to setup
b3c5ca8 Use correct format constant on 1.8.7
cac434a Include a minimal metadata in each module
2a6b1c7 Generate scenario tasks from filesystem
61cffab Extract benchmark impl into file
f1d6683 Profile the many_modules benchmark scenario
ae24299 Benchmark puppet compiling w/many modules
-- (PUP-759)
6c4539c Remove reference to ca_days in ca_ttl default
!! (PUP-761) Needs attention, is in "ready for engineering state"
3649986 Fix integration tests after FileSystem API change
e15cae8 Make most FileSystem API change related test pass
eec0c81 Fix issues with unit/indirector/key/filespec FileSystem API
!! (PUP-789) UPDATED WITH 3.5.0 Fix Version, is stuck in "Ready for CI"
7b8650e Break yumrepo into a type/provider.
-- (PUP-798)
39d630f E4ParserAdapter watches files through Environment
6b5b08b Add call to watch_files to ensure reparsing
-- (PUP-800)
f880bb7 Clean up and improve handling of location / position
ca3adc4 Add offset and length to Locatable base class in model
-- (PUP-864)
32bae2d Add deprecation warning for mutation of array/hash
-- (PUP-865)
dae56db Only use the pops merge for the future evaluator
83c0eff Allow BlockExpression to evaluate everything
0dacd1e Update defaults text for :manifest to show use of directory
9cde175 Change name of shared test group to one not already claimed
341bb39 Add ability to parse a directory of manifests
-- (PUP-866)
dbdbde2 Deprecate Import
-- (PUP-876)
18bf7e9 Skip resource service check on EL 6
7bdcbea Enable upstart service provider on Redhat
20c3c01 Add 'any' confine
-- (PUP-897)
abfc76c Allow rpm package provider to query by virtual package name.
-- (PUP-899)
fcfe176 Add deprecation message for use of parent in new type
-- (PUP-910)
bc4d7b9 Convert args from 4x representation to 3x
-- (PUP-923)
44ae495 Add a fedora 20 config
-- (PUP-939)
58e885c Add support for enumerable type to slice function.
bff9f8a Add support to iterate over enumerable type in map function
4d7a26e Add support for enumerable type in reduce function.
fdcee69 Update documentation of filter function.
08e490a Add ability to filter an enumerable type.
-- (PUP-954)
07abcba Remove commented out debugger breakpoint
c502975 Fix failing test for Ruby 1.8.7 (hash entry order)
f5d0880 Fix issues with typesystem's handling of inference.
ef3309e Correct flaws in the Pattern Type implementation
-- (PUP-979)
8a4d1b3 Fix unparenthesized calls with hash to not give strange error
-- (PUP-986)
8f5a575 Update references to point to Jira
-- (PUP-992)
f6b77cc Add support for Array as operand in relationships
-- (PUP-994)
26da689 Ensure relationship operands have uniq content
44ac0e3 Fix yardoc text for Injector and BindingsFactory
4406e45 Fix stale yardoc for Resource [] operator
facef51 Fix typo in source pos adapter yardoc.
38db379 Wording tweaks from review feedback
3bdb35c Fix trailing whitespace, add EOL clarification
601b0fa Replace .select! with delete_if for ruby 1.8.7
0263cab Ensure that section cannot accidently return nil.
0e283d8 fix regular expression in ClassGen#is_constant_defined?
273f2d6 Revert "Merge branch 'pull-2137'"
47316e9 Add initial support for building in a RHEL 7 mock
9c888b6 Correct all misspelled instances of the word occurred
c580cd9 Revert "Merge branch 'ticket/master/18342-windows-file-setting-owner-group'"
3127da4 Updating copyright years in LICENSE
36ef118 Spelling LICENSE correctly
c1d1060 LICENCE is not a .md
9ed39df Adding link to LICENCE
91ebb1f Fixing HTTP API link formatting
0b1f4bd Don't run LANG/LC_ALL tests on windows
513f5ff Revert "Merge pull request #2207 from jpartlow/maint/master/simplify-confine-for-6857-test"
35ada47 Add vagrant testing guide to acceptance/README.
6a5adf0 Adds support for building puppet on RHEL7 via spec.
5f2dc71 Maint: Remove remaining links to wiki pages in Puppet source
d74dd9c Maint: Move pkgdmg documentation into provider description; document changed behavior
bad6c0e Maint: Catch a notice/notify confusion in a function description
ef6943c Maint: Add link to list of lenses in Augeas type's lens parameter
9a9bf1b Maint: Be more clear that puppet queue is deprecated
5d70a82 Fix small typo
87b7299 On systems without "-o remount", use "-o update" except for AIX.
-- (PUP-1051)
b08f570 Bug 1051 (platforms mistook for versions)
-- (PUP-1322) - marked 3.4.3
d56347a PUP-1322 Do not fail hard on unparseable files
-- (PUP-1681)
857291e PUP-1681 Stat doesn't expose correct mode on Win
-- (PUP-1825)
f7ea505 Merge pull request #2402 from kylog/issue/pup-1825/allow-use-of-facter-2
-- (PUP-714)
a3881a9 Suppress misleading warn. in openbsd provider
-- (PUP-804)
107f0e4 (maint) Handle empty or malformed JSON lockfiles
-- (PUP-952) a.k.a (#18294)
c052a47 Maint: (#18294) Update docs for ip property of Zone type (allows defrouters since 2.6)
-- (PUP-1136) (maint)
262f5b4 Report errs correctly on settings apply
-- (PUP-1192) (maint)
107271b Windows file provider :links => :follow
-- (PUP-1243) (maint)
cb55950 Fix can't modify frozen Symbol error on Ruby 2.1.0
-- (PUP-1262) (maint)
dac92a0 cron: Make the munge method for the command property more readable
-- (PUP-1356) (maint) PR-2218
b1dfbd2 Add a diagnostic check that lmhosts is running
-- (PUP-1405) (maint)
f9b76ae Improve docs for acceptance ci:test:git from another FORK
-- (PUP-1450) Not correctly marked
ee34bf9 PUP-1450 Honor source_permissions_ignore
923a766 PUP-1450 Windows file resource Invalid DACL errors
-- (PUP-1494) missing parentheses in commit message
ce904cf PUP-1494 - Remove Windows iconv from colors.rb
b7c10f5 PUP-1494 Guard against Win32 memory corruption
-- (PUP-1502) PR-2293
9fa4a39 Puppet fails to properly surface backtraces
-- (PUP-1568) mis labeled
49412e0 Fix broken spec & wording of error message.
658f123 Fix PUP-1568 - no success variable anymore
-- (PUP-1772) no ()
0e794fe PUP-1772 Change api for Puppet::Util::Profiler#profile to public
+ = ok after investigation
!!!.. = needs attention
+ (PUP-28) - ok, part of PUP-30
+ (PUP-191) - ok duplicate PUP-786, aka #21869
+ (PUP-202) - ok, fixed indirectly by other fixes
+ (PUP-208) - ok, aka #20584
+ (PUP-473) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-479) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-482) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-483) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-486) - ok, part of type system, no separate commit
+ (PUP-487) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-489) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-491) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-502) - ok, part of evaluator, no separate commit
+ (PUP-525) - ok, aka #20949, ok part of evaluator, no (or older) separate commit
+ (PUP-527) - ok, aka #22366
+ (PUP-609) - ok, aka #22744
+ (PUP-644) - ok, aka #21874
+ (PUP-663) - ok, aka #23373
+ (PUP-671) - ok, duplicate PUP-1369
+ (PUP-714) - ok, commit a3881a9 not marked with issue
+ (PUP-721) - ok, aka #7659
+ (PUP-730) - ok, aka #23141
+ (PUP-771) - ok, aka #7173
!!!!! (PUP-778) - not mentioned in commits, but PUP-1066 and PUP-789 are, but stuck in "ready for CI"
+ (PUP-786) - ok, aka #21869
+ (PUP-792) - ok, Grand Master Evaluator Ticket ! #22363, #22454, #20516, #22962, #21874,
+ (PUP-793) - ok, rebase of PUP-792
+ (PUP-794) - ok, work is done, but issue not mentioned
+ (PUP-795) - ok, predocs work
+ (PUP-797) - ok, aka #23219
+ (PUP-804) - ok, marked as maint
!!!! (PUP-842) - this is for the ACL module, ??? puppet or not ??? issue targets "M" and "3.5.0"
!!!! (PUP-843) - same as (PUP-842)
+ (PUP-906) - ok, marked wrong (marked with PR 2118 as PUP-2118) aka. #22330
+ (PUP-922) - ok, cannot reproduce - no fix
+ (PUP-929) - ok, duplicate via PR 2116, merged in PR 2231 - this is issue (PUP-899)
+ (PUP-952) - ok, aka. #18294, mislabeled "Maint: (#18294)..."
+ (PUP-958) - ok, aka. #23316
+ (PUP-980) - ok, aka. (PUP-730), and #23141
+ (PUP-983) - ok, setting up tests for future parser
+ (PUP-984) - ok, all marked as maint (making future parser pass tests)
+ (PUP-988) - ok, mislabled with "Maint: "
+ (PUP-995) - ok, this is ARM-16 - not a PUP issue per se
+ (PUP-1058) - ok, a.k.a #16570, also PR 2162
+ (PUP-1059) - ok, a.k.a (PUP-1058), PR 2162, and #16750
+ (PUP-1064) - ok, a.k.a (PUP-576)
+ (PUP-1085) - ok, (not found due to github outage), later ok
+ (PUP-1136) - ok, merged as maint
+ (PUP-1192) - ok, merged as maint
+ (PUP-1219) - ok, a.k.a (PUP-1218)
+ (PUP-1234) - ok, fixed both for a 3.4.x release and 3.5.0 (doc change each function)
+ (PUP-1243) - ok, merged as maint
+ (PUP-1247) - ok, a.k.a #21874, and fixed by other changes
+ (PUP-1262) - ok, merged as maint in PR-2196
!!!! (PUP-1284) - this is for win32 ruby
+ (PUP-1338) - ok, problem verified to have been fixed by other changes, this mentions (PUP-789) and (PUP-1836).
+ (PUP-1356) - ok, merged as maint in PR-2218
!!! (PUP-1368) - this is for puppet-win32-ruby,
+ (PUP-1390) - a.k.a (PUP-899)
+ (PUP-1405) - ok, merged as (maint)
+ (PUP-1450) - ok, not correctly marked (missing parentheses around PUP number).
+ (PUP-1494) - ok, not correctly marked (missing () around PUP number).
+ (PUP-1502) - ok, merged as (maint) in PR 2293
+ (PUP-1561) - ok, a.k.a (PUP-649), and #3220
+ (PUP-1568) - ok, mislabeled, in PR-2324
!!! (PUP-1578) - this is for puppetlabs/reboot (MODULES-447)
+ (PUP-1589) - ok, a.k.a (PUP-1588) the real issue, marked as a dup of PUP-1589 the auto generated PR ticket)
+ (PUP-1694) - ok, packaging issue, marked as resolved, no code
+ (PUP-1698) - ok, dup of (PUP-1592)
+ (PUP-1772) - ok, was missing () around PUP number
+ (PUP-1905) - ok, first not found due to github outage, later ok
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PUP-1284 and PUP-1368 would be in release notes since they are part of 3.5.0 MSI package for Windows

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PUP-842 and PUP-843 have been fixed to remove 3.5.0 since they are only in a Module (M)

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