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Chris Hoffman hoffmanc

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def hover
puts "hello"
from itertools import permutations, imap, product
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from random import random, choice
import string
basetime = datetime(2010,5,5)
airports = map(lambda a: ''.join(a), permutations(string.ascii_uppercase, 3))
flights = []
for i in xrange(1,500000):
td = timedelta(
hoffmanc / promise.js
Created May 24, 2010 13:54 — forked from tmpvar/promise.js
Promise backport for node.js
var events = require('events');
exports.Promise = function () {;
this._blocking = false;
this.hasFired = false;
this._values = undefined;
process.inherits(exports.Promise, events.EventEmitter);
hoffmanc / health.js
Created June 25, 2010 03:26
yql xss capability - no idea why this works
// YQL serves JSONP (with a callback) so all we have to do
// is create a script element with the right 'src':
function YQLQuery(query, callback) {
this.query = query;
this.callback = callback || function(){};
this.fetch = function() {
if (!this.query || !this.callback) {
throw new Error('YQLQuery.fetch(): Parameters may be undefined');
map{$s=0;for$i(1..$_-1){$s+=$_% $i eq 0?$i:0}print"$_\n"if$s==$_}1..10e3
D <- function(n) sum((1:(n-1))[n%%1:(n-1)==0])==n
primes = (1..10000).to_a.delete_if {|n| ('1' * n) =~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/}
bases =
(2..20).each do |i|
ary = []
primes.each do |j|
str = j.to_s(i)
mid = str.length / 2
p1 = str[0..mid-1]
mid = str.length % 2 > 0 ? mid + 1 : mid
hoffmanc /
Created April 8, 2011 11:29
import re
import json
def get_lvl(line):
return len(re.findall("\t",line))
def get_tree(f):
global i
outline = []
setwd("\\\\wrjfiler\\wgx\\07183 - UVM TRC\\Signature #2\\data\\rundata\\CarDataREADONLY")
geo_files <- list.files(pattern=".*GEO.csv", recursive=T)
geo_tables <- c()
for(idx in 1:length(geo_files)){
runid <- sub(".*RUN_(\\d+).*", "\\1", geo_files[idx], perl=T)
mode(runid) <- "integer"
hoffmanc / Rhino.Security.schema.sql
Created May 27, 2011 15:07
Rhino.Security on S# 1.9.6
* Sets up the schema for support of Rhino.Security.
* This script assumes that you already have a Users table containing an int primary key of 'Id'
USE Northwind
/****** Object: ForeignKey FKBBE4029387CC6C80 Script Date: 03/12/2009 15:45:24 ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'FKBBE4029387CC6C80') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'security_EntityReferences'))