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Created March 28, 2016 06:36
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image processing comonad
module Helpers =
let time name f a =
let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let r = f a
printfn "%s %f" name stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds
let arraySize arr = Array2D.length1 arr, Array2D.length2 arr
let safeGet i' j' (arr:_[,]) = try arr.[i',j'] with | ex -> Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
#r "System.Drawing.dll"
module Bitmap =
open System
open System.IO
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Imaging
let toArray2d (image:Bitmap) =
let f i j = image.GetPixel(i,j)
let arr = Array2D.init image.Width image.Height f
let fromArray arr =
let w, h = arraySize arr
let res = new Bitmap (w,h)
Array2D.iteri (fun i j c -> res.SetPixel(i,j,c)) arr
let load path : Bitmap = downcast Image.FromFile(path, true)
let save path (image : Bitmap) = image.Save path
module CArray2D =
type Composed () = class end
type Raw () = class end
type CArray2D<'a,'p> = CA2 of 'a[,] * int * int
let create arr = CA2(arr, 0, 0)
let get i' j' (CA2(a, i, j):CArray2D<'a, Raw>) = safeGet (i+ i') (j + j') a
let (?) c (i':int,j':int) = get i' j' c
let extract c = get 0 0 c
let extend (f: CArray2D<'a, Raw> -> 'b) (CA2(a, i, j) : CArray2D<'a, Composed>) : CArray2D<'b, Composed> =
let w, h = arraySize a
let f i j = f(CA2(a,i,j))
let r = Array2D.init w h f
let run (f: CArray2D<'a, Composed> -> CArray2D<'b, Composed>) arr =
let (CA2(arr,_,_)) = f (CA2(arr,0,0))
let zip (CA2(a, i, j)) (CA2(b, _, _)) =
let w, h = arraySize a
let f i j = (safeGet i j a, safeGet i j b)
let r = Array2D.init w h f
module ImageProcessing =
open CArray2D
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Imaging
let laplace2d a =
a ? (-1,0)
+ a ? (0,1)
+ a ? (0,-1)
+ a ? (1,0)
- 4 * a ? (0,0)
let gauss2D a = (a ? (-1, 0) + a ? (1, 0) + a ? (0, -1) + a ? (0, 1) + 2 * a ? (0, 0)) / 6
let contours x =
let y = extend gauss2D x
let z = extend gauss2D y
let yz = zip y z
let w = extend (extract >> fun (a,b) -> a + b) yz
extend laplace2d w
let gaussLaplace = extend gauss2D >> extend laplace2d
let toGrayScale (c:Color) = (int(c.R) + int(c.G) + int(c.B)) / 3
let fromGrayScale s =
let s = if s < 0 then 0
elif s > 255 then 255
else s
open ImageProcessing
open CArray2D
let applyTransform (ipath, f, fname) =
Bitmap.load ipath
|> Bitmap.toArray2d
|> toGrayScale
|> run f
|> fromGrayScale
|> Bitmap.fromArray
|> (sprintf "%s.out.%s.%s" ipath fname (ipath.Split('.').[1]))
let tests = [extend extract, "id";
extend gauss2D, "gauss2D";
extend laplace2d, "laplace2d";
gaussLaplace, "gaussLaplace";
contours, "contours"]
let fname = sprintf "D:\\img\\%s"
let files = ["test.bmp";
"tahaa.jpg";] |> fname
for file in files do
for testf, fname in tests do
time (sprintf "%s - %s" file fname) applyTransform (file, testf, fname)
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