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Created November 13, 2011 15:05
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node package manager
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# nodebrew
# Install:
# 1. このスクリプトをダウンロードして実行権限つけてパスが通ってるところにおく
# 2. 以下にパスを通す
# $HOME/.nodebrew/current/bin
# $ curl -O
# $ chmod +x nodebrew
# $ mv nodebrew /path/to/bin
# $ export PATH=$HOME/.nodebrew/current/bin:$PATH
# Example:
# $ nodebrew install v0.6.0
# install ...
# $ nodebrew use v0.6.0
# $ node -v
# v0.6.0
# $ nodebrew install v0.4.0
# install ...
# $ nodebrew use v0.4.0
# $ node -v
# v0.4.0
# $ nodebrew list
# v0.4.0
# v0.6.0
# current: v0.4.0
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path qw/rmtree/;
my $cmd = $ARGV[0] || 'help';
my $version = $ARGV[1];
my @cmds = qw/use install uninstall list/;
my $brew_dir = $ENV{HOME} . '/.nodebrew';
my $src_dir = $brew_dir . '/src';
my $node_dir = $brew_dir . '/node';
my $current = $brew_dir . '/current';
mkdir $brew_dir unless -e $brew_dir;
mkdir $src_dir unless -e $src_dir;
mkdir $node_dir unless -e $node_dir;
sub cmd_use {
my $target = "$node_dir/$version";
return print "$version is not installed\n" unless -e $target;
unlink $current if -e $current;
symlink $target, $current;
print "use $version\n";
sub cmd_install {
return print "$version is already installed\n" if -e "$node_dir/$version";
my @tarballs = (
my $tarball = '';
for (@tarballs) {
$tarball = $_ if qx[curl -Is "$_" | grep '200 OK'];
return print "$version is not found\n" unless $tarball;
unlink "$src_dir/node-$version.tar.gz";
rmtree "$src_dir/node-$version";
print "fetch: $tarball\n\n";
system qq[
cd "$src_dir" &&
curl -C - --progress-bar $tarball -o "node-$version.tar.gz" &&
tar -xzf "node-$version.tar.gz" &&
cd "node-$version" &&
./configure --prefix="$node_dir/$version" &&
make &&
make install
sub cmd_uninstall {
my $target = "$node_dir/$version";
return print "$version is not installed\n" unless -e $target;
rmtree $target;
print "$version uninstalled\n";
sub cmd_list {
opendir my $dh, $node_dir or die $!;
while (my $dir = readdir $dh) {
print "$dir\n" unless $dir =~ '^\.\.?$';
my $current_version = readlink $current || 'none';
$current_version =~ s!$node_dir/!!;
print "\ncurrent: $current_version\n";
sub cmd_help {
print <<'...';
Node Version Manager
nodebrew help Show this message
nodebrew install <version> Download and install a <version>
nodebrew uninstall <version> Uninstall a version
nodebrew use <version> Modify PATH to use <version>
nodebrew list List installed versions
nodebrew install v0.6.0 Install a specific version number
nodebrew use v0.6.0 Use the latest available 0.2.x release
if (0 == scalar grep { $_ eq $cmd } @cmds) {
else {
no strict 'refs';
*{'cmd_' . $cmd}->();
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