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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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simple forall representation in c#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace HK
public class ForallSample
// this is simplified example to show the idea
// we dont really need forall here
// but in case of two input and output values with different types we need it
// public static List<A> Wrap(Func<A, List<A>> f, A val) forall A
// where A : ICOnstraint
// {
// return f(val);
// }
// public static System.Collections.Generic.List<T> ToList<T> (T val)
// {
// var lst = new System.Collections.Generic.List<T> ();
// lst.Add (val);
// return lst;
// }
// public static void Test ()
// {
// List<T> lst = Wrap (ToList, 1);
// }
public interface IGeneric<T, TCONTAINER>
public static class GenericExts
public static TM UpCast<T, TM, TMB> (this IGeneric<T, TMB> m)
where TM : TMB, IGeneric<T, TMB>
return (TM)m;//safe for single inheritance
interface IFn<B, TConstraint>
CB Apply<T,CB> (T a)
where T : TConstraint
where CB : B, IGeneric<T,B>;
public class List<TConstraint>
public Sstatic System.Collections.Generic.List<T> Cast<T> (IGeneric<T, List<TConstraint>> lst)
return lst.UpCast<T, ListGeneric<T>, List<TConstraint>> ()._lst;
public sealed class ListGeneric<T> : List<TConstraint>, IGeneric<T, List<TConstraint>>
where T : TConstraint
public System.Collections.Generic.List<T> _lst;
public ListGeneric (System.Collections.Generic.List<T> lst)
_lst = lst;
public static implicit operator System.Collections.Generic.List<T> (ListGeneric<T> d)
return d._lst;
public static implicit operator ListGeneric<T> (System.Collections.Generic.List<T> d)
return new ListGeneric<T> (d);
class MainClass
class ToListFN<TConstraint> : IFn<List<TConstraint>, TConstraint>
#region IFn implementation
public CB Apply<T, CB> (T a)
where CB : List<TConstraint>, IGeneric<T, List<TConstraint>>
where T : TConstraint
var res = new System.Collections.Generic.List<T> ();
res.Add (a);
return new List<TConstraint>.ListGeneric<T> (res).UpCast<T,CB,List<TConstraint>> ();
public static TR Wrap<T, TC, TR, TConstraint> (IFn<TC, TConstraint> f, T i)
where TR : TC, IGeneric<T, TC>
where T : TConstraint
return f.Apply<T,TR> (i);
public static void Main (string[] args)
System.Collections.Generic.List<int> lst = Wrap<int, List<object>, List<object>.ListGeneric<int>,object> (new ToListFN<object> (), 1);
Console.WriteLine (lst [0]);
Console.ReadKey ();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace HK
public class ForallSample
// this is simplified example to show the idea
// we dont really need forall here
// but in case of two input and output values with different types we need it
// public static List<A> Wrap(Func<A, List<A>> f, A val) forall A
// where A : ICOnstraint
// {
// return f(val);
// }
// public static System.Collections.Generic.List<T> ToList<T> (T val)
// {
// var lst = new System.Collections.Generic.List<T> ();
// lst.Add (val);
// return lst;
// }
// public static void Test ()
// {
// List<T> lst = Wrap (ToList, 1);
// }
interface IFn<TConstraint>
System.Collections.Generic.List<T> Apply<T> (T a) where T : TConstraint;
class MainClass
class ToListFN<TConstraint> : IFn<TConstraint>
public System.Collections.Generic.List<T> Apply<T> (T a)
where T : TConstraint
var res = new System.Collections.Generic.List<T> ();
res.Add (a);
return res;
public static System.Collections.Generic.List<T> Wrap<T, T2, TConstraint> (IFn<TConstraint> f, T i, T2 i2)
where T : TConstraint
where T2 : TConstraint
f.Apply<T2> (i2);
return f.Apply<T> (i);
public static void Main (string[] args)
System.Collections.Generic.List<int> lst = Wrap<int, string, object> (new ToListFN<object> (), 1, "sss");
Console.WriteLine (lst [0]);
Console.ReadKey ();
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