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Created April 1, 2020 02:08
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"E-mails: A Mandarin Chinese Cheat Sheet
By /u/Norcan987 --- Knowledge is self-empowerment. Languages are freedom. Feel free to reproduce and pass around J<"
1. Terms relating to e-mails.
2. Introduction Phrases
3. Emailing First
4. Replying
5. Apologizing
6. Attachments and Attachment Related Info
7. Requests and Enquiries
8. Asking for Clarification
9. Sharing Information
10. Receiving and Giving Approval
11. Scheduling
12. Giving Bad News
13. Closing Lines
14. Closing Greetings
15. Signature and Date Lines
1. Terms relating to e-mails
1.1: 写电子邮件。To write an email
1.2: 发电子邮件。To send an email
1.3: 回复 (收到的) 电子邮件。To reply to an email
1.4: 回复。Reply
1.5: 全部答复。Reply to all
1.6: 转发。Forward
1.7: 删掉。Delete (an email)
1.8: 收件夹。In box
1.9: 出发夹。Outbox
1.10: 草拟邮件。Draft an email / write a draft email (Verb)
1.11: 草稿。A Draft (noun)
1.12: 垃圾邮件。Junk e-mail
2. Introduction Phrases
2.1: [Name] 你好,Hello [Name]
2.2: 我希望一切顺利。I hope all is going well.
2.3: 愿你事事如意。I hope everything is going well with you.
2.4: 我希望你事事如意。I hope everything is going well with you.
2.5: 上个周末过得很愉快。I hope you had a good weekend.
2.6: 周末过得如何?How was your weekend?
2.7: 我希望你身体健康。I hope all is well.
3. Emailing First
3.1: 我写这封信是关于… I am writing to you with regarding/concerning…
3.2: 只是想告诉你…,This is just to let you know that…
3.3: 我只是告诉你一声…, I just want to let you know that...
3.4: 这个邮件只是告诉/通知你… This email is just to let you know that…
3.5: 我要确认/询问/通知你… I would like to check-confirm/enquire/inform you..
3.6: 关于… 最更新的信息是…,With regard to …, The latest update is … (Very common in informal emails between colleagues).
3.7: 我想告知你 X-subject 的最新动态 。 I would like to update you on X-subject。
3.8: 我想告知你的最新动态/信息。 I would like to give you the latest update
3.9: 我想知道 X-matter 的最新信息。I would like an update on…
3.10: 我们荣幸地告诉你…, We are pleased to inform you…
3.11: 我们很高兴地通知你… We're happy to inform you…
3.12: 我来信是要通知你… I would like to inform you… / This is to inform you…
3.13: 只是很短的诉说… This is just a quick note to say...
3.14: 我只是要提醒你,This is just a quick reminder...
3.15: 我 (只) 是想告诉你,I (just) wanted to let you know that...
3.16: 就一个简短的问题,Just a quick question, …
4. Replying
4.1: 对此,Regarding the matter at hand, …
4.2: 谢谢你的邮件。Thank-you for your email.
4.3: 谢谢你的电子邮件。Thank-you for your email.
4.4: 谢谢你的回邮。Thank-you for your email.
4.5: 回覆你的来信… In response to your email…
4.6: 我收到了你的信。I received your email (Note: 信 is for letter, but is commonly used for emails also).
4.7: 我收到您传来有关 [X Matter] 的电子邮件。I received your email about… [X Matter]。
4.8: 谢谢你的来信。Thank you for your email.
4.9: 谢谢你的(迅速)回覆。Thanks for your (quick) reply.
4.10: 谢谢你的答复 / 回复。Thanks for getting back to me.
4.11: 谢谢您的迅速反应。Thank you for your speedy response.
4.12: 关于你们 [DATE] 的来信,Regarding your email of [DATE],
4.13: 谢谢你的提醒。Thanks for the reminder.
4.14: 谢谢您的耐心。Thank-you for your patience.
5. Apologizing
5.1: 让您久等了,很抱歉。Sorry for the delay.
5.2: 我对延迟复信深表歉意。I greatly apologize for the delay.
5.3: 对不起我回复晚了。I apologize for my late response.
5.4: 我因 [X Reason],迟回复您信件,非常抱歉! Because I was [X-reason], I'm sorry to get back to you so late.
5.5: 如有任何不便,我们感到抱歉。Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
5.6: 希望不会为你带来太多的麻烦。Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.
5.7: 抱歉给你添麻烦了。Sorry to cause you such trouble.
5.8: 实在抱歉。Truly sorry.
5.9: 非常抱歉,让你混淆。Very sorry for the confusion / confusing you.
6. Attachments and Attachment Related Info
6.1: 我附上… I am attaching…
6.2: 请查看附件中的… 。Please find [X...] attached.
6.3: 请参考附件的明细。Please refer to the attached details.
6.4: 附件为 [Matter X],请查看。Attached is info about [Matter X]. Please check it.
6.5: 请参阅下面的信息为了了解… 。Please see the information below for more details about...
6.6: 附件中是[X-File]文件, 请你过目。 I’ve attached [X-File] for your review
6.7: 附件的文件包含 …, The attached file contains...
6.8: 请仔细检视附件。Please review the attached documents thoroughly.
6.9: 此附件是我们谈到的 [Document]。Here’s the [document] we discussed.
6.10: 见所附的 [Whatever it is]。See attached (whatever it is… image图纸, doc文件, form表格, etc).
6.11: 请注意,Please note that...
6.12: 看看是否可以?/ 你看一下是否可以。 Have a look and let me know if it's OK.
6.13: 参考一下附(图,文件,表格 等等)。Please refer to the attached (diagram, document, form, etc).
7. Requests and Enquiries
7.1: 能请你… Could you please...?
7.2: 请告诉我… Could you please let me know...?
7.3: 不知你是否可以帮我。I don't know if you can help me.
7.4: 如果你能 [do X],则非常感激。I'd really appreciate it if you could [Do X]…
7.5: 如果你能 [Do X], 我将不胜感激 I'd be extremely/very grateful if you could [do X] ...
7.6: 请提醒 [PERSON X]… , Please remind [PERSON X]…,
7.7: 请尽可能… Please try your best to...
7.8: 你对于 [X matter] 的反馈是什么? Could I have your feedback regarding [X matter]?
7.9: 对于 [X matter] 有没有反馈?Do you have any feedback regarding [X matter]?
7.10: 同 [NAME OF PERSON] 说明一下… Please explain to [Name of person]…
7.11: 还烦请你在和 [NAME] 确认一下。 If I could please bother you to check with [NAME]。
8. Asking for Clarification
8.1: 关于 [X matter],能说详细点吗?Could you give some more details on...?
8.2: 能否请你澄清 [X-matter]? Could you please clarify [X-matter]?
8.3: 这是 [X matter] 的细节。Here are the details on [X matter]...
8.4: 请解释下 [X-matter]。Could you clarify what you mean by [X-matter]?
8.5: 请解释下你的想法。 Please clarify your thinking / your thoughts.
8.6: 我就恭候你的回复。I'm (respectfully) waiting for your response.
8.7: 等待您的尽快答复。I'm awaiting your soonest/fastest response.
8.8: 请尽快答复我们。 Please let us know as soon as you can.
8.9: 请你把你的要求说清楚好吗。Please clarify your request.
8.10: 我想确认… 。I'd like to confirm that… (or 我要确认… , I want to confirm that…)
8.11: 请确认一下。 Please confirm.
8.12: 请确认以上信息, 期待你的回复。Pleae verify the above information,I'll wait for your response.
8.13: 仔细核对一下。Check very carefully to make sure all is correct.
8.14: 我在和你确认一下。I wish to verify with you:
8.15: 如果你确认之后,还请告诉我们一声。 After you've checked it, let me know.
8.16: 请催一下。 Please follow-up (with a specific person). Please chase after (a specific person).
9. Sharing Information
9.1: 谢谢你告知我。Thank you for letting me know.
9.2: 谢谢你通知我。Thank you for informing me.
9.3: 多谢你的提醒。Thank you for the heads up. (Reminder & heads-up are synonymous in Chinese)
9.4: 谢谢你的提前通知。Thank-you for the advanced notice.
9.5: 我要谢谢你提供的所有帮助。Thank-you for all the help you provided.
9.6: 以下是… Below you'll find…
9.7: 具体细节如下。The specific details are below.
9.8: 关于 [X matter] 说明如下。 Regarding {X matter], below is the explanation.
9.9: [Info X] 如下。 Below is [Information X]。
9.10: 请你这个为准。Please accept this as the information requested.
9.11: 烦请注意以下几点。Please pay attention to the points below.
9.12: 请注意,Please note...
9.13: 注:… Note: …
9.14: 小提示,Just a quick/simple/small reminder…
9.15: 善意的提示,Just a friendly reminder that...
9.16: [X matter] 提示:… A reminder about [X matter]:… (Example: A reminder about order #342: 订单342提示:)
9.17: 我想通知你,… I'd like to inform you that...
9.18: 很高兴通知你,I'm happy to inform you that…
9.19: 我荣幸地告诉你… I'm pleased to inform you that…
9.20: 来通知你一声,Just a quick heads up,
9.21: 谢谢你随时告诉我新的发展。Thanks for keeping me informed of developments.
9.22: 随时告诉我新的发展。Please keep me informed/posted/updated/in the loop.
9.23: 如有事情发生,请让我们知道。If anything happens, please keep me informed.
9.24: 你能否在快下班时再就 [X matter] 和我联系一下? Can you get back to me regarding [X Matter] by the end of the day?
9.25: 我想知道…,I would like to know…
9.26: 建议:(My) suggestion:
9.27: 请查看。Have a look (at whatever info you're talking about in the email.
9.28: 我会跟进。 I'll follow up.
9.29: 争取尽快回复你。I'll try to get back to you as fast as I can.
9.30: 我会跟进,尽快告诉你。I'll follow up and will get back to you as soon as I can.
9.31: 关于 [Matter X] 我在和 [Name] 确认一下,然后答复你。Regarding [Matter X], I'm checking with [Name], and I'll get back to you.
10. Receiving and Giving Approval
10.1: 如果你认为可以, 请通知我。Please let me know if this is OK with you.
10.2: 你对于这些的想法是什么?What are your thoughts (on this)?
10.3: 你对这件事怎么看? / 你对这件事得看法如何? What's your view on this matter?
10.4: 告诉我你觉得如何好吗。Please let me know what you think
10.5: 请落实 / 落实一下。Please go ahead with it.
10.6: 尽快落实好吗。Please move ahead with it as soon as possible.
11. Scheduling
11.1: 如果你有空,我想 [X 日期/时间] 跟你见个面。If you're free, I'd like to meet with you on [date/time].
11.2: [X日期/时间] 会较为方便你见面?Is [X date/time] convenient for you to meet?
12. Giving Bad News
12.1: 遗憾的是,/ 很不幸,/ 不幸的是,Unfortunately, ...
12.2: 不幸的是我们不能… Unfortunately, we cannot/we are unable to ...
12.3: 我们这里恐怕 (无法/ 不 / 不能/)... I'm afraid that we can't...
12.4: 恐怕我们 (无法/ 不 / 不能/)… I'm afraid that we can't…
12.5: 非常抱歉… I'm very sorry, but…
12.6: 我们遗憾地通知您… We regret to inform you…
12.7: 很抱歉通知你,We / I regret to inform you…
12.8: 我已经努力了,可是… I tried my best, but...
12.9: 很遗憾告诉你,I'm sorry to tell you that…
12.10: 打扰你了,非常抱歉。 I'm sorry to cause / have caused you inconvenience.
12.11: 打扰你。... Sorry to bother you. …
13. Closing Lines
13.1: 我很期待能够收到你(最近)的回覆。I look forward to hearing from you (soon).
13.2: 我们期待你的回音。We look forward to hearing from you.
13.3: 祝你过得愉快!Have a nice day!
13.4: 祝您过个愉快得周末。Have a good weeked.
13.5: 提前感谢您的合作! Thank you in advance (for your cooperation). (For thanking in advance in Chinese you have to state what your thanking them for)
13.6: 谢谢您的帮助。Thank-you for your help.
13.7: 我要谢谢你的协助。Thank-you for your assistance.
13.8: 感谢您的指导。Thank-you for your guidance.
13.9: 非常感谢您的反馈。You feedback on this would be greatly appreciated
13.10: 很感激你快速的答覆。Your prompt response will be most appreciated.
13.11: 这件事我感谢你的帮助。I (would) appreciate your help in this matter.
13.12: 我很感激你的忠告。I would appreciate your advice.
13.13: 我希望我的回答都包含了你所有的问题。I hope I answered all of your questions.
13.14: 如有可效劳之处,请随时与我们联系。If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.
13.15: 如果你有任何问题,欢迎你随时联系/打电话给我。If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact/phone me.
13.16: 有任何问题随时告诉我!If there are any questions, contact me anytime.
13.17: 请务必和我联系。Please do not hesitate to contact me.
13.18: 有什么新情况,请告诉我一声。 Please let me know.
13.19: 我再很感激你对这件事情的理解/耐心。Thanks (again) for your understanding/for your patience.
13.20: 我希望你们没意见。I hope this is okay with you.
13.21: 很遗憾, 我不能更多帮助您。 Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
13.22: 感谢您的理解。Thank-you for your understanding.
13.23: 谢谢你的光顾! (To a customer), Thank-you for your patronage / business.
13.24: 谢谢你的时间,我们期盼得到你的回复。Thank you for your time and I look forward to your reply.
13.25: 如果你认为我们能够对您有所帮助,请与我们联系。Please contact us if you think we can be of more assistance to you.
13.26: 请你放心 ,… Rest assured, … (or 请放心。Don’t worry, I've got it).
13.27: 期待你的回复。I'll wait for your response.
13.28: 等你的答复。Awaiting your response.
13.29: 如有什么问题随时找我。 If there are any issues, let me know.
13.30: 如有问题随时与我联系。If there are any questions, I'm always available.
13.31: 我们有的会尽量为你准备。We'll do as you asked / planned.
13.32: 谢谢你的配合。 Thanks for your cooperation.
14. Closing Greetings
14.1: 谢谢 (你)Thank-you,
14.2: (请) 知悉。May this info find you well (lit: Please be advised). Very common to end an email which communicates info.
14.3: 此致敬礼,Best regards / Respectfully yours
14.4: 敬上,Yours truly,
14.5: 祝好,All the best,
14.6: 恭祝,Best wishes,
14.7: 周末快乐! Have a great weekend!
14.8: 祝假期愉快!Have a good vacation.
14.9: 一天愉快!Have a wonderful day!
15. Signature and Date Lines
15.1: Second last line, Write your name (ie: Queen Elizabeth / Donald Trump / Mr. Snuffelupagus)
15.2: Last line, Write the date in format YYYY.MM.DD or MM.DD (ie: 03.29). It's common practice in Chinese to write the date under one's signature/sign-off.
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