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Created March 25, 2014 11:28
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CornerNotify #ahk #function
; CornerNotify.ahk
;v1.12 2014-05-04 CHANGED BY LAGOMORPH
;Added additional "p" parameter for secs to make the popup persist until destroyed via CornerNotify_Destroy()
;Changed GUI name to CornerNotify instead of default GUI to avoid conflicts with other GUIs
; v1.1 2013-06-19
; added optional position argument that calls WinMove function from user "Learning One"
; position argument syntax is to create a string containing the following:
; t=top, vc= vertical center, b=bottom
; l=left, hc=horizontal center, r=right
CornerNotify(secs, title, message, position="b r") {
CornerNotify_Create(title, message, position)
if (secs = "p") ;persistent mode
millisec := secs*1000*-1
SetTimer, CornerNotifyBeginFadeOut, %millisec%
CornerNotify_Create(title, message, position="b r") {
global cornernotify_title, cornernotify_msg, w, curtransp, cornernotify_hwnd
CornerNotify_Destroy() ; make sure an old instance isn't still running or fading out
Gui, CornerNotify:+AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +LastFound
cornernotify_hwnd := WinExist()
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20 ; WS_EX_TRANSPARENT make the window transparent-to-mouse
WinSet, Transparent, 160
curtransp := 160
Gui,CornerNotify:Color, 202020 ;background color
Gui,CornerNotify:Font, c5C5CF0 s17 wbold, Arial
Gui,CornerNotify:Add, Text, x20 y12 w668 vcornernotify_title, %title%
Gui,CornerNotify:Font, cF0F0F0 s15 wnorm
Gui,CornerNotify:Add, Text, x20 y56 w668 vcornernotify_msg, %message%
Gui,CornerNotify:Show, NoActivate W700
WinMove(cornernotify_hwnd, position)
CornerNotify_ModifyTitle(title) {
global cornernotify_title
GuiControl,Text,cornernotify_title, %title%
CornerNotify_ModifyMessage(message) {
global cornernotify_msg
GuiControl,Text,cornernotify_msg, %message%
CornerNotify_Destroy() {
global curtransp
curtransp := 0
Gui,CornerNotify: Destroy
SetTimer, CornerNotify_FadeOut_Destroy, Off
SetTimer, CornerNotifyBeginFadeOut, Off
SetTimer, CornerNotify_FadeOut_Destroy, 10
If(curtransp > 0) {
curtransp := curtransp - 4
WinSet, Transparent, %curtransp%, ahk_id %cornernotify_hwnd%
} Else {
Gui,CornerNotify: Destroy
SetTimer, CornerNotify_FadeOut_Destroy, Off
; Modification of WinMove function by Learning One (
; position argument syntax is to create a string with the following:
; t=top, vc= vertical center, b=bottom
; l=left, hc=horizontal center, r=right
WinMove(hwnd,position) { ; by Learning one
SysGet, Mon, MonitorWorkArea
WinGetPos,ix,iy,w,h, ahk_id %hwnd%
x := InStr(position,"l") ? MonLeft : InStr(position,"hc") ? (MonRight-w)/2 : InStr(position,"r") ? MonRight - w : ix
y := InStr(position,"t") ? MonTop : InStr(position,"vc") ? (MonBottom-h)/2 : InStr(position,"b") ? MonBottom - h : iy
WinMove, ahk_id %hwnd%,,x,y
; See:
; Author: robertcollier4, LAGOMORPH
#SingleInstance Force
CornerNotify(0, "Quick Flash", "This is a quick flash type of message. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a")
Sleep 3000
CornerNotify(2, "2 Seconds", "This is a 2 second then fade message. Monkey giraffe zebra.")
Sleep 5000
CornerNotify(5, "5 Seconds", "This is a 5 second then fade message. It also uses the uses the optional parameter position=""b hc"" to indicate bottom horizontalcenter", "b hc")
Sleep 7000
CornerNotify(5, "5 Seconds (uses optional position argument)", "verticalcenter horizontalcenter", "vc hc")
Sleep 7000
CornerNotify(5, "5 Seconds (uses optional position argument)", "top horizontalcenter", "t hc")
Sleep 7000
CornerNotify(5, "5 Seconds (uses optional position argument)", "verticalcenter left", "vc l")
Sleep 7000
CornerNotify(5, "5 Seconds (uses optional position argument)", "verticalcenter right", "vc r")
Sleep 7000
#include CornerNotify.ahk
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