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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Pell's equation solver
import Data.List
-- ペル方程式 x^2 - d * y^2 = ±1について、
-- 指定されたdに対して最小の解(x,y)を返す
-- 参考:
minSolutionForPellEquation d
| even n = ((x_m0^2+d*y_m0^2) `div` h_m,
(2*x_m0*y_m0) `div` h_m)
| otherwise = ((x_m0*x_m1+d*y_m0*y_m1) `div` h_m,
(x_m0*y_m1+x_m1*y_m0) `div` h_m)
gs = 0 : zipWith3 gEquation gs ks hs
gEquation g k h = - g + k * h
hs = 1 : zipWith hEquation (tail gs) hs
hEquation g h = (d - g^2) `div` h
k0 = floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral d
ks = k0 : zipWith kEquation (tail gs) (tail hs)
kEquation g h = (k0+g) `div` h
ys = 0 : 1 : zipWith3 yEquation ys (tail ks) (tail ys)
yEquation y1 k y2 = y1 + k*y2
xs = 1 : zipWith4 xEquation (tail gs) (tail ys) (tail hs) ys
xEquation g y2 h y1 = g*y2 + h*y1
n = moirIndex gs hs
m = n `div` 2
h_m = hs !! m
x_m0 = xs !! m
x_m1 = xs !! (m+1)
y_m0 = ys !! m
y_m1 = ys !! (m+1)
-- gとhの数列を受け取って、h_n = 1となる最小のnを返す。
-- Moirの定理より。
-- 参考:
moirIndex gs hs = moirIndex' gs hs 0
moirIndex' gs@(g1:g2:_) hs@(h1:h2:_) m
| g1 == g2 = 2*m
| h1 == h2 = 2*m+1
| otherwise = moirIndex' (tail gs) (tail hs) (m+1)
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