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HoraceBury / drawPolygonMain.lua
Last active November 1, 2015 09:01
Draw a polygon by tapping. Move the points. Tap points to remove them. Points go green when concave. Polygon concave/convex status displayed above.
-- polygon concave
stage = display.getCurrentStage()
local text = display.newText{ text="- - -", x=display.contentCenterX, y=100, fontSize=24 }
lines = display.newGroup()
HoraceBury / simple drag and rotate demo.lua
Last active October 7, 2016 08:20
This code was an answer to a forum question asking for a touch to drag an object but a tap-touch to rotate the object. I kept it simple and without reference to my mathlib.lua for the sake of brevity.
local function angleOnTarget( e )
local a = math.atan2(, ) * 180 / (4*math.atan(1))
if (a<0) then a=a+360 end
return a
local function tap(e) = "drag"
print("drag mode") = timer.performWithDelay( 400, function()
HoraceBury / collisionslib.lua
Last active October 30, 2016 08:23
Collisions library modified version of the Corona SDK CollisionFilter sample.
-- collision library
local collisionslib = {}
local categoryNames = {}
local categoryCounter = 1
local function newCategory( name )
categoryNames[ name ] = categoryCounter
categoryCounter = categoryCounter * 2
HoraceBury / rgb.lua
Last active December 19, 2016 04:48
-- rgb
-- Colors referenced from
local RGB = {
neoncyan = {16, 174, 239}, -- Neon Cyan
neonyellow = {231, 228, 37}, -- Neon Yellow
neonpink = {231, 83, 177}, -- Neon Pink
neongreen = {4, 228, 37}, -- Neon Green
HoraceBury / Cache.cs
Created August 21, 2017 12:14
Generic caching mechanism which makes sliding expiration easy.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
namespace CacheServices
public class Cache
protected MemoryCache _cache = new MemoryCache("general");
HoraceBury / circlelib.lua
Last active October 26, 2017 00:13
Create a portion of a fill or unfilled circle as a polygon and move it by it's circle-centre. Requires image: Download full solution:
-- circle lib
display.setDefault( "isAnchorClamped", false )
local min, max = -10000000000000, 10000000000000
local cache = {}
local circlelib = {}
HoraceBury / cyclingants.lua
Last active March 11, 2018 18:56
Cycling ants. Takes a pattern to be used for a mask outline and generates a collection of display groups which can be used to animate the cyclic pattern around a path shape.
local function asPoint( x, y )
return { x=x, y=y }
local function getPoint( path, index )
return { x=path[index], y=path[index+1] }
HoraceBury / displaylib.lua
Created March 21, 2018 09:44
Display library, adding to and modifying the existing Corona display library.
-- display lib
local newShapeList = {
HoraceBury / graphicslib.lua
Last active March 21, 2018 09:45
Graphics extension library.
-- graphics extension library
require("mathlib") --
require("displaylib") --
Generates a table of points containing the outline of a circle with each point 'step' pixels from the previous.
HoraceBury / Program.cs
Created April 4, 2018 12:54
Executing an equation in C# proven with nUnit.
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Data;
namespace RandomTests
public class NumberTests
public static void Main(string[] args)