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Created October 13, 2014 21:16
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Save hrbrmstr/27b8f44f573539dc2971 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# grab the data from WaPo #####
data <- jsonlite::fromJSON("~/Desktop/all.json", simplifyVector=FALSE)
# grab census state population data #####
pop <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(pop) <- c("sumlev", "region", "divison", "state", "stn", "pop2013", "pop18p2013", "pcntest18p")
pop$stn <- gsub(" of ", " Of ", pop$stn)
# get totals by category even though we're not using them for the vis #####
categories <- rbindlist(lapply(data$states, function(x) {
data.table(st=x$st, stn=x$stn, total=x$total, rbindlist(x$cats))
}), fill=TRUE)
# get totals by agencies #####
agencies <- rbindlist(lapply(data$states, function(x) {
rbindlist(lapply(x$agencies, function(y) {
data.table(st=x$st, stn=x$stn, aid=y$aid, aname=y$aname, rbindlist(y$cats))
}), fill=TRUE)
}), fill=TRUE)
# summarize the agency data to the state level #####
c_st <- agencies %>%
merge(pop[,5:6], all.x=TRUE, by="stn") %>%
gather(category, value, -st, -stn, -pop2013, -aid, -aname) %>%
group_by(st, category, pop2013) %>%
summarise(total=sum(value, na.rm=TRUE), per_capita=sum(value, na.rm=TRUE)/pop2013) %>%
select(st, category, total, per_capita)
# hack to ordering the bars by kohske : #####
c_st <- transform(c_st, category2=factor(paste(st, category)))
c_st <- transform(c_st, category2=reorder(category2, rank(-total)))
# pretty names #####
levels(c_st$category) <- c("Weapons", "Travel, training", "Other",
"Communications, computers", "Building improvements",
"Electronic surveillance", "Information, rewards",
"Salary, overtime", "Community programs")
# plot totals w/o considerig per-capita #####
gg <- ggplot(c_st, aes(x=category2, y=total))
gg <- gg + geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=category))
gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(labels=dollar)
gg <- gg + scale_x_discrete(labels=c_st$st, breaks=c_st$category2)
gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~category, scales = "free", ncol=1)
gg <- gg + labs(x="", y="")
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
gg <- gg + theme(strip.background=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(strip.text=element_text(size=15, face="bold"))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.margin=unit(2, "lines"))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.border=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=9))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
ggsave(filename="raw-large.png", plot=gg, height=15, width=11, dpi=600)
# change bar order to match per-capita calcuation #####
c_st <- transform(c_st, category2=reorder(category2, rank(-per_capita)))
# per-capita bar plot #####
gg <- ggplot(c_st, aes(x=category2, y=per_capita))
gg <- gg + geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=category))
gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(labels=dollar)
gg <- gg + scale_x_discrete(labels=c_st$st, breaks=c_st$category2)
gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~category, scales = "free", ncol=1)
gg <- gg + labs(x="", y="")
gg <- gg + theme_bw()
gg <- gg + theme(strip.background=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(strip.text=element_text(size=15, face="bold"))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.margin=unit(2, "lines"))
gg <- gg + theme(panel.border=element_blank())
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=9))
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
ggsave(filename="capita-large.png", plot=gg, height=15, width=11, dpi=600)
# now do it statebins-style (per-capita) #####
st_pl <- vector("list", 1+length(unique(c_st$category)))
j <- 0
for (i in unique(c_st$category)) {
j <- j + 1
png(filename=sprintf("statebins%03d.png", j), width=600, height=600, units="px", type="quartz")
print(statebins_continuous(c_st[category==i,], state_col="st", value_col="per_capita") +
scale_fill_gradientn(labels=dollar, colours=brewer.pal(6, "PuBu"), name=i) +
theme(legend.key.width=unit(2, "cm")))
# st_pl[[j]] <- statebins_continuous(c_st[category==i,], state_col="st", value_col="per_capita") +
# scale_fill_gradientn(labels=dollar, colours=brewer.pal(6, "PuBu"), name=i) +
# theme(legend.key.width=unit(2, "cm"))
st_pl[[1+length(unique(c_st$category))]] <- list(ncol=1)
grid.arrange(st_pl[[1]], st_pl[[2]], st_pl[[3]],
st_pl[[4]], st_pl[[5]], st_pl[[6]],
st_pl[[7]], st_pl[[8]], st_pl[[9]], ncol=3)
{"states": [
"st": "AK",
"stn": "Alaska",
"total": 8470032,
[{ "weapons": 1649832,
"electronicSurv": 402490,
"infoRewards": 760730,
"travTrain": 848128,
"commPrograms": 121664,
"salaryOvertime": 776766,
"other": 1487613,
"commComp": 1288439,
"buildImprov": 1134370 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "AK0012700",
"aname": "Airport Police & Fire Ted Stevens Anch Int'L Arpt",
"total": 611553,
[{ "weapons": 214296, "travTrain": 44467, "other": 215464, "commComp": 127308, "buildImprov": 10019 }]
"aid": "AK0010100",
"aname": "Anchorage Police Department",
"total": 3961497,
[{ "weapons": 1104777, "electronicSurv": 94741, "infoRewards": 743230, "travTrain": 409474, "salaryOvertime": 770709, "other": 395317, "commComp": 249220, "buildImprov": 194029 }]
"aid": "AKQNGCD01",
"aname": "Counterdrug Support Program",
"total": 366819,
[{ "weapons": 26303, "electronicSurv": 143627, "travTrain": 7920, "commPrograms": 121664, "other": 36734, "commComp": 24576, "buildImprov": 5995 }]
"aid": "AK0013000",
"aname": "Dillingham Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 87125,
[{ "weapons": 21085, "electronicSurv": 11912, "travTrain": 26369, "commComp": 26973, "buildImprov": 786 }]
"aid": "AK0012600",
"aname": "Fairbanks International Airport Police & Fire",
"total": 39570,
[{ "weapons": 5806, "electronicSurv": 7316, "travTrain": 6466, "other": 19982 }]
"aid": "AK0010200",
"aname": "Fairbanks Police Department",
"total": 277902,
[{ "weapons": 35894, "electronicSurv": 45095, "other": 34646, "commComp": 162268 }]
"aid": "AK0010300",
"aname": "Juneau Police Department",
"total": 48330,
[{ "weapons": 48330 }]
"aid": "AK0010500",
"aname": "Kodiak Police Department",
"total": 31570,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4089, "travTrain": 12670, "commComp": 14810 }]
"aid": "AK0013200",
"aname": "North Pole Police Department",
"total": 92261,
[{ "electronicSurv": 988, "travTrain": 7712, "other": 25948, "commComp": 26541, "buildImprov": 31071 }]
"aid": "AK0011800",
"aname": "North Slope Borough Police Department",
"total": 105211,
[{ "weapons": 40579, "travTrain": 10542, "other": 48398, "commComp": 5693 }]
"aid": "AK0011700",
"aname": "Palmer Police Department",
"total": 125735,
[{ "weapons": 11303, "electronicSurv": 8880, "travTrain": 22069, "salaryOvertime": 6057, "other": 54138, "commComp": 23288 }]
"aid": "AK0012000",
"aname": "Soldotna Police Department",
"total": 31364,
[{ "weapons": 1978, "other": 29386 }]
"aid": "AKAST0100",
"aname": "State Of Alaska Department Of Public",
"total": 2149450,
[{ "weapons": 96006, "electronicSurv": 68246, "travTrain": 219141, "other": 371787, "commComp": 507780, "buildImprov": 886490 }]
"aid": "AK0014200",
"aname": "University Of Alaska Fairbanks Police Department",
"total": 224075,
[{ "weapons": 9720, "electronicSurv": 14715, "travTrain": 19543, "other": 88742, "commComp": 91354 }]
"aid": "AK0015600",
"aname": "Wasilla Police Department",
"total": 223867,
[{ "weapons": 7268, "electronicSurv": 2769, "travTrain": 34812, "other": 163417, "commComp": 15601 }]
"st": "AL",
"stn": "Alabama",
"total": 38821076,
[{ "weapons": 2819912, "electronicSurv": 1408350, "infoRewards": 732421, "travTrain": 2034463, "commPrograms": 123881, "salaryOvertime": 4406101, "other": 17302277, "commComp": 5777900, "buildImprov": 4215771 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "AL029015A",
"aname": "19th Circuit Office Of The District Attorney",
"total": 220773,
[{ "commPrograms": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 148000, "other": 66744, "commComp": 5030 }]
"aid": "ALEQ00220",
"aname": "4th Circuit Drug Task Force",
"total": 87182,
[{ "weapons": 17904, "electronicSurv": 7070, "infoRewards": 42000, "travTrain": 14619, "commComp": 5590 }]
"aid": "AL0030400",
"aname": "Alabama Abc Board - Law Enforcement Division",
"total": 293179,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10083, "infoRewards": 180270, "other": 92151, "commComp": 10675 }]
"aid": "AL003155Y",
"aname": "Alabama Board Of Medical Examiners",
"total": 183292,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21355, "infoRewards": 5227, "travTrain": 13599, "other": 143111 }]
"aid": "AL0013800",
"aname": "Alabama Board Of Pharmacy",
"total": 72748,
[{ "travTrain": 1700, "other": 13610, "commComp": 31146, "buildImprov": 26293 }]
"aid": "AL043015Y",
"aname": "Alabama Department Of Forensic Sciences",
"total": 51095,
[{ "travTrain": 7020, "other": 44075 }]
"aid": "ALAST0044",
"aname": "Alabama Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 13734697,
[{ "weapons": 917200, "electronicSurv": 106618, "travTrain": 1223898, "commPrograms": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 3834629, "other": 4813064, "commComp": 2821477, "buildImprov": 7813 }]
"aid": "ALQNGCD14",
"aname": "Alabama National Guard Counterdrug",
"total": 77456,
[{ "weapons": 1562, "electronicSurv": 200, "infoRewards": 490, "travTrain": 22978, "commPrograms": 32905, "other": 5205, "commComp": 5206, "buildImprov": 8910 }]
"aid": "AL003015A",
"aname": "Alabama Office Of The Attorney General",
"total": 324059,
[{ "weapons": 14701, "electronicSurv": 4117, "infoRewards": 6862, "travTrain": 13978, "other": 279754, "commComp": 4647 }]
"aid": "AL0590400",
"aname": "Alabaster Police Department",
"total": 97534,
[{ "other": 97534 }]
"aid": "AL0110100",
"aname": "Anniston Police Department",
"total": 75608,
[{ "weapons": 39133, "other": 8149, "commComp": 28325 }]
"aid": "AL0430100",
"aname": "Auburn City Police Department",
"total": 125172,
[{ "weapons": 3192, "travTrain": 245, "other": 117027, "commComp": 2993, "buildImprov": 1715 }]
"aid": "AL0040000",
"aname": "Autauga County Sheriff Office",
"total": 110198,
[{ "weapons": 3443, "electronicSurv": 11767, "infoRewards": 18268, "travTrain": 2758, "commPrograms": 163, "other": 50629, "commComp": 23171 }]
"aid": "AL0050000",
"aname": "Baldwin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 977009,
[{ "weapons": 216151, "electronicSurv": 10456, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 301519, "commComp": 267134, "buildImprov": 171749 }]
"aid": "AL0060000",
"aname": "Barbour County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 96885,
[{ "weapons": 29140, "electronicSurv": 28093, "infoRewards": 27650, "travTrain": 2438, "other": 8444, "commComp": 1121 }]
"aid": "AL0050100",
"aname": "Bay Minette Police Department",
"total": 79109,
[{ "weapons": 16327, "electronicSurv": 2139, "travTrain": 12270, "other": 18000, "commComp": 27017, "buildImprov": 3357 }]
"aid": "AL0020600",
"aname": "Bayou La Batre Police Department",
"total": 44679,
[{ "weapons": 11262, "electronicSurv": 5040, "infoRewards": 2900, "other": 16639, "commComp": 8837 }]
"aid": "AL0010100",
"aname": "Bessemer Police Department",
"total": 2846230,
[{ "weapons": 181528, "electronicSurv": 25424, "infoRewards": 16243, "travTrain": 71070, "commPrograms": 32043, "salaryOvertime": 250119, "other": 1441784, "commComp": 119994, "buildImprov": 708025 }]
"aid": "AL0010200",
"aname": "Birmingham Police Department",
"total": 972470,
[{ "weapons": 241564, "electronicSurv": 248444, "travTrain": 210134, "other": 248268, "commComp": 24060 }]
"aid": "AL0080000",
"aname": "Blount County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 56098,
[{ "infoRewards": 25204, "commComp": 5033, "buildImprov": 25861 }]
"aid": "AL0111000",
"aname": "Calhoun Cleburne Co Drug & Violent Crime Task Force",
"total": 110164,
[{ "weapons": 5384, "electronicSurv": 7344, "travTrain": 200, "other": 62581, "commComp": 34264, "buildImprov": 390 }]
"aid": "AL0290700",
"aname": "Central Alabama Drug Task Force",
"total": 114102,
[{ "weapons": 5270, "electronicSurv": 54300, "infoRewards": 2500, "travTrain": 1574, "other": 28184, "commComp": 22275 }]
"aid": "ALEQ00129",
"aname": "Chambers County Drug Task Force",
"total": 34466,
[{ "infoRewards": 13300, "travTrain": 275, "other": 18262, "commComp": 2520, "buildImprov": 109 }]
"aid": "AL0140000",
"aname": "Chilton County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 203321,
[{ "weapons": 70430, "electronicSurv": 43008, "infoRewards": 13101, "travTrain": 24219, "salaryOvertime": 3083, "commComp": 6447, "buildImprov": 43034 }]
"aid": "AL0150000",
"aname": "Choctaw County Sheriff Department",
"total": 36355,
[{ "infoRewards": 6698, "other": 26621, "commComp": 3037 }]
"aid": "AL0011200",
"aname": "City Of Hoover Police Department",
"total": 3126138,
[{ "weapons": 103749, "electronicSurv": 8478, "travTrain": 81884, "salaryOvertime": 79764, "other": 987506, "commComp": 228590, "buildImprov": 1636167 }]
"aid": "AL0640100",
"aname": "City Of Jasper Police Department Fund 41",
"total": 306046,
[{ "weapons": 35113, "travTrain": 1679, "other": 135613, "commComp": 58785, "buildImprov": 74855 }]
"aid": "AL0590300",
"aname": "City Of Montevallo Police Department",
"total": 124352,
[{ "weapons": 16894, "electronicSurv": 378, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 6941, "commPrograms": 1040, "other": 73688, "commComp": 21915, "buildImprov": 1995 }]
"aid": "AL0030100",
"aname": "City Of Montgomery Police Department",
"total": 4664376,
[{ "weapons": 106531, "electronicSurv": 171309, "travTrain": 41772, "other": 2761459, "commComp": 391923, "buildImprov": 1191381 }]
"aid": "AL0051200",
"aname": "City Of Orange Beach Police Department",
"total": 96525,
[{ "weapons": 1300, "electronicSurv": 20945, "travTrain": 6471, "other": 5000, "commComp": 62809 }]
"aid": "AL0520100",
"aname": "Decatur Police Department",
"total": 220850,
[{ "weapons": 26317, "electronicSurv": 24614, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 10542, "other": 84004, "commComp": 65589, "buildImprov": 3785 }]
"aid": "ALEQ00088",
"aname": "Dekalb County Drug And Major Crimes Task Force",
"total": 33988,
[{ "weapons": 151, "travTrain": 365, "commComp": 24881, "buildImprov": 8591 }]
"aid": "AL0480100",
"aname": "Demopolis Police Department",
"total": 61767,
[{ "weapons": 7474, "electronicSurv": 687, "infoRewards": 13620, "travTrain": 3465, "other": 34838, "commComp": 1683 }]
"aid": "AL0380100",
"aname": "Dothan Police Department",
"total": 77594,
[{ "travTrain": 6845, "other": 70749 }]
"aid": "AL0290000",
"aname": "Elmore County Sheriff Department",
"total": 269183,
[{ "weapons": 31169, "other": 91390, "commComp": 55963, "buildImprov": 90661 }]
"aid": "AL0190200",
"aname": "Enterprise Police Department",
"total": 49064,
[{ "weapons": 14803, "electronicSurv": 12086, "travTrain": 4597, "other": 6217, "commComp": 7277, "buildImprov": 4084 }]
"aid": "AL0010400",
"aname": "Fairfield Alabama Police Department",
"total": 120434,
[{ "weapons": 31309, "electronicSurv": 10639, "travTrain": 34317, "salaryOvertime": 14155, "other": 8828, "commComp": 20200, "buildImprov": 987 }]
"aid": "AL0050200",
"aname": "Fairhope Police Department",
"total": 210974,
[{ "weapons": 72871, "electronicSurv": 7809, "infoRewards": 2950, "travTrain": 7404, "other": 92844, "commComp": 27095 }]
"aid": "AL0050300",
"aname": "Foley Police Department",
"total": 101111,
[{ "weapons": 17275, "electronicSurv": 1100, "travTrain": 8500, "other": 64181, "commComp": 4555, "buildImprov": 5500 }]
"aid": "AL0330000",
"aname": "Franklin County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 57620,
[{ "weapons": 7821, "electronicSurv": 1814, "travTrain": 13514, "commPrograms": 5482, "other": 9735, "commComp": 11841, "buildImprov": 7412 }]
"aid": "AL0340000",
"aname": "Geneva County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 44307,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7345, "infoRewards": 9100, "travTrain": 1305, "commComp": 19052, "buildImprov": 7505 }]
"aid": "AL0380000",
"aname": "Houston County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 46938,
[{ "weapons": 19220, "electronicSurv": 2000, "travTrain": 5146, "other": 13567, "commComp": 3505, "buildImprov": 3500 }]
"aid": "AL0470100",
"aname": "Huntsville Police Department",
"total": 195371,
[{ "weapons": 80490, "other": 101728, "commComp": 13153 }]
"aid": "AL0471100",
"aname": "Huntsville/Madison Morgan County Stac Team",
"total": 145942,
[{ "weapons": 25775, "electronicSurv": 11617, "infoRewards": 60000, "travTrain": 5641, "other": 42629, "commComp": 73, "buildImprov": 208 }]
"aid": "AL0010000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1528588,
[{ "weapons": 6236, "electronicSurv": 17765, "infoRewards": 123500, "travTrain": 35437, "other": 1003820, "commComp": 341829 }]
"aid": "AL0440000",
"aname": "Limestone County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 218223,
[{ "weapons": 14611, "electronicSurv": 12860, "other": 111044, "commComp": 79708 }]
"aid": "AL047015A",
"aname": "Madison County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 64752,
[{ "weapons": 599, "electronicSurv": 39, "travTrain": 3498, "commPrograms": 4714, "other": 41434, "commComp": 14468 }]
"aid": "AL0470000",
"aname": "Madison County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 52878,
[{ "weapons": 36916, "electronicSurv": 4005, "commComp": 11957 }]
"aid": "AL0470200",
"aname": "Madison Police Department",
"total": 75997,
[{ "other": 75997 }]
"aid": "AL0290600",
"aname": "Millbrook Police Department",
"total": 61135,
[{ "weapons": 27846, "electronicSurv": 315, "other": 26227, "buildImprov": 6747 }]
"aid": "AL0020000",
"aname": "Mobile County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1099054,
[{ "weapons": 56386, "electronicSurv": 20963, "infoRewards": 43300, "travTrain": 11795, "other": 818114, "commComp": 142896, "buildImprov": 5601 }]
"aid": "AL002TASC",
"aname": "Mobile County Street Enforcement Narcotics Team",
"total": 85004,
[{ "weapons": 14700, "infoRewards": 9559, "salaryOvertime": 9583, "other": 51162 }]
"aid": "AL0020100",
"aname": "Mobile Police Department",
"total": 775178,
[{ "weapons": 35244, "electronicSurv": 103001, "other": 534804, "commComp": 91768, "buildImprov": 10360 }]
"aid": "AL0031600",
"aname": "Montgomery Airport Authority Police Department",
"total": 47724,
[{ "weapons": 1248, "other": 39006, "commComp": 4979, "buildImprov": 2491 }]
"aid": "AL0030000",
"aname": "Montgomery County Sheriff Office",
"total": 63747,
[{ "weapons": 8860, "electronicSurv": 14673, "infoRewards": 12605, "travTrain": 4520, "other": 18126, "commComp": 4963 }]
"aid": "AL0031900",
"aname": "Montgomery HA Investigative Unit",
"total": 59235,
[{ "travTrain": 1599, "salaryOvertime": 28453, "other": 29183 }]
"aid": "AL0520000",
"aname": "Morgan County Sheriff Drug Task Force",
"total": 39932,
[{ "weapons": 4522, "electronicSurv": 2873, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 4935, "other": 16722, "commComp": 9310, "buildImprov": 70 }]
"aid": "AL0012600",
"aname": "Morris Police Department",
"total": 174345,
[{ "weapons": 19743, "electronicSurv": 2057, "infoRewards": 4545, "travTrain": 12709, "commPrograms": 1962, "salaryOvertime": 15026, "other": 82725, "commComp": 20537, "buildImprov": 15041 }]
"aid": "AL0110500",
"aname": "Oxford Police Department",
"total": 36672,
[{ "electronicSurv": 36672 }]
"aid": "AL0590600",
"aname": "Pelham Police Department",
"total": 61464,
[{ "weapons": 9203, "electronicSurv": 3581, "salaryOvertime": 4477, "other": 40580, "commComp": 3624 }]
"aid": "AL0040100",
"aname": "Prattville Police Department",
"total": 292002,
[{ "weapons": 75443, "electronicSurv": 30413, "travTrain": 50, "other": 130684, "commComp": 55413 }]
"aid": "AL0580700",
"aname": "Riverside Police Department",
"total": 57285,
[{ "infoRewards": 500, "other": 46137, "buildImprov": 10648 }]
"aid": "AL0570000",
"aname": "Russell County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 35959,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8887, "infoRewards": 5350, "travTrain": 5041, "other": 15995, "commComp": 686 }]
"aid": "AL0020500",
"aname": "Saraland Police Department",
"total": 84589,
[{ "weapons": 193, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 5052, "other": 63758, "commComp": 15086 }]
"aid": "AL0270100",
"aname": "Selma Police Department",
"total": 92597,
[{ "weapons": 8994, "electronicSurv": 456, "infoRewards": 17052, "travTrain": 15669, "other": 40605, "commComp": 9774, "buildImprov": 47 }]
"aid": "AL0591200",
"aname": "Shelby County Drug Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 103897,
[{ "weapons": 5436, "electronicSurv": 25209, "commPrograms": 5420, "other": 61119, "commComp": 4419, "buildImprov": 2293 }]
"aid": "AL0611100",
"aname": "Talladega County Drug & Violent Crime Task Force",
"total": 160661,
[{ "weapons": 4344, "electronicSurv": 1871, "commPrograms": 6489, "other": 72251, "commComp": 35793, "buildImprov": 39914 }]
"aid": "AL0630000",
"aname": "Tuscaloosa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1695254,
[{ "weapons": 16792, "electronicSurv": 168599, "travTrain": 28718, "other": 1103842, "commComp": 295382, "buildImprov": 81921 }]
"aid": "AL0021400",
"aname": "University Of South Alabama Police Department",
"total": 50706,
[{ "weapons": 1674, "electronicSurv": 1104, "travTrain": 1379, "other": 43525, "commComp": 3023 }]
"aid": "AL0120400",
"aname": "Valley Alabama Police Department",
"total": 114166,
[{ "other": 100362, "commComp": 13805 }]
"aid": "AL0630100",
"aname": "West Alabama Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 131777,
[{ "weapons": 5473, "electronicSurv": 18610, "travTrain": 3781, "commPrograms": 8975, "other": 50360, "commComp": 44579 }]
"st": "AR",
"stn": "Arkansas",
"total": 15668875,
[{ "weapons": 1216990, "electronicSurv": 1562721, "infoRewards": 813062, "travTrain": 559209, "commPrograms": 39550, "salaryOvertime": 335863, "other": 5922947, "commComp": 2283452, "buildImprov": 2935083 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "AR066015A",
"aname": "12th/21st Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 65251,
[{ "weapons": 751, "electronicSurv": 19769, "travTrain": 1070, "salaryOvertime": 18893, "other": 22486, "commComp": 2283 }]
"aid": "AR0320300",
"aname": "16th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 76135,
[{ "weapons": 494, "electronicSurv": 4464, "infoRewards": 38267, "travTrain": 1555, "salaryOvertime": 5732, "other": 17062, "commComp": 7487, "buildImprov": 1074 }]
"aid": "AR017025A",
"aname": "21st Judicial Dist-Crawford Cnty Prosecuting Atty",
"total": 67040,
[{ "weapons": 574, "electronicSurv": 3476, "infoRewards": 1809, "travTrain": 5600, "salaryOvertime": 6726, "other": 21652, "commComp": 8683, "buildImprov": 18519 }]
"aid": "AR0160800",
"aname": "2nd Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 88044,
[{ "weapons": 8146, "electronicSurv": 29981, "commPrograms": 1040, "other": 26358, "commComp": 22519 }]
"aid": "AR0580600",
"aname": "5th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 257429,
[{ "weapons": 1014, "electronicSurv": 11588, "infoRewards": 149517, "travTrain": 12976, "commPrograms": 3282, "other": 19833, "commComp": 59218 }]
"aid": "AREQ00288",
"aname": "7th Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney",
"total": 111563,
[{ "weapons": 1300, "electronicSurv": 13478, "infoRewards": 7500, "travTrain": 896, "other": 47745, "commComp": 19821, "buildImprov": 20823 }]
"aid": "AR0601500",
"aname": "Arkansas Highway Police Div. Of Ar Hwy. & Trans",
"total": 677225,
[{ "electronicSurv": 537023, "other": 130916, "buildImprov": 9286 }]
"aid": "ARQNGCD04",
"aname": "Arkansas National Guard Counterdrug Program",
"total": 97741,
[{ "weapons": 13319, "electronicSurv": 786, "travTrain": 60, "commPrograms": 22466, "other": 52449, "commComp": 4751, "buildImprov": 3910 }]
"aid": "ARASP0000",
"aname": "Arkansas State Police",
"total": 3844670,
[{ "weapons": 384000, "electronicSurv": 251200, "infoRewards": 25000, "travTrain": 15000, "other": 1025768, "commComp": 203183, "buildImprov": 1940518 }]
"aid": "AR0660300",
"aname": "Barling Police Department",
"total": 48501,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8611, "other": 39890 }]
"aid": "AR0040000",
"aname": "Benton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 277003,
[{ "weapons": 640, "infoRewards": 257638, "travTrain": 6920, "other": 1527, "commComp": 10279 }]
"aid": "AR0630100",
"aname": "Benton Police Department",
"total": 653910,
[{ "weapons": 80419, "electronicSurv": 69406, "commPrograms": 2431, "other": 374072, "commComp": 118659, "buildImprov": 8924 }]
"aid": "AR0040100",
"aname": "Bentonville Police Department",
"total": 95580,
[{ "weapons": 13475, "travTrain": 10000, "other": 44915, "commComp": 20833, "buildImprov": 6357 }]
"aid": "AR0520100",
"aname": "Camden Police Department",
"total": 224416,
[{ "weapons": 11615, "infoRewards": 32500, "travTrain": 9375, "other": 30538, "commComp": 45628, "buildImprov": 94759 }]
"aid": "AR0160100",
"aname": "City Of Jonesboro Police Department",
"total": 150551,
[{ "weapons": 7499, "electronicSurv": 7366, "infoRewards": 6000, "commPrograms": 3700, "other": 114522, "commComp": 11463 }]
"aid": "AR0600300",
"aname": "City Of North Little Rock Police Department",
"total": 309750,
[{ "weapons": 109578, "electronicSurv": 39991, "travTrain": 1239, "other": 43042, "commComp": 99522, "buildImprov": 16379 }]
"aid": "AR0350100",
"aname": "City Of Pine Bluff Police Department",
"total": 268554,
[{ "weapons": 11780, "electronicSurv": 2031, "travTrain": 20969, "other": 216875, "commComp": 12916, "buildImprov": 3983 }]
"aid": "AR0720200",
"aname": "City Of Springdale Police Department",
"total": 174811,
[{ "weapons": 8678, "electronicSurv": 10110, "other": 65904, "commComp": 88298, "buildImprov": 1821 }]
"aid": "AR0230100",
"aname": "Conway Police Department",
"total": 116379,
[{ "weapons": 16632, "electronicSurv": 2700, "travTrain": 1064, "other": 8406, "commComp": 27753, "buildImprov": 59824 }]
"aid": "AR0230700",
"aname": "Conway Regional Drug Task Force",
"total": 75174,
[{ "weapons": 16279, "electronicSurv": 2700, "travTrain": 1064, "other": 8406, "buildImprov": 46725 }]
"aid": "AR0160000",
"aname": "Craighead County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 65328,
[{ "weapons": 6260, "other": 44291, "buildImprov": 14777 }]
"aid": "AR0170000",
"aname": "Crawford County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 93704,
[{ "weapons": 5374, "electronicSurv": 2251, "commPrograms": 134, "other": 59363, "commComp": 20535, "buildImprov": 6046 }]
"aid": "AR0180000",
"aname": "Crittenden County Sheriff's Dept",
"total": 250000,
[{ "commComp": 250000 }]
"aid": "AR0700100",
"aname": "El Dorado Police Department",
"total": 85725,
[{ "weapons": 39746, "electronicSurv": 32863, "travTrain": 3481, "commComp": 9636 }]
"aid": "AR0230000",
"aname": "Faulkner County Sheriff",
"total": 60368,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10368, "infoRewards": 5000, "other": 3000, "buildImprov": 42000 }]
"aid": "AR0720100",
"aname": "Fayetteville Police Department",
"total": 237607,
[{ "weapons": 12117, "travTrain": 23550, "commPrograms": 1987, "other": 94417, "commComp": 67241, "buildImprov": 38296 }]
"aid": "AR0660100",
"aname": "Fort Smith Police Department",
"total": 745471,
[{ "weapons": 88653, "electronicSurv": 14454, "commPrograms": 300, "other": 392941, "commComp": 223106, "buildImprov": 26017 }]
"aid": "AR0721100",
"aname": "Fourth Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 181158,
[{ "electronicSurv": 9664, "infoRewards": 15882, "travTrain": 652, "other": 143398, "commComp": 11562 }]
"aid": "AR0320000",
"aname": "Independence County Sheriff Office",
"total": 88276,
[{ "weapons": 5281, "electronicSurv": 11802, "infoRewards": 14432, "travTrain": 475, "other": 34084, "commComp": 16257, "buildImprov": 5945 }]
"aid": "AR0600100",
"aname": "Jacksonville Police Department",
"total": 324918,
[{ "weapons": 50603, "electronicSurv": 58182, "infoRewards": 49500, "travTrain": 18474, "other": 106456, "commComp": 39910, "buildImprov": 1792 }]
"aid": "AR0350000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 275000,
[{ "buildImprov": 275000 }]
"aid": "AR0600200",
"aname": "Little Rock Police Department",
"total": 916632,
[{ "weapons": 35885, "electronicSurv": 143130, "infoRewards": 17857, "travTrain": 107672, "other": 193559, "commComp": 219856, "buildImprov": 198672 }]
"aid": "AR0430000",
"aname": "Lonoke County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 528339,
[{ "weapons": 1035, "electronicSurv": 6000, "other": 486542, "commComp": 34762 }]
"aid": "AR0430400",
"aname": "Lonoke Police Department",
"total": 44626,
[{ "weapons": 1785, "other": 39097, "commComp": 3743 }]
"aid": "AR0140100",
"aname": "Magnolia Police Department",
"total": 83887,
[{ "weapons": 8332, "electronicSurv": 2217, "infoRewards": 32127, "travTrain": 33874, "commComp": 7337 }]
"aid": "AR0601600",
"aname": "Maumelle Police Department",
"total": 110378,
[{ "electronicSurv": 16650, "commComp": 87184, "buildImprov": 6544 }]
"aid": "AR0580000",
"aname": "Pope County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 83517,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5447, "other": 51774, "commComp": 26297 }]
"aid": "AR0600000",
"aname": "Pulaski County Sheriff Office",
"total": 369213,
[{ "weapons": 17319, "electronicSurv": 57518, "other": 223585, "commComp": 59241, "buildImprov": 11549 }]
"aid": "AR0040200",
"aname": "Rogers Police Department",
"total": 213213,
[{ "weapons": 29060, "electronicSurv": 10428, "commPrograms": 3000, "other": 151480, "commComp": 9508, "buildImprov": 9736 }]
"aid": "AR0660000",
"aname": "Sebastian County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 111667,
[{ "weapons": 27633, "electronicSurv": 9038, "infoRewards": 10830, "travTrain": 6813, "commPrograms": 111, "salaryOvertime": 7372, "other": 40664, "commComp": 8579, "buildImprov": 627 }]
"aid": "AR018015A",
"aname": "Second Judicial Prosecuting Attorney's Office",
"total": 333705,
[{ "travTrain": 11988, "other": 314851, "commComp": 6865 }]
"aid": "AR0600400",
"aname": "Sherwood Police Department",
"total": 63866,
[{ "weapons": 18124, "electronicSurv": 29218, "commComp": 16524 }]
"aid": "AR0040300",
"aname": "Siloam Springs Police Department",
"total": 69525,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2232, "other": 4200, "commComp": 63093 }]
"aid": "AR0350500",
"aname": "Tri-County Drug Task Force",
"total": 153068,
[{ "weapons": 10950, "electronicSurv": 3632, "infoRewards": 98000, "travTrain": 1490, "other": 37417, "commComp": 1580 }]
"aid": "AR0560200",
"aname": "Trumann Police Department",
"total": 142294,
[{ "weapons": 18138, "electronicSurv": 14775, "travTrain": 6645, "other": 32316, "commComp": 53095, "buildImprov": 17326 }]
"aid": "AR043015A",
"aname": "Twenty-Third Judicial District Prosecuting Attorne",
"total": 1107822,
[{ "weapons": 38186, "electronicSurv": 785, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 205782, "salaryOvertime": 290430, "other": 401868, "commComp": 141663, "buildImprov": 23108 }]
"aid": "AR0170100",
"aname": "Van Buren Police Department",
"total": 187552,
[{ "weapons": 8303, "electronicSurv": 6640, "travTrain": 3588, "other": 98256, "commComp": 60313, "buildImprov": 10451 }]
"aid": "AR0720000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 165584,
[{ "weapons": 6408, "travTrain": 10987, "other": 148189 }]
"aid": "AR0180100",
"aname": "West Memphis Police Department",
"total": 403747,
[{ "weapons": 18451, "other": 385297 }]
"st": "AZ",
"stn": "Arizona",
"total": 43723486,
[{ "weapons": 3759336, "electronicSurv": 1893095, "infoRewards": 1963634, "travTrain": 1740216, "commPrograms": 306000, "salaryOvertime": 3424619, "other": 13518609, "commComp": 11568829, "buildImprov": 5549148 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "AZ0010000",
"aname": "Apache County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 724533,
[{ "weapons": 1984, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 96354, "salaryOvertime": 194166, "other": 320339, "commComp": 78691, "buildImprov": 26998 }]
"aid": "AZ0079900",
"aname": "Arizona Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 7866225,
[{ "weapons": 87706, "electronicSurv": 37025, "infoRewards": 547518, "travTrain": 600395, "salaryOvertime": 992647, "other": 1872300, "commComp": 2872886, "buildImprov": 855747 }]
"aid": "AZ0020300",
"aname": "Bisbee Police Department",
"total": 146824,
[{ "weapons": 8601, "other": 88980, "commComp": 33251, "buildImprov": 15991 }]
"aid": "AZ0070300",
"aname": "Buckeye Police Department",
"total": 63818,
[{ "weapons": 1873, "electronicSurv": 22127, "infoRewards": 1882, "travTrain": 20318, "other": 1494, "commComp": 4500, "buildImprov": 11624 }]
"aid": "AZ0070500",
"aname": "Chandler Police Department",
"total": 116853,
[{ "infoRewards": 55353, "commPrograms": 61500 }]
"aid": "AZ0071700",
"aname": "City Of Mesa Police Department",
"total": 2045923,
[{ "electronicSurv": 16452, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 2019471 }]
"aid": "AZ0072300",
"aname": "City Of Phoenix Police Department",
"total": 11245493,
[{ "weapons": 2949690, "electronicSurv": 718396, "infoRewards": 634980, "travTrain": 339162, "commPrograms": 136280, "other": 2554250, "commComp": 3382904, "buildImprov": 529830 }]
"aid": "AZ0100100",
"aname": "City of South Tucson Police Department",
"total": 689639,
[{ "weapons": 42130, "electronicSurv": 23279, "travTrain": 3831, "commPrograms": 2500, "salaryOvertime": 10691, "other": 474520, "commComp": 119949, "buildImprov": 12739 }]
"aid": "AZ0020000",
"aname": "Cochise County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 117422,
[{ "weapons": 16478, "electronicSurv": 18897, "commComp": 82048 }]
"aid": "AZ0101800",
"aname": "Counter Narcotics Alliance",
"total": 2055370,
[{ "infoRewards": 69168, "travTrain": 7546, "salaryOvertime": 693971, "other": 1164678, "commComp": 118348, "buildImprov": 1659 }]
"aid": "AZ0020500",
"aname": "Douglas Police Departmenet",
"total": 166757,
[{ "weapons": 8235, "travTrain": 27572, "other": 126930, "commComp": 4019 }]
"aid": "AZ0030100",
"aname": "Flagstaff Police Department",
"total": 255008,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 255008 }]
"aid": "AZ0071300",
"aname": "Glendale Police Department - Glendale Az",
"total": 208555,
[{ "travTrain": 2670, "other": 205885 }]
"aid": "AZ0150600",
"aname": "La Paz County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 136672,
[{ "travTrain": 3738, "other": 10000, "commComp": 3524, "buildImprov": 119411 }]
"aid": "AZ0080400",
"aname": "Lake Havasu City Police Department",
"total": 44300,
[{ "other": 44300 }]
"aid": "AZ0100900",
"aname": "Marana Police Department",
"total": 292945,
[{ "weapons": 35753, "electronicSurv": 26106, "other": 67105, "commComp": 113832, "buildImprov": 50150 }]
"aid": "AZ0070000",
"aname": "Maricopa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 610776,
[{ "weapons": 4933, "electronicSurv": 32452, "travTrain": 104551, "other": 381856, "commComp": 86984 }]
"aid": "AZ0081100",
"aname": "Mohave Area General Narcotics Enforcement Team",
"total": 1124048,
[{ "weapons": 10139, "electronicSurv": 14715, "infoRewards": 436757, "travTrain": 79538, "salaryOvertime": 171588, "other": 66893, "commComp": 19376, "buildImprov": 325042 }]
"aid": "AZ0018900",
"aname": "N.D.P.S. - Navajo Police Department",
"total": 607552,
[{ "weapons": 33920, "electronicSurv": 2869, "travTrain": 127522, "salaryOvertime": 25722, "other": 225112, "commComp": 183963, "buildImprov": 8443 }]
"aid": "AZ0090000",
"aname": "Navajo County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 793983,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7818, "infoRewards": 167355, "travTrain": 76455, "commPrograms": 1630, "salaryOvertime": 293738, "other": 178228, "commComp": 67607, "buildImprov": 1153 }]
"aid": "AZ0120100",
"aname": "Nogales Police Department",
"total": 336056,
[{ "weapons": 26416, "travTrain": 11525, "other": 164417, "commComp": 117449, "buildImprov": 16250 }]
"aid": "AZ0039900",
"aname": "Northern Arizona Street Crimes Task Force Metro",
"total": 121367,
[{ "travTrain": 2889, "salaryOvertime": 106857, "commComp": 11621 }]
"aid": "AZ0100700",
"aname": "Oro Valley Police Department",
"total": 1311089,
[{ "weapons": 90192, "electronicSurv": 26690, "travTrain": 64149, "commPrograms": 6186, "salaryOvertime": 98009, "other": 223435, "commComp": 538947, "buildImprov": 263482 }]
"aid": "AZ0072100",
"aname": "Peoria Police Department",
"total": 38801,
[{ "other": 33988, "commComp": 4813 }]
"aid": "AZ010013A",
"aname": "Pima County Attorney's Office",
"total": 451696,
[{ "travTrain": 26173, "commPrograms": 2500, "salaryOvertime": 179118, "other": 33911, "commComp": 209994 }]
"aid": "AZ0100000",
"aname": "Pima County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1358413,
[{ "other": 854768, "commComp": 250000, "buildImprov": 253645 }]
"aid": "AZ0110000",
"aname": "Pinal County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 616535,
[{ "weapons": 174255, "electronicSurv": 14176, "infoRewards": 10000, "commPrograms": 57075, "other": 227254, "buildImprov": 133774 }]
"aid": "AZ0100400",
"aname": "Sahuarita Police Department",
"total": 292403,
[{ "weapons": 15175, "travTrain": 15534, "salaryOvertime": 75614, "other": 150271, "commComp": 35809 }]
"aid": "AZ0072500",
"aname": "Scottsdale Police Department",
"total": 7503952,
[{ "weapons": 170311, "electronicSurv": 728101, "travTrain": 72262, "salaryOvertime": 155035, "other": 1416956, "commComp": 2877053, "buildImprov": 2084235 }]
"aid": "AZ0020900",
"aname": "Sierra Vista Police Department",
"total": 75425,
[{ "other": 70421, "commComp": 5004 }]
"aid": "AZ0010300",
"aname": "St. Johns Police Department",
"total": 78639,
[{ "weapons": 7644, "electronicSurv": 14894, "travTrain": 19611, "salaryOvertime": 21801, "other": 2615, "commComp": 11114, "buildImprov": 961 }]
"aid": "AZ0072700",
"aname": "Surprise Police Department",
"total": 592209,
[{ "weapons": 43981, "electronicSurv": 116456, "travTrain": 27022, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 117544, "commComp": 213585, "buildImprov": 63621 }]
"aid": "AZ0072900",
"aname": "Tempe Police Department",
"total": 1000756,
[{ "weapons": 9886, "electronicSurv": 46244, "travTrain": 2010, "salaryOvertime": 150655, "commComp": 49882, "buildImprov": 742080 }]
"aid": "AZ0101200",
"aname": "Tohono O'Odham Nation Police",
"total": 132696,
[{ "infoRewards": 10000, "other": 122696 }]
"aid": "AZ0073100",
"aname": "Tolleson Police Department",
"total": 33641,
[{ "weapons": 6541, "travTrain": 6000, "commPrograms": 4000, "commComp": 11946, "buildImprov": 5153 }]
"aid": "AZ0100300",
"aname": "Tucson Police Department",
"total": 32941,
[{ "other": 23217, "commComp": 9724 }]
"aid": "AZ0141200",
"aname": "Yuma County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 53564,
[{ "infoRewards": 6370, "travTrain": 913, "other": 23416, "commComp": 10998, "buildImprov": 11867 }]
"aid": "AZ0140000",
"aname": "Yuma County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 204449,
[{ "weapons": 3312, "infoRewards": 500, "other": 196251, "commComp": 3222, "buildImprov": 1164 }]
"st": "CA",
"stn": "California",
"total": 381053317,
[{ "weapons": 19863034, "electronicSurv": 18559142, "infoRewards": 20726696, "travTrain": 14932255, "commPrograms": 1621829, "salaryOvertime": 58064842, "other": 144516088, "commComp": 64136847, "buildImprov": 38632583 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "CA0013700",
"aname": "Alameda County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 310655,
[{ "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 13408, "other": 267247 }]
"aid": "CA001013G",
"aname": "Alameda County Probation Department",
"total": 102200,
[{ "commComp": 102200 }]
"aid": "CA0010000",
"aname": "Alameda County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 708815,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 100000, "commComp": 208815, "buildImprov": 400000 }]
"aid": "CA0010100",
"aname": "Alameda Police Department",
"total": 154277,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2252, "travTrain": 11783, "other": 20238, "commComp": 11872, "buildImprov": 108132 }]
"aid": "CA0190100",
"aname": "Alhambra Police Department",
"total": 108465,
[{ "weapons": 8004, "electronicSurv": 17115, "infoRewards": 525, "salaryOvertime": 53355, "other": 10000, "commComp": 19216, "buildImprov": 250 }]
"aid": "CA0030000",
"aname": "Amador County Sheriff Department",
"total": 32036,
[{ "weapons": 31631, "infoRewards": 240, "travTrain": 165 }]
"aid": "CA0300100",
"aname": "Anaheim Police Department",
"total": 17703382,
[{ "weapons": 187974, "electronicSurv": 195636, "infoRewards": 2297292, "travTrain": 146682, "commPrograms": 82459, "salaryOvertime": 4933524, "other": 9179485, "commComp": 472660, "buildImprov": 207670 }]
"aid": "CA0070100",
"aname": "Antioch Police Department",
"total": 109473,
[{ "electronicSurv": 46661, "other": 41478, "commComp": 12553, "buildImprov": 8781 }]
"aid": "CA0190200",
"aname": "Arcadia Police Department",
"total": 894066,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 355570, "other": 529193, "commComp": 9303 }]
"aid": "CA0120100",
"aname": "Arcata Police Department",
"total": 51464,
[{ "weapons": 8975, "other": 40530, "commComp": 1959 }]
"aid": "CA0310100",
"aname": "Auburn Police Department",
"total": 37375,
[{ "travTrain": 13803, "other": 12651, "commComp": 10922 }]
"aid": "CA0190500",
"aname": "Azusa Police Department",
"total": 731084,
[{ "weapons": 82007, "electronicSurv": 90502, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 106465, "other": 326429, "commComp": 88266, "buildImprov": 22416 }]
"aid": "CA0360100",
"aname": "Barstow Police Department",
"total": 39374,
[{ "electronicSurv": 624, "other": 5351, "commComp": 33398 }]
"aid": "CA0190900",
"aname": "Bell Gardens Police Department",
"total": 918038,
[{ "weapons": 3018, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 17395, "other": 551230, "commComp": 341394 }]
"aid": "CA0190700",
"aname": "Bell Police Department",
"total": 234754,
[{ "travTrain": 2855, "commPrograms": 49455, "salaryOvertime": 180674, "other": 1769 }]
"aid": "CA0190800",
"aname": "Bellflower Police Department- Contract Lasd",
"total": 50705,
[{ "electronicSurv": 24804, "commComp": 25901 }]
"aid": "CA0191000",
"aname": "Beverly Hills Police Department",
"total": 3006156,
[{ "weapons": 233952, "electronicSurv": 176125, "travTrain": 102356, "salaryOvertime": 1363811, "other": 696556, "commComp": 374817, "buildImprov": 58540 }]
"aid": "CA0140100",
"aname": "Bishop Police Department",
"total": 42952,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2068, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 22469, "commComp": 2987, "buildImprov": 13428 }]
"aid": "CA0130100",
"aname": "Brawley Police Department",
"total": 708252,
[{ "weapons": 63839, "electronicSurv": 880, "other": 153211, "commComp": 155960, "buildImprov": 334363 }]
"aid": "CA0300200",
"aname": "Brea Police Department",
"total": 2894611,
[{ "weapons": 204213, "electronicSurv": 14231, "travTrain": 8407, "salaryOvertime": 1395338, "other": 544233, "commComp": 279495, "buildImprov": 448694 }]
"aid": "CA0070200",
"aname": "Brentwood Police Department",
"total": 76592,
[{ "travTrain": 14924, "other": 39196, "commComp": 12373, "buildImprov": 10099 }]
"aid": "CA0300300",
"aname": "Buena Park Police Department",
"total": 878013,
[{ "weapons": 174760, "electronicSurv": 52513, "infoRewards": 120920, "travTrain": 21697, "commPrograms": 1645, "salaryOvertime": 74619, "other": 38098, "commComp": 372994, "buildImprov": 20768 }]
"aid": "CA0190N00",
"aname": "Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority Police",
"total": 556124,
[{ "weapons": 96807, "salaryOvertime": 2466, "other": 322722, "commComp": 134130 }]
"aid": "CA0040000",
"aname": "Butte County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 190679,
[{ "weapons": 16095, "travTrain": 2259, "other": 172325 }]
"aid": "CA0041000",
"aname": "Butte Interagency Narcotics Task Force (Bintf)",
"total": 251807,
[{ "weapons": 4210, "electronicSurv": 9375, "infoRewards": 2020, "travTrain": 14525, "salaryOvertime": 104380, "other": 13939, "commComp": 6049, "buildImprov": 97310 }]
"aid": "CA0130200",
"aname": "Calexico Police Department",
"total": 2110623,
[{ "weapons": 92465, "electronicSurv": 50490, "infoRewards": 51200, "travTrain": 43832, "commPrograms": 52444, "salaryOvertime": 7926, "other": 1341642, "commComp": 393253, "buildImprov": 77371 }]
"aid": "CA0340356",
"aname": "California Department Of Corrections And Rehabilit",
"total": 251805,
[{ "weapons": 198268, "travTrain": 13676, "other": 32661, "commComp": 7200 }]
"aid": "CA0341900",
"aname": "California Department Of Fish And Game",
"total": 51096,
[{ "other": 51096 }]
"aid": "CA0343000",
"aname": "California Dept Of Alcoholic Beverage Control",
"total": 605011,
[{ "weapons": 145363, "electronicSurv": 23436, "other": 175535, "commComp": 260678 }]
"aid": "CA0349496",
"aname": "California Doj - Division Of Law Enforcement",
"total": 13117338,
[{ "infoRewards": 97456, "travTrain": 165716, "salaryOvertime": 1215174, "other": 9020414, "commComp": 113434, "buildImprov": 2505145 }]
"aid": "CAQNGCD27",
"aname": "California National Guard Counterdrug Task Force",
"total": 79993,
[{ "travTrain": 823, "commPrograms": 14338, "other": 64832 }]
"aid": "CA0072900",
"aname": "Central Contra Costa County Narcotic Enforce Team",
"total": 148320,
[{ "weapons": 3000, "infoRewards": 122479, "other": 11431, "commComp": 2000, "buildImprov": 9409 }]
"aid": "CA0370200",
"aname": "Chula Vista Police Department",
"total": 1390938,
[{ "weapons": 104195, "electronicSurv": 13657, "infoRewards": 66866, "travTrain": 530, "salaryOvertime": 16502, "other": 1040263, "commComp": 28091, "buildImprov": 120833 }]
"aid": "CA0190600",
"aname": "City Of Baldwin Park Police Department",
"total": 4868575,
[{ "weapons": 199501, "electronicSurv": 107119, "infoRewards": 65000, "travTrain": 118358, "salaryOvertime": 963269, "other": 2340979, "commComp": 874349, "buildImprov": 200000 }]
"aid": "CA0330200",
"aname": "City Of Beaumont Police Department",
"total": 104078,
[{ "weapons": 21008, "electronicSurv": 14440, "commComp": 68630 }]
"aid": "CA0191200",
"aname": "City Of Burbank - Burbank Police Department",
"total": 443888,
[{ "weapons": 13858, "electronicSurv": 25714, "other": 189697, "commComp": 214619 }]
"aid": "CA0370100",
"aname": "City Of Carlsbad Police Department",
"total": 913890,
[{ "weapons": 69827, "electronicSurv": 39219, "travTrain": 6080, "other": 608525, "commComp": 190238 }]
"aid": "CA0360200",
"aname": "City Of Chino police Department",
"total": 591333,
[{ "weapons": 106611, "infoRewards": 101385, "travTrain": 60892, "salaryOvertime": 26702, "other": 256614, "commComp": 39130 }]
"aid": "CA0370300",
"aname": "City Of Coronado Police Department",
"total": 285486,
[{ "weapons": 29927, "infoRewards": 750, "travTrain": 91434, "commComp": 163376 }]
"aid": "CA0192800",
"aname": "City Of Hawthorne Police Department",
"total": 3014930,
[{ "weapons": 268992, "electronicSurv": 273004, "infoRewards": 29000, "travTrain": 129849, "salaryOvertime": 279068, "other": 1730580, "commComp": 260306, "buildImprov": 44129 }]
"aid": "CA0193300",
"aname": "City Of Inglewood Police Department",
"total": 1403889,
[{ "weapons": 276241, "electronicSurv": 21852, "travTrain": 65389, "salaryOvertime": 190511, "other": 425488, "commComp": 161213, "buildImprov": 263194 }]
"aid": "CA0193400",
"aname": "City Of Irwindale Police Department",
"total": 410429,
[{ "weapons": 34361, "electronicSurv": 45493, "infoRewards": 1350, "travTrain": 10228, "commPrograms": 3278, "salaryOvertime": 24537, "other": 193834, "commComp": 97167, "buildImprov": 180 }]
"aid": "CAEQ01920",
"aname": "City Of Lancaster/Contract LASD",
"total": 30107,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 30107 }]
"aid": "CA0194800",
"aname": "City Of Monterey Park Police Department",
"total": 494297,
[{ "weapons": 14933, "electronicSurv": 34185, "travTrain": 20204, "salaryOvertime": 26568, "other": 135431, "commComp": 262976 }]
"aid": "CA0334200",
"aname": "City Of Murrieta Police Department",
"total": 341553,
[{ "weapons": 17997, "electronicSurv": 28119, "travTrain": 39868, "commPrograms": 57440, "other": 198129 }]
"aid": "CA0301400",
"aname": "City Of Newport Beach Police Department",
"total": 170053,
[{ "weapons": 37694, "electronicSurv": 38495, "travTrain": 8917, "other": 80710, "commComp": 4236 }]
"aid": "CA0194900",
"aname": "City Of Norwalk/contract LASD",
"total": 63677,
[{ "electronicSurv": 53465, "commComp": 10212 }]
"aid": "CA0010900",
"aname": "City Of Oakland Police Department",
"total": 2974454,
[{ "electronicSurv": 53776, "infoRewards": 197244, "travTrain": 51497, "commPrograms": 194221, "salaryOvertime": 1200113, "other": 877777, "commComp": 60469, "buildImprov": 339357 }]
"aid": "CA0331100",
"aname": "City Of Palm Springs Police Department",
"total": 1005399,
[{ "weapons": 146175, "electronicSurv": 37901, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 20406, "salaryOvertime": 41647, "other": 519820, "commComp": 158170, "buildImprov": 78278 }]
"aid": "CA0190015",
"aname": "City Of Pico Rivera/Contract Lasd",
"total": 71784,
[{ "other": 71784 }]
"aid": "CA0071000",
"aname": "City Of Richmond Police Department",
"total": 235388,
[{ "weapons": 12043, "electronicSurv": 146996, "travTrain": 26754, "commComp": 49594 }]
"aid": "CA0560800",
"aname": "City Of San Buenaventura Police Department",
"total": 99845,
[{ "weapons": 9144, "electronicSurv": 11363, "infoRewards": 32437, "travTrain": 42846, "other": 3600, "commComp": 455 }]
"aid": "CA0196200",
"aname": "City Of San Gabriel Police Department",
"total": 47136,
[{ "commComp": 47136 }]
"aid": "CA0431300",
"aname": "City Of San Jose Police Department",
"total": 522563,
[{ "weapons": 244468, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 6265, "salaryOvertime": 78128, "other": 173703 }]
"aid": "CA0560900",
"aname": "City Of Simi Valley Police Department",
"total": 367814,
[{ "weapons": 27702, "electronicSurv": 82734, "infoRewards": 58890, "travTrain": 9144, "salaryOvertime": 82994, "other": 30578, "commComp": 75772 }]
"aid": "CA0197300",
"aname": "City Of Vernon Police Department",
"total": 950067,
[{ "weapons": 6945, "travTrain": 29978, "commPrograms": 940, "salaryOvertime": 140546, "other": 383996, "commComp": 377676, "buildImprov": 9986 }]
"aid": "CA0540700",
"aname": "City Of Visalia Police Department",
"total": 126995,
[{ "infoRewards": 15769, "commPrograms": 11648, "other": 99577 }]
"aid": "CA0190042",
"aname": "City of Compton / Contract Lasd",
"total": 35550,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 15559, "other": 11780, "commComp": 8211 }]
"aid": "CA0490100",
"aname": "Cloverdale Police Department",
"total": 77053,
[{ "other": 77053 }]
"aid": "CA0100100",
"aname": "Clovis Police Department",
"total": 211540,
[{ "weapons": 21000, "electronicSurv": 15862, "travTrain": 68124, "commPrograms": 2000, "other": 46574, "commComp": 57980 }]
"aid": "CA0100200",
"aname": "Coalinga Police Department",
"total": 94965,
[{ "weapons": 33912, "electronicSurv": 5506, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 2870, "salaryOvertime": 2587, "other": 36568, "commComp": 7242, "buildImprov": 4280 }]
"aid": "CA0360300",
"aname": "Colton Police Department",
"total": 1166606,
[{ "travTrain": 1450, "other": 410756, "commComp": 730806, "buildImprov": 23594 }]
"aid": "CA0070400",
"aname": "Concord Police Department",
"total": 289279,
[{ "electronicSurv": 130843, "other": 20735, "commComp": 137701 }]
"aid": "CA007013A",
"aname": "Contra Costa County District Attorney",
"total": 314345,
[{ "weapons": 7428, "electronicSurv": 7404, "travTrain": 69556, "other": 91958, "commComp": 138000 }]
"aid": "CA0070000",
"aname": "Contra Costa County Office Of The Sheriff",
"total": 156454,
[{ "other": 156454 }]
"aid": "CA0331500",
"aname": "Corona Police Department",
"total": 612825,
[{ "weapons": 36340, "electronicSurv": 28371, "infoRewards": 41567, "travTrain": 55742, "other": 250821, "commComp": 155355, "buildImprov": 44629 }]
"aid": "CA0300400",
"aname": "Costa Mesa Police Department",
"total": 4574489,
[{ "weapons": 13975, "electronicSurv": 348477, "infoRewards": 316690, "travTrain": 38778, "salaryOvertime": 1038213, "other": 859017, "commComp": 1876126, "buildImprov": 83212 }]
"aid": "CA037023A",
"aname": "County Of San Diego District Attorney's Office",
"total": 2340342,
[{ "weapons": 19769, "electronicSurv": 31391, "infoRewards": 10163, "travTrain": 444450, "commPrograms": 369828, "salaryOvertime": 604568, "other": 383268, "commComp": 265023, "buildImprov": 211880 }]
"aid": "CA0400000",
"aname": "County Of San Luis Obispo Sheriff-Coroner",
"total": 415786,
[{ "weapons": 91116, "infoRewards": 30000, "other": 294670 }]
"aid": "CA0191800",
"aname": "Culver City Police Department",
"total": 669855,
[{ "electronicSurv": 42266, "travTrain": 8898, "other": 561429, "commComp": 56588, "buildImprov": 674 }]
"aid": "CA0300500",
"aname": "Cypress Police Department",
"total": 868487,
[{ "weapons": 94651, "electronicSurv": 23644, "travTrain": 8894, "other": 314737, "commComp": 179683, "buildImprov": 246878 }]
"aid": "CA0410610",
"aname": "Daly City Police Department",
"total": 160836,
[{ "weapons": 87029, "travTrain": 2147, "other": 47158, "commComp": 24502 }]
"aid": "CA0080200",
"aname": "Del Norte County Sheriff's Drug Task Force",
"total": 44084,
[{ "travTrain": 6984, "salaryOvertime": 31255, "commComp": 5845 }]
"aid": "CA0349965",
"aname": "Department Of California Highway Patrol",
"total": 3176767,
[{ "electronicSurv": 298097, "travTrain": 401442, "salaryOvertime": 689925, "other": 1621085, "commComp": 166217 }]
"aid": "CA0192000",
"aname": "Downey Police Department",
"total": 5262100,
[{ "weapons": 60571, "electronicSurv": 278896, "infoRewards": 33649, "travTrain": 20652, "salaryOvertime": 1557413, "other": 1166776, "commComp": 1787663, "buildImprov": 356480 }]
"aid": "CA0013000",
"aname": "Dublin Police Services",
"total": 144146,
[{ "weapons": 472, "electronicSurv": 30949, "commComp": 112725 }]
"aid": "CA0370500",
"aname": "El Cajon Police Department",
"total": 691591,
[{ "weapons": 184919, "electronicSurv": 25346, "infoRewards": 113000, "travTrain": 150219, "commPrograms": 2000, "other": 195561, "commComp": 20546 }]
"aid": "CA0130400",
"aname": "El Centro Police Department",
"total": 3046419,
[{ "weapons": 102593, "electronicSurv": 9827, "travTrain": 165678, "commPrograms": 99834, "salaryOvertime": 128957, "other": 1499878, "commComp": 197096, "buildImprov": 842555 }]
"aid": "CA0090000",
"aname": "El Dorado County Sheriff",
"total": 715287,
[{ "electronicSurv": 285, "infoRewards": 20000, "salaryOvertime": 433901, "other": 12472, "commComp": 151731, "buildImprov": 96898 }]
"aid": "CA0192200",
"aname": "El Monte Police Department",
"total": 3324310,
[{ "weapons": 98495, "electronicSurv": 43761, "infoRewards": 7817, "travTrain": 171768, "commPrograms": 12608, "salaryOvertime": 630824, "other": 1713393, "commComp": 445837, "buildImprov": 199808 }]
"aid": "CA0192300",
"aname": "El Segundo Police Department",
"total": 400483,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 395439, "other": 5044 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00257",
"aname": "Elk Grove Police Department",
"total": 133893,
[{ "weapons": 64908, "electronicSurv": 30390, "commPrograms": 10004, "other": 12782, "commComp": 15810 }]
"aid": "CA0370600",
"aname": "Escondido Police Department",
"total": 806504,
[{ "weapons": 145477, "electronicSurv": 4002, "infoRewards": 6800, "travTrain": 38634, "salaryOvertime": 100000, "other": 308839, "commComp": 202752 }]
"aid": "CA0120300",
"aname": "Eureka Police Department",
"total": 37472,
[{ "travTrain": 8604, "commComp": 28868 }]
"aid": "CA0540300",
"aname": "Farmersville Police Department",
"total": 124513,
[{ "weapons": 55048, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 12925, "other": 36877, "commComp": 18111, "buildImprov": 553 }]
"aid": "CA0360400",
"aname": "Fontana Police Department",
"total": 2358982,
[{ "weapons": 13392, "electronicSurv": 9376, "infoRewards": 23300, "travTrain": 10000, "commPrograms": 7370, "salaryOvertime": 285500, "other": 1868493, "commComp": 130747, "buildImprov": 10804 }]
"aid": "CA0120500",
"aname": "Fortuna Police Department",
"total": 65559,
[{ "weapons": 3397, "infoRewards": 324, "other": 49769, "commComp": 12069 }]
"aid": "CA0300700",
"aname": "Fountain Valley Police Department",
"total": 1061277,
[{ "weapons": 20107, "infoRewards": 15311, "travTrain": 8408, "other": 9053, "commComp": 985598, "buildImprov": 22800 }]
"aid": "CA0010500",
"aname": "Fremont Police Department",
"total": 32485,
[{ "electronicSurv": 32485 }]
"aid": "CA010023A",
"aname": "Fresno County District Attorney",
"total": 126922,
[{ "weapons": 11981, "travTrain": 68536, "other": 24771, "commComp": 21633 }]
"aid": "CA0100000",
"aname": "Fresno County Sheriff",
"total": 4640555,
[{ "weapons": 868059, "electronicSurv": 1693916, "infoRewards": 25000, "travTrain": 170630, "commPrograms": 3625, "salaryOvertime": 837679, "other": 534837, "commComp": 449554, "buildImprov": 57254 }]
"aid": "CA0100500",
"aname": "Fresno Police Department",
"total": 5404221,
[{ "weapons": 53445, "infoRewards": 555797, "travTrain": 126406, "other": 4623278, "commComp": 45294 }]
"aid": "CA0300800",
"aname": "Fullerton Police Department",
"total": 1081046,
[{ "weapons": 67606, "electronicSurv": 610, "travTrain": 57560, "commPrograms": 10596, "salaryOvertime": 486903, "other": 206972, "commComp": 236662, "buildImprov": 14137 }]
"aid": "CA0300900",
"aname": "Garden Grove Police Department.",
"total": 170146,
[{ "electronicSurv": 276, "travTrain": 6000, "salaryOvertime": 149938, "other": 8271, "commComp": 2550, "buildImprov": 3110 }]
"aid": "CA0192400",
"aname": "Gardena Police Department",
"total": 2702258,
[{ "weapons": 117510, "electronicSurv": 266665, "infoRewards": 391250, "travTrain": 46565, "salaryOvertime": 144122, "other": 932554, "commComp": 284276, "buildImprov": 519316 }]
"aid": "CA0430400",
"aname": "Gilroy Police Departement",
"total": 32114,
[{ "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 30114 }]
"aid": "CA0192500",
"aname": "Glendale Police Department (California)",
"total": 2513545,
[{ "weapons": 6049, "electronicSurv": 3754, "salaryOvertime": 1075808, "other": 1085839, "commComp": 335707, "buildImprov": 6387 }]
"aid": "CA0192600",
"aname": "Glendora Police Department",
"total": 1451814,
[{ "weapons": 76465, "electronicSurv": 9905, "infoRewards": 7000, "salaryOvertime": 758406, "other": 16769, "commComp": 583268 }]
"aid": "CA0290100",
"aname": "Grass Valley Police Department",
"total": 74241,
[{ "weapons": 2635, "other": 16306, "commComp": 55300 }]
"aid": "CA0010600",
"aname": "Hayward Police Department",
"total": 78269,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3915, "other": 45662, "commComp": 27143, "buildImprov": 1548 }]
"aid": "CA0330800",
"aname": "Hemet Police Department",
"total": 159994,
[{ "weapons": 30546, "electronicSurv": 4509, "infoRewards": 16000, "travTrain": 56236, "salaryOvertime": 16677, "other": 23480, "commComp": 12546 }]
"aid": "CA0192900",
"aname": "Hermosa Beach Police Department",
"total": 113267,
[{ "other": 113267 }]
"aid": "CA0121200",
"aname": "Humboldt County Drug Task Force",
"total": 441477,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4897, "other": 322013, "commComp": 23260, "buildImprov": 91308 }]
"aid": "CA0120000",
"aname": "Humboldt County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 100000,
[{ "commComp": 100000 }]
"aid": "CA0301000",
"aname": "Huntington Beach Police Department",
"total": 241837,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14787, "travTrain": 3163, "other": 31679, "commComp": 92710, "buildImprov": 99500 }]
"aid": "CA0193100",
"aname": "Huntington Park Police Department",
"total": 861398,
[{ "weapons": 47909, "electronicSurv": 7377, "infoRewards": 156748, "travTrain": 7511, "commPrograms": 144058, "salaryOvertime": 40222, "other": 226451, "commComp": 39028, "buildImprov": 192094 }]
"aid": "CA013013A",
"aname": "Imperial County District Attorney",
"total": 1183517,
[{ "weapons": 29364, "electronicSurv": 6175, "travTrain": 205488, "commPrograms": 9128, "salaryOvertime": 88589, "other": 560995, "commComp": 103844, "buildImprov": 179934 }]
"aid": "CA0131000",
"aname": "Imperial County Narcotic Task Force",
"total": 3970606,
[{ "weapons": 67661, "electronicSurv": 55820, "infoRewards": 172132, "travTrain": 394616, "commPrograms": 71959, "salaryOvertime": 7485, "other": 2672778, "commComp": 528156 }]
"aid": "CA013023G",
"aname": "Imperial County Probation",
"total": 474540,
[{ "travTrain": 14955, "commPrograms": 4789, "other": 93839, "commComp": 359261, "buildImprov": 1697 }]
"aid": "CA0130000",
"aname": "Imperial County Sheriff's Coroner Marshall",
"total": 4742475,
[{ "weapons": 356547, "electronicSurv": 9637, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 595631, "commPrograms": 3192, "salaryOvertime": 2039518, "other": 788918, "commComp": 907398, "buildImprov": 21634 }]
"aid": "CA0130600",
"aname": "Imperial Police Department",
"total": 1080115,
[{ "weapons": 47951, "electronicSurv": 31875, "travTrain": 13441, "commPrograms": 1500, "salaryOvertime": 349753, "other": 424612, "commComp": 151994, "buildImprov": 58989 }]
"aid": "CA0330900",
"aname": "Indio Police Department",
"total": 289052,
[{ "travTrain": 35018, "other": 206664, "commComp": 22820, "buildImprov": 24550 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00281",
"aname": "Inland Crackdown Allied Task Force (Inca)",
"total": 2116604,
[{ "weapons": 81848, "electronicSurv": 58887, "infoRewards": 774143, "travTrain": 315317, "commPrograms": 7165, "salaryOvertime": 132483, "other": 133072, "commComp": 522272, "buildImprov": 91418 }]
"aid": "CA0360075",
"aname": "Inland Regional Narcotics Enforcement Team/IRNET",
"total": 8205129,
[{ "weapons": 6971, "electronicSurv": 136560, "infoRewards": 1532799, "travTrain": 192319, "salaryOvertime": 1112708, "other": 4183123, "commComp": 965616, "buildImprov": 75034 }]
"aid": "CA0302600",
"aname": "Irvine Police Department",
"total": 545200,
[{ "weapons": 86149, "electronicSurv": 142553, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 35545, "other": 1619, "commComp": 277334 }]
"aid": "CA0150000",
"aname": "Kern County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1010388,
[{ "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 493061, "commComp": 66661, "buildImprov": 440666 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00068",
"aname": "Kings County Narcotic Task Force",
"total": 292051,
[{ "weapons": 5274, "electronicSurv": 13750, "infoRewards": 11000, "travTrain": 39006, "other": 145869, "commComp": 45750, "buildImprov": 31403 }]
"aid": "CA0192KOX",
"aname": "L.A. Impact",
"total": 16217608,
[{ "weapons": 9688, "electronicSurv": 508664, "infoRewards": 593801, "travTrain": 42433, "commPrograms": 3120, "salaryOvertime": 2691165, "other": 11904908, "commComp": 398198, "buildImprov": 65631 }]
"aid": "CA0301200",
"aname": "La Habra Police Department",
"total": 1276974,
[{ "weapons": 14077, "electronicSurv": 21794, "travTrain": 4200, "salaryOvertime": 142400, "other": 184515, "buildImprov": 909988 }]
"aid": "CA0370800",
"aname": "La Mesa Police Department",
"total": 436152,
[{ "weapons": 600, "electronicSurv": 27868, "infoRewards": 7760, "other": 25400, "commComp": 21580, "buildImprov": 352945 }]
"aid": "CA0193800",
"aname": "La Verne Police Department",
"total": 4174891,
[{ "weapons": 47411, "electronicSurv": 32565, "infoRewards": 1387393, "travTrain": 1950, "salaryOvertime": 2174402, "other": 172913, "commComp": 96764, "buildImprov": 261492 }]
"aid": "CA0301100",
"aname": "Laguna Beach Police Department",
"total": 142777,
[{ "weapons": 20172, "electronicSurv": 10540, "other": 19074, "commComp": 92992 }]
"aid": "CA0170000",
"aname": "Lake County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 321399,
[{ "weapons": 52879, "travTrain": 106250, "commPrograms": 4450, "commComp": 54144, "buildImprov": 103677 }]
"aid": "CA0363600",
"aname": "Lawa/Ontario International Airport Police",
"total": 128085,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 94901, "commComp": 7843, "buildImprov": 25340 }]
"aid": "CA0010700",
"aname": "Livermore Police Department",
"total": 401574,
[{ "weapons": 111366, "electronicSurv": 36874, "other": 144322, "commComp": 109012 }]
"aid": "CA0194100",
"aname": "Long Beach Police Department",
"total": 4629292,
[{ "weapons": 245527, "electronicSurv": 43312, "infoRewards": 34330, "other": 3952688, "buildImprov": 353436 }]
"aid": "CA0301300",
"aname": "Los Alamitos Police Department",
"total": 92436,
[{ "weapons": 4009, "electronicSurv": 17906, "commComp": 57509, "buildImprov": 13012 }]
"aid": "CA019153A",
"aname": "Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 5410366,
[{ "weapons": 185801, "travTrain": 980035, "salaryOvertime": 769712, "other": 2476455, "commComp": 998362 }]
"aid": "CA019013G",
"aname": "Los Angeles County Probation Department",
"total": 231868,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 231868 }]
"aid": "CA0190036",
"aname": "Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 18665206,
[{ "weapons": 2914990, "electronicSurv": 3997068, "infoRewards": 1550557, "travTrain": 174199, "salaryOvertime": 1538373, "other": 3319424, "commComp": 5059851, "buildImprov": 110744 }]
"aid": "CA0194200",
"aname": "Los Angeles Police Department",
"total": 19457554,
[{ "infoRewards": 1109527, "travTrain": 836264, "other": 139673, "commComp": 13003359, "buildImprov": 4368730 }]
"aid": "CA0198800",
"aname": "Los Angeles Port Police Department",
"total": 396230,
[{ "electronicSurv": 46607, "other": 216818, "commComp": 40782, "buildImprov": 92022 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00292",
"aname": "Los Angles World Airports - Police Division",
"total": 433019,
[{ "other": 433019 }]
"aid": "CA020013A",
"aname": "Madera County District Attorney",
"total": 66908,
[{ "travTrain": 28369, "commComp": 33997, "buildImprov": 4542 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00107",
"aname": "Madera County Narcotic Enforcement Team (Madnet)",
"total": 102634,
[{ "travTrain": 24929, "other": 22035, "commComp": 55670 }]
"aid": "CA0200200",
"aname": "Madera Police Department",
"total": 100718,
[{ "weapons": 32349, "electronicSurv": 4360, "infoRewards": 9706, "travTrain": 6815, "other": 5940, "commComp": 36873, "buildImprov": 4676 }]
"aid": "CA0194400",
"aname": "Manhattan Beach Police Department",
"total": 40162,
[{ "weapons": 7620, "commPrograms": 3000, "other": 26543, "commComp": 2999 }]
"aid": "CA0210000",
"aname": "Marin County Sheriff-Coroner's Office",
"total": 59635,
[{ "other": 59635 }]
"aid": "CA0211600",
"aname": "Marin Major Crimes Task Force",
"total": 1161201,
[{ "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 718, "salaryOvertime": 290950, "other": 846450, "commComp": 3084 }]
"aid": "CA0342800",
"aname": "Medical Board Of California",
"total": 243044,
[{ "weapons": 75497, "electronicSurv": 106671, "travTrain": 4358, "other": 31615, "commComp": 24903 }]
"aid": "CA0230000",
"aname": "Mendocino County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1663673,
[{ "weapons": 8097, "electronicSurv": 9920, "travTrain": 16746, "commPrograms": 10215, "salaryOvertime": 262000, "other": 803420, "commComp": 536114, "buildImprov": 17161 }]
"aid": "CA0230700",
"aname": "Mendocino Major Crimes Task Force",
"total": 134661,
[{ "weapons": 25656, "electronicSurv": 11682, "infoRewards": 13000, "travTrain": 53625, "salaryOvertime": 6073, "commComp": 23300, "buildImprov": 1325 }]
"aid": "CA0410900",
"aname": "Menlo Park Police Department",
"total": 38619,
[{ "weapons": 6182, "electronicSurv": 7875, "infoRewards": 11385, "commPrograms": 6609, "other": 3662, "commComp": 2906 }]
"aid": "CA024013A",
"aname": "Merced County District Attorney",
"total": 62764,
[{ "weapons": 6810, "travTrain": 8500, "other": 15739, "commComp": 14000, "buildImprov": 17715 }]
"aid": "CA0240000",
"aname": "Merced County Sheriff",
"total": 819512,
[{ "travTrain": 35477, "commPrograms": 32500, "other": 599906, "commComp": 28067, "buildImprov": 123563 }]
"aid": "CA0241100",
"aname": "Merced Multi-Agency Narcotic Task Force",
"total": 225253,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2705, "other": 217065, "commComp": 5483 }]
"aid": "CA0240600",
"aname": "Merced Police Department",
"total": 217350,
[{ "weapons": 43062, "electronicSurv": 4914, "travTrain": 6909, "salaryOvertime": 107552, "other": 10761, "commComp": 35225, "buildImprov": 8926 }]
"aid": "CA0500200",
"aname": "Modesto Police Department",
"total": 89921,
[{ "electronicSurv": 57270, "other": 32651 }]
"aid": "CA0194600",
"aname": "Monrovia Police Department",
"total": 879855,
[{ "travTrain": 36370, "salaryOvertime": 231849, "other": 463208, "commComp": 148429 }]
"aid": "CA0360500",
"aname": "Montclair Police Department",
"total": 171733,
[{ "other": 50604, "commComp": 5129, "buildImprov": 116000 }]
"aid": "CA0194700",
"aname": "Montebello Police Department",
"total": 2469952,
[{ "weapons": 115529, "electronicSurv": 8000, "infoRewards": 200000, "commPrograms": 30000, "salaryOvertime": 450000, "other": 883464, "commComp": 747958, "buildImprov": 35000 }]
"aid": "CA0270000",
"aname": "Monterey County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 499186,
[{ "other": 499186 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00315",
"aname": "Mountain And Valley Marijuana Investigation Team",
"total": 488003,
[{ "weapons": 78918, "electronicSurv": 21698, "infoRewards": 50647, "travTrain": 22191, "commPrograms": 1874, "salaryOvertime": 93806, "other": 28808, "commComp": 80086, "buildImprov": 109976 }]
"aid": "CA0431100",
"aname": "Mountain View Police Department",
"total": 48292,
[{ "weapons": 7517, "electronicSurv": 35338, "infoRewards": 2237, "travTrain": 3200 }]
"aid": "CA0280000",
"aname": "Napa County Sheriff's Department (N.S. I. B.)",
"total": 63182,
[{ "weapons": 15167, "electronicSurv": 10000, "travTrain": 5000, "salaryOvertime": 23014, "commComp": 10000 }]
"aid": "CA0370900",
"aname": "National City Police Department",
"total": 617897,
[{ "weapons": 16465, "electronicSurv": 37296, "infoRewards": 9000, "travTrain": 19026, "commPrograms": 16085, "other": 497242, "commComp": 8654, "buildImprov": 14130 }]
"aid": "CA0290200",
"aname": "Nevada City Police Deptarment",
"total": 46652,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1117, "travTrain": 4846, "commPrograms": 725, "salaryOvertime": 39965 }]
"aid": "CA0290000",
"aname": "Nevada County Shriff's Office",
"total": 282667,
[{ "weapons": 11322, "electronicSurv": 16036, "infoRewards": 11072, "travTrain": 16019, "other": 118810, "commComp": 39534, "buildImprov": 69874 }]
"aid": "CA0013300",
"aname": "Oakland Housing Authority Police Department",
"total": 63401,
[{ "weapons": 3719, "electronicSurv": 10177, "infoRewards": 5343, "travTrain": 4386, "other": 39776 }]
"aid": "CA0371000",
"aname": "Oceanside Police Department",
"total": 1150201,
[{ "weapons": 13575, "electronicSurv": 13738, "travTrain": 16605, "other": 999963, "commComp": 51697, "buildImprov": 54623 }]
"aid": "CA019691A",
"aname": "Office Of The City Attorney City Of Los Angeles",
"total": 551098,
[{ "travTrain": 9212, "other": 273450, "commComp": 268436 }]
"aid": "CA0360700",
"aname": "Ontario Police Department",
"total": 1409680,
[{ "weapons": 199471, "electronicSurv": 54552, "infoRewards": 42788, "travTrain": 108513, "other": 348627, "commComp": 121023, "buildImprov": 534705 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00305",
"aname": "Orange Cnty Pro-Active Methamphetamine Lab Inv. TF",
"total": 337409,
[{ "travTrain": 93496, "salaryOvertime": 227216, "commComp": 16696 }]
"aid": "CA030013A",
"aname": "Orange County District Attorney",
"total": 1540287,
[{ "weapons": 7325, "electronicSurv": 11142, "infoRewards": 16855, "travTrain": 38315, "salaryOvertime": 185724, "other": 156891, "commComp": 363271, "buildImprov": 760764 }]
"aid": "CA0300000",
"aname": "Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department",
"total": 7713641,
[{ "weapons": 430735, "electronicSurv": 576204, "infoRewards": 8403, "travTrain": 605996, "commPrograms": 4702, "salaryOvertime": 2765633, "other": 954675, "commComp": 1238803, "buildImprov": 1128490 }]
"aid": "CA0301500",
"aname": "Orange Police Department",
"total": 1573809,
[{ "weapons": 140547, "electronicSurv": 31923, "infoRewards": 19800, "travTrain": 104352, "other": 514854, "commComp": 631529, "buildImprov": 130805 }]
"aid": "CA0560400",
"aname": "Oxnard Police Department",
"total": 741184,
[{ "weapons": 27776, "electronicSurv": 74994, "travTrain": 104806, "other": 123896, "commComp": 204983, "buildImprov": 204729 }]
"aid": "CA0195300",
"aname": "Pasadena Police Department",
"total": 1578806,
[{ "weapons": 122996, "electronicSurv": 3954, "infoRewards": 125217, "travTrain": 164376, "salaryOvertime": 12242, "other": 751240, "commComp": 134709, "buildImprov": 264072 }]
"aid": "CA0490800",
"aname": "Petaluma Police Department",
"total": 1288517,
[{ "weapons": 38735, "travTrain": 20384, "salaryOvertime": 93222, "other": 706667, "commComp": 413503, "buildImprov": 16006 }]
"aid": "CA0301600",
"aname": "Placentia Police Department",
"total": 635895,
[{ "weapons": 54004, "electronicSurv": 61265, "infoRewards": 44449, "travTrain": 79524, "commPrograms": 6324, "other": 87798, "commComp": 260597, "buildImprov": 41933 }]
"aid": "CA0310000",
"aname": "Placer County Sheriff-Coroner-Marshal",
"total": 73243,
[{ "weapons": 34822, "electronicSurv": 4330, "salaryOvertime": 30000, "commComp": 4091 }]
"aid": "CA0310800",
"aname": "Placer Special Investigation Unit",
"total": 224636,
[{ "weapons": 6538, "electronicSurv": 1932, "infoRewards": 22000, "travTrain": 22596, "commPrograms": 9956, "salaryOvertime": 89075, "other": 12549, "commComp": 34843, "buildImprov": 25147 }]
"aid": "CA0011100",
"aname": "Pleasanton Police Department",
"total": 98696,
[{ "travTrain": 6000, "other": 92696 }]
"aid": "CA0320000",
"aname": "Plumas County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 139978,
[{ "weapons": 4436, "electronicSurv": 30724, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 9100, "other": 80319, "commComp": 9399 }]
"aid": "CA0195500",
"aname": "Pomona Police Department",
"total": 9573795,
[{ "weapons": 153750, "electronicSurv": 77144, "infoRewards": 32125, "travTrain": 185563, "salaryOvertime": 3201467, "other": 4113136, "commComp": 1503509, "buildImprov": 307102 }]
"aid": "CA0540500",
"aname": "Porterville Police Department",
"total": 154347,
[{ "weapons": 12231, "electronicSurv": 932, "other": 25251, "commComp": 115892, "buildImprov": 42 }]
"aid": "CA0360800",
"aname": "Redlands Police Department",
"total": 1004001,
[{ "weapons": 116801, "electronicSurv": 73176, "travTrain": 23826, "other": 418026, "commComp": 275094, "buildImprov": 97080 }]
"aid": "CA0300045",
"aname": "Regional Narcotics Suppression Program",
"total": 32792113,
[{ "weapons": 1139, "electronicSurv": 537233, "infoRewards": 4253458, "travTrain": 1598977, "salaryOvertime": 6049390, "other": 16355508, "commComp": 489211, "buildImprov": 3507197 }]
"aid": "CA0360900",
"aname": "Rialto Police Department",
"total": 211607,
[{ "electronicSurv": 18312, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 11102, "commComp": 8829, "buildImprov": 163364 }]
"aid": "CA033013A",
"aname": "Riverside County District Attorney",
"total": 388430,
[{ "weapons": 75451, "infoRewards": 31293, "travTrain": 43448, "other": 44553, "commComp": 167919, "buildImprov": 25767 }]
"aid": "CA0330000",
"aname": "Riverside County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1838689,
[{ "infoRewards": 87548, "travTrain": 750, "other": 1735726, "commComp": 14665 }]
"aid": "CA0331300",
"aname": "Riverside Police Department",
"total": 5026141,
[{ "weapons": 273474, "electronicSurv": 64900, "infoRewards": 34440, "travTrain": 209253, "commPrograms": 13087, "other": 3522283, "commComp": 804302, "buildImprov": 104402 }]
"aid": "CA0490400",
"aname": "Rohnert Park Police Department",
"total": 34146,
[{ "weapons": 9741, "travTrain": 10036, "other": 14369 }]
"aid": "CA0310500",
"aname": "Roseville Police Department",
"total": 46221,
[{ "weapons": 470, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 2307, "salaryOvertime": 15000, "commComp": 18443 }]
"aid": "CA0210700",
"aname": "Ross Police Department",
"total": 34610,
[{ "other": 34610 }]
"aid": "CA034013A",
"aname": "Sacramento County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 101306,
[{ "travTrain": 1384, "salaryOvertime": 859, "other": 49142, "commComp": 8506, "buildImprov": 41415 }]
"aid": "CA0340000",
"aname": "Sacramento County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 781347,
[{ "weapons": 81154, "electronicSurv": 195073, "infoRewards": 24000, "travTrain": 20230, "salaryOvertime": 116636, "other": 75679, "commComp": 268575 }]
"aid": "CA0340400",
"aname": "Sacramento Police Department",
"total": 1803128,
[{ "weapons": 353592, "electronicSurv": 1372040, "travTrain": 8000, "commComp": 69496 }]
"aid": "CA0361000",
"aname": "San Bernardino City Police Department",
"total": 2072537,
[{ "weapons": 255805, "electronicSurv": 10584, "infoRewards": 120000, "travTrain": 78792, "other": 55983, "commComp": 804064, "buildImprov": 747308 }]
"aid": "CA0365500",
"aname": "San Bernardino Cnty Westend Narcotic Enfrcmnt Team",
"total": 538141,
[{ "weapons": 9378, "electronicSurv": 50235, "infoRewards": 5038, "travTrain": 14782, "salaryOvertime": 45395, "other": 321722, "commComp": 15383, "buildImprov": 76209 }]
"aid": "CA036023A",
"aname": "San Bernardino County District Attorney",
"total": 1382936,
[{ "travTrain": 393384, "other": 313637, "commComp": 379636, "buildImprov": 296279 }]
"aid": "CA0360000",
"aname": "San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 12166210,
[{ "weapons": 2478203, "electronicSurv": 2077489, "infoRewards": 401800, "salaryOvertime": 52956, "other": 1823424, "commComp": 3535399, "buildImprov": 1796939 }]
"aid": "CA0370000",
"aname": "San Diego County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 6514834,
[{ "weapons": 305695, "electronicSurv": 448367, "infoRewards": 136847, "travTrain": 517266, "commPrograms": 50000, "salaryOvertime": 623094, "other": 830242, "commComp": 170159, "buildImprov": 3433164 }]
"aid": "CA0371100",
"aname": "San Diego Police Department",
"total": 9179271,
[{ "travTrain": 61835, "other": 5742236, "buildImprov": 3375200 }]
"aid": "CA037013G",
"aname": "San Diego Probation Department",
"total": 307506,
[{ "weapons": 140339, "electronicSurv": 53785, "travTrain": 34562, "commPrograms": 699, "other": 78121 }]
"aid": "CA0371400",
"aname": "San Diego State University Police Department",
"total": 138863,
[{ "weapons": 20978, "travTrain": 6032, "other": 80012, "commComp": 31842 }]
"aid": "CA0371500",
"aname": "San Diego Unified Port District Harbor Police",
"total": 418118,
[{ "weapons": 230782, "electronicSurv": 31981, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 21100, "other": 36852, "commComp": 6762, "buildImprov": 89141 }]
"aid": "CA0196100",
"aname": "San Fernando Police Department",
"total": 473556,
[{ "weapons": 38491, "salaryOvertime": 1001, "other": 63648, "commComp": 370416 }]
"aid": "CA0380100",
"aname": "San Francisco Police Department",
"total": 4224192,
[{ "weapons": 660149, "electronicSurv": 66118, "travTrain": 6989, "commPrograms": 31200, "other": 1470142, "commComp": 639609, "buildImprov": 1349985 }]
"aid": "CA0412500",
"aname": "San Francisco Police Department-Airport Bureau",
"total": 586252,
[{ "weapons": 16831, "electronicSurv": 318642, "other": 221837, "commComp": 28942 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00097",
"aname": "San Joaquin County Metropolitan Narcotics",
"total": 664880,
[{ "infoRewards": 354399, "travTrain": 10660, "other": 272353, "commComp": 27468 }]
"aid": "CA0011200",
"aname": "San Leandro Police Department",
"total": 278478,
[{ "travTrain": 18075, "other": 171507, "commComp": 88896 }]
"aid": "CA0401500",
"aname": "San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 194854,
[{ "weapons": 5877, "electronicSurv": 560, "salaryOvertime": 139528, "other": 28387, "commComp": 20501 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00035",
"aname": "San Mateo County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 1313957,
[{ "electronicSurv": 179, "travTrain": 38564, "other": 1275214 }]
"aid": "CA0410000",
"aname": "San Mateo County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 336245,
[{ "weapons": 13783, "electronicSurv": 33285, "infoRewards": 15500, "other": 126041, "commComp": 85069, "buildImprov": 62567 }]
"aid": "CA0210900",
"aname": "San Rafael Police Department",
"total": 64431,
[{ "weapons": 34207, "other": 28216, "commComp": 1317, "buildImprov": 690 }]
"aid": "CA0301900",
"aname": "Santa Ana Police Department",
"total": 4804484,
[{ "weapons": 438042, "electronicSurv": 27716, "infoRewards": 23404, "commPrograms": 20938, "salaryOvertime": 3145601, "other": 349253, "commComp": 494373, "buildImprov": 305157 }]
"aid": "CA042013A",
"aname": "Santa Barbara County District Attorney",
"total": 49492,
[{ "commComp": 49492 }]
"aid": "CA0420000",
"aname": "Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 351787,
[{ "weapons": 30656, "electronicSurv": 22885, "commPrograms": 4700, "other": 221481, "commComp": 31107, "buildImprov": 40958 }]
"aid": "CA0420990",
"aname": "Santa Barbara Regional Narcotics Enforcement Team",
"total": 859706,
[{ "weapons": 1959, "electronicSurv": 16336, "infoRewards": 31705, "travTrain": 81876, "salaryOvertime": 150073, "other": 213837, "commComp": 115224, "buildImprov": 248696 }]
"aid": "CA043013G",
"aname": "Santa Clara County - Probation Department",
"total": 488304,
[{ "weapons": 74836, "travTrain": 6781, "commPrograms": 23140, "salaryOvertime": 330130, "other": 53417 }]
"aid": "CA043013A",
"aname": "Santa Clara County District Attorney",
"total": 460590,
[{ "electronicSurv": 207728, "other": 1934, "commComp": 250928 }]
"aid": "CA0432600",
"aname": "Santa Clara County Specialized Enforcement Team",
"total": 488759,
[{ "weapons": 14211, "electronicSurv": 29313, "travTrain": 190223, "salaryOvertime": 16211, "other": 68040, "commComp": 60140, "buildImprov": 110621 }]
"aid": "CA0431400",
"aname": "Santa Clara Police Department",
"total": 109768,
[{ "weapons": 11027, "infoRewards": 70505, "travTrain": 28131, "commPrograms": 104 }]
"aid": "CA0440150",
"aname": "Santa Cruz County Anti-Crime Team",
"total": 57088,
[{ "electronicSurv": 13797, "travTrain": 36163, "salaryOvertime": 4261, "commComp": 2868 }]
"aid": "CA0440000",
"aname": "Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 397929,
[{ "other": 158484, "commComp": 235000, "buildImprov": 4445 }]
"aid": "CA0420400",
"aname": "Santa Maria Police Department",
"total": 30249,
[{ "weapons": 12980, "infoRewards": 3289, "other": 9797, "commComp": 4183 }]
"aid": "CA0196500",
"aname": "Santa Monica Police Department",
"total": 432794,
[{ "weapons": 44421, "commPrograms": 3000, "other": 56024, "commComp": 329349 }]
"aid": "CA0490500",
"aname": "Santa Rosa Police Department",
"total": 454000,
[{ "electronicSurv": 26196, "infoRewards": 33013, "travTrain": 59401, "salaryOvertime": 285585, "other": 31300, "commComp": 18505 }]
"aid": "CA045013A",
"aname": "Shasta County District Attorney",
"total": 312470,
[{ "weapons": 13751, "electronicSurv": 1025, "travTrain": 45846, "other": 90129, "commComp": 120975, "buildImprov": 40744 }]
"aid": "CA0450000",
"aname": "Shasta County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2579959,
[{ "weapons": 99415, "electronicSurv": 26834, "infoRewards": 89848, "travTrain": 70847, "salaryOvertime": 989308, "other": 706109, "commComp": 324174, "buildImprov": 273424 }]
"aid": "CA0450700",
"aname": "Shasta Interagency Task Force",
"total": 126324,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14244, "infoRewards": 27130, "travTrain": 13038, "other": 52184, "commComp": 19728 }]
"aid": "CA0470000",
"aname": "Siskiyou County Sheriffs Department",
"total": 171103,
[{ "weapons": 17135, "travTrain": 35434, "other": 117108, "commComp": 713, "buildImprov": 713 }]
"aid": "CA0480080",
"aname": "Solano County Narcotic Enforcement Team",
"total": 65971,
[{ "weapons": 3203, "travTrain": 10839, "other": 51928 }]
"aid": "CA0490000",
"aname": "Sonoma County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 498444,
[{ "weapons": 110000, "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 58997, "salaryOvertime": 125000, "other": 102598, "commComp": 24500, "buildImprov": 47349 }]
"aid": "CA0196900",
"aname": "South Gate Police Department",
"total": 5747492,
[{ "weapons": 284881, "electronicSurv": 203031, "infoRewards": 99502, "travTrain": 160860, "commPrograms": 18389, "salaryOvertime": 1799254, "other": 1465789, "commComp": 1547063, "buildImprov": 168723 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00286",
"aname": "South Lake El Dorado Narcotic Enforcement Team",
"total": 78001,
[{ "weapons": 676, "electronicSurv": 3454, "infoRewards": 22269, "travTrain": 15312, "commComp": 36290 }]
"aid": "CA0090200",
"aname": "South Lake Tahoe Police Department",
"total": 169155,
[{ "weapons": 1964, "salaryOvertime": 1557, "other": 92538, "commComp": 73097 }]
"aid": "CA0411700",
"aname": "South San Francisco Police Department",
"total": 1489802,
[{ "weapons": 383468, "electronicSurv": 246102, "infoRewards": 10640, "travTrain": 62606, "commPrograms": 18565, "other": 217506, "commComp": 378126, "buildImprov": 172788 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00109",
"aname": "Southern Alameda County Major Crimes Task Force",
"total": 248529,
[{ "weapons": 4239, "infoRewards": 32911, "travTrain": 40791, "salaryOvertime": 40792, "other": 101622, "commComp": 28174 }]
"aid": "CA0500000",
"aname": "Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 52141,
[{ "other": 48673, "commComp": 3467 }]
"aid": "CA0501800",
"aname": "Stanislaus Drug Enforcement Agency",
"total": 1519767,
[{ "weapons": 27508, "electronicSurv": 7652, "infoRewards": 45259, "travTrain": 466884, "salaryOvertime": 31259, "other": 259942, "commComp": 234900, "buildImprov": 446361 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00112",
"aname": "Stanislaus San Joaquin Meth Task Force",
"total": 82746,
[{ "other": 2000, "commComp": 80746 }]
"aid": "CA0390500",
"aname": "Stockton Police Department",
"total": 386348,
[{ "weapons": 265091, "electronicSurv": 18365, "infoRewards": 65000, "travTrain": 1009, "other": 15843, "commComp": 21039 }]
"aid": "CA0431600",
"aname": "Sunnyvale Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 448465,
[{ "weapons": 253, "electronicSurv": 14513, "infoRewards": 394, "travTrain": 30554, "salaryOvertime": 328, "other": 245327, "commComp": 152781, "buildImprov": 4316 }]
"aid": "CA01900V1",
"aname": "Taskforce for Regional Autotheft Prevention (TRAP)",
"total": 61107,
[{ "other": 61107 }]
"aid": "CA0520000",
"aname": "Tehama County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 49899,
[{ "other": 46665, "buildImprov": 3234 }]
"aid": "CA0560001",
"aname": "Thousand Oaks Police Department",
"total": 375560,
[{ "weapons": 41515, "electronicSurv": 127396, "travTrain": 112556, "other": 23845, "commComp": 62977, "buildImprov": 7272 }]
"aid": "CA0520400",
"aname": "Tide (Tehama Interagency Drug Enforcement)",
"total": 218311,
[{ "weapons": 1515, "infoRewards": 3886, "travTrain": 14470, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 178319, "commComp": 16522, "buildImprov": 2600 }]
"aid": "CA0197200",
"aname": "Torrance Police Department",
"total": 1128414,
[{ "weapons": 502892, "electronicSurv": 4691, "travTrain": 12764, "other": 53344, "commComp": 100891, "buildImprov": 453833 }]
"aid": "CA0530000",
"aname": "Trinity County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 85889,
[{ "weapons": 1133, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 2403, "salaryOvertime": 8474, "other": 68949, "commComp": 2930 }]
"aid": "CA0540000",
"aname": "Tulare County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 467050,
[{ "weapons": 142664, "electronicSurv": 37624, "travTrain": 6384, "salaryOvertime": 180611, "other": 46680, "commComp": 16621, "buildImprov": 36466 }]
"aid": "CA0302200",
"aname": "Tustin Police Department",
"total": 384312,
[{ "weapons": 67627, "electronicSurv": 19505, "travTrain": 1162, "commPrograms": 2000, "commComp": 147006, "buildImprov": 147013 }]
"aid": "CA0230300",
"aname": "Ukiah Police Department",
"total": 67701,
[{ "weapons": 8679, "electronicSurv": 872, "travTrain": 28981, "salaryOvertime": 13620, "other": 4134, "commComp": 11415 }]
"aid": "CA0361100",
"aname": "Upland Police Department",
"total": 144796,
[{ "weapons": 4524, "travTrain": 1209, "other": 138145, "commComp": 918 }]
"aid": "CA0480600",
"aname": "Vacaville Police Department",
"total": 204255,
[{ "weapons": 21375, "electronicSurv": 14201, "travTrain": 8689, "other": 9005, "commComp": 150984 }]
"aid": "CA0480700",
"aname": "Vallejo Police Department",
"total": 201570,
[{ "weapons": 8830, "electronicSurv": 40172, "infoRewards": 18665, "travTrain": 41316, "commPrograms": 11637, "other": 63231, "commComp": 16528, "buildImprov": 1190 }]
"aid": "CA0560000",
"aname": "Ventura County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 3495868,
[{ "weapons": 37723, "electronicSurv": 290362, "infoRewards": 126169, "travTrain": 79527, "other": 1940921, "commComp": 361551, "buildImprov": 659615 }]
"aid": "CA0361200",
"aname": "Victorville Police Department",
"total": 32754,
[{ "other": 16780, "buildImprov": 15974 }]
"aid": "CA0072800",
"aname": "West Contra Costa County Narcotic Enforcement Team",
"total": 175210,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6880, "infoRewards": 91584, "travTrain": 570, "other": 28483, "buildImprov": 47692 }]
"aid": "CAEQ00102",
"aname": "West County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 455725,
[{ "weapons": 9823, "electronicSurv": 27210, "travTrain": 97440, "other": 201943, "commComp": 119309 }]
"aid": "CA0197500",
"aname": "West Covina Police Department",
"total": 5349648,
[{ "weapons": 154391, "electronicSurv": 2712, "infoRewards": 1000429, "travTrain": 81432, "salaryOvertime": 1914531, "other": 798109, "commComp": 1382505, "buildImprov": 15538 }]
"aid": "CA0570400",
"aname": "West Sacramento Police Department",
"total": 32017,
[{ "weapons": 5684, "other": 26333 }]
"aid": "CA034015Y",
"aname": "Western States Information Network",
"total": 761212,
[{ "weapons": 65, "electronicSurv": 26251, "infoRewards": 452666, "travTrain": 181921, "other": 44333, "commComp": 55976 }]
"aid": "CA0302400",
"aname": "Westminster Police Department",
"total": 587815,
[{ "weapons": 137659, "electronicSurv": 31958, "travTrain": 25039, "other": 7409, "commComp": 385750 }]
"aid": "CA057033A",
"aname": "Yolo County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 235783,
[{ "travTrain": 2202, "salaryOvertime": 49312, "commComp": 184268 }]
"aid": "CA0510500",
"aname": "Yuba-Sutter Narcotic Enforcement Team",
"total": 120893,
[{ "travTrain": 8676, "salaryOvertime": 48344, "other": 8066, "buildImprov": 55808 }]
"st": "CO",
"stn": "Colorado",
"total": 24856878,
[{ "weapons": 1958988, "electronicSurv": 1355853, "infoRewards": 1171827, "travTrain": 1872453, "commPrograms": 159232, "salaryOvertime": 1067510, "other": 10149581, "commComp": 5279225, "buildImprov": 1842208 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "CO0020000",
"aname": "Alamosa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 59004,
[{ "travTrain": 2111, "commComp": 56893 }]
"aid": "CO0020100",
"aname": "Alamosa Police Department",
"total": 37103,
[{ "weapons": 15450, "commComp": 21653 }]
"aid": "CO0030000",
"aname": "Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 72987,
[{ "other": 72987 }]
"aid": "CO0300100",
"aname": "Arvada Police Department",
"total": 41507,
[{ "travTrain": 12954, "other": 16653, "commComp": 11900 }]
"aid": "CO0010100",
"aname": "Aurora Police Department",
"total": 1287307,
[{ "weapons": 234907, "electronicSurv": 59068, "travTrain": 10640, "commPrograms": 22008, "other": 956106, "commComp": 4577 }]
"aid": "CO0078000",
"aname": "Boulder County Drug Task Force",
"total": 496801,
[{ "weapons": 1330, "electronicSurv": 8907, "infoRewards": 123750, "travTrain": 24962, "other": 102090, "commComp": 82408, "buildImprov": 153354 }]
"aid": "CO0070002",
"aname": "Boulder County Drug Task Force",
"total": 35264,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3050, "infoRewards": 7750, "travTrain": 450, "other": 5530, "commComp": 8541, "buildImprov": 9943 }]
"aid": "CO0070000",
"aname": "Boulder County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 108030,
[{ "other": 104687, "commComp": 3343 }]
"aid": "CO0070100",
"aname": "Boulder Police Department",
"total": 620627,
[{ "travTrain": 90503, "commPrograms": 37000, "salaryOvertime": 4520, "other": 294246, "commComp": 122922, "buildImprov": 71436 }]
"aid": "CO0620200",
"aname": "City Of Greeley Police Department",
"total": 100561,
[{ "weapons": 6270, "travTrain": 19435, "other": 54646, "commComp": 20210 }]
"aid": "CO0030700",
"aname": "City Of Greenwood Village Police Department",
"total": 40879,
[{ "weapons": 7224, "electronicSurv": 5004, "other": 8220, "commComp": 20431 }]
"aid": "COCBI0000",
"aname": "Colorado Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 631342,
[{ "weapons": 15229, "electronicSurv": 2025, "infoRewards": 1698, "travTrain": 130114, "other": 378809, "commComp": 41376, "buildImprov": 62091 }]
"aid": "CO022135C",
"aname": "Colorado Department Of Corrections",
"total": 45758,
[{ "weapons": 3530, "electronicSurv": 9784, "infoRewards": 30, "travTrain": 6654, "other": 8288, "commComp": 17472 }]
"aid": "CO0210100",
"aname": "Colorado Springs Police Department",
"total": 1933261,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14323, "infoRewards": 645000, "travTrain": 131321, "salaryOvertime": 380003, "other": 660364, "commComp": 102251 }]
"aid": "COCSP0042",
"aname": "Colorado State Patrol",
"total": 1973453,
[{ "weapons": 197563, "travTrain": 193954, "other": 175142, "commComp": 1356033, "buildImprov": 50761 }]
"aid": "CODPD0000",
"aname": "Denver Police Department",
"total": 2328201,
[{ "weapons": 467431, "electronicSurv": 156020, "travTrain": 302868, "other": 405665, "commComp": 996218 }]
"aid": "CO0180000",
"aname": "Douglas County Sheriff Department",
"total": 764987,
[{ "weapons": 123014, "electronicSurv": 111852, "infoRewards": 930, "travTrain": 61442, "commPrograms": 14862, "other": 286961, "commComp": 165927 }]
"aid": "CO0190000",
"aname": "Eagle County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 101508,
[{ "weapons": 1300, "electronicSurv": 16282, "infoRewards": 24000, "travTrain": 26112, "other": 32965, "buildImprov": 849 }]
"aid": "CO0030100",
"aname": "Englewood Police Department",
"total": 227907,
[{ "weapons": 115310, "other": 1074, "commComp": 82629, "buildImprov": 28894 }]
"aid": "CO0350300",
"aname": "Fort Collins Police Services",
"total": 101208,
[{ "weapons": 705, "travTrain": 4030, "commPrograms": 8900, "salaryOvertime": 70000, "other": 17572 }]
"aid": "COEQ00065",
"aname": "Front Range Task Force",
"total": 1099311,
[{ "weapons": 8729, "electronicSurv": 342984, "infoRewards": 1130, "travTrain": 54428, "other": 620698, "commComp": 51513, "buildImprov": 19828 }]
"aid": "CO0023000",
"aname": "Garfield County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 30960,
[{ "weapons": 20000, "salaryOvertime": 10960 }]
"aid": "CO0300000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 91236,
[{ "other": 91236 }]
"aid": "CO0340000",
"aname": "La Plata County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 65033,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4078, "travTrain": 376, "other": 28775, "commComp": 31804 }]
"aid": "CO0070300",
"aname": "Lafayette Police Department",
"total": 41818,
[{ "other": 26261, "commComp": 9810, "buildImprov": 5747 }]
"aid": "CO0300400",
"aname": "Lakewood Police Department",
"total": 150329,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8141, "travTrain": 13387, "other": 37612, "commComp": 37015, "buildImprov": 54175 }]
"aid": "CO0350900",
"aname": "Larimer County Drug Task Force",
"total": 104455,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14521, "travTrain": 7145, "other": 19334, "commComp": 63455 }]
"aid": "CO0350000",
"aname": "Larimer County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 837766,
[{ "weapons": 2395, "electronicSurv": 182276, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 12643, "commPrograms": 49996, "other": 514868, "commComp": 21699, "buildImprov": 43889 }]
"aid": "CO0030200",
"aname": "Littleton Police Department",
"total": 140936,
[{ "weapons": 1130, "salaryOvertime": 122726, "other": 13000, "commComp": 4080 }]
"aid": "CO0070400",
"aname": "Longmont Police Department",
"total": 143349,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15713, "travTrain": 12755, "other": 53689, "commComp": 39402, "buildImprov": 21789 }]
"aid": "CO0070600",
"aname": "Louisville Police Department",
"total": 54940,
[{ "electronicSurv": 54940 }]
"aid": "CO0350400",
"aname": "Loveland Police Department",
"total": 227645,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 200797, "other": 19900, "commComp": 4064, "buildImprov": 2884 }]
"aid": "CO0390000",
"aname": "Mesa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 3339071,
[{ "weapons": 578738, "electronicSurv": 179799, "travTrain": 318890, "commPrograms": 23466, "other": 759461, "commComp": 916363, "buildImprov": 562354 }]
"aid": "CO0010103",
"aname": "Metro Gang Task Force",
"total": 561612,
[{ "weapons": 4695, "electronicSurv": 46341, "infoRewards": 55884, "travTrain": 66159, "other": 209148, "commComp": 179384 }]
"aid": "CO0300900",
"aname": "Mountain View Police Department",
"total": 521917,
[{ "weapons": 9471, "infoRewards": 7690, "travTrain": 26336, "salaryOvertime": 170331, "other": 214965, "commComp": 79793, "buildImprov": 13331 }]
"aid": "CO0018000",
"aname": "North Metro Task Force",
"total": 1327102,
[{ "weapons": 4176, "electronicSurv": 4760, "infoRewards": 44884, "travTrain": 21663, "other": 923107, "commComp": 74224, "buildImprov": 254288 }]
"aid": "COEQ00157",
"aname": "Northern Colorado Drug Task Force",
"total": 702048,
[{ "weapons": 10927, "electronicSurv": 54293, "infoRewards": 19300, "travTrain": 62708, "salaryOvertime": 19401, "other": 310131, "commComp": 225288 }]
"aid": "CO0510000",
"aname": "Pueblo County Sheriff",
"total": 159235,
[{ "weapons": 1110, "electronicSurv": 2158, "infoRewards": 40020, "travTrain": 84106, "other": 20098, "commComp": 11743 }]
"aid": "CO0510100",
"aname": "Pueblo Police Department",
"total": 1060166,
[{ "weapons": 67475, "infoRewards": 130000, "travTrain": 47178, "salaryOvertime": 14879, "other": 736226, "commComp": 64409 }]
"aid": "CO0230300",
"aname": "Rifle Police Department",
"total": 31553,
[{ "weapons": 7121, "travTrain": 877, "other": 9144, "commComp": 12486, "buildImprov": 1925 }]
"aid": "CO0038100",
"aname": "South Metro Drug Task Force",
"total": 586587,
[{ "weapons": 1571, "electronicSurv": 11553, "travTrain": 31510, "other": 523013, "commComp": 11677, "buildImprov": 7263 }]
"aid": "CO0348000",
"aname": "Southwest Drug Task Force",
"total": 55044,
[{ "electronicSurv": 19371, "infoRewards": 12500, "other": 14144, "commComp": 9029 }]
"aid": "CO0598000",
"aname": "Summit County Drug Enforcement",
"total": 80612,
[{ "electronicSurv": 408, "infoRewards": 3252, "travTrain": 3104, "salaryOvertime": 39787, "other": 10945, "commComp": 23116 }]
"aid": "CO0620700",
"aname": "Town Of Erie Police Department",
"total": 51853,
[{ "weapons": 2250, "other": 46693, "commComp": 2910 }]
"aid": "CO0230800",
"aname": "Trident",
"total": 438589,
[{ "weapons": 9380, "electronicSurv": 15412, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 38783, "commPrograms": 3000, "salaryOvertime": 1682, "other": 237147, "commComp": 93807, "buildImprov": 29378 }]
"aid": "CO0070500",
"aname": "University Of Colorado Police Dept-Boulder",
"total": 43729,
[{ "commComp": 43729 }]
"aid": "CO0620203",
"aname": "Weld County Drug Task Force",
"total": 114270,
[{ "infoRewards": 7000, "other": 53529, "commComp": 11741, "buildImprov": 42000 }]
"aid": "CO0620000",
"aname": "Weld County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 68365,
[{ "other": 62640, "commComp": 5725 }]
"aid": "CO0300004",
"aname": "West Metro Drug Task Force",
"total": 1289048,
[{ "weapons": 4462, "travTrain": 21920, "other": 900000, "commComp": 28046, "buildImprov": 334620 }]
"aid": "CO0300500",
"aname": "Wheat Ridge Police Department",
"total": 78652,
[{ "weapons": 11567, "other": 3800, "commComp": 255, "buildImprov": 63031 }]
"st": "CT",
"stn": "Connecticut",
"total": 13376448,
[{ "weapons": 1970757, "electronicSurv": 941793, "infoRewards": 324439, "travTrain": 1006922, "commPrograms": 105144, "salaryOvertime": 853292, "other": 5214094, "commComp": 2609488, "buildImprov": 350519 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "CT0000200",
"aname": "Ansonia Police Department",
"total": 341833,
[{ "weapons": 42128, "electronicSurv": 6148, "infoRewards": 8000, "travTrain": 29126, "commPrograms": 3628, "other": 76499, "commComp": 151679, "buildImprov": 24625 }]
"aid": "CT0001400",
"aname": "Branford Police Department",
"total": 485186,
[{ "weapons": 30342, "electronicSurv": 2479, "infoRewards": 450, "travTrain": 14214, "salaryOvertime": 73815, "other": 268838, "commComp": 38722, "buildImprov": 56326 }]
"aid": "CT0001500",
"aname": "Bridgeport Police Department",
"total": 240303,
[{ "weapons": 152817, "electronicSurv": 11924, "other": 75562 }]
"aid": "CT0001700",
"aname": "Bristol Police Department",
"total": 108606,
[{ "infoRewards": 76700, "salaryOvertime": 25799, "commComp": 6107 }]
"aid": "CT0001800",
"aname": "Brookfield Police Department",
"total": 52555,
[{ "weapons": 2355, "electronicSurv": 19582, "infoRewards": 1400, "other": 16129, "commComp": 12096, "buildImprov": 992 }]
"aid": "CTCSP0000",
"aname": "CT Dept. of Emergency Svcs and Public Protection/Public",
"total": 1910774,
[{ "weapons": 337814, "electronicSurv": 480140, "travTrain": 168586, "salaryOvertime": 1117, "other": 899047, "commComp": 24070 }]
"aid": "CT0002700",
"aname": "Clinton Police Department",
"total": 39325,
[{ "weapons": 6685, "electronicSurv": 2894, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 5969, "other": 7817, "buildImprov": 15459 }]
"aid": "CTQNGCD23",
"aname": "Connecticut National Guard Counterdrug Program",
"total": 132829,
[{ "weapons": 790, "electronicSurv": 3230, "travTrain": 1150, "salaryOvertime": 119418, "commComp": 8241 }]
"aid": "CT0003400",
"aname": "Danbury Police Department",
"total": 507602,
[{ "weapons": 128464, "other": 355218, "commComp": 23920 }]
"aid": "CT0004300",
"aname": "East Hartford Police Department",
"total": 94528,
[{ "weapons": 33723, "other": 29315, "commComp": 31489 }]
"aid": "CT0004400",
"aname": "East Haven Police Department",
"total": 171212,
[{ "weapons": 20752, "electronicSurv": 22303, "infoRewards": 600, "travTrain": 6550, "salaryOvertime": 28032, "commComp": 92913, "buildImprov": 63 }]
"aid": "CT0004600",
"aname": "Easton Police Department",
"total": 242844,
[{ "weapons": 44919, "electronicSurv": 6640, "travTrain": 4350, "salaryOvertime": 3644, "other": 100633, "commComp": 82658 }]
"aid": "CT0005700",
"aname": "Greenwich Police Department",
"total": 271499,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4995, "other": 215804, "commComp": 50700 }]
"aid": "CT0006200",
"aname": "Hamden Police",
"total": 180464,
[{ "weapons": 24735, "electronicSurv": 3036, "infoRewards": 20, "travTrain": 19360, "commPrograms": 1600, "other": 113055, "commComp": 18660 }]
"aid": "CT0006400",
"aname": "Hartford Police Department",
"total": 589815,
[{ "weapons": 32618, "electronicSurv": 5477, "infoRewards": 16981, "travTrain": 161511, "commPrograms": 380, "salaryOvertime": 3103, "other": 322737, "commComp": 38503, "buildImprov": 8505 }]
"aid": "CT0007700",
"aname": "Manchester Police Department",
"total": 715719,
[{ "weapons": 14480, "electronicSurv": 54584, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 17532, "other": 187521, "commComp": 357509, "buildImprov": 82094 }]
"aid": "CT0008000",
"aname": "Meriden Police Department",
"total": 412334,
[{ "weapons": 101706, "electronicSurv": 12664, "infoRewards": 44855, "other": 108538, "commComp": 118515, "buildImprov": 26055 }]
"aid": "CT0008400",
"aname": "Milford Police Department",
"total": 217810,
[{ "weapons": 7463, "electronicSurv": 29986, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 47961, "other": 18729, "commComp": 84657, "buildImprov": 28515 }]
"aid": "CT0008900",
"aname": "New Britain Police Department",
"total": 702766,
[{ "weapons": 50456, "electronicSurv": 16283, "travTrain": 4579, "other": 596923, "commComp": 19554, "buildImprov": 14971 }]
"aid": "CT0009000",
"aname": "New Canaan Police Department",
"total": 84148,
[{ "weapons": 42990, "electronicSurv": 699, "infoRewards": 1200, "other": 28764, "commComp": 10414, "buildImprov": 80 }]
"aid": "CT0009300",
"aname": "New Haven Police Department",
"total": 667831,
[{ "weapons": 160088, "electronicSurv": 1554, "travTrain": 99473, "commPrograms": 32000, "other": 273954, "commComp": 81237, "buildImprov": 19525 }]
"aid": "CT0009600",
"aname": "New Milford Police Department",
"total": 237214,
[{ "weapons": 59695, "electronicSurv": 7890, "infoRewards": 2700, "travTrain": 5525, "salaryOvertime": 76, "other": 34102, "commComp": 113969, "buildImprov": 13258 }]
"aid": "CT0009400",
"aname": "Newington Police Department",
"total": 187118,
[{ "weapons": 39450, "electronicSurv": 1100, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 14874, "other": 73222, "commComp": 57971 }]
"aid": "CT0010300",
"aname": "Norwalk Department Of Police Services",
"total": 805038,
[{ "weapons": 28132, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 18578, "salaryOvertime": 447185, "other": 111477, "commComp": 179666 }]
"aid": "CT0011900",
"aname": "Rocky Hill Police Department",
"total": 54123,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6000, "other": 46561, "commComp": 1562 }]
"aid": "CT0012600",
"aname": "Shelton Police Department",
"total": 132826,
[{ "weapons": 11139, "electronicSurv": 4745, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 76091, "commComp": 38851 }]
"aid": "CT0012800",
"aname": "Simsbury Police Department",
"total": 45281,
[{ "weapons": 20501, "electronicSurv": 851, "other": 4778, "commComp": 19151 }]
"aid": "CT0013100",
"aname": "Southington Police Department",
"total": 184248,
[{ "weapons": 43815, "electronicSurv": 49893, "travTrain": 3475, "other": 1530, "commComp": 79295, "buildImprov": 6240 }]
"aid": "CT0013500",
"aname": "Stamford Police Department",
"total": 739103,
[{ "weapons": 65256, "electronicSurv": 38779, "infoRewards": 90000, "travTrain": 68643, "commPrograms": 5000, "salaryOvertime": 77600, "other": 382462, "commComp": 11362 }]
"aid": "CT002015G",
"aname": "State Of Connecticut Department Of Correction",
"total": 229452,
[{ "weapons": 25789, "electronicSurv": 6212, "travTrain": 87179, "other": 26246, "commComp": 84026 }]
"aid": "CT0013800",
"aname": "Stratford Police Department",
"total": 256971,
[{ "weapons": 7207, "infoRewards": 7500, "travTrain": 53159, "other": 153324, "commComp": 35781 }]
"aid": "CT0014300",
"aname": "Torrington Police Department",
"total": 193759,
[{ "weapons": 30440, "electronicSurv": 7548, "infoRewards": 36886, "travTrain": 6290, "other": 9199, "commComp": 103395 }]
"aid": "CT0015800",
"aname": "Town Of Westport Police Department",
"total": 90927,
[{ "weapons": 32000, "other": 50000, "buildImprov": 8927 }]
"aid": "CT0016300",
"aname": "Town Of Windham/Willimantic Police Department",
"total": 42503,
[{ "weapons": 2793, "electronicSurv": 3910, "other": 21876, "commComp": 10856, "buildImprov": 3068 }]
"aid": "CT0014400",
"aname": "Trumbull Connecticut Police Department",
"total": 80756,
[{ "weapons": 23041, "electronicSurv": 23611, "travTrain": 8981, "other": 15924, "commComp": 9199 }]
"aid": "CT0014600",
"aname": "Vernon Police Department",
"total": 55257,
[{ "weapons": 5004, "electronicSurv": 1978, "other": 1044, "commComp": 46955, "buildImprov": 275 }]
"aid": "CT0014800",
"aname": "Wallingford Police Department",
"total": 46262,
[{ "commComp": 46262 }]
"aid": "CT0015100",
"aname": "Waterbury Police Department",
"total": 444900,
[{ "weapons": 151755, "electronicSurv": 575, "travTrain": 111201, "commPrograms": 60036, "other": 102993, "commComp": 6540, "buildImprov": 11800 }]
"aid": "CT0015300",
"aname": "Watertown Police Department",
"total": 95345,
[{ "weapons": 35936, "electronicSurv": 2000, "travTrain": 1970, "other": 19636, "commComp": 34803, "buildImprov": 1000 }]
"aid": "CT0015500",
"aname": "West Hartford Police Department",
"total": 150487,
[{ "electronicSurv": 27566, "infoRewards": 2435, "travTrain": 6994, "salaryOvertime": 21911, "other": 18094, "commComp": 73487 }]
"aid": "CT0015600",
"aname": "West Haven Police Department",
"total": 387049,
[{ "weapons": 13284, "infoRewards": 593, "commPrograms": 2250, "other": 163610, "commComp": 199158, "buildImprov": 8155 }]
"aid": "CT0015900",
"aname": "Wethersfield Police Department",
"total": 113650,
[{ "weapons": 9907, "electronicSurv": 31451, "travTrain": 15033, "other": 27548, "commComp": 21070, "buildImprov": 8641 }]
"aid": "CT0016500",
"aname": "Windsor Locks Police Department",
"total": 58857,
[{ "weapons": 25928, "electronicSurv": 10018, "infoRewards": 2800, "travTrain": 2941, "other": 10750, "commComp": 6419 }]
"aid": "CT0016400",
"aname": "Windsor Police Department",
"total": 109907,
[{ "weapons": 12660, "salaryOvertime": 51593, "other": 19000, "commComp": 26654 }]
"aid": "CT0016600",
"aname": "Wolcott Police Department",
"total": 38110,
[{ "commComp": 38110 }]
"aid": "CT0016700",
"aname": "Woodbridge Police Department",
"total": 63388,
[{ "weapons": 32064, "electronicSurv": 11710, "travTrain": 295, "commComp": 19319 }]
"st": "DC",
"stn": "District Of Columbia",
"total": 4804918,
[{ "weapons": 171792, "electronicSurv": 32461, "infoRewards": 3751394, "travTrain": 241325, "commPrograms": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 43168, "other": 393556, "commComp": 68351, "buildImprov": 101869 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "IDISP0000",
"aname": "Idaho State Police",
"total": 822897,
[{ "electronicSurv": 20061, "infoRewards": 460295, "travTrain": 60813, "commPrograms": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 21175, "other": 251074, "commComp": 476, "buildImprov": 8003 }]
"aid": "DCMPD0000",
"aname": "Metropolitan Police Department",
"total": 3344115,
[{ "infoRewards": 3291100, "travTrain": 50000, "other": 3015 }]
"aid": "VAMWA0000",
"aname": "Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police",
"total": 623120,
[{ "weapons": 171792, "electronicSurv": 12400, "travTrain": 115725, "salaryOvertime": 21993, "other": 139467, "commComp": 67875, "buildImprov": 93867 }]
"st": "DE",
"stn": "Delaware",
"total": 4217561,
[{ "weapons": 755901, "electronicSurv": 99313, "infoRewards": 181745, "travTrain": 223558, "commPrograms": 2257, "salaryOvertime": 106430, "other": 2005794, "commComp": 613326, "buildImprov": 229236 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "DE002015A",
"aname": "Delaware Department Of Justice",
"total": 31070,
[{ "other": 18233, "commComp": 12837 }]
"aid": "DE0020156",
"aname": "Delaware Dept Of Correction - Probation And Parole",
"total": 100133,
[{ "weapons": 5374, "travTrain": 14712, "commComp": 80047 }]
"aid": "DE002015G",
"aname": "Delaware Probation And Parole",
"total": 415628,
[{ "weapons": 105898, "travTrain": 52138, "commComp": 257592 }]
"aid": "DE0020100",
"aname": "Delaware River & Bay Authority Police Department",
"total": 45083,
[{ "other": 45083 }]
"aid": "DEDSP0000",
"aname": "Delaware State Police",
"total": 1493053,
[{ "weapons": 377464, "travTrain": 32093, "other": 1070321, "commComp": 13175 }]
"aid": "DE0030200",
"aname": "Delmar Police Department",
"total": 188092,
[{ "weapons": 2452, "electronicSurv": 4772, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 153101, "commComp": 25407, "buildImprov": 360 }]
"aid": "DE0010100",
"aname": "Dover Police Department",
"total": 459196,
[{ "weapons": 17693, "electronicSurv": 30063, "travTrain": 45497, "other": 198950, "commComp": 84006, "buildImprov": 82987 }]
"aid": "DE0010200",
"aname": "Harrington Police Department",
"total": 230124,
[{ "weapons": 4800, "travTrain": 3409, "salaryOvertime": 14253, "other": 132154, "commComp": 2096, "buildImprov": 73411 }]
"aid": "DE0020300",
"aname": "New Castle County Division Of Police",
"total": 577342,
[{ "weapons": 179849, "electronicSurv": 9637, "infoRewards": 32745, "travTrain": 45728, "salaryOvertime": 92177, "other": 130055, "commComp": 62770, "buildImprov": 24381 }]
"aid": "DE0020500",
"aname": "Newark Police Department",
"total": 309452,
[{ "weapons": 49491, "electronicSurv": 27439, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 15684, "other": 138977, "commComp": 26282, "buildImprov": 45579 }]
"aid": "DE0020600",
"aname": "Wilmington Police Department",
"total": 275646,
[{ "electronicSurv": 24130, "infoRewards": 141000, "other": 72964, "commComp": 37552 }]
"st": "FL",
"stn": "Florida",
"total": 204367038,
[{ "weapons": 11597449, "electronicSurv": 10442865, "infoRewards": 9939012, "travTrain": 6312103, "commPrograms": 4047224, "salaryOvertime": 39272208, "other": 78273392, "commComp": 26388943, "buildImprov": 18093843 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "FL050015A",
"aname": "15th Judicial Circuit State Attorney's Office",
"total": 90347,
[{ "weapons": 23295, "infoRewards": 1275, "travTrain": 7816, "salaryOvertime": 28562, "other": 29305, "commComp": 92 }]
"aid": "FL001015A",
"aname": "8th Judicial Circuit Special Investigations Unit",
"total": 262432,
[{ "weapons": 4940, "travTrain": 12762, "other": 237270, "commComp": 7460 }]
"aid": "FL0010000",
"aname": "Alachua County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 766705,
[{ "weapons": 81951, "electronicSurv": 33092, "infoRewards": 80568, "travTrain": 16560, "salaryOvertime": 37938, "other": 420641, "commComp": 90611, "buildImprov": 5345 }]
"aid": "FL0010800",
"aname": "Alachua Police Department",
"total": 66513,
[{ "weapons": 33455, "other": 6496, "commComp": 26562 }]
"aid": "FL0480100",
"aname": "Apopka Police Department",
"total": 262957,
[{ "weapons": 62148, "electronicSurv": 4358, "infoRewards": 50500, "travTrain": 9832, "commPrograms": 5759, "other": 35608, "commComp": 30119, "buildImprov": 64633 }]
"aid": "FL0020000",
"aname": "Baker County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 640274,
[{ "weapons": 42517, "electronicSurv": 33433, "infoRewards": 5600, "travTrain": 8734, "commPrograms": 7898, "other": 508318, "commComp": 22757, "buildImprov": 11017 }]
"aid": "FL0030000",
"aname": "Bay County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 682277,
[{ "weapons": 102745, "electronicSurv": 19921, "infoRewards": 64850, "travTrain": 23480, "commPrograms": 43997, "other": 117217, "commComp": 293255, "buildImprov": 16813 }]
"aid": "FL0500200",
"aname": "Boca Raton Police Services Deparment",
"total": 1832056,
[{ "weapons": 11893, "electronicSurv": 9949, "infoRewards": 104954, "travTrain": 21493, "commPrograms": 6000, "other": 1270281, "commComp": 75608, "buildImprov": 331878 }]
"aid": "FL0500300",
"aname": "Boynton Beach Police Department",
"total": 207274,
[{ "other": 39564, "commComp": 167710 }]
"aid": "FL0410200",
"aname": "Bradenton Police Department",
"total": 595592,
[{ "weapons": 150767, "electronicSurv": 84542, "infoRewards": 55910, "travTrain": 33235, "other": 205916, "commComp": 65222 }]
"aid": "FL0040000",
"aname": "Bradford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 404703,
[{ "weapons": 31653, "electronicSurv": 34049, "infoRewards": 50100, "travTrain": 13661, "commPrograms": 2500, "salaryOvertime": 10758, "other": 199949, "commComp": 24452, "buildImprov": 37581 }]
"aid": "FL0050000",
"aname": "Brevard County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 79960,
[{ "electronicSurv": 38917, "other": 16478, "commComp": 24565 }]
"aid": "FL0069900",
"aname": "Broward County Port Everglades/Contract Bcso",
"total": 114568,
[{ "commComp": 114568 }]
"aid": "FL0060000",
"aname": "Broward Sheriff's Office",
"total": 8218364,
[{ "weapons": 116808, "electronicSurv": 20000, "infoRewards": 435725, "travTrain": 245316, "commPrograms": 85000, "salaryOvertime": 889573, "other": 6358511, "commComp": 67432 }]
"aid": "FL0360200",
"aname": "Cape Coral Police Department",
"total": 310318,
[{ "electronicSurv": 41047, "travTrain": 11752, "other": 253661, "commComp": 3858 }]
"aid": "FL0080000",
"aname": "Charlotte County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 503287,
[{ "weapons": 7900, "electronicSurv": 40520, "travTrain": 9990, "other": 292189, "commComp": 152687 }]
"aid": "FL0590100",
"aname": "City Of Altamonte Springs Police Department",
"total": 157720,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 157721 }]
"aid": "FL0139100",
"aname": "City Of Aventura Police Department",
"total": 564098,
[{ "weapons": 76223, "commComp": 16900, "buildImprov": 470974 }]
"aid": "FL0670100",
"aname": "City Of Chipley Police Department",
"total": 74575,
[{ "weapons": 6360, "electronicSurv": 6623, "infoRewards": 12800, "other": 3800, "commComp": 29116, "buildImprov": 15877 }]
"aid": "FL0061100",
"aname": "City Of Coconut Creek Police Department",
"total": 3901468,
[{ "weapons": 315494, "electronicSurv": 93388, "travTrain": 34520, "commPrograms": 517725, "salaryOvertime": 100000, "other": 340986, "commComp": 1436114, "buildImprov": 1063242 }]
"aid": "FL0062800",
"aname": "City Of Coral Springs Police Department",
"total": 4212148,
[{ "weapons": 352424, "infoRewards": 72982, "travTrain": 391529, "salaryOvertime": 3000435, "other": 177502, "commComp": 191441, "buildImprov": 25836 }]
"aid": "FL0640100",
"aname": "City Of Daytona Beach Police Department",
"total": 1091689,
[{ "weapons": 154681, "electronicSurv": 184173, "infoRewards": 23600, "travTrain": 16765, "commPrograms": 67546, "salaryOvertime": 25213, "other": 531925, "commComp": 54850, "buildImprov": 32936 }]
"aid": "FL0640500",
"aname": "City Of Daytona Beach Shores",
"total": 281927,
[{ "weapons": 14178, "electronicSurv": 15913, "travTrain": 5999, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 91258, "commComp": 43660, "buildImprov": 109918 }]
"aid": "FL0131100",
"aname": "City Of Doral Police Department",
"total": 147808,
[{ "commComp": 147808 }]
"aid": "FL0530900",
"aname": "City Of Haines City Police Department",
"total": 35210,
[{ "weapons": 9317, "buildImprov": 25893 }]
"aid": "FL0130500",
"aname": "City Of Homestead Police Department",
"total": 5059905,
[{ "weapons": 99773, "electronicSurv": 21325, "infoRewards": 271885, "travTrain": 50969, "salaryOvertime": 1330932, "other": 1622186, "commComp": 1462194, "buildImprov": 200641 }]
"aid": "FL0490200",
"aname": "City Of Kissimmee Police Department",
"total": 63258,
[{ "electronicSurv": 28474, "infoRewards": 10000, "commPrograms": 17750, "commComp": 7034 }]
"aid": "FL0590700",
"aname": "City Of Lake Mary Police Department",
"total": 42428,
[{ "weapons": 30133, "other": 8500, "commComp": 3795 }]
"aid": "FL0531200",
"aname": "City Of Lakeland Police Department",
"total": 719709,
[{ "weapons": 90869, "electronicSurv": 235031, "travTrain": 167150, "other": 102304, "commComp": 100536, "buildImprov": 23820 }]
"aid": "FL0520800",
"aname": "City Of Largo Police Department",
"total": 49272,
[{ "other": 21425, "commComp": 27846 }]
"aid": "FL0062100",
"aname": "City Of Margate Police Department",
"total": 7269542,
[{ "weapons": 271811, "electronicSurv": 504625, "infoRewards": 25000, "travTrain": 194873, "commPrograms": 733816, "other": 3242892, "commComp": 1334083, "buildImprov": 962443 }]
"aid": "FL0130600",
"aname": "City Of Miami Police Department",
"total": 2643796,
[{ "weapons": 70949, "electronicSurv": 30963, "infoRewards": 189400, "travTrain": 40374, "salaryOvertime": 481156, "other": 1436129, "commComp": 394825 }]
"aid": "FL057100",
"aname": "City Of Milton Police Department",
"total": 31644,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6000, "travTrain": 1252, "other": 6546, "commComp": 17846 }]
"aid": "FL0062200",
"aname": "City Of Miramar Police Department",
"total": 69237,
[{ "infoRewards": 4000, "other": 52946, "commComp": 12291 }]
"aid": "FL0110100",
"aname": "City Of Naples Police Department",
"total": 204894,
[{ "weapons": 34381, "electronicSurv": 30076, "infoRewards": 12100, "travTrain": 12394, "commPrograms": 2779, "other": 36751, "commComp": 28887, "buildImprov": 47527 }]
"aid": "FL0640300",
"aname": "City Of New Smyrna Beach Police Department",
"total": 280892,
[{ "weapons": 4035, "electronicSurv": 10692, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 24407, "commPrograms": 12482, "salaryOvertime": 3858, "other": 126972, "commComp": 96446 }]
"aid": "FL0131800",
"aname": "City Of North Miami Police Department",
"total": 153466,
[{ "weapons": 19556, "other": 28058, "commComp": 105852 }]
"aid": "FL0062400",
"aname": "City Of Oakland Park/Contract Broward Sheriff's Of",
"total": 300254,
[{ "electronicSurv": 100407, "commPrograms": 15847, "buildImprov": 184000 }]
"aid": "FL0131200",
"aname": "City Of Opa-Locka Police Department",
"total": 31765,
[{ "weapons": 5650, "commPrograms": 621, "other": 4900, "commComp": 20594 }]
"aid": "FL0590400",
"aname": "City Of Oviedo Police Department",
"total": 235670,
[{ "weapons": 22936, "electronicSurv": 84003, "infoRewards": 5510, "travTrain": 7019, "other": 59413, "commComp": 56790 }]
"aid": "FL0060800",
"aname": "City Of Pembroke Pines Police Department",
"total": 68720,
[{ "other": 46570, "commComp": 22150 }]
"aid": "FL0060600",
"aname": "City Of Plantation Police Department",
"total": 3207008,
[{ "weapons": 25713, "electronicSurv": 32430, "travTrain": 2500, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 2789880, "commComp": 161618, "buildImprov": 194367 }]
"aid": "FL0131900",
"aname": "City Of South Miami Police Department",
"total": 773214,
[{ "weapons": 53694, "electronicSurv": 832, "infoRewards": 2000, "commPrograms": 30000, "other": 243987, "commComp": 442702 }]
"aid": "FL0062700",
"aname": "City Of Sunrise Police Department",
"total": 9979604,
[{ "weapons": 388556, "electronicSurv": 232131, "infoRewards": 912196, "travTrain": 58672, "salaryOvertime": 1949370, "other": 2663289, "commComp": 785390, "buildImprov": 2990000 }]
"aid": "FL0370300",
"aname": "City Of Tallahassee Police Department",
"total": 655799,
[{ "weapons": 196006, "electronicSurv": 57116, "travTrain": 14952, "commPrograms": 1500, "other": 112352, "commComp": 132236, "buildImprov": 141637 }]
"aid": "FL0480600",
"aname": "City Of Winter Park Police Department",
"total": 700980,
[{ "weapons": 48094, "electronicSurv": 58800, "travTrain": 750, "commPrograms": 4620, "other": 15182, "commComp": 573534 }]
"aid": "FL0100000",
"aname": "Clay County Sheriff Office",
"total": 104260,
[{ "electronicSurv": 26682, "other": 74401, "commComp": 3176 }]
"aid": "FL0520300",
"aname": "Clearwater Police Department",
"total": 830183,
[{ "weapons": 154279, "electronicSurv": 140177, "travTrain": 30743, "other": 247454, "commComp": 257529 }]
"aid": "FL0350300",
"aname": "Clermont Police Department",
"total": 63326,
[{ "weapons": 2801, "travTrain": 500, "other": 54314, "commComp": 5711 }]
"aid": "FL0110000",
"aname": "Collier County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 130312,
[{ "electronicSurv": 58804, "commComp": 71508 }]
"aid": "FL0120000",
"aname": "Columbia County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 530340,
[{ "weapons": 36373, "electronicSurv": 108704, "infoRewards": 53885, "travTrain": 7316, "other": 147225, "commComp": 175086, "buildImprov": 1751 }]
"aid": "FL0130200",
"aname": "Coral Gables Police Department",
"total": 364853,
[{ "weapons": 42989, "infoRewards": 67537, "salaryOvertime": 3352, "other": 90635, "commComp": 160341 }]
"aid": "FL0060200",
"aname": "Deerfield Beach Police Department/Contract BCSO",
"total": 111584,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10004, "travTrain": 24946, "commPrograms": 67010, "other": 9624 }]
"aid": "FL0500400",
"aname": "Delray Beach Police Department",
"total": 590105,
[{ "weapons": 73638, "electronicSurv": 259355, "infoRewards": 16310, "travTrain": 73219, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 81994, "commComp": 74069, "buildImprov": 10519 }]
"aid": "FL0375000",
"aname": "Department Of Business And Professional Regulation",
"total": 634138,
[{ "weapons": 27449, "electronicSurv": 86093, "travTrain": 20556, "other": 409227, "commComp": 90813 }]
"aid": "FL0371901",
"aname": "Dept Of Financial Services/Div Of Insurance Fraud",
"total": 43758,
[{ "commComp": 43758 }]
"aid": "FL0370200",
"aname": "Division Of Abt-Dept Of Business And Professional",
"total": 176767,
[{ "other": 176767 }]
"aid": "FL0170000",
"aname": "Escambia County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 865096,
[{ "weapons": 257852, "electronicSurv": 156644, "other": 138687, "commComp": 127727, "buildImprov": 184186 }]
"aid": "FL0450100",
"aname": "Fernandina Beach Police Department",
"total": 836645,
[{ "weapons": 60480, "electronicSurv": 31286, "infoRewards": 29000, "travTrain": 16485, "commPrograms": 12225, "other": 489818, "commComp": 197350 }]
"aid": "FLDOA0300",
"aname": "Fl Dacs - Office Of Agricultural Law Enforcement",
"total": 289488,
[{ "weapons": 68341, "other": 127147, "commComp": 78117, "buildImprov": 15883 }]
"aid": "FL0371100",
"aname": "Fl Dept Of Transportation Motor Carrier Compliance",
"total": 243582,
[{ "other": 238362, "commComp": 5220 }]
"aid": "FL013015A",
"aname": "Fl State Attorney's Office 11th Judicial Circuit",
"total": 30289,
[{ "weapons": 6720, "travTrain": 360, "salaryOvertime": 5460, "other": 17750 }]
"aid": "FL0370100",
"aname": "Florida Department Of Law Enforcement",
"total": 7531180,
[{ "electronicSurv": 272260, "travTrain": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 3377996, "other": 3858729, "commComp": 949, "buildImprov": 11246 }]
"aid": "FLDOT0900",
"aname": "Florida Dept Of Transportation - Motor Carrier",
"total": 167857,
[{ "other": 167857 }]
"aid": "FL0379001",
"aname": "Florida Highway Patrol",
"total": 4250729,
[{ "weapons": 1273492, "other": 1127595, "commComp": 1849642 }]
"aid": "FLQNGCD03",
"aname": "Florida National Guard",
"total": 1226969,
[{ "weapons": 41599, "electronicSurv": 96176, "travTrain": 42804, "other": 359962, "commComp": 183307, "buildImprov": 503121 }]
"aid": "FL0060300",
"aname": "Fort Lauderdale Police Department",
"total": 3884355,
[{ "electronicSurv": 73573, "infoRewards": 19500, "commPrograms": 35837, "salaryOvertime": 551256, "other": 2651563, "commComp": 552626 }]
"aid": "FL0360100",
"aname": "Fort Myers Police Department",
"total": 589019,
[{ "weapons": 37046, "electronicSurv": 29538, "infoRewards": 188300, "travTrain": 34524, "salaryOvertime": 101455, "other": 161111, "commComp": 19611, "buildImprov": 17434 }]
"aid": "FL0560100",
"aname": "Fort Pierce Police Department",
"total": 55305,
[{ "commPrograms": 3253, "other": 2231, "commComp": 49821 }]
"aid": "FL0200000",
"aname": "Gadsden County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 95751,
[{ "weapons": 58121, "other": 24996, "buildImprov": 12634 }]
"aid": "FL0010100",
"aname": "Gainesville Police Department",
"total": 5033807,
[{ "weapons": 184585, "electronicSurv": 27291, "infoRewards": 50000, "travTrain": 44216, "commPrograms": 40314, "salaryOvertime": 44062, "other": 1298834, "commComp": 291987, "buildImprov": 3052519 }]
"aid": "FL0220000",
"aname": "Glades County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 3268634,
[{ "weapons": 175722, "electronicSurv": 82196, "infoRewards": 164515, "travTrain": 399278, "commPrograms": 31586, "other": 1455847, "commComp": 503194, "buildImprov": 456297 }]
"aid": "FL0132400",
"aname": "Golden Beach Police Department",
"total": 1629988,
[{ "weapons": 366, "electronicSurv": 11641, "travTrain": 6186, "salaryOvertime": 448307, "other": 1108195, "commComp": 20352, "buildImprov": 34940 }]
"aid": "FL0520500",
"aname": "Gulfport Police Department",
"total": 39831,
[{ "weapons": 1021, "commPrograms": 1359, "other": 30535, "commComp": 1480, "buildImprov": 5435 }]
"aid": "FL0060400",
"aname": "Hallandale Beach Police Department",
"total": 3525914,
[{ "weapons": 29409, "infoRewards": 55000, "travTrain": 71024, "salaryOvertime": 1826419, "other": 1249096, "commComp": 294967 }]
"aid": "FL0240000",
"aname": "Hamilton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 44840,
[{ "weapons": 7585, "electronicSurv": 37255 }]
"aid": "FL0260000",
"aname": "Hendry County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 64601,
[{ "infoRewards": 7000, "salaryOvertime": 18500, "other": 39101 }]
"aid": "FL0270000",
"aname": "Hernando County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1997543,
[{ "weapons": 166122, "electronicSurv": 504073, "travTrain": 11480, "salaryOvertime": 44616, "other": 294893, "commComp": 574229, "buildImprov": 402129 }]
"aid": "FL0130400",
"aname": "Hialeah Police Department",
"total": 3168666,
[{ "weapons": 176198, "electronicSurv": 169466, "travTrain": 30056, "commPrograms": 20813, "salaryOvertime": 101776, "other": 2319253, "commComp": 338198, "buildImprov": 12908 }]
"aid": "FLEQ00186",
"aname": "Hidta Task Force - Polk County",
"total": 38293,
[{ "weapons": 16493, "electronicSurv": 5086, "travTrain": 9533, "commComp": 7180 }]
"aid": "FL0280000",
"aname": "Highlands County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 75534,
[{ "travTrain": 2500, "commPrograms": 8000, "other": 65034 }]
"aid": "FL0290000",
"aname": "Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1730262,
[{ "other": 13932, "buildImprov": 1716330 }]
"aid": "FL0060500",
"aname": "Hollywood Police Department",
"total": 2554930,
[{ "weapons": 323350, "electronicSurv": 403237, "infoRewards": 119502, "travTrain": 313334, "salaryOvertime": 543450, "other": 719754, "commComp": 112018, "buildImprov": 20285 }]
"aid": "FL0132500",
"aname": "Indian Creek Village Police Department",
"total": 412575,
[{ "electronicSurv": 26550, "infoRewards": 165510, "travTrain": 11100, "commPrograms": 70000, "other": 136101, "commComp": 3264, "buildImprov": 50 }]
"aid": "FL0310000",
"aname": "Indian River County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 59930,
[{ "weapons": 16210, "electronicSurv": 7625, "other": 17193, "commComp": 18902 }]
"aid": "FL0320000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 393344,
[{ "weapons": 1597, "electronicSurv": 1500, "other": 378392, "commComp": 9184, "buildImprov": 2672 }]
"aid": "FL0160700",
"aname": "Jacksonville Aviation Authority Police Department",
"total": 317679,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1146, "travTrain": 9080, "other": 288981, "commComp": 18472 }]
"aid": "FL0160300",
"aname": "Jacksonville Beach Police Department",
"total": 217607,
[{ "weapons": 30651, "electronicSurv": 49420, "commPrograms": 20048, "other": 69704, "commComp": 45049, "buildImprov": 2735 }]
"aid": "FL0160000",
"aname": "Jacksonville Sheriff's Office",
"total": 152927,
[{ "weapons": 46897, "electronicSurv": 106030 }]
"aid": "FL0501700",
"aname": "Jupiter Police Department",
"total": 163435,
[{ "other": 163435 }]
"aid": "FL0134300",
"aname": "Key Biscayne Village Police Department",
"total": 47110,
[{ "other": 22768, "commComp": 24342 }]
"aid": "FL0440100",
"aname": "Key West Police",
"total": 374876,
[{ "weapons": 100696, "electronicSurv": 60913, "travTrain": 73587, "other": 75045, "commComp": 29622, "buildImprov": 35012 }]
"aid": "FL0120100",
"aname": "Lake City Police Department",
"total": 144101,
[{ "weapons": 20585, "infoRewards": 26800, "travTrain": 15621, "commPrograms": 2927, "other": 18341, "commComp": 59827 }]
"aid": "FL0350000",
"aname": "Lake County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 652157,
[{ "weapons": 26925, "electronicSurv": 41848, "travTrain": 15951, "commPrograms": 79396, "salaryOvertime": 41070, "other": 321210, "commComp": 125757 }]
"aid": "FL0500500",
"aname": "Lake Worth Police Department",
"total": 35756,
[{ "weapons": 32429, "electronicSurv": 3328 }]
"aid": "FL0061800",
"aname": "Lauderhill Police Department",
"total": 3657326,
[{ "weapons": 154189, "electronicSurv": 42708, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 226607, "commPrograms": 51100, "salaryOvertime": 1017129, "other": 1550721, "commComp": 295897, "buildImprov": 313975 }]
"aid": "FL0360000",
"aname": "Lee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 924165,
[{ "other": 764653, "commComp": 113343, "buildImprov": 46169 }]
"aid": "FL0370000",
"aname": "Leon County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 401438,
[{ "weapons": 311275, "electronicSurv": 5495, "other": 83693, "commComp": 975 }]
"aid": "FL0380000",
"aname": "Levy County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 403915,
[{ "weapons": 3045, "electronicSurv": 2909, "infoRewards": 136000, "commPrograms": 7500, "other": 46200, "commComp": 3949, "buildImprov": 204313 }]
"aid": "FL0062000",
"aname": "Lighthouse Point Police Department",
"total": 986713,
[{ "weapons": 39210, "electronicSurv": 3957, "travTrain": 21694, "commPrograms": 2500, "salaryOvertime": 78758, "other": 694618, "commComp": 130250, "buildImprov": 15725 }]
"aid": "FL0400000",
"aname": "Madison County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 854509,
[{ "weapons": 18227, "electronicSurv": 107480, "commPrograms": 4335, "salaryOvertime": 46540, "other": 640281, "commComp": 28837, "buildImprov": 8810 }]
"aid": "FL0410000",
"aname": "Manatee County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 1960052,
[{ "weapons": 93920, "electronicSurv": 153127, "travTrain": 5898, "commPrograms": 122858, "other": 1395805, "commComp": 97836, "buildImprov": 90608 }]
"aid": "FL0110300",
"aname": "Marco Island Police Department",
"total": 130981,
[{ "weapons": 10873, "electronicSurv": 6400, "travTrain": 21782, "other": 13300, "commComp": 78626 }]
"aid": "FL0420000",
"aname": "Marion County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 747787,
[{ "weapons": 74300, "electronicSurv": 60427, "other": 385181, "commComp": 224150, "buildImprov": 3728 }]
"aid": "FL0430000",
"aname": "Martin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 277501,
[{ "weapons": 21997, "electronicSurv": 79841, "salaryOvertime": 50000, "other": 101930, "commComp": 23733 }]
"aid": "FL0050700",
"aname": "Melbourne Police Department",
"total": 70742,
[{ "other": 41417, "commComp": 29325 }]
"aid": "FL04800I0",
"aname": "Metropolitan Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 462964,
[{ "weapons": 10036, "electronicSurv": 6723, "travTrain": 39626, "other": 318649, "commComp": 87930 }]
"aid": "FL0130700",
"aname": "Miami Beach Police Department",
"total": 1267914,
[{ "weapons": 88192, "electronicSurv": 97799, "travTrain": 316861, "commPrograms": 6928, "salaryOvertime": 73933, "other": 527970, "commComp": 156232 }]
"aid": "FL0130800",
"aname": "Miami Shores Police Department",
"total": 206425,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2166, "infoRewards": 41940, "other": 145731, "commComp": 16587 }]
"aid": "FL0130900",
"aname": "Miami Springs Police Department",
"total": 112027,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1801, "other": 31853, "commComp": 25729, "buildImprov": 52643 }]
"aid": "FL0130000",
"aname": "Miami-Dade Police Department",
"total": 7697243,
[{ "weapons": 123468, "electronicSurv": 83594, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 110924, "salaryOvertime": 5687743, "other": 31652, "commComp": 1617548, "buildImprov": 38313 }]
"aid": "FL0570100",
"aname": "Milton Police Department",
"total": 70839,
[{ "weapons": 1270, "electronicSurv": 7640, "travTrain": 13729, "other": 8129, "commComp": 40070 }]
"aid": "FL0440000",
"aname": "Monroe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1160567,
[{ "weapons": 3750, "travTrain": 141, "commPrograms": 46308, "other": 1110369 }]
"aid": "FL0450000",
"aname": "Nassau County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 787846,
[{ "weapons": 127463, "electronicSurv": 10045, "commPrograms": 21772, "other": 333790, "commComp": 294775 }]
"aid": "FL0510200",
"aname": "New Port Richey Police Department",
"total": 89116,
[{ "weapons": 44079, "other": 38765, "buildImprov": 6272 }]
"aid": "FL0131700",
"aname": "North Bay Village Police Department",
"total": 2921727,
[{ "weapons": 50034, "electronicSurv": 6036, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 57228, "commPrograms": 101282, "salaryOvertime": 1131161, "other": 980675, "commComp": 476228, "buildImprov": 118583 }]
"aid": "FL0131000",
"aname": "North Miami Beach Police Dept",
"total": 10739129,
[{ "weapons": 305229, "electronicSurv": 1162131, "infoRewards": 222703, "travTrain": 311161, "commPrograms": 403240, "salaryOvertime": 7021414, "other": 596829, "commComp": 623270, "buildImprov": 93150 }]
"aid": "FL0580300",
"aname": "North Port Police Department",
"total": 35854,
[{ "weapons": 7789, "commPrograms": 4883, "other": 23182 }]
"aid": "FL0420100",
"aname": "Ocala Police Department",
"total": 127358,
[{ "weapons": 109689, "electronicSurv": 403, "commComp": 17267 }]
"aid": "FL017025A",
"aname": "Office Of State Attorney First Judicial Circuit",
"total": 110948,
[{ "weapons": 4761, "other": 102676, "commComp": 3511 }]
"aid": "FL037015A",
"aname": "Office Of The Attorney General",
"total": 430448,
[{ "weapons": 11618, "travTrain": 275664, "salaryOvertime": 61483, "other": 61203, "commComp": 8014, "buildImprov": 12466 }]
"aid": "FL0460000",
"aname": "Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 570347,
[{ "weapons": 156999, "electronicSurv": 10500, "travTrain": 23067, "commPrograms": 49781, "other": 207650, "commComp": 60935, "buildImprov": 61414 }]
"aid": "FL0470000",
"aname": "Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 42586,
[{ "commComp": 23739, "buildImprov": 18847 }]
"aid": "FL0480000",
"aname": "Orange County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1090837,
[{ "weapons": 252587, "electronicSurv": 34273, "infoRewards": 7000, "travTrain": 114518, "commPrograms": 118459, "other": 398979, "commComp": 88876, "buildImprov": 76147 }]
"aid": "FL0480400",
"aname": "Orlando Police Department",
"total": 1936188,
[{ "weapons": 118819, "electronicSurv": 132149, "infoRewards": 7000, "travTrain": 35328, "commPrograms": 35405, "other": 753758, "commComp": 465039, "buildImprov": 388690 }]
"aid": "FL0640400",
"aname": "Ormond Beach Police Department",
"total": 281400,
[{ "weapons": 6400, "other": 275000 }]
"aid": "FL0490000",
"aname": "Osceola County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 250603,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5253, "infoRewards": 106329, "commPrograms": 10400, "other": 126525, "commComp": 2096 }]
"aid": "FL0500000",
"aname": "Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 4827824,
[{ "weapons": 172484, "electronicSurv": 1605862, "commPrograms": 74103, "salaryOvertime": 42177, "other": 2599412, "commComp": 333786 }]
"aid": "FL0502600",
"aname": "Palm Beach Gardens Police Department",
"total": 298103,
[{ "weapons": 24174, "electronicSurv": 11287, "infoRewards": 9300, "travTrain": 6500, "commPrograms": 21930, "other": 136832, "commComp": 36114, "buildImprov": 51967 }]
"aid": "FL0030100",
"aname": "Panama City Police Department",
"total": 61381,
[{ "weapons": 19870, "electronicSurv": 16523, "other": 24988 }]
"aid": "FL0510000",
"aname": "Pasco Sheriff's Office Fl",
"total": 2366487,
[{ "weapons": 193653, "electronicSurv": 211120, "travTrain": 89458, "salaryOvertime": 68034, "other": 1047943, "commComp": 689375, "buildImprov": 66905 }]
"aid": "FL0170100",
"aname": "Pensacola Police Department",
"total": 182703,
[{ "weapons": 3510, "electronicSurv": 3690, "travTrain": 18099, "commPrograms": 79586, "other": 54034, "commComp": 23784 }]
"aid": "FL0520000",
"aname": "Pinellas County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2083149,
[{ "commPrograms": 184140, "other": 1794013, "buildImprov": 104996 }]
"aid": "FL0521100",
"aname": "Pinellas Park Police Department",
"total": 439758,
[{ "weapons": 110024, "electronicSurv": 44151, "travTrain": 53731, "commPrograms": 80073, "other": 90853, "commComp": 35925, "buildImprov": 25000 }]
"aid": "FL0530000",
"aname": "Polk County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1299509,
[{ "weapons": 612498, "electronicSurv": 20534, "commPrograms": 20000, "other": 106727, "commComp": 537430, "buildImprov": 2320 }]
"aid": "FL0641200",
"aname": "Port Orange Police Department",
"total": 82908,
[{ "travTrain": 23880, "other": 6378, "commComp": 52650 }]
"aid": "FL0540000",
"aname": "Putnam County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 312521,
[{ "weapons": 21984, "electronicSurv": 38072, "travTrain": 909, "commPrograms": 40000, "other": 163015, "commComp": 39138, "buildImprov": 9402 }]
"aid": "FL0500700",
"aname": "Riviera Beach Police Department",
"total": 375061,
[{ "electronicSurv": 120483, "travTrain": 1054, "commPrograms": 1760, "salaryOvertime": 12000, "other": 133597, "commComp": 106166 }]
"aid": "FL0590500",
"aname": "Sanford Police Department",
"total": 317139,
[{ "weapons": 176293, "infoRewards": 7800, "travTrain": 44753, "commPrograms": 28058, "other": 60235 }]
"aid": "FL0570000",
"aname": "Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 129865,
[{ "weapons": 27188, "electronicSurv": 21535, "commPrograms": 15313, "salaryOvertime": 17408, "other": 2850, "commComp": 45570 }]
"aid": "FL0580000",
"aname": "Sarasota County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 493455,
[{ "weapons": 905, "electronicSurv": 35170, "commPrograms": 14000, "other": 49235, "commComp": 387163, "buildImprov": 6982 }]
"aid": "FL0580100",
"aname": "Sarasota Police Department",
"total": 1306921,
[{ "weapons": 79281, "electronicSurv": 22659, "infoRewards": 102696, "travTrain": 70711, "other": 964252, "commComp": 44713, "buildImprov": 22609 }]
"aid": "FL0590000",
"aname": "Seminole County Sheriff Office",
"total": 400409,
[{ "electronicSurv": 169502, "travTrain": 15207, "other": 140053, "commComp": 15816, "buildImprov": 59831 }]
"aid": "FLEQ00213",
"aname": "South Florida Money Laundering Strike Force",
"total": 16811296,
[{ "electronicSurv": 60356, "infoRewards": 4671593, "travTrain": 1207320, "salaryOvertime": 5041434, "other": 5386893, "commComp": 443700 }]
"aid": "FL0550000",
"aname": "St. Johns County Sheriff",
"total": 91243,
[{ "weapons": 35380, "other": 46094, "commComp": 9769 }]
"aid": "FL0560000",
"aname": "St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 167648,
[{ "weapons": 9906, "electronicSurv": 52717, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 56930, "commComp": 9002, "buildImprov": 38594 }]
"aid": "FL0521400",
"aname": "St. Petersburg Police Department",
"total": 1684511,
[{ "weapons": 537373, "electronicSurv": 77199, "travTrain": 17259, "commPrograms": 5500, "other": 525206, "commComp": 521975 }]
"aid": "FL0600000",
"aname": "Sumter County Sheriff",
"total": 191301,
[{ "electronicSurv": 19000, "commPrograms": 5600, "buildImprov": 166701 }]
"aid": "FL0135100",
"aname": "Sunny Isles Beach Police Department",
"total": 2586978,
[{ "weapons": 80027, "electronicSurv": 30154, "infoRewards": 100000, "travTrain": 2831, "commPrograms": 22238, "salaryOvertime": 1121883, "other": 938289, "commComp": 291555 }]
"aid": "FL0131300",
"aname": "Surfside Police Department",
"total": 243474,
[{ "weapons": 9589, "electronicSurv": 965, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 4982, "commPrograms": 13291, "other": 15160, "commComp": 193874, "buildImprov": 612 }]
"aid": "FL0132900",
"aname": "Sweetwater Police Department",
"total": 273845,
[{ "other": 273845 }]
"aid": "FL0290200",
"aname": "Tampa Police Department",
"total": 36888,
[{ "other": 36888 }]
"aid": "FL0521800",
"aname": "Tarpon Springs Police Department",
"total": 1170073,
[{ "weapons": 154327, "electronicSurv": 246665, "travTrain": 39440, "commPrograms": 195852, "other": 384554, "commComp": 77620, "buildImprov": 71615 }]
"aid": "FL0503100",
"aname": "Tequesta Police Department",
"total": 50000,
[{ "commComp": 50000 }]
"aid": "FL0051100",
"aname": "Titusville Police Department",
"total": 712884,
[{ "weapons": 87792, "electronicSurv": 38104, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 45124, "commPrograms": 17212, "salaryOvertime": 80130, "other": 124791, "commComp": 227515, "buildImprov": 72215 }]
"aid": "FL0061200",
"aname": "Town Of Davie Police Department",
"total": 4104572,
[{ "weapons": 48254, "electronicSurv": 41005, "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 68556, "commPrograms": 5760, "salaryOvertime": 595490, "other": 2441509, "commComp": 518142, "buildImprov": 373856 }]
"aid": "FL0132700",
"aname": "Town Of Medley Police Department",
"total": 808397,
[{ "weapons": 106696, "commPrograms": 36461, "other": 372386, "commComp": 213537, "buildImprov": 79317 }]
"aid": "FL0500600",
"aname": "Town Of Palm Beach Police Department",
"total": 52013,
[{ "weapons": 3150, "travTrain": 13996, "other": 11139, "commComp": 23728 }]
"aid": "FL0063000",
"aname": "Town of Pembroke Park Police Dept/Contract BCSO",
"total": 36674,
[{ "electronicSurv": 36674 }]
"aid": "FL0130100",
"aname": "Village Of Bal Harbour Police",
"total": 6454275,
[{ "weapons": 61544, "electronicSurv": 256629, "infoRewards": 1109596, "travTrain": 163158, "commPrograms": 136359, "salaryOvertime": 1709879, "other": 2339464, "commComp": 494956, "buildImprov": 182690 }]
"aid": "FL0131400",
"aname": "Village Of Biscayne Park Police Department",
"total": 64662,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3200, "infoRewards": 2500, "travTrain": 916, "salaryOvertime": 28542, "other": 24546, "commComp": 1328, "buildImprov": 3630 }]
"aid": "FL0132000",
"aname": "Village Of Virginia Gardens Police Department",
"total": 180000,
[{ "other": 145015, "commComp": 34985 }]
"aid": "FL0640000",
"aname": "Volusia County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1946409,
[{ "weapons": 153103, "electronicSurv": 131590, "travTrain": 19932, "commPrograms": 8350, "other": 29461, "commComp": 103735, "buildImprov": 1500237 }]
"aid": "FL0660000",
"aname": "Walton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 352454,
[{ "weapons": 48055, "electronicSurv": 1321, "travTrain": 18715, "commPrograms": 13367, "other": 86250, "commComp": 41977, "buildImprov": 142768 }]
"aid": "FL0670000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 194770,
[{ "weapons": 13178, "commPrograms": 18250, "other": 163342 }]
"aid": "FL0132100",
"aname": "West Miami Police Department",
"total": 404322,
[{ "weapons": 8642, "electronicSurv": 701, "infoRewards": 1020, "travTrain": 759, "salaryOvertime": 143030, "other": 202805, "commComp": 12978, "buildImprov": 34387 }]
"aid": "FL0500800",
"aname": "West Palm Beach Police Department",
"total": 1327237,
[{ "weapons": 49310, "electronicSurv": 58069, "travTrain": 17350, "commPrograms": 53884, "salaryOvertime": 96427, "other": 704177, "commComp": 324306, "buildImprov": 23715 }]
"aid": "FL0531600",
"aname": "Winter Haven Police Department",
"total": 47031,
[{ "weapons": 9238, "infoRewards": 1500, "other": 36294 }]
"aid": "FL0590600",
"aname": "Winter Springs Police Department",
"total": 191198,
[{ "weapons": 36333, "travTrain": 55990, "commPrograms": 2215, "other": 69034, "commComp": 18700, "buildImprov": 8926 }]
"st": "GA",
"stn": "Georgia",
"total": 131280322,
[{ "weapons": 11553999, "electronicSurv": 8225711, "infoRewards": 2511924, "travTrain": 9825250, "commPrograms": 382630, "salaryOvertime": 1926909, "other": 59204700, "commComp": 25603188, "buildImprov": 12046012 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "GA0370100",
"aname": "Adel Police Department",
"total": 44354,
[{ "weapons": 2000, "infoRewards": 1000, "other": 38954, "commComp": 2400 }]
"aid": "GA0470600",
"aname": "Albany-Dougherty County Drug Unit",
"total": 362494,
[{ "weapons": 58124, "electronicSurv": 179111, "travTrain": 3715, "other": 88322, "commComp": 33222 }]
"aid": "GA0290100",
"aname": "Athens-Clarke County Police Department",
"total": 30160,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14650, "other": 15510 }]
"aid": "GAAPD0000",
"aname": "Atlanta Police Department",
"total": 8786366,
[{ "weapons": 1667656, "electronicSurv": 571982, "infoRewards": 417928, "travTrain": 125922, "commPrograms": 20000, "salaryOvertime": 845058, "other": 3787239, "commComp": 1013322, "buildImprov": 337258 }]
"aid": "GA0030000",
"aname": "Bacon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 160562,
[{ "weapons": 22082, "electronicSurv": 669, "travTrain": 1871, "other": 100379, "commComp": 31724, "buildImprov": 3837 }]
"aid": "GA0430100",
"aname": "Bainbridge Police Department",
"total": 298498,
[{ "weapons": 65589, "electronicSurv": 15044, "infoRewards": 10500, "travTrain": 13600, "other": 12648, "commComp": 76961, "buildImprov": 104156 }]
"aid": "GA0060000",
"aname": "Banks County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 544345,
[{ "weapons": 25556, "infoRewards": 3400, "travTrain": 10675, "other": 492050, "commComp": 12663 }]
"aid": "GA0070000",
"aname": "Barrow County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 425568,
[{ "weapons": 87874, "electronicSurv": 14557, "infoRewards": 81000, "travTrain": 28001, "other": 138687, "commComp": 60713, "buildImprov": 14736 }]
"aid": "GA0080000",
"aname": "Bartow County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 213551,
[{ "weapons": 1894, "electronicSurv": 8793, "travTrain": 15873, "other": 117554, "commComp": 69069, "buildImprov": 369 }]
"aid": "GA0780600",
"aname": "Braselton Police Department",
"total": 2356106,
[{ "weapons": 79234, "travTrain": 139255, "commPrograms": 322, "salaryOvertime": 133780, "other": 875215, "commComp": 223668, "buildImprov": 904632 }]
"aid": "GA0150000",
"aname": "Bryan County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 286702,
[{ "travTrain": 4430, "other": 266900, "commComp": 15372 }]
"aid": "GA0160000",
"aname": "Bulloch County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 270023,
[{ "weapons": 19977, "travTrain": 4516, "other": 217392, "commComp": 28138 }]
"aid": "GA0170000",
"aname": "Burke County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 35421,
[{ "travTrain": 2337, "other": 9025, "commComp": 16555, "buildImprov": 7504 }]
"aid": "GA0180000",
"aname": "Butts County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 416370,
[{ "weapons": 102400, "electronicSurv": 16994, "infoRewards": 33000, "travTrain": 41421, "other": 120809, "commComp": 79513, "buildImprov": 22233 }]
"aid": "GA1110200",
"aname": "Byron Police Department",
"total": 47095,
[{ "weapons": 5736, "infoRewards": 3200, "travTrain": 2816, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 28731, "commComp": 1438, "buildImprov": 4675 }]
"aid": "GA0200000",
"aname": "Camden County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1760402,
[{ "weapons": 43470, "electronicSurv": 19240, "travTrain": 110059, "commPrograms": 1575, "other": 1237729, "commComp": 92003, "buildImprov": 256327 }]
"aid": "GA0220000",
"aname": "Carroll County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 235927,
[{ "weapons": 17774, "electronicSurv": 10004, "travTrain": 2228, "commPrograms": 33707, "other": 106282, "commComp": 64131, "buildImprov": 1800 }]
"aid": "GA0080100",
"aname": "Cartersville Police Department",
"total": 3223892,
[{ "weapons": 42478, "electronicSurv": 13500, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 77010, "commPrograms": 19727, "salaryOvertime": 41983, "other": 1329421, "commComp": 530571, "buildImprov": 1168201 }]
"aid": "GA0230000",
"aname": "Catoosa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 43430,
[{ "weapons": 13172, "electronicSurv": 4361, "travTrain": 6120, "commPrograms": 2544, "other": 5106, "commComp": 10537, "buildImprov": 1590 }]
"aid": "GA0760300",
"aname": "Centerville Police Department",
"total": 45892,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3034, "infoRewards": 110, "travTrain": 2492, "other": 6777, "commComp": 31487, "buildImprov": 1992 }]
"aid": "GA0250100",
"aname": "Chatham County Police Department -Savannah",
"total": 228749,
[{ "other": 62886, "commComp": 99143, "buildImprov": 66721 }]
"aid": "GA0250000",
"aname": "Chatham County Sheriff Department",
"total": 256514,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15699, "infoRewards": 3500, "commPrograms": 600, "other": 54996, "commComp": 20407, "buildImprov": 161312 }]
"aid": "GA0251800",
"aname": "Chatham-Savannah Counter Narcotics Team",
"total": 284065,
[{ "electronicSurv": 188549, "other": 33790, "buildImprov": 61726 }]
"aid": "GA0270000",
"aname": "Chattooga County Sheriff's Offce",
"total": 67015,
[{ "weapons": 6485, "salaryOvertime": 37792, "other": 22737 }]
"aid": "GA0281000",
"aname": "Cherokee Multi-Agency Narcotics Squad",
"total": 347644,
[{ "weapons": 32319, "electronicSurv": 71686, "infoRewards": 53733, "travTrain": 51839, "commPrograms": 2369, "other": 76687, "commComp": 59010 }]
"aid": "GA0280000",
"aname": "Cherokee Sheriff's Office",
"total": 120200,
[{ "weapons": 56496, "electronicSurv": 5048, "travTrain": 1475, "other": 45944, "commComp": 7812, "buildImprov": 3425 }]
"aid": "GA0330500",
"aname": "City Of Acworth Police Department",
"total": 51920,
[{ "other": 51920 }]
"aid": "GA0600400",
"aname": "City Of Alpharetta Police Department",
"total": 2244187,
[{ "weapons": 371620, "electronicSurv": 269167, "travTrain": 158805, "salaryOvertime": 225264, "other": 89802, "commComp": 835356, "buildImprov": 294173 }]
"aid": "GA0630100",
"aname": "City Of Brunswick Police Department",
"total": 69284,
[{ "weapons": 27705, "electronicSurv": 1972, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 3571, "other": 14206, "commComp": 12281, "buildImprov": 4549 }]
"aid": "GA1220100",
"aname": "City Of Conyers Police Department",
"total": 999285,
[{ "weapons": 261124, "electronicSurv": 26354, "infoRewards": 50, "travTrain": 265922, "other": 15975, "commComp": 253114, "buildImprov": 176745 }]
"aid": "GA0440600",
"aname": "City Of Doraville Georgia Police Department",
"total": 2540491,
[{ "weapons": 86428, "electronicSurv": 166772, "infoRewards": 191120, "travTrain": 169962, "commPrograms": 6200, "salaryOvertime": 37992, "other": 914521, "commComp": 578043, "buildImprov": 389453 }]
"aid": "GA0480100",
"aname": "City Of Douglasville Police Department",
"total": 1803817,
[{ "weapons": 33574, "electronicSurv": 33820, "travTrain": 77817, "commPrograms": 55067, "other": 1303852, "commComp": 299688 }]
"aid": "GA0600300",
"aname": "City Of Hapeville Georgia Police Department",
"total": 171984,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1888, "other": 120930, "commComp": 21293, "buildImprov": 27873 }]
"aid": "GA1410100",
"aname": "City Of Hogansville Police Department",
"total": 121188,
[{ "weapons": 14757, "electronicSurv": 3760, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 2357, "other": 84667, "commComp": 11825, "buildImprov": 3322 }]
"aid": "GA0670600",
"aname": "City Of Lilburn Police Department",
"total": 214243,
[{ "weapons": 8057, "electronicSurv": 90696, "infoRewards": 1695, "travTrain": 2385, "commPrograms": 700, "other": 106036, "commComp": 4675 }]
"aid": "GA1470100",
"aname": "City Of Monroe Police Department",
"total": 62465,
[{ "weapons": 12985, "electronicSurv": 8232, "infoRewards": 16363, "travTrain": 8565, "commPrograms": 1500, "other": 4771, "commComp": 10049 }]
"aid": "GA0670700",
"aname": "City Of Norcross Police Department",
"total": 1514719,
[{ "weapons": 54932, "electronicSurv": 354715, "travTrain": 7500, "other": 588880, "commComp": 508692 }]
"aid": "GA0670800",
"aname": "City Of Snellville Police Department",
"total": 247311,
[{ "weapons": 30451, "electronicSurv": 15348, "travTrain": 9297, "other": 114873, "commComp": 60354, "buildImprov": 16988 }]
"aid": "GA0440500",
"aname": "Clarkston Police Department",
"total": 641283,
[{ "weapons": 9885, "electronicSurv": 8851, "travTrain": 18608, "commPrograms": 28761, "other": 413349, "commComp": 142116, "buildImprov": 19713 }]
"aid": "GA0310100",
"aname": "Clayton Count Police Department",
"total": 39822,
[{ "buildImprov": 39822 }]
"aid": "GA031015A",
"aname": "Clayton County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 69437,
[{ "weapons": 715, "electronicSurv": 482, "travTrain": 6430, "salaryOvertime": 23534, "other": 15681, "commComp": 22595 }]
"aid": "GA0310900",
"aname": "Clayton County Police Drug/Gang Task Force",
"total": 2223429,
[{ "weapons": 74974, "electronicSurv": 1735, "infoRewards": 334943, "travTrain": 32008, "other": 649373, "commComp": 667433, "buildImprov": 462963 }]
"aid": "GA0310000",
"aname": "Clayton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 804022,
[{ "weapons": 199263, "other": 597292, "commComp": 7467 }]
"aid": "GA0330200",
"aname": "Cobb County Police Department",
"total": 277181,
[{ "weapons": 175000, "commComp": 102181 }]
"aid": "GA0330000",
"aname": "Cobb County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 243973,
[{ "weapons": 59885, "travTrain": 46500, "commPrograms": 5500, "other": 98900, "commComp": 33188 }]
"aid": "GA033033A",
"aname": "Cobb County Solicitor General's Office",
"total": 55091,
[{ "travTrain": 26465, "salaryOvertime": 4170, "other": 2968, "commComp": 10362, "buildImprov": 11126 }]
"aid": "GA0340000",
"aname": "Coffee County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 50062,
[{ "weapons": 9714, "electronicSurv": 3125, "infoRewards": 850, "other": 32650, "commComp": 3723 }]
"aid": "GA0600100",
"aname": "College Park Police Department",
"total": 307795,
[{ "weapons": 37376, "electronicSurv": 11313, "infoRewards": 24319, "travTrain": 7969, "commComp": 125186, "buildImprov": 101632 }]
"aid": "GA0360000",
"aname": "Columbia County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 171488,
[{ "weapons": 125461, "other": 40404, "commComp": 5623 }]
"aid": "GA1060100",
"aname": "Columbus Police Department",
"total": 180632,
[{ "weapons": 4374, "electronicSurv": 51783, "travTrain": 4268, "other": 120207 }]
"aid": "GA0780100",
"aname": "Commerce Police Department",
"total": 397124,
[{ "weapons": 32188, "travTrain": 4948, "other": 320227, "commComp": 39761 }]
"aid": "GA0370000",
"aname": "Cook County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 64100,
[{ "weapons": 3798, "electronicSurv": 24687, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 4314, "commPrograms": 6144, "other": 7330, "commComp": 16828 }]
"aid": "GA1070100",
"aname": "Covington Police Department",
"total": 2437703,
[{ "weapons": 120709, "electronicSurv": 57222, "infoRewards": 46279, "travTrain": 290307, "commPrograms": 4010, "other": 1345909, "commComp": 475674, "buildImprov": 97592 }]
"aid": "GA0380000",
"aname": "Coweta County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 254160,
[{ "weapons": 40904, "travTrain": 9621, "other": 109434, "commComp": 61380, "buildImprov": 32821 }]
"aid": "GA038015A",
"aname": "Coweta Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office",
"total": 394977,
[{ "weapons": 31466, "travTrain": 55499, "salaryOvertime": 7500, "other": 210910, "commComp": 56791, "buildImprov": 32811 }]
"aid": "GA0400000",
"aname": "Crisp County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 348276,
[{ "weapons": 55939, "electronicSurv": 4976, "infoRewards": 6900, "travTrain": 1000, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 220660, "commComp": 10955, "buildImprov": 47346 }]
"aid": "GA0410000",
"aname": "Dade County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 44801,
[{ "weapons": 4369, "electronicSurv": 1700, "other": 24780, "commComp": 13952 }]
"aid": "GA1550100",
"aname": "Dalton Police Department",
"total": 269921,
[{ "travTrain": 7995, "other": 170826, "commComp": 91100 }]
"aid": "GA0950100",
"aname": "Darien Police Department",
"total": 121519,
[{ "weapons": 11542, "electronicSurv": 915, "travTrain": 7000, "other": 13989, "commComp": 28269, "buildImprov": 59804 }]
"aid": "GA0420000",
"aname": "Dawson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 85599,
[{ "weapons": 1197, "travTrain": 8645, "other": 72888, "commComp": 2868 }]
"aid": "GA044015A",
"aname": "Dekalb County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 50278,
[{ "weapons": 199, "infoRewards": 1527, "travTrain": 14162, "commPrograms": 25773, "salaryOvertime": 741, "other": 1619, "commComp": 1481, "buildImprov": 4775 }]
"aid": "GA0440200",
"aname": "Dekalb County Police Department",
"total": 4931345,
[{ "weapons": 146516, "electronicSurv": 179858, "infoRewards": 323468, "travTrain": 276086, "commPrograms": 9750, "other": 1999680, "commComp": 1054306, "buildImprov": 941682 }]
"aid": "GA0440000",
"aname": "Dekalb County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1555585,
[{ "weapons": 482568, "electronicSurv": 304800, "travTrain": 48158, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 321225, "commComp": 313045, "buildImprov": 84789 }]
"aid": "GA033015A",
"aname": "District Attorney Cobb Judicial Circuit",
"total": 134826,
[{ "weapons": 4292, "electronicSurv": 655, "travTrain": 41920, "other": 45332, "commComp": 21564, "buildImprov": 21062 }]
"aid": "GA0460000",
"aname": "Dooly County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 704987,
[{ "weapons": 28430, "electronicSurv": 438, "travTrain": 47514, "other": 494202, "commComp": 134402 }]
"aid": "GA0480000",
"aname": "Douglas County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 612174,
[{ "weapons": 3953, "electronicSurv": 41077, "travTrain": 9222, "other": 23359, "commComp": 174563, "buildImprov": 360000 }]
"aid": "GA0670500",
"aname": "Duluth Police Department",
"total": 598096,
[{ "weapons": 13070, "electronicSurv": 317103, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 25150, "other": 31833, "commComp": 196390, "buildImprov": 9550 }]
"aid": "GA0600200",
"aname": "East Point Police Department",
"total": 1852857,
[{ "weapons": 232364, "electronicSurv": 79816, "travTrain": 458438, "salaryOvertime": 6369, "other": 734105, "commComp": 191461, "buildImprov": 150304 }]
"aid": "GA1170100",
"aname": "Eatonton Police Department",
"total": 38724,
[{ "travTrain": 12437, "other": 23968, "commComp": 500, "buildImprov": 1819 }]
"aid": "GA0600700",
"aname": "Fairburn Police Department",
"total": 87016,
[{ "weapons": 17585, "other": 1550, "commComp": 7256, "buildImprov": 60625 }]
"aid": "GA0560000",
"aname": "Fayette County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 5257279,
[{ "weapons": 246626, "electronicSurv": 710871, "infoRewards": 536715, "travTrain": 841027, "other": 1449804, "commComp": 1128454, "buildImprov": 343782 }]
"aid": "GA0560100",
"aname": "Fayetteville Police Department",
"total": 579988,
[{ "weapons": 30158, "travTrain": 36763, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 163414, "commComp": 349154 }]
"aid": "GA0750700",
"aname": "Flint Circuit Durg Task Force",
"total": 33468,
[{ "infoRewards": 10302, "other": 20966, "commComp": 2200 }]
"aid": "GA0570100",
"aname": "Floyd County Police Department",
"total": 47284,
[{ "electronicSurv": 20985, "travTrain": 4167, "commComp": 22131 }]
"aid": "GA0580000",
"aname": "Forsyth County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1718451,
[{ "weapons": 84500, "electronicSurv": 10862, "travTrain": 38347, "commPrograms": 20000, "other": 1458990, "commComp": 105752 }]
"aid": "GA1020100",
"aname": "Forsyth Police Department",
"total": 96896,
[{ "weapons": 25732, "electronicSurv": 23328, "travTrain": 2500, "other": 25879, "commComp": 4500, "buildImprov": 14957 }]
"aid": "GA0590000",
"aname": "Franklin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 52334,
[{ "weapons": 6021, "electronicSurv": 2200, "other": 44112 }]
"aid": "GA060015A",
"aname": "Fulton County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 131740,
[{ "weapons": 285, "electronicSurv": 2343, "infoRewards": 1582, "travTrain": 18249, "other": 37609, "commComp": 66311, "buildImprov": 5361 }]
"aid": "GA0601300",
"aname": "Fulton County Police Department",
"total": 1026218,
[{ "weapons": 155166, "electronicSurv": 25835, "travTrain": 193486, "salaryOvertime": 182635, "other": 201978, "commComp": 228688, "buildImprov": 38431 }]
"aid": "GA0600000",
"aname": "Fulton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 196126,
[{ "weapons": 36863, "travTrain": 7752, "other": 46264, "commComp": 52374, "buildImprov": 52873 }]
"aid": "GAQNGCD02",
"aname": "Ga National Guard Counterdrug Task Force",
"total": 1580395,
[{ "weapons": 45106, "electronicSurv": 96940, "travTrain": 183853, "other": 981606, "commComp": 259211, "buildImprov": 13679 }]
"aid": "GAGBI0000",
"aname": "Georgia Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 8934695,
[{ "weapons": 685196, "electronicSurv": 379653, "infoRewards": 14809, "travTrain": 2312646, "salaryOvertime": 63472, "other": 4130839, "commComp": 1191410, "buildImprov": 156670 }]
"aid": "GA060025C",
"aname": "Georgia Department Of Corrections",
"total": 3130569,
[{ "weapons": 21494, "electronicSurv": 112440, "travTrain": 18341, "other": 2337070, "commComp": 4860, "buildImprov": 636364 }]
"aid": "GA1470400",
"aname": "Georgia Department Of Natural Resources Law Enforc",
"total": 100680,
[{ "other": 100680 }]
"aid": "GAGSP0000",
"aname": "Georgia Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 10023442,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1070973, "travTrain": 959867, "other": 1873816, "commComp": 6118785 }]
"aid": "GA060285A",
"aname": "Georgia Dept. Of Law -Attorney General",
"total": 201981,
[{ "other": 193189, "commComp": 8792 }]
"aid": "GA0601600",
"aname": "Georgia Drugs And Narcotics Agency",
"total": 207976,
[{ "weapons": 10778, "infoRewards": 300, "travTrain": 36894, "other": 130805, "commComp": 29199 }]
"aid": "GA0671700",
"aname": "Georgia Gwinnett College Police Department",
"total": 99978,
[{ "weapons": 7682, "other": 45472, "commComp": 24883, "buildImprov": 21940 }]
"aid": "GA0630200",
"aname": "Glynn County Police Department",
"total": 141059,
[{ "weapons": 2051, "electronicSurv": 14594, "infoRewards": 20000, "other": 27466, "commComp": 76948 }]
"aid": "GA0660000",
"aname": "Greene County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1231032,
[{ "weapons": 40916, "electronicSurv": 55192, "infoRewards": 38200, "travTrain": 95902, "commPrograms": 26091, "other": 721222, "commComp": 202384, "buildImprov": 51124 }]
"aid": "GA1260100",
"aname": "Griffin Police Department",
"total": 212295,
[{ "weapons": 58803, "electronicSurv": 21123, "other": 132305, "commComp": 65 }]
"aid": "GA067015A",
"aname": "Gwinnett County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 429480,
[{ "weapons": 42283, "travTrain": 91117, "salaryOvertime": 68963, "other": 67542, "commComp": 73790, "buildImprov": 85785 }]
"aid": "GA0670200",
"aname": "Gwinnett County Police Department",
"total": 4291671,
[{ "weapons": 591950, "electronicSurv": 473092, "travTrain": 482718, "other": 1354140, "commComp": 1149771, "buildImprov": 240000 }]
"aid": "GA0670000",
"aname": "Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1613000,
[{ "weapons": 136756, "electronicSurv": 221708, "travTrain": 95244, "commPrograms": 36209, "other": 759422, "commComp": 300985, "buildImprov": 62675 }]
"aid": "GA0690010",
"aname": "Hall County Mans",
"total": 162975,
[{ "weapons": 7158, "electronicSurv": 46330, "infoRewards": 100, "travTrain": 2879, "other": 26552, "commComp": 56332, "buildImprov": 23624 }]
"aid": "GA0690000",
"aname": "Hall County Sheriff",
"total": 860700,
[{ "weapons": 70854, "travTrain": 35341, "other": 702460, "commComp": 28416, "buildImprov": 23630 }]
"aid": "GA0710400",
"aname": "Haralson Paulding Drug Task Force",
"total": 138763,
[{ "weapons": 2983, "electronicSurv": 4480, "travTrain": 799, "other": 111992, "commComp": 18510 }]
"aid": "GA0720000",
"aname": "Harris County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 69856,
[{ "weapons": 15747, "travTrain": 4138, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 43371, "commComp": 4649, "buildImprov": 1451 }]
"aid": "GA0740000",
"aname": "Heard County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 217346,
[{ "weapons": 48374, "electronicSurv": 20079, "travTrain": 1520, "salaryOvertime": 4566, "other": 69122, "commComp": 31756, "buildImprov": 41928 }]
"aid": "GA0750502",
"aname": "Henry County Police Department",
"total": 1271343,
[{ "weapons": 68482, "electronicSurv": 76462, "travTrain": 51654, "other": 684410, "commComp": 37096, "buildImprov": 353240 }]
"aid": "GA0750000",
"aname": "Henry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 3396092,
[{ "weapons": 244166, "electronicSurv": 65180, "travTrain": 41527, "other": 2016209, "commComp": 343325, "buildImprov": 685686 }]
"aid": "GA0760000",
"aname": "Houston County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 307943,
[{ "weapons": 87098, "electronicSurv": 76928, "infoRewards": 50245, "travTrain": 32908, "other": 10980, "commComp": 39889, "buildImprov": 9896 }]
"aid": "GA0810000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 103018,
[{ "weapons": 1640, "electronicSurv": 13785, "infoRewards": 9000, "other": 62550, "commComp": 16044 }]
"aid": "GA0780200",
"aname": "Jefferson Police Department",
"total": 395315,
[{ "weapons": 20654, "electronicSurv": 25330, "travTrain": 81230, "other": 195734, "commComp": 72367 }]
"aid": "GA0605800",
"aname": "Johns Creek Police Department",
"total": 75316,
[{ "weapons": 22406, "travTrain": 10389, "other": 29132, "commComp": 13388 }]
"aid": "GA0310400",
"aname": "Jonesboro Police Department",
"total": 453686,
[{ "weapons": 49002, "electronicSurv": 850, "infoRewards": 285, "travTrain": 17523, "commPrograms": 2705, "other": 318956, "commComp": 54091, "buildImprov": 10274 }]
"aid": "GA0200100",
"aname": "Kingsland Police Department",
"total": 50206,
[{ "weapons": 3000, "other": 38027, "commComp": 9179 }]
"aid": "GA1410200",
"aname": "Lagrange Police Department",
"total": 121490,
[{ "weapons": 2150, "electronicSurv": 15680, "travTrain": 39878, "other": 47731, "commComp": 15568, "buildImprov": 483 }]
"aid": "GA0850000",
"aname": "Lamar County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 433074,
[{ "weapons": 43903, "electronicSurv": 73709, "travTrain": 6361, "commPrograms": 2390, "other": 229535, "commComp": 70313, "buildImprov": 6864 }]
"aid": "GA0860000",
"aname": "Lanier County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 36294,
[{ "weapons": 2806, "electronicSurv": 861, "infoRewards": 739, "travTrain": 1386, "salaryOvertime": 317, "other": 30184 }]
"aid": "GA0670300",
"aname": "Lawrenceville Police Department",
"total": 3987866,
[{ "weapons": 119771, "travTrain": 26091, "other": 3197680, "commComp": 637688, "buildImprov": 6637 }]
"aid": "GA0880000",
"aname": "Lee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 59412,
[{ "weapons": 7805, "electronicSurv": 17275, "travTrain": 4650, "other": 21117, "commComp": 5468, "buildImprov": 3096 }]
"aid": "GA0890000",
"aname": "Liberty County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 243735,
[{ "travTrain": 6529, "other": 183783, "commComp": 1128, "buildImprov": 52296 }]
"aid": "GA1470200",
"aname": "Loganville Police Department",
"total": 173310,
[{ "weapons": 9058, "electronicSurv": 4415, "other": 158677, "commComp": 1160 }]
"aid": "GA1460700",
"aname": "Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit Drug Task Force",
"total": 48360,
[{ "weapons": 4982, "electronicSurv": 2806, "infoRewards": 100, "commPrograms": 100, "other": 27749, "commComp": 1793, "buildImprov": 10830 }]
"aid": "GA0920000",
"aname": "Lowndes County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 2442994,
[{ "weapons": 323970, "electronicSurv": 53594, "travTrain": 77714, "commPrograms": 8750, "other": 1671770, "commComp": 304079, "buildImprov": 3116 }]
"aid": "GAEQ00104",
"aname": "Marietta Cobb Smyrna/Narcotics & Organized Crime U",
"total": 1202884,
[{ "electronicSurv": 63500, "other": 1071981, "commComp": 35674, "buildImprov": 31729 }]
"aid": "GA0330300",
"aname": "Marietta Police Department",
"total": 2359771,
[{ "weapons": 502781, "electronicSurv": 150091, "travTrain": 220501, "commPrograms": 44626, "other": 1007545, "commComp": 116757, "buildImprov": 317469 }]
"aid": "GA0062100",
"aname": "Marta Police Department",
"total": 39629,
[{ "other": 39629 }]
"aid": "GA0950000",
"aname": "Mcintosh County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 214754,
[{ "weapons": 27281, "electronicSurv": 11130, "infoRewards": 46992, "travTrain": 559, "salaryOvertime": 2213, "other": 117175, "commComp": 4470, "buildImprov": 4934 }]
"aid": "GA10600NT",
"aname": "Metro Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 219413,
[{ "weapons": 7547, "electronicSurv": 28661, "infoRewards": 10649, "travTrain": 32329, "other": 108566, "commComp": 29981, "buildImprov": 1679 }]
"aid": "GA0602100",
"aname": "Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority",
"total": 45197,
[{ "other": 45197 }]
"aid": "GA1020000",
"aname": "Monroe County Sheriff Office",
"total": 344373,
[{ "weapons": 43578, "electronicSurv": 42807, "travTrain": 18844, "other": 182340, "commComp": 46180, "buildImprov": 10624 }]
"aid": "GA1040000",
"aname": "Morgan County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 256701,
[{ "weapons": 28992, "electronicSurv": 8880, "infoRewards": 9300, "travTrain": 2264, "other": 153102, "commComp": 38690, "buildImprov": 15474 }]
"aid": "GA1060000",
"aname": "Muscogee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 231286,
[{ "weapons": 5567, "travTrain": 3626, "other": 218395, "commComp": 3698 }]
"aid": "GA0380100",
"aname": "Newnan Police Department",
"total": 93739,
[{ "weapons": 20464, "electronicSurv": 7353, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 2635, "other": 15429, "commComp": 42857 }]
"aid": "GA1070000",
"aname": "Newton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 141278,
[{ "weapons": 14259, "electronicSurv": 567, "travTrain": 30249, "other": 88522, "commComp": 7681 }]
"aid": "GAEQ00023",
"aname": "Ocmulgee Drug Task Force",
"total": 189731,
[{ "weapons": 18147, "electronicSurv": 11259, "infoRewards": 12292, "travTrain": 9122, "salaryOvertime": 4573, "other": 109938, "commComp": 21830, "buildImprov": 2569 }]
"aid": "GA0990000",
"aname": "Office Of The Sheriff Meriwether County Georgia",
"total": 48343,
[{ "infoRewards": 1650, "travTrain": 2041, "other": 43715, "commComp": 937 }]
"aid": "GA1110000",
"aname": "Peach County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 39298,
[{ "weapons": 17356, "electronicSurv": 4947, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 2508, "other": 12072, "commComp": 250, "buildImprov": 665 }]
"aid": "GA0560200",
"aname": "Peachtree City Police Department",
"total": 55588,
[{ "infoRewards": 5500, "commComp": 33335, "buildImprov": 16753 }]
"aid": "GA1140000",
"aname": "Pike County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 45768,
[{ "infoRewards": 1500, "other": 43418, "commComp": 850 }]
"aid": "GA1150300",
"aname": "Polk County Police Department",
"total": 68968,
[{ "weapons": 2951, "electronicSurv": 348, "infoRewards": 5000, "other": 9639, "commComp": 41410, "buildImprov": 9620 }]
"aid": "GA1150000",
"aname": "Polk County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 66864,
[{ "weapons": 4953, "electronicSurv": 428, "travTrain": 1825, "commPrograms": 114, "other": 31524, "commComp": 14679, "buildImprov": 13341 }]
"aid": "GA1170000",
"aname": "Putnam County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 357793,
[{ "weapons": 32628, "electronicSurv": 9360, "other": 161031, "commComp": 103369, "buildImprov": 51405 }]
"aid": "GA1210000",
"aname": "Richmond County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1023377,
[{ "weapons": 289271, "electronicSurv": 27700, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 7964, "other": 399181, "commComp": 279260 }]
"aid": "GA0310500",
"aname": "Riverdale Police Department",
"total": 233863,
[{ "weapons": 4725, "electronicSurv": 13018, "travTrain": 44759, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 46082, "commComp": 57661, "buildImprov": 66618 }]
"aid": "GA1220000",
"aname": "Rockdale County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1299094,
[{ "weapons": 39924, "electronicSurv": 3200, "travTrain": 106572, "other": 284692, "commComp": 50394, "buildImprov": 814312 }]
"aid": "GA0600500",
"aname": "Roswell Police Department",
"total": 2018584,
[{ "weapons": 354534, "electronicSurv": 7500, "infoRewards": 48000, "travTrain": 168243, "salaryOvertime": 232784, "other": 399531, "commComp": 400758, "buildImprov": 407235 }]
"aid": "GA0605600",
"aname": "Sandy Springs Police Department",
"total": 702096,
[{ "weapons": 158634, "electronicSurv": 98680, "travTrain": 73794, "other": 203319, "commComp": 114246, "buildImprov": 53423 }]
"aid": "GA0251600",
"aname": "Savannah-Chatham County Public School Police",
"total": 209492,
[{ "weapons": 9760, "electronicSurv": 7090, "travTrain": 1709, "other": 163232, "commComp": 27702 }]
"aid": "GA0250300",
"aname": "Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department",
"total": 293637,
[{ "weapons": 37635, "travTrain": 7517, "other": 120784, "commComp": 127701 }]
"aid": "GA0330402",
"aname": "Smyrna Police Department",
"total": 336497,
[{ "weapons": 251, "electronicSurv": 7219, "infoRewards": 1200, "travTrain": 39735, "other": 230019, "commComp": 58074 }]
"aid": "GA0090200",
"aname": "South Central Drug Task Force",
"total": 41258,
[{ "weapons": 3172, "electronicSurv": 6690, "travTrain": 241, "other": 12929, "commComp": 13319, "buildImprov": 4907 }]
"aid": "GA1260000",
"aname": "Spalding County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1423339,
[{ "weapons": 89693, "electronicSurv": 49140, "infoRewards": 33900, "travTrain": 55521, "other": 1045598, "commComp": 86317, "buildImprov": 63170 }]
"aid": "GA060025G",
"aname": "State Board Of Pardons And Paroles",
"total": 1796964,
[{ "weapons": 132672, "travTrain": 105864, "other": 1536511, "commComp": 21916 }]
"aid": "GA0160100",
"aname": "Statesboro Police Department",
"total": 126165,
[{ "weapons": 12956, "electronicSurv": 3058, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 85962, "commComp": 22189 }]
"aid": "GA0670900",
"aname": "Suwanee Police Department",
"total": 190596,
[{ "weapons": 53338, "electronicSurv": 25807, "travTrain": 1300, "commPrograms": 2680, "other": 87235, "commComp": 14162, "buildImprov": 6075 }]
"aid": "GA1310000",
"aname": "Taliaferro County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 396817,
[{ "weapons": 8813, "electronicSurv": 12998, "travTrain": 990, "other": 298021, "commComp": 18497, "buildImprov": 57498 }]
"aid": "GA1330000",
"aname": "Taylor County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 66997,
[{ "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 857, "other": 65640 }]
"aid": "GA0220400",
"aname": "Temple Police Department",
"total": 678876,
[{ "weapons": 41859, "electronicSurv": 123467, "travTrain": 6503, "other": 300573, "commComp": 116807, "buildImprov": 89666 }]
"aid": "GA1370000",
"aname": "Tift County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 612390,
[{ "weapons": 77429, "electronicSurv": 110030, "travTrain": 18382, "other": 250624, "commComp": 155925 }]
"aid": "GA1410000",
"aname": "Troup County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 3309161,
[{ "weapons": 715977, "electronicSurv": 178705, "infoRewards": 4500, "travTrain": 35961, "commPrograms": 3507, "other": 1577641, "commComp": 579624, "buildImprov": 213245 }]
"aid": "GA1550200",
"aname": "Tunnel Hill Police Department",
"total": 269990,
[{ "weapons": 15814, "electronicSurv": 8438, "infoRewards": 86, "travTrain": 58120, "other": 117777, "commComp": 58680, "buildImprov": 11076 }]
"aid": "GA1420000",
"aname": "Turner County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 90235,
[{ "weapons": 4886, "electronicSurv": 17026, "infoRewards": 2600, "other": 49441, "commComp": 16036, "buildImprov": 246 }]
"aid": "GA1430000",
"aname": "Twiggs County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 228170,
[{ "weapons": 20256, "travTrain": 878, "other": 206696, "commComp": 340 }]
"aid": "GA0560300",
"aname": "Tyrone Police Department",
"total": 777611,
[{ "weapons": 15030, "travTrain": 1509, "salaryOvertime": 3200, "other": 491356, "commComp": 132517, "buildImprov": 133998 }]
"aid": "GA0600600",
"aname": "Union City Police Department",
"total": 56470,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7340, "infoRewards": 3238, "travTrain": 6000, "other": 31194, "commComp": 8698 }]
"aid": "GA0220200",
"aname": "Villa Rica Police Department",
"total": 264744,
[{ "weapons": 26880, "travTrain": 3771, "other": 30013, "commComp": 187879, "buildImprov": 16202 }]
"aid": "GA1470000",
"aname": "Walton County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 131920,
[{ "weapons": 12757, "electronicSurv": 15797, "travTrain": 450, "other": 102916 }]
"aid": "GAGBI0096",
"aname": "West Metro Regional Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 159018,
[{ "weapons": 14114, "electronicSurv": 21560, "other": 73344, "buildImprov": 50000 }]
"aid": "GA1550000",
"aname": "Whitfield County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 157627,
[{ "weapons": 704, "electronicSurv": 5475, "other": 151447 }]
"st": "HI",
"stn": "Hawaii",
"total": 4582580,
[{ "weapons": 250855, "electronicSurv": 81272, "infoRewards": 4629, "travTrain": 867833, "commPrograms": 266355, "other": 922988, "commComp": 2185824, "buildImprov": 2823 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "HI0010000",
"aname": "Hawaii County Police Department",
"total": 400287,
[{ "weapons": 2246, "other": 7500, "commComp": 390541 }]
"aid": "HIQNGCD17",
"aname": "Hawaii National Guard Counterdrug Support Program",
"total": 209043,
[{ "electronicSurv": 18297, "travTrain": 57746, "commComp": 133000 }]
"aid": "HI0020000",
"aname": "Honolulu Police Department",
"total": 2095202,
[{ "weapons": 69521, "electronicSurv": 29449, "travTrain": 90345, "commPrograms": 266355, "other": 235547, "commComp": 1403984 }]
"aid": "HI0040000",
"aname": "Kauai Police Department",
"total": 325979,
[{ "weapons": 24587, "electronicSurv": 15000, "travTrain": 36442, "other": 200778, "commComp": 46700, "buildImprov": 2472 }]
"aid": "HI0050000",
"aname": "Maui Police Department",
"total": 539955,
[{ "weapons": 15317, "travTrain": 520843, "other": 3794 }]
"aid": "HI0020200",
"aname": "Narcotics Enforcement Division",
"total": 502159,
[{ "weapons": 10217, "electronicSurv": 18526, "infoRewards": 4629, "travTrain": 87089, "other": 194896, "commComp": 186802 }]
"aid": "HI005013A",
"aname": "Prosecuting Attorney County Of Maui",
"total": 44435,
[{ "travTrain": 12358, "other": 10387, "commComp": 21691 }]
"aid": "HI0010200",
"aname": "State Of Hawaii/Dept. Of Public Safety/Sheriff Div",
"total": 460438,
[{ "weapons": 128545, "travTrain": 58702, "other": 270086, "commComp": 3105 }]
"st": "IA",
"stn": "Iowa",
"total": 20181420,
[{ "weapons": 1680461, "electronicSurv": 718444, "infoRewards": 654613, "travTrain": 1362079, "commPrograms": 11749, "salaryOvertime": 1063741, "other": 4570428, "commComp": 6083055, "buildImprov": 4036850 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "IA0770800",
"aname": "Altoona Police Department",
"total": 636067,
[{ "weapons": 12683, "electronicSurv": 28685, "other": 432939, "commComp": 139080, "buildImprov": 22681 }]
"aid": "IAEQ00179",
"aname": "Bear Creek Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 30155,
[{ "weapons": 278, "travTrain": 40, "other": 29837 }]
"aid": "IA0160000",
"aname": "Cedar County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33937,
[{ "weapons": 4000, "buildImprov": 29937 }]
"aid": "IA0570100",
"aname": "Cedar Rapids Police Department",
"total": 410012,
[{ "weapons": 58361, "electronicSurv": 20271, "other": 5783, "commComp": 169714, "buildImprov": 155883 }]
"aid": "IA0770300",
"aname": "City Of Des Moines Police Department",
"total": 827923,
[{ "weapons": 98650, "electronicSurv": 83707, "travTrain": 499842, "commPrograms": 540, "other": 136696, "commComp": 8486 }]
"aid": "IA0230100",
"aname": "Clinton Iowa Police Department",
"total": 147844,
[{ "electronicSurv": 68927, "travTrain": 2400, "other": 39870, "commComp": 36647 }]
"aid": "IA0780100",
"aname": "Council Bluffs Police Department",
"total": 169916,
[{ "weapons": 2661, "electronicSurv": 15098, "travTrain": 1942, "other": 90050, "commComp": 54562, "buildImprov": 5602 }]
"aid": "IA0250000",
"aname": "Dallas County Sheriff's Offfice",
"total": 54449,
[{ "weapons": 28924, "buildImprov": 25525 }]
"aid": "IA0820200",
"aname": "Davenport Police Department",
"total": 150544,
[{ "infoRewards": 33500, "travTrain": 37049, "other": 26360, "commComp": 53635 }]
"aid": "IA0310000",
"aname": "Dubuque County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 68474,
[{ "weapons": 6749, "other": 55983, "commComp": 5743 }]
"aid": "IAEQ03100",
"aname": "Dubuque Drug Task Force",
"total": 1183456,
[{ "electronicSurv": 20107, "infoRewards": 23000, "travTrain": 4589, "salaryOvertime": 305291, "other": 94809, "commComp": 49932, "buildImprov": 685729 }]
"aid": "IA0520200",
"aname": "Iowa City Police Department",
"total": 230414,
[{ "weapons": 84713, "electronicSurv": 3455, "travTrain": 15594, "commPrograms": 693, "other": 93375, "commComp": 2877, "buildImprov": 29708 }]
"aid": "IA0480000",
"aname": "Iowa County Sheriff",
"total": 67500,
[{ "commComp": 67500 }]
"aid": "IADPS0000",
"aname": "Iowa Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 10109041,
[{ "weapons": 434634, "electronicSurv": 123063, "infoRewards": 451202, "travTrain": 506094, "salaryOvertime": 738578, "other": 1679483, "commComp": 4608052, "buildImprov": 1567936 }]
"aid": "IA0771000",
"aname": "Iowa Department Of Transportation",
"total": 1039654,
[{ "weapons": 361717, "travTrain": 67827, "other": 40363, "commComp": 169747, "buildImprov": 400000 }]
"aid": "IA0520000",
"aname": "Johnson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 125839,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1538, "other": 124301 }]
"aid": "IA0570000",
"aname": "Linn County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 73295,
[{ "other": 34732, "buildImprov": 38563 }]
"aid": "IA0570200",
"aname": "Marion Police Department",
"total": 215662,
[{ "weapons": 105491, "electronicSurv": 14034, "infoRewards": 1587, "travTrain": 2900, "other": 44693, "commComp": 27540, "buildImprov": 19416 }]
"aid": "IA0170200",
"aname": "Mason City Police Department",
"total": 112988,
[{ "weapons": 31470, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 4853, "other": 40835, "commComp": 33408, "buildImprov": 1422 }]
"aid": "IA0772000",
"aname": "Mid Iowa Narcotics Enforcement (Mine) Task Force",
"total": 227042,
[{ "buildImprov": 227042 }]
"aid": "IA0700100",
"aname": "Muscatine Police Department",
"total": 34096,
[{ "weapons": 4659, "infoRewards": 284, "travTrain": 145, "other": 20670, "commComp": 8338 }]
"aid": "IA0500100",
"aname": "Newton Police Department",
"total": 43600,
[{ "travTrain": 26240, "other": 17360 }]
"aid": "IA0170300",
"aname": "North Central Iowa Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 102565,
[{ "weapons": 42096, "electronicSurv": 8035, "infoRewards": 40500, "travTrain": 3975, "commComp": 7539, "buildImprov": 420 }]
"aid": "IA0520500",
"aname": "North Liberty Police Department",
"total": 83609,
[{ "other": 63574, "commComp": 20036 }]
"aid": "IA0770000",
"aname": "Polk County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 807890,
[{ "weapons": 13285, "other": 433709, "commComp": 5465, "buildImprov": 355430 }]
"aid": "IA078013A",
"aname": "Pottawattamie County Attorney's Office",
"total": 140161,
[{ "travTrain": 30776, "other": 24388, "commComp": 70176, "buildImprov": 14820 }]
"aid": "IA0970100",
"aname": "Sioux City Iowa Police Department",
"total": 433102,
[{ "weapons": 10519, "electronicSurv": 10110, "travTrain": 32046, "other": 164395, "commComp": 100784, "buildImprov": 115248 }]
"aid": "IA057015C",
"aname": "Sixth Judicial District Dept. Of Correctional Serv",
"total": 53382,
[{ "weapons": 13399, "other": 39777, "commComp": 207 }]
"aid": "IA0900400",
"aname": "Southeast Iowa Inter-Agency Drug Task Force",
"total": 120483,
[{ "weapons": 143, "electronicSurv": 434, "infoRewards": 16000, "salaryOvertime": 13526, "other": 79371, "commComp": 11008 }]
"aid": "IA0520400",
"aname": "University Of Iowa Police",
"total": 79068,
[{ "travTrain": 3097, "other": 11496, "commComp": 14475, "buildImprov": 50000 }]
"aid": "IA0770400",
"aname": "Urbandale Police Department",
"total": 679223,
[{ "weapons": 62565, "electronicSurv": 57343, "travTrain": 81344, "commPrograms": 10336, "salaryOvertime": 1200, "other": 250775, "commComp": 106566, "buildImprov": 109093 }]
"aid": "IA0070300",
"aname": "Waterloo Police Dept. Tri-County Drug Task Force",
"total": 115944,
[{ "weapons": 8175, "electronicSurv": 4996, "infoRewards": 73547, "commComp": 22538, "buildImprov": 6688 }]
"aid": "IA0770500",
"aname": "West Des Moines Police Department",
"total": 678199,
[{ "weapons": 142859, "electronicSurv": 148379, "travTrain": 27781, "other": 200879, "commComp": 85181, "buildImprov": 73120 }]
"aid": "IA0770600",
"aname": "Windsor Heights Police Department",
"total": 143564,
[{ "weapons": 9282, "electronicSurv": 4195, "travTrain": 1591, "other": 103319, "commComp": 3165, "buildImprov": 22012 }]
"aid": "IA0970000",
"aname": "Woodbury County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 92537,
[{ "weapons": 25154, "electronicSurv": 9318, "infoRewards": 1500, "other": 10900, "commComp": 17552, "buildImprov": 28112 }]
"aid": "IA0990000",
"aname": "Wright County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 137336,
[{ "electronicSurv": 20400, "travTrain": 1000, "other": 42097, "commComp": 53437, "buildImprov": 20401 }]
"st": "ID",
"stn": "Idaho",
"total": 2343829,
[{ "weapons": 191125, "electronicSurv": 150490, "infoRewards": 257837, "travTrain": 103508, "commPrograms": 28081, "salaryOvertime": 45194, "other": 1077180, "commComp": 260785, "buildImprov": 229628 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "ID0010000",
"aname": "Ada County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 55573,
[{ "other": 55573 }]
"aid": "IDEQ00168",
"aname": "B.A.N.D.I.T.",
"total": 116555,
[{ "infoRewards": 79000, "travTrain": 5668, "other": 29865, "commComp": 1894, "buildImprov": 128 }]
"aid": "ID0070000",
"aname": "Blaine County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 539981,
[{ "weapons": 1376, "infoRewards": 57300, "travTrain": 21680, "other": 143811, "commComp": 115814, "buildImprov": 200000 }]
"aid": "ID0010100",
"aname": "Boise Police Department",
"total": 44072,
[{ "weapons": 1062, "electronicSurv": 1687, "travTrain": 6613, "other": 32538, "commComp": 1894, "buildImprov": 278 }]
"aid": "ID0090000",
"aname": "Bonner County Sheriff Office",
"total": 127676,
[{ "electronicSurv": 9720, "infoRewards": 16754, "travTrain": 6802, "commPrograms": 7031, "salaryOvertime": 39759, "other": 39713, "commComp": 7897 }]
"aid": "ID0140000",
"aname": "Canyon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 37337,
[{ "weapons": 4119, "electronicSurv": 28768, "infoRewards": 2928, "travTrain": 828, "commComp": 695 }]
"aid": "ID0140010",
"aname": "City County Narcotics Unit",
"total": 81825,
[{ "infoRewards": 76390, "salaryOvertime": 5435 }]
"aid": "IDEQ00200",
"aname": "Coeur D'Alene Police Department Drug Task Force",
"total": 74713,
[{ "weapons": 7914, "electronicSurv": 45259, "travTrain": 5036, "commPrograms": 1500, "other": 7000, "commComp": 2712, "buildImprov": 5292 }]
"aid": "ID0070100",
"aname": "Ketchum Police Department",
"total": 577729,
[{ "weapons": 27269, "travTrain": 18942, "other": 484366, "commComp": 42325, "buildImprov": 4827 }]
"aid": "ID0280000",
"aname": "Kootenai County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 302236,
[{ "weapons": 112390, "electronicSurv": 6745, "travTrain": 6091, "commPrograms": 12755, "other": 122576, "commComp": 26546, "buildImprov": 15133 }]
"aid": "ID0330000",
"aname": "Madison County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 40772,
[{ "infoRewards": 7000, "other": 33772 }]
"aid": "ID0140200",
"aname": "Nampa Police Department",
"total": 61415,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8774, "travTrain": 12822, "other": 39820 }]
"aid": "IDEQ00287",
"aname": "North Idaho Violent Crimes Task Force",
"total": 40059,
[{ "weapons": 11928, "electronicSurv": 21819, "infoRewards": 4762, "commComp": 1550 }]
"aid": "ID0090200",
"aname": "Sandpoint Police Department",
"total": 30577,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2310, "infoRewards": 7000, "travTrain": 9625, "commPrograms": 6796, "other": 2564, "commComp": 2281 }]
"aid": "ID0150100",
"aname": "Soda Springs Police Department",
"total": 123207,
[{ "weapons": 20911, "electronicSurv": 11765, "other": 39648, "commComp": 50883 }]
"st": "IL",
"stn": "Illinois",
"total": 96420379,
[{ "weapons": 9304019, "electronicSurv": 5761804, "infoRewards": 2141361, "travTrain": 5214563, "commPrograms": 607317, "salaryOvertime": 9132738, "other": 34173911, "commComp": 22649470, "buildImprov": 7435196 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "IL0600100",
"aname": "Alton Police Department",
"total": 91052,
[{ "weapons": 6524, "electronicSurv": 4025, "travTrain": 21633, "commPrograms": 2000, "other": 13428, "commComp": 41456, "buildImprov": 1986 }]
"aid": "IL0160600",
"aname": "Bedford Park Police Department",
"total": 63826,
[{ "electronicSurv": 38469, "other": 5745, "commComp": 19613 }]
"aid": "IL0820200",
"aname": "Belleville Police Department",
"total": 107853,
[{ "electronicSurv": 31896, "other": 23004, "commComp": 50957, "buildImprov": 1995 }]
"aid": "IL0040100",
"aname": "Belvidere Police Department",
"total": 210608,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8105, "travTrain": 13872, "other": 104432, "commComp": 1919, "buildImprov": 82279 }]
"aid": "IL0160900",
"aname": "Berwyn Police Department",
"total": 973961,
[{ "weapons": 26744, "infoRewards": 300, "travTrain": 21778, "commPrograms": 100922, "salaryOvertime": 46963, "other": 484853, "commComp": 110294, "buildImprov": 182107 }]
"aid": "IL0981100",
"aname": "Blackhawk Area Task Force",
"total": 388385,
[{ "weapons": 11400, "electronicSurv": 46456, "travTrain": 70398, "other": 246132, "commComp": 13999 }]
"aid": "IL0161000",
"aname": "Blue Island Police Department",
"total": 966857,
[{ "weapons": 45262, "electronicSurv": 16959, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 52163, "commPrograms": 16562, "other": 330956, "commComp": 208773, "buildImprov": 291182 }]
"aid": "IL0030000",
"aname": "Bond County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1283811,
[{ "weapons": 119603, "electronicSurv": 96118, "infoRewards": 1030, "travTrain": 61469, "commPrograms": 18342, "salaryOvertime": 293377, "other": 258953, "commComp": 329044, "buildImprov": 105876 }]
"aid": "IL003013A",
"aname": "Bond County State's Attorney",
"total": 72884,
[{ "travTrain": 5933, "commPrograms": 3513, "other": 2474, "commComp": 24298, "buildImprov": 36666 }]
"aid": "IL0040000",
"aname": "Boone County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 203972,
[{ "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 1915, "other": 132844, "commComp": 50209, "buildImprov": 9004 }]
"aid": "IL0990300",
"aname": "Braidwood Police Department",
"total": 280598,
[{ "weapons": 16382, "infoRewards": 1355, "travTrain": 7886, "commPrograms": 3537, "salaryOvertime": 60024, "other": 156641, "commComp": 34773 }]
"aid": "IL0161100",
"aname": "Bridgeview Police Department",
"total": 1129156,
[{ "weapons": 117065, "electronicSurv": 29220, "travTrain": 152711, "commPrograms": 8024, "salaryOvertime": 6384, "other": 524758, "commComp": 147123, "buildImprov": 143871 }]
"aid": "IL01613Y1",
"aname": "Brookfield Police Department",
"total": 82262,
[{ "weapons": 8234, "electronicSurv": 32515, "other": 10464, "commComp": 31050 }]
"aid": "IL0168C00",
"aname": "Burbank Police Department",
"total": 282923,
[{ "weapons": 53614, "electronicSurv": 126608, "travTrain": 15610, "other": 36266, "commComp": 50826 }]
"aid": "IL08484BI",
"aname": "Bureau Of Criminal Investigations/Revenue",
"total": 398088,
[{ "weapons": 47239, "electronicSurv": 4900, "travTrain": 108146, "other": 180243, "commComp": 57560 }]
"aid": "IL0820300",
"aname": "Cahokia Police Department",
"total": 1472338,
[{ "weapons": 48923, "electronicSurv": 74515, "infoRewards": 23000, "travTrain": 18531, "other": 778137, "commComp": 235090, "buildImprov": 294143 }]
"aid": "IL0161700",
"aname": "Calumet City Police Department",
"total": 1169566,
[{ "weapons": 174903, "electronicSurv": 39797, "travTrain": 48354, "other": 436831, "commComp": 331504, "buildImprov": 138177 }]
"aid": "IL0842600",
"aname": "Central Illinois Enforcement Group",
"total": 87493,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7618, "travTrain": 10320, "other": 54282, "commComp": 15273 }]
"aid": "IL0100100",
"aname": "Champaign Police Department",
"total": 320936,
[{ "weapons": 15027, "electronicSurv": 19307, "infoRewards": 62997, "travTrain": 156489, "other": 41730, "commComp": 25387 }]
"aid": "IL0161900",
"aname": "Chicago Heights Police Department",
"total": 41336,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17279, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 15896, "commPrograms": 50, "other": 3026, "commComp": 4084 }]
"aid": "ILCPD0000",
"aname": "Chicago Police Department",
"total": 13439484,
[{ "weapons": 2217848, "electronicSurv": 1209650, "infoRewards": 233077, "travTrain": 252310, "salaryOvertime": 34045, "other": 8077081, "commComp": 962330, "buildImprov": 453143 }]
"aid": "IL0162000",
"aname": "Chicago Ridge Police",
"total": 56576,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5400, "travTrain": 6909, "other": 44267 }]
"aid": "IL0250100",
"aname": "City Of Altamont Police Department",
"total": 31319,
[{ "infoRewards": 415, "other": 30904 }]
"aid": "IL0450100",
"aname": "City Of Aurora Il Police Department",
"total": 1038716,
[{ "weapons": 77326, "electronicSurv": 44948, "travTrain": 150150, "other": 406837, "commComp": 226573, "buildImprov": 132882 }]
"aid": "IL0020100",
"aname": "City Of Cairo Police Department",
"total": 39262,
[{ "weapons": 1327, "infoRewards": 4250, "travTrain": 938, "other": 32323, "buildImprov": 424 }]
"aid": "IL0220700",
"aname": "City Of Elmhurst Police Department",
"total": 91265,
[{ "weapons": 59686, "travTrain": 1950, "salaryOvertime": 12479, "other": 17151 }]
"aid": "IL0221400",
"aname": "City Of Naperville Police Department",
"total": 696524,
[{ "weapons": 60926, "electronicSurv": 30359, "travTrain": 402930, "other": 136383, "commComp": 65925 }]
"aid": "IL1010400",
"aname": "City Of Rockford Police Department",
"total": 306291,
[{ "weapons": 19584, "electronicSurv": 27604, "travTrain": 32768, "commPrograms": 450, "other": 144410, "commComp": 77280, "buildImprov": 4195 }]
"aid": "IL0120000",
"aname": "Clark County Illinois Sheriff's Office",
"total": 41110,
[{ "other": 41110 }]
"aid": "IL0140000",
"aname": "Clinton County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 31810,
[{ "other": 24182, "commComp": 5561, "buildImprov": 2068 }]
"aid": "IL0600300",
"aname": "Collinsville Police Department",
"total": 852721,
[{ "weapons": 39473, "electronicSurv": 31298, "infoRewards": 2500, "travTrain": 11091, "commPrograms": 2000, "salaryOvertime": 267622, "other": 207546, "commComp": 238988, "buildImprov": 52203 }]
"aid": "IL028013Y",
"aname": "Comit - Drug Task Force",
"total": 61514,
[{ "weapons": 19747, "infoRewards": 6500, "travTrain": 265, "commPrograms": 500, "salaryOvertime": 9032, "other": 23372, "commComp": 2099 }]
"aid": "IL0160000",
"aname": "Cook County Sheriff's Police Department.",
"total": 5978598,
[{ "weapons": 260357, "electronicSurv": 701069, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 526909, "commPrograms": 90000, "salaryOvertime": 1189263, "other": 1482819, "commComp": 1512640, "buildImprov": 205540 }]
"aid": "IL016013A",
"aname": "Cook County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 1440702,
[{ "weapons": 416, "electronicSurv": 99691, "infoRewards": 21500, "salaryOvertime": 874695, "other": 159576, "commComp": 157743, "buildImprov": 127081 }]
"aid": "IL0162300",
"aname": "Countryside Police Department",
"total": 573756,
[{ "weapons": 33330, "electronicSurv": 75268, "infoRewards": 12917, "travTrain": 26430, "commPrograms": 16526, "salaryOvertime": 22528, "other": 336062, "commComp": 23109, "buildImprov": 27585 }]
"aid": "IL0580200",
"aname": "Decatur Illinois Police Department",
"total": 350503,
[{ "weapons": 92885, "electronicSurv": 68699, "travTrain": 87678, "other": 38823, "commComp": 34233, "buildImprov": 28185 }]
"aid": "IL01908N1",
"aname": "Dekalb Police Department",
"total": 79191,
[{ "infoRewards": 535, "travTrain": 6136, "other": 69298, "commComp": 2158, "buildImprov": 1063 }]
"aid": "IL0162500",
"aname": "Des Plaines Police Department",
"total": 592724,
[{ "weapons": 37616, "electronicSurv": 3480, "travTrain": 20787, "other": 264350, "commComp": 58155, "buildImprov": 208335 }]
"aid": "IL0162700",
"aname": "Dolton Police Department",
"total": 214198,
[{ "weapons": 1418, "travTrain": 10862, "other": 155495, "commComp": 38597, "buildImprov": 7827 }]
"aid": "IL0220600",
"aname": "Downers Grove Police Department",
"total": 93211,
[{ "weapons": 6179, "electronicSurv": 6462, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 7283, "other": 37780, "commComp": 30507 }]
"aid": "IL0220000",
"aname": "Dupage County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 133428,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8985, "infoRewards": 39684, "travTrain": 17831, "other": 41723, "commComp": 25204 }]
"aid": "IL022013A",
"aname": "Dupage County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 233147,
[{ "travTrain": 729, "other": 179121, "commComp": 53296 }]
"aid": "IL0224200",
"aname": "Dupage Metropolitan Enforcement Group",
"total": 580432,
[{ "weapons": 7890, "electronicSurv": 78271, "infoRewards": 111963, "travTrain": 47966, "other": 249267, "commComp": 85075 }]
"aid": "IL0150800",
"aname": "East Central Illinois Task Force",
"total": 122627,
[{ "electronicSurv": 500, "travTrain": 885, "salaryOvertime": 8702, "other": 71089, "commComp": 11451, "buildImprov": 30000 }]
"aid": "IL0162900",
"aname": "East Hazel Crest Police Department",
"total": 56543,
[{ "other": 3940, "buildImprov": 52604 }]
"aid": "IL0820700",
"aname": "East St. Louis Police Department",
"total": 427953,
[{ "weapons": 58177, "electronicSurv": 36617, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 24013, "salaryOvertime": 16000, "other": 121354, "commComp": 42992, "buildImprov": 123800 }]
"aid": "IL0250000",
"aname": "Effingham County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 172269,
[{ "other": 119955, "commComp": 52314 }]
"aid": "IL04506A1",
"aname": "Elgin Police Department",
"total": 1218921,
[{ "weapons": 181722, "electronicSurv": 117791, "infoRewards": 236768, "travTrain": 82502, "other": 338969, "commComp": 173342, "buildImprov": 87827 }]
"aid": "IL0163000",
"aname": "Elk Grove Illinois Police Department",
"total": 289225,
[{ "weapons": 42495, "electronicSurv": 7201, "travTrain": 3254, "salaryOvertime": 25495, "other": 43278, "commComp": 167502 }]
"aid": "IL0163300",
"aname": "Evergreen Park Police Department",
"total": 2009196,
[{ "weapons": 95190, "electronicSurv": 46644, "infoRewards": 4640, "travTrain": 29962, "commPrograms": 17469, "salaryOvertime": 491766, "other": 652669, "commComp": 380473, "buildImprov": 290384 }]
"aid": "IL0822000",
"aname": "Fairmont City Police Department",
"total": 503807,
[{ "weapons": 42282, "electronicSurv": 27004, "infoRewards": 21860, "travTrain": 9589, "commPrograms": 500, "salaryOvertime": 58078, "other": 76760, "commComp": 248594, "buildImprov": 19141 }]
"aid": "IL0822400",
"aname": "Fairview Heights Police Department",
"total": 987007,
[{ "weapons": 69117, "electronicSurv": 30179, "infoRewards": 605, "travTrain": 84531, "commPrograms": 5100, "salaryOvertime": 196040, "other": 330199, "commComp": 229295, "buildImprov": 41939 }]
"aid": "IL0163500",
"aname": "Forest Park Police Department",
"total": 88293,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8523, "travTrain": 4835, "commPrograms": 1402, "other": 28183, "commComp": 45350 }]
"aid": "IL0163700",
"aname": "Franklin Park Police Department",
"total": 182681,
[{ "buildImprov": 182681 }]
"aid": "IL0370700",
"aname": "Geneseo Police Department",
"total": 50074,
[{ "other": 12500, "commComp": 35509, "buildImprov": 2065 }]
"aid": "IL0220900",
"aname": "Glen Ellyn Police Department",
"total": 172509,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15236, "infoRewards": 1400, "salaryOvertime": 66698, "other": 11909, "commComp": 77265 }]
"aid": "IL0220800",
"aname": "Glendale Heights Police Department",
"total": 40829,
[{ "weapons": 28798, "electronicSurv": 2971, "commComp": 9060 }]
"aid": "IL0164000",
"aname": "Glenwood Police Department",
"total": 50550,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 7667, "other": 16815, "commComp": 26068 }]
"aid": "IL0600700",
"aname": "Granite City Police Department",
"total": 1023217,
[{ "weapons": 38929, "electronicSurv": 109466, "infoRewards": 50, "travTrain": 18308, "commPrograms": 12143, "salaryOvertime": 16150, "other": 287293, "commComp": 501203, "buildImprov": 39675 }]
"aid": "IL037013A",
"aname": "Henry County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 267901,
[{ "weapons": 16144, "electronicSurv": 26723, "travTrain": 24184, "other": 81096, "commComp": 119755 }]
"aid": "IL0164600",
"aname": "Hickory Hills Police Department",
"total": 393498,
[{ "weapons": 28932, "infoRewards": 46000, "travTrain": 15042, "commPrograms": 1500, "salaryOvertime": 130865, "other": 25729, "commComp": 135686, "buildImprov": 9743 }]
"aid": "IL0221000",
"aname": "Hinsdale Illinois Police Department",
"total": 238496,
[{ "travTrain": 1595, "other": 135713, "commComp": 101188 }]
"aid": "IL0165000",
"aname": "Hoffman Estates Police Department",
"total": 104221,
[{ "other": 102886, "commComp": 1335 }]
"aid": "IL0842500",
"aname": "Illinois State Police",
"total": 9355164,
[{ "weapons": 2325033, "electronicSurv": 148242, "travTrain": 13349, "other": 158159, "commComp": 6516158, "buildImprov": 194223 }]
"aid": "IL0390000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 42906,
[{ "other": 42906 }]
"aid": "IL0841700",
"aname": "Jerome Police Department",
"total": 117719,
[{ "weapons": 6300, "electronicSurv": 450, "salaryOvertime": 50000, "other": 38991, "commComp": 21978 }]
"aid": "IL0992800",
"aname": "Joliet Metropolitan Area Narcotics Squad",
"total": 86425,
[{ "travTrain": 38558, "other": 41806, "commComp": 6062 }]
"aid": "IL0990700",
"aname": "Joliet Police Department",
"total": 298922,
[{ "weapons": 73222, "electronicSurv": 31985, "infoRewards": 4075, "travTrain": 24193, "commPrograms": 29807, "other": 69699, "commComp": 46201, "buildImprov": 19740 }]
"aid": "IL0165500",
"aname": "Justice Police Department",
"total": 1311492,
[{ "weapons": 84113, "electronicSurv": 94104, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 39787, "other": 503409, "commComp": 398099, "buildImprov": 190980 }]
"aid": "IL0450000",
"aname": "Kane County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 136744,
[{ "weapons": 44715, "electronicSurv": 3561, "infoRewards": 17000, "travTrain": 24526, "commPrograms": 810, "other": 3251, "commComp": 28157, "buildImprov": 14723 }]
"aid": "IL0461700",
"aname": "Kankakee Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group",
"total": 407460,
[{ "weapons": 14906, "electronicSurv": 20683, "infoRewards": 131200, "travTrain": 68512, "other": 133528, "commComp": 38631 }]
"aid": "IL09927M1",
"aname": "Kendall County Cooperative Police Assistance Team",
"total": 297760,
[{ "weapons": 4188, "electronicSurv": 46413, "infoRewards": 81000, "travTrain": 50952, "other": 10223, "commComp": 24640, "buildImprov": 80344 }]
"aid": "IL0165700",
"aname": "La Grange Police Department",
"total": 92267,
[{ "weapons": 8114, "electronicSurv": 4630, "infoRewards": 8019, "travTrain": 1598, "commPrograms": 5313, "other": 6884, "commComp": 52069, "buildImprov": 5639 }]
"aid": "IL0494000",
"aname": "Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group",
"total": 225800,
[{ "weapons": 15509, "electronicSurv": 53679, "infoRewards": 54950, "travTrain": 77810, "commComp": 23852 }]
"aid": "IL0165900",
"aname": "Lansing (Illinois) Police Department",
"total": 1057991,
[{ "weapons": 80157, "electronicSurv": 839, "travTrain": 33041, "commPrograms": 59248, "salaryOvertime": 143136, "other": 379090, "commComp": 346656, "buildImprov": 15824 }]
"aid": "IL0166000",
"aname": "Lemont Police Department",
"total": 91562,
[{ "weapons": 1530, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 1182, "other": 78862, "commComp": 8988 }]
"aid": "IL0540200",
"aname": "Lincoln Police Department",
"total": 44697,
[{ "weapons": 3947, "electronicSurv": 3912, "infoRewards": 224, "other": 14833, "commComp": 16280, "buildImprov": 5502 }]
"aid": "IL0990800",
"aname": "Lockport Police Department",
"total": 710371,
[{ "weapons": 99966, "electronicSurv": 13484, "travTrain": 9848, "other": 338706, "commComp": 171880, "buildImprov": 76487 }]
"aid": "IL0221300",
"aname": "Lombard Police Department",
"total": 45949,
[{ "weapons": 4050, "electronicSurv": 6549, "travTrain": 9649, "other": 17920, "commComp": 7781 }]
"aid": "IL0166300",
"aname": "Lyons Police Department",
"total": 288625,
[{ "weapons": 2406, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 183231, "commComp": 78729, "buildImprov": 23758 }]
"aid": "IL060013A",
"aname": "Madison County State's Attorney",
"total": 275768,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5015, "travTrain": 18507, "commPrograms": 20901, "salaryOvertime": 41235, "other": 76993, "commComp": 113117 }]
"aid": "IL0600013",
"aname": "Madison County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 40048,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5015, "travTrain": 323, "other": 11334, "commComp": 23376 }]
"aid": "IL0601200",
"aname": "Maryville Police Department",
"total": 52972,
[{ "weapons": 5778, "travTrain": 841, "other": 20600, "commComp": 25753 }]
"aid": "IL0166600",
"aname": "Matteson Police Department",
"total": 56736,
[{ "electronicSurv": 12301, "commPrograms": 11575, "other": 15770, "commComp": 9372, "buildImprov": 7718 }]
"aid": "IL0150300",
"aname": "Mattoon Police Department",
"total": 593293,
[{ "weapons": 54003, "electronicSurv": 7082, "travTrain": 8535, "other": 265303, "commComp": 76818, "buildImprov": 181551 }]
"aid": "IL0166400",
"aname": "Mccook Police Department",
"total": 1263352,
[{ "weapons": 41523, "electronicSurv": 63756, "infoRewards": 1750, "travTrain": 73704, "commPrograms": 250, "other": 422843, "commComp": 591353, "buildImprov": 68173 }]
"aid": "IL0560000",
"aname": "Mchenry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 110814,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17827, "other": 45954, "commComp": 47033 }]
"aid": "IL0570000",
"aname": "Mclean County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 384397,
[{ "travTrain": 904, "other": 383493 }]
"aid": "IL0166800",
"aname": "Melrose Park Police Department",
"total": 91706,
[{ "weapons": 23823, "electronicSurv": 1060, "commPrograms": 2000, "other": 39860, "commComp": 24963 }]
"aid": "IL0602900",
"aname": "Metropolitan Enforcement Group Of Southwestern Il",
"total": 863801,
[{ "electronicSurv": 66540, "infoRewards": 188714, "travTrain": 74275, "salaryOvertime": 300, "other": 480404, "commComp": 53568 }]
"aid": "IL0670000",
"aname": "Monroe County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 30338,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17019, "travTrain": 100, "other": 12476, "commComp": 743 }]
"aid": "IL0167100",
"aname": "Morton Grove Police Department",
"total": 147971,
[{ "weapons": 67704, "electronicSurv": 11803, "commPrograms": 8937, "salaryOvertime": 16664, "other": 5342, "commComp": 25641, "buildImprov": 11879 }]
"aid": "IL0167200",
"aname": "Mount Prospect Police Department",
"total": 60936,
[{ "weapons": 31638, "electronicSurv": 11338, "other": 8591, "commComp": 3571, "buildImprov": 5798 }]
"aid": "IL0721900",
"aname": "Multi-County Narcotics Enforcement Group",
"total": 722636,
[{ "weapons": 2063, "electronicSurv": 1634, "infoRewards": 47000, "travTrain": 14836, "salaryOvertime": 31500, "other": 542395, "commComp": 28330, "buildImprov": 54878 }]
"aid": "IL0569400",
"aname": "North Central Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 188282,
[{ "weapons": 6011, "other": 180099, "commComp": 2172 }]
"aid": "IL0821600",
"aname": "O'Fallon Police Department",
"total": 382739,
[{ "weapons": 59621, "electronicSurv": 26085, "infoRewards": 100, "travTrain": 7701, "commPrograms": 3500, "other": 157581, "commComp": 93065, "buildImprov": 35088 }]
"aid": "IL0167900",
"aname": "Oak Forest Police Department",
"total": 294089,
[{ "weapons": 42998, "infoRewards": 940, "travTrain": 18284, "commPrograms": 1045, "salaryOvertime": 100000, "other": 32719, "commComp": 1480, "buildImprov": 96623 }]
"aid": "IL0168100",
"aname": "Oak Park Police Department",
"total": 900467,
[{ "weapons": 57136, "electronicSurv": 1053, "infoRewards": 5783, "travTrain": 14435, "other": 805799, "commComp": 6967, "buildImprov": 9294 }]
"aid": "IL016015A",
"aname": "Office Of The Attorney General",
"total": 593005,
[{ "weapons": 16971, "electronicSurv": 2738, "travTrain": 50463, "salaryOvertime": 20197, "other": 303542, "commComp": 198231, "buildImprov": 863 }]
"aid": "IL0168200",
"aname": "Olympia Fields Police Department",
"total": 85960,
[{ "weapons": 19671, "electronicSurv": 5580, "other": 45545, "commComp": 15164 }]
"aid": "IL0168500",
"aname": "Palos Heights Police Department",
"total": 1158354,
[{ "weapons": 47616, "electronicSurv": 25157, "infoRewards": 1250, "travTrain": 39803, "other": 689044, "commComp": 199929, "buildImprov": 155555 }]
"aid": "IL0168600",
"aname": "Palos Hills Police Department",
"total": 1619297,
[{ "weapons": 45739, "electronicSurv": 105018, "travTrain": 14424, "commPrograms": 307, "salaryOvertime": 54000, "other": 721983, "commComp": 340522, "buildImprov": 337303 }]
"aid": "IL0168700",
"aname": "Palos Park Police Department",
"total": 804556,
[{ "weapons": 7910, "electronicSurv": 2950, "salaryOvertime": 323700, "other": 339229, "commComp": 92521, "buildImprov": 38245 }]
"aid": "IL0168800",
"aname": "Park Forest Police Department",
"total": 656691,
[{ "weapons": 15407, "travTrain": 5724, "commPrograms": 24378, "salaryOvertime": 382516, "other": 37292, "commComp": 17448, "buildImprov": 173925 }]
"aid": "IL072013A",
"aname": "Peoria County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 82261,
[{ "electronicSurv": 65000, "commComp": 17261 }]
"aid": "IL0720700",
"aname": "Peoria Police Department",
"total": 636688,
[{ "weapons": 137643, "electronicSurv": 40997, "infoRewards": 7000, "travTrain": 112577, "commPrograms": 8319, "other": 2977, "commComp": 258169, "buildImprov": 69004 }]
"aid": "IL0991100",
"aname": "Plainfield Police Department",
"total": 356006,
[{ "weapons": 40920, "electronicSurv": 54954, "travTrain": 22165, "commPrograms": 3134, "other": 141886, "commComp": 91147, "buildImprov": 1800 }]
"aid": "IL0169100",
"aname": "Posen Police Department",
"total": 182325,
[{ "weapons": 389, "electronicSurv": 2210, "infoRewards": 412, "travTrain": 71, "other": 105917, "commComp": 11022, "buildImprov": 62305 }]
"aid": "IL0169G00",
"aname": "Prospect Heights Police Department",
"total": 1083507,
[{ "weapons": 56124, "electronicSurv": 43200, "travTrain": 11965, "salaryOvertime": 114174, "other": 393578, "commComp": 410851, "buildImprov": 53615 }]
"aid": "IL0811800",
"aname": "Quad City Metropolitan Enforcement Group",
"total": 602184,
[{ "weapons": 2726, "electronicSurv": 4554, "travTrain": 36113, "other": 522308, "commComp": 36473, "buildImprov": 10 }]
"aid": "ILEQ00145",
"aname": "Quad-City Federal Gang Task Force",
"total": 131615,
[{ "weapons": 1351, "electronicSurv": 10547, "travTrain": 45916, "other": 47315, "commComp": 26486 }]
"aid": "IL0010300",
"aname": "Quincy Police Department",
"total": 55330,
[{ "weapons": 20296, "other": 31944, "commComp": 3089 }]
"aid": "IL0169300",
"aname": "Riverdale Police Department",
"total": 34173,
[{ "weapons": 4756, "electronicSurv": 5034, "travTrain": 2495, "commPrograms": 1595, "other": 7830, "commComp": 9874, "buildImprov": 2588 }]
"aid": "IL0810800",
"aname": "Rock Island Police Department",
"total": 125836,
[{ "other": 125836 }]
"aid": "IL0169800",
"aname": "Rolling Meadows Police Department",
"total": 707275,
[{ "weapons": 1033, "electronicSurv": 170, "travTrain": 7223, "commPrograms": 4553, "salaryOvertime": 320724, "other": 56998, "commComp": 298070, "buildImprov": 18505 }]
"aid": "IL0221600",
"aname": "Roselle Police Department",
"total": 38033,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 38033 }]
"aid": "IL0491600",
"aname": "Round Lake Il Police Department",
"total": 36301,
[{ "weapons": 2400, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 12904, "commPrograms": 1473, "other": 6653, "commComp": 12372 }]
"aid": "IL0840000",
"aname": "Sangamon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 54895,
[{ "weapons": 53528, "other": 1146, "buildImprov": 220 }]
"aid": "ILEQ00024",
"aname": "South Central Il Drug Task Force",
"total": 56632,
[{ "weapons": 235, "electronicSurv": 9372, "travTrain": 14728, "other": 31876, "commComp": 421 }]
"aid": "IL0451300",
"aname": "South Elgin Police Department",
"total": 35414,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10956, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 21458 }]
"aid": "IL0167A00",
"aname": "South Holland Police Department",
"total": 1793106,
[{ "weapons": 59194, "electronicSurv": 9931, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 94012, "commPrograms": 15558, "other": 490521, "commComp": 358691, "buildImprov": 763699 }]
"aid": "IL0730800",
"aname": "Southern Illinois Drug Task Force",
"total": 146405,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5132, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 6915, "salaryOvertime": 4722, "other": 95952, "commComp": 32896, "buildImprov": 290 }]
"aid": "IL1001400",
"aname": "Southern Illinois Enforcement Group Police",
"total": 181758,
[{ "travTrain": 1427, "other": 106023, "commComp": 47987, "buildImprov": 26321 }]
"aid": "IL0840200",
"aname": "Springfield Police Department",
"total": 329195,
[{ "weapons": 128922, "electronicSurv": 6258, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 31336, "other": 134694, "commComp": 17985 }]
"aid": "IL0820000",
"aname": "St. Clair County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 691067,
[{ "weapons": 26006, "electronicSurv": 8470, "infoRewards": 108500, "travTrain": 19447, "salaryOvertime": 163653, "other": 271194, "commComp": 93797 }]
"aid": "IL0162B00",
"aname": "Streamwood Police Department",
"total": 572158,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6940, "other": 262581, "commComp": 265002, "buildImprov": 37635 }]
"aid": "IL0571600",
"aname": "Task Force 6",
"total": 34029,
[{ "travTrain": 7528, "other": 14295, "commComp": 12206 }]
"aid": "IL0168000",
"aname": "The Village Of Oak Lawn Police Department",
"total": 869913,
[{ "weapons": 25630, "electronicSurv": 16274, "infoRewards": 41599, "travTrain": 199239, "commPrograms": 10586, "salaryOvertime": 159669, "other": 354925, "commComp": 45131, "buildImprov": 16860 }]
"aid": "IL0165M00",
"aname": "Tinley Park Police Department",
"total": 39337,
[{ "other": 31272, "commComp": 8065 }]
"aid": "IL0162100",
"aname": "Town Of Cicero Police Department",
"total": 30083,
[{ "weapons": 30083 }]
"aid": "IL0601400",
"aname": "Troy Police Department",
"total": 39382,
[{ "other": 24882, "buildImprov": 14500 }]
"aid": "IL0166C00",
"aname": "University Of Illinois Police Department-Chicago",
"total": 51170,
[{ "electronicSurv": 443, "travTrain": 1296, "commComp": 49431 }]
"aid": "IL0100700",
"aname": "University Of Illinois Police Department-Urbana",
"total": 32435,
[{ "weapons": 18851, "other": 13584 }]
"aid": "IL0921700",
"aname": "Vermilion County Metropolitan Enforcement Group",
"total": 75267,
[{ "weapons": 17101, "travTrain": 21363, "other": 27293, "commComp": 9510 }]
"aid": "IL0220100",
"aname": "Village Of Addison Police Department",
"total": 167377,
[{ "weapons": 51833, "travTrain": 42167, "salaryOvertime": 26008, "other": 33033, "commComp": 14337 }]
"aid": "IL0160200",
"aname": "Village Of Arlington Heights Police Department",
"total": 1350041,
[{ "weapons": 150946, "electronicSurv": 98556, "infoRewards": 5318, "travTrain": 157829, "commPrograms": 7969, "other": 192859, "commComp": 569012, "buildImprov": 167551 }]
"aid": "IL0820400",
"aname": "Village Of Caseyville Police Department",
"total": 584468,
[{ "weapons": 17042, "electronicSurv": 8471, "infoRewards": 1700, "travTrain": 8953, "salaryOvertime": 307933, "other": 155816, "commComp": 84552 }]
"aid": "IL0168400",
"aname": "Village Of Palatine Police Department",
"total": 199504,
[{ "weapons": 72613, "electronicSurv": 19210, "infoRewards": 3050, "travTrain": 12286, "other": 58177, "commComp": 34168 }]
"aid": "IL0602100",
"aname": "Village Of Pontoon Beach Police Department",
"total": 1873235,
[{ "weapons": 88506, "electronicSurv": 179164, "infoRewards": 3900, "travTrain": 87087, "commPrograms": 47020, "salaryOvertime": 519621, "other": 433929, "commComp": 346691, "buildImprov": 167318 }]
"aid": "IL0162A00",
"aname": "Village Of Schaumburg Police Department",
"total": 46142,
[{ "weapons": 407, "other": 11762, "commComp": 23978, "buildImprov": 9995 }]
"aid": "IL0166A00",
"aname": "Village Of South Chicago Heights Police Dept",
"total": 43672,
[{ "other": 43672 }]
"aid": "IL0163B00",
"aname": "Village Of Summit Police Department",
"total": 1312905,
[{ "weapons": 45795, "electronicSurv": 18724, "infoRewards": 5850, "travTrain": 31415, "salaryOvertime": 538272, "other": 285408, "commComp": 76053, "buildImprov": 311388 }]
"aid": "IL0223000",
"aname": "Village Of Willowbrook Police Department",
"total": 498935,
[{ "electronicSurv": 50035, "other": 383868, "commComp": 43357, "buildImprov": 21675 }]
"aid": "IL0492100",
"aname": "Waukegan Police Department",
"total": 2466962,
[{ "weapons": 95780, "electronicSurv": 93173, "infoRewards": 56000, "travTrain": 2767, "commPrograms": 5000, "salaryOvertime": 1729447, "other": 447353, "commComp": 718, "buildImprov": 36725 }]
"aid": "IL0221900",
"aname": "West Chicago Police Department",
"total": 79439,
[{ "weapons": 14439, "electronicSurv": 9625, "commComp": 55375 }]
"aid": "IL0980000",
"aname": "Whiteside County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 73514,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 73514 }]
"aid": "IL0999100",
"aname": "Will Co. Cooperative Police Assistance Team T.F.",
"total": 551574,
[{ "weapons": 11658, "electronicSurv": 69424, "infoRewards": 51147, "travTrain": 131577, "other": 247473, "commComp": 32791, "buildImprov": 7504 }]
"aid": "IL0992700",
"aname": "Will County Cooperative Police Asst. Team(Wcpat)Tf",
"total": 175119,
[{ "weapons": 5689, "infoRewards": 32647, "travTrain": 30345, "other": 94564, "commComp": 9490, "buildImprov": 2384 }]
"aid": "IL0990000",
"aname": "Will County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2647493,
[{ "weapons": 148151, "electronicSurv": 445647, "infoRewards": 303650, "travTrain": 393735, "other": 263069, "commComp": 868706, "buildImprov": 224535 }]
"aid": "IL099013A",
"aname": "Will County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 63164,
[{ "weapons": 1038, "travTrain": 2499, "commPrograms": 12600, "salaryOvertime": 23800, "commComp": 23226 }]
"aid": "IL1000000",
"aname": "Williamson County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 57387,
[{ "weapons": 9716, "electronicSurv": 8420, "travTrain": 4232, "other": 35019 }]
"aid": "IL0161C00",
"aname": "Willow Springs Police Department",
"total": 1566725,
[{ "weapons": 76540, "electronicSurv": 105874, "travTrain": 40843, "commPrograms": 550, "salaryOvertime": 78180, "other": 972570, "commComp": 238951, "buildImprov": 53217 }]
"aid": "IL1010000",
"aname": "Winnebago County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 500598,
[{ "weapons": 120502, "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 27748, "other": 263885, "commComp": 58464 }]
"aid": "IL101013A",
"aname": "Winnebago County State's Attorney's Office",
"total": 48927,
[{ "travTrain": 18512, "commPrograms": 1700, "other": 28593, "commComp": 122 }]
"aid": "IL0222400",
"aname": "Woodridge Police Department",
"total": 410403,
[{ "weapons": 49062, "infoRewards": 770, "travTrain": 1555, "other": 42992, "commComp": 316024 }]
"aid": "IL0164C00",
"aname": "Worth Police Department",
"total": 459580,
[{ "weapons": 3542, "electronicSurv": 4058, "infoRewards": 250, "travTrain": 3615, "other": 292035, "commComp": 40148, "buildImprov": 115932 }]
"st": "IN",
"stn": "Indiana",
"total": 27686233,
[{ "weapons": 2889492, "electronicSurv": 1316330, "infoRewards": 1870272, "travTrain": 1770923, "commPrograms": 304558, "salaryOvertime": 1003088, "other": 11218427, "commComp": 5165319, "buildImprov": 2147825 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "IN0020000",
"aname": "Allen County Police Department Sheriff .",
"total": 1102462,
[{ "weapons": 53221, "electronicSurv": 44619, "infoRewards": 84300, "travTrain": 22413, "salaryOvertime": 32356, "other": 194043, "commComp": 68070, "buildImprov": 603440 }]
"aid": "IN002015A",
"aname": "Allen County Prosecuting Attorney's Office",
"total": 385118,
[{ "weapons": 1720, "travTrain": 86068, "other": 155410, "commComp": 68610, "buildImprov": 73310 }]
"aid": "IN0030000",
"aname": "Bartholomew County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 32515,
[{ "other": 32515 }]
"aid": "IN0490100",
"aname": "Beech Grove Police Department",
"total": 905290,
[{ "weapons": 69428, "electronicSurv": 9818, "infoRewards": 6200, "travTrain": 3617, "salaryOvertime": 116060, "other": 616429, "commComp": 53077, "buildImprov": 30662 }]
"aid": "IN0530100",
"aname": "Bloomington Police Department",
"total": 329168,
[{ "weapons": 884, "electronicSurv": 14964, "infoRewards": 153300, "travTrain": 9864, "other": 122742, "commComp": 27414 }]
"aid": "IN0320100",
"aname": "Brownsburg Police Department",
"total": 45465,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6517, "commPrograms": 735, "other": 34422, "commComp": 1381, "buildImprov": 2410 }]
"aid": "IN0290100",
"aname": "Carmel Police Department",
"total": 131153,
[{ "weapons": 23800, "electronicSurv": 19750, "travTrain": 21182, "other": 27299, "commComp": 39122 }]
"aid": "IN010015A",
"aname": "Clark County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 41417,
[{ "weapons": 8989, "electronicSurv": 5761, "salaryOvertime": 25103, "commComp": 1564 }]
"aid": "IN0110000",
"aname": "Clay County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 76089,
[{ "electronicSurv": 9000, "infoRewards": 8000, "other": 59089 }]
"aid": "IN0030100",
"aname": "Columbus Police Department",
"total": 91775,
[{ "weapons": 46992, "electronicSurv": 4767, "travTrain": 31998, "other": 2689, "commComp": 4816, "buildImprov": 513 }]
"aid": "IN0450200",
"aname": "Crown Point Police Department",
"total": 48295,
[{ "weapons": 13898, "electronicSurv": 633, "commPrograms": 51, "salaryOvertime": 4321, "other": 9566, "commComp": 19826 }]
"aid": "IN0491900",
"aname": "Cumberland Police Department",
"total": 301633,
[{ "weapons": 19406, "electronicSurv": 47984, "infoRewards": 100, "travTrain": 67253, "salaryOvertime": 13200, "commComp": 35514, "buildImprov": 118176 }]
"aid": "IN0140000",
"aname": "Daviess County Sheriff Office",
"total": 201568,
[{ "weapons": 1524, "electronicSurv": 11799, "infoRewards": 26400, "travTrain": 2174, "other": 125242, "commComp": 34430 }]
"aid": "IN015015A",
"aname": "Dearborn/Ohio County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 49265,
[{ "infoRewards": 32000, "travTrain": 9547, "commComp": 7718 }]
"aid": "INEQ00191",
"aname": "Drug Task Force",
"total": 132704,
[{ "weapons": 1389, "infoRewards": 26600, "other": 63050, "commComp": 41665 }]
"aid": "IN0451300",
"aname": "Dyer Metropolitan Police Department",
"total": 58685,
[{ "weapons": 16119, "electronicSurv": 1000, "travTrain": 1500, "commPrograms": 1129, "other": 36487, "commComp": 2450 }]
"aid": "IN0450300",
"aname": "East Chicago Police Department",
"total": 194210,
[{ "weapons": 20762, "electronicSurv": 9718, "infoRewards": 67000, "travTrain": 6000, "other": 65703, "commComp": 25027 }]
"aid": "IN020015A",
"aname": "Elkhart County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 77715,
[{ "electronicSurv": 603, "travTrain": 5000, "other": 64817, "commComp": 7295 }]
"aid": "IN0200000",
"aname": "Elkhart County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 33300,
[{ "commComp": 33300 }]
"aid": "IN0200100",
"aname": "Elkhart Police Department",
"total": 69300,
[{ "weapons": 9472, "electronicSurv": 5710, "other": 29299, "commComp": 24819 }]
"aid": "IN0820100",
"aname": "Evansville Police Department",
"total": 678288,
[{ "weapons": 83061, "electronicSurv": 64160, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 29807, "other": 247630, "commComp": 171757, "buildImprov": 61873 }]
"aid": "IN0820001",
"aname": "Evansville-Vanderburgh Co. Drug Task Force",
"total": 100108,
[{ "electronicSurv": 55653, "commComp": 21455, "buildImprov": 23000 }]
"aid": "IN0220000",
"aname": "Floyd County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 2208000,
[{ "weapons": 153217, "electronicSurv": 78849, "infoRewards": 777855, "travTrain": 126374, "other": 8415, "commComp": 484132, "buildImprov": 579157 }]
"aid": "IN0020100",
"aname": "Fort Wayne Police Department",
"total": 1536452,
[{ "weapons": 93043, "electronicSurv": 100554, "infoRewards": 51662, "travTrain": 104524, "other": 877896, "commComp": 279402, "buildImprov": 29370 }]
"aid": "IN0450500",
"aname": "Gary Indiana Police Department",
"total": 677842,
[{ "weapons": 92544, "electronicSurv": 93017, "infoRewards": 27500, "travTrain": 6302, "other": 297119, "commComp": 161360 }]
"aid": "IN0260000",
"aname": "Gibson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 190177,
[{ "weapons": 30430, "electronicSurv": 7008, "infoRewards": 4651, "travTrain": 12388, "salaryOvertime": 3018, "other": 102563, "commComp": 24583, "buildImprov": 5536 }]
"aid": "IN0300100",
"aname": "Greenfield Police Department",
"total": 135587,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 135587 }]
"aid": "IN0450600",
"aname": "Griffith Police Department",
"total": 88556,
[{ "weapons": 25218, "electronicSurv": 3395, "commPrograms": 265, "other": 11676, "commComp": 46274, "buildImprov": 1728 }]
"aid": "INEQ00018",
"aname": "Hamilton/Boone County Drug Task Force",
"total": 93669,
[{ "weapons": 21596, "electronicSurv": 26500, "infoRewards": 7522, "travTrain": 23127, "other": 4732, "commComp": 10191 }]
"aid": "IN0450700",
"aname": "Hammond Police Department",
"total": 452754,
[{ "weapons": 28275, "electronicSurv": 7208, "infoRewards": 105000, "travTrain": 2753, "other": 290614, "commComp": 9261, "buildImprov": 9643 }]
"aid": "IN0300000",
"aname": "Hancock County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 174292,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 121416, "buildImprov": 52876 }]
"aid": "IN0330000",
"aname": "Henry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 284680,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6428, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 3914, "salaryOvertime": 69112, "other": 200226 }]
"aid": "IN0450800",
"aname": "Highland Police Department",
"total": 51421,
[{ "weapons": 20363, "electronicSurv": 1765, "infoRewards": 9400, "other": 19892 }]
"aid": "IN0450900",
"aname": "Hobart Police Department",
"total": 284922,
[{ "weapons": 6782, "infoRewards": 200, "travTrain": 4257, "other": 211632, "commComp": 51621, "buildImprov": 10430 }]
"aid": "IN049015Y",
"aname": "Indiana Att. General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit",
"total": 939955,
[{ "other": 30138, "commComp": 617131, "buildImprov": 292686 }]
"aid": "IN0490500",
"aname": "Indiana Dept. Of Natural Resources",
"total": 102707,
[{ "weapons": 1393, "electronicSurv": 600, "travTrain": 1919, "other": 96756, "commComp": 2039 }]
"aid": "INISP0008",
"aname": "Indiana State Police",
"total": 3616192,
[{ "weapons": 580258, "electronicSurv": 14032, "travTrain": 836008, "salaryOvertime": 26296, "other": 1194272, "commComp": 965327 }]
"aid": "INEQ00236",
"aname": "Indianapolis Housing Police Department",
"total": 149001,
[{ "weapons": 12692, "electronicSurv": 700, "infoRewards": 12640, "travTrain": 11017, "commPrograms": 3500, "salaryOvertime": 23388, "other": 23450, "commComp": 61614 }]
"aid": "IN0494900",
"aname": "Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department",
"total": 2150453,
[{ "weapons": 57635, "electronicSurv": 27295, "infoRewards": 11284, "travTrain": 6361, "commPrograms": 258058, "other": 1472502, "commComp": 317320 }]
"aid": "IN036015A",
"aname": "Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney's Office",
"total": 49245,
[{ "weapons": 7032, "infoRewards": 453, "travTrain": 1775, "salaryOvertime": 4936, "commComp": 34494, "buildImprov": 555 }]
"aid": "IN0370000",
"aname": "Jasper County Sheriff Office",
"total": 1766778,
[{ "weapons": 381697, "electronicSurv": 83369, "infoRewards": 2400, "travTrain": 2500, "other": 917555, "commComp": 308515, "buildImprov": 70741 }]
"aid": "IN0100300",
"aname": "Jeffersonville Police Department",
"total": 102839,
[{ "weapons": 14132, "electronicSurv": 35517, "infoRewards": 10500, "travTrain": 9447, "other": 32172, "commComp": 301, "buildImprov": 771 }]
"aid": "IN0450000",
"aname": "Lake County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 186001,
[{ "weapons": 94805, "other": 82803, "commComp": 8393 }]
"aid": "IN0450400",
"aname": "Lake Station Police Department",
"total": 82450,
[{ "weapons": 13794, "electronicSurv": 3230, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 713, "other": 62222, "commComp": 491 }]
"aid": "IN0460000",
"aname": "Laporte County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 37643,
[{ "weapons": 2997, "electronicSurv": 7977, "infoRewards": 14500, "travTrain": 2000, "other": 3714, "commComp": 6455 }]
"aid": "IN0470000",
"aname": "Lawrence County Police Department",
"total": 33941,
[{ "other": 33941 }]
"aid": "IN0495200",
"aname": "Lawrence Township Constable",
"total": 35768,
[{ "weapons": 7702, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 686, "other": 26166, "commComp": 714 }]
"aid": "IN0480200",
"aname": "Madison County Drug Task Force",
"total": 103143,
[{ "electronicSurv": 12904, "travTrain": 9608, "salaryOvertime": 733, "other": 78253, "commComp": 1645 }]
"aid": "IN049015A",
"aname": "Marion County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 60369,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 23384, "other": 36984 }]
"aid": "IN0490000",
"aname": "Marion County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 224327,
[{ "weapons": 90376, "electronicSurv": 7300, "travTrain": 12165, "other": 100231, "commComp": 14255 }]
"aid": "IN0451400",
"aname": "Merrillville Police Department",
"total": 145641,
[{ "weapons": 10375, "salaryOvertime": 54895, "other": 43912, "commComp": 35392, "buildImprov": 1067 }]
"aid": "INIPD0015",
"aname": "Metro Drug Task Force",
"total": 986368,
[{ "electronicSurv": 41390, "infoRewards": 230000, "travTrain": 3023, "salaryOvertime": 88870, "other": 551540, "commComp": 71546 }]
"aid": "IN0460200",
"aname": "Michigan City Police Department",
"total": 57747,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11295, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 4102, "commPrograms": 1450, "other": 20649, "commComp": 8098, "buildImprov": 2153 }]
"aid": "IN0530000",
"aname": "Monroe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 34795,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8023, "other": 16206, "commComp": 10567 }]
"aid": "IN0180100",
"aname": "Muncie Police Department",
"total": 248573,
[{ "weapons": 8566, "electronicSurv": 6837, "infoRewards": 54500, "travTrain": 2625, "other": 107351, "commComp": 41921, "buildImprov": 26773 }]
"aid": "IN0180900",
"aname": "Muncie/Delaware County Drug Task Force",
"total": 62550,
[{ "weapons": 50, "electronicSurv": 613, "infoRewards": 3000, "other": 40185, "commComp": 16602, "buildImprov": 2100 }]
"aid": "IN0451000",
"aname": "Munster Police Department",
"total": 145037,
[{ "weapons": 17452, "electronicSurv": 14175, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 8417, "salaryOvertime": 5899, "other": 71048, "commComp": 22775, "buildImprov": 2271 }]
"aid": "IN0220100",
"aname": "New Albany Police Department",
"total": 32536,
[{ "weapons": 30837, "commComp": 1699 }]
"aid": "IN0320800",
"aname": "Pittsboro Police Department",
"total": 546651,
[{ "weapons": 20590, "electronicSurv": 69168, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 34893, "commPrograms": 1494, "salaryOvertime": 194620, "other": 144733, "commComp": 61348, "buildImprov": 14805 }]
"aid": "IN0640200",
"aname": "Portage Police Department",
"total": 35385,
[{ "travTrain": 35385 }]
"aid": "INEQ00165",
"aname": "Porter County Narcotics Unit",
"total": 65630,
[{ "other": 65511, "buildImprov": 119 }]
"aid": "IN0640000",
"aname": "Porter County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 140554,
[{ "weapons": 101563, "travTrain": 3135, "other": 24356, "buildImprov": 11500 }]
"aid": "IN065015A",
"aname": "Posey County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 34015,
[{ "weapons": 655, "electronicSurv": 135, "infoRewards": 11000, "travTrain": 2798, "other": 7621, "commComp": 11805 }]
"aid": "IN0260100",
"aname": "Princeton Police Department",
"total": 39666,
[{ "weapons": 19876, "travTrain": 2500, "other": 17290 }]
"aid": "IN0670000",
"aname": "Putnam County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 324136,
[{ "weapons": 11676, "electronicSurv": 2669, "infoRewards": 5000, "salaryOvertime": 21443, "other": 270062, "commComp": 2435, "buildImprov": 10852 }]
"aid": "IN0370300",
"aname": "Remington Police Department",
"total": 148858,
[{ "weapons": 11106, "other": 108590, "commComp": 29163 }]
"aid": "IN0890100",
"aname": "Richmond Indiana Police Department",
"total": 476484,
[{ "weapons": 11543, "electronicSurv": 6119, "infoRewards": 945, "travTrain": 45642, "commPrograms": 22049, "other": 202099, "commComp": 158365, "buildImprov": 29721 }]
"aid": "IN0250100",
"aname": "Rochester City Police",
"total": 94370,
[{ "weapons": 22438, "electronicSurv": 10905, "travTrain": 16513, "other": 34106, "commComp": 10409 }]
"aid": "IN0700100",
"aname": "Rushville Police Departmnet",
"total": 92550,
[{ "weapons": 10507, "electronicSurv": 448, "travTrain": 900, "other": 74653, "commComp": 6042 }]
"aid": "IN0451600",
"aname": "Schererville Police Department",
"total": 218233,
[{ "weapons": 80164, "electronicSurv": 8882, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 18003, "other": 58334, "commComp": 49794, "buildImprov": 2055 }]
"aid": "IN0720100",
"aname": "Scottsburg Police Department",
"total": 94411,
[{ "other": 94411 }]
"aid": "IN0360200",
"aname": "Seymour Police Department",
"total": 247211,
[{ "weapons": 71247, "electronicSurv": 5519, "infoRewards": 9500, "travTrain": 19425, "other": 82323, "commComp": 59197 }]
"aid": "IN0730100",
"aname": "Shelbyville Indiana Police Department",
"total": 35691,
[{ "weapons": 3117, "electronicSurv": 12311, "infoRewards": 5061, "commComp": 15202 }]
"aid": "IN0710200",
"aname": "South Bend Police Department.",
"total": 418506,
[{ "weapons": 131574, "electronicSurv": 62908, "travTrain": 32735, "other": 165141, "commComp": 19206, "buildImprov": 6941 }]
"aid": "IN0710000",
"aname": "St. Joseph County Police Department",
"total": 63886,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1949, "other": 49937, "buildImprov": 12000 }]
"aid": "IN0760000",
"aname": "Steuben County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 37381,
[{ "weapons": 1445, "electronicSurv": 2625, "other": 8050, "commComp": 25261 }]
"aid": "IN0840100",
"aname": "Terre Haute Police Department",
"total": 60008,
[{ "weapons": 14796, "electronicSurv": 23215, "infoRewards": 2488, "travTrain": 5714, "other": 13223, "commComp": 572 }]
"aid": "IN082015A",
"aname": "Vanderburgh Co. Multi-Agency Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 31086,
[{ "electronicSurv": 931, "infoRewards": 4500, "travTrain": 300, "other": 14800, "commComp": 10040, "buildImprov": 515 }]
"aid": "IN0820000",
"aname": "Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 637180,
[{ "weapons": 76906, "electronicSurv": 43855, "infoRewards": 11200, "travTrain": 10114, "commPrograms": 6000, "other": 364633, "commComp": 124472 }]
"aid": "IN0420200",
"aname": "Vincennes Police Department",
"total": 178701,
[{ "weapons": 7023, "travTrain": 155, "other": 123675, "commComp": 47847 }]
"aid": "IN088015A",
"aname": "Washington County Prosecutor",
"total": 90712,
[{ "weapons": 2584, "electronicSurv": 29155, "infoRewards": 5350, "travTrain": 12699, "other": 26610, "commComp": 14315 }]
"aid": "IN0880000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff Department",
"total": 166767,
[{ "weapons": 12679, "electronicSurv": 9354, "infoRewards": 6650, "travTrain": 662, "other": 116760, "commComp": 20662 }]
"aid": "IN0060500",
"aname": "Whitestown Metro Police Department",
"total": 54057,
[{ "weapons": 850, "electronicSurv": 16883, "travTrain": 4614, "commPrograms": 250, "salaryOvertime": 1486, "other": 4993, "commComp": 3870, "buildImprov": 21111 }]
"st": "KS",
"stn": "Kansas",
"total": 22636711,
[{ "weapons": 3144498, "electronicSurv": 1367099, "infoRewards": 509125, "travTrain": 1070281, "commPrograms": 34119, "salaryOvertime": 823108, "other": 8335616, "commComp": 4427980, "buildImprov": 2924884 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "KS1050100",
"aname": "Bonner Springs Police Department",
"total": 55193,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14973, "other": 12190, "commComp": 6105, "buildImprov": 21925 }]
"aid": "KS0890100",
"aname": "City Of Topeka Police Department",
"total": 277018,
[{ "weapons": 12342, "infoRewards": 73064, "travTrain": 13531, "other": 132582, "commComp": 45499 }]
"aid": "KS0230000",
"aname": "Douglas County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 74701,
[{ "weapons": 2579, "electronicSurv": 9453, "travTrain": 6417, "other": 45302, "commComp": 10950 }]
"aid": "KS0260009",
"aname": "Ellis County Drug Enforcement Unit",
"total": 80965,
[{ "infoRewards": 18500, "commPrograms": 700, "salaryOvertime": 61765 }]
"aid": "KS0560100",
"aname": "Emporia Police Department",
"total": 88060,
[{ "weapons": 2677, "travTrain": 651, "salaryOvertime": 7437, "other": 48916, "commComp": 28379 }]
"aid": "KS0280000",
"aname": "Finney County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 134723,
[{ "weapons": 50104, "infoRewards": 50558, "commComp": 25589, "buildImprov": 8473 }]
"aid": "KS0290000",
"aname": "Ford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 41050,
[{ "weapons": 5285, "electronicSurv": 4574, "travTrain": 2665, "other": 28527 }]
"aid": "KS0280100",
"aname": "Garden City Police Department",
"total": 132911,
[{ "weapons": 50993, "other": 64416, "commComp": 17502 }]
"aid": "KS0410000",
"aname": "Haskell County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 30730,
[{ "weapons": 1067, "electronicSurv": 2331, "travTrain": 13755, "other": 3076, "commComp": 1258, "buildImprov": 9242 }]
"aid": "KS0870200",
"aname": "Haysville Police Department",
"total": 342773,
[{ "weapons": 16584, "electronicSurv": 15623, "travTrain": 5703, "other": 75289, "commComp": 156474, "buildImprov": 73099 }]
"aid": "KS0460000",
"aname": "Johnson County Sheriff Office",
"total": 926874,
[{ "other": 689346, "commComp": 237528 }]
"aid": "KS0310100",
"aname": "Junction City Police Department",
"total": 168123,
[{ "weapons": 30030, "electronicSurv": 3048, "travTrain": 2409, "other": 123096, "commComp": 9540 }]
"aid": "KSKBI0000",
"aname": "Kansas Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 971863,
[{ "weapons": 32539, "travTrain": 42054, "other": 492306, "commComp": 162167, "buildImprov": 242797 }]
"aid": "KS1050200",
"aname": "Kansas City Kansas Police Department",
"total": 1506367,
[{ "weapons": 23860, "electronicSurv": 124317, "infoRewards": 145000, "travTrain": 103248, "other": 833070, "commComp": 266355, "buildImprov": 10517 }]
"aid": "KS0890500",
"aname": "Kansas Dept Of Revenue Alcoholic Beverage Control",
"total": 32947,
[{ "commComp": 32947 }]
"aid": "KSKHP0500",
"aname": "Kansas Highway Patrol",
"total": 12840182,
[{ "weapons": 2436907, "electronicSurv": 761921, "travTrain": 230075, "salaryOvertime": 602363, "other": 4017463, "commComp": 2332246, "buildImprov": 2459207 }]
"aid": "KSQNGCD11",
"aname": "Ks Counterdrug",
"total": 204449,
[{ "electronicSurv": 13424, "travTrain": 31981, "commPrograms": 3100, "other": 135302, "commComp": 20642 }]
"aid": "KS0460300",
"aname": "Merriam Police Department",
"total": 83124,
[{ "weapons": 16007, "electronicSurv": 7710, "infoRewards": 10885, "travTrain": 1648, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 45874 }]
"aid": "KS089015A",
"aname": "Office Of The Kansas Attorney General",
"total": 503835,
[{ "weapons": 2871, "travTrain": 144897, "salaryOvertime": 149401, "other": 106637, "commComp": 100029 }]
"aid": "KS0460500",
"aname": "Olathe Police Department",
"total": 32026,
[{ "electronicSurv": 25135, "infoRewards": 5000, "commComp": 1891 }]
"aid": "KS0460600",
"aname": "Overland Park Police Department",
"total": 1060975,
[{ "weapons": 3224, "electronicSurv": 215686, "commPrograms": 24727, "other": 517013, "commComp": 255325, "buildImprov": 45000 }]
"aid": "KS0850100",
"aname": "Salina Kansas Police Department",
"total": 238128,
[{ "weapons": 13280, "electronicSurv": 39251, "infoRewards": 2550, "other": 3000, "commComp": 180047 }]
"aid": "KS0850400",
"aname": "Saline County Kansas I-135/I-70 Drug Task Force",
"total": 89468,
[{ "electronicSurv": 38601, "travTrain": 2658, "other": 47132, "commComp": 1077 }]
"aid": "KS0850000",
"aname": "Saline County Kansas Sheriff's Department",
"total": 59302,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10530, "commComp": 48771 }]
"aid": "KS0870000",
"aname": "Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 758978,
[{ "weapons": 183358, "electronicSurv": 42031, "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 281600, "commPrograms": 1192, "other": 44310, "commComp": 186886, "buildImprov": 7602 }]
"aid": "KS0890000",
"aname": "Shawnee County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 157141,
[{ "weapons": 4059, "electronicSurv": 18867, "travTrain": 9500, "other": 124715 }]
"aid": "KS096013A",
"aname": "Sumner County Attorney's Office",
"total": 158186,
[{ "travTrain": 2009, "salaryOvertime": 1035, "other": 2460, "commComp": 152683 }]
"aid": "KS0871200",
"aname": "Wichita Airport Authority - Safety Division",
"total": 54098,
[{ "weapons": 40479, "electronicSurv": 1890, "travTrain": 10192, "commComp": 1536 }]
"aid": "KS0870300",
"aname": "Wichita Police Department",
"total": 1246994,
[{ "weapons": 137291, "electronicSurv": 11771, "infoRewards": 181168, "travTrain": 129112, "other": 678426, "commComp": 69759, "buildImprov": 39466 }]
"aid": "KS1050000",
"aname": "Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 77537,
[{ "weapons": 10545, "electronicSurv": 457, "travTrain": 18027, "other": 32548, "commComp": 15960 }]
"st": "KY",
"stn": "Kentucky",
"total": 35973170,
[{ "weapons": 2553601, "electronicSurv": 1098236, "infoRewards": 7290545, "travTrain": 2531704, "commPrograms": 106668, "salaryOvertime": 1521711, "other": 12077652, "commComp": 5728092, "buildImprov": 3064960 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "KY0650100",
"aname": "Beattyville Police Department",
"total": 55155,
[{ "weapons": 8790, "travTrain": 2640, "salaryOvertime": 10000, "other": 4737, "commComp": 28988 }]
"aid": "KY0080000",
"aname": "Boone County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 556724,
[{ "weapons": 102058, "electronicSurv": 52292, "infoRewards": 18000, "travTrain": 32137, "other": 249350, "commComp": 102887 }]
"aid": "KY1140500",
"aname": "Bowling Green-Warren County Drug Task Force",
"total": 96626,
[{ "weapons": 348, "electronicSurv": 20792, "travTrain": 43353, "commComp": 30071, "buildImprov": 2061 }]
"aid": "KY0100000",
"aname": "Boyd County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 84030,
[{ "weapons": 15780, "electronicSurv": 891, "infoRewards": 18195, "other": 5200, "commComp": 43963 }]
"aid": "KY0110000",
"aname": "Boyle County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 50918,
[{ "weapons": 12229, "electronicSurv": 983, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 32169, "commComp": 1379, "buildImprov": 2158 }]
"aid": "KY0150000",
"aname": "Bullitt County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 60919,
[{ "weapons": 12808, "infoRewards": 7000, "salaryOvertime": 9298, "other": 20728, "commComp": 11084 }]
"aid": "KY1090100",
"aname": "Campbellsville Police Department",
"total": 240613,
[{ "weapons": 17010, "electronicSurv": 2456, "other": 176298, "commComp": 40399, "buildImprov": 4450 }]
"aid": "KY0760700",
"aname": "Central Kentucky Area Task Force",
"total": 165614,
[{ "weapons": 12292, "electronicSurv": 24064, "infoRewards": 34500, "travTrain": 13208, "salaryOvertime": 926, "other": 77102, "commComp": 1792, "buildImprov": 1730 }]
"aid": "KY0080500",
"aname": "Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport",
"total": 385239,
[{ "weapons": 79784, "electronicSurv": 3285, "infoRewards": 8100, "travTrain": 37993, "other": 138093, "commComp": 117983 }]
"aid": "KY0080200",
"aname": "City Of Florence Ky Police Department",
"total": 386652,
[{ "weapons": 20551, "electronicSurv": 16895, "other": 136434, "commComp": 28571, "buildImprov": 184200 }]
"aid": "KY0760200",
"aname": "City Of Richmond Police Department",
"total": 425443,
[{ "weapons": 21223, "electronicSurv": 17691, "infoRewards": 169000, "travTrain": 22466, "other": 164506, "commComp": 15135, "buildImprov": 15421 }]
"aid": "KY0260000",
"aname": "Clay County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 35978,
[{ "weapons": 5065, "infoRewards": 5890, "travTrain": 6115, "other": 10591, "commComp": 8318 }]
"aid": "KY056015A",
"aname": "Commonwealth's Attorneys Office",
"total": 428972,
[{ "travTrain": 130931, "other": 1395, "commComp": 295998, "buildImprov": 648 }]
"aid": "KY1180100",
"aname": "Corbin Police Department",
"total": 37624,
[{ "weapons": 10178, "infoRewards": 4100, "other": 23346 }]
"aid": "KY0590100",
"aname": "Covington Police Department",
"total": 670248,
[{ "weapons": 43720, "electronicSurv": 63095, "infoRewards": 87500, "travTrain": 72262, "salaryOvertime": 81827, "other": 16251, "commComp": 297746, "buildImprov": 7847 }]
"aid": "KY0290000",
"aname": "Cumberland County Sheriff Office",
"total": 40665,
[{ "weapons": 4098, "other": 30798, "commComp": 5769 }]
"aid": "KY0372400",
"aname": "Drug Enforcement And Professional Practices",
"total": 85366,
[{ "travTrain": 66577, "commComp": 14983, "buildImprov": 3806 }]
"aid": "KY0520200",
"aname": "Eminence Police Department",
"total": 42258,
[{ "weapons": 5804, "travTrain": 21626, "commComp": 14828 }]
"aid": "KY0590300",
"aname": "Erlanger Police Department",
"total": 124184,
[{ "weapons": 19225, "electronicSurv": 5732, "travTrain": 5671, "other": 16953, "commComp": 50870, "buildImprov": 25732 }]
"aid": "KY034015A",
"aname": "Fayette Commonwealth Attorney",
"total": 82211,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1975, "travTrain": 41115, "other": 11553, "commComp": 27568 }]
"aid": "KY0100400",
"aname": "Fivco/Fade Area Drug Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 290790,
[{ "weapons": 6738, "electronicSurv": 17629, "infoRewards": 28835, "travTrain": 16162, "salaryOvertime": 127424, "other": 50235, "commComp": 10868, "buildImprov": 32898 }]
"aid": "KY0370100",
"aname": "Frankfort Police Department",
"total": 483499,
[{ "weapons": 89850, "electronicSurv": 2212, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 26722, "other": 133338, "commComp": 226377 }]
"aid": "KY1050100",
"aname": "Georgetown Police Department",
"total": 59435,
[{ "weapons": 10001, "electronicSurv": 5048, "infoRewards": 18500, "other": 10374, "commComp": 15511 }]
"aid": "KY0471500",
"aname": "Greater Hardin County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 381784,
[{ "weapons": 6942, "electronicSurv": 6860, "infoRewards": 45281, "travTrain": 8110, "salaryOvertime": 104710, "other": 170744, "commComp": 35712, "buildImprov": 3424 }]
"aid": "KY0480000",
"aname": "Harlan County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 553666,
[{ "weapons": 111821, "electronicSurv": 88789, "infoRewards": 159000, "travTrain": 35619, "commPrograms": 30095, "other": 104456, "commComp": 8118, "buildImprov": 15769 }]
"aid": "KY0490000",
"aname": "Harrison County Sheriff Office",
"total": 42162,
[{ "weapons": 22648, "electronicSurv": 2380, "other": 9000, "commComp": 8135 }]
"aid": "KY0970100",
"aname": "Hazard Police Department",
"total": 87564,
[{ "weapons": 21638, "electronicSurv": 1680, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 400, "other": 46512, "commComp": 16834 }]
"aid": "KY0510000",
"aname": "Henderson County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 35286,
[{ "weapons": 10910, "electronicSurv": 9437, "travTrain": 5939, "other": 9000 }]
"aid": "KY0540000",
"aname": "Hopkins County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 55330,
[{ "weapons": 7576, "travTrain": 510, "other": 42253, "commComp": 4990 }]
"aid": "KY0330100",
"aname": "Irvine Police Department",
"total": 116406,
[{ "weapons": 6476, "electronicSurv": 8507, "infoRewards": 14600, "travTrain": 2481, "salaryOvertime": 16510, "other": 66653, "commComp": 1179 }]
"aid": "KY0560000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1235043,
[{ "weapons": 33786, "electronicSurv": 28147, "infoRewards": 4600, "travTrain": 237865, "salaryOvertime": 407554, "other": 441275, "commComp": 69935, "buildImprov": 11880 }]
"aid": "KY0561000",
"aname": "Jeffersontown Police Department",
"total": 117524,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1241, "infoRewards": 4500, "travTrain": 7700, "salaryOvertime": 38545, "other": 21911, "commComp": 26075, "buildImprov": 17553 }]
"aid": "KY059025A",
"aname": "Kenton County Commonwealth's Attorney Office",
"total": 210431,
[{ "weapons": 18781, "electronicSurv": 3954, "infoRewards": 5248, "travTrain": 21190, "other": 56826, "commComp": 62951, "buildImprov": 41481 }]
"aid": "KY0590000",
"aname": "Kenton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 207807,
[{ "weapons": 57530, "electronicSurv": 4451, "travTrain": 2978, "commPrograms": 3348, "other": 73906, "commComp": 60939, "buildImprov": 4655 }]
"aid": "KYEQ00258",
"aname": "Kentucky Board Of Pharmacy",
"total": 324135,
[{ "travTrain": 121394, "commComp": 165635, "buildImprov": 37106 }]
"aid": "KY037015A",
"aname": "Kentucky Office Of The Attorney General 0 Dci",
"total": 339140,
[{ "weapons": 3993, "infoRewards": 13000, "travTrain": 89179, "salaryOvertime": 719, "other": 19972, "commComp": 161978, "buildImprov": 50299 }]
"aid": "KYKSP0000",
"aname": "Kentucky State Police",
"total": 6949920,
[{ "weapons": 291265, "electronicSurv": 5732, "infoRewards": 5780645, "travTrain": 29373, "other": 810274, "commComp": 32631 }]
"aid": "KY0600000",
"aname": "Knott County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 42429,
[{ "weapons": 5566, "electronicSurv": 36863 }]
"aid": "KY1000600",
"aname": "Lake Cumberland Area Drug Task Force",
"total": 124385,
[{ "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 150, "other": 101337, "commComp": 20824, "buildImprov": 73 }]
"aid": "KY0630000",
"aname": "Laurel County Sheriff Deparment",
"total": 857426,
[{ "weapons": 82768, "electronicSurv": 3095, "infoRewards": 33000, "travTrain": 2747, "salaryOvertime": 1234, "other": 663380, "commComp": 70357, "buildImprov": 845 }]
"aid": "KY0780100",
"aname": "Lebanon Police Department",
"total": 246406,
[{ "weapons": 31749, "electronicSurv": 66837, "infoRewards": 7700, "travTrain": 4626, "commPrograms": 11384, "other": 114968, "commComp": 8803, "buildImprov": 339 }]
"aid": "KY0670000",
"aname": "Letcher County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 105475,
[{ "weapons": 25334, "electronicSurv": 524, "infoRewards": 3300, "travTrain": 150, "commPrograms": 14183, "other": 37194, "commComp": 20294, "buildImprov": 4495 }]
"aid": "KY0340200",
"aname": "Lexington Division Of Police",
"total": 4240443,
[{ "weapons": 304796, "electronicSurv": 42539, "infoRewards": 287000, "travTrain": 923708, "salaryOvertime": 166386, "other": 1453734, "commComp": 508837, "buildImprov": 553443 }]
"aid": "KY0630100",
"aname": "London Police Department",
"total": 751100,
[{ "weapons": 41927, "electronicSurv": 24811, "infoRewards": 43753, "travTrain": 54470, "commPrograms": 25249, "other": 345444, "commComp": 136512, "buildImprov": 78935 }]
"aid": "KY0568000",
"aname": "Louisville Metro Police Department",
"total": 2903715,
[{ "weapons": 235811, "electronicSurv": 121232, "travTrain": 27645, "salaryOvertime": 51963, "other": 167708, "commComp": 1355472, "buildImprov": 943884 }]
"aid": "KY0760000",
"aname": "Madison County Sheriff",
"total": 100357,
[{ "weapons": 12462, "electronicSurv": 7544, "infoRewards": 8207, "travTrain": 28, "other": 67837, "commComp": 4280 }]
"aid": "KY0260100",
"aname": "Manchester Police Department",
"total": 37761,
[{ "weapons": 6288, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 29473 }]
"aid": "KY0750000",
"aname": "Mclean County Sheriff",
"total": 2066570,
[{ "weapons": 47075, "electronicSurv": 38666, "travTrain": 5620, "commPrograms": 4376, "salaryOvertime": 19229, "other": 1440748, "commComp": 98736, "buildImprov": 412119 }]
"aid": "KY0567600",
"aname": "Metro Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 2230185,
[{ "weapons": 80614, "electronicSurv": 61347, "infoRewards": 2251, "travTrain": 1080, "salaryOvertime": 250893, "other": 1690396, "commComp": 138964, "buildImprov": 4639 }]
"aid": "KYQNGCD09",
"aname": "Military Affairs",
"total": 351978,
[{ "weapons": 23183, "electronicSurv": 91009, "infoRewards": 1438, "travTrain": 16875, "other": 2533, "commComp": 144066, "buildImprov": 72874 }]
"aid": "KY1030100",
"aname": "Morehead Police Department",
"total": 57629,
[{ "weapons": 3920, "other": 14995, "commComp": 38714 }]
"aid": "KY0370200",
"aname": "Motor Vehicle Enforcement-Special Operations",
"total": 639611,
[{ "weapons": 26950, "travTrain": 63933, "other": 457735, "commComp": 90992 }]
"aid": "KY0870100",
"aname": "Mount Sterling Police Department",
"total": 48722,
[{ "weapons": 37260, "electronicSurv": 11462 }]
"aid": "KY0910000",
"aname": "Nicholas County Sheriffs Department",
"total": 106370,
[{ "weapons": 733, "electronicSurv": 252, "infoRewards": 11840, "commPrograms": 1841, "other": 87848, "commComp": 3856 }]
"aid": "KY0570100",
"aname": "Nicholasville Police Department",
"total": 906982,
[{ "weapons": 77676, "other": 469488, "commComp": 331706, "buildImprov": 28112 }]
"aid": "KY0592600",
"aname": "Northern Kentucky Drug Strike Force",
"total": 127952,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11102, "infoRewards": 87459, "salaryOvertime": 29391 }]
"aid": "KY0930400",
"aname": "Oldham County Police Department",
"total": 165467,
[{ "weapons": 23963, "electronicSurv": 2751, "infoRewards": 18630, "travTrain": 6479, "commComp": 105899, "buildImprov": 7745 }]
"aid": "KY0930000",
"aname": "Oldham County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 50188,
[{ "weapons": 5054, "electronicSurv": 1068, "travTrain": 1295, "commPrograms": 2180, "other": 26056, "commComp": 12641, "buildImprov": 1895 }]
"aid": "KY1001200",
"aname": "Operation Unite",
"total": 254986,
[{ "other": 254986 }]
"aid": "KY0300100",
"aname": "Owensboro Police Department",
"total": 92368,
[{ "weapons": 18344, "travTrain": 13875, "salaryOvertime": 17500, "other": 15754, "commComp": 22331, "buildImprov": 4565 }]
"aid": "KY0730100",
"aname": "Paducah Police Department",
"total": 69124,
[{ "weapons": 7153, "infoRewards": 32403, "travTrain": 4165, "other": 15210, "commComp": 1541, "buildImprov": 8651 }]
"aid": "KY0240600",
"aname": "Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 668750,
[{ "weapons": 19140, "electronicSurv": 28010, "infoRewards": 36742, "travTrain": 197483, "salaryOvertime": 135531, "other": 129913, "commComp": 103275, "buildImprov": 18656 }]
"aid": "KY0980100",
"aname": "Pikeville Police Department",
"total": 285396,
[{ "weapons": 88674, "electronicSurv": 53799, "travTrain": 13698, "other": 127449, "commComp": 1776 }]
"aid": "KY0360100",
"aname": "Prestonsburg Police Dept.",
"total": 41777,
[{ "weapons": 21918, "electronicSurv": 2673, "other": 8708, "commComp": 8478 }]
"aid": "KY1020000",
"aname": "Rockcastle County Ky Sheriff Office",
"total": 901017,
[{ "weapons": 10763, "electronicSurv": 5927, "infoRewards": 68807, "travTrain": 5586, "commPrograms": 3824, "salaryOvertime": 8374, "other": 350615, "commComp": 68341, "buildImprov": 378781 }]
"aid": "KY0450500",
"aname": "Russell Police Department",
"total": 58871,
[{ "weapons": 31060, "electronicSurv": 12146, "travTrain": 932, "other": 8564, "commComp": 6169 }]
"aid": "KY0560400",
"aname": "Shively Police Department",
"total": 31024,
[{ "weapons": 27810, "infoRewards": 800, "commComp": 2414 }]
"aid": "KY1000100",
"aname": "Somerset Police Department",
"total": 36265,
[{ "weapons": 15979, "travTrain": 2818, "other": 16500, "buildImprov": 968 }]
"aid": "KY0710900",
"aname": "South Central Kentucky Drug Task Force",
"total": 36892,
[{ "electronicSurv": 437, "infoRewards": 495, "travTrain": 3880, "salaryOvertime": 8183, "other": 21438, "buildImprov": 2458 }]
"aid": "KY1150100",
"aname": "Springfield Police Department",
"total": 43291,
[{ "weapons": 2984, "electronicSurv": 8013, "infoRewards": 19274, "travTrain": 823, "other": 12199 }]
"aid": "KY1200100",
"aname": "Versailles Police Department",
"total": 554398,
[{ "weapons": 30913, "electronicSurv": 19993, "infoRewards": 65700, "travTrain": 5727, "other": 228739, "commComp": 137007, "buildImprov": 66319 }]
"aid": "KY1180200",
"aname": "Williamsburg Police Department",
"total": 35219,
[{ "weapons": 5515, "electronicSurv": 691, "travTrain": 4201, "other": 7508, "commComp": 17304 }]
"aid": "KY0250100",
"aname": "Winchester Police Department",
"total": 184845,
[{ "weapons": 4961, "infoRewards": 50000, "travTrain": 839, "other": 85004, "commComp": 44040 }]
"aid": "KY1200000",
"aname": "Woodford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 86886,
[{ "weapons": 8408, "travTrain": 3472, "commPrograms": 4656, "other": 59298, "commComp": 9031, "buildImprov": 2020 }]
"st": "LA",
"stn": "Louisiana",
"total": 21115644,
[{ "weapons": 908865, "electronicSurv": 1575187, "infoRewards": 1892597, "travTrain": 1248697, "commPrograms": 158694, "salaryOvertime": 4196560, "other": 8469935, "commComp": 2066987, "buildImprov": 598123 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "LA053015A",
"aname": "21st Judicial District Attorney's Office",
"total": 49977,
[{ "other": 3984, "commComp": 45993 }]
"aid": "LA0010000",
"aname": "Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 72465,
[{ "infoRewards": 15369, "travTrain": 6086, "salaryOvertime": 14800, "other": 36210 }]
"aid": "LA0400100",
"aname": "Alexandria City Police (Narcotics Division)",
"total": 69430,
[{ "other": 69430 }]
"aid": "LA0030000",
"aname": "Ascension Parish Sheriff's Department",
"total": 186520,
[{ "electronicSurv": 19900, "salaryOvertime": 27620, "other": 139000 }]
"aid": "LA0040000",
"aname": "Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 51425,
[{ "weapons": 15574, "commComp": 19626, "buildImprov": 16225 }]
"aid": "LA0170200",
"aname": "Baton Rouge Police Department",
"total": 2963778,
[{ "weapons": 57059, "electronicSurv": 92634, "infoRewards": 64000, "salaryOvertime": 1566389, "other": 808227, "commComp": 158235, "buildImprov": 217233 }]
"aid": "LA0090000",
"aname": "Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 322660,
[{ "infoRewards": 314660, "other": 8000 }]
"aid": "LA0260100",
"aname": "City Of Gretna Police Department",
"total": 74404,
[{ "weapons": 24811, "infoRewards": 5849, "other": 29666, "commComp": 10978, "buildImprov": 3100 }]
"aid": "LA0520200",
"aname": "City Of Slidell Police Department",
"total": 367853,
[{ "weapons": 11792, "electronicSurv": 9784, "travTrain": 23314, "commComp": 322962 }]
"aid": "LA0260400",
"aname": "City Of Westwego Police Department",
"total": 355042,
[{ "weapons": 9148, "electronicSurv": 39296, "other": 242685, "commComp": 17625, "buildImprov": 46288 }]
"aid": "LA0170000",
"aname": "East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2105115,
[{ "weapons": 160411, "electronicSurv": 231711, "travTrain": 38391, "salaryOvertime": 188732, "other": 1383270, "commComp": 102599 }]
"aid": "LA0030200",
"aname": "Gonzales Police Department",
"total": 127701,
[{ "weapons": 2615, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 2521, "other": 86191, "commComp": 24340, "buildImprov": 11534 }]
"aid": "LA0530100",
"aname": "Hammond Police Department",
"total": 188364,
[{ "weapons": 63493, "infoRewards": 5000, "commComp": 119871 }]
"aid": "LA0230000",
"aname": "Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 74614,
[{ "infoRewards": 1428, "salaryOvertime": 73186 }]
"aid": "LA0240000",
"aname": "Iberville Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 105632,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11910, "travTrain": 1980, "other": 45833, "commComp": 7574, "buildImprov": 38335 }]
"aid": "LA0260000",
"aname": "Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2140173,
[{ "weapons": 26923, "electronicSurv": 452957, "travTrain": 171765, "other": 1352587, "commComp": 99856, "buildImprov": 36084 }]
"aid": "LA0260300",
"aname": "Kenner Police Department",
"total": 1247854,
[{ "weapons": 24095, "electronicSurv": 131551, "infoRewards": 100935, "travTrain": 38992, "other": 666494, "commComp": 270018, "buildImprov": 15770 }]
"aid": "LA0280300",
"aname": "Lafayette Police Department",
"total": 240179,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 18470, "other": 205117, "commComp": 16592 }]
"aid": "LA0290000",
"aname": "Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 351282,
[{ "weapons": 59256, "electronicSurv": 8138, "infoRewards": 31000, "commPrograms": 149059, "salaryOvertime": 3181, "other": 96860, "commComp": 3788 }]
"aid": "LA0100200",
"aname": "Lake Charles Police Department",
"total": 80522,
[{ "electronicSurv": 13300, "travTrain": 7440, "other": 26490, "commComp": 33293 }]
"aid": "LAQNGCD17",
"aname": "Louisiana National Guard",
"total": 202346,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17293, "travTrain": 31340, "commPrograms": 2135, "other": 7820, "commComp": 30510, "buildImprov": 113246 }]
"aid": "LA0171600",
"aname": "Louisiana Office Of Alcohol And Tobacco Control",
"total": 106549,
[{ "weapons": 549, "electronicSurv": 1219, "salaryOvertime": 12788, "other": 66340, "commComp": 25653 }]
"aid": "LALSP0000",
"aname": "Louisiana State Police",
"total": 2601824,
[{ "electronicSurv": 75569, "infoRewards": 183009, "travTrain": 503915, "salaryOvertime": 1524091, "other": 130044, "commComp": 177291, "buildImprov": 7906 }]
"aid": "LANPD0000",
"aname": "New Orleans Police Department",
"total": 2229183,
[{ "weapons": 38285, "electronicSurv": 136934, "infoRewards": 640013, "travTrain": 294869, "salaryOvertime": 147658, "other": 823493, "commComp": 124584, "buildImprov": 23346 }]
"aid": "LA0360000",
"aname": "Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 39616,
[{ "other": 39616 }]
"aid": "LA0370000",
"aname": "Ouachita Parish Sheriff Office",
"total": 48283,
[{ "weapons": 48283 }]
"aid": "LA0380000",
"aname": "Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 151092,
[{ "weapons": 13106, "electronicSurv": 7370, "infoRewards": 58000, "travTrain": 15349, "salaryOvertime": 42027, "commComp": 15239 }]
"aid": "LA0090100",
"aname": "Shreveport Police Department",
"total": 374689,
[{ "weapons": 23142, "infoRewards": 59000, "travTrain": 2475, "other": 247689, "commComp": 21803, "buildImprov": 20581 }]
"aid": "LA0510000",
"aname": "St Mary Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 64208,
[{ "weapons": 25723, "other": 22387, "commComp": 16099 }]
"aid": "LA0440000",
"aname": "St. Bernard Parish Sheriff's Department",
"total": 880363,
[{ "weapons": 13818, "electronicSurv": 145382, "infoRewards": 73000, "travTrain": 55322, "other": 556014, "commComp": 28739, "buildImprov": 8089 }]
"aid": "LA0450000",
"aname": "St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 428353,
[{ "weapons": 900, "electronicSurv": 1315, "travTrain": 30000, "commPrograms": 5000, "other": 105982, "commComp": 283047, "buildImprov": 2110 }]
"aid": "LA0490000",
"aname": "St. Landry Parish Sheriff",
"total": 74288,
[{ "weapons": 2316, "electronicSurv": 8278, "infoRewards": 31289, "travTrain": 129, "other": 16835, "commComp": 11564, "buildImprov": 3877 }]
"aid": "LA0500000",
"aname": "St. Martin Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 69307,
[{ "other": 40908, "buildImprov": 28399 }]
"aid": "LA0520000",
"aname": "St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 938224,
[{ "weapons": 261530, "electronicSurv": 64674, "infoRewards": 99550, "other": 472690, "commComp": 39779 }]
"aid": "LA0530000",
"aname": "Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 273273,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17961, "infoRewards": 123400, "travTrain": 3718, "commPrograms": 2500, "other": 124000, "commComp": 1694 }]
"aid": "LA0550000",
"aname": "Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office",
"total": 480771,
[{ "weapons": 9083, "electronicSurv": 23581, "travTrain": 1350, "salaryOvertime": 426935, "other": 12500, "commComp": 7322 }]
"aid": "LA0290500",
"aname": "Thibodaux Police Department",
"total": 40936,
[{ "infoRewards": 15269, "other": 25667 }]
"aid": "LA0610000",
"aname": "West Baton Rouge Sheriffs Office",
"total": 611723,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 123760, "other": 487963 }]
"st": "MA",
"stn": "Massachusetts",
"total": 32278938,
[{ "weapons": 3202690, "electronicSurv": 1318664, "infoRewards": 1512682, "travTrain": 2318433, "commPrograms": 133307, "salaryOvertime": 1571750, "other": 12569117, "commComp": 6469678, "buildImprov": 3182618 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MA0030200",
"aname": "Attleboro Police Department",
"total": 265524,
[{ "weapons": 28081, "electronicSurv": 26448, "infoRewards": 11500, "travTrain": 2740, "commPrograms": 7910, "other": 120703, "commComp": 68142 }]
"aid": "MA0140300",
"aname": "Auburn Police Department",
"total": 40237,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3560, "infoRewards": 4500, "travTrain": 2932, "other": 26824, "commComp": 2422 }]
"aid": "MA0010000",
"aname": "Barnstable County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 46959,
[{ "weapons": 5720, "other": 24789, "commComp": 2473, "buildImprov": 13977 }]
"aid": "MA0010100",
"aname": "Barnstable Police Department",
"total": 282177,
[{ "weapons": 53114, "electronicSurv": 822, "infoRewards": 145882, "travTrain": 3744, "other": 59344, "commComp": 19271 }]
"aid": "MA0090600",
"aname": "Bedford Police Department",
"total": 386543,
[{ "weapons": 15945, "electronicSurv": 776, "travTrain": 11985, "commPrograms": 7624, "salaryOvertime": 57699, "other": 189436, "commComp": 95095, "buildImprov": 7983 }]
"aid": "MA002015A",
"aname": "Berkshire District Attorney's Office",
"total": 161322,
[{ "weapons": 1613, "electronicSurv": 21214, "commComp": 24824, "buildImprov": 113671 }]
"aid": "MA0090800",
"aname": "Billerica Police Department",
"total": 49491,
[{ "other": 49491 }]
"aid": "MA0132600",
"aname": "Boston Housing Authority",
"total": 105116,
[{ "weapons": 36554, "travTrain": 12952, "other": 54739, "commComp": 871 }]
"aid": "MA0130100",
"aname": "Boston Police Department",
"total": 1461998,
[{ "electronicSurv": 193721, "other": 1268277 }]
"aid": "MA0110300",
"aname": "Braintree Police Department",
"total": 42207,
[{ "weapons": 3434, "electronicSurv": 6270, "infoRewards": 2000, "salaryOvertime": 3227, "other": 10095, "commComp": 1100, "buildImprov": 16081 }]
"aid": "MA0030000",
"aname": "Bristol County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 472827,
[{ "weapons": 55480, "electronicSurv": 125289, "infoRewards": 10148, "travTrain": 15314, "salaryOvertime": 29948, "other": 127883, "commComp": 81420, "buildImprov": 27345 }]
"aid": "MA003015A",
"aname": "Bristol District Attorney",
"total": 397450,
[{ "electronicSurv": 109897, "infoRewards": 42000, "travTrain": 97726, "salaryOvertime": 115624, "commComp": 30267, "buildImprov": 1936 }]
"aid": "MA0091100",
"aname": "Cambridge Ma Police Department",
"total": 114355,
[{ "weapons": 2100, "electronicSurv": 23758, "travTrain": 7971, "other": 5223, "commComp": 75302 }]
"aid": "MA0110500",
"aname": "Canton Ma Police Department",
"total": 130899,
[{ "weapons": 11653, "electronicSurv": 3739, "travTrain": 792, "salaryOvertime": 96675, "other": 9900, "commComp": 8140 }]
"aid": "MA0130300",
"aname": "Chelsea Police Department",
"total": 643212,
[{ "weapons": 17775, "electronicSurv": 14581, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 551331, "commComp": 56705, "buildImprov": 1820 }]
"aid": "MA0070500",
"aname": "Chicopee Police Department",
"total": 181013,
[{ "infoRewards": 78000, "other": 49773, "commComp": 45414, "buildImprov": 7826 }]
"aid": "MA0141100",
"aname": "Clinton Police Department",
"total": 275177,
[{ "weapons": 7473, "electronicSurv": 2830, "infoRewards": 52417, "travTrain": 68768, "salaryOvertime": 76623, "other": 29089, "commComp": 19820, "buildImprov": 18157 }]
"aid": "MA0010500",
"aname": "Dennis Police Department",
"total": 132790,
[{ "weapons": 15222, "electronicSurv": 15575, "infoRewards": 14500, "travTrain": 14267, "salaryOvertime": 6215, "other": 40810, "commComp": 15212, "buildImprov": 10990 }]
"aid": "MA014015A",
"aname": "District Attorney-Middle District",
"total": 528590,
[{ "infoRewards": 7068, "travTrain": 188176, "salaryOvertime": 52822, "other": 263419, "commComp": 17105 }]
"aid": "MA005015A",
"aname": "Eastern District Attorney",
"total": 2301106,
[{ "electronicSurv": 127214, "infoRewards": 126375, "travTrain": 264880, "other": 1152546, "commComp": 496275, "buildImprov": 133816 }]
"aid": "MA0080500",
"aname": "Easthampton Police Department",
"total": 350343,
[{ "weapons": 26484, "travTrain": 7685, "salaryOvertime": 16060, "other": 225574, "commComp": 74540 }]
"aid": "MA0050000",
"aname": "Essex County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 519165,
[{ "weapons": 19224, "electronicSurv": 4300, "travTrain": 49804, "other": 428262, "commComp": 17574 }]
"aid": "MA0091700",
"aname": "Everett Police Department",
"total": 124766,
[{ "weapons": 22007, "electronicSurv": 652, "infoRewards": 28600, "travTrain": 35270, "salaryOvertime": 14950, "commComp": 10002, "buildImprov": 13284 }]
"aid": "MA0030700",
"aname": "Fairhaven Police Department",
"total": 318645,
[{ "weapons": 64997, "electronicSurv": 17988, "infoRewards": 13100, "travTrain": 4463, "commPrograms": 4145, "salaryOvertime": 21125, "other": 72989, "commComp": 37299, "buildImprov": 82539 }]
"aid": "MA0030800",
"aname": "Fall River Police Department",
"total": 443936,
[{ "weapons": 21275, "electronicSurv": 12150, "travTrain": 18437, "other": 364285, "commComp": 27788 }]
"aid": "MA0010700",
"aname": "Falmouth Police Department",
"total": 45773,
[{ "infoRewards": 5000, "salaryOvertime": 27403, "other": 6900, "commComp": 6470 }]
"aid": "MA0141500",
"aname": "Fitchburg Police Department",
"total": 59780,
[{ "weapons": 13924, "electronicSurv": 9327, "travTrain": 3550, "salaryOvertime": 1198, "other": 25490, "commComp": 6291 }]
"aid": "MA0091800",
"aname": "Framingham Police Department",
"total": 987052,
[{ "weapons": 98365, "electronicSurv": 51414, "infoRewards": 70956, "travTrain": 208520, "commPrograms": 10482, "salaryOvertime": 16158, "other": 130605, "commComp": 157604, "buildImprov": 242948 }]
"aid": "MA0050800",
"aname": "Gloucester Police Depatment",
"total": 768182,
[{ "weapons": 36640, "electronicSurv": 30290, "infoRewards": 750, "travTrain": 65358, "commPrograms": 3552, "salaryOvertime": 29994, "other": 278671, "commComp": 218041, "buildImprov": 104885 }]
"aid": "MA007015A",
"aname": "Hampden County District Attorney",
"total": 166479,
[{ "infoRewards": 41500, "travTrain": 5979, "salaryOvertime": 37895, "other": 56457, "commComp": 24648 }]
"aid": "MA0051100",
"aname": "Haverhill Police Department",
"total": 536499,
[{ "weapons": 8903, "travTrain": 109033, "commPrograms": 4955, "other": 186372, "commComp": 111181, "buildImprov": 116055 }]
"aid": "MA0071000",
"aname": "Holyoke Police Department",
"total": 138392,
[{ "electronicSurv": 28331, "infoRewards": 39000, "travTrain": 10399, "salaryOvertime": 34145, "other": 18174, "commComp": 8344 }]
"aid": "MA0051300",
"aname": "Lawrence Police Department",
"total": 225883,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2100, "salaryOvertime": 105249, "other": 118534 }]
"aid": "MA0092600",
"aname": "Lowell Police Department",
"total": 1892626,
[{ "weapons": 355645, "electronicSurv": 21193, "infoRewards": 128512, "travTrain": 155609, "commPrograms": 6000, "salaryOvertime": 31838, "other": 419748, "commComp": 300076, "buildImprov": 474005 }]
"aid": "MA0051400",
"aname": "Lynn Police Department",
"total": 37318,
[{ "weapons": 5887, "other": 25699, "commComp": 5733 }]
"aid": "MA013035C",
"aname": "Ma Department Of Correction",
"total": 162248,
[{ "weapons": 610, "electronicSurv": 13378, "infoRewards": 1100, "travTrain": 15470, "other": 62669, "commComp": 52123, "buildImprov": 16898 }]
"aid": "MA0092700",
"aname": "Malden Police Department",
"total": 526478,
[{ "weapons": 47754, "electronicSurv": 49119, "infoRewards": 11100, "travTrain": 17987, "other": 286016, "commComp": 99302, "buildImprov": 15200 }]
"aid": "MA0121500",
"aname": "Marshfield Police Department",
"total": 46408,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8003, "infoRewards": 5850, "travTrain": 10133, "other": 7618, "commComp": 14804 }]
"aid": "MA0131500",
"aname": "Massachusetts Attorney General",
"total": 457010,
[{ "electronicSurv": 16130, "travTrain": 55948, "salaryOvertime": 79839, "commComp": 182217, "buildImprov": 122876 }]
"aid": "MA0132500",
"aname": "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority",
"total": 198008,
[{ "weapons": 9802, "electronicSurv": 939, "travTrain": 56679, "other": 117975, "commComp": 12614 }]
"aid": "MAMSP0000",
"aname": "Massachusetts State Police",
"total": 7208544,
[{ "weapons": 1368982, "electronicSurv": 44391, "travTrain": 41891, "other": 2466408, "commComp": 2453849, "buildImprov": 833023 }]
"aid": "MA0051900",
"aname": "Methuen Police Department",
"total": 38793,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7914, "travTrain": 1840, "other": 22566, "commComp": 4724, "buildImprov": 1749 }]
"aid": "MA009015A",
"aname": "Middlesex District Attorney's Office",
"total": 455899,
[{ "travTrain": 2156, "salaryOvertime": 246482, "other": 178249, "commComp": 29012 }]
"aid": "MA0090002",
"aname": "Middlesex Sheriff's Office",
"total": 133037,
[{ "weapons": 42292, "electronicSurv": 21520, "other": 30969, "commComp": 5851, "buildImprov": 32406 }]
"aid": "MA0111500",
"aname": "Milton Police Department",
"total": 82996,
[{ "other": 4425, "buildImprov": 78571 }]
"aid": "MA0100100",
"aname": "Nantucket Police Department",
"total": 101330,
[{ "infoRewards": 29898, "other": 71432 }]
"aid": "MA0031100",
"aname": "New Bedford Police Department",
"total": 412452,
[{ "weapons": 124503, "electronicSurv": 511, "travTrain": 30164, "commPrograms": 3214, "other": 103520, "commComp": 150539 }]
"aid": "MA0093300",
"aname": "Newton Police Department",
"total": 74493,
[{ "travTrain": 9582, "other": 64910 }]
"aid": "MA0110000",
"aname": "Norfolk County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 39421,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 39421 }]
"aid": "MA0052400",
"aname": "North Andover Police Department",
"total": 180486,
[{ "weapons": 2932, "electronicSurv": 2325, "infoRewards": 1700, "travTrain": 47400, "other": 20229, "commComp": 39625, "buildImprov": 66276 }]
"aid": "MA0093400",
"aname": "North Reading Police Department",
"total": 215408,
[{ "weapons": 25924, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 8808, "commPrograms": 1200, "salaryOvertime": 43108, "other": 37072, "commComp": 98297 }]
"aid": "MA0081200",
"aname": "Northampton Police Department",
"total": 98500,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3980, "infoRewards": 145, "travTrain": 23702, "salaryOvertime": 2495, "other": 46120, "commComp": 22059 }]
"aid": "MA008015A",
"aname": "Northwestern District Attorney",
"total": 137843,
[{ "electronicSurv": 30642, "infoRewards": 49229, "travTrain": 3338, "other": 4748, "commComp": 1486, "buildImprov": 48400 }]
"aid": "MA0111800",
"aname": "Norwood Police Department",
"total": 83459,
[{ "weapons": 54793, "electronicSurv": 1503, "travTrain": 4950, "other": 2782, "commComp": 18486, "buildImprov": 945 }]
"aid": "MA001015A",
"aname": "Office Of The District Attorney Cape & Islands",
"total": 227287,
[{ "infoRewards": 129641, "travTrain": 15085, "other": 32720, "commComp": 22079, "buildImprov": 27761 }]
"aid": "MA011015A",
"aname": "Office Of The Norfolk District Attorney",
"total": 391457,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11858, "travTrain": 7115, "commPrograms": 45297, "salaryOvertime": 34758, "other": 1011, "commComp": 41418, "buildImprov": 250000 }]
"aid": "MA012015A",
"aname": "Plymouth County District Attorney",
"total": 79458,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2739, "travTrain": 30343, "salaryOvertime": 10754, "commComp": 30416, "buildImprov": 5206 }]
"aid": "MA0122000",
"aname": "Plymouth Police Department",
"total": 77706,
[{ "weapons": 1087, "electronicSurv": 7684, "infoRewards": 25800, "travTrain": 28650, "other": 2668, "commComp": 6788, "buildImprov": 5031 }]
"aid": "MA0011100",
"aname": "Provincetown Police Department",
"total": 51593,
[{ "weapons": 19496, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 2300, "commComp": 19297, "buildImprov": 8500 }]
"aid": "MA0112000",
"aname": "Quincy Police Departmnt",
"total": 184726,
[{ "weapons": 20719, "electronicSurv": 17148, "infoRewards": 39240, "travTrain": 44585, "salaryOvertime": 6232, "other": 33648, "commComp": 23153 }]
"aid": "MA0130400",
"aname": "Revere Police Department",
"total": 450255,
[{ "weapons": 725, "electronicSurv": 31705, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 38396, "commPrograms": 21900, "other": 312805, "commComp": 40725 }]
"aid": "MA0052700",
"aname": "Rowley Police Department",
"total": 78183,
[{ "weapons": 9641, "electronicSurv": 3183, "infoRewards": 2100, "travTrain": 12069, "commPrograms": 400, "salaryOvertime": 41236, "commComp": 5881, "buildImprov": 3673 }]
"aid": "MA0011200",
"aname": "Sandwich Police Department",
"total": 37274,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1565, "travTrain": 1414, "salaryOvertime": 13031, "other": 13069, "commComp": 7161, "buildImprov": 1034 }]
"aid": "MA0053000",
"aname": "Saugus Police Department",
"total": 53105,
[{ "weapons": 185, "electronicSurv": 855, "infoRewards": 3000, "other": 34765, "commComp": 6282, "buildImprov": 8018 }]
"aid": "MA0093700",
"aname": "Sherborn Police Department",
"total": 52727,
[{ "weapons": 3897, "travTrain": 13460, "other": 25337, "commComp": 8251, "buildImprov": 1781 }]
"aid": "MA0031700",
"aname": "Somerset Police Department",
"total": 75284,
[{ "travTrain": 26706, "commPrograms": 975, "other": 46618, "commComp": 985 }]
"aid": "MA0093900",
"aname": "Somerville Police Department",
"total": 72608,
[{ "weapons": 12522, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 6936, "salaryOvertime": 38150 }]
"aid": "MA0071800",
"aname": "Springfield Massachusetts Police Department",
"total": 208872,
[{ "infoRewards": 54253, "travTrain": 1050, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 98914, "commComp": 53656 }]
"aid": "MAMSP1500",
"aname": "State Police Barracks Logan Airport",
"total": 80147,
[{ "weapons": 15948, "infoRewards": 1320, "travTrain": 168, "other": 45420, "commComp": 17291 }]
"aid": "MA0112300",
"aname": "Stoughton Police Department",
"total": 113850,
[{ "weapons": 2065, "electronicSurv": 5520, "travTrain": 38613, "salaryOvertime": 2515, "other": 36415, "commComp": 28721 }]
"aid": "MA013015A",
"aname": "Suffolk County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 335032,
[{ "infoRewards": 109502, "other": 225530 }]
"aid": "MA0031900",
"aname": "Taunton Police Department",
"total": 502299,
[{ "weapons": 144456, "electronicSurv": 47112, "infoRewards": 22915, "travTrain": 700, "salaryOvertime": 5217, "other": 127348, "commComp": 143552, "buildImprov": 11000 }]
"aid": "MA0091000",
"aname": "Town Of Burlington Police Department",
"total": 187747,
[{ "weapons": 507, "infoRewards": 9000, "travTrain": 24864, "salaryOvertime": 29999, "other": 70847, "commComp": 45414, "buildImprov": 7116 }]
"aid": "MA0112102",
"aname": "Town Of Randolph Police Department",
"total": 50277,
[{ "weapons": 443, "electronicSurv": 2607, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 35735, "other": 10491 }]
"aid": "MA0094500",
"aname": "Tyngsborough Police Department",
"total": 40567,
[{ "weapons": 17658, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 7334, "other": 9882, "buildImprov": 4693 }]
"aid": "MA0094760",
"aname": "Wakefield Ma Police Department",
"total": 95997,
[{ "weapons": 3852, "electronicSurv": 2361, "infoRewards": 11170, "travTrain": 4127, "other": 50891, "commComp": 15140, "buildImprov": 8456 }]
"aid": "MA0094700",
"aname": "Waltham Police Department",
"total": 404613,
[{ "weapons": 42222, "travTrain": 14779, "other": 133154, "commComp": 102889, "buildImprov": 111570 }]
"aid": "MA0122500",
"aname": "Wareham Police Department",
"total": 67488,
[{ "weapons": 20100, "electronicSurv": 3846, "infoRewards": 6500, "travTrain": 5747, "salaryOvertime": 336, "other": 3826, "commComp": 16726, "buildImprov": 10407 }]
"aid": "MA0094800",
"aname": "Watertown Police Department",
"total": 97649,
[{ "weapons": 48702, "other": 32235, "commComp": 16713 }]
"aid": "MA0145400",
"aname": "Webster Police Department",
"total": 425051,
[{ "weapons": 19478, "electronicSurv": 864, "infoRewards": 26700, "travTrain": 1489, "salaryOvertime": 67443, "other": 248535, "commComp": 60543 }]
"aid": "MA0112500",
"aname": "Wellesley Police Department",
"total": 40166,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 4297, "other": 33953, "commComp": 1916 }]
"aid": "MA0072100",
"aname": "West Springfield Police Department",
"total": 276933,
[{ "weapons": 67919, "electronicSurv": 26465, "infoRewards": 13000, "travTrain": 31378, "commPrograms": 2069, "salaryOvertime": 2720, "other": 4420, "commComp": 101521, "buildImprov": 27441 }]
"aid": "MA0145700",
"aname": "Westborough Police Department",
"total": 126077,
[{ "weapons": 2989, "electronicSurv": 10003, "infoRewards": 1200, "salaryOvertime": 29724, "other": 36423, "commComp": 44204, "buildImprov": 1534 }]
"aid": "MA0072200",
"aname": "Westfield Police Department",
"total": 81201,
[{ "weapons": 3083, "electronicSurv": 714, "infoRewards": 18500, "travTrain": 12145, "salaryOvertime": 20641, "other": 21017, "commComp": 5101 }]
"aid": "MA0032000",
"aname": "Westport Police Department",
"total": 86835,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15532, "infoRewards": 4500, "travTrain": 4871, "salaryOvertime": 8239, "other": 35353, "commComp": 9347, "buildImprov": 8992 }]
"aid": "MA0112700",
"aname": "Weymouth Police Department",
"total": 467081,
[{ "weapons": 16190, "electronicSurv": 7944, "travTrain": 1590, "other": 261526, "commComp": 148744, "buildImprov": 31087 }]
"aid": "MA0095200",
"aname": "Wilmington Police Department",
"total": 529194,
[{ "weapons": 59330, "electronicSurv": 17269, "infoRewards": 8000, "travTrain": 24920, "commPrograms": 6842, "other": 341678, "commComp": 71155 }]
"aid": "MA0095400",
"aname": "Woburn Police Department",
"total": 70488,
[{ "electronicSurv": 31, "infoRewards": 33698, "travTrain": 7499, "other": 22575, "commComp": 6684 }]
"aid": "MA0146000",
"aname": "Worcester Police Department",
"total": 231771,
[{ "weapons": 21072, "electronicSurv": 7038, "travTrain": 127997, "salaryOvertime": 2451, "other": 49139, "commComp": 24075 }]
"aid": "MA0011500",
"aname": "Yarmouth Police Department",
"total": 41261,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2512, "travTrain": 2218, "salaryOvertime": 8437, "other": 22092, "commComp": 3201, "buildImprov": 2800 }]
"st": "MD",
"stn": "Maryland",
"total": 35139182,
[{ "weapons": 2375085, "electronicSurv": 4258311, "infoRewards": 999746, "travTrain": 3206961, "commPrograms": 142758, "salaryOvertime": 1042880, "other": 10964495, "commComp": 9401770, "buildImprov": 2747175 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MDEQ00043",
"aname": "Allegany Co Combined Crim. Investigations Narc.",
"total": 124957,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17836, "travTrain": 14053, "commComp": 73587, "buildImprov": 19482 }]
"aid": "MD0020200",
"aname": "Anne Arundel County Police",
"total": 1138103,
[{ "weapons": 48013, "electronicSurv": 63778, "infoRewards": 780583, "other": 155129, "commComp": 54193, "buildImprov": 36407 }]
"aid": "MD0030100",
"aname": "Baltimore County Police Department",
"total": 3973624,
[{ "weapons": 348908, "electronicSurv": 686817, "travTrain": 105052, "commPrograms": 20686, "other": 1120761, "commComp": 1614655, "buildImprov": 76744 }]
"aid": "MD003023A",
"aname": "Baltimore County States Attorney's Office",
"total": 640525,
[{ "travTrain": 3000, "other": 1810, "commComp": 566143, "buildImprov": 69572 }]
"aid": "MDBPD0000",
"aname": "Baltimore Police Department",
"total": 9685945,
[{ "weapons": 332223, "electronicSurv": 869311, "travTrain": 2488859, "salaryOvertime": 750000, "other": 4377939, "commComp": 867613 }]
"aid": "MD0050000",
"aname": "Calvert County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 366584,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4560, "infoRewards": 17641, "travTrain": 33439, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 185542, "commComp": 119154, "buildImprov": 5248 }]
"aid": "MDMSP2600",
"aname": "Carroll County Drug Task Force",
"total": 503955,
[{ "weapons": 16195, "electronicSurv": 43805, "travTrain": 29773, "commPrograms": 1290, "other": 388165, "commComp": 19351, "buildImprov": 5376 }]
"aid": "MD0070000",
"aname": "Carroll County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 142008,
[{ "weapons": 9181, "electronicSurv": 4795, "infoRewards": 8000, "travTrain": 22475, "other": 42744, "commComp": 47493, "buildImprov": 7320 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00139",
"aname": "Cecil County Drug Task Force",
"total": 550510,
[{ "weapons": 43257, "electronicSurv": 30257, "infoRewards": 2410, "travTrain": 78305, "salaryOvertime": 18281, "other": 8989, "commComp": 176059, "buildImprov": 192951 }]
"aid": "MD0090000",
"aname": "Charles County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 368828,
[{ "weapons": 82936, "electronicSurv": 60647, "travTrain": 8492, "salaryOvertime": 27391, "other": 89834, "commComp": 99527 }]
"aid": "MD0020100",
"aname": "City Of Annapolis Maryland Police Department",
"total": 496522,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15940, "commPrograms": 3500, "other": 401222, "commComp": 11610, "buildImprov": 64250 }]
"aid": "MD0021000",
"aname": "Comptroller Of Maryland Field Enforcement Division",
"total": 110124,
[{ "weapons": 10231, "electronicSurv": 4540, "travTrain": 6449, "other": 86634, "commComp": 2269 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00028",
"aname": "Dorchester County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 32593,
[{ "weapons": 125, "electronicSurv": 10901, "travTrain": 8655, "commComp": 12912 }]
"aid": "MDMSP1500",
"aname": "Frederick County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 268308,
[{ "travTrain": 2711, "other": 49924, "commComp": 52809, "buildImprov": 162864 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00039",
"aname": "Garrett County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 65695,
[{ "weapons": 2021, "electronicSurv": 1735, "travTrain": 17061, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 32503, "commComp": 11876 }]
"aid": "MD0220300",
"aname": "Hagerstown Police Department",
"total": 65631,
[{ "weapons": 7136, "electronicSurv": 15490, "infoRewards": 1413, "travTrain": 3620, "other": 8008, "buildImprov": 29964 }]
"aid": "MD0130000",
"aname": "Harford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 349178,
[{ "weapons": 12295, "travTrain": 26975, "commPrograms": 32903, "other": 185287, "commComp": 59418, "buildImprov": 32300 }]
"aid": "MD0140100",
"aname": "Howard County Police Department",
"total": 1580889,
[{ "weapons": 285642, "electronicSurv": 248758, "infoRewards": 62900, "travTrain": 20381, "other": 444956, "commComp": 258642, "buildImprov": 259610 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00159",
"aname": "Kent Co. Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 30442,
[{ "weapons": 6762, "electronicSurv": 9923, "travTrain": 3602, "commComp": 10154 }]
"aid": "MD0150000",
"aname": "Kent County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 61537,
[{ "other": 61537 }]
"aid": "MD0171700",
"aname": "Laurel Police Department",
"total": 30902,
[{ "weapons": 9932, "electronicSurv": 525, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 3500, "other": 11945 }]
"aid": "MD0172700",
"aname": "M-Ncppc Park Police-Prince George's County",
"total": 57673,
[{ "travTrain": 3259, "commPrograms": 1340, "other": 47291, "commComp": 5783 }]
"aid": "MDMSP9800",
"aname": "Maryland Department Of State Police",
"total": 6585464,
[{ "weapons": 104675, "electronicSurv": 9656, "travTrain": 51794, "salaryOvertime": 141110, "other": 2082555, "commComp": 3635765, "buildImprov": 559909 }]
"aid": "MD0020500",
"aname": "Maryland Natural Resources Police",
"total": 196913,
[{ "weapons": 472, "electronicSurv": 6480, "other": 115386, "commComp": 2768, "buildImprov": 71806 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00228",
"aname": "Maryland State Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 119624,
[{ "infoRewards": 9253, "travTrain": 493, "salaryOvertime": 106098, "commComp": 3779 }]
"aid": "MD0041200",
"aname": "Maryland Transit Administration - Police Dept.",
"total": 141994,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15331, "other": 14850, "commComp": 108728, "buildImprov": 3085 }]
"aid": "MD0040100",
"aname": "Maryland Transportation Authority Police",
"total": 795139,
[{ "weapons": 141040, "travTrain": 124389, "other": 163877, "commComp": 31325, "buildImprov": 334508 }]
"aid": "MDMSP1100",
"aname": "Metropolitan Area Drug Task Force",
"total": 391735,
[{ "electronicSurv": 30628, "travTrain": 26000, "other": 50000, "commComp": 12000, "buildImprov": 273106 }]
"aid": "MD0160400",
"aname": "Montgomery County Department Of Police",
"total": 1403472,
[{ "weapons": 135941, "electronicSurv": 88942, "infoRewards": 92833, "other": 33891, "commComp": 679963, "buildImprov": 371902 }]
"aid": "MD0172100",
"aname": "Prince George's County Md Police Department",
"total": 3131564,
[{ "weapons": 444807, "electronicSurv": 1873409, "travTrain": 7243, "other": 516225, "commComp": 289881 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00059",
"aname": "Queen Anne's County Drug Task Force",
"total": 368858,
[{ "weapons": 8231, "electronicSurv": 32405, "travTrain": 35367, "commPrograms": 144, "other": 145757, "commComp": 107084, "buildImprov": 39870 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00037",
"aname": "Somerset County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 118587,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14077, "travTrain": 240, "other": 20738, "commComp": 53710, "buildImprov": 29821 }]
"aid": "MD0190000",
"aname": "St. Mary's County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 302013,
[{ "weapons": 227778, "electronicSurv": 33663, "travTrain": 11960, "commPrograms": 4500, "commComp": 10918, "buildImprov": 13194 }]
"aid": "MD004011A",
"aname": "State's Attorney Office For Baltimore City",
"total": 134696,
[{ "commComp": 134696 }]
"aid": "MDEQ00144",
"aname": "Talbot County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 40757,
[{ "electronicSurv": 536, "travTrain": 2877, "other": 12636, "commComp": 24710 }]
"aid": "MD0220000",
"aname": "Washington County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 433805,
[{ "weapons": 47296, "electronicSurv": 24538, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 26898, "commPrograms": 76394, "other": 39398, "commComp": 165553, "buildImprov": 50729 }]
"aid": "MDMSP9361",
"aname": "Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 114493,
[{ "weapons": 11537, "electronicSurv": 14748, "travTrain": 13512, "other": 24971, "commComp": 36026, "buildImprov": 13700 }]
"aid": "MD0240000",
"aname": "Worcester County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 112155,
[{ "weapons": 27792, "electronicSurv": 11505, "infoRewards": 11593, "travTrain": 11620, "other": 28631, "commComp": 1164, "buildImprov": 19850 }]
"st": "ME",
"stn": "Maine",
"total": 2436364,
[{ "weapons": 146031, "electronicSurv": 76130, "infoRewards": 105114, "travTrain": 132138, "commPrograms": 25586, "salaryOvertime": 515501, "other": 682784, "commComp": 415150, "buildImprov": 337929 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "ME0100100",
"aname": "Bangor Police Department",
"total": 47072,
[{ "travTrain": 13895, "other": 10177, "commComp": 23000 }]
"aid": "ME0160100",
"aname": "Biddeford Police Department",
"total": 228534,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 178534, "commComp": 40000, "buildImprov": 10000 }]
"aid": "ME0100205",
"aname": "Brewer Police Department",
"total": 469571,
[{ "weapons": 3844, "travTrain": 10999, "commPrograms": 6909, "salaryOvertime": 121906, "other": 238081, "commComp": 87832 }]
"aid": "ME0160400",
"aname": "City of Saco Police Department",
"total": 31115,
[{ "weapons": 5568, "electronicSurv": 567, "travTrain": 13466, "commComp": 6487, "buildImprov": 5027 }]
"aid": "ME0030000",
"aname": "Cumberland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 57433,
[{ "weapons": 21347, "electronicSurv": 2656, "travTrain": 375, "salaryOvertime": 11174, "other": 20075, "commComp": 1806 }]
"aid": "ME0031000",
"aname": "Cumberland Police Department",
"total": 68061,
[{ "weapons": 8569, "electronicSurv": 14379, "commPrograms": 2346, "other": 20512, "commComp": 14017, "buildImprov": 8239 }]
"aid": "ME0020300",
"aname": "Fort Kent Police Department",
"total": 51008,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2870, "other": 13116, "commComp": 28495, "buildImprov": 6527 }]
"aid": "ME0030400",
"aname": "Gorham Police Department",
"total": 117566,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 17397, "other": 100169 }]
"aid": "ME0050000",
"aname": "Hancock County Sheriff Office",
"total": 46999,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 46999 }]
"aid": "ME0060000",
"aname": "Kennebec County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 162058,
[{ "weapons": 23197, "electronicSurv": 1830, "infoRewards": 390, "travTrain": 14343, "salaryOvertime": 70683, "commComp": 28816, "buildImprov": 22800 }]
"aid": "ME0160200",
"aname": "Kittery Police Department",
"total": 58608,
[{ "weapons": 2829, "electronicSurv": 6106, "infoRewards": 6510, "travTrain": 4597, "salaryOvertime": 676, "other": 26428, "commComp": 4322, "buildImprov": 7140 }]
"aid": "ME0010214",
"aname": "Lewiston Police Department",
"total": 264338,
[{ "weapons": 8216, "electronicSurv": 2467, "infoRewards": 5832, "travTrain": 46664, "other": 97118, "commComp": 60576, "buildImprov": 43465 }]
"aid": "ME0032000",
"aname": "Maine Drug Enforcement Agency (Police)",
"total": 165679,
[{ "weapons": 3083, "electronicSurv": 418, "infoRewards": 77855, "travTrain": 1992, "salaryOvertime": 30661, "other": 20833, "commComp": 30837 }]
"aid": "ME0070200",
"aname": "Rockland Police Department",
"total": 31176,
[{ "weapons": 10231, "electronicSurv": 1355, "travTrain": 3209, "commPrograms": 600, "other": 11218, "commComp": 4563 }]
"aid": "ME0030700",
"aname": "Scarborough Police Department",
"total": 109473,
[{ "weapons": 1761, "travTrain": 3033, "commPrograms": 14232, "salaryOvertime": 37265, "other": 21344, "commComp": 23705, "buildImprov": 8132 }]
"aid": "ME0031500",
"aname": "Windham Police Department",
"total": 141436,
[{ "weapons": 15190, "electronicSurv": 3930, "infoRewards": 42, "commComp": 11628, "buildImprov": 110646 }]
"aid": "ME0160000",
"aname": "York County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 247694,
[{ "weapons": 16229, "electronicSurv": 18292, "infoRewards": 4150, "travTrain": 14271, "commPrograms": 1500, "other": 67476, "commComp": 23231, "buildImprov": 102546 }]
"st": "MI",
"stn": "Michigan",
"total": 72393414,
[{ "weapons": 3107807, "electronicSurv": 2096442, "infoRewards": 1626014, "travTrain": 1205413, "commPrograms": 288811, "salaryOvertime": 16293084, "other": 25813737, "commComp": 9772083, "buildImprov": 12190022 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MI1320700",
"aname": "Albion Police Department",
"total": 36517,
[{ "weapons": 6906, "electronicSurv": 3356, "infoRewards": 7150, "travTrain": 6209, "other": 11692, "commComp": 1205 }]
"aid": "MI8221200",
"aname": "Allen Park Police Department",
"total": 1583584,
[{ "weapons": 50850, "travTrain": 19378, "other": 791632, "commComp": 709590, "buildImprov": 12134 }]
"aid": "MI7300700",
"aname": "Bay Area Narcotics Enforcement Team (Bayanet)",
"total": 94338,
[{ "infoRewards": 94338 }]
"aid": "MI6325900",
"aname": "Birmingham Police Department",
"total": 466251,
[{ "weapons": 50570, "electronicSurv": 58252, "other": 66694, "commComp": 286953, "buildImprov": 3783 }]
"aid": "MI6326200",
"aname": "Bloomfield Township Police Department",
"total": 55690,
[{ "weapons": 1432, "other": 25142, "commComp": 1790, "buildImprov": 27326 }]
"aid": "MI8294700",
"aname": "Brownstown Police Department",
"total": 2063212,
[{ "weapons": 42479, "electronicSurv": 46971, "travTrain": 13882, "salaryOvertime": 1333767, "other": 429245, "commComp": 187017, "buildImprov": 9850 }]
"aid": "MI8290800",
"aname": "Canton Police Department",
"total": 406216,
[{ "weapons": 14123, "infoRewards": 1900, "other": 379366, "commComp": 5211, "buildImprov": 5616 }]
"aid": "MI5900700",
"aname": "Central Michigan Enforcement Team (Cmet)",
"total": 97873,
[{ "infoRewards": 24208, "travTrain": 8816, "other": 40465, "commComp": 11667, "buildImprov": 12718 }]
"aid": "MI5090200",
"aname": "Chesterfield Township Police",
"total": 122041,
[{ "weapons": 1330, "salaryOvertime": 120040, "commComp": 671 }]
"aid": "MI8121800",
"aname": "City Of Ann Arbor Police",
"total": 354968,
[{ "weapons": 124175, "electronicSurv": 5850, "infoRewards": 19430, "travTrain": 650, "other": 146023, "commComp": 26973, "buildImprov": 31867 }]
"aid": "MI1323700",
"aname": "City Of Battle Creek Police Department",
"total": 67066,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1323, "travTrain": 2972, "other": 27951, "commComp": 30304, "buildImprov": 4516 }]
"aid": "MI2539800",
"aname": "City Of Flint Police Department",
"total": 149894,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2980, "infoRewards": 1550, "salaryOvertime": 62140, "other": 29519, "commComp": 53705 }]
"aid": "MI8253800",
"aname": "City Of Livonia Police Department",
"total": 572177,
[{ "weapons": 27503, "electronicSurv": 8880, "travTrain": 26325, "commPrograms": 59609, "other": 108959, "commComp": 229255, "buildImprov": 111646 }]
"aid": "MI8270000",
"aname": "City Of River Rouge Police Department",
"total": 405472,
[{ "weapons": 19791, "electronicSurv": 5171, "infoRewards": 16261, "travTrain": 23762, "commPrograms": 357, "salaryOvertime": 52364, "other": 68931, "commComp": 37421, "buildImprov": 181414 }]
"aid": "MI6380400",
"aname": "City Of Walled Lake Police Department",
"total": 759461,
[{ "weapons": 13276, "electronicSurv": 5940, "infoRewards": 1416, "travTrain": 5175, "salaryOvertime": 168334, "other": 304173, "commComp": 13375, "buildImprov": 247773 }]
"aid": "MI5084900",
"aname": "Clinton Township Police Department",
"total": 442269,
[{ "weapons": 5792, "electronicSurv": 4337, "infoRewards": 28500, "travTrain": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 61233, "other": 259006, "commComp": 72000, "buildImprov": 1400 }]
"aid": "MIEQ82100",
"aname": "Conspiracy One Task Force",
"total": 492317,
[{ "weapons": 15468, "electronicSurv": 8039, "infoRewards": 53050, "travTrain": 319, "other": 36589, "commComp": 11144, "buildImprov": 367707 }]
"aid": "MI8234400",
"aname": "Dearborn Heights Police Department",
"total": 612741,
[{ "weapons": 32624, "salaryOvertime": 37954, "other": 540787, "commComp": 1375 }]
"aid": "MI8234300",
"aname": "Dearborn Police Department",
"total": 2916516,
[{ "weapons": 17919, "electronicSurv": 21137, "other": 1778708, "commComp": 1055719, "buildImprov": 43033 }]
"aid": "MI8234916",
"aname": "Detroit Major Crimes/Violent Gang Task Force",
"total": 1218031,
[{ "weapons": 197172, "electronicSurv": 117239, "infoRewards": 123075, "travTrain": 185270, "commPrograms": 45000, "other": 17569, "commComp": 464935, "buildImprov": 67771 }]
"aid": "MI8234900",
"aname": "Detroit Police Department",
"total": 2440710,
[{ "weapons": 115777, "electronicSurv": 10301, "infoRewards": 7625, "travTrain": 170791, "salaryOvertime": 34492, "other": 1525605, "commComp": 502632, "buildImprov": 73488 }]
"aid": "MI8234940",
"aname": "Detroit Police Department Homicide Task Force",
"total": 142228,
[{ "weapons": 25312, "electronicSurv": 44232, "infoRewards": 32633, "travTrain": 39068, "commComp": 983 }]
"aid": "MI6397505",
"aname": "Downriver Area Narcotics",
"total": 1391400,
[{ "electronicSurv": 16917, "infoRewards": 132641, "travTrain": 42428, "salaryOvertime": 321478, "other": 859274, "commComp": 18663 }]
"aid": "MI4136100",
"aname": "East Grand Rapids Police Department",
"total": 75039,
[{ "weapons": 46034, "electronicSurv": 15952, "travTrain": 150, "other": 4127, "commComp": 8775 }]
"aid": "MI6338900",
"aname": "Farmington Hills Police Department",
"total": 1695786,
[{ "weapons": 87777, "electronicSurv": 19149, "infoRewards": 16065, "travTrain": 6485, "commPrograms": 3600, "salaryOvertime": 112226, "other": 1287593, "commComp": 84643, "buildImprov": 78248 }]
"aid": "MI6339400",
"aname": "Ferndale Police Department",
"total": 623416,
[{ "weapons": 7701, "salaryOvertime": 463595, "other": 123614, "commComp": 28506 }]
"aid": "MI2500700",
"aname": "Flint Area Narcotics Group",
"total": 551980,
[{ "weapons": 2650, "infoRewards": 31439, "travTrain": 7112, "other": 239016, "commComp": 53477, "buildImprov": 218287 }]
"aid": "MI5040900",
"aname": "Fraser Police Department",
"total": 139606,
[{ "weapons": 12081, "electronicSurv": 7902, "infoRewards": 46915, "travTrain": 8326, "salaryOvertime": 37732, "commComp": 17923, "buildImprov": 8726 }]
"aid": "MI4143600",
"aname": "Grand Rapids Police Department",
"total": 199070,
[{ "weapons": 49830, "electronicSurv": 45775, "commPrograms": 25000, "other": 23316, "commComp": 55149 }]
"aid": "MI4143700",
"aname": "Grandville Police Department",
"total": 97321,
[{ "weapons": 5542, "other": 15891, "commComp": 55661, "buildImprov": 20227 }]
"aid": "MI8244500",
"aname": "Grosse Ile Township Police Department",
"total": 1102751,
[{ "weapons": 49093, "electronicSurv": 26421, "infoRewards": 2420, "travTrain": 9845, "commPrograms": 624, "salaryOvertime": 532025, "other": 343689, "commComp": 114279, "buildImprov": 24353 }]
"aid": "MI4745100",
"aname": "Hamburg Township Police Department",
"total": 562316,
[{ "weapons": 512, "infoRewards": 12586, "salaryOvertime": 157180, "other": 352038, "buildImprov": 40000 }]
"aid": "MI8245300",
"aname": "Hamtramck Police Department",
"total": 736458,
[{ "weapons": 38224, "travTrain": 14453, "commPrograms": 1868, "salaryOvertime": 546800, "other": 94018, "commComp": 27012, "buildImprov": 14083 }]
"aid": "MI8245800",
"aname": "Harper Woods Police Department",
"total": 75040,
[{ "travTrain": 3489, "salaryOvertime": 50000, "commComp": 21551 }]
"aid": "MI6346500",
"aname": "Hazel Park Police Department",
"total": 49924,
[{ "weapons": 10336, "electronicSurv": 1000, "travTrain": 862, "other": 10721, "commComp": 3466, "buildImprov": 23539 }]
"aid": "MI8286200",
"aname": "Huron Township Police Department",
"total": 145717,
[{ "weapons": 3268, "other": 22666, "commComp": 116488, "buildImprov": 3295 }]
"aid": "MI8249000",
"aname": "Inkster Police Department",
"total": 390687,
[{ "weapons": 25905, "electronicSurv": 613, "infoRewards": 15490, "travTrain": 9302, "other": 295039, "commComp": 39977, "buildImprov": 4362 }]
"aid": "MI3897500",
"aname": "Jnet - Jackson Narcotic Enforcement Team",
"total": 108680,
[{ "other": 108680 }]
"aid": "MI3949980",
"aname": "Kalamazoo Public Safety - Kvet",
"total": 241645,
[{ "weapons": 6505, "electronicSurv": 9033, "infoRewards": 67134, "travTrain": 4259, "salaryOvertime": 10211, "commComp": 31572, "buildImprov": 112931 }]
"aid": "MI4114100",
"aname": "Kent County Sheriff Department",
"total": 329156,
[{ "weapons": 153945, "electronicSurv": 58137, "infoRewards": 12485, "travTrain": 5404, "commComp": 41833, "buildImprov": 57352 }]
"aid": "MI6397527",
"aname": "L.A.W.N.E.T.",
"total": 84654,
[{ "weapons": 24996, "electronicSurv": 7668, "other": 46774, "commComp": 5216 }]
"aid": "MI8197500",
"aname": "L.A.W.N.E.T.",
"total": 84654,
[{ "weapons": 24996, "electronicSurv": 7668, "other": 46774, "commComp": 5216 }]
"aid": "MI3351900",
"aname": "Lansing Police Department",
"total": 1909936,
[{ "weapons": 34844, "electronicSurv": 62468, "infoRewards": 384567, "travTrain": 32459, "salaryOvertime": 928858, "other": 306587, "commComp": 137825, "buildImprov": 22327 }]
"aid": "MI6352100",
"aname": "Lathrup Village Police Department",
"total": 85336,
[{ "weapons": 2006, "electronicSurv": 4354, "salaryOvertime": 42175, "other": 36802 }]
"aid": "MI4714700",
"aname": "Livingston County Sheriff Office",
"total": 577546,
[{ "weapons": 166155, "electronicSurv": 171071, "travTrain": 4405, "salaryOvertime": 96104, "other": 45119, "commComp": 94693 }]
"aid": "MI500013A",
"aname": "Macomb County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 80748,
[{ "commComp": 80748 }]
"aid": "MI5015000",
"aname": "Macomb County Sheriff",
"total": 1806286,
[{ "weapons": 86435, "electronicSurv": 60026, "travTrain": 20650, "salaryOvertime": 138855, "other": 53239, "commComp": 49984, "buildImprov": 1397098 }]
"aid": "MI6397507",
"aname": "Macomb Enforcement",
"total": 949653,
[{ "weapons": 1990, "electronicSurv": 13472, "infoRewards": 34182, "travTrain": 17773, "salaryOvertime": 7268, "other": 696152, "commComp": 55930, "buildImprov": 122885 }]
"aid": "MI6354700",
"aname": "Madison Heights Police Department",
"total": 53331,
[{ "other": 40148, "commComp": 8503, "buildImprov": 4680 }]
"aid": "MI8257200",
"aname": "Melvindale Police Department",
"total": 80175,
[{ "weapons": 9200, "salaryOvertime": 56797, "commComp": 6822, "buildImprov": 7355 }]
"aid": "MI4100700",
"aname": "Mi State Police - Metropolitan Enforcement Team",
"total": 93772,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5700, "infoRewards": 12750, "travTrain": 30719, "salaryOvertime": 20000, "commComp": 19703, "buildImprov": 4900 }]
"aid": "MI3300231",
"aname": "Michigan Department Of State Police",
"total": 1472286,
[{ "weapons": 7337, "electronicSurv": 329774, "infoRewards": 23896, "travTrain": 29781, "salaryOvertime": 789894, "other": 91410, "commComp": 200193 }]
"aid": "MI5815800",
"aname": "Monroe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 299145,
[{ "weapons": 13949, "electronicSurv": 12741, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 12749, "other": 224650, "commComp": 34526, "buildImprov": 31 }]
"aid": "MI6160300",
"aname": "Muskegon Police Department",
"total": 69785,
[{ "other": 8253, "commComp": 61532 }]
"aid": "MI8196400",
"aname": "Northfield Township Police Department",
"total": 153874,
[{ "weapons": 16954, "other": 89293, "commComp": 12627, "buildImprov": 35000 }]
"aid": "MI8286800",
"aname": "Northville Township Police Department",
"total": 706267,
[{ "weapons": 64160, "electronicSurv": 26456, "travTrain": 2682, "salaryOvertime": 401996, "other": 50135, "commComp": 157088, "buildImprov": 3750 }]
"aid": "MI6362700",
"aname": "Novi Police Department",
"total": 5503639,
[{ "weapons": 107315, "electronicSurv": 100216, "commPrograms": 963, "other": 2029165, "commComp": 879400, "buildImprov": 2386579 }]
"aid": "MI6316300",
"aname": "Oakland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 138956,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 92000, "other": 46956 }]
"aid": "MI2512500",
"aname": "Office Of Genesee County Sheriff",
"total": 76215,
[{ "travTrain": 8542, "other": 67673 }]
"aid": "MI8296500",
"aname": "Plymouth Township Police Department",
"total": 1299203,
[{ "weapons": 110178, "electronicSurv": 34472, "travTrain": 28539, "salaryOvertime": 488027, "other": 164661, "commComp": 386829, "buildImprov": 86497 }]
"aid": "MI6367300",
"aname": "Pontiac Police Department",
"total": 49377,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 1155, "buildImprov": 48221 }]
"aid": "MI8269300",
"aname": "Redford Police Department",
"total": 2644366,
[{ "weapons": 23464, "electronicSurv": 2995, "salaryOvertime": 1801190, "other": 424862, "commComp": 391857 }]
"aid": "MI8270100",
"aname": "Riverview Police Department",
"total": 289871,
[{ "weapons": 17750, "electronicSurv": 2756, "salaryOvertime": 39791, "other": 183150, "commComp": 31381, "buildImprov": 15043 }]
"aid": "MI8270900",
"aname": "Romulus Police Department",
"total": 1724792,
[{ "weapons": 13281, "travTrain": 15589, "commPrograms": 12468, "salaryOvertime": 667795, "other": 817862, "commComp": 197795 }]
"aid": "MI5071300",
"aname": "Roseville Police Department",
"total": 823901,
[{ "weapons": 113317, "electronicSurv": 133687, "infoRewards": 2700, "travTrain": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 90810, "other": 216487, "commComp": 100953, "buildImprov": 164947 }]
"aid": "MI6371400",
"aname": "Royal Oak Police Department",
"total": 709044,
[{ "electronicSurv": 800, "travTrain": 1232, "salaryOvertime": 447299, "other": 135098, "commComp": 788, "buildImprov": 123826 }]
"aid": "MI7317300",
"aname": "Saginaw County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 47765,
[{ "travTrain": 1066, "salaryOvertime": 2416, "other": 44283 }]
"aid": "MI7371700",
"aname": "Saginaw Police Department",
"total": 262874,
[{ "weapons": 19780, "electronicSurv": 2433, "infoRewards": 6205, "other": 122712, "commComp": 111744 }]
"aid": "MI7617600",
"aname": "Sanilac County Sheriff's Drug Task Force",
"total": 97941,
[{ "weapons": 49881, "electronicSurv": 588, "travTrain": 2924, "salaryOvertime": 29800, "other": 1262, "commComp": 13486 }]
"aid": "MI6375100",
"aname": "Southfield Police Department",
"total": 1212286,
[{ "weapons": 393097, "electronicSurv": 33970, "infoRewards": 1143, "travTrain": 157904, "salaryOvertime": 341287, "other": 4675, "commComp": 100901, "buildImprov": 179310 }]
"aid": "MI8275200",
"aname": "Southgate Police Department",
"total": 1111491,
[{ "weapons": 41427, "electronicSurv": 111963, "travTrain": 13938, "commPrograms": 500, "salaryOvertime": 161872, "other": 582977, "commComp": 110853, "buildImprov": 87962 }]
"aid": "MI1300700",
"aname": "Southwest Enforcement Team",
"total": 566511,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4093, "infoRewards": 83504, "travTrain": 15220, "other": 300303, "commComp": 77359, "buildImprov": 86031 }]
"aid": "MI5072200",
"aname": "St. Clair Shores Police Department",
"total": 752576,
[{ "weapons": 4221, "electronicSurv": 13452, "salaryOvertime": 44103, "other": 515816, "buildImprov": 174984 }]
"aid": "MI5076500",
"aname": "Sterling Heights Police Department",
"total": 922759,
[{ "weapons": 17545, "electronicSurv": 25864, "travTrain": 13805, "other": 472730, "commComp": 373595, "buildImprov": 19219 }]
"aid": "MI8277500",
"aname": "Taylor Police Department",
"total": 3851785,
[{ "weapons": 76220, "electronicSurv": 62118, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 65456, "salaryOvertime": 2134000, "other": 1120777, "commComp": 316087, "buildImprov": 76628 }]
"aid": "MI8278300",
"aname": "Trenton Police Department",
"total": 47717,
[{ "buildImprov": 47717 }]
"aid": "MI3300708",
"aname": "Tri-County Metro Narcotics Squad",
"total": 520970,
[{ "infoRewards": 112809, "salaryOvertime": 22316, "other": 270115, "commComp": 31805, "buildImprov": 83925 }]
"aid": "MI6378400",
"aname": "Troy Police Department",
"total": 273136,
[{ "weapons": 25001, "electronicSurv": 127635, "infoRewards": 886, "travTrain": 1622, "commPrograms": 26848, "salaryOvertime": 3914, "other": 15542, "commComp": 55585, "buildImprov": 16102 }]
"aid": "MI5200700",
"aname": "Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team",
"total": 135396,
[{ "weapons": 6000, "electronicSurv": 15000, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 8000, "other": 13015, "commComp": 8381, "buildImprov": 65000 }]
"aid": "MI6340800",
"aname": "Village Of Franklin Police Department",
"total": 43083,
[{ "weapons": 16692, "other": 3564, "commComp": 22827 }]
"aid": "MI4180200",
"aname": "Walker Police Department",
"total": 97977,
[{ "commComp": 97977 }]
"aid": "MI5080600",
"aname": "Warren Police Department",
"total": 1471691,
[{ "weapons": 69759, "electronicSurv": 16882, "other": 1149969, "commComp": 97431, "buildImprov": 137650 }]
"aid": "MI8118100",
"aname": "Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 121397,
[{ "travTrain": 11891, "salaryOvertime": 100757, "other": 8750 }]
"aid": "MI6380800",
"aname": "Waterford Township Police Department",
"total": 232915,
[{ "travTrain": 22978, "salaryOvertime": 145106, "other": 48545, "commComp": 16286 }]
"aid": "MI8293900",
"aname": "Wayne County Airport Authority Police",
"total": 4503506,
[{ "travTrain": 4200, "other": 205538, "buildImprov": 4293768 }]
"aid": "MI8218200",
"aname": "Wayne County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 7061844,
[{ "weapons": 92074, "infoRewards": 175498, "salaryOvertime": 2548160, "other": 3527253, "commComp": 281743, "buildImprov": 437115 }]
"aid": "MI6381500",
"aname": "West Bloomfield Township Police Department",
"total": 1104010,
[{ "weapons": 5473, "electronicSurv": 63852, "travTrain": 4391, "commPrograms": 65754, "salaryOvertime": 229975, "other": 233470, "commComp": 293482, "buildImprov": 207613 }]
"aid": "MI8297504",
"aname": "Western Wayne Narcotics",
"total": 118588,
[{ "infoRewards": 420, "travTrain": 11488, "salaryOvertime": 16590, "other": 72475, "commComp": 16239, "buildImprov": 1376 }]
"aid": "MI6397504",
"aname": "Western Wayne Narcotics",
"total": 37572,
[{ "travTrain": 7291, "other": 22867, "commComp": 7414 }]
"aid": "MI8283100",
"aname": "Woodhaven Police Department",
"total": 1478179,
[{ "weapons": 104460, "electronicSurv": 58174, "travTrain": 14145, "commPrograms": 36675, "salaryOvertime": 249878, "other": 657645, "commComp": 313463, "buildImprov": 43740 }]
"aid": "MI8283300",
"aname": "Wyandotte Police Department",
"total": 53008,
[{ "other": 53008 }]
"st": "MN",
"stn": "Minnesota",
"total": 11532940,
[{ "weapons": 1267916, "electronicSurv": 858799, "infoRewards": 1356005, "travTrain": 1119938, "commPrograms": 25059, "salaryOvertime": 1966595, "other": 2890752, "commComp": 1760722, "buildImprov": 287154 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MN00200I1",
"aname": "Anoka Hennepin Narcotics And Violent Crimes Task F",
"total": 155909,
[{ "weapons": 51645, "travTrain": 9084, "other": 25124, "commComp": 69452, "buildImprov": 604 }]
"aid": "MN0270100",
"aname": "Bloomington Police Department",
"total": 505217,
[{ "weapons": 3680, "infoRewards": 99878, "travTrain": 187580, "salaryOvertime": 157201, "commComp": 50000, "buildImprov": 6878 }]
"aid": "MN0270200",
"aname": "Brooklyn Center Police Department",
"total": 35445,
[{ "weapons": 9608, "electronicSurv": 3617, "travTrain": 7950, "other": 1400, "buildImprov": 12870 }]
"aid": "MN0270300",
"aname": "Brooklyn Park Police Department",
"total": 46853,
[{ "weapons": 28522, "commComp": 18331 }]
"aid": "MN0640200",
"aname": "Brown Lyon Redwood Drug Task Force",
"total": 82471,
[{ "infoRewards": 33858, "travTrain": 17975, "salaryOvertime": 19894, "other": 5404, "commComp": 5339 }]
"aid": "MN0620900",
"aname": "City Of Saint Paul Police Department",
"total": 727452,
[{ "weapons": 280469, "electronicSurv": 20159, "infoRewards": 47614, "travTrain": 4349, "salaryOvertime": 73148, "other": 143512, "commComp": 158200 }]
"aid": "MN0020500",
"aname": "Coon Rapids Police Department",
"total": 49999,
[{ "commComp": 49999 }]
"aid": "MN0170000",
"aname": "Cottonwood County Sheriff Department",
"total": 68246,
[{ "weapons": 3942, "electronicSurv": 28669, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 575, "other": 25589, "commComp": 5958, "buildImprov": 514 }]
"aid": "MN01901TF",
"aname": "Dakota County Drug Task Force",
"total": 328384,
[{ "weapons": 724, "electronicSurv": 8888, "infoRewards": 70958, "travTrain": 1179, "other": 84854, "commComp": 40617, "buildImprov": 121163 }]
"aid": "MN0690600",
"aname": "Duluth Police Department",
"total": 53887,
[{ "weapons": 800, "electronicSurv": 3137, "infoRewards": 24088, "commComp": 5498, "buildImprov": 20366 }]
"aid": "MN0270600",
"aname": "Edina Police Department",
"total": 66831,
[{ "weapons": 33831, "commComp": 33000 }]
"aid": "MN0020600",
"aname": "Fridley Police Department",
"total": 56122,
[{ "weapons": 3119, "infoRewards": 600, "salaryOvertime": 52402 }]
"aid": "MN02700C1",
"aname": "Hennepin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1336717,
[{ "weapons": 62141, "electronicSurv": 441187, "infoRewards": 43500, "travTrain": 129103, "commPrograms": 10773, "salaryOvertime": 20454, "other": 446322, "commComp": 147971, "buildImprov": 35266 }]
"aid": "MNEQ00302",
"aname": "Hennepin County Violent Offender Task Force",
"total": 76487,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3000, "infoRewards": 72980, "travTrain": 507 }]
"aid": "MN0320000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 68591,
[{ "other": 68591 }]
"aid": "MN0273000",
"aname": "Medina Police Department",
"total": 160117,
[{ "weapons": 810, "commPrograms": 2231, "salaryOvertime": 135000, "other": 1295, "commComp": 20781 }]
"aid": "MN0621800",
"aname": "Metro Gang Strike Force",
"total": 94802,
[{ "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 147, "salaryOvertime": 3745, "other": 2717, "commComp": 82193 }]
"aid": "MN0271100",
"aname": "Minneapolis Police Department",
"total": 1144484,
[{ "electronicSurv": 24574, "infoRewards": 656737, "travTrain": 5846, "salaryOvertime": 142339, "other": 314987 }]
"aid": "MN0272500",
"aname": "Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Police",
"total": 914838,
[{ "weapons": 221389, "electronicSurv": 29742, "travTrain": 241316, "other": 256062, "commComp": 147328, "buildImprov": 19002 }]
"aid": "MNBCA0000",
"aname": "Minnesota Bureau Of Criminal Apprehension",
"total": 808587,
[{ "infoRewards": 6601, "salaryOvertime": 704427, "other": 77025, "commComp": 20534 }]
"aid": "MNMHP0000",
"aname": "Minnesota State Patrol-Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 1826870,
[{ "weapons": 310907, "electronicSurv": 122635, "travTrain": 282230, "commPrograms": 3000, "salaryOvertime": 121260, "other": 618044, "commComp": 368793 }]
"aid": "MNGED0000",
"aname": "Mn Dept Of Public Safety-Alcohol & Gambling Enf.",
"total": 519541,
[{ "weapons": 84, "electronicSurv": 206, "travTrain": 78090, "salaryOvertime": 112791, "other": 201806, "commComp": 104918, "buildImprov": 21648 }]
"aid": "MN0140400",
"aname": "Moorhead Police Department",
"total": 35750,
[{ "electronicSurv": 18750, "other": 17000 }]
"aid": "MN0271300",
"aname": "Mound Police Department",
"total": 110000,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 110000 }]
"aid": "MN0080100",
"aname": "New Ulm Police Department",
"total": 82910,
[{ "infoRewards": 34297, "travTrain": 17975, "salaryOvertime": 19894, "other": 5404, "commComp": 5339 }]
"aid": "MN0820800",
"aname": "Oakdale Police Department",
"total": 85095,
[{ "weapons": 1452, "travTrain": 26333, "salaryOvertime": 57310 }]
"aid": "MN0271500",
"aname": "Orono Police Department",
"total": 100000,
[{ "weapons": 2242, "electronicSurv": 1472, "salaryOvertime": 55457, "other": 35587, "commComp": 5242 }]
"aid": "MN0560000",
"aname": "Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 91431,
[{ "weapons": 28056, "infoRewards": 4000, "commComp": 47672, "buildImprov": 11703 }]
"aid": "MN0271700",
"aname": "Plymouth Police Department",
"total": 83495,
[{ "weapons": 39890, "electronicSurv": 13735, "travTrain": 2510, "other": 20104, "commComp": 7255 }]
"aid": "MN0620000",
"aname": "Ramsey County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 275604,
[{ "weapons": 55515, "infoRewards": 30000, "salaryOvertime": 26956, "other": 129945, "commComp": 27871, "buildImprov": 5316 }]
"aid": "MN0710000",
"aname": "Sherburne County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 168902,
[{ "electronicSurv": 35776, "infoRewards": 6111, "other": 73259, "commComp": 47449, "buildImprov": 6306 }]
"aid": "MN0271DTF",
"aname": "Southwest Hennepin Drug Task Force",
"total": 115110,
[{ "infoRewards": 89760, "travTrain": 25350 }]
"aid": "MN0700400",
"aname": "Southwest Metro Drug Task Force",
"total": 57062,
[{ "other": 57062 }]
"aid": "MN0730000",
"aname": "Stearns County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 110076,
[{ "weapons": 2500, "electronicSurv": 24961, "travTrain": 6729, "commComp": 75886 }]
"aid": "MN0820000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office/Narcotics Divis",
"total": 101817,
[{ "weapons": 11216, "electronicSurv": 25507, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 7364, "salaryOvertime": 19114, "other": 14020, "commComp": 19595 }]
"aid": "MN0273700",
"aname": "West Hennepin Public Safety Department",
"total": 124662,
[{ "weapons": 17030, "travTrain": 13966, "salaryOvertime": 30098, "other": 6402, "commComp": 55966, "buildImprov": 1200 }]
"aid": "MNEQ00244",
"aname": "West Metro Drug Task Force",
"total": 321596,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10394, "infoRewards": 102830, "travTrain": 8700, "other": 150000, "commComp": 49672 }]
"aid": "MN0530100",
"aname": "Worthington Police Department",
"total": 60479,
[{ "travTrain": 1109, "salaryOvertime": 43340, "other": 16031 }]
"st": "MO",
"stn": "Missouri",
"total": 75337795,
[{ "weapons": 5495516, "electronicSurv": 3251583, "infoRewards": 1783769, "travTrain": 3445767, "commPrograms": 1079957, "salaryOvertime": 5150993, "other": 31407895, "commComp": 14160428, "buildImprov": 9561885 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MO0500700",
"aname": "Arnold Police Department",
"total": 60933,
[{ "weapons": 16967, "other": 27456, "commComp": 16510 }]
"aid": "MO0950200",
"aname": "Ballwin Police Department",
"total": 151441,
[{ "weapons": 29457, "electronicSurv": 12368, "travTrain": 6794, "other": 52377, "commComp": 19769, "buildImprov": 30675 }]
"aid": "MO0950400",
"aname": "Bellefontaine Neighbors Police Department",
"total": 89005,
[{ "weapons": 40944, "electronicSurv": 2076, "other": 6532, "commComp": 25217, "buildImprov": 14236 }]
"aid": "MO0190200",
"aname": "Belton Police Department",
"total": 310840,
[{ "weapons": 82260, "travTrain": 4359, "other": 115268, "commComp": 108953 }]
"aid": "MO0950700",
"aname": "Berkeley Police Department",
"total": 37073,
[{ "other": 37073 }]
"aid": "MO0480100",
"aname": "Blue Spring Police Department",
"total": 30198,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8050, "buildImprov": 22148 }]
"aid": "MO0100000",
"aname": "Boone County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 39710,
[{ "travTrain": 19556, "salaryOvertime": 10378, "other": 3833, "commComp": 5943 }]
"aid": "MO0950900",
"aname": "Brentwood Police Department",
"total": 107978,
[{ "weapons": 3056, "travTrain": 6713, "other": 80299, "commComp": 17910 }]
"aid": "MO0951000",
"aname": "Bridgeton Police Department",
"total": 712212,
[{ "weapons": 1570, "electronicSurv": 8040, "travTrain": 708, "commPrograms": 4500, "other": 119291, "commComp": 578103 }]
"aid": "MO0111000",
"aname": "Buchanan County Drug Strike Force",
"total": 68873,
[{ "weapons": 27522, "electronicSurv": 3245, "travTrain": 11936, "other": 7675, "commComp": 18495 }]
"aid": "MO0250100",
"aname": "Cameron Missouri Police Department",
"total": 232106,
[{ "weapons": 7909, "electronicSurv": 795, "other": 223402 }]
"aid": "MO0160100",
"aname": "Cape Girardeau Police Department",
"total": 121945,
[{ "weapons": 10397, "electronicSurv": 15870, "travTrain": 2757, "other": 5988, "commComp": 57627, "buildImprov": 29307 }]
"aid": "MO0780100",
"aname": "Caruthersville Police Department",
"total": 227378,
[{ "electronicSurv": 9792, "infoRewards": 2600, "other": 126255, "commComp": 29175, "buildImprov": 59556 }]
"aid": "MO0200000",
"aname": "Cedar County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 35000,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 7200, "other": 19000, "commComp": 8800 }]
"aid": "MO0959A00",
"aname": "Chesterfield Police Department",
"total": 358603,
[{ "weapons": 23729, "electronicSurv": 610, "travTrain": 16004, "salaryOvertime": 108784, "other": 79995, "commComp": 59490, "buildImprov": 69991 }]
"aid": "MO0220000",
"aname": "Christian County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1381708,
[{ "weapons": 137880, "electronicSurv": 8940, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 47369, "commPrograms": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 5901, "other": 1057184, "commComp": 120083, "buildImprov": 2850 }]
"aid": "MO0480600",
"aname": "City Of Independence Missouri Police Department",
"total": 884301,
[{ "weapons": 88456, "electronicSurv": 118237, "travTrain": 4434, "other": 240124, "commComp": 182024, "buildImprov": 251025 }]
"aid": "MO0956700",
"aname": "City Of St John Police Department",
"total": 171867,
[{ "weapons": 48939, "electronicSurv": 14847, "infoRewards": 270, "commPrograms": 2283, "other": 59771, "commComp": 45356, "buildImprov": 400 }]
"aid": "MO0920400",
"aname": "City Of St Peters Police Department",
"total": 521137,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21632, "salaryOvertime": 360584, "other": 19561, "commComp": 119360 }]
"aid": "MO0956500",
"aname": "City Of St. Ann Police Department",
"total": 183726,
[{ "weapons": 61491, "other": 92810, "commComp": 29425 }]
"aid": "MO0920300",
"aname": "City Of St. Charles Police Department",
"total": 1293149,
[{ "weapons": 18698, "salaryOvertime": 81091, "other": 97861, "commComp": 1040619, "buildImprov": 54880 }]
"aid": "MO0958000",
"aname": "City Of Webster Groves Police Department",
"total": 167824,
[{ "weapons": 34221, "electronicSurv": 14338, "travTrain": 12776, "salaryOvertime": 274, "other": 62049, "commComp": 42368, "buildImprov": 1798 }]
"aid": "MO0951400",
"aname": "Clayton Police Department",
"total": 635465,
[{ "weapons": 102693, "electronicSurv": 27794, "travTrain": 11229, "commPrograms": 8000, "salaryOvertime": 416031, "other": 55431, "commComp": 12062, "buildImprov": 2225 }]
"aid": "MO0100200",
"aname": "Columbia Missouri Police Department",
"total": 231069,
[{ "weapons": 26818, "electronicSurv": 14178, "travTrain": 2653, "other": 127250, "commComp": 54140, "buildImprov": 6030 }]
"aid": "MO0391600",
"aname": "Combined Ozarks Multijuris Enforcement Team-Comet",
"total": 389917,
[{ "weapons": 4316, "electronicSurv": 6916, "infoRewards": 24729, "travTrain": 20345, "salaryOvertime": 114264, "other": 202678, "commComp": 14221, "buildImprov": 2449 }]
"aid": "MO0952100",
"aname": "Dellwood Police Department",
"total": 160584,
[{ "weapons": 37801, "electronicSurv": 7141, "other": 8250, "commComp": 107391 }]
"aid": "MO0240300",
"aname": "Excelsior Springs Police Department",
"total": 107322,
[{ "weapons": 10249, "electronicSurv": 15410, "travTrain": 3727, "other": 39948, "commComp": 37437, "buildImprov": 551 }]
"aid": "MO0952800",
"aname": "Ferguson Police Department",
"total": 191127,
[{ "weapons": 18073, "electronicSurv": 43308, "travTrain": 7284, "commPrograms": 2500, "other": 40992, "commComp": 71766, "buildImprov": 7203 }]
"aid": "MO0953000",
"aname": "Florissant Police Department",
"total": 988362,
[{ "weapons": 111371, "electronicSurv": 21295, "travTrain": 4288, "other": 424382, "commComp": 358587, "buildImprov": 68439 }]
"aid": "MOEQ00259",
"aname": "Franklin County Narcotics Enforcement Unit",
"total": 244681,
[{ "weapons": 18878, "electronicSurv": 4967, "infoRewards": 4120, "travTrain": 12708, "commPrograms": 23662, "other": 102590, "commComp": 25278, "buildImprov": 52477 }]
"aid": "MO0360000",
"aname": "Franklin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 131428,
[{ "weapons": 3838, "electronicSurv": 662, "commPrograms": 1296, "salaryOvertime": 107046, "other": 14613, "commComp": 3973 }]
"aid": "MO0390000",
"aname": "Greene County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1421258,
[{ "weapons": 121649, "electronicSurv": 31721, "travTrain": 13762, "commPrograms": 7214, "other": 873503, "commComp": 373099, "buildImprov": 311 }]
"aid": "MO0400000",
"aname": "Grundy County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 57164,
[{ "weapons": 3294, "electronicSurv": 11827, "infoRewards": 350, "travTrain": 2338, "other": 10000, "commComp": 29355 }]
"aid": "MO0953800",
"aname": "Hazelwood Police Department",
"total": 1020444,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 814292, "other": 191062, "commComp": 15089 }]
"aid": "MO0420000",
"aname": "Henry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 63807,
[{ "infoRewards": 600, "salaryOvertime": 42350, "commComp": 20857 }]
"aid": "MO0430000",
"aname": "Hickory County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 49763,
[{ "weapons": 7080, "travTrain": 1794, "salaryOvertime": 3930, "other": 34550, "commComp": 2409 }]
"aid": "MO0480010",
"aname": "Jackson County Drug Task Force",
"total": 224130,
[{ "weapons": 106632, "electronicSurv": 10294, "other": 44978, "commComp": 15694, "buildImprov": 46532 }]
"aid": "MO0480000",
"aname": "Jackson County Missouri Sheriff's Office",
"total": 238465,
[{ "weapons": 20984, "electronicSurv": 1510, "infoRewards": 5514, "travTrain": 67262, "commComp": 143195 }]
"aid": "MOEQ00067",
"aname": "Jasper County Drug Task Force",
"total": 119769,
[{ "infoRewards": 23562, "travTrain": 19795, "other": 50527, "commComp": 23292, "buildImprov": 2593 }]
"aid": "MO0500000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 280801,
[{ "weapons": 34207, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 23981, "commPrograms": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 62756, "other": 144734, "commComp": 1122 }]
"aid": "MO0954100",
"aname": "Jennings Police Department",
"total": 318518,
[{ "weapons": 43281, "electronicSurv": 11597, "infoRewards": 424, "travTrain": 8795, "other": 159121, "commComp": 49861, "buildImprov": 45439 }]
"aid": "MO0510000",
"aname": "Johnson County Missouri Sheriff's Office",
"total": 47636,
[{ "other": 32745, "commComp": 10523, "buildImprov": 4368 }]
"aid": "MOKPD0000",
"aname": "Kansas City Missouri Police Department",
"total": 5437266,
[{ "weapons": 49666, "electronicSurv": 4168, "travTrain": 26911, "other": 2920302, "commComp": 2436218 }]
"aid": "MO0831800",
"aname": "Kci Airport Police Department",
"total": 381402,
[{ "weapons": 39550, "travTrain": 23520, "other": 280701, "commComp": 37631 }]
"aid": "MO0954300",
"aname": "Kirkwood Police Department",
"total": 652348,
[{ "weapons": 75542, "travTrain": 20982, "other": 130791, "commComp": 4103, "buildImprov": 420930 }]
"aid": "MO0954400",
"aname": "Ladue Police Department",
"total": 197990,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 197990 }]
"aid": "MO0540000",
"aname": "Lafayete County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 81380,
[{ "weapons": 2794, "electronicSurv": 4083, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 2000, "salaryOvertime": 12500, "other": 20770, "commComp": 37233 }]
"aid": "MO0151300",
"aname": "Lake Area Narcotics Enforcement Group",
"total": 138663,
[{ "weapons": 17, "electronicSurv": 600, "travTrain": 3317, "salaryOvertime": 37623, "other": 94847, "commComp": 2259 }]
"aid": "MO0950D00",
"aname": "Lambert-St. Louis International Blvd.",
"total": 1319094,
[{ "weapons": 61040, "electronicSurv": 1894, "travTrain": 35526, "other": 1173603, "commComp": 44106, "buildImprov": 2926 }]
"aid": "MO0480800",
"aname": "Lees Summit Police Department",
"total": 40161,
[{ "weapons": 40161 }]
"aid": "MO0954700",
"aname": "Manchester Police Department",
"total": 156477,
[{ "weapons": 7054, "electronicSurv": 100170, "travTrain": 25084, "commPrograms": 2000, "other": 16033, "buildImprov": 6136 }]
"aid": "MO0954800",
"aname": "Maplewood Police Department",
"total": 634144,
[{ "weapons": 29104, "electronicSurv": 168755, "commPrograms": 498, "other": 242249, "commComp": 138359, "buildImprov": 55178 }]
"aid": "MO0950H00",
"aname": "Maryland Heights Police Department",
"total": 656165,
[{ "weapons": 148307, "electronicSurv": 11473, "travTrain": 106470, "commPrograms": 57698, "other": 92625, "commComp": 163353, "buildImprov": 76239 }]
"aid": "MOQNGCD15",
"aname": "Missouri National Guard Counter Drug Program",
"total": 163511,
[{ "other": 163511 }]
"aid": "MOMHP0006",
"aname": "Missouri State Highway Patrol",
"total": 9125209,
[{ "weapons": 1244942, "electronicSurv": 434897, "infoRewards": 1177107, "travTrain": 772173, "other": 4620510, "commComp": 202440, "buildImprov": 673138 }]
"aid": "MO0951001",
"aname": "Municipal Enforcement Group Against Drug Abuse",
"total": 352435,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11783, "infoRewards": 11592, "travTrain": 25123, "other": 185019, "commComp": 91525, "buildImprov": 27393 }]
"aid": "MOEQ00192",
"aname": "Mustang Drug Task Force",
"total": 130177,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4121, "infoRewards": 39400, "travTrain": 23260, "other": 46920, "commComp": 3681, "buildImprov": 12794 }]
"aid": "MO0955200",
"aname": "Normandy Police Department",
"total": 84623,
[{ "weapons": 12597, "electronicSurv": 2931, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 1339, "commPrograms": 543, "other": 54155, "commComp": 9198, "buildImprov": 2360 }]
"aid": "MO0920100",
"aname": "O'Fallon Police Department",
"total": 344632,
[{ "weapons": 29217, "electronicSurv": 4934, "travTrain": 10876, "salaryOvertime": 78347, "other": 147247, "commComp": 29572, "buildImprov": 44438 }]
"aid": "MO0955600",
"aname": "Overland Police Department",
"total": 59994,
[{ "weapons": 20198, "travTrain": 1920, "commPrograms": 200, "other": 13893, "commComp": 23783 }]
"aid": "MO0220300",
"aname": "Ozark Police Department",
"total": 1031228,
[{ "weapons": 57503, "electronicSurv": 128711, "travTrain": 21403, "salaryOvertime": 23556, "other": 525205, "commComp": 257109, "buildImprov": 17740 }]
"aid": "MO0942200",
"aname": "Park Hills Police Department",
"total": 422791,
[{ "weapons": 33070, "electronicSurv": 17310, "travTrain": 7600, "other": 332644, "commComp": 32168 }]
"aid": "MO0190600",
"aname": "Peculiar Police Department",
"total": 205652,
[{ "weapons": 13269, "electronicSurv": 9106, "other": 70044, "commComp": 41253, "buildImprov": 71979 }]
"aid": "MO0780000",
"aname": "Pemiscot County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 476767,
[{ "weapons": 13124, "electronicSurv": 1833, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 1257, "salaryOvertime": 21221, "other": 103040, "commComp": 263047, "buildImprov": 70246 }]
"aid": "MO081013A",
"aname": "Phelps County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 1021730,
[{ "travTrain": 19709, "commPrograms": 102192, "salaryOvertime": 734246, "other": 53671, "commComp": 111913 }]
"aid": "MO0810000",
"aname": "Phelps County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 2286460,
[{ "weapons": 190506, "electronicSurv": 163298, "travTrain": 53791, "commPrograms": 57063, "salaryOvertime": 181388, "other": 535797, "commComp": 916774, "buildImprov": 187842 }]
"aid": "MO0830000",
"aname": "Platte County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 171444,
[{ "weapons": 7229, "infoRewards": 9000, "travTrain": 18904, "commPrograms": 21375, "other": 91171, "commComp": 22514, "buildImprov": 1250 }]
"aid": "MO0481000",
"aname": "Raytown Police Department",
"total": 55733,
[{ "weapons": 7496, "electronicSurv": 15770, "other": 12106, "commComp": 2463, "buildImprov": 17897 }]
"aid": "MOEQ00221",
"aname": "Regional Computercrime Edu. & Enf. Group-Police Tf",
"total": 7215879,
[{ "infoRewards": 310000, "travTrain": 352027, "salaryOvertime": 493742, "other": 2753875, "commComp": 628522, "buildImprov": 2677713 }]
"aid": "MO0956200",
"aname": "Richmond Heights Police Department",
"total": 170979,
[{ "weapons": 8765, "electronicSurv": 31136, "travTrain": 17729, "commPrograms": 1507, "other": 57245, "commComp": 54598 }]
"aid": "MO0810100",
"aname": "Rolla Police Department",
"total": 395137,
[{ "weapons": 12368, "electronicSurv": 1247, "salaryOvertime": 140468, "other": 184438, "commComp": 3047, "buildImprov": 53569 }]
"aid": "MO0920000",
"aname": "Saint Charles County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 6046504,
[{ "weapons": 327336, "electronicSurv": 63990, "travTrain": 258363, "salaryOvertime": 252382, "other": 4120797, "commComp": 944372, "buildImprov": 79264 }]
"aid": "MO0850400",
"aname": "Saint Robert Police Department",
"total": 212872,
[{ "weapons": 23480, "electronicSurv": 3445, "travTrain": 200, "other": 134063, "commComp": 51684 }]
"aid": "MO1010000",
"aname": "Scott County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 61028,
[{ "weapons": 1854, "electronicSurv": 5230, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 2293, "commPrograms": 997, "other": 41056, "commComp": 3799, "buildImprov": 4800 }]
"aid": "MO1010600",
"aname": "Sikeston Department Of Public Safety Police",
"total": 86028,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3904, "infoRewards": 11412, "other": 70712 }]
"aid": "MO0460010",
"aname": "South Central Drug Task Force",
"total": 720771,
[{ "weapons": 42674, "electronicSurv": 12570, "travTrain": 31636, "salaryOvertime": 212787, "other": 341879, "commComp": 33799, "buildImprov": 45425 }]
"aid": "MOSAMS003",
"aname": "Southeast Missouri Drug Task Force",
"total": 517424,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6850, "travTrain": 215145, "salaryOvertime": 58144, "other": 221664, "buildImprov": 15621 }]
"aid": "MOEQ00096",
"aname": "Southwest Missouri Drug Task Force",
"total": 58424,
[{ "weapons": 954, "electronicSurv": 578, "infoRewards": 19804, "travTrain": 6164, "salaryOvertime": 2778, "other": 14628, "commComp": 4163, "buildImprov": 9354 }]
"aid": "MO0390300",
"aname": "Springfield Missouri Police Department",
"total": 1867703,
[{ "weapons": 143757, "electronicSurv": 46673, "infoRewards": 102000, "travTrain": 127760, "commPrograms": 43497, "salaryOvertime": 5939, "other": 613897, "commComp": 257746, "buildImprov": 526434 }]
"aid": "MO0950000",
"aname": "St Louis County Police Department",
"total": 7673030,
[{ "weapons": 837210, "electronicSurv": 139613, "travTrain": 580908, "commPrograms": 109012, "salaryOvertime": 236193, "other": 3149820, "commComp": 2122985, "buildImprov": 497289 }]
"aid": "MO092013A",
"aname": "St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney's Office",
"total": 390548,
[{ "weapons": 1456, "travTrain": 37803, "salaryOvertime": 62623, "other": 65564, "commComp": 206009, "buildImprov": 17092 }]
"aid": "MO0920110",
"aname": "St. Charles County Regional Drug Task Force",
"total": 330232,
[{ "weapons": 23556, "electronicSurv": 38806, "infoRewards": 5502, "travTrain": 18423, "commPrograms": 40, "other": 141788, "commComp": 50166, "buildImprov": 51951 }]
"aid": "MO116015A",
"aname": "St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office",
"total": 65598,
[{ "travTrain": 6330, "salaryOvertime": 1049, "other": 54053, "commComp": 4166 }]
"aid": "MOSPD0024",
"aname": "St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department",
"total": 7494871,
[{ "weapons": 471353, "electronicSurv": 1038432, "travTrain": 164114, "commPrograms": 479856, "salaryOvertime": 220334, "other": 1476894, "commComp": 658630, "buildImprov": 2985258 }]
"aid": "MOSPD0000",
"aname": "St. Louis Police Department",
"total": 1265409,
[{ "weapons": 47595, "electronicSurv": 241235, "travTrain": 19949, "commPrograms": 137602, "other": 581956, "commComp": 205244, "buildImprov": 31828 }]
"aid": "MO0957000",
"aname": "Sunset Hills Police Department",
"total": 30345,
[{ "weapons": 9636, "other": 18893, "commComp": 1499, "buildImprov": 316 }]
"aid": "MO1070000",
"aname": "Taney County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 41341,
[{ "weapons": 31572, "electronicSurv": 7501, "commComp": 2268 }]
"aid": "MO0957300",
"aname": "University City Police Department",
"total": 37564,
[{ "infoRewards": 3000, "salaryOvertime": 34564 }]
"aid": "MO1090000",
"aname": "Vernon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 86230,
[{ "other": 8555, "commComp": 67, "buildImprov": 77609 }]
"aid": "MO0958400",
"aname": "Woodson Terrace Police Department",
"total": 227026,
[{ "weapons": 16702, "electronicSurv": 22070, "other": 149676, "commComp": 38579 }]
"st": "MS",
"stn": "Mississippi",
"total": 24227923,
[{ "weapons": 983293, "electronicSurv": 658414, "infoRewards": 143994, "travTrain": 816600, "commPrograms": 322681, "salaryOvertime": 713363, "other": 12905530, "commComp": 6270871, "buildImprov": 1413178 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MS0540100",
"aname": "Batesville Police Department",
"total": 36401,
[{ "other": 36401 }]
"aid": "MS0240100",
"aname": "Biloxi Police Department",
"total": 2466623,
[{ "weapons": 31551, "electronicSurv": 85546, "travTrain": 42499, "other": 938559, "commComp": 1356440, "buildImprov": 12028 }]
"aid": "MS0230200",
"aname": "City Of Bay Saint Louis Police Departmen",
"total": 45756,
[{ "weapons": 45756 }]
"aid": "MS0250300",
"aname": "City Of Clinton Police Department",
"total": 204381,
[{ "weapons": 31724, "electronicSurv": 19985, "infoRewards": 2400, "travTrain": 9351, "other": 84992, "commComp": 51234, "buildImprov": 4695 }]
"aid": "MS0410100",
"aname": "City Of Tupelo Police Department",
"total": 546687,
[{ "other": 546687 }]
"aid": "MS0440100",
"aname": "Columbus Police Department",
"total": 54706,
[{ "other": 54706 }]
"aid": "MS0240800",
"aname": "D'Iberville Police Department",
"total": 123997,
[{ "weapons": 4396, "electronicSurv": 11981, "travTrain": 19545, "other": 56962, "commComp": 31113 }]
"aid": "MS0170500",
"aname": "Desoto County Metro Narcotics Unit",
"total": 31813,
[{ "weapons": 7795, "salaryOvertime": 6694, "other": 17324 }]
"aid": "MS0300600",
"aname": "Gautier Police Department",
"total": 396859,
[{ "weapons": 19026, "electronicSurv": 66635, "commPrograms": 220, "other": 262888, "commComp": 19414, "buildImprov": 28676 }]
"aid": "MS0240200",
"aname": "Gulfport Police Department",
"total": 5012326,
[{ "weapons": 23107, "electronicSurv": 41426, "travTrain": 347959, "commPrograms": 300000, "other": 1953805, "commComp": 2027604, "buildImprov": 318426 }]
"aid": "MS0240000",
"aname": "Harrison County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 5178858,
[{ "weapons": 101565, "electronicSurv": 113659, "infoRewards": 33810, "travTrain": 194326, "commPrograms": 20000, "other": 2683759, "commComp": 1526189, "buildImprov": 505550 }]
"aid": "MS0250000",
"aname": "Hinds County Sheriff Department",
"total": 331707,
[{ "weapons": 55570, "electronicSurv": 4676, "other": 251114, "commComp": 20081, "buildImprov": 266 }]
"aid": "MS0300000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 582563,
[{ "weapons": 58603, "electronicSurv": 6223, "travTrain": 7363, "other": 381572, "commComp": 99178, "buildImprov": 29625 }]
"aid": "MS0610700",
"aname": "Jackson Municipal Airport Authority",
"total": 73985,
[{ "travTrain": 7484, "other": 66501 }]
"aid": "MS0340200",
"aname": "Laurel Police Department",
"total": 78233,
[{ "other": 78233 }]
"aid": "MS0450400",
"aname": "Madison Police Department",
"total": 33560,
[{ "other": 32750, "commComp": 810 }]
"aid": "MS0470000",
"aname": "Marshall County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 505824,
[{ "infoRewards": 60711, "travTrain": 1175, "salaryOvertime": 76227, "other": 152436, "commComp": 215276 }]
"aid": "MS0250500",
"aname": "Mississippi Bureau Of Narcotics",
"total": 1781794,
[{ "weapons": 158417, "electronicSurv": 6124, "travTrain": 9715, "salaryOvertime": 227545, "other": 1374205, "commComp": 5788 }]
"aid": "MSMDT0000",
"aname": "Mississippi Department Of Transportation",
"total": 626499,
[{ "travTrain": 50414, "other": 576086 }]
"aid": "MS025025Y",
"aname": "Mississippi Gaming Commission",
"total": 37434,
[{ "weapons": 26434, "other": 11000 }]
"aid": "MSQNGCD08",
"aname": "Mississippi National Guard Counterdrug Progrom",
"total": 98511,
[{ "weapons": 38910, "other": 13597, "commComp": 24904, "buildImprov": 21100 }]
"aid": "MS0300100",
"aname": "Moss Point Police Department",
"total": 671378,
[{ "weapons": 14207, "electronicSurv": 33152, "travTrain": 12379, "commPrograms": 2461, "other": 519508, "commComp": 85206, "buildImprov": 4464 }]
"aid": "MSMHP0000",
"aname": "Ms Department Of Public Safety / Ms Highway Patrol",
"total": 1428085,
[{ "weapons": 185619, "electronicSurv": 34930, "travTrain": 32157, "other": 1136030, "commComp": 19461, "buildImprov": 19888 }]
"aid": "MS0410600",
"aname": "North Mississippi Narcotics Unit",
"total": 207068,
[{ "buildImprov": 207068 }]
"aid": "MS0300200",
"aname": "Ocean Springs Police Department",
"total": 1075689,
[{ "weapons": 23218, "electronicSurv": 21341, "travTrain": 54139, "other": 813675, "commComp": 77891, "buildImprov": 85426 }]
"aid": "MS0540500",
"aname": "Panola County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 56871,
[{ "weapons": 5845, "electronicSurv": 28043, "other": 19960, "buildImprov": 3023 }]
"aid": "MS0540000",
"aname": "Panola County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 221561,
[{ "weapons": 5876, "electronicSurv": 3705, "travTrain": 267, "other": 165499, "commComp": 19759, "buildImprov": 26456 }]
"aid": "MS0300300",
"aname": "Pascagoula Police Department",
"total": 493377,
[{ "weapons": 80548, "electronicSurv": 85820, "travTrain": 18219, "other": 203122, "commComp": 24672, "buildImprov": 80996 }]
"aid": "MS0240400",
"aname": "Pass Christian Police Department",
"total": 42929,
[{ "weapons": 12707, "electronicSurv": 16523, "travTrain": 153, "other": 5193, "commComp": 5905, "buildImprov": 2449 }]
"aid": "MS0550000",
"aname": "Pearl River County Sheriff Department",
"total": 380382,
[{ "other": 93754, "commComp": 286628 }]
"aid": "MS0610000",
"aname": "Rankin County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 400257,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 400257 }]
"aid": "MS0450200",
"aname": "Ridgeland Police Department",
"total": 513153,
[{ "electronicSurv": 20000, "other": 151006, "commComp": 299733, "buildImprov": 42413 }]
"aid": "MS0170100",
"aname": "Southaven Police Department",
"total": 182687,
[{ "electronicSurv": 34998, "other": 123320, "commComp": 24369 }]
"aid": "MS0230300",
"aname": "Waveland Police Department",
"total": 89342,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1140, "infoRewards": 17076, "travTrain": 1655, "other": 67133, "commComp": 2338 }]
"st": "MT",
"stn": "Montana",
"total": 2274949,
[{ "weapons": 86995, "electronicSurv": 38103, "infoRewards": 248690, "travTrain": 43107, "commPrograms": 83240, "salaryOvertime": 98801, "other": 817048, "commComp": 766351, "buildImprov": 92615 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "MT0560100",
"aname": "Billings Police Department",
"total": 282991,
[{ "other": 244053, "commComp": 38938 }]
"aid": "MT0150000",
"aname": "Flathead County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33228,
[{ "weapons": 15900, "travTrain": 1087, "buildImprov": 16240 }]
"aid": "MT0180000",
"aname": "Glacier County Sheriff Office",
"total": 51426,
[{ "weapons": 6632, "infoRewards": 21500, "travTrain": 7484, "commPrograms": 513, "salaryOvertime": 1980, "other": 3691, "commComp": 9626 }]
"aid": "MT0560200",
"aname": "Laurel Police Department",
"total": 145696,
[{ "weapons": 17853, "other": 41987, "commComp": 85856 }]
"aid": "MT0310000",
"aname": "Mineral County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 45335,
[{ "weapons": 2100, "travTrain": 12193, "salaryOvertime": 3997, "other": 19396, "commComp": 7649 }]
"aid": "MT0320100",
"aname": "Missoula Drug Task Force",
"total": 271528,
[{ "commPrograms": 3317, "other": 46093, "commComp": 215860, "buildImprov": 6258 }]
"aid": "MTEQ00086",
"aname": "Missouri River Drug Task Force",
"total": 108484,
[{ "weapons": 9586, "electronicSurv": 833, "infoRewards": 56726, "travTrain": 6993, "salaryOvertime": 28000, "other": 6321, "commComp": 25 }]
"aid": "MT056015Y",
"aname": "Montana State Department Of Justice",
"total": 990453,
[{ "weapons": 24873, "electronicSurv": 1568, "infoRewards": 23706, "commPrograms": 79410, "salaryOvertime": 4883, "other": 403836, "commComp": 383177, "buildImprov": 69000 }]
"aid": "MT0530000",
"aname": "Valley County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 43429,
[{ "weapons": 5012, "infoRewards": 265, "travTrain": 4174, "salaryOvertime": 26628, "other": 1350, "commComp": 6000 }]
"aid": "MT0560000",
"aname": "Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 147073,
[{ "infoRewards": 123661, "travTrain": 7465, "other": 15020, "commComp": 928 }]
"st": "NC",
"stn": "North Carolina",
"total": 90428835,
[{ "weapons": 9516263, "electronicSurv": 5407086, "infoRewards": 2913834, "travTrain": 4024240, "commPrograms": 473603, "salaryOvertime": 3043425, "other": 35266476, "commComp": 20612665, "buildImprov": 9171243 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NC0010000",
"aname": "Alamance County Sheriff Department",
"total": 1051793,
[{ "weapons": 63037, "travTrain": 16745, "other": 715838, "commComp": 218526, "buildImprov": 37646 }]
"aid": "NC0840100",
"aname": "Albemarle Police Department",
"total": 32712,
[{ "other": 32712 }]
"aid": "NC0030000",
"aname": "Alleghany County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 324310,
[{ "weapons": 25794, "electronicSurv": 11906, "infoRewards": 35000, "travTrain": 3992, "other": 246982, "commComp": 635 }]
"aid": "NC0760100",
"aname": "Asheboro Police Department",
"total": 326948,
[{ "weapons": 116693, "electronicSurv": 894, "other": 58008, "commComp": 108374, "buildImprov": 42980 }]
"aid": "NC0110100",
"aname": "Asheville Police Department",
"total": 578826,
[{ "weapons": 127282, "electronicSurv": 46749, "travTrain": 68376, "other": 247743, "commComp": 62566, "buildImprov": 26109 }]
"aid": "NC0080000",
"aname": "Bertie County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 31290,
[{ "weapons": 5807, "electronicSurv": 1018, "infoRewards": 14800, "travTrain": 2512, "commComp": 5870, "buildImprov": 1283 }]
"aid": "NC0310200",
"aname": "Beulaville Police Department",
"total": 31195,
[{ "weapons": 2138, "infoRewards": 1350, "travTrain": 1400, "salaryOvertime": 4198, "other": 20300, "commComp": 541, "buildImprov": 1269 }]
"aid": "NC0620200",
"aname": "Biscoe Police Department",
"total": 32944,
[{ "other": 12795, "buildImprov": 20149 }]
"aid": "NC0110200",
"aname": "Black Mountain Police Department",
"total": 34156,
[{ "weapons": 10043, "other": 5957, "commComp": 18156 }]
"aid": "NC0090000",
"aname": "Bladen County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 37701,
[{ "weapons": 2373, "electronicSurv": 13417, "travTrain": 6567, "other": 1143, "commComp": 13372, "buildImprov": 829 }]
"aid": "NC0100000",
"aname": "Brunswick County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 763744,
[{ "weapons": 27483, "electronicSurv": 20316, "infoRewards": 63000, "travTrain": 9500, "commPrograms": 9410, "other": 514155, "commComp": 95047, "buildImprov": 24833 }]
"aid": "NC0111200",
"aname": "Buncombe County Anti-Crime Task Force",
"total": 780597,
[{ "weapons": 14034, "electronicSurv": 5975, "travTrain": 40058, "commPrograms": 49651, "salaryOvertime": 7449, "other": 414699, "commComp": 48731, "buildImprov": 200000 }]
"aid": "NC0110000",
"aname": "Buncombe County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 226699,
[{ "weapons": 89475, "electronicSurv": 20455, "travTrain": 13692, "commPrograms": 30000, "salaryOvertime": 32000, "other": 39711, "commComp": 1144, "buildImprov": 221 }]
"aid": "NC0120800",
"aname": "Burke County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 100226,
[{ "infoRewards": 37726, "travTrain": 12939, "salaryOvertime": 1200, "other": 31344, "commComp": 15752, "buildImprov": 1265 }]
"aid": "NC0130000",
"aname": "Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 43642,
[{ "other": 41138, "buildImprov": 2504 }]
"aid": "NC0140000",
"aname": "Caldwell County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 98516,
[{ "weapons": 8067, "electronicSurv": 1365, "travTrain": 3238, "other": 80588, "commComp": 5258 }]
"aid": "NC0680300",
"aname": "Carrboro Police Department",
"total": 40732,
[{ "weapons": 9658, "electronicSurv": 22656, "commComp": 8418 }]
"aid": "NC0160000",
"aname": "Carteret County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 54691,
[{ "weapons": 19800, "electronicSurv": 19555, "infoRewards": 15336 }]
"aid": "NC0920300",
"aname": "Cary Police Department",
"total": 462237,
[{ "weapons": 276150, "electronicSurv": 33198, "salaryOvertime": 52942, "other": 62704, "commComp": 37244 }]
"aid": "NC0170000",
"aname": "Caswell County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 92281,
[{ "weapons": 5839, "other": 43464, "commComp": 42978 }]
"aid": "NC0180000",
"aname": "Catawba County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 175047,
[{ "weapons": 12900, "commPrograms": 3278, "other": 158869 }]
"aid": "NC0680100",
"aname": "Chapel Hill Police Department",
"total": 79002,
[{ "weapons": 15219, "electronicSurv": 2614, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 3518, "other": 20454, "commComp": 34250, "buildImprov": 947 }]
"aid": "NC0600100",
"aname": "Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department",
"total": 3385920,
[{ "weapons": 468712, "electronicSurv": 383367, "travTrain": 180897, "commPrograms": 23132, "other": 1189644, "commComp": 398755, "buildImprov": 741413 }]
"aid": "NC0190000",
"aname": "Chatham County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 135130,
[{ "weapons": 54203, "electronicSurv": 12835, "infoRewards": 13615, "other": 32526, "commComp": 9616, "buildImprov": 12335 }]
"aid": "NC0200000",
"aname": "Cherokee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 99411,
[{ "weapons": 2118, "salaryOvertime": 15000, "other": 82293 }]
"aid": "NC0870200",
"aname": "Cherokee Indian Police Department",
"total": 47991,
[{ "weapons": 1165, "electronicSurv": 4299, "infoRewards": 5000, "commComp": 27129, "buildImprov": 10398 }]
"aid": "NC0360300",
"aname": "Cherryville Police Department",
"total": 37730,
[{ "weapons": 17914, "electronicSurv": 2365, "commPrograms": 150, "other": 8421, "commComp": 4089, "buildImprov": 4791 }]
"aid": "NC0760600",
"aname": "City Of Archdale Police Department",
"total": 659023,
[{ "weapons": 19844, "electronicSurv": 14559, "travTrain": 19133, "other": 35273, "commComp": 551181, "buildImprov": 19033 }]
"aid": "NC0010100",
"aname": "City Of Burlington Police Department",
"total": 2316490,
[{ "weapons": 118406, "electronicSurv": 24239, "travTrain": 109811, "commPrograms": 24755, "salaryOvertime": 60112, "other": 317164, "commComp": 1476467, "buildImprov": 185536 }]
"aid": "NC0430100",
"aname": "City Of Dunn Police Department",
"total": 37007,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4403, "infoRewards": 17749, "travTrain": 615, "other": 13093, "commComp": 1147 }]
"aid": "NC0320100",
"aname": "City Of Durham Police Department",
"total": 1959179,
[{ "weapons": 343739, "electronicSurv": 533930, "infoRewards": 55701, "travTrain": 99803, "salaryOvertime": 63438, "other": 590950, "commComp": 88978, "buildImprov": 182640 }]
"aid": "NC0740300",
"aname": "City Of Greenville Police Department",
"total": 473131,
[{ "weapons": 69847, "electronicSurv": 13627, "travTrain": 58889, "other": 211820, "commComp": 93606, "buildImprov": 25342 }]
"aid": "NC0670100",
"aname": "City Of Jacksonville - Police Department",
"total": 537220,
[{ "weapons": 61450, "electronicSurv": 59245, "infoRewards": 194539, "travTrain": 30710, "commPrograms": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 2497, "other": 113405, "commComp": 31872, "buildImprov": 33502 }]
"aid": "NC0250200",
"aname": "City Of New Bern Police Department",
"total": 62923,
[{ "weapons": 1043, "electronicSurv": 15848, "infoRewards": 26465, "travTrain": 8195, "other": 9036, "commComp": 491, "buildImprov": 1845 }]
"aid": "NC0180400",
"aname": "City Of Newton Police Department",
"total": 39749,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2117, "other": 26786, "buildImprov": 10846 }]
"aid": "NC0800500",
"aname": "City Of Salisbury North Carolina Police Departmen",
"total": 47764,
[{ "electronicSurv": 42534, "commComp": 5230 }]
"aid": "NC0650200",
"aname": "City Of Wilmington Police Department",
"total": 1593777,
[{ "electronicSurv": 97052, "infoRewards": 14500, "travTrain": 8262, "other": 1082897, "commComp": 391066 }]
"aid": "NC0230000",
"aname": "Cleveland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 241361,
[{ "weapons": 290, "electronicSurv": 5205, "infoRewards": 102905, "travTrain": 850, "commPrograms": 7000, "other": 67416, "commComp": 57696 }]
"aid": "NC0240000",
"aname": "Columbus County Sheriff Office",
"total": 383795,
[{ "weapons": 19081, "electronicSurv": 32936, "travTrain": 32947, "salaryOvertime": 55092, "other": 146668, "commComp": 43393, "buildImprov": 53678 }]
"aid": "NC0600400",
"aname": "Cornelius Police Department",
"total": 144773,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10745, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 47675, "commComp": 77861, "buildImprov": 6492 }]
"aid": "NC0250000",
"aname": "Craven County Sheriff Office",
"total": 92213,
[{ "weapons": 22506, "electronicSurv": 9990, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 15281, "other": 18681, "commComp": 10755 }]
"aid": "NC0260000",
"aname": "Cumberland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 3337854,
[{ "weapons": 245194, "electronicSurv": 43751, "travTrain": 795, "salaryOvertime": 692192, "other": 917236, "commComp": 387267, "buildImprov": 1051420 }]
"aid": "NC0280000",
"aname": "Dare County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 57739,
[{ "weapons": 10977, "electronicSurv": 9701, "travTrain": 9775, "other": 27004, "commComp": 282 }]
"aid": "NCNHP0000",
"aname": "Dps - State Highway Patrol",
"total": 6418374,
[{ "weapons": 1120742, "electronicSurv": 595779, "travTrain": 332862, "other": 369616, "commComp": 3488288, "buildImprov": 511086 }]
"aid": "NC0310000",
"aname": "Duplin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 786993,
[{ "weapons": 33369, "electronicSurv": 52131, "travTrain": 1309, "salaryOvertime": 90001, "other": 527609, "commComp": 76706, "buildImprov": 5868 }]
"aid": "NC0320000",
"aname": "Durham County Sheriff Office",
"total": 288304,
[{ "weapons": 85265, "electronicSurv": 9850, "travTrain": 1960, "other": 101060, "commComp": 90169 }]
"aid": "NC0790100",
"aname": "Eden Police Department",
"total": 517603,
[{ "weapons": 102654, "electronicSurv": 45738, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 36876, "other": 141682, "commComp": 152297, "buildImprov": 36357 }]
"aid": "NC0330000",
"aname": "Edgecombe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 61761,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3880, "infoRewards": 39756, "travTrain": 1590, "other": 16535 }]
"aid": "NC0700100",
"aname": "Elizabeth City Police Department",
"total": 52202,
[{ "electronicSurv": 52202 }]
"aid": "NC0860100",
"aname": "Elkin Police Department",
"total": 69315,
[{ "weapons": 5896, "electronicSurv": 3875, "infoRewards": 3000, "other": 37464, "commComp": 17080, "buildImprov": 2000 }]
"aid": "NC0780500",
"aname": "Fairmont Police Department",
"total": 36395,
[{ "weapons": 5014, "electronicSurv": 10176, "infoRewards": 1900, "travTrain": 3973, "commComp": 12723, "buildImprov": 2610 }]
"aid": "NC0740200",
"aname": "Farmville Police Department",
"total": 83703,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1160, "infoRewards": 11500, "travTrain": 196, "other": 56520, "commComp": 14327 }]
"aid": "NC0260100",
"aname": "Fayetteville Police Department",
"total": 719711,
[{ "weapons": 26103, "electronicSurv": 91378, "travTrain": 91884, "other": 396860, "commComp": 113486 }]
"aid": "NC0340000",
"aname": "Forsyth County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 263772,
[{ "weapons": 98602, "electronicSurv": 6650, "travTrain": 4897, "other": 131108, "commComp": 22514 }]
"aid": "NC0350000",
"aname": "Franklin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 251126,
[{ "weapons": 16557, "infoRewards": 85575, "commPrograms": 30000, "other": 94882, "commComp": 8470, "buildImprov": 15642 }]
"aid": "NC0920400",
"aname": "Fuquay-Varina Police Department",
"total": 34976,
[{ "weapons": 18056, "electronicSurv": 14752, "infoRewards": 2167 }]
"aid": "NC0920500",
"aname": "Garner Police Department",
"total": 96925,
[{ "electronicSurv": 12650, "other": 84275 }]
"aid": "NC0360500",
"aname": "Gaston County Police Department",
"total": 107414,
[{ "weapons": 429, "other": 34625, "commComp": 72360 }]
"aid": "NC0360600",
"aname": "Gastonia City Police.",
"total": 145217,
[{ "weapons": 14529, "electronicSurv": 6650, "travTrain": 280, "other": 87824, "commComp": 35935 }]
"aid": "NC0960100",
"aname": "Goldsboro Police Department",
"total": 352709,
[{ "weapons": 45468, "travTrain": 16994, "other": 109209, "commComp": 152070, "buildImprov": 28968 }]
"aid": "NC0010300",
"aname": "Graham Police Department",
"total": 225742,
[{ "weapons": 12489, "electronicSurv": 12458, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 26582, "commPrograms": 12500, "other": 42989, "commComp": 104970, "buildImprov": 8754 }]
"aid": "NC0390000",
"aname": "Granville County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 426374,
[{ "weapons": 31444, "electronicSurv": 46836, "infoRewards": 20, "travTrain": 3000, "other": 266587, "commComp": 78487 }]
"aid": "NC0410200",
"aname": "Greensboro Police Department",
"total": 2958000,
[{ "weapons": 434243, "electronicSurv": 110581, "travTrain": 49890, "commPrograms": 4232, "salaryOvertime": 521699, "other": 943502, "commComp": 207037, "buildImprov": 686818 }]
"aid": "NC0410000",
"aname": "Guilford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1652240,
[{ "weapons": 472988, "electronicSurv": 42773, "travTrain": 42665, "other": 223941, "commComp": 385083, "buildImprov": 484790 }]
"aid": "NC0420000",
"aname": "Halifax County Sheriff Department",
"total": 157581,
[{ "weapons": 35881, "electronicSurv": 410, "infoRewards": 51000, "travTrain": 7586, "other": 47360, "commComp": 10345, "buildImprov": 5000 }]
"aid": "NC0430000",
"aname": "Harnett County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 556697,
[{ "weapons": 84201, "electronicSurv": 22829, "infoRewards": 96950, "travTrain": 6987, "salaryOvertime": 41016, "other": 292333, "commComp": 10807, "buildImprov": 1575 }]
"aid": "NC0440000",
"aname": "Haywood County Sheriff Office",
"total": 109601,
[{ "weapons": 2100, "other": 105701, "commComp": 1800 }]
"aid": "NC0450000",
"aname": "Henderson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 950195,
[{ "weapons": 25489, "electronicSurv": 101204, "travTrain": 61855, "other": 468942, "commComp": 134281, "buildImprov": 158425 }]
"aid": "NC0910100",
"aname": "Henderson Police Department",
"total": 2849173,
[{ "weapons": 112816, "electronicSurv": 735, "infoRewards": 36000, "travTrain": 164168, "salaryOvertime": 159278, "other": 1646456, "commComp": 537627, "buildImprov": 192094 }]
"aid": "NC0450100",
"aname": "Hendersonville Police Department",
"total": 43103,
[{ "weapons": 8855, "electronicSurv": 1565, "travTrain": 14428, "other": 18254 }]
"aid": "NC0460000",
"aname": "Hertford County Sheriff Office",
"total": 44945,
[{ "weapons": 36311, "other": 8633 }]
"aid": "NC0180200",
"aname": "Hickory Police Department",
"total": 259092,
[{ "weapons": 65810, "travTrain": 17390, "commPrograms": 1697, "other": 53474, "buildImprov": 120721 }]
"aid": "NC0410300",
"aname": "High Point Police Department",
"total": 2532532,
[{ "weapons": 234977, "electronicSurv": 341401, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 101622, "other": 1066452, "commComp": 359420, "buildImprov": 413659 }]
"aid": "NC0470000",
"aname": "Hoke County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 173326,
[{ "weapons": 4465, "electronicSurv": 1603, "infoRewards": 61269, "travTrain": 109, "commPrograms": 7801, "other": 68746, "commComp": 4735, "buildImprov": 24598 }]
"aid": "NC0490000",
"aname": "Iredell County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 125758,
[{ "weapons": 4094, "infoRewards": 90156, "travTrain": 21535, "salaryOvertime": 4867, "commComp": 5106 }]
"aid": "NC0500000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 76319,
[{ "weapons": 16323, "electronicSurv": 611, "travTrain": 2610, "salaryOvertime": 17500, "other": 8273, "commComp": 23479, "buildImprov": 7523 }]
"aid": "NC0510000",
"aname": "Johnston County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1465695,
[{ "electronicSurv": 16391, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 25956, "other": 1290110, "commComp": 62735, "buildImprov": 50503 }]
"aid": "NC0340100",
"aname": "Kernersville Police Department",
"total": 650680,
[{ "weapons": 25809, "electronicSurv": 41801, "infoRewards": 38029, "travTrain": 2540, "other": 344258, "commComp": 198244 }]
"aid": "NC0280100",
"aname": "Kill Devil Hills Police Department",
"total": 52189,
[{ "weapons": 16925, "electronicSurv": 6250, "travTrain": 6000, "other": 2121, "commComp": 20893 }]
"aid": "NC0540100",
"aname": "Kinston Public Safety",
"total": 48746,
[{ "weapons": 9131, "electronicSurv": 33386, "travTrain": 6229 }]
"aid": "NC0920600",
"aname": "Knightdale Police Department",
"total": 118501,
[{ "weapons": 9959, "electronicSurv": 10141, "infoRewards": 16132, "travTrain": 4921, "other": 63830, "commComp": 12960, "buildImprov": 557 }]
"aid": "NC0830100",
"aname": "Laurinburg Police Department",
"total": 85000,
[{ "electronicSurv": 85000 }]
"aid": "NC0530000",
"aname": "Lee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 85628,
[{ "weapons": 1800, "other": 83828 }]
"aid": "NC0540000",
"aname": "Lenoir County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 340120,
[{ "weapons": 107038, "electronicSurv": 7370, "travTrain": 2770, "other": 117662, "commComp": 94532, "buildImprov": 10748 }]
"aid": "NC0140200",
"aname": "Lenoir Police Department",
"total": 60767,
[{ "weapons": 26505, "electronicSurv": 17508, "travTrain": 250, "other": 6828, "commComp": 3232, "buildImprov": 6443 }]
"aid": "NC0290100",
"aname": "Lexington Police Department",
"total": 5296959,
[{ "weapons": 270232, "electronicSurv": 228030, "infoRewards": 69922, "travTrain": 93650, "other": 2287081, "commComp": 752658, "buildImprov": 1595384 }]
"aid": "NC0760300",
"aname": "Liberty Police Department",
"total": 107279,
[{ "other": 96916, "buildImprov": 10363 }]
"aid": "NC0550000",
"aname": "Lincoln County Sheriff",
"total": 55527,
[{ "weapons": 6679, "electronicSurv": 18943, "other": 27955, "commComp": 100, "buildImprov": 1850 }]
"aid": "NC0780100",
"aname": "Lumberton Police Department",
"total": 257958,
[{ "weapons": 45255, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 11866, "other": 85956, "commComp": 109881 }]
"aid": "NC0570000",
"aname": "Macon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 114974,
[{ "weapons": 5914, "electronicSurv": 10395, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 3048, "other": 72199, "commComp": 11418, "buildImprov": 7000 }]
"aid": "NC0560100",
"aname": "Marion Police Department",
"total": 114873,
[{ "weapons": 2124, "other": 72355, "commComp": 12138, "buildImprov": 28256 }]
"aid": "NC0590000",
"aname": "Martin County Sheriff",
"total": 64740,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15056, "other": 38711, "commComp": 10973 }]
"aid": "NC0600700",
"aname": "Matthews Police Department",
"total": 69971,
[{ "weapons": 35306, "electronicSurv": 5842, "travTrain": 182, "other": 4517, "commComp": 22268, "buildImprov": 1856 }]
"aid": "NC0560000",
"aname": "Mcdowell County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 288016,
[{ "weapons": 13266, "travTrain": 614, "salaryOvertime": 205396, "other": 68740 }]
"aid": "NC0602900",
"aname": "Mint Hill Police Department",
"total": 202915,
[{ "weapons": 16040, "other": 83681, "commComp": 5429, "buildImprov": 97765 }]
"aid": "NC0900200",
"aname": "Monroe Police Department",
"total": 490986,
[{ "weapons": 120100, "electronicSurv": 22926, "infoRewards": 99840, "travTrain": 17801, "commPrograms": 2174, "other": 142790, "commComp": 64812, "buildImprov": 20544 }]
"aid": "NC0630000",
"aname": "Moore County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 130188,
[{ "weapons": 26774, "travTrain": 2339, "other": 76509, "commComp": 24565 }]
"aid": "NC0160200",
"aname": "Morehead City Police Department",
"total": 53770,
[{ "weapons": 679, "electronicSurv": 1878, "travTrain": 30706, "other": 4436, "commComp": 16071 }]
"aid": "NC0640000",
"aname": "Nash County Sheriff Office",
"total": 350190,
[{ "weapons": 30645, "electronicSurv": 36064, "infoRewards": 79000, "travTrain": 15188, "other": 95191, "commComp": 94102 }]
"aid": "NC0929000",
"aname": "Nc Alcohol Law Enforcement",
"total": 7204647,
[{ "weapons": 1203545, "infoRewards": 162751, "travTrain": 288687, "salaryOvertime": 42968, "other": 1511001, "commComp": 3995695 }]
"aid": "NC092025Y",
"aname": "Nc Department Of Justice Medicaid Fraud Control/I",
"total": 421782,
[{ "travTrain": 120925, "other": 77566, "commComp": 223290 }]
"aid": "NC092065G",
"aname": "Ncdps/Dac/Community Corrections",
"total": 36405,
[{ "other": 36405 }]
"aid": "NC0650000",
"aname": "New Hanover County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2117276,
[{ "weapons": 133407, "electronicSurv": 109954, "travTrain": 125609, "commPrograms": 134708, "other": 1566778, "commComp": 42784, "buildImprov": 4036 }]
"aid": "NCBCI0000",
"aname": "North Carolina State Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 5144402,
[{ "weapons": 443931, "electronicSurv": 220767, "travTrain": 394409, "salaryOvertime": 490, "other": 3122358, "commComp": 694593, "buildImprov": 267854 }]
"aid": "NC0100100",
"aname": "Oak Island Police Department",
"total": 42647,
[{ "weapons": 1100, "other": 27612, "buildImprov": 13935 }]
"aid": "NC0670000",
"aname": "Onslow County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 139951,
[{ "weapons": 1149, "electronicSurv": 28709, "infoRewards": 20500, "travTrain": 1424, "other": 86495, "commComp": 1675 }]
"aid": "NC0680000",
"aname": "Orange County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 503205,
[{ "weapons": 18551, "electronicSurv": 20176, "travTrain": 47282, "other": 280414, "commComp": 136781 }]
"aid": "NC0700000",
"aname": "Pasquotank County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 143937,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5019, "infoRewards": 49932, "travTrain": 1207, "other": 73949, "commComp": 13830 }]
"aid": "NC0710000",
"aname": "Pender County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 163469,
[{ "weapons": 55470, "electronicSurv": 10395, "infoRewards": 34290, "other": 53710, "commComp": 9604 }]
"aid": "NC0720000",
"aname": "Perquimans County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 37389,
[{ "weapons": 5243, "electronicSurv": 1565, "other": 29708, "commComp": 874 }]
"aid": "NC0730000",
"aname": "Person County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 281364,
[{ "weapons": 29301, "electronicSurv": 34418, "travTrain": 1023, "salaryOvertime": 57141, "other": 94559, "commComp": 51633, "buildImprov": 13288 }]
"aid": "NC0410600",
"aname": "Piedmont Triad Airport Police Department",
"total": 51837,
[{ "weapons": 1598, "travTrain": 862, "salaryOvertime": 15197, "other": 30237, "commComp": 3944 }]
"aid": "NC0740000",
"aname": "Pitt County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 463221,
[{ "weapons": 4760, "travTrain": 4444, "other": 77737, "commComp": 376280 }]
"aid": "NC0750000",
"aname": "Polk County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 157733,
[{ "weapons": 808, "electronicSurv": 2720, "infoRewards": 12506, "travTrain": 5433, "salaryOvertime": 1500, "other": 85195, "commComp": 47321, "buildImprov": 2250 }]
"aid": "NC0920100",
"aname": "Raleigh Police Department",
"total": 2307859,
[{ "weapons": 155250, "electronicSurv": 75000, "salaryOvertime": 370000, "other": 804821, "commComp": 595521, "buildImprov": 307267 }]
"aid": "NC0760000",
"aname": "Randolph County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1825869,
[{ "weapons": 89857, "electronicSurv": 63465, "infoRewards": 2000, "other": 489475, "commComp": 172281, "buildImprov": 1008791 }]
"aid": "NC0420200",
"aname": "Roanoke Rapids Police Department",
"total": 456812,
[{ "weapons": 21175, "infoRewards": 119168, "travTrain": 15739, "salaryOvertime": 25000, "commComp": 275731 }]
"aid": "NC0780000",
"aname": "Robeson County Sheriff's Department Drug Enforceme",
"total": 822559,
[{ "weapons": 110272, "electronicSurv": 16243, "infoRewards": 180000, "travTrain": 17520, "other": 481301, "commComp": 17223 }]
"aid": "NC0790000",
"aname": "Rockingham County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 493205,
[{ "weapons": 93355, "electronicSurv": 48475, "infoRewards": 70000, "travTrain": 22640, "other": 226422, "commComp": 32313 }]
"aid": "NC0330100",
"aname": "Rocky Mount",
"total": 669348,
[{ "weapons": 96320, "electronicSurv": 53851, "infoRewards": 288000, "travTrain": 6548, "commPrograms": 13039, "other": 61461, "commComp": 150129 }]
"aid": "NC0800000",
"aname": "Rowan County Sheriff Department",
"total": 131548,
[{ "weapons": 9471, "electronicSurv": 993, "infoRewards": 10909, "travTrain": 2815, "commPrograms": 12375, "other": 83174, "commComp": 11810 }]
"aid": "NC0810000",
"aname": "Rutherford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 138024,
[{ "infoRewards": 31094, "travTrain": 6048, "salaryOvertime": 2034, "other": 62784, "commComp": 36065 }]
"aid": "NC0820000",
"aname": "Sampson County Sheriff Department",
"total": 431357,
[{ "weapons": 84193, "salaryOvertime": 21410, "other": 321305, "commComp": 4450 }]
"aid": "NC0510100",
"aname": "Smithfield Police Department",
"total": 96274,
[{ "weapons": 6912, "electronicSurv": 6837, "travTrain": 7500, "other": 72925, "commComp": 1200, "buildImprov": 900 }]
"aid": "NC0030100",
"aname": "Sparta Police Department",
"total": 47798,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6215, "travTrain": 6524, "other": 33850, "commComp": 1209 }]
"aid": "NC0840000",
"aname": "Stanly County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 37000,
[{ "weapons": 4000, "other": 33000 }]
"aid": "NC0490200",
"aname": "Statesville Police Department",
"total": 209850,
[{ "weapons": 26501, "travTrain": 1040, "salaryOvertime": 2898, "other": 7035, "commComp": 172377 }]
"aid": "NC0850000",
"aname": "Stokes County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 88604,
[{ "weapons": 5049, "electronicSurv": 2500, "travTrain": 6685, "salaryOvertime": 37291, "other": 11739, "commComp": 25340 }]
"aid": "NC0860000",
"aname": "Surry County Sheriff Office",
"total": 432670,
[{ "weapons": 33340, "electronicSurv": 9123, "infoRewards": 26000, "travTrain": 8755, "salaryOvertime": 88754, "other": 184884, "commComp": 72402, "buildImprov": 9412 }]
"aid": "NC0290200",
"aname": "Thomasville Police Department",
"total": 491449,
[{ "weapons": 20955, "electronicSurv": 5120, "infoRewards": 171215, "travTrain": 31630, "commPrograms": 8000, "salaryOvertime": 25000, "other": 207022, "commComp": 22508 }]
"aid": "NC0950100",
"aname": "Town Of Boone",
"total": 64917,
[{ "weapons": 38610, "electronicSurv": 1273, "infoRewards": 16091, "travTrain": 3502, "commComp": 5441 }]
"aid": "NC0010200",
"aname": "Town Of Elon Police Department",
"total": 135015,
[{ "weapons": 2595, "electronicSurv": 2713, "infoRewards": 7050, "commPrograms": 8189, "other": 59264, "commComp": 53708, "buildImprov": 1495 }]
"aid": "NC0160600",
"aname": "Town Of Emerald Isle Police Department",
"total": 38576,
[{ "weapons": 7950, "commComp": 30626 }]
"aid": "NC0101300",
"aname": "Town Of Leland Police Department",
"total": 275313,
[{ "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 826, "salaryOvertime": 50698, "other": 190288, "buildImprov": 28500 }]
"aid": "NC0780800",
"aname": "Town Of Rowland Police Department",
"total": 72320,
[{ "weapons": 12105, "electronicSurv": 62, "salaryOvertime": 37739, "other": 18474, "commComp": 3941 }]
"aid": "NC0510800",
"aname": "Town Of Selma Police Department",
"total": 100855,
[{ "other": 66925, "commComp": 5985, "buildImprov": 27944 }]
"aid": "NC0345500",
"aname": "Triad Municipal Abc Law Enforcement",
"total": 741546,
[{ "weapons": 18664, "electronicSurv": 17659, "infoRewards": 8000, "travTrain": 10867, "salaryOvertime": 129507, "other": 384144, "commComp": 155493, "buildImprov": 17213 }]
"aid": "NC0900000",
"aname": "Union County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 775043,
[{ "weapons": 31351, "electronicSurv": 19698, "travTrain": 27885, "other": 365298, "commComp": 260563, "buildImprov": 70248 }]
"aid": "NC0410500",
"aname": "Univ. Of North Carolina At Greensboro Police Dept.",
"total": 33440,
[{ "weapons": 1522, "travTrain": 6774, "other": 13354, "commComp": 9914, "buildImprov": 1876 }]
"aid": "NC0910000",
"aname": "Vance County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 453514,
[{ "weapons": 22574, "electronicSurv": 37912, "infoRewards": 1300, "travTrain": 9925, "other": 323655, "commComp": 58148 }]
"aid": "NC0925000",
"aname": "Wake County Abc Law Enforcement",
"total": 84265,
[{ "weapons": 4373, "electronicSurv": 14125, "travTrain": 1541, "salaryOvertime": 22073, "other": 15023, "commComp": 27131 }]
"aid": "NC0920000",
"aname": "Wake County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1265573,
[{ "weapons": 6889, "electronicSurv": 670717, "other": 239834, "commComp": 292607, "buildImprov": 55526 }]
"aid": "NC0920700",
"aname": "Wake Forest Police Department",
"total": 107000,
[{ "other": 107000 }]
"aid": "NC0930000",
"aname": "Warren County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 36328,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6620, "travTrain": 11600, "other": 6735, "commComp": 11373 }]
"aid": "NC0950000",
"aname": "Watauga County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 69067,
[{ "weapons": 12975, "electronicSurv": 8918, "travTrain": 5400, "other": 41774 }]
"aid": "NC0900300",
"aname": "Waxhaw Police Department",
"total": 47249,
[{ "other": 47249 }]
"aid": "NC0960000",
"aname": "Wayne County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1236219,
[{ "weapons": 49514, "electronicSurv": 53491, "travTrain": 2005, "other": 913143, "commComp": 155839, "buildImprov": 62226 }]
"aid": "NC0440200",
"aname": "Waynesville Police Department",
"total": 31236,
[{ "weapons": 1823, "travTrain": 1907, "other": 3069, "commComp": 24437 }]
"aid": "NC0980000",
"aname": "Wilson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 250006,
[{ "weapons": 37887, "electronicSurv": 10250, "other": 200374, "commComp": 1495 }]
"aid": "NC0980100",
"aname": "Wilson Police Department",
"total": 636725,
[{ "weapons": 13243, "electronicSurv": 17869, "other": 561225, "commComp": 34448, "buildImprov": 9939 }]
"aid": "NC0340226",
"aname": "Winston-Salem Police Department",
"total": 2288631,
[{ "weapons": 175125, "electronicSurv": 46840, "infoRewards": 149905, "travTrain": 776091, "commPrograms": 77000, "salaryOvertime": 9331, "other": 1004678, "commComp": 49662 }]
"aid": "NC0650300",
"aname": "Wrightsville Beach Police Department",
"total": 114079,
[{ "weapons": 3753, "electronicSurv": 20704, "salaryOvertime": 57721, "other": 31900 }]
"st": "ND",
"stn": "North Dakota",
"total": 371277,
[{ "weapons": 59763, "electronicSurv": 37132, "infoRewards": 5019, "travTrain": 13336, "other": 180303, "commComp": 48173, "buildImprov": 27550 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "ND0090000",
"aname": "Cass County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 50226,
[{ "travTrain": 6070, "other": 44156 }]
"aid": "ND0090300",
"aname": "City Of West Fargo Police Department",
"total": 73867,
[{ "weapons": 300, "electronicSurv": 18700, "infoRewards": 995, "other": 18933, "commComp": 30135, "buildImprov": 4804 }]
"aid": "ND0090200",
"aname": "Fargo Police Department",
"total": 39594,
[{ "other": 32642, "commComp": 6951 }]
"aid": "ND0500100",
"aname": "Grafton Police Department",
"total": 33946,
[{ "travTrain": 350, "other": 32732, "commComp": 865 }]
"aid": "NDTF99800",
"aname": "Metro Area Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 69681,
[{ "weapons": 22422, "travTrain": 6916, "other": 13131, "commComp": 9929, "buildImprov": 17283 }]
"aid": "ND008015G",
"aname": "North Dakota Of Corrections Field Service Division",
"total": 67616,
[{ "weapons": 37041, "infoRewards": 300, "other": 29982, "commComp": 294 }]
"st": "NE",
"stn": "Nebraska",
"total": 23030704,
[{ "weapons": 993653, "electronicSurv": 665941, "infoRewards": 297069, "travTrain": 2049680, "commPrograms": 147162, "salaryOvertime": 198042, "other": 7766525, "commComp": 4077265, "buildImprov": 6835367 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NB0770100",
"aname": "Bellevue Police Department",
"total": 142447,
[{ "weapons": 4978, "electronicSurv": 45493, "infoRewards": 21550, "travTrain": 1722, "other": 44618, "commComp": 18809, "buildImprov": 5276 }]
"aid": "NB0210100",
"aname": "Broken Bow Police Department",
"total": 46647,
[{ "weapons": 6795, "other": 38652, "commComp": 1200 }]
"aid": "NB010013A",
"aname": "Buffalo County Attorney's Office",
"total": 57820,
[{ "electronicSurv": 24300, "travTrain": 23308, "commComp": 2415, "buildImprov": 7798 }]
"aid": "NB0130000",
"aname": "Cass County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 37779,
[{ "weapons": 1005, "electronicSurv": 19428, "infoRewards": 809, "travTrain": 926, "salaryOvertime": 8333, "other": 3499, "commComp": 3778 }]
"aid": "NB0400400",
"aname": "Central Nebraska Drug And Safe Streets Task Force",
"total": 265702,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5799, "infoRewards": 37522, "travTrain": 19661, "other": 14207, "commComp": 136572, "buildImprov": 51940 }]
"aid": "NB0600100",
"aname": "City Of Norfolk Police",
"total": 49507,
[{ "weapons": 1480, "infoRewards": 39069, "travTrain": 60, "commComp": 8898 }]
"aid": "NB0280000",
"aname": "Douglas County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 8753780,
[{ "weapons": 394799, "electronicSurv": 87248, "infoRewards": 10450, "travTrain": 576290, "other": 2425855, "commComp": 562805, "buildImprov": 4696333 }]
"aid": "NB041011A",
"aname": "Hamilton County Attorney's Office",
"total": 48199,
[{ "weapons": 19299, "electronicSurv": 12766, "travTrain": 1969, "commComp": 12347, "buildImprov": 1818 }]
"aid": "NB0470000",
"aname": "Howard County Sheriff",
"total": 203097,
[{ "weapons": 6433, "electronicSurv": 26404, "travTrain": 470, "other": 165970, "commComp": 3820 }]
"aid": "NB055013A",
"aname": "Lancaster County Attorney",
"total": 286311,
[{ "weapons": 6900, "electronicSurv": 6358, "travTrain": 134116, "commPrograms": 30029, "salaryOvertime": 480, "other": 16186, "commComp": 92244 }]
"aid": "NB0550000",
"aname": "Lancaster County Sheriff's Office Of Ne",
"total": 37861,
[{ "weapons": 5376, "travTrain": 10845, "other": 10632, "commComp": 8120, "buildImprov": 2888 }]
"aid": "NB0560000",
"aname": "Lincoln County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 44429,
[{ "weapons": 14745, "electronicSurv": 1073, "travTrain": 2537, "other": 26073 }]
"aid": "NB0550100",
"aname": "Lincoln Police Department",
"total": 202295,
[{ "weapons": 620, "electronicSurv": 16582, "travTrain": 9838, "other": 53821, "commComp": 121434 }]
"aid": "NBNSP0000",
"aname": "Nebraska State Patrol",
"total": 6032554,
[{ "weapons": 207786, "electronicSurv": 15000, "travTrain": 760349, "commPrograms": 47403, "other": 1879682, "commComp": 2229802, "buildImprov": 892532 }]
"aid": "NB0281500",
"aname": "Omaha Airport Authority",
"total": 69552,
[{ "weapons": 7340, "electronicSurv": 11724, "travTrain": 23204, "other": 11873, "commComp": 13974, "buildImprov": 1437 }]
"aid": "NB0280200",
"aname": "Omaha Nebraska Police Department",
"total": 4378282,
[{ "weapons": 42187, "electronicSurv": 242240, "infoRewards": 148154, "travTrain": 352028, "other": 1966850, "commComp": 641733, "buildImprov": 985091 }]
"aid": "NB077013A",
"aname": "Sarpy County Attorney's Office",
"total": 149290,
[{ "travTrain": 531, "salaryOvertime": 148759 }]
"aid": "NB0770000",
"aname": "Sarpy County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 354645,
[{ "weapons": 70059, "electronicSurv": 29392, "travTrain": 17531, "other": 92258, "commComp": 31263, "buildImprov": 114142 }]
"aid": "NB080013A",
"aname": "Seward County Attorney",
"total": 470490,
[{ "weapons": 22271, "electronicSurv": 69484, "infoRewards": 2500, "travTrain": 39418, "commPrograms": 64425, "other": 198674, "commComp": 52966, "buildImprov": 20753 }]
"aid": "NB0800000",
"aname": "Seward County Sheriff",
"total": 944884,
[{ "weapons": 77566, "electronicSurv": 23040, "infoRewards": 2685, "travTrain": 39545, "salaryOvertime": 28108, "other": 678235, "commComp": 47672, "buildImprov": 48033 }]
"aid": "NB0220100",
"aname": "South Sioux City Police Department",
"total": 95889,
[{ "weapons": 29549, "electronicSurv": 9194, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 2162, "other": 17680, "commComp": 25892, "buildImprov": 6413 }]
"aid": "NB0890000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff",
"total": 46209,
[{ "weapons": 12215, "electronicSurv": 549, "infoRewards": 2080, "travTrain": 1405, "other": 21013, "commComp": 8523, "buildImprov": 423 }]
"st": "NH",
"stn": "New Hampshire",
"total": 8379219,
[{ "weapons": 1215825, "electronicSurv": 308254, "infoRewards": 375310, "travTrain": 252459, "commPrograms": 151840, "salaryOvertime": 594361, "other": 3192978, "commComp": 1740617, "buildImprov": 547576 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NH0010200",
"aname": "Alton Police Department",
"total": 32248,
[{ "other": 32248 }]
"aid": "NH0600600",
"aname": "Bedford Nh Police Department",
"total": 370060,
[{ "weapons": 17149, "electronicSurv": 9545, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 7160, "commPrograms": 2243, "salaryOvertime": 3724, "other": 137936, "commComp": 109634, "buildImprov": 81668 }]
"aid": "NH0061000",
"aname": "Brookline Police Department",
"total": 42007,
[{ "weapons": 30, "electronicSurv": 19111, "travTrain": 3463, "commComp": 9843, "buildImprov": 9561 }]
"aid": "NH0071600",
"aname": "Concord Police Department",
"total": 32083,
[{ "infoRewards": 29564, "other": 2447, "commComp": 72 }]
"aid": "NH0081600",
"aname": "Derry Police Department",
"total": 81625,
[{ "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 1175, "other": 18084, "commComp": 50365 }]
"aid": "NH0090400",
"aname": "Dover Police Department Dover New Hampshire",
"total": 43894,
[{ "weapons": 5034, "infoRewards": 1200, "other": 12113, "commComp": 24866, "buildImprov": 681 }]
"aid": "NH0060000",
"aname": "Hillsborough County Sheriff",
"total": 332298,
[{ "weapons": 47745, "electronicSurv": 1985, "infoRewards": 45, "travTrain": 510, "commPrograms": 565, "salaryOvertime": 97793, "other": 170570, "commComp": 13085 }]
"aid": "NH0031800",
"aname": "Keene Police Department",
"total": 33651,
[{ "weapons": 1354, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 5688, "commPrograms": 1188, "other": 2897, "commComp": 10115, "buildImprov": 7410 }]
"aid": "NH0083600",
"aname": "Kingston Police Department",
"total": 121033,
[{ "weapons": 4610, "electronicSurv": 10918, "infoRewards": 11930, "salaryOvertime": 71907, "other": 7856, "commComp": 13812 }]
"aid": "NH0054400",
"aname": "Lebanon Police Department",
"total": 64264,
[{ "weapons": 26178, "electronicSurv": 5883, "infoRewards": 2800, "other": 17367, "commComp": 12036 }]
"aid": "NH0055000",
"aname": "Littleton Police Department",
"total": 35308,
[{ "weapons": 4723, "electronicSurv": 12191, "travTrain": 300, "commPrograms": 284, "salaryOvertime": 7278, "other": 2628, "commComp": 7891, "buildImprov": 15 }]
"aid": "NH0083800",
"aname": "Londonderry Police Department",
"total": 141709,
[{ "weapons": 19982, "electronicSurv": 12000, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 986, "other": 16973, "commComp": 89767 }]
"aid": "NH0063400",
"aname": "Manchester Nh Police Department",
"total": 1514031,
[{ "weapons": 542295, "electronicSurv": 76822, "travTrain": 31213, "salaryOvertime": 144671, "other": 509407, "commComp": 208741, "buildImprov": 881 }]
"aid": "NH0064000",
"aname": "Merrimack Police",
"total": 54545,
[{ "electronicSurv": 125, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 685, "other": 19375, "commComp": 31360 }]
"aid": "NH0064600",
"aname": "Nashua Police Department",
"total": 1169547,
[{ "weapons": 56883, "electronicSurv": 7565, "infoRewards": 180840, "travTrain": 71939, "commPrograms": 144975, "salaryOvertime": 117408, "other": 434552, "commComp": 108380, "buildImprov": 47006 }]
"aid": "NH006025C",
"aname": "New Hampshire Department Of Corrections",
"total": 67605,
[{ "weapons": 34519, "salaryOvertime": 3716, "other": 18672, "commComp": 10698 }]
"aid": "NHNSP0000",
"aname": "New Hampshire Department Of Safety",
"total": 1916503,
[{ "weapons": 76620, "electronicSurv": 20830, "travTrain": 41910, "salaryOvertime": 125893, "other": 768804, "commComp": 723795, "buildImprov": 158651 }]
"aid": "NH007015A",
"aname": "Nh Attorney General's Drug Task Force",
"total": 434147,
[{ "weapons": 34556, "other": 349739, "commComp": 49852 }]
"aid": "NH0045200",
"aname": "Pittsburg Nh Police Department",
"total": 57412,
[{ "weapons": 4532, "infoRewards": 2500, "commPrograms": 500, "salaryOvertime": 18969, "other": 19369, "commComp": 11542 }]
"aid": "NH0085600",
"aname": "Plaistow Nh Police Department",
"total": 93612,
[{ "weapons": 7010, "electronicSurv": 8144, "infoRewards": 15327, "travTrain": 4831, "commPrograms": 1300, "other": 31479, "commComp": 12112, "buildImprov": 13409 }]
"aid": "NH0085800",
"aname": "Portsmouth Police Department",
"total": 67195,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6438, "infoRewards": 34216, "travTrain": 17993, "other": 3282, "commComp": 5266 }]
"aid": "NH0032800",
"aname": "Rindge Police Department",
"total": 42600,
[{ "other": 35267, "buildImprov": 7333 }]
"aid": "NH0086400",
"aname": "Salem Nh Police Department",
"total": 953028,
[{ "weapons": 121071, "electronicSurv": 27746, "infoRewards": 35900, "travTrain": 34290, "other": 414122, "commComp": 125650, "buildImprov": 194250 }]
"aid": "NH0092400",
"aname": "Somersworth Police Department",
"total": 36130,
[{ "weapons": 2224, "other": 29876, "commComp": 1420, "buildImprov": 2610 }]
"aid": "NH0012200",
"aname": "Tilton Police Department",
"total": 43121,
[{ "weapons": 2096, "electronicSurv": 829, "infoRewards": 6561, "travTrain": 1772, "other": 27209, "commComp": 4441, "buildImprov": 212 }]
"aid": "NH0062800",
"aname": "Town Of Hudson New Hampshire Police Department",
"total": 124985,
[{ "weapons": 3240, "electronicSurv": 68158, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 12070, "other": 21654, "commComp": 16863 }]
"aid": "NH0087400",
"aname": "Windham Police Department",
"total": 37055,
[{ "electronicSurv": 535, "infoRewards": 500, "other": 7247, "commComp": 26548, "buildImprov": 2225 }]
"st": "NJ",
"stn": "New Jersey",
"total": 48808069,
[{ "weapons": 2497934, "electronicSurv": 2082901, "infoRewards": 441121, "travTrain": 847251, "commPrograms": 836007, "salaryOvertime": 2554730, "other": 23854506, "commComp": 12881377, "buildImprov": 2812242 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NJ0010200",
"aname": "Atlantic City Police Department",
"total": 96512,
[{ "other": 30951, "buildImprov": 65562 }]
"aid": "NJ0070100",
"aname": "Belleville Police Department",
"total": 44490,
[{ "weapons": 2717, "electronicSurv": 8680, "other": 9200, "commComp": 17387, "buildImprov": 6506 }]
"aid": "NJ0027100",
"aname": "Bergen County Policedepartment",
"total": 87874,
[{ "weapons": 16100, "salaryOvertime": 47322, "other": 24452 }]
"aid": "NJ002023A",
"aname": "Bergen County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 877936,
[{ "infoRewards": 159767, "commPrograms": 5750, "other": 712419 }]
"aid": "NJ003013A",
"aname": "Burlington County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 69987,
[{ "weapons": 5642, "electronicSurv": 1029, "infoRewards": 53165, "travTrain": 725, "other": 8924, "commComp": 178, "buildImprov": 325 }]
"aid": "NJ0030000",
"aname": "Burlington County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 111146,
[{ "weapons": 6928, "electronicSurv": 750, "travTrain": 930, "commPrograms": 1330, "other": 101209 }]
"aid": "NJ0040800",
"aname": "Camden City Police Department",
"total": 543144,
[{ "weapons": 13735, "electronicSurv": 51996, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 395, "other": 291054, "commComp": 184965 }]
"aid": "NJ004013A",
"aname": "Camden County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 101631,
[{ "other": 65662, "buildImprov": 35969 }]
"aid": "NJ0171300",
"aname": "Carneys Point Police Department",
"total": 32425,
[{ "travTrain": 960, "other": 31465 }]
"aid": "NJ0041200",
"aname": "Cherry Hill Police Department",
"total": 303199,
[{ "weapons": 13389, "electronicSurv": 40368, "travTrain": 43213, "other": 147257, "commComp": 34798, "buildImprov": 24173 }]
"aid": "NJ0090100",
"aname": "City Of Bayonne Police Department",
"total": 1403348,
[{ "weapons": 98382, "electronicSurv": 43814, "travTrain": 69467, "other": 904707, "commComp": 96333, "buildImprov": 190646 }]
"aid": "NJ0022300",
"aname": "City Of Hackensack Police Department",
"total": 546202,
[{ "weapons": 42876, "electronicSurv": 78334, "infoRewards": 18500, "travTrain": 80821, "salaryOvertime": 6804, "other": 159260, "commComp": 158173, "buildImprov": 1434 }]
"aid": "NJ0020600",
"aname": "Cliffside Park Police Department",
"total": 310606,
[{ "weapons": 57165, "salaryOvertime": 39535, "other": 79060, "commComp": 131855, "buildImprov": 2992 }]
"aid": "NJ006023A",
"aname": "Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office - Task Force",
"total": 47632,
[{ "weapons": 1214, "travTrain": 240, "other": 5559, "commComp": 38803, "buildImprov": 1815 }]
"aid": "NJ0080200",
"aname": "Deptford Township Police Department",
"total": 39740,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1200, "travTrain": 6522, "other": 12291, "commComp": 16531, "buildImprov": 3196 }]
"aid": "NJ0070600",
"aname": "East Orange Police Department",
"total": 1829355,
[{ "weapons": 121703, "electronicSurv": 705527, "other": 128943, "commComp": 855550, "buildImprov": 17633 }]
"aid": "NJ0021200",
"aname": "East Ruherford Police Department",
"total": 799047,
[{ "weapons": 43548, "electronicSurv": 318384, "travTrain": 17650, "other": 350245, "commComp": 69221 }]
"aid": "NJ0120500",
"aname": "Edison Police Department",
"total": 270759,
[{ "weapons": 8812, "electronicSurv": 3321, "travTrain": 39194, "other": 54800, "commComp": 136216, "buildImprov": 28416 }]
"aid": "NJ0010800",
"aname": "Egg Harbor Township Police",
"total": 32653,
[{ "infoRewards": 500, "commComp": 22553, "buildImprov": 9600 }]
"aid": "NJ0200400",
"aname": "Elizabeth Police Department",
"total": 2107385,
[{ "weapons": 166667, "electronicSurv": 37537, "travTrain": 40215, "commPrograms": 214244, "salaryOvertime": 45575, "other": 1397000, "commComp": 145783, "buildImprov": 60363 }]
"aid": "NJ0021600",
"aname": "Englewood Cliffs Police Department",
"total": 1364435,
[{ "weapons": 79299, "travTrain": 66997, "salaryOvertime": 624485, "other": 233033, "commComp": 296399, "buildImprov": 64222 }]
"aid": "NJ0021500",
"aname": "Englewood Police Department",
"total": 611067,
[{ "weapons": 64587, "travTrain": 28767, "salaryOvertime": 14794, "other": 78834, "commComp": 97134, "buildImprov": 326952 }]
"aid": "NJ007013A",
"aname": "Essex County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 93761,
[{ "weapons": 7020, "travTrain": 169, "other": 27479, "commComp": 59093 }]
"aid": "NJ0070000",
"aname": "Essex County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 194504,
[{ "weapons": 76935, "electronicSurv": 22117, "travTrain": 365, "commComp": 88699, "buildImprov": 6388 }]
"aid": "NJ0031300",
"aname": "Evesham Township Police Department",
"total": 80239,
[{ "weapons": 6275, "travTrain": 2379, "other": 54575, "commComp": 14870, "buildImprov": 2140 }]
"aid": "NJ0021800",
"aname": "Fairview Police Department",
"total": 45457,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 22671, "other": 19601, "commComp": 3186 }]
"aid": "NJ0021900",
"aname": "Fort Lee Police Department",
"total": 797200,
[{ "weapons": 126642, "travTrain": 55635, "salaryOvertime": 2688, "other": 562169, "commComp": 50066 }]
"aid": "NJ008013A",
"aname": "Gloucester County Prosecutor",
"total": 133882,
[{ "weapons": 20303, "electronicSurv": 3791, "travTrain": 20019, "commPrograms": 16943, "other": 69033, "commComp": 3792 }]
"aid": "NJ0041500",
"aname": "Gloucester Township Police Department",
"total": 40078,
[{ "other": 23880, "commComp": 16198 }]
"aid": "NJ0090300",
"aname": "Guttenberg Police Department",
"total": 38707,
[{ "weapons": 2287, "infoRewards": 3000, "other": 31736, "commComp": 1684 }]
"aid": "NJ0090400",
"aname": "Harrison Police Department",
"total": 44855,
[{ "weapons": 2885, "commPrograms": 9329, "other": 2051, "commComp": 22790, "buildImprov": 7800 }]
"aid": "NJ0022500",
"aname": "Hasbrouck Heights Police Department",
"total": 31786,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 31786 }]
"aid": "NJ0131800",
"aname": "Holmdel Township Police Department",
"total": 61613,
[{ "other": 51882, "commComp": 9731 }]
"aid": "NJQNGCD19",
"aname": "Hq Army/Air National Guard Counterdrug Task Force",
"total": 419235,
[{ "travTrain": 1973, "commPrograms": 14112, "salaryOvertime": 246283, "other": 149720, "commComp": 7147 }]
"aid": "NJ009033A",
"aname": "Hudson County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 2104993,
[{ "weapons": 257, "electronicSurv": 39026, "travTrain": 2195, "commPrograms": 358584, "other": 184227, "commComp": 1333334, "buildImprov": 187371 }]
"aid": "NJ0090000",
"aname": "Hudson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 320704,
[{ "other": 320704 }]
"aid": "NJ0090600",
"aname": "Jersey City Police Department",
"total": 2268498,
[{ "weapons": 44287, "electronicSurv": 53872, "infoRewards": 59834, "travTrain": 11070, "commPrograms": 22115, "salaryOvertime": 130000, "other": 1255269, "commComp": 692051 }]
"aid": "NJ0090700",
"aname": "Kearny Police Department",
"total": 190739,
[{ "infoRewards": 2707, "other": 174703, "commComp": 13329 }]
"aid": "NJ0200900",
"aname": "Linden Nj Police Department",
"total": 34998,
[{ "other": 34209, "commComp": 789 }]
"aid": "NJ0151600",
"aname": "Little Egg Harbor Township Police Department",
"total": 209883,
[{ "weapons": 15120, "electronicSurv": 3392, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 807, "other": 182775, "commComp": 5790 }]
"aid": "NJ0023200",
"aname": "Lyndhurst Police Deparment",
"total": 313160,
[{ "weapons": 4537, "travTrain": 8153, "salaryOvertime": 91361, "other": 205297, "commComp": 3811 }]
"aid": "NJ0032000",
"aname": "Maple Shade Police Department",
"total": 73604,
[{ "weapons": 40761, "electronicSurv": 14621, "travTrain": 2290, "other": 8743, "commComp": 7189 }]
"aid": "NJ0011600",
"aname": "Margate Police Department",
"total": 164198,
[{ "weapons": 1950, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 42809, "other": 101490, "commComp": 1227, "buildImprov": 14722 }]
"aid": "NJ0023400",
"aname": "Maywood Police Department",
"total": 234737,
[{ "weapons": 63776, "infoRewards": 3300, "salaryOvertime": 141892, "commComp": 25769 }]
"aid": "NJ011023A",
"aname": "Mercer County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 135424,
[{ "other": 119682, "commComp": 15743 }]
"aid": "NJ012013A",
"aname": "Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 59938,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 11360, "other": 47197, "commComp": 1382 }]
"aid": "NJ013013A",
"aname": "Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 361022,
[{ "travTrain": 3960, "other": 223569, "commComp": 133493 }]
"aid": "NJ0081100",
"aname": "Monroe Township Police",
"total": 174657,
[{ "weapons": 14350, "electronicSurv": 46123, "travTrain": 40950, "commComp": 24338, "buildImprov": 48895 }]
"aid": "NJ014013A",
"aname": "Morris County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 157244,
[{ "electronicSurv": 51347, "other": 49418, "commComp": 56479 }]
"aid": "NJNSP0020",
"aname": "New Jersey Department Of Law And Public Safety",
"total": 2566825,
[{ "infoRewards": 8849, "travTrain": 1799, "salaryOvertime": 361141, "other": 2195036 }]
"aid": "NJNYPOA00",
"aname": "New York-New Jersey Port Authority",
"total": 1219268,
[{ "other": 5196, "commComp": 1214072 }]
"aid": "NJNPD0000",
"aname": "Newark Police Department",
"total": 2662772,
[{ "weapons": 15511, "other": 2585659, "commComp": 61602 }]
"aid": "NJ0090800",
"aname": "North Bergen Police Department",
"total": 201057,
[{ "other": 182429, "commComp": 18629 }]
"aid": "NJ0011800",
"aname": "Northfield Police Department",
"total": 66723,
[{ "weapons": 15201, "travTrain": 1398, "other": 14735, "commComp": 34640, "buildImprov": 750 }]
"aid": "NJ015013A",
"aname": "Ocean County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 127862,
[{ "travTrain": 32363, "other": 95499 }]
"aid": "NJ0024600",
"aname": "Paramus Police Department",
"total": 73983,
[{ "weapons": 2918, "travTrain": 3820, "commPrograms": 1120, "salaryOvertime": 43518, "other": 1616, "commComp": 8275, "buildImprov": 12716 }]
"aid": "NJ0142900",
"aname": "Parsippany Troy Hills Police Department",
"total": 151174,
[{ "weapons": 18674, "electronicSurv": 8836, "travTrain": 28872, "salaryOvertime": 21818, "other": 10063, "commComp": 30976, "buildImprov": 31934 }]
"aid": "NJ016023A",
"aname": "Passaic County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 1580423,
[{ "electronicSurv": 37748, "travTrain": 3238, "salaryOvertime": 18578, "other": 610910, "commComp": 744326, "buildImprov": 165623 }]
"aid": "NJ0160000",
"aname": "Passaic County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 6098893,
[{ "weapons": 299109, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 66487, "salaryOvertime": 245935, "other": 4162940, "commComp": 1225649, "buildImprov": 94773 }]
"aid": "NJ0160700",
"aname": "Passaic Police Department",
"total": 302391,
[{ "weapons": 6925, "infoRewards": 27000, "travTrain": 7170, "commPrograms": 86886, "other": 160591, "commComp": 13819 }]
"aid": "NJ0160800",
"aname": "Paterson Police Department",
"total": 1807917,
[{ "weapons": 40841, "other": 1517255, "commComp": 249821 }]
"aid": "NJ0042700",
"aname": "Pennsauken Police Department",
"total": 54663,
[{ "weapons": 984, "electronicSurv": 1895, "other": 9423, "commComp": 37586, "buildImprov": 4775 }]
"aid": "NJ0042800",
"aname": "Pine Hill Police Department",
"total": 376819,
[{ "weapons": 51443, "electronicSurv": 39442, "infoRewards": 3400, "travTrain": 37275, "commPrograms": 500, "salaryOvertime": 16102, "other": 98969, "commComp": 114534, "buildImprov": 15155 }]
"aid": "NJ0201200",
"aname": "Plainfield Police Department",
"total": 37899,
[{ "commComp": 37899 }]
"aid": "NY0300300",
"aname": "Port Authority Of Ny Nj Inspector General Police",
"total": 1294325,
[{ "commComp": 154282, "buildImprov": 1140043 }]
"aid": "NJ0102200",
"aname": "Readington Township Police Department",
"total": 112640,
[{ "travTrain": 415, "other": 106189, "buildImprov": 6035 }]
"aid": "NJ0201400",
"aname": "Roselle Police Department",
"total": 37047,
[{ "weapons": 1499, "travTrain": 587, "commComp": 34402, "buildImprov": 559 }]
"aid": "NJ017023A",
"aname": "Salem County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 106141,
[{ "other": 71461, "commComp": 10284, "buildImprov": 24396 }]
"aid": "NJ018013A",
"aname": "Somerset County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 239827,
[{ "electronicSurv": 60000, "infoRewards": 78450, "travTrain": 14800, "other": 20021, "commComp": 66556 }]
"aid": "NJ0122200",
"aname": "South Plainfield Police Department",
"total": 88710,
[{ "weapons": 14594, "electronicSurv": 296, "commComp": 23820, "buildImprov": 50000 }]
"aid": "NJ0026000",
"aname": "Teaneck Police Department",
"total": 412033,
[{ "weapons": 55304, "infoRewards": 170, "travTrain": 16281, "commPrograms": 394, "other": 243248, "commComp": 49906, "buildImprov": 46731 }]
"aid": "NY0307000",
"aname": "The Port Authority Of Ny And Nj Police Department",
"total": 5686941,
[{ "weapons": 715504, "electronicSurv": 136007, "other": 1596640, "commComp": 3212286, "buildImprov": 26503 }]
"aid": "NJ0150700",
"aname": "Toms River Police Department",
"total": 201822,
[{ "other": 201822 }]
"aid": "NJ0100600",
"aname": "Township Of Clinton Police Department",
"total": 369402,
[{ "commPrograms": 29445, "salaryOvertime": 128603, "other": 204009, "commComp": 7345 }]
"aid": "NJ0131600",
"aname": "Township Of Freehold",
"total": 31391,
[{ "weapons": 15478, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 12913 }]
"aid": "NJ0071600",
"aname": "Township Of Nutley Police Department",
"total": 62623,
[{ "travTrain": 1975, "other": 31715, "commComp": 20230, "buildImprov": 8703 }]
"aid": "NJ0111100",
"aname": "Trenton Police Department",
"total": 401883,
[{ "weapons": 2260, "electronicSurv": 93239, "travTrain": 572, "commPrograms": 63201, "other": 142007, "commComp": 99673, "buildImprov": 928 }]
"aid": "NJ0091000",
"aname": "Union City Police Department",
"total": 111407,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1600, "commPrograms": 10974, "other": 60340, "buildImprov": 38493 }]
"aid": "NJ020013A",
"aname": "Union County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 331207,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 116367, "other": 214840 }]
"aid": "NJ0081800",
"aname": "Washington Township Police Department",
"total": 484115,
[{ "weapons": 18480, "electronicSurv": 40358, "travTrain": 13438, "other": 306509, "commComp": 104295, "buildImprov": 1034 }]
"aid": "NJ0026700",
"aname": "Westwood Police Department",
"total": 36808,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7143, "commComp": 29665 }]
"aid": "NJ0122500",
"aname": "Woodbridge Police Department",
"total": 361877,
[{ "electronicSurv": 68376, "commComp": 293501 }]
"st": "NM",
"stn": "New Mexico",
"total": 24549931,
[{ "weapons": 785661, "electronicSurv": 1446095, "infoRewards": 661515, "travTrain": 676957, "commPrograms": 26025, "salaryOvertime": 642507, "other": 12950334, "commComp": 4126671, "buildImprov": 3234167 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NM0010100",
"aname": "Albuquerque Police Department",
"total": 5434184,
[{ "weapons": 63244, "electronicSurv": 64629, "infoRewards": 309518, "travTrain": 170918, "other": 3418487, "commComp": 152301, "buildImprov": 1255087 }]
"aid": "NM0010000",
"aname": "Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 2737654,
[{ "weapons": 183908, "electronicSurv": 740401, "infoRewards": 147000, "travTrain": 167800, "commPrograms": 17977, "other": 1264890, "commComp": 178806, "buildImprov": 36872 }]
"aid": "NM0030000",
"aname": "Chaves County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 52984,
[{ "other": 52984 }]
"aid": "NM0230600",
"aname": "City Of Rio Rancho Police Department",
"total": 279628,
[{ "weapons": 36091, "electronicSurv": 10607, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 4745, "other": 143234, "commComp": 76751, "buildImprov": 7700 }]
"aid": "NM0260100",
"aname": "City Of Santa Fe - Police Department",
"total": 161626,
[{ "weapons": 8255, "electronicSurv": 12415, "travTrain": 13450, "salaryOvertime": 6786, "other": 75105, "commComp": 7246, "buildImprov": 38369 }]
"aid": "NM0040000",
"aname": "Colfax County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 486689,
[{ "weapons": 4200, "electronicSurv": 27010, "other": 136174, "commComp": 5867, "buildImprov": 313438 }]
"aid": "NM0070000",
"aname": "Dona Ana County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 908776,
[{ "weapons": 26236, "electronicSurv": 153060, "infoRewards": 2140, "travTrain": 683, "salaryOvertime": 83416, "other": 433010, "commComp": 176145, "buildImprov": 34087 }]
"aid": "NM0100000",
"aname": "Guadalupe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 32031,
[{ "weapons": 20190, "travTrain": 9713, "buildImprov": 2129 }]
"aid": "NM0070300",
"aname": "Hatch Police Department",
"total": 259924,
[{ "weapons": 9759, "electronicSurv": 9016, "infoRewards": 2300, "travTrain": 4300, "commPrograms": 257, "salaryOvertime": 18074, "other": 161943, "commComp": 53483, "buildImprov": 791 }]
"aid": "NM0130200",
"aname": "Hobbs Police Department",
"total": 45253,
[{ "weapons": 9998, "travTrain": 5655, "other": 29600 }]
"aid": "NM0070100",
"aname": "Las Cruces Police Department",
"total": 486447,
[{ "weapons": 141919, "electronicSurv": 75787, "travTrain": 6281, "other": 26480, "commComp": 172159, "buildImprov": 63820 }]
"aid": "NM0070104",
"aname": "Las Cruces/ Dona Ana County Metro Narcotics Agency",
"total": 577650,
[{ "weapons": 82815, "electronicSurv": 19864, "travTrain": 10176, "salaryOvertime": 120838, "other": 275635, "commComp": 68322 }]
"aid": "NMEQ00040",
"aname": "Lea County Task Force",
"total": 136883,
[{ "weapons": 16275, "electronicSurv": 881, "infoRewards": 842, "travTrain": 8507, "other": 93152, "commComp": 16736, "buildImprov": 490 }]
"aid": "NM0300300",
"aname": "Moriarty Police Department",
"total": 521540,
[{ "infoRewards": 700, "travTrain": 5568, "salaryOvertime": 34567, "other": 55028, "commComp": 52615, "buildImprov": 373062 }]
"aid": "NMNSP2100",
"aname": "New Mexico Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 8307360,
[{ "weapons": 10375, "electronicSurv": 1294, "travTrain": 84258, "other": 4720329, "commComp": 2447995, "buildImprov": 1043109 }]
"aid": "NMEQ00134",
"aname": "Pecos Valley Drug Task Force",
"total": 274958,
[{ "weapons": 26213, "electronicSurv": 82100, "travTrain": 1560, "other": 33020, "commComp": 132065 }]
"aid": "NM0040100",
"aname": "Raton Police Department",
"total": 867723,
[{ "weapons": 11248, "electronicSurv": 98191, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 1661, "salaryOvertime": 137259, "other": 430003, "commComp": 180271, "buildImprov": 7589 }]
"aid": "NM0070400",
"aname": "Regents Of Nmsu Police Department",
"total": 286147,
[{ "weapons": 15216, "electronicSurv": 5847, "travTrain": 32912, "other": 220334, "commComp": 11837 }]
"aid": "NMTF01003",
"aname": "Region I Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 336997,
[{ "weapons": 12378, "electronicSurv": 21704, "infoRewards": 81150, "travTrain": 34934, "salaryOvertime": 6724, "other": 108394, "commComp": 42771, "buildImprov": 28942 }]
"aid": "NM0240800",
"aname": "Region II Narcotics Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 167443,
[{ "weapons": 8694, "electronicSurv": 48414, "infoRewards": 12263, "travTrain": 4900, "other": 15109, "commComp": 71580, "buildImprov": 6483 }]
"aid": "NM0261100",
"aname": "Region III Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force",
"total": 366644,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6204, "infoRewards": 85021, "travTrain": 40415, "salaryOvertime": 50784, "other": 157455, "commComp": 25770, "buildImprov": 995 }]
"aid": "NM0030101",
"aname": "Roswell Police Department",
"total": 106084,
[{ "other": 81101, "commComp": 24983 }]
"aid": "NM0030102",
"aname": "Roswell Police Department/Chaves County Narcotics",
"total": 376355,
[{ "weapons": 16508, "electronicSurv": 20834, "travTrain": 13519, "other": 281651, "commComp": 31369, "buildImprov": 12473 }]
"aid": "NM0070601",
"aname": "Sunland Park Police Department",
"total": 310930,
[{ "travTrain": 3651, "salaryOvertime": 9807, "other": 246893, "commComp": 50580 }]
"aid": "NM0270100",
"aname": "Truth Or Consequences Police Deparment",
"total": 77549,
[{ "weapons": 847, "electronicSurv": 17850, "commPrograms": 4485, "other": 34205, "commComp": 20162 }]
"aid": "NM0200100",
"aname": "Tucumcari Police Department",
"total": 70544,
[{ "weapons": 1494, "infoRewards": 2300, "travTrain": 9591, "other": 57159 }]
"aid": "NM0200101",
"aname": "Tucumcari Police Department",
"total": 42332,
[{ "infoRewards": 200, "travTrain": 1625, "other": 40508 }]
"aid": "NM0320000",
"aname": "Valencia County Sheriff'S Department",
"total": 51517,
[{ "weapons": 10610, "infoRewards": 2520, "travTrain": 6678, "commPrograms": 3305, "other": 23285, "commComp": 4367, "buildImprov": 753 }]
"aid": "NM0230300",
"aname": "Village Of Corrales Police Department",
"total": 618016,
[{ "weapons": 38084, "electronicSurv": 28787, "travTrain": 23169, "salaryOvertime": 152962, "other": 261867, "commComp": 111191, "buildImprov": 1956 }]
"st": "NV",
"stn": "Nevada",
"total": 24989258,
[{ "weapons": 2245185, "electronicSurv": 864518, "infoRewards": 142900, "travTrain": 1528464, "commPrograms": 86738, "salaryOvertime": 176752, "other": 9974512, "commComp": 7539205, "buildImprov": 2430984 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NV0020400",
"aname": "Boulder City Police Department",
"total": 398659,
[{ "weapons": 16896, "electronicSurv": 55796, "travTrain": 70180, "salaryOvertime": 11505, "other": 95821, "commComp": 72146, "buildImprov": 76316 }]
"aid": "NV0130000",
"aname": "Carson City Sheriff's Office",
"total": 32114,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6370, "travTrain": 10771, "other": 6185, "commComp": 8789 }]
"aid": "NV002021C",
"aname": "City Of Las Vegas Detention And Enforcement",
"total": 174695,
[{ "other": 174695 }]
"aid": "NV0139900",
"aname": "Dept. Of Public Safety Highway Patrol",
"total": 7238622,
[{ "weapons": 1088969, "travTrain": 574201, "other": 1888368, "commComp": 2904531, "buildImprov": 782553 }]
"aid": "NV0030000",
"aname": "Douglas County Sheriff's Department/South Lake/El",
"total": 166396,
[{ "electronicSurv": 51790, "infoRewards": 5000, "other": 66206, "commComp": 43400 }]
"aid": "NV0040000",
"aname": "Elko County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 214286,
[{ "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 22942, "other": 166131, "commComp": 24713 }]
"aid": "NV0040100",
"aname": "Elko Police Department",
"total": 169971,
[{ "weapons": 7066, "electronicSurv": 4089, "infoRewards": 2500, "travTrain": 9579, "other": 61081, "commComp": 78442, "buildImprov": 7215 }]
"aid": "NV0020300",
"aname": "Henderson Police Department",
"total": 1090489,
[{ "weapons": 107310, "electronicSurv": 37892, "travTrain": 50024, "commPrograms": 8800, "other": 671577, "commComp": 104072, "buildImprov": 110816 }]
"aid": "NV0020100",
"aname": "Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department",
"total": 9161127,
[{ "weapons": 236268, "electronicSurv": 271304, "other": 5390081, "commComp": 2354991, "buildImprov": 908483 }]
"aid": "NV0020200",
"aname": "North Las Vegas Police Department",
"total": 360846,
[{ "weapons": 42359, "electronicSurv": 57853, "travTrain": 62888, "salaryOvertime": 928, "other": 71452, "commComp": 103870, "buildImprov": 21496 }]
"aid": "NV0131100",
"aname": "Nv Dept. Of Public Safety Investigations Division",
"total": 866678,
[{ "weapons": 1522, "electronicSurv": 31354, "infoRewards": 134900, "travTrain": 69245, "other": 574892, "commComp": 30843, "buildImprov": 23922 }]
"aid": "NV0160100",
"aname": "Reno Police Department",
"total": 1201298,
[{ "weapons": 167677, "electronicSurv": 37742, "travTrain": 213926, "commPrograms": 28170, "salaryOvertime": 141560, "other": 68074, "commComp": 373833, "buildImprov": 170317 }]
"aid": "NV0160200",
"aname": "Sparks Police Department",
"total": 1321915,
[{ "weapons": 342230, "electronicSurv": 21604, "travTrain": 277586, "commPrograms": 5000, "other": 13755, "commComp": 577349, "buildImprov": 84392 }]
"aid": "NV0020800",
"aname": "State Gaming Control Board",
"total": 178001,
[{ "weapons": 2317, "electronicSurv": 9928, "travTrain": 13847, "other": 125150, "commComp": 26748, "buildImprov": 11 }]
"aid": "NV0160300",
"aname": "University Of Nevada Reno Police Department",
"total": 161379,
[{ "weapons": 1678, "electronicSurv": 8177, "travTrain": 11483, "salaryOvertime": 64, "other": 128347, "commComp": 11630 }]
"aid": "NV016013A",
"aname": "Washoe County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 218207,
[{ "weapons": 66220, "travTrain": 7230, "commPrograms": 30764, "other": 2500, "commComp": 111494 }]
"aid": "NV0160000",
"aname": "Washoe County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1988088,
[{ "weapons": 162465, "electronicSurv": 270618, "travTrain": 134563, "commPrograms": 13138, "other": 466877, "commComp": 694972, "buildImprov": 245454 }]
"st": "NY",
"stn": "New York",
"total": 221263201,
[{ "weapons": 12422167, "electronicSurv": 12015523, "infoRewards": 8732940, "travTrain": 8510641, "commPrograms": 3884179, "salaryOvertime": 11814601, "other": 131323700, "commComp": 26681193, "buildImprov": 5878257 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "NY001013A",
"aname": "Albany County District Attorney",
"total": 717419,
[{ "weapons": 45308, "electronicSurv": 3150, "infoRewards": 43221, "travTrain": 41900, "commPrograms": 107647, "salaryOvertime": 27874, "other": 194704, "commComp": 170595, "buildImprov": 83021 }]
"aid": "NY0010100",
"aname": "Albany New York Police Department",
"total": 866471,
[{ "weapons": 33700, "electronicSurv": 42042, "infoRewards": 272213, "travTrain": 86406, "commPrograms": 68669, "other": 221428, "commComp": 130648, "buildImprov": 11365 }]
"aid": "NY0275000",
"aname": "Brighton Police Department",
"total": 120734,
[{ "weapons": 44267, "electronicSurv": 10288, "other": 19571, "commComp": 46608 }]
"aid": "NY003013A",
"aname": "Broome County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 127072,
[{ "travTrain": 1323, "other": 5299, "commComp": 120450 }]
"aid": "NY0036900",
"aname": "Broome County Security Division",
"total": 42761,
[{ "travTrain": 18737, "commComp": 24024 }]
"aid": "NY0030000",
"aname": "Broome County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 328688,
[{ "weapons": 9030, "electronicSurv": 44519, "infoRewards": 46000, "travTrain": 31352, "other": 181252, "commComp": 8778, "buildImprov": 7757 }]
"aid": "NY0140100",
"aname": "Buffalo Police Department",
"total": 1987249,
[{ "weapons": 167699, "electronicSurv": 42687, "infoRewards": 335873, "travTrain": 78447, "salaryOvertime": 178592, "other": 442496, "commComp": 646058, "buildImprov": 95398 }]
"aid": "NY0442000",
"aname": "Canton Police Department",
"total": 57305,
[{ "weapons": 11980, "electronicSurv": 1735, "infoRewards": 309, "travTrain": 807, "salaryOvertime": 5000, "other": 18294, "commComp": 19181 }]
"aid": "NY0192100",
"aname": "Catskill Police Department",
"total": 40948,
[{ "weapons": 2497, "electronicSurv": 1042, "infoRewards": 1365, "other": 36043 }]
"aid": "NY0040000",
"aname": "Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 413966,
[{ "weapons": 68340, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 8379, "other": 200821, "commComp": 127927, "buildImprov": 7500 }]
"aid": "NY0050000",
"aname": "Cayuga County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 74290,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10163, "infoRewards": 11000, "travTrain": 4091, "other": 39240, "commComp": 7432, "buildImprov": 2364 }]
"aid": "NY0060000",
"aname": "Chautauqua County Office Of The Sheriff",
"total": 378794,
[{ "weapons": 79909, "electronicSurv": 80418, "travTrain": 6477, "commPrograms": 6255, "other": 148363, "commComp": 45602, "buildImprov": 11770 }]
"aid": "NY0145500",
"aname": "Cheektowaga Police Department",
"total": 815401,
[{ "weapons": 67192, "electronicSurv": 135621, "travTrain": 65525, "commPrograms": 22500, "other": 98028, "commComp": 21433, "buildImprov": 405103 }]
"aid": "NY007013A",
"aname": "Chemung County District Attorney",
"total": 55911,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1433, "infoRewards": 19000, "commPrograms": 1950, "other": 33103, "buildImprov": 425 }]
"aid": "NY0070000",
"aname": "Chemung County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 115613,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8504, "infoRewards": 5875, "travTrain": 6610, "other": 74936, "commComp": 8438, "buildImprov": 11250 }]
"aid": "NY0080000",
"aname": "Chenango County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 46092,
[{ "infoRewards": 1000, "commPrograms": 2113, "other": 38263, "commComp": 4716 }]
"aid": "NY0280100",
"aname": "City Of Amsterdam Police Department",
"total": 126000,
[{ "weapons": 54692, "electronicSurv": 15000, "salaryOvertime": 5600, "commComp": 50708 }]
"aid": "NY0050100",
"aname": "City Of Auburn Police Dept",
"total": 113609,
[{ "weapons": 2305, "travTrain": 3627, "salaryOvertime": 11740, "other": 89859, "commComp": 5890, "buildImprov": 189 }]
"aid": "NY0310100",
"aname": "City Of Lockport Police Department",
"total": 91685,
[{ "weapons": 4470, "electronicSurv": 369, "infoRewards": 21090, "travTrain": 4306, "other": 56150, "buildImprov": 5300 }]
"aid": "NY0350100",
"aname": "City Of Middletown Police Department",
"total": 108328,
[{ "weapons": 20006, "electronicSurv": 1664, "infoRewards": 51403, "travTrain": 474, "other": 12547, "commComp": 19793, "buildImprov": 2442 }]
"aid": "NY0590300",
"aname": "City Of Mount Vernon New York Police Department",
"total": 309061,
[{ "other": 283891, "buildImprov": 25170 }]
"aid": "NY0460100",
"aname": "City Of Schenectady Police Department",
"total": 760442,
[{ "weapons": 85454, "electronicSurv": 48618, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 68059, "other": 203562, "commComp": 295081, "buildImprov": 53669 }]
"aid": "NY0140300",
"aname": "City Of Tonawanda Police Department",
"total": 76151,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1963, "infoRewards": 7036, "other": 57941, "commComp": 9211 }]
"aid": "NY0410200",
"aname": "City Of Troy Ny Police Department",
"total": 954426,
[{ "weapons": 163136, "electronicSurv": 1175, "travTrain": 2893, "other": 539068, "commComp": 151395, "buildImprov": 96759 }]
"aid": "NY009013A",
"aname": "Clinton County District Attorney",
"total": 354072,
[{ "weapons": 975, "electronicSurv": 8023, "infoRewards": 5695, "travTrain": 65760, "commPrograms": 927, "salaryOvertime": 118064, "other": 83807, "commComp": 52622, "buildImprov": 18199 }]
"aid": "NY0090000",
"aname": "Clinton County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 413473,
[{ "weapons": 24100, "electronicSurv": 1258, "travTrain": 5063, "other": 308311, "commComp": 74740 }]
"aid": "NY0100000",
"aname": "Columbia County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 184470,
[{ "weapons": 54122, "infoRewards": 2790, "travTrain": 3770, "commPrograms": 3570, "salaryOvertime": 5528, "other": 76577, "commComp": 1608, "buildImprov": 36504 }]
"aid": "NY054119E",
"aname": "Cornell University Police",
"total": 30142,
[{ "weapons": 29391, "commComp": 751 }]
"aid": "NY0592500",
"aname": "Dobbs Ferry Police Department",
"total": 50582,
[{ "weapons": 3322, "infoRewards": 4000, "other": 33941, "commComp": 1304, "buildImprov": 8015 }]
"aid": "NY013013A",
"aname": "Dutchess County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 217942,
[{ "weapons": 19190, "electronicSurv": 35645, "travTrain": 24510, "commComp": 75136, "buildImprov": 63461 }]
"aid": "NY0272400",
"aname": "East Rochester Police Department",
"total": 95056,
[{ "weapons": 25215, "electronicSurv": 1425, "travTrain": 2472, "other": 56281, "commComp": 9662 }]
"aid": "NY0515200",
"aname": "Easty Hampton Town Police Department",
"total": 46899,
[{ "weapons": 7064, "electronicSurv": 3830, "commComp": 36004 }]
"aid": "NY0070100",
"aname": "Elmira Police Department",
"total": 120869,
[{ "weapons": 10111, "electronicSurv": 1900, "other": 62773, "commComp": 2499, "buildImprov": 43587 }]
"aid": "NY0030200",
"aname": "Endicott Village Police Department",
"total": 48201,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7117, "infoRewards": 10250, "travTrain": 2850, "other": 4808, "commComp": 3444, "buildImprov": 19733 }]
"aid": "NY014013A",
"aname": "Erie County District Attorney",
"total": 799099,
[{ "weapons": 18113, "electronicSurv": 50262, "travTrain": 3740, "other": 254840, "commComp": 293673, "buildImprov": 178471 }]
"aid": "NY014013Y",
"aname": "Erie County Probation Department",
"total": 65120,
[{ "electronicSurv": 22000, "other": 19849, "commComp": 23271 }]
"aid": "NY0140000",
"aname": "Erie County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1484915,
[{ "weapons": 407866, "electronicSurv": 57843, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 74319, "other": 692510, "commComp": 237378 }]
"aid": "NY015013A",
"aname": "Essex County District Attorney",
"total": 155235,
[{ "weapons": 722, "electronicSurv": 220, "infoRewards": 316, "travTrain": 14059, "commPrograms": 12834, "salaryOvertime": 24892, "other": 63576, "commComp": 33977, "buildImprov": 4640 }]
"aid": "NY0150000",
"aname": "Essex County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 56523,
[{ "weapons": 2871, "electronicSurv": 6056, "infoRewards": 10000, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 33987, "commComp": 2608 }]
"aid": "NY0050200",
"aname": "Finger Lakes Drug Task Force",
"total": 39327,
[{ "other": 39327 }]
"aid": "NY016013A",
"aname": "Franklin County District Attorney",
"total": 869712,
[{ "weapons": 4871, "electronicSurv": 157839, "infoRewards": 59200, "travTrain": 129575, "commPrograms": 18563, "salaryOvertime": 106921, "other": 106946, "commComp": 206757, "buildImprov": 79040 }]
"aid": "NY0290400",
"aname": "Freeport Police Department",
"total": 67331,
[{ "electronicSurv": 18773, "other": 48559 }]
"aid": "NY0370100",
"aname": "Fulton Police Department",
"total": 37450,
[{ "weapons": 4116, "electronicSurv": 11600, "infoRewards": 4520, "travTrain": 1546, "other": 15668 }]
"aid": "NY0290100",
"aname": "Glen Cove Police Department",
"total": 48836,
[{ "weapons": 27082, "infoRewards": 10500, "other": 9659, "commComp": 1596 }]
"aid": "NY0560100",
"aname": "Glens Falls Police Department",
"total": 59513,
[{ "weapons": 36121, "electronicSurv": 530, "infoRewards": 8500, "travTrain": 1699, "other": 8314, "commComp": 3267, "buildImprov": 1082 }]
"aid": "NY0170100",
"aname": "Gloversville Police Department",
"total": 36912,
[{ "weapons": 2284, "electronicSurv": 10243, "infoRewards": 4200, "other": 2721, "commComp": 14679, "buildImprov": 2785 }]
"aid": "NY0270400",
"aname": "Greater Rochester Area Narcotics Enforcement Team",
"total": 723385,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6918, "infoRewards": 474989, "travTrain": 828, "other": 12620, "commComp": 228031 }]
"aid": "NY0595300",
"aname": "Greeenburgh Town Police Department",
"total": 48093,
[{ "weapons": 2680, "electronicSurv": 2995, "commComp": 42418 }]
"aid": "NY019013A",
"aname": "Greene County District Attorney's Offie",
"total": 40318,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6362, "other": 10621, "commComp": 21138, "buildImprov": 2197 }]
"aid": "NY0015200",
"aname": "Guilderland Police Department",
"total": 40691,
[{ "weapons": 14212, "other": 10150, "commComp": 16329 }]
"aid": "NY0435100",
"aname": "Haverstraw Town Police Department",
"total": 302848,
[{ "weapons": 23186, "electronicSurv": 70544, "infoRewards": 4000, "other": 40987, "commComp": 164132 }]
"aid": "NY0290600",
"aname": "Hempstead Police Department",
"total": 357183,
[{ "electronicSurv": 37252, "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 10221, "other": 85828, "commComp": 193882 }]
"aid": "NY0270200",
"aname": "Irondequoit Police Department",
"total": 130014,
[{ "travTrain": 2357, "salaryOvertime": 36247, "other": 91410 }]
"aid": "NY0540100",
"aname": "Ithaca Police Department",
"total": 223081,
[{ "weapons": 5252, "electronicSurv": 26297, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 47501, "commComp": 41469, "buildImprov": 102063 }]
"aid": "NY022013A",
"aname": "Jefferson County District Attorney Drug Task Force",
"total": 183245,
[{ "weapons": 341, "electronicSurv": 14576, "infoRewards": 8000, "travTrain": 9139, "salaryOvertime": 10226, "other": 80205, "commComp": 53043, "buildImprov": 7715 }]
"aid": "NY0030300",
"aname": "Johnson City Police Department",
"total": 100339,
[{ "weapons": 25302, "electronicSurv": 13499, "infoRewards": 14488, "travTrain": 6554, "salaryOvertime": 1462, "other": 32885, "commComp": 4557, "buildImprov": 1591 }]
"aid": "NY023013A",
"aname": "Kings County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 4349436,
[{ "electronicSurv": 165290, "infoRewards": 497102, "travTrain": 349948, "salaryOvertime": 1000000, "other": 1042989, "commComp": 1214411, "buildImprov": 79697 }]
"aid": "NY0550100",
"aname": "Kingston Police Department",
"total": 78683,
[{ "weapons": 29670, "electronicSurv": 33920, "infoRewards": 6000, "other": 1632, "commComp": 5343, "buildImprov": 2118 }]
"aid": "NY0140200",
"aname": "Lackawanna Police Department",
"total": 211835,
[{ "infoRewards": 45515, "travTrain": 7708, "other": 57702, "commComp": 100909 }]
"aid": "NY0146700",
"aname": "Lancaster Town Police",
"total": 178804,
[{ "weapons": 19957, "electronicSurv": 21531, "infoRewards": 14700, "travTrain": 12282, "salaryOvertime": 277, "other": 87520, "commComp": 22537 }]
"aid": "NY0250000",
"aname": "Livingston County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 48413,
[{ "electronicSurv": 22954, "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 1060, "other": 3032, "commComp": 1366 }]
"aid": "NY0290200",
"aname": "Long Beach Police Department",
"total": 99425,
[{ "weapons": 7967, "electronicSurv": 5818, "travTrain": 5799, "other": 68323, "commComp": 5821, "buildImprov": 5697 }]
"aid": "NY0516801",
"aname": "Long Island Macarthur Airport Police",
"total": 349993,
[{ "weapons": 25002, "electronicSurv": 199300, "travTrain": 25885, "other": 74332, "commComp": 12501, "buildImprov": 12972 }]
"aid": "NY0582300",
"aname": "Lyons Village Police Department",
"total": 31185,
[{ "electronicSurv": 392, "salaryOvertime": 26196, "commComp": 4598 }]
"aid": "NY0162400",
"aname": "Malone Police Department",
"total": 112013,
[{ "weapons": 12081, "electronicSurv": 23193, "infoRewards": 15836, "travTrain": 15852, "commPrograms": 1127, "salaryOvertime": 22573, "other": 10519, "commComp": 9528, "buildImprov": 1305 }]
"aid": "NY0440200",
"aname": "Massena Police Department",
"total": 79167,
[{ "weapons": 2390, "electronicSurv": 14517, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 125, "commPrograms": 24630, "salaryOvertime": 7513, "other": 7712, "commComp": 17280 }]
"aid": "NY0012500",
"aname": "Menands Police Department",
"total": 32944,
[{ "weapons": 4475, "electronicSurv": 150, "other": 26939, "commComp": 1380 }]
"aid": "NY027013A",
"aname": "Monroe County District Attorney",
"total": 548903,
[{ "travTrain": 67272, "commPrograms": 119982, "other": 350871, "commComp": 10778 }]
"aid": "NY0270000",
"aname": "Monroe County Sheriff's Office.",
"total": 285356,
[{ "weapons": 150522, "electronicSurv": 16930, "travTrain": 25339, "other": 33819, "commComp": 58744 }]
"aid": "NY028013A",
"aname": "Montgomery County District Attorney",
"total": 50455,
[{ "weapons": 8159, "electronicSurv": 20448, "infoRewards": 5400, "travTrain": 1862, "other": 2250, "commComp": 12336 }]
"aid": "NY0522200",
"aname": "Monticello Police Department",
"total": 75521,
[{ "weapons": 3146, "electronicSurv": 1123, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 7472, "commPrograms": 2675, "other": 25724, "commComp": 22281, "buildImprov": 3100 }]
"aid": "NY029023A",
"aname": "Nassau County District Attorney",
"total": 3750722,
[{ "weapons": 79317, "electronicSurv": 10567, "infoRewards": 1899, "travTrain": 5579, "commPrograms": 652687, "salaryOvertime": 100492, "other": 2531312, "commComp": 296059, "buildImprov": 72810 }]
"aid": "NY0290000",
"aname": "Nassau County Police Department",
"total": 9983190,
[{ "weapons": 129658, "electronicSurv": 2160319, "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 844972, "salaryOvertime": 1589493, "other": 3757718, "commComp": 1489224 }]
"aid": "NY029013G",
"aname": "Nassau County Probation Department",
"total": 30334,
[{ "weapons": 18089, "travTrain": 1975, "commComp": 10270 }]
"aid": "NY0299000",
"aname": "Nassau County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 2614683,
[{ "weapons": 320251, "electronicSurv": 4808, "travTrain": 161767, "salaryOvertime": 1850757, "commComp": 245529, "buildImprov": 35960 }]
"aid": "NY0552700",
"aname": "New Paltz Police Department",
"total": 79465,
[{ "weapons": 11795, "electronicSurv": 18621, "travTrain": 509, "other": 28634, "commComp": 6844, "buildImprov": 13062 }]
"aid": "NY0590400",
"aname": "New Rochelle Police Department",
"total": 505015,
[{ "weapons": 12818, "electronicSurv": 79667, "other": 328530, "commComp": 40500, "buildImprov": 43500 }]
"aid": "NY0356700",
"aname": "New Windsor Town Police Department",
"total": 76403,
[{ "weapons": 2142, "electronicSurv": 3691, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 2757, "other": 52134, "commComp": 12354, "buildImprov": 325 }]
"aid": "NY030011Y",
"aname": "New York City Department Of Investigation",
"total": 59791,
[{ "other": 59791 }]
"aid": "NY0303000",
"aname": "New York City Police Department",
"total": 38887866,
[{ "weapons": 4887719, "electronicSurv": 2308376, "infoRewards": 2390296, "travTrain": 74700, "other": 24633712, "commComp": 4560175, "buildImprov": 32888 }]
"aid": "NY030023A",
"aname": "New York County District Attorney",
"total": 8366188,
[{ "weapons": 48990, "electronicSurv": 78089, "infoRewards": 290865, "travTrain": 272646, "commPrograms": 517414, "salaryOvertime": 223052, "other": 5356522, "commComp": 1567561, "buildImprov": 11050 }]
"aid": "NYQNGCD22",
"aname": "New York National Guard Counterdrug Program",
"total": 1010755,
[{ "electronicSurv": 55734, "infoRewards": 8294, "travTrain": 147759, "other": 424540, "commComp": 319029, "buildImprov": 55398 }]
"aid": "NY0308800",
"aname": "New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance",
"total": 1104735,
[{ "weapons": 46355, "electronicSurv": 3665, "infoRewards": 158811, "travTrain": 128206, "other": 493780, "commComp": 273255, "buildImprov": 663 }]
"aid": "NY0300254",
"aname": "New York State Department of Financial Services",
"total": 44026,
[{ "travTrain": 12591, "other": 31435 }]
"aid": "NY1010000",
"aname": "New York State Police",
"total": 30866640,
[{ "other": 30329647, "commComp": 533131, "buildImprov": 3862 }]
"aid": "NY0582000",
"aname": "Newark Police Department",
"total": 137269,
[{ "infoRewards": 7400, "travTrain": 1800, "other": 19928, "commComp": 20304, "buildImprov": 87836 }]
"aid": "NY03100N1",
"aname": "Niagara County Drug Task Force",
"total": 1428914,
[{ "weapons": 67387, "electronicSurv": 66857, "travTrain": 44893, "commPrograms": 13650, "other": 842951, "commComp": 83189, "buildImprov": 309986 }]
"aid": "NY0310200",
"aname": "Niagara Falls Police Department",
"total": 420707,
[{ "weapons": 8996, "electronicSurv": 5605, "infoRewards": 115893, "travTrain": 24029, "commPrograms": 9462, "salaryOvertime": 1800, "other": 49509, "commComp": 201404, "buildImprov": 4010 }]
"aid": "NY0143700",
"aname": "Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority",
"total": 1400367,
[{ "weapons": 88825, "electronicSurv": 27102, "travTrain": 9759, "commPrograms": 75, "salaryOvertime": 692418, "other": 345182, "commComp": 152820, "buildImprov": 84187 }]
"aid": "NY030043J",
"aname": "Nyc Office Of Special Narcotics Prosecutor",
"total": 31222108,
[{ "weapons": 37806, "electronicSurv": 31872, "infoRewards": 1760041, "travTrain": 505119, "commPrograms": 231654, "salaryOvertime": 539996, "other": 26639083, "commComp": 846102, "buildImprov": 630434 }]
"aid": "NY001015G",
"aname": "Nys Dept Of Corrections And Community Supervision",
"total": 1191351,
[{ "other": 607968, "commComp": 583383 }]
"aid": "NY001035C",
"aname": "Nys Dept Of Corrections And Community Supervision",
"total": 246590,
[{ "weapons": 63739, "electronicSurv": 13529, "travTrain": 116509, "other": 26825, "commComp": 7730, "buildImprov": 18257 }]
"aid": "NY001015Y",
"aname": "Nys Division Of Criminal Justice Services",
"total": 135127,
[{ "travTrain": 31602, "salaryOvertime": 98802, "other": 4723 }]
"aid": "NY059015Y",
"aname": "Nys Office Of The Attorney General",
"total": 3573257,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1940656, "infoRewards": 44682, "salaryOvertime": 1119423, "other": 436, "commComp": 455824, "buildImprov": 12236 }]
"aid": "NY0015600",
"aname": "Nysdec Environmental Conservation Police",
"total": 228658,
[{ "weapons": 76426, "other": 152232 }]
"aid": "NY062013A",
"aname": "Office Of The District Attorney - Bronx County",
"total": 3504510,
[{ "weapons": 1970, "electronicSurv": 10540, "infoRewards": 422518, "travTrain": 563491, "commPrograms": 321726, "salaryOvertime": 517612, "other": 961839, "commComp": 682492, "buildImprov": 22322 }]
"aid": "NY059013A",
"aname": "Office Of The District Attorney West Cnty",
"total": 364719,
[{ "weapons": 7828, "other": 113370, "commComp": 243522 }]
"aid": "NY0297200",
"aname": "Old Brookville Police Department",
"total": 33975,
[{ "other": 33975 }]
"aid": "NY032013A",
"aname": "Oneida County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 58768,
[{ "weapons": 8629, "electronicSurv": 834, "travTrain": 2956, "other": 42356, "commComp": 3994 }]
"aid": "NY0324200",
"aname": "Oneida County Drug Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 319709,
[{ "weapons": 4080, "electronicSurv": 3715, "infoRewards": 67500, "travTrain": 722, "salaryOvertime": 73331, "other": 146350, "commComp": 24010 }]
"aid": "NY033013A",
"aname": "Onondaga County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 784994,
[{ "weapons": 38156, "electronicSurv": 42112, "infoRewards": 33513, "travTrain": 64783, "other": 496279, "commComp": 108827, "buildImprov": 1325 }]
"aid": "NY0330000",
"aname": "Onondaga County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1773291,
[{ "weapons": 325748, "electronicSurv": 20940, "travTrain": 4964, "other": 1343355, "commComp": 63379, "buildImprov": 14905 }]
"aid": "NY0340000",
"aname": "Ontario County Office Of Sheriff",
"total": 77183,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4255, "commPrograms": 20000, "other": 52928 }]
"aid": "NY035013A",
"aname": "Orange County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 53842,
[{ "weapons": 2973, "travTrain": 6513, "commComp": 29242, "buildImprov": 15115 }]
"aid": "NY0350000",
"aname": "Orange County Sheriff's Narcotics Task Unit",
"total": 77218,
[{ "other": 77191, "buildImprov": 27 }]
"aid": "NY036013A",
"aname": "Orleans County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 263867,
[{ "weapons": 1323, "electronicSurv": 16066, "infoRewards": 22500, "travTrain": 2387, "salaryOvertime": 30156, "other": 145808, "commComp": 5554, "buildImprov": 40074 }]
"aid": "NY037013A",
"aname": "Oswego County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 152425,
[{ "weapons": 15631, "electronicSurv": 12906, "infoRewards": 6100, "travTrain": 5750, "other": 104266, "commComp": 6877, "buildImprov": 895 }]
"aid": "NY0432500",
"aname": "Piermont Police Department",
"total": 62669,
[{ "other": 62669 }]
"aid": "NY0090100",
"aname": "Plattsburgh Police Department",
"total": 1290075,
[{ "weapons": 41560, "electronicSurv": 70779, "infoRewards": 47217, "travTrain": 152275, "other": 715649, "commComp": 193370, "buildImprov": 69225 }]
"aid": "NY0590600",
"aname": "Port Chester Police Department",
"total": 152680,
[{ "weapons": 17437, "electronicSurv": 23041, "other": 22491, "commComp": 89711 }]
"aid": "NY0442900",
"aname": "Potsdam Police Department",
"total": 121143,
[{ "weapons": 18016, "electronicSurv": 2118, "travTrain": 18087, "salaryOvertime": 5667, "other": 43902, "commComp": 32953, "buildImprov": 399 }]
"aid": "NY0390000",
"aname": "Putnam County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 40648,
[{ "other": 7649, "commComp": 32999 }]
"aid": "NY040013A",
"aname": "Queens County District Attorney",
"total": 2253214,
[{ "weapons": 1760, "electronicSurv": 611, "infoRewards": 113704, "travTrain": 418207, "other": 1504636, "commComp": 214295 }]
"aid": "NY0513900",
"aname": "Quogue Village Police Department",
"total": 138161,
[{ "weapons": 11628, "electronicSurv": 9750, "travTrain": 8931, "salaryOvertime": 18410, "other": 26650, "commComp": 62792 }]
"aid": "NY041013A",
"aname": "Rensselaer County District Attorney",
"total": 317246,
[{ "weapons": 4588, "electronicSurv": 30333, "infoRewards": 51471, "travTrain": 14308, "commPrograms": 41701, "other": 59127, "commComp": 115427, "buildImprov": 292 }]
"aid": "NY0410000",
"aname": "Rensselaer County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 160403,
[{ "weapons": 2138, "electronicSurv": 10322, "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 7505, "other": 65201, "commComp": 28549, "buildImprov": 16688 }]
"aid": "NY042013A",
"aname": "Richmond County District Attorney",
"total": 608260,
[{ "travTrain": 16523, "commPrograms": 444398, "other": 16867, "commComp": 130472 }]
"aid": "NY0270100",
"aname": "Rochester Police Department",
"total": 1571249,
[{ "weapons": 166000, "infoRewards": 49300, "travTrain": 12400, "commPrograms": 69916, "salaryOvertime": 985000, "other": 23633, "buildImprov": 265000 }]
"aid": "NY043013A",
"aname": "Rockland County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 10855012,
[{ "weapons": 35051, "electronicSurv": 279485, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 83864, "commPrograms": 18423, "salaryOvertime": 101100, "other": 10265011, "commComp": 35051, "buildImprov": 27026 }]
"aid": "NY0430000",
"aname": "Rockland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2766742,
[{ "weapons": 60037, "electronicSurv": 37067, "travTrain": 179588, "salaryOvertime": 165330, "other": 1274068, "commComp": 402789, "buildImprov": 647861 }]
"aid": "NY0320100",
"aname": "Rome Ny Police Department",
"total": 301126,
[{ "weapons": 24626, "electronicSurv": 141711, "travTrain": 19080, "other": 88560, "commComp": 9867, "buildImprov": 17281 }]
"aid": "NY0162300",
"aname": "Saranac Lake Police Department",
"total": 60338,
[{ "weapons": 12718, "electronicSurv": 3076, "infoRewards": 7900, "travTrain": 2806, "other": 24079, "commComp": 8301, "buildImprov": 1458 }]
"aid": "NY045013A",
"aname": "Saratoga County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 138666,
[{ "travTrain": 15575, "salaryOvertime": 26915, "other": 7964, "commComp": 88212 }]
"aid": "NY0450000",
"aname": "Saratoga County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 217378,
[{ "weapons": 5036, "electronicSurv": 7855, "travTrain": 4000, "other": 116341, "commComp": 70208, "buildImprov": 13939 }]
"aid": "NY0450100",
"aname": "Saratoga Springs Police Department",
"total": 405012,
[{ "weapons": 5121, "electronicSurv": 40392, "infoRewards": 72061, "travTrain": 24627, "commPrograms": 1500, "salaryOvertime": 4927, "other": 120906, "commComp": 85460, "buildImprov": 50018 }]
"aid": "NY046013A",
"aname": "Schenectady County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 74100,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 35827, "other": 38272 }]
"aid": "NY0460000",
"aname": "Schenectady County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 295673,
[{ "weapons": 25202, "electronicSurv": 52104, "infoRewards": 21700, "travTrain": 3271, "commPrograms": 25305, "other": 98191, "commComp": 69311, "buildImprov": 588 }]
"aid": "NY0470000",
"aname": "Schoharie County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 39661,
[{ "weapons": 13255, "other": 2500, "commComp": 23642, "buildImprov": 264 }]
"aid": "NY0490000",
"aname": "Seneca County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 35672,
[{ "weapons": 840, "travTrain": 5150, "other": 29319, "commComp": 363 }]
"aid": "NY0515600",
"aname": "Shelter Island Town Police Department",
"total": 31307,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 31307 }]
"aid": "NY0432600",
"aname": "South Nyack-Grandview Police Department",
"total": 126606,
[{ "commComp": 126606 }]
"aid": "NY0515800",
"aname": "Southampton Town Police Department",
"total": 83465,
[{ "other": 73765, "buildImprov": 9700 }]
"aid": "NYEQ00057",
"aname": "Southern Tier Regional Drug Task Force",
"total": 90673,
[{ "weapons": 4812, "infoRewards": 20875, "travTrain": 958, "other": 33748, "commComp": 30280 }]
"aid": "NY0432800",
"aname": "Spring Valley Police Department",
"total": 445150,
[{ "weapons": 26250, "electronicSurv": 24538, "infoRewards": 52000, "other": 195756, "commComp": 134660, "buildImprov": 11946 }]
"aid": "NY0440000",
"aname": "St Lawrence County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 369729,
[{ "weapons": 22650, "electronicSurv": 22598, "infoRewards": 22500, "travTrain": 12940, "commPrograms": 22500, "salaryOvertime": 148591, "other": 16435, "commComp": 41791, "buildImprov": 59724 }]
"aid": "NY044013A",
"aname": "St. Lawrence County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 230104,
[{ "weapons": 10175, "electronicSurv": 33723, "infoRewards": 8200, "travTrain": 15062, "salaryOvertime": 67046, "other": 67037, "commComp": 20915, "buildImprov": 7948 }]
"aid": "NY0435400",
"aname": "Stony Point Police Department",
"total": 200142,
[{ "weapons": 20399, "electronicSurv": 5398, "travTrain": 480, "salaryOvertime": 88436, "other": 28386, "commComp": 38170, "buildImprov": 18872 }]
"aid": "NY0432900",
"aname": "Suffern Police Department",
"total": 824800,
[{ "weapons": 427984, "electronicSurv": 126648, "infoRewards": 10450, "salaryOvertime": 213609, "commComp": 46109 }]
"aid": "NY051013A",
"aname": "Suffolk County District Attorney",
"total": 3713722,
[{ "weapons": 53803, "electronicSurv": 616563, "infoRewards": 44200, "travTrain": 259927, "commPrograms": 920715, "other": 979850, "commComp": 509904, "buildImprov": 328760 }]
"aid": "NY0510100",
"aname": "Suffolk County Police Department",
"total": 7555145,
[{ "weapons": 1653395, "electronicSurv": 509960, "travTrain": 1306660, "salaryOvertime": 135343, "other": 1088240, "commComp": 2425238, "buildImprov": 436308 }]
"aid": "NY0510000",
"aname": "Suffolk County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 620037,
[{ "weapons": 11287, "electronicSurv": 18955, "infoRewards": 720, "travTrain": 272131, "commPrograms": 111820, "other": 101650, "commComp": 103474 }]
"aid": "NY0330100",
"aname": "Syracuse Police Department",
"total": 701171,
[{ "weapons": 284778, "electronicSurv": 8612, "travTrain": 57266, "commPrograms": 19400, "other": 205000, "commComp": 92025, "buildImprov": 34091 }]
"aid": "NY0145100",
"aname": "Town Of Amherst Police Department",
"total": 516455,
[{ "weapons": 165428, "electronicSurv": 16136, "infoRewards": 9000, "travTrain": 31695, "commPrograms": 4087, "other": 149746, "commComp": 134169, "buildImprov": 6194 }]
"aid": "NY0435000",
"aname": "Town Of Clarkstown Police Department",
"total": 1253545,
[{ "weapons": 105137, "electronicSurv": 226947, "infoRewards": 8597, "salaryOvertime": 2704, "other": 247072, "commComp": 562227, "buildImprov": 100861 }]
"aid": "NY0015300",
"aname": "Town Of Colonie Police Department",
"total": 144713,
[{ "weapons": 58504, "electronicSurv": 13789, "infoRewards": 13400, "commComp": 46860, "buildImprov": 12161 }]
"aid": "NY0335300",
"aname": "Town Of Dewitt Police Department",
"total": 73860,
[{ "weapons": 1250, "electronicSurv": 7656, "travTrain": 22190, "commPrograms": 1890, "other": 39135, "commComp": 1740 }]
"aid": "NY0275400",
"aname": "Town Of Greece Police Department",
"total": 310873,
[{ "weapons": 79898, "electronicSurv": 28733, "travTrain": 28997, "commPrograms": 9569, "other": 114540, "commComp": 9188, "buildImprov": 39946 }]
"aid": "NY0146500",
"aname": "Town Of Hamburg Police Department",
"total": 259965,
[{ "weapons": 25051, "electronicSurv": 20594, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 945, "salaryOvertime": 39665, "other": 137982, "commComp": 33728 }]
"aid": "NY0583000",
"aname": "Town Of Macedon Police",
"total": 204037,
[{ "weapons": 28469, "electronicSurv": 22902, "infoRewards": 9596, "travTrain": 6506, "other": 38134, "commComp": 77789, "buildImprov": 20640 }]
"aid": "NY0332900",
"aname": "Town Of Manlius Police Department",
"total": 37838,
[{ "weapons": 32370, "electronicSurv": 1778, "other": 3000, "buildImprov": 690 }]
"aid": "NY0356300",
"aname": "Town Of Newburgh Police Department",
"total": 35436,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1565, "infoRewards": 24900, "travTrain": 1527, "commComp": 7444 }]
"aid": "NY0465200",
"aname": "Town Of Niskayuna Police Department",
"total": 42281,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 11560, "other": 26589, "commComp": 3671, "buildImprov": 461 }]
"aid": "NY0435200",
"aname": "Town Of Orangetown Police Department",
"total": 114459,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6470, "other": 17717, "commComp": 90272 }]
"aid": "NY0435300",
"aname": "Town Of Ramapo Police",
"total": 493972,
[{ "weapons": 2445, "electronicSurv": 15363, "infoRewards": 11500, "travTrain": 16720, "commComp": 401563, "buildImprov": 46380 }]
"aid": "NY0147200",
"aname": "Town Of Tonawanda Police Department",
"total": 175007,
[{ "weapons": 15900, "electronicSurv": 22394, "infoRewards": 6508, "travTrain": 13453, "salaryOvertime": 16217, "other": 85489, "commComp": 5092, "buildImprov": 9954 }]
"aid": "NY0036400",
"aname": "Town Of Vestal Police Department",
"total": 44787,
[{ "weapons": 23933, "electronicSurv": 6102, "travTrain": 2812, "other": 4236, "buildImprov": 7704 }]
"aid": "NY0276700",
"aname": "Town Of Webster Police Department",
"total": 38934,
[{ "weapons": 8981, "electronicSurv": 3626, "travTrain": 3297, "other": 14017, "commComp": 7269, "buildImprov": 1743 }]
"aid": "NY0147400",
"aname": "Town Of West Seneca Police Department",
"total": 31729,
[{ "commComp": 31729 }]
"aid": "NY0162000",
"aname": "Tupper Lake Police Department",
"total": 32381,
[{ "weapons": 2739, "electronicSurv": 1957, "infoRewards": 1570, "other": 4383, "commComp": 10612, "buildImprov": 11120 }]
"aid": "NY055013A",
"aname": "Ulster County District Attorney",
"total": 38030,
[{ "weapons": 550, "electronicSurv": 8067, "infoRewards": 6000, "other": 1460, "commComp": 5113, "buildImprov": 16840 }]
"aid": "NY0550000",
"aname": "Ulster County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 56997,
[{ "electronicSurv": 209, "travTrain": 3451, "other": 53261, "buildImprov": 75 }]
"aid": "NY055013Y",
"aname": "Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team",
"total": 155758,
[{ "weapons": 9696, "electronicSurv": 6595, "infoRewards": 26500, "travTrain": 2605, "salaryOvertime": 5027, "other": 92496, "commComp": 12840 }]
"aid": "NY056013A",
"aname": "Warren County District Attorney",
"total": 81885,
[{ "weapons": 1040, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 10621, "salaryOvertime": 25003, "other": 27252, "commComp": 16252, "buildImprov": 1216 }]
"aid": "NY0560000",
"aname": "Warren County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 526018,
[{ "weapons": 134667, "electronicSurv": 20206, "infoRewards": 53759, "travTrain": 28017, "commPrograms": 1699, "salaryOvertime": 20000, "other": 219999, "commComp": 19335, "buildImprov": 28335 }]
"aid": "NY0570000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 253601,
[{ "weapons": 56961, "electronicSurv": 19633, "infoRewards": 1338, "travTrain": 12063, "commPrograms": 1007, "other": 69560, "commComp": 42614, "buildImprov": 50425 }]
"aid": "NY0010300",
"aname": "Watervliet Police Department",
"total": 1573303,
[{ "weapons": 70192, "electronicSurv": 182965, "infoRewards": 158853, "travTrain": 19870, "commPrograms": 6440, "salaryOvertime": 598406, "other": 178466, "commComp": 186802, "buildImprov": 171309 }]
"aid": "NYEQ00270",
"aname": "Wayne County Narcotics Enforcement Team",
"total": 120752,
[{ "weapons": 9068, "electronicSurv": 26435, "infoRewards": 31011, "travTrain": 6757, "other": 11643, "commComp": 35666, "buildImprov": 173 }]
"aid": "NY0580000",
"aname": "Wayne County Office Of Sheriff",
"total": 48542,
[{ "weapons": 3320, "infoRewards": 5943, "travTrain": 2868, "commPrograms": 682, "other": 22683, "commComp": 5673, "buildImprov": 7374 }]
"aid": "NYEQ00093",
"aname": "Westchester County Dept. Of Public Safety - Police",
"total": 2297623,
[{ "weapons": 79946, "electronicSurv": 208334, "travTrain": 206038, "other": 1014478, "commComp": 714444, "buildImprov": 74383 }]
"aid": "NYDEA0900",
"aname": "Westchester County Narcotics Task Force (Dea)",
"total": 2309761,
[{ "weapons": 1117, "travTrain": 104286, "other": 2199077, "commComp": 5281 }]
"aid": "NY0590200",
"aname": "White Plains Police Department",
"total": 793569,
[{ "weapons": 114790, "travTrain": 200720, "commPrograms": 12187, "salaryOvertime": 11942, "other": 180008, "commComp": 167997, "buildImprov": 105925 }]
"aid": "NY0590700",
"aname": "Yonkers Police Department",
"total": 3528313,
[{ "weapons": 74274, "electronicSurv": 524380, "infoRewards": 248373, "travTrain": 485518, "salaryOvertime": 606273, "other": 1121057, "commComp": 410211, "buildImprov": 58228 }]
"st": "OH",
"stn": "Ohio",
"total": 74991540,
[{ "weapons": 7611678, "electronicSurv": 3972706, "infoRewards": 3754054, "travTrain": 4701324, "commPrograms": 1159925, "salaryOvertime": 5412133, "other": 27455782, "commComp": 13980069, "buildImprov": 6943870 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "OH0760100",
"aname": "Alliance Police Department",
"total": 471113,
[{ "weapons": 177356, "electronicSurv": 99193, "travTrain": 15784, "salaryOvertime": 7450, "other": 29330, "commComp": 92903, "buildImprov": 49097 }]
"aid": "OH0310300",
"aname": "Arlington Heights Police Department",
"total": 33336,
[{ "weapons": 160, "travTrain": 386, "salaryOvertime": 2934, "other": 29856 }]
"aid": "OH0040100",
"aname": "Ashtabula City Police Department",
"total": 45213,
[{ "weapons": 9813, "electronicSurv": 1094, "other": 26233, "commComp": 8073 }]
"aid": "OH0040000",
"aname": "Ashtabula County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 174165,
[{ "weapons": 12449, "other": 9124, "commComp": 152592 }]
"aid": "OH0500100",
"aname": "Austintown Police Department",
"total": 31693,
[{ "other": 20184, "commComp": 11509 }]
"aid": "OH0180200",
"aname": "Beachwood Police Department",
"total": 149021,
[{ "commComp": 149021 }]
"aid": "OH0501300",
"aname": "Beaver Police Department",
"total": 143920,
[{ "weapons": 700, "travTrain": 2789, "other": 38518, "commComp": 99114, "buildImprov": 2800 }]
"aid": "OH0291100",
"aname": "Beavercreek Police Department",
"total": 653207,
[{ "weapons": 77215, "travTrain": 4153, "other": 127502, "commComp": 444337 }]
"aid": "OH0870600",
"aname": "Bloomdale Police Department Village Of Bloomdale",
"total": 78122,
[{ "weapons": 5592, "travTrain": 2402, "salaryOvertime": 19797, "other": 29840, "commComp": 6813, "buildImprov": 13678 }]
"aid": "OH0310400",
"aname": "Blue Ash Police Department",
"total": 110583,
[{ "weapons": 140, "electronicSurv": 1249, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 10984, "commPrograms": 8652, "other": 45814, "commComp": 40744 }]
"aid": "OH0500200",
"aname": "Boardman Police Department",
"total": 765774,
[{ "weapons": 11452, "electronicSurv": 15241, "infoRewards": 199117, "travTrain": 20935, "salaryOvertime": 3300, "other": 98911, "commComp": 416818 }]
"aid": "OH0180900",
"aname": "Broadview Heights Police Department",
"total": 228508,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14424, "infoRewards": 270, "salaryOvertime": 8392, "other": 50302, "commComp": 155120 }]
"aid": "OH0181200",
"aname": "Brook Park Police Department",
"total": 168234,
[{ "weapons": 71236, "travTrain": 4402, "commPrograms": 3000, "other": 82903, "commComp": 6694 }]
"aid": "OH0181000",
"aname": "Brooklyn Police Department",
"total": 38460,
[{ "buildImprov": 38460 }]
"aid": "OH0090000",
"aname": "Butler County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 250165,
[{ "electronicSurv": 25144, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 20249, "other": 200254, "commComp": 519 }]
"aid": "OH0500400",
"aname": "Canfield Police Department",
"total": 36755,
[{ "weapons": 400, "other": 34694, "commComp": 1662 }]
"aid": "OH0760400",
"aname": "Canton Police Department",
"total": 1658321,
[{ "weapons": 218577, "electronicSurv": 29705, "infoRewards": 4347, "travTrain": 110138, "commPrograms": 5316, "salaryOvertime": 406454, "other": 334062, "commComp": 436694, "buildImprov": 113030 }]
"aid": "OH0451900",
"aname": "Central Ohio Drug Enforcement Task Force (Code)",
"total": 158696,
[{ "weapons": 31190, "electronicSurv": 1855, "other": 11760, "commComp": 8365, "buildImprov": 105526 }]
"aid": "OHEQ00304",
"aname": "Central Ohio Hidta Task Force",
"total": 274977,
[{ "weapons": 100, "electronicSurv": 41433, "infoRewards": 17000, "travTrain": 17548, "other": 74247, "commComp": 93077, "buildImprov": 31572 }]
"aid": "OH0710100",
"aname": "Chillicothe Police Department",
"total": 91112,
[{ "weapons": 52166, "other": 34460, "commComp": 4486 }]
"aid": "OHCIP0001",
"aname": "Cincinnati Police Department",
"total": 1517103,
[{ "travTrain": 1517103 }]
"aid": "OH0770100",
"aname": "City Of Akron Ohio Police Department",
"total": 788527,
[{ "weapons": 166084, "electronicSurv": 66949, "infoRewards": 58500, "travTrain": 18230, "salaryOvertime": 64078, "other": 336935, "commComp": 74150, "buildImprov": 3600 }]
"aid": "OH0830100",
"aname": "City Of Franklin Police Department",
"total": 42180,
[{ "electronicSurv": 12180, "other": 30000 }]
"aid": "OH0090200",
"aname": "City Of Hamilton Police Department",
"total": 168166,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21422, "infoRewards": 70913, "other": 38413, "commComp": 37418 }]
"aid": "OH0571400",
"aname": "City Of Huber Heights Police Division",
"total": 391947,
[{ "other": 314613, "commComp": 38088, "buildImprov": 39247 }]
"aid": "OH0090300",
"aname": "City Of Middletown Ohio Police Department",
"total": 388330,
[{ "electronicSurv": 29189, "infoRewards": 71000, "travTrain": 80517, "commPrograms": 6425, "salaryOvertime": 67971, "other": 87151, "commComp": 46077 }]
"aid": "OH0150600",
"aname": "City Of Salem Police Department",
"total": 391737,
[{ "weapons": 28259, "electronicSurv": 37164, "travTrain": 8678, "other": 232497, "commComp": 56083, "buildImprov": 29057 }]
"aid": "OH0571200",
"aname": "City Of Trotwood Police Department",
"total": 369145,
[{ "weapons": 12239, "electronicSurv": 10940, "travTrain": 15868, "other": 292635, "commComp": 37463 }]
"aid": "OH0600100",
"aname": "City Of Zanesville Police Department",
"total": 30938,
[{ "commComp": 30938 }]
"aid": "OH0120000",
"aname": "Clark County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 74430,
[{ "weapons": 17915, "infoRewards": 1700, "other": 54165, "commComp": 650 }]
"aid": "OH0130000",
"aname": "Clermont County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 120467,
[{ "weapons": 638, "travTrain": 6832, "other": 94560, "commComp": 18437 }]
"aid": "OHCLP0000",
"aname": "Cleveland Division Of Police",
"total": 2766608,
[{ "weapons": 1187934, "electronicSurv": 147274, "travTrain": 10901, "other": 1210701, "commComp": 209798 }]
"aid": "OH0181500",
"aname": "Cleveland Heights Police Department",
"total": 1138439,
[{ "weapons": 170902, "electronicSurv": 16559, "infoRewards": 2265, "travTrain": 112085, "salaryOvertime": 243556, "other": 70900, "commComp": 522172 }]
"aid": "OH0186300",
"aname": "Cleveland Metroparks Ranger Department",
"total": 34824,
[{ "infoRewards": 500, "other": 2348, "commComp": 31976 }]
"aid": "OHCOP0000",
"aname": "Columbus Ohio Division Of Police",
"total": 5808473,
[{ "weapons": 592119, "electronicSurv": 111886, "travTrain": 228109, "other": 2534012, "commComp": 2342347 }]
"aid": "OH0170000",
"aname": "Crawford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 123790,
[{ "weapons": 3685, "electronicSurv": 10722, "other": 75415, "commComp": 33968 }]
"aid": "OH018333A",
"aname": "Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 435084,
[{ "commComp": 164463, "buildImprov": 270621 }]
"aid": "OH0180000",
"aname": "Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1379462,
[{ "weapons": 190686, "electronicSurv": 35763, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 107866, "other": 288170, "commComp": 593509, "buildImprov": 158469 }]
"aid": "OH0770300",
"aname": "Cuyahoga Falls Police Department",
"total": 69765,
[{ "weapons": 29159, "other": 28780, "commComp": 11826 }]
"aid": "OH0186800",
"aname": "Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Police Dep",
"total": 320490,
[{ "weapons": 77234, "electronicSurv": 373, "travTrain": 34362, "other": 108384, "commComp": 100137 }]
"aid": "OH0570200",
"aname": "Dayton Police Department",
"total": 3027581,
[{ "weapons": 229987, "electronicSurv": 112389, "infoRewards": 52000, "travTrain": 635293, "commPrograms": 17400, "salaryOvertime": 1089, "other": 1650925, "commComp": 139156, "buildImprov": 189342 }]
"aid": "OH0210011",
"aname": "Delaware County L. E.A.P. Drug Task Force",
"total": 278696,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1440, "other": 270238, "commComp": 7018 }]
"aid": "OH0210000",
"aname": "Delaware County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 59623,
[{ "weapons": 9019, "infoRewards": 200, "travTrain": 12768, "other": 35683, "commComp": 1954 }]
"aid": "OH0310404",
"aname": "Drug Abuse Reduction Task Force (Dart)",
"total": 102352,
[{ "weapons": 115, "electronicSurv": 1706, "travTrain": 4791, "other": 85115, "commComp": 10625 }]
"aid": "OH0250300",
"aname": "Dublin Police Department",
"total": 99051,
[{ "weapons": 37618, "electronicSurv": 50173, "travTrain": 2719, "other": 1104, "commComp": 7437 }]
"aid": "OH0181700",
"aname": "East Cleveland Police Department",
"total": 165837,
[{ "weapons": 6024, "electronicSurv": 9740, "infoRewards": 6100, "travTrain": 1779, "commPrograms": 13190, "salaryOvertime": 12800, "other": 72500, "commComp": 27491, "buildImprov": 16213 }]
"aid": "OH0150200",
"aname": "East Liverpool Police Department",
"total": 104529,
[{ "electronicSurv": 23991, "travTrain": 1639, "salaryOvertime": 1369, "other": 36998, "commComp": 40533 }]
"aid": "OH0470400",
"aname": "Elyria Police Department",
"total": 30262,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 30262 }]
"aid": "OH0571800",
"aname": "Englewood Police Department",
"total": 59867,
[{ "weapons": 6581, "electronicSurv": 46778, "commComp": 6508 }]
"aid": "OH0181800",
"aname": "Euclid Police Department",
"total": 199898,
[{ "weapons": 13005, "infoRewards": 39948, "travTrain": 3990, "salaryOvertime": 25623, "other": 17230, "commComp": 87782, "buildImprov": 12321 }]
"aid": "OH0290100",
"aname": "Fairborn (Ohio) Police Department",
"total": 442062,
[{ "weapons": 29279, "electronicSurv": 100127, "travTrain": 14134, "other": 174644, "commComp": 115483, "buildImprov": 8394 }]
"aid": "OH0230000",
"aname": "Fairfield County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 112513,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21395, "infoRewards": 2800, "travTrain": 1500, "commPrograms": 300, "salaryOvertime": 3125, "other": 81154, "commComp": 2240 }]
"aid": "OH0231600",
"aname": "Fairfield Hocking Major Crimes Unit",
"total": 456199,
[{ "weapons": 1305, "electronicSurv": 26161, "infoRewards": 18000, "travTrain": 18782, "other": 312268, "commComp": 31837, "buildImprov": 47847 }]
"aid": "OH0770400",
"aname": "Fairlawn Police Department",
"total": 82664,
[{ "weapons": 15065, "travTrain": 888, "other": 2403, "commComp": 64309 }]
"aid": "OHEQ00303",
"aname": "Franklin County Drug Task Force",
"total": 144198,
[{ "weapons": 471, "electronicSurv": 6600, "infoRewards": 129731, "travTrain": 5309, "other": 1788, "commComp": 299 }]
"aid": "OH025013A",
"aname": "Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney",
"total": 719650,
[{ "travTrain": 9510, "other": 168904, "commComp": 541235 }]
"aid": "OH0250000",
"aname": "Franklin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2579109,
[{ "weapons": 144033, "electronicSurv": 310346, "infoRewards": 140000, "travTrain": 124468, "commPrograms": 20000, "other": 926362, "commComp": 725343, "buildImprov": 188557 }]
"aid": "OH0250400",
"aname": "Gahanna Police Department",
"total": 625495,
[{ "weapons": 65474, "electronicSurv": 203456, "travTrain": 11090, "other": 171306, "commComp": 174170 }]
"aid": "OH0270000",
"aname": "Gallia County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 63954,
[{ "weapons": 23866, "other": 39083, "commComp": 1005 }]
"aid": "OH0280000",
"aname": "Geauga County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 438102,
[{ "weapons": 54063, "electronicSurv": 17386, "infoRewards": 12050, "travTrain": 272569, "other": 38247, "commComp": 43787 }]
"aid": "OH0210800",
"aname": "Genoa Township Police Department",
"total": 31102,
[{ "weapons": 16250, "buildImprov": 14852 }]
"aid": "OH0570300",
"aname": "Germantown Police Department",
"total": 31881,
[{ "weapons": 17043, "commComp": 14838 }]
"aid": "OH0186500",
"aname": "Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department",
"total": 417681,
[{ "weapons": 150541, "electronicSurv": 987, "travTrain": 32855, "other": 233298 }]
"aid": "OHEQ00081",
"aname": "Greater Warren County Drug Task Force",
"total": 1315703,
[{ "weapons": 6078, "electronicSurv": 87512, "infoRewards": 260000, "travTrain": 12519, "commPrograms": 15200, "salaryOvertime": 183931, "other": 206125, "commComp": 109485, "buildImprov": 434852 }]
"aid": "OH0290001",
"aname": "Greene County Ace Task Force",
"total": 464375,
[{ "other": 464375 }]
"aid": "OH029013A",
"aname": "Greene County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 412930,
[{ "weapons": 7256, "electronicSurv": 353, "infoRewards": 1110, "travTrain": 117009, "commPrograms": 46330, "salaryOvertime": 72000, "other": 155046, "commComp": 12039, "buildImprov": 1787 }]
"aid": "OH0290000",
"aname": "Greene County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2368042,
[{ "weapons": 26852, "electronicSurv": 16942, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 18852, "commPrograms": 12000, "other": 2188739, "commComp": 103657 }]
"aid": "OH0250600",
"aname": "Grove City Ohio Division Of Police",
"total": 381706,
[{ "weapons": 19710, "electronicSurv": 74650, "other": 26264, "commComp": 75750, "buildImprov": 185332 }]
"aid": "OH0310000",
"aname": "Hamilton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 270298,
[{ "weapons": 4115, "electronicSurv": 45630, "infoRewards": 14740, "travTrain": 8846, "other": 181804, "buildImprov": 15163 }]
"aid": "OH0370000",
"aname": "Hocking County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 59840,
[{ "weapons": 7406, "electronicSurv": 364, "other": 41840, "commComp": 10230 }]
"aid": "OH0380000",
"aname": "Holmes County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 35843,
[{ "weapons": 6517, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 1000, "other": 21270, "commComp": 1056 }]
"aid": "OH0182500",
"aname": "Independence Police Department",
"total": 427021,
[{ "weapons": 64655, "electronicSurv": 32124, "travTrain": 11664, "other": 74790, "commComp": 233507, "buildImprov": 10281 }]
"aid": "OH0400000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 95002,
[{ "weapons": 5138, "infoRewards": 31500, "salaryOvertime": 3286, "other": 53681, "commComp": 1397 }]
"aid": "OH0762400",
"aname": "Jackson Township Police Department - Massillon",
"total": 166985,
[{ "weapons": 80383, "electronicSurv": 26901, "infoRewards": 10000, "other": 2936, "commComp": 46765 }]
"aid": "OH0671100",
"aname": "Kent State University Police Department",
"total": 117598,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17259, "buildImprov": 100339 }]
"aid": "OH0570500",
"aname": "Kettering Police Department",
"total": 131574,
[{ "weapons": 42644, "electronicSurv": 9687, "commPrograms": 449, "other": 56379, "commComp": 22416 }]
"aid": "OH0420000",
"aname": "Knox County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 135542,
[{ "weapons": 7813, "electronicSurv": 5113, "infoRewards": 550, "travTrain": 7122, "other": 69480, "commComp": 15807, "buildImprov": 29656 }]
"aid": "OH0432500",
"aname": "Lake County Narcotics Agency",
"total": 341771,
[{ "weapons": 2935, "electronicSurv": 34423, "commPrograms": 7266, "other": 193698, "commComp": 103449 }]
"aid": "OH0873000",
"aname": "Lake Township Police Department",
"total": 122670,
[{ "weapons": 30484, "electronicSurv": 5284, "travTrain": 1048, "salaryOvertime": 4997, "other": 74160, "commComp": 2302, "buildImprov": 4396 }]
"aid": "OH0230100",
"aname": "Lancaster Police Department",
"total": 77983,
[{ "weapons": 9736, "electronicSurv": 6910, "other": 50881, "commComp": 3297, "buildImprov": 7159 }]
"aid": "OH0471900",
"aname": "Lorain County Drug Task Force",
"total": 156280,
[{ "weapons": 66705, "electronicSurv": 1730, "infoRewards": 34987, "travTrain": 26041, "commComp": 26817 }]
"aid": "OH0470500",
"aname": "Lorain Police Department",
"total": 95421,
[{ "weapons": 45, "travTrain": 6263, "commPrograms": 16617, "other": 49374, "commComp": 15590, "buildImprov": 7533 }]
"aid": "OH0760700",
"aname": "Louisville Police Department",
"total": 39375,
[{ "weapons": 2547, "infoRewards": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 7530, "buildImprov": 28297 }]
"aid": "OH0480000",
"aname": "Lucas County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 133555,
[{ "weapons": 99560, "electronicSurv": 550, "infoRewards": 1600, "commPrograms": 5350, "other": 3756, "commComp": 22740 }]
"aid": "OH0770700",
"aname": "Macedonia Police Department",
"total": 123968,
[{ "weapons": 22267, "electronicSurv": 31864, "salaryOvertime": 4274, "other": 33039, "commComp": 29540, "buildImprov": 2983 }]
"aid": "OH0490000",
"aname": "Madison County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 315228,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6230, "infoRewards": 10000, "other": 174783, "commComp": 83110, "buildImprov": 41106 }]
"aid": "OH0500000",
"aname": "Mahoning County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 106536,
[{ "weapons": 11767, "electronicSurv": 80, "travTrain": 9856, "commPrograms": 159, "other": 73864, "commComp": 10810 }]
"aid": "OH0502700",
"aname": "Mahoning Valley Law Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 398665,
[{ "weapons": 1634, "electronicSurv": 48053, "infoRewards": 266619, "travTrain": 31729, "salaryOvertime": 551, "other": 17768, "commComp": 32311 }]
"aid": "OH0760800",
"aname": "Massillon Police Department",
"total": 36530,
[{ "weapons": 9106, "electronicSurv": 1200, "infoRewards": 14000, "travTrain": 490, "other": 4253, "commComp": 6591, "buildImprov": 890 }]
"aid": "OH0480100",
"aname": "Maumee Police Division",
"total": 57238,
[{ "weapons": 24917, "travTrain": 2470, "commPrograms": 21695, "other": 8156 }]
"aid": "OHEQ00031",
"aname": "Medina County Drug Task Force",
"total": 392733,
[{ "weapons": 8575, "electronicSurv": 56801, "infoRewards": 64369, "travTrain": 16225, "salaryOvertime": 52943, "other": 171882, "commComp": 13902, "buildImprov": 8035 }]
"aid": "OH0520000",
"aname": "Medina County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 241690,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7295, "travTrain": 1194, "salaryOvertime": 47591, "other": 181107, "commComp": 4502 }]
"aid": "OH0851900",
"aname": "Medway Drug Enforcement Agency",
"total": 42766,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3567, "travTrain": 322, "commComp": 17751, "buildImprov": 21126 }]
"aid": "OH0430600",
"aname": "Mentor Police Department",
"total": 75984,
[{ "commComp": 75984 }]
"aid": "OH0700101",
"aname": "Metrich Enforcement Unit",
"total": 80651,
[{ "travTrain": 4321, "other": 74708, "commComp": 1622 }]
"aid": "OH0570000",
"aname": "Montgomery County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1354504,
[{ "weapons": 127655, "electronicSurv": 184244, "commPrograms": 67000, "salaryOvertime": 401689, "other": 427641, "commComp": 126341, "buildImprov": 19933 }]
"aid": "OH0590000",
"aname": "Morrow County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33774,
[{ "travTrain": 2000, "other": 25374, "commComp": 400, "buildImprov": 6000 }]
"aid": "OH0600000",
"aname": "Muskingum County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 402964,
[{ "weapons": 25156, "electronicSurv": 15923, "infoRewards": 22187, "other": 107672, "commComp": 175554, "buildImprov": 56471 }]
"aid": "OH0312800",
"aname": "Norwood Police Department",
"total": 382941,
[{ "weapons": 4284, "electronicSurv": 33095, "infoRewards": 59000, "travTrain": 62341, "other": 138699, "commComp": 61758, "buildImprov": 23764 }]
"aid": "OH0571000",
"aname": "Oakwood Police Department",
"total": 33464,
[{ "weapons": 33464 }]
"aid": "OHBCI0000",
"aname": "Ohio Attorney General Bci",
"total": 5551223,
[{ "weapons": 33546, "electronicSurv": 298969, "infoRewards": 1278976, "travTrain": 6766, "salaryOvertime": 1723266, "other": 2083582, "commComp": 126003, "buildImprov": 114 }]
"aid": "OH0254100",
"aname": "Ohio Department Of Commerce",
"total": 80843,
[{ "other": 47046, "commComp": 33797 }]
"aid": "OH0254500",
"aname": "Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission",
"total": 90000,
[{ "other": 90000 }]
"aid": "OH0254800",
"aname": "Ohio State Board Of Pharmacy",
"total": 357524,
[{ "weapons": 47016, "electronicSurv": 172421, "infoRewards": 1119, "travTrain": 16177, "commComp": 120792 }]
"aid": "OHOHP0000",
"aname": "Ohio State Highway Patrol",
"total": 8355123,
[{ "weapons": 1083472, "electronicSurv": 115065, "travTrain": 147162, "commPrograms": 437767, "salaryOvertime": 1174891, "other": 1930447, "commComp": 343757, "buildImprov": 3122563 }]
"aid": "OH0184000",
"aname": "Orange Village Police Department",
"total": 169293,
[{ "weapons": 22904, "electronicSurv": 48515, "travTrain": 6999, "other": 20726, "commComp": 69354, "buildImprov": 795 }]
"aid": "OH0480200",
"aname": "Oregon Police Division",
"total": 269180,
[{ "weapons": 38450, "electronicSurv": 492, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 2028, "commPrograms": 31050, "other": 97896, "commComp": 94263 }]
"aid": "OH062013A",
"aname": "Ottawa County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 77153,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7204, "infoRewards": 42100, "travTrain": 7133, "other": 8365, "commComp": 12352 }]
"aid": "OH0221000",
"aname": "Perkins Township Police Department",
"total": 149768,
[{ "weapons": 320, "electronicSurv": 10923, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 700, "other": 131152, "commComp": 4673 }]
"aid": "OH0762300",
"aname": "Perry Township Police Department",
"total": 169186,
[{ "weapons": 14184, "electronicSurv": 38155, "travTrain": 5465, "commPrograms": 14878, "other": 6772, "commComp": 64354, "buildImprov": 25378 }]
"aid": "OH0572800",
"aname": "Perry Township Police Department",
"total": 107211,
[{ "weapons": 3023, "electronicSurv": 5810, "infoRewards": 1800, "travTrain": 772, "salaryOvertime": 9250, "other": 74598, "commComp": 11958 }]
"aid": "OH0872800",
"aname": "Perrysburg Township Police",
"total": 37297,
[{ "weapons": 29547, "electronicSurv": 1571, "infoRewards": 627, "travTrain": 2042, "buildImprov": 3511 }]
"aid": "OH0500600",
"aname": "Poland Village Police Department",
"total": 199431,
[{ "weapons": 19237, "electronicSurv": 6800, "other": 101954, "commComp": 10221, "buildImprov": 61218 }]
"aid": "OH0255400",
"aname": "Port Columbus Airport Police Department",
"total": 1451319,
[{ "weapons": 215150, "electronicSurv": 131707, "travTrain": 103506, "salaryOvertime": 65635, "other": 703175, "commComp": 219772, "buildImprov": 12374 }]
"aid": "OH0730200",
"aname": "Portsmouth Police Department",
"total": 79607,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2500, "other": 17379, "commComp": 59728 }]
"aid": "OH0210500",
"aname": "Powell Police Deparment",
"total": 42263,
[{ "weapons": 8513, "other": 33750 }]
"aid": "OH0680000",
"aname": "Preble County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 69289,
[{ "infoRewards": 200, "travTrain": 907, "other": 2077, "commComp": 66105 }]
"aid": "OHEQ00316",
"aname": "Range Task Force",
"total": 102625,
[{ "electronicSurv": 800, "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 1573, "other": 65726, "commComp": 4526 }]
"aid": "OH0771900",
"aname": "Reminderville Police Department",
"total": 235444,
[{ "weapons": 13325, "electronicSurv": 3500, "infoRewards": 57756, "travTrain": 40597, "commPrograms": 23496, "salaryOvertime": 29327, "other": 61576, "commComp": 1268, "buildImprov": 4600 }]
"aid": "OH0250800",
"aname": "Reynoldsburg Police Department",
"total": 131871,
[{ "infoRewards": 11000, "commPrograms": 4226, "other": 107522, "commComp": 9123 }]
"aid": "OH0572200",
"aname": "Riverside Police Department",
"total": 56603,
[{ "travTrain": 1170, "other": 49378, "commComp": 6055 }]
"aid": "OH0184600",
"aname": "Rocky River Police Department",
"total": 81872,
[{ "weapons": 18147, "electronicSurv": 330, "other": 31323, "commComp": 32071 }]
"aid": "OH0710000",
"aname": "Ross County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 119886,
[{ "weapons": 16773, "infoRewards": 10400, "travTrain": 4000, "commPrograms": 8590, "other": 80123 }]
"aid": "OH0870400",
"aname": "Rossford Police Department",
"total": 93418,
[{ "weapons": 1649, "travTrain": 1437, "salaryOvertime": 3057, "other": 67276, "commComp": 20000 }]
"aid": "OH0720001",
"aname": "Sandusky Co. Sheriff's Office",
"total": 52965,
[{ "weapons": 45749, "electronicSurv": 640, "other": 3274, "commComp": 3302 }]
"aid": "OH0730000",
"aname": "Scioto County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 396697,
[{ "weapons": 18225, "electronicSurv": 7838, "salaryOvertime": 63563, "other": 289120, "commComp": 16572, "buildImprov": 1378 }]
"aid": "OH0184800",
"aname": "Shaker Heights Police Department",
"total": 100822,
[{ "weapons": 9901, "electronicSurv": 6834, "travTrain": 2379, "other": 24098, "commComp": 22711, "buildImprov": 34898 }]
"aid": "OH0313100",
"aname": "Sharonville Police Department",
"total": 95451,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2609, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 13924, "commPrograms": 4550, "other": 38793, "commComp": 29435, "buildImprov": 4140 }]
"aid": "OH0182018",
"aname": "Southeast Area Law Enforcement",
"total": 131204,
[{ "weapons": 12142, "electronicSurv": 10803, "infoRewards": 30500, "travTrain": 6392, "salaryOvertime": 45677, "other": 10163, "commComp": 15528 }]
"aid": "OH0120200",
"aname": "Springfield Police Department",
"total": 50135,
[{ "electronicSurv": 298, "infoRewards": 27000, "travTrain": 1832, "other": 6888, "commComp": 14116 }]
"aid": "OH0151500",
"aname": "St. Clair Township Police Department",
"total": 59512,
[{ "weapons": 9227, "other": 45169, "commComp": 5116 }]
"aid": "OHEQ00245",
"aname": "Stark County Prosecutor's Office",
"total": 31518,
[{ "travTrain": 25882, "commComp": 5635 }]
"aid": "OH0760000",
"aname": "Stark County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 463285,
[{ "weapons": 70580, "electronicSurv": 3093, "travTrain": 42549, "other": 191028, "commComp": 153535, "buildImprov": 2500 }]
"aid": "OH0410300",
"aname": "Steubenville Police Department",
"total": 61204,
[{ "weapons": 1354, "electronicSurv": 11558, "travTrain": 2489, "other": 34769, "commComp": 5560, "buildImprov": 5473 }]
"aid": "OH0771200",
"aname": "Stow Police Department",
"total": 128847,
[{ "weapons": 36360, "electronicSurv": 5104, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 13533, "commPrograms": 3334, "other": 56175, "commComp": 10396, "buildImprov": 945 }]
"aid": "OH0291300",
"aname": "Sugarcreek Township Police Department",
"total": 162207,
[{ "weapons": 15847, "electronicSurv": 43756, "commPrograms": 25362, "other": 23958, "commComp": 36785, "buildImprov": 16498 }]
"aid": "OH0770001",
"aname": "Summit County Drug Unit",
"total": 2420034,
[{ "weapons": 50818, "electronicSurv": 99003, "infoRewards": 481500, "travTrain": 23355, "salaryOvertime": 222085, "other": 1392689, "commComp": 51201, "buildImprov": 99384 }]
"aid": "OH0770000",
"aname": "Summit County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 548925,
[{ "weapons": 92447, "travTrain": 495, "salaryOvertime": 4444, "other": 250130, "commComp": 201408 }]
"aid": "OH0480500",
"aname": "Sylvania Police Division",
"total": 127631,
[{ "weapons": 35011, "infoRewards": 4000, "commPrograms": 3000, "other": 66007, "commComp": 17966, "buildImprov": 1646 }]
"aid": "OH0480600",
"aname": "Sylvania Township Police Department",
"total": 96608,
[{ "weapons": 60079, "electronicSurv": 4667, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 850, "commPrograms": 9220, "other": 6510, "buildImprov": 10283 }]
"aid": "OH0480700",
"aname": "Toledo Police Department",
"total": 536626,
[{ "weapons": 130219, "electronicSurv": 217731, "infoRewards": 24000, "travTrain": 6051, "other": 126702, "commComp": 31923 }]
"aid": "OH0090900",
"aname": "Trenton Police Department",
"total": 51973,
[{ "electronicSurv": 13565, "other": 21474, "commComp": 10974, "buildImprov": 5961 }]
"aid": "OH0771400",
"aname": "Twinsburg Police Department",
"total": 255764,
[{ "weapons": 29074, "electronicSurv": 10463, "infoRewards": 7000, "travTrain": 8159, "other": 64261, "commComp": 136807 }]
"aid": "OH0800000",
"aname": "Union County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 436797,
[{ "other": 51204, "buildImprov": 385592 }]
"aid": "OH0131600",
"aname": "Union Township Police",
"total": 36033,
[{ "infoRewards": 8000, "commComp": 28033 }]
"aid": "OH0250900",
"aname": "Upper Arlington Police Division",
"total": 718005,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11787, "infoRewards": 2000, "commPrograms": 400, "salaryOvertime": 369592, "other": 160826, "buildImprov": 173400 }]
"aid": "OH0480300",
"aname": "Village Of Ottawa Hills Police Department",
"total": 86684,
[{ "other": 76951, "commComp": 9733 }]
"aid": "OH0520300",
"aname": "Wadsworth Police Department",
"total": 35779,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4056, "other": 5879, "commComp": 25844 }]
"aid": "OH0780700",
"aname": "Warren City Police Department",
"total": 212968,
[{ "weapons": 18660, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 40551, "other": 119616, "commComp": 19141 }]
"aid": "OH0830000",
"aname": "Warren County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 153588,
[{ "weapons": 100407, "commPrograms": 3500, "other": 38117, "commComp": 11564 }]
"aid": "OH0481100",
"aname": "Waterville Police Department",
"total": 90131,
[{ "weapons": 7461, "electronicSurv": 450, "infoRewards": 1000, "other": 45831, "commComp": 11786, "buildImprov": 23603 }]
"aid": "OH0260500",
"aname": "Wauseon Police Department",
"total": 118225,
[{ "weapons": 8225, "electronicSurv": 161, "travTrain": 155, "other": 41101, "commComp": 68584 }]
"aid": "OH0571500",
"aname": "West Carrollton Police Department",
"total": 40159,
[{ "travTrain": 2226, "other": 28908, "commComp": 9025 }]
"aid": "OH0091500",
"aname": "West Chester Police Department",
"total": 775515,
[{ "weapons": 130442, "electronicSurv": 14687, "travTrain": 120635, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 435176, "commComp": 66171, "buildImprov": 7904 }]
"aid": "OH0251000",
"aname": "Westerville Division Of Police",
"total": 976771,
[{ "weapons": 120071, "electronicSurv": 58713, "travTrain": 24223, "commPrograms": 86684, "other": 20414, "commComp": 666666 }]
"aid": "OH0185700",
"aname": "Westlake Ohio Police Department",
"total": 262174,
[{ "weapons": 22247, "electronicSurv": 38915, "travTrain": 3546, "commPrograms": 3445, "other": 44468, "commComp": 143801, "buildImprov": 5752 }]
"aid": "OH0251100",
"aname": "Whitehall Police Department",
"total": 213599,
[{ "travTrain": 3975, "other": 29867, "commComp": 179757 }]
"aid": "OH0431100",
"aname": "Wickliffe Police Department",
"total": 68663,
[{ "travTrain": 7854, "other": 18433, "commComp": 8456, "buildImprov": 33920 }]
"aid": "OH0431300",
"aname": "Willoughby Hills Police Department",
"total": 720759,
[{ "weapons": 76091, "electronicSurv": 29952, "travTrain": 53965, "commPrograms": 7650, "other": 225093, "commComp": 326400, "buildImprov": 1608 }]
"aid": "OH0140400",
"aname": "Wilmington Police Department",
"total": 174250,
[{ "weapons": 14817, "other": 49195, "commComp": 30303, "buildImprov": 79936 }]
"aid": "OH0313500",
"aname": "Woodlawn Police Department",
"total": 48843,
[{ "weapons": 14638, "electronicSurv": 581, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 1603, "commPrograms": 3559, "other": 7000, "commComp": 16861, "buildImprov": 3101 }]
"aid": "OH0185900",
"aname": "Woodmere Village Police Department",
"total": 316272,
[{ "weapons": 32541, "electronicSurv": 14270, "travTrain": 30347, "salaryOvertime": 3325, "other": 191308, "commComp": 36986, "buildImprov": 7495 }]
"aid": "OH0290300",
"aname": "Xenia Police Division",
"total": 713791,
[{ "weapons": 12410, "electronicSurv": 5000, "infoRewards": 6000, "commPrograms": 207869, "other": 11690, "commComp": 39003, "buildImprov": 431818 }]
"aid": "OH0290400",
"aname": "Yellow Springs Police Department",
"total": 81509,
[{ "weapons": 4176, "commPrograms": 775, "other": 61378, "commComp": 15180 }]
"aid": "OH0500900",
"aname": "Youngstown Police Department",
"total": 175606,
[{ "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 374, "other": 162908, "commComp": 8324 }]
"st": "OK",
"stn": "Oklahoma",
"total": 23068963,
[{ "weapons": 1431992, "electronicSurv": 485788, "infoRewards": 155351, "travTrain": 1126814, "commPrograms": 18380, "salaryOvertime": 3809314, "other": 6262247, "commComp": 4720955, "buildImprov": 5058122 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "OK0030100",
"aname": "Atoka Police Department",
"total": 109144,
[{ "other": 83272, "commComp": 25872 }]
"aid": "OKEQ00219",
"aname": "Bixby Police Department",
"total": 55145,
[{ "weapons": 909, "travTrain": 10157, "commPrograms": 2200, "other": 6453, "commComp": 8929, "buildImprov": 26497 }]
"aid": "OK008013A",
"aname": "Caddo County District Attorneys Office District 6",
"total": 113576,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 113576 }]
"aid": "OK0090000",
"aname": "Canadian County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 201576,
[{ "weapons": 174, "electronicSurv": 7052, "other": 96804, "commComp": 20710, "buildImprov": 76835 }]
"aid": "OK055035A",
"aname": "Central Oklahoma Metro Interdiction Team",
"total": 150126,
[{ "weapons": 200, "travTrain": 38578, "other": 71682, "commComp": 39666 }]
"aid": "OK0720100",
"aname": "City Of Broken Arrow Police Deparment",
"total": 148751,
[{ "weapons": 12666, "electronicSurv": 5700, "travTrain": 72973, "other": 52255, "commComp": 805, "buildImprov": 4352 }]
"aid": "OK0690200",
"aname": "City Of Duncan Police Department",
"total": 226337,
[{ "weapons": 16178, "travTrain": 67928, "commComp": 49102, "buildImprov": 93128 }]
"aid": "OK0660100",
"aname": "Claremore Police Department",
"total": 39979,
[{ "weapons": 3094, "electronicSurv": 12289, "infoRewards": 3560, "travTrain": 2677, "other": 13164, "buildImprov": 5195 }]
"aid": "OK0140000",
"aname": "Cleveland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 176228,
[{ "weapons": 20272, "electronicSurv": 3640, "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 800, "other": 115930, "commComp": 23586 }]
"aid": "OK061015A",
"aname": "District 18 Drug And Violent Crimes Task Force",
"total": 95431,
[{ "travTrain": 1271, "other": 94160 }]
"aid": "OK014015A",
"aname": "District 21 District Attorneys Office",
"total": 223383,
[{ "weapons": 29504, "electronicSurv": 16284, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 4878, "other": 102127, "commComp": 46434, "buildImprov": 14157 }]
"aid": "OK062015A",
"aname": "District 22 Drug Task Force",
"total": 34850,
[{ "other": 34850 }]
"aid": "OKEQ00036",
"aname": "District Ii Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force",
"total": 43584,
[{ "other": 43584 }]
"aid": "OK070015A",
"aname": "District One Drug Task Force",
"total": 38240,
[{ "infoRewards": 9600, "salaryOvertime": 28640 }]
"aid": "OK0550300",
"aname": "Edmond Police Department",
"total": 250908,
[{ "weapons": 55938, "electronicSurv": 18847, "travTrain": 4468, "other": 133722, "commComp": 26789, "buildImprov": 11143 }]
"aid": "OK0090100",
"aname": "El Reno Police Department",
"total": 85038,
[{ "weapons": 5678, "electronicSurv": 14936, "travTrain": 1472, "other": 7790, "commComp": 46277, "buildImprov": 8885 }]
"aid": "OK0700600",
"aname": "Goodwell Police Department",
"total": 224429,
[{ "weapons": 6602, "electronicSurv": 19212, "travTrain": 5496, "commPrograms": 2195, "other": 182527, "commComp": 7471, "buildImprov": 925 }]
"aid": "OK0611700",
"aname": "Kiowa Police Department",
"total": 61507,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7000, "travTrain": 3427, "other": 51080 }]
"aid": "OK0611800",
"aname": "Krebs Police Department",
"total": 30878,
[{ "weapons": 10200, "commComp": 20678 }]
"aid": "OK0160101",
"aname": "Lawton Police Department",
"total": 61647,
[{ "weapons": 981, "electronicSurv": 873, "other": 42450, "commComp": 17344 }]
"aid": "OK0610200",
"aname": "McAlester Police Department",
"total": 291641,
[{ "other": 247866, "commComp": 43775 }]
"aid": "OK0550400",
"aname": "Midwest City Police Department",
"total": 104951,
[{ "weapons": 7534, "travTrain": 21188, "other": 19806, "commComp": 8400, "buildImprov": 48023 }]
"aid": "OK0140100",
"aname": "Moore Police Department",
"total": 71218,
[{ "weapons": 18103, "other": 24050, "commComp": 29064 }]
"aid": "OK0510100",
"aname": "Muskogee Police Department",
"total": 52120,
[{ "infoRewards": 8300, "travTrain": 3107, "commComp": 40713 }]
"aid": "OK0140200",
"aname": "Norman Police Department",
"total": 113609,
[{ "electronicSurv": 35329, "other": 65993, "commComp": 12288 }]
"aid": "OKOHP0000",
"aname": "Ok Highway Patrol/Ok Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 15706006,
[{ "weapons": 510832, "electronicSurv": 23884, "travTrain": 575017, "salaryOvertime": 3616326, "other": 3542952, "commComp": 3630897, "buildImprov": 3806098 }]
"aid": "OK0552000",
"aname": "Oklahoma Bureau Of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs",
"total": 561461,
[{ "weapons": 28787, "electronicSurv": 108756, "travTrain": 24395, "other": 361429, "commComp": 30076, "buildImprov": 8019 }]
"aid": "OK0550600",
"aname": "Oklahoma City Police Department",
"total": 1774590,
[{ "weapons": 479909, "electronicSurv": 167033, "infoRewards": 15000, "other": 196744, "commComp": 84104, "buildImprov": 831798 }]
"aid": "OK055025A",
"aname": "Oklahoma County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 57764,
[{ "weapons": 554, "electronicSurv": 1100, "infoRewards": 150, "travTrain": 30981, "commComp": 24980 }]
"aid": "OK0550000",
"aname": "Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 88032,
[{ "weapons": 19893, "electronicSurv": 3459, "other": 28673, "commComp": 36007 }]
"aid": "OK045015A",
"aname": "Oklahoma District # 17 Attorney's Office",
"total": 63031,
[{ "weapons": 6870, "electronicSurv": 2310, "infoRewards": 17150, "travTrain": 7026, "other": 15316, "commComp": 14359 }]
"aid": "OKOBI0000",
"aname": "Oklahoma State Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 71993,
[{ "weapons": 24100, "other": 33128, "commComp": 14765 }]
"aid": "OK0402300",
"aname": "Pocola Police Department",
"total": 46486,
[{ "weapons": 3500, "electronicSurv": 6000, "infoRewards": 400, "travTrain": 2765, "other": 15144, "commComp": 18677 }]
"aid": "OK0720300",
"aname": "Sand Springs Police Department",
"total": 168381,
[{ "weapons": 4756, "electronicSurv": 3398, "travTrain": 7607, "other": 37002, "commComp": 68139, "buildImprov": 47480 }]
"aid": "OK0190300",
"aname": "Sapulpa Police Department",
"total": 150440,
[{ "weapons": 7791, "electronicSurv": 12444, "other": 87427, "buildImprov": 42779 }]
"aid": "OK0720400",
"aname": "Skiatook Police Department",
"total": 55581,
[{ "weapons": 32771, "salaryOvertime": 1047, "commComp": 8000, "buildImprov": 13763 }]
"aid": "OK0720000",
"aname": "Tulsa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 265336,
[{ "weapons": 81960, "electronicSurv": 13159, "infoRewards": 60900, "travTrain": 6727, "commPrograms": 11000, "other": 51543, "commComp": 35804, "buildImprov": 4243 }]
"aid": "OK0720500",
"aname": "Tulsa Police Department",
"total": 706441,
[{ "travTrain": 215150, "other": 273690, "commComp": 217600 }]
"aid": "OK0090200",
"aname": "Yukon Police Department",
"total": 35412,
[{ "weapons": 8434, "electronicSurv": 661, "other": 15545, "commComp": 7861, "buildImprov": 2912 }]
"st": "OR",
"stn": "Oregon",
"total": 10315781,
[{ "weapons": 1414764, "electronicSurv": 534298, "infoRewards": 267855, "travTrain": 551956, "commPrograms": 19529, "salaryOvertime": 1677561, "other": 2450374, "commComp": 2145055, "buildImprov": 1254388 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "OR0220100",
"aname": "Albany Police Department",
"total": 40515,
[{ "weapons": 5221, "travTrain": 5774, "commComp": 29520 }]
"aid": "OR0150100",
"aname": "Ashland Police Department",
"total": 614223,
[{ "travTrain": 50511, "salaryOvertime": 28902, "commComp": 163372, "buildImprov": 371437 }]
"aid": "OREQ00243",
"aname": "Blue Mountain Enforcement Narcotics Team",
"total": 132605,
[{ "weapons": 3393, "travTrain": 3027, "salaryOvertime": 18492, "other": 5336, "commComp": 33106, "buildImprov": 69251 }]
"aid": "OR0340300",
"aname": "City Of Hillsboro Police Department",
"total": 30961,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2784, "infoRewards": 220, "other": 27957 }]
"aid": "OR0030000",
"aname": "Clackamas County Sheriff's Office & Intercept",
"total": 578281,
[{ "weapons": 1200, "electronicSurv": 6867, "infoRewards": 60000, "travTrain": 21385, "salaryOvertime": 240279, "other": 27307, "commComp": 125912, "buildImprov": 95331 }]
"aid": "OR024015A",
"aname": "Department Of Justice",
"total": 51165,
[{ "weapons": 7047, "electronicSurv": 7644, "travTrain": 8601, "other": 1951, "commComp": 25923 }]
"aid": "OR0100000",
"aname": "Douglas Interagency Narcotics Team (Dint)",
"total": 46445,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 46445 }]
"aid": "OR0200200",
"aname": "Eugene Police Department",
"total": 43209,
[{ "travTrain": 2963, "commComp": 40246 }]
"aid": "OR0340200",
"aname": "Forest Grove Police Department",
"total": 62211,
[{ "weapons": 1854, "other": 37319, "commComp": 5186, "buildImprov": 17852 }]
"aid": "OR0170100",
"aname": "Grants Pass Department Of Public Safety - Police",
"total": 263089,
[{ "weapons": 36077, "electronicSurv": 32962, "travTrain": 10000, "other": 47694, "commComp": 46531, "buildImprov": 89825 }]
"aid": "OR0260100",
"aname": "Gresham Police Department",
"total": 63402,
[{ "commPrograms": 5000, "buildImprov": 58402 }]
"aid": "OR0150000",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 377292,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4000, "travTrain": 37124, "other": 44102, "commComp": 284374, "buildImprov": 7692 }]
"aid": "OR0150001",
"aname": "Jackson County Sheriff's Office - Sotnt",
"total": 634841,
[{ "weapons": 1405, "electronicSurv": 1218, "salaryOvertime": 13070, "other": 534900, "commComp": 57987, "buildImprov": 26262 }]
"aid": "OR017013A",
"aname": "Josephine County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 129279,
[{ "travTrain": 5907, "other": 63361, "commComp": 10012, "buildImprov": 50000 }]
"aid": "OR0170000",
"aname": "Josephine County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 468809,
[{ "weapons": 23298, "infoRewards": 8771, "travTrain": 35634, "commPrograms": 1250, "salaryOvertime": 18779, "other": 93381, "commComp": 266270, "buildImprov": 21425 }]
"aid": "OR0241700",
"aname": "Keizer Police Department",
"total": 231605,
[{ "weapons": 23193, "electronicSurv": 7652, "infoRewards": 9908, "travTrain": 2987, "other": 36889, "commComp": 130991, "buildImprov": 19985 }]
"aid": "OR0200000",
"aname": "Lane County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 383853,
[{ "weapons": 48596, "electronicSurv": 14088, "infoRewards": 103700, "travTrain": 25982, "other": 118090, "commComp": 30257, "buildImprov": 43141 }]
"aid": "OR0220000",
"aname": "Linn County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 118894,
[{ "weapons": 28050, "electronicSurv": 21898, "other": 53372, "commComp": 10964, "buildImprov": 4610 }]
"aid": "OR0240000",
"aname": "Marion County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 285455,
[{ "weapons": 19803, "electronicSurv": 31701, "infoRewards": 4825, "travTrain": 37196, "salaryOvertime": 85828, "other": 101663, "commComp": 4438 }]
"aid": "OR026013A",
"aname": "Multnomah County District Attorney",
"total": 50614,
[{ "other": 50614 }]
"aid": "OR0260000",
"aname": "Multnomah County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 351049,
[{ "weapons": 15240, "electronicSurv": 15562, "infoRewards": 5787, "travTrain": 23558, "salaryOvertime": 39668, "other": 175141, "commComp": 76093 }]
"aid": "ORQNGCD20",
"aname": "Oregon National Guard Counterdrug Support Program",
"total": 177422,
[{ "weapons": 4800, "electronicSurv": 19455, "travTrain": 5117, "commPrograms": 7789, "other": 25169, "commComp": 115092 }]
"aid": "OROSP0002",
"aname": "Oregon State Police",
"total": 900333,
[{ "weapons": 672741, "electronicSurv": 4871, "travTrain": 22387, "other": 157974, "commComp": 42360 }]
"aid": "OR0260200",
"aname": "Portland Police Bureau",
"total": 1441169,
[{ "weapons": 224172, "electronicSurv": 324941, "travTrain": 161539, "commPrograms": 5490, "other": 94054, "commComp": 383517, "buildImprov": 247456 }]
"aid": "OR0262200",
"aname": "Regional Organized Crime Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 1383911,
[{ "infoRewards": 19366, "travTrain": 4317, "salaryOvertime": 1023075, "other": 227041, "commComp": 38761, "buildImprov": 71351 }]
"aid": "OR0170400",
"aname": "Rogue Area Drug Enforcement (Rade)",
"total": 83487,
[{ "infoRewards": 8057, "travTrain": 3814, "salaryOvertime": 54149, "other": 3771, "buildImprov": 13696 }]
"aid": "OR0240200",
"aname": "Salem Police Department",
"total": 285333,
[{ "weapons": 11825, "travTrain": 13565, "other": 142062, "commComp": 117881 }]
"aid": "OR0060010",
"aname": "South Coast Interagency Narcotics Team",
"total": 43777,
[{ "infoRewards": 8908, "travTrain": 783, "salaryOvertime": 17697, "other": 12439, "buildImprov": 3950 }]
"aid": "OR0200600",
"aname": "Springfield Police Department",
"total": 139651,
[{ "weapons": 131401, "commComp": 8250 }]
"aid": "OR0340400",
"aname": "Tigard Police Department",
"total": 96056,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2499, "infoRewards": 7000, "salaryOvertime": 7669, "other": 11433, "commComp": 38048, "buildImprov": 29407 }]
"aid": "OR0330000",
"aname": "Wasco County Sheriff's Office For Mint",
"total": 54998,
[{ "other": 45823, "commComp": 9175 }]
"aid": "OR0340000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 434562,
[{ "weapons": 83250, "electronicSurv": 2850, "infoRewards": 11453, "travTrain": 59720, "salaryOvertime": 56419, "other": 216117, "commComp": 4752 }]
"st": "PA",
"stn": "Pennsylvania",
"total": 50522701,
[{ "weapons": 7072012, "electronicSurv": 2996617, "infoRewards": 734424, "travTrain": 4740188, "commPrograms": 182802, "salaryOvertime": 5152243, "other": 16097162, "commComp": 7976037, "buildImprov": 5571216 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "PA001043A",
"aname": "Adams County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 183859,
[{ "weapons": 939, "electronicSurv": 15187, "travTrain": 43620, "commPrograms": 6670, "salaryOvertime": 17201, "other": 89312, "commComp": 10929 }]
"aid": "PA002013A",
"aname": "Allegheny County District Attorney",
"total": 322850,
[{ "weapons": 2520, "travTrain": 2299, "other": 68136, "commComp": 249895 }]
"aid": "PA0022800",
"aname": "Allegheny County Police Department",
"total": 746643,
[{ "weapons": 253285, "travTrain": 22424, "other": 141735, "commComp": 263736, "buildImprov": 65463 }]
"aid": "PA0020000",
"aname": "Allegheny County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 696971,
[{ "weapons": 56364, "electronicSurv": 2785, "infoRewards": 1710, "travTrain": 30421, "salaryOvertime": 266102, "other": 110791, "commComp": 151870, "buildImprov": 76928 }]
"aid": "PA0390100",
"aname": "Allentown Police Department",
"total": 569680,
[{ "weapons": 34933, "infoRewards": 39400, "travTrain": 15899, "salaryOvertime": 200000, "other": 200904, "commComp": 78543 }]
"aid": "PAAMX0200",
"aname": "Amtrak Police Department",
"total": 4706681,
[{ "weapons": 521386, "electronicSurv": 37813, "travTrain": 2099256, "salaryOvertime": 696775, "other": 678483, "commComp": 465870, "buildImprov": 207098 }]
"aid": "PA0090100",
"aname": "Bensalem Township Police Department",
"total": 1805018,
[{ "weapons": 53160, "electronicSurv": 130476, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 141704, "commPrograms": 2560, "salaryOvertime": 420067, "other": 645817, "commComp": 401227, "buildImprov": 7 }]
"aid": "PA006013A",
"aname": "Berks County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 136183,
[{ "weapons": 7743, "electronicSurv": 33024, "travTrain": 10600, "other": 2949, "commComp": 81867 }]
"aid": "PA0480300",
"aname": "Bethlehem Police Department",
"total": 666069,
[{ "weapons": 40973, "electronicSurv": 42919, "travTrain": 23136, "commPrograms": 4473, "salaryOvertime": 2602, "other": 445790, "commComp": 35314, "buildImprov": 70862 }]
"aid": "PA0190300",
"aname": "Bloomsburg Police Department",
"total": 34291,
[{ "weapons": 17771, "electronicSurv": 8620, "other": 7900 }]
"aid": "PA0020100",
"aname": "Borough Of Baldwin Police Department",
"total": 344812,
[{ "weapons": 110796, "electronicSurv": 53076, "travTrain": 1500, "other": 97712, "commComp": 62680, "buildImprov": 19048 }]
"aid": "PA0090300",
"aname": "Bristol Township Police Department",
"total": 285269,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17618, "travTrain": 9281, "other": 47155, "commComp": 66453, "buildImprov": 144762 }]
"aid": "PA0094800",
"aname": "Bucks County District Attorney",
"total": 209487,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5143, "salaryOvertime": 8938, "other": 194641, "buildImprov": 766 }]
"aid": "PA0630100",
"aname": "Canonsburg Borough Police Department.",
"total": 108976,
[{ "weapons": 996, "electronicSurv": 26545, "infoRewards": 8000, "travTrain": 8629, "salaryOvertime": 20000, "other": 10932, "commComp": 14558, "buildImprov": 19317 }]
"aid": "PA0210200",
"aname": "Carlisle Police Department",
"total": 123777,
[{ "weapons": 51755, "travTrain": 8469, "salaryOvertime": 54414, "other": 9140 }]
"aid": "PA0020500",
"aname": "Carnegie Police Department",
"total": 78627,
[{ "weapons": 19328, "electronicSurv": 3040, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 425, "other": 44772, "commComp": 9927, "buildImprov": 635 }]
"aid": "PA0460500",
"aname": "Cheltenham Township Police Dept",
"total": 293940,
[{ "weapons": 89391, "electronicSurv": 52291, "travTrain": 35867, "other": 36927, "commComp": 79464 }]
"aid": "PA0041900",
"aname": "Chippewa Township Police Department",
"total": 35328,
[{ "weapons": 3720, "electronicSurv": 1883, "commComp": 12844, "buildImprov": 16882 }]
"aid": "PA0230400",
"aname": "City Of Chester Police Department",
"total": 458456,
[{ "weapons": 112876, "electronicSurv": 19665, "travTrain": 7729, "other": 318186 }]
"aid": "PA0220200",
"aname": "City Of Harrisburg Bureau Of Police",
"total": 97466,
[{ "weapons": 24423, "electronicSurv": 1594, "salaryOvertime": 48468, "commComp": 22980 }]
"aid": "PA0401300",
"aname": "City Of Wilkes-Barre Police Department",
"total": 441864,
[{ "weapons": 87127, "electronicSurv": 3500, "travTrain": 10704, "other": 305042, "commComp": 25691, "buildImprov": 9800 }]
"aid": "PA0150100",
"aname": "Coatesville City Police Department",
"total": 103521,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6334, "infoRewards": 20000, "other": 11506, "commComp": 54260, "buildImprov": 11422 }]
"aid": "PA019013A",
"aname": "Columbia County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 127317,
[{ "weapons": 3171, "electronicSurv": 5350, "infoRewards": 16000, "travTrain": 11595, "other": 86746, "commComp": 2311, "buildImprov": 2144 }]
"aid": "PA0020700",
"aname": "Coraopolis Police Department",
"total": 646401,
[{ "weapons": 52904, "electronicSurv": 22407, "infoRewards": 79868, "travTrain": 53080, "other": 359872, "commComp": 72618, "buildImprov": 5653 }]
"aid": "PA0380900",
"aname": "Cornwall Borough Police Department",
"total": 338650,
[{ "weapons": 5229, "infoRewards": 3550, "travTrain": 30980, "salaryOvertime": 18215, "other": 195864, "commComp": 69633, "buildImprov": 15179 }]
"aid": "PA021013A",
"aname": "Cumberland County District Attorney's Office/Drug",
"total": 51402,
[{ "weapons": 566, "electronicSurv": 4707, "travTrain": 15268, "salaryOvertime": 22345, "other": 5707, "commComp": 963, "buildImprov": 1846 }]
"aid": "PA0060300",
"aname": "Cumru Township Police Department",
"total": 48249,
[{ "other": 39308, "commComp": 8941 }]
"aid": "PA0230800",
"aname": "Darby Borough Police Department",
"total": 63922,
[{ "travTrain": 455, "salaryOvertime": 1000, "other": 62468 }]
"aid": "PA022013A",
"aname": "Dauphin County Drug Task Force",
"total": 758190,
[{ "electronicSurv": 25267, "infoRewards": 50000, "travTrain": 31245, "commPrograms": 3300, "salaryOvertime": 165172, "other": 464868, "commComp": 18337 }]
"aid": "PA022013C",
"aname": "Dauphin County Prison",
"total": 39439,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 39439 }]
"aid": "PA023013A",
"aname": "Delaware County Office Of The District Attorney",
"total": 829785,
[{ "weapons": 31384, "infoRewards": 750, "travTrain": 16647, "commPrograms": 93372, "salaryOvertime": 420820, "other": 233233, "commComp": 23943, "buildImprov": 9636 }]
"aid": "PA0630600",
"aname": "Donora Police Dept.",
"total": 74298,
[{ "weapons": 2522, "electronicSurv": 8318, "travTrain": 334, "other": 56238, "commComp": 6886 }]
"aid": "PA0020900",
"aname": "Duquesne Police Department",
"total": 725679,
[{ "weapons": 31339, "electronicSurv": 86731, "infoRewards": 35419, "travTrain": 26902, "commPrograms": 1679, "salaryOvertime": 95811, "other": 178957, "commComp": 256113, "buildImprov": 12728 }]
"aid": "PA0364000",
"aname": "East Lampeter Township Police Department",
"total": 332518,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 33410, "other": 115819, "commComp": 183288 }]
"aid": "PA0480400",
"aname": "Easton Police Department",
"total": 188010,
[{ "electronicSurv": 78040, "commPrograms": 15599, "other": 42380, "commComp": 51991 }]
"aid": "PA0020R00",
"aname": "Findlay Township Police Department",
"total": 95073,
[{ "other": 2829, "commComp": 92244 }]
"aid": "PAEQ00142",
"aname": "Franklin County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 132794,
[{ "weapons": 3212, "electronicSurv": 2477, "infoRewards": 13756, "travTrain": 2998, "other": 75281, "commComp": 3746, "buildImprov": 31325 }]
"aid": "PA0010100",
"aname": "Gettysburg Borough Police Department",
"total": 216738,
[{ "weapons": 5672, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 645, "other": 99669, "commComp": 10252, "buildImprov": 100000 }]
"aid": "PA0021100",
"aname": "Green Tree Police Department",
"total": 36496,
[{ "other": 33691, "commComp": 2806 }]
"aid": "PA0400700",
"aname": "Hazleton Police Department",
"total": 679304,
[{ "weapons": 171902, "electronicSurv": 81257, "travTrain": 50841, "salaryOvertime": 60000, "other": 182208, "commComp": 116743, "buildImprov": 16353 }]
"aid": "PA0320300",
"aname": "Indiana Borough Police Department",
"total": 30023,
[{ "weapons": 3985, "electronicSurv": 16639, "travTrain": 584, "other": 7315, "commComp": 1500 }]
"aid": "PA0027500",
"aname": "Jefferson Hills Police Department",
"total": 63567,
[{ "electronicSurv": 15753, "other": 38789, "commComp": 6650, "buildImprov": 2375 }]
"aid": "PA0110400",
"aname": "Johnstown Police Department",
"total": 44243,
[{ "weapons": 8664, "electronicSurv": 5459, "travTrain": 4503, "salaryOvertime": 22361, "commComp": 3257 }]
"aid": "PA039013A",
"aname": "Lehigh County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 125075,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4207, "travTrain": 36333, "salaryOvertime": 84535 }]
"aid": "PA0465300",
"aname": "Limerick Township Police Department",
"total": 61260,
[{ "other": 61260 }]
"aid": "PA0461400",
"aname": "Lower Merion Township Police Department",
"total": 169752,
[{ "weapons": 33999, "electronicSurv": 15925, "travTrain": 35951, "other": 57140, "commComp": 16577, "buildImprov": 10161 }]
"aid": "PA0461500",
"aname": "Lower Moreland Township Police Department",
"total": 345203,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5070, "other": 245401, "commComp": 75876, "buildImprov": 18856 }]
"aid": "PA0220400",
"aname": "Lower Paxton Police Department",
"total": 144880,
[{ "weapons": 9656, "electronicSurv": 29397, "other": 77661, "commComp": 22734, "buildImprov": 5433 }]
"aid": "PA0021400",
"aname": "Mckees Rocks Police Department",
"total": 385580,
[{ "weapons": 21338, "electronicSurv": 9035, "travTrain": 2200, "salaryOvertime": 100000, "other": 223616, "commComp": 14133, "buildImprov": 15258 }]
"aid": "PA0021300",
"aname": "Mckeesport Police Police Department",
"total": 207503,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4649, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 1675, "salaryOvertime": 7584, "other": 121421, "commComp": 71174 }]
"aid": "PA0650700",
"aname": "Monessen Police Department",
"total": 61953,
[{ "weapons": 12557, "electronicSurv": 15588, "travTrain": 3211, "salaryOvertime": 1096, "other": 23481, "commComp": 4024, "buildImprov": 1995 }]
"aid": "PA045013A",
"aname": "Monroe County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 35851,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5988, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 3905, "other": 6199, "commComp": 19259 }]
"aid": "PA0021600",
"aname": "Monroeville Police Department",
"total": 232537,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4320, "other": 60150, "commComp": 168067 }]
"aid": "PA046013A",
"aname": "Montgomery County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 270916,
[{ "electronicSurv": 270, "salaryOvertime": 20463, "other": 17000, "commComp": 140608, "buildImprov": 92575 }]
"aid": "PA0023600",
"aname": "Munhall Borough Police Department",
"total": 154116,
[{ "weapons": 13997, "electronicSurv": 2941, "infoRewards": 160, "other": 50810, "commComp": 47160, "buildImprov": 39048 }]
"aid": "PA0370200",
"aname": "New Castle Police Department",
"total": 381501,
[{ "weapons": 46815, "electronicSurv": 34711, "infoRewards": 8144, "travTrain": 24601, "other": 167284, "commComp": 75644, "buildImprov": 24303 }]
"aid": "PA0150700",
"aname": "North Coventry Township Police Department",
"total": 480507,
[{ "weapons": 42901, "electronicSurv": 270, "salaryOvertime": 88947, "other": 266122, "commComp": 81667, "buildImprov": 600 }]
"aid": "PA0650900",
"aname": "North Huntingdon Township Police Department",
"total": 139824,
[{ "other": 20779, "commComp": 119045 }]
"aid": "PA048013A",
"aname": "Northampton County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 54661,
[{ "weapons": 4994, "electronicSurv": 2503, "infoRewards": 50, "travTrain": 4439, "commComp": 39312, "buildImprov": 3363 }]
"aid": "PA0021A00",
"aname": "Ohio Township Police Department",
"total": 177748,
[{ "weapons": 54288, "electronicSurv": 12384, "infoRewards": 2315, "travTrain": 18362, "commPrograms": 1026, "salaryOvertime": 3077, "other": 50400, "commComp": 29060, "buildImprov": 6836 }]
"aid": "PA0222400",
"aname": "Pa Office Of Attorney General",
"total": 3383202,
[{ "weapons": 105691, "electronicSurv": 19460, "travTrain": 104388, "salaryOvertime": 315537, "other": 2016241, "commComp": 821884 }]
"aid": "PA0480900",
"aname": "Palmer Township Police Department",
"total": 481392,
[{ "weapons": 96578, "electronicSurv": 45817, "infoRewards": 4840, "travTrain": 37437, "other": 113854, "commComp": 148006, "buildImprov": 34861 }]
"aid": "PA0021900",
"aname": "Penn Hills Police Department",
"total": 101360,
[{ "weapons": 25974, "travTrain": 4816, "other": 56518, "commComp": 12127, "buildImprov": 1925 }]
"aid": "PA0222000",
"aname": "Pennsylvania Department Of Revenue",
"total": 497524,
[{ "commComp": 497524 }]
"aid": "PAQNGCD05",
"aname": "Pennsylvania National Guard Counterdrug Program",
"total": 56448,
[{ "electronicSurv": 33162, "travTrain": 18621, "commComp": 4665 }]
"aid": "PAPSP0000",
"aname": "Pennsylvania State Police",
"total": 9465645,
[{ "weapons": 3449401, "electronicSurv": 1688445, "infoRewards": 117653, "travTrain": 1071177, "commPrograms": 12259, "salaryOvertime": 210887, "other": 2603943, "commComp": 273382, "buildImprov": 38499 }]
"aid": "PA051011A",
"aname": "Philadelphia District Attorney's Office",
"total": 3262105,
[{ "weapons": 4040, "electronicSurv": 33166, "infoRewards": 55, "travTrain": 112074, "other": 1728234, "commComp": 1157258, "buildImprov": 227278 }]
"aid": "PA0511300",
"aname": "Philadelphia Housing Authority Police Department",
"total": 405008,
[{ "weapons": 14659, "infoRewards": 1200, "travTrain": 14035, "other": 224267, "commComp": 150847 }]
"aid": "PAPEP0000",
"aname": "Philadelphia Police Department",
"total": 6659678,
[{ "weapons": 1017332, "electronicSurv": 23225, "travTrain": 293788, "commPrograms": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 1131333, "other": 206489, "commComp": 133944, "buildImprov": 3843567 }]
"aid": "PAPPD0000",
"aname": "Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police",
"total": 1077866,
[{ "weapons": 2932, "electronicSurv": 853, "infoRewards": 185406, "travTrain": 122881, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 488078, "commComp": 192505, "buildImprov": 84210 }]
"aid": "PA0450900",
"aname": "Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department",
"total": 45793,
[{ "weapons": 1944, "electronicSurv": 754, "infoRewards": 505, "travTrain": 5281, "other": 24978, "commComp": 10686, "buildImprov": 1646 }]
"aid": "PA0061400",
"aname": "Reading Police Department",
"total": 382164,
[{ "weapons": 6218, "electronicSurv": 91626, "infoRewards": 100000, "travTrain": 19808, "commPrograms": 10000, "salaryOvertime": 13045, "other": 97037, "commComp": 44431 }]
"aid": "PA0024000",
"aname": "Robinson Township Police Department",
"total": 119070,
[{ "weapons": 21098, "other": 64527, "commComp": 33444 }]
"aid": "PA0350400",
"aname": "Scranton Police Department",
"total": 263291,
[{ "weapons": 10712, "electronicSurv": 10584, "travTrain": 3033, "other": 3576, "commComp": 6631, "buildImprov": 228754 }]
"aid": "PA0024200",
"aname": "Shaler Township Police Department",
"total": 36496,
[{ "weapons": 1261, "commComp": 35236 }]
"aid": "PA0430100",
"aname": "Southwest Mercer County Regional Police Department",
"total": 212056,
[{ "weapons": 24917, "salaryOvertime": 104681, "other": 37688, "commComp": 44772 }]
"aid": "PA0450800",
"aname": "Stroud Area Regional Police Department",
"total": 155920,
[{ "weapons": 1269, "travTrain": 12373, "other": 81166, "commComp": 60283, "buildImprov": 828 }]
"aid": "PA0220800",
"aname": "Susquehanna Township Police Department",
"total": 32112,
[{ "weapons": 1476, "travTrain": 11831, "commPrograms": 5914, "other": 6112, "commComp": 6780 }]
"aid": "PA0233300",
"aname": "Tinicum Township Police Department",
"total": 33981,
[{ "other": 33981 }]
"aid": "PA0460100",
"aname": "Township Of Abington Police Department",
"total": 500195,
[{ "infoRewards": 290, "salaryOvertime": 314327, "other": 185578 }]
"aid": "PA0233700",
"aname": "Upper Darby Township Police",
"total": 75385,
[{ "infoRewards": 4000, "salaryOvertime": 71385 }]
"aid": "PA0092000",
"aname": "Upper Southampton Township Police Department",
"total": 46831,
[{ "weapons": 5823, "travTrain": 1547, "other": 21834, "commComp": 17626 }]
"aid": "PA0634300",
"aname": "Washington County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 33801,
[{ "weapons": 5303, "electronicSurv": 3928, "infoRewards": 9850, "travTrain": 2794, "commPrograms": 1100, "other": 1850, "commComp": 8915, "buildImprov": 60 }]
"aid": "PA0024600",
"aname": "West Homestead Police Department",
"total": 374782,
[{ "weapons": 34642, "electronicSurv": 12412, "infoRewards": 165, "travTrain": 8626, "commPrograms": 3886, "salaryOvertime": 3840, "other": 227472, "commComp": 79101, "buildImprov": 4639 }]
"aid": "PA0024700",
"aname": "West Mifflin Police Department",
"total": 558331,
[{ "weapons": 43837, "electronicSurv": 3362, "travTrain": 354, "commPrograms": 7106, "salaryOvertime": 6502, "other": 365544, "commComp": 117428, "buildImprov": 14198 }]
"st": "RI",
"stn": "Rhode Island",
"total": 84002902,
[{ "weapons": 664927, "electronicSurv": 250721, "infoRewards": 180492, "travTrain": 550607, "commPrograms": 831, "salaryOvertime": 666402, "other": 78708687, "commComp": 2219030, "buildImprov": 761204 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "RI0010200",
"aname": "Bristol Police Department",
"total": 64024,
[{ "weapons": 4250, "electronicSurv": 2797, "infoRewards": 12984, "salaryOvertime": 20537, "other": 18750, "commComp": 4707 }]
"aid": "RI0040100",
"aname": "Central Falls Police Department",
"total": 111031,
[{ "weapons": 31450, "infoRewards": 8080, "travTrain": 2114, "other": 61883, "commComp": 3820, "buildImprov": 3684 }]
"aid": "RI0040900",
"aname": "City Of Providence Police Department",
"total": 937075,
[{ "weapons": 87996, "electronicSurv": 4677, "infoRewards": 80000, "travTrain": 223257, "other": 409820, "commComp": 131325 }]
"aid": "RI0040200",
"aname": "Cranston Police Department",
"total": 611617,
[{ "weapons": 22131, "electronicSurv": 50249, "travTrain": 67312, "other": 352568, "commComp": 119358 }]
"aid": "RI0040400",
"aname": "East Providence Police Dept.",
"total": 51811257,
[{ "weapons": 193189, "electronicSurv": 77038, "infoRewards": 7192, "travTrain": 43279, "salaryOvertime": 104973, "other": 50622088, "commComp": 543042, "buildImprov": 220456 }]
"aid": "RI0050600",
"aname": "Hopkinton Police Department",
"total": 168018,
[{ "weapons": 11302, "electronicSurv": 2094, "infoRewards": 2160, "travTrain": 1929, "salaryOvertime": 117004, "other": 14341, "commComp": 17516, "buildImprov": 1672 }]
"aid": "RI0040500",
"aname": "Johnston Police Department",
"total": 95469,
[{ "weapons": 1650, "electronicSurv": 290, "infoRewards": 480, "travTrain": 5200, "other": 77670, "commComp": 10179 }]
"aid": "RI0030200",
"aname": "Middletown Police Department",
"total": 118744,
[{ "weapons": 28055, "electronicSurv": 3378, "travTrain": 8450, "other": 59794, "commComp": 10067, "buildImprov": 9001 }]
"aid": "RI0030300",
"aname": "Newport Police Department",
"total": 208457,
[{ "weapons": 44735, "electronicSurv": 10597, "infoRewards": 30000, "travTrain": 11238, "other": 8000, "commComp": 63374, "buildImprov": 40513 }]
"aid": "RI0040700",
"aname": "North Providence Police Department",
"total": 23026772,
[{ "weapons": 20657, "electronicSurv": 1395, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 18642, "salaryOvertime": 185922, "other": 22122882, "commComp": 365075, "buildImprov": 311700 }]
"aid": "RI0040800",
"aname": "Pawtucket Police Department",
"total": 601967,
[{ "electronicSurv": 23085, "travTrain": 4500, "other": 508589, "commComp": 17200, "buildImprov": 48593 }]
"aid": "RI0020600",
"aname": "Rhode Island Airport Police",
"total": 312998,
[{ "weapons": 26191, "electronicSurv": 25079, "travTrain": 13194, "salaryOvertime": 15434, "other": 134531, "commComp": 98569 }]
"aid": "RI004015Y",
"aname": "Rhode Island Department Of Attorney General",
"total": 345317,
[{ "weapons": 1261, "other": 324797, "commComp": 19259 }]
"aid": "RIQNGCD32",
"aname": "Rhode Island National Guard Counterdrug Program",
"total": 121428,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 121428 }]
"aid": "RIRSP0000",
"aname": "Rhode Island State Police",
"total": 3615310,
[{ "weapons": 96678, "infoRewards": 11000, "travTrain": 43834, "salaryOvertime": 62252, "other": 3051376, "commComp": 349667, "buildImprov": 503 }]
"aid": "RI0030500",
"aname": "Tiverton Police Department",
"total": 131094,
[{ "weapons": 10411, "electronicSurv": 1145, "travTrain": 1401, "other": 90488, "commComp": 5152, "buildImprov": 22497 }]
"aid": "RI0020300",
"aname": "Warwick Police Department",
"total": 347640,
[{ "weapons": 38419, "electronicSurv": 1651, "travTrain": 53616, "salaryOvertime": 987, "other": 127030, "commComp": 56428, "buildImprov": 69509 }]
"aid": "RI0050400",
"aname": "Westerly Police Department",
"total": 243603,
[{ "weapons": 17945, "electronicSurv": 18319, "infoRewards": 10500, "travTrain": 30715, "commPrograms": 831, "salaryOvertime": 35714, "other": 65854, "commComp": 50776, "buildImprov": 12947 }]
"aid": "RI0041200",
"aname": "Woonsocket Police Department",
"total": 1039710,
[{ "weapons": 15275, "electronicSurv": 21326, "infoRewards": 11000, "travTrain": 12330, "other": 626230, "commComp": 342240, "buildImprov": 11308 }]
"st": "SC",
"stn": "South Carolina",
"total": 27309242,
[{ "weapons": 1305045, "electronicSurv": 1592404, "infoRewards": 708890, "travTrain": 1505590, "commPrograms": 122062, "salaryOvertime": 1382541, "other": 15948483, "commComp": 3759037, "buildImprov": 985189 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "SC0020000",
"aname": "Aiken County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 225899,
[{ "weapons": 18976, "electronicSurv": 49133, "travTrain": 32074, "other": 110245, "commComp": 13537, "buildImprov": 1934 }]
"aid": "SC0020100",
"aname": "Aiken Department Of Public Safety (Police & Fire)",
"total": 36486,
[{ "electronicSurv": 16828, "travTrain": 4714, "other": 13378, "commComp": 1566 }]
"aid": "SC0040000",
"aname": "Anderson County Sheriff Office",
"total": 894846,
[{ "weapons": 6529, "electronicSurv": 18351, "infoRewards": 75305, "travTrain": 265912, "other": 393160, "commComp": 27275, "buildImprov": 108314 }]
"aid": "SC0040100",
"aname": "Anderson Police Department",
"total": 53631,
[{ "weapons": 2912, "electronicSurv": 11744, "travTrain": 4853, "other": 28579, "commComp": 5543 }]
"aid": "SC0060000",
"aname": "Barnwell County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 119748,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1161, "other": 100330, "commComp": 18257 }]
"aid": "SC0080000",
"aname": "Berkeley County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 127585,
[{ "weapons": 44404, "electronicSurv": 6814, "infoRewards": 6000, "travTrain": 23289, "commPrograms": 1768, "other": 31762, "commComp": 11049, "buildImprov": 2500 }]
"aid": "SC0320200",
"aname": "Cayce Police Department",
"total": 34583,
[{ "weapons": 22315, "electronicSurv": 2034, "infoRewards": 4776, "travTrain": 1462, "commPrograms": 228, "other": 2159, "commComp": 1609 }]
"aid": "SC0100000",
"aname": "Charleston County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 264810,
[{ "weapons": 1105, "electronicSurv": 17190, "infoRewards": 44295, "travTrain": 5750, "other": 164823, "commComp": 19243, "buildImprov": 12404 }]
"aid": "SC0110000",
"aname": "Cherokee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 253586,
[{ "weapons": 45542, "electronicSurv": 20603, "infoRewards": 3350, "travTrain": 7353, "salaryOvertime": 1489, "other": 65842, "commComp": 35962, "buildImprov": 73444 }]
"aid": "SC0130000",
"aname": "Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 80283,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3819, "other": 75872, "commComp": 592 }]
"aid": "SC0100100",
"aname": "City Of Charleston Police Department",
"total": 209031,
[{ "weapons": 27736, "electronicSurv": 9987, "travTrain": 75029, "other": 88358, "commComp": 3817, "buildImprov": 4104 }]
"aid": "SC0170100",
"aname": "City Of Dillon Police Department",
"total": 905137,
[{ "weapons": 16845, "infoRewards": 300, "travTrain": 8406, "salaryOvertime": 233572, "other": 530151, "commComp": 104948, "buildImprov": 10915 }]
"aid": "SC0220200",
"aname": "City Of Georgetown Police Department",
"total": 60438,
[{ "infoRewards": 10600, "travTrain": 581, "other": 48739, "commComp": 518 }]
"aid": "SC0260600",
"aname": "City Of Myrtle Beach Police",
"total": 374301,
[{ "weapons": 28246, "electronicSurv": 141491, "travTrain": 5858, "other": 109725, "commComp": 88980 }]
"aid": "SC0380100",
"aname": "City Of Orangeburg Public Safety",
"total": 102345,
[{ "weapons": 348, "electronicSurv": 6387, "infoRewards": 33000, "travTrain": 25058, "commComp": 27055, "buildImprov": 10497 }]
"aid": "SC0140000",
"aname": "Clarendon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 219702,
[{ "infoRewards": 25200, "other": 173183, "commComp": 21319 }]
"aid": "SC0150000",
"aname": "Colleton County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 62876,
[{ "weapons": 1390, "travTrain": 6307, "commPrograms": 1586, "other": 48681, "commComp": 3843, "buildImprov": 1070 }]
"aid": "SC0321300",
"aname": "Columbia Metropolitan Airport Police Department",
"total": 84338,
[{ "weapons": 10784, "electronicSurv": 2657, "travTrain": 4550, "other": 66347 }]
"aid": "SC0400100",
"aname": "Columbia Police Department",
"total": 1488813,
[{ "weapons": 3239, "electronicSurv": 116102, "infoRewards": 47000, "travTrain": 3316, "other": 1088786, "commComp": 228624, "buildImprov": 1745 }]
"aid": "SC0160000",
"aname": "Darlington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 60849,
[{ "weapons": 2915, "electronicSurv": 17643, "commComp": 11514, "buildImprov": 28778 }]
"aid": "SC0170000",
"aname": "Dillon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 815616,
[{ "weapons": 36883, "electronicSurv": 22889, "travTrain": 1059, "commPrograms": 4179, "other": 550224, "commComp": 106533, "buildImprov": 93850 }]
"aid": "SC0180000",
"aname": "Dorchester County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 581809,
[{ "weapons": 38914, "electronicSurv": 4096, "infoRewards": 7616, "travTrain": 9399, "salaryOvertime": 8400, "other": 324465, "commComp": 146706, "buildImprov": 42212 }]
"aid": "SC0420300",
"aname": "Duncan Police Department",
"total": 211219,
[{ "weapons": 12356, "electronicSurv": 21284, "travTrain": 4685, "salaryOvertime": 8346, "other": 89302, "commComp": 63169, "buildImprov": 12077 }]
"aid": "SC0200000",
"aname": "Fairfield County Sheriff Department",
"total": 40205,
[{ "infoRewards": 1000, "other": 24396, "commComp": 14809 }]
"aid": "SC0210000",
"aname": "Florence County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1488731,
[{ "weapons": 66094, "electronicSurv": 98180, "infoRewards": 116999, "travTrain": 259231, "commPrograms": 9000, "other": 652811, "commComp": 262941, "buildImprov": 23475 }]
"aid": "SC0210100",
"aname": "Florence Police Department",
"total": 85770,
[{ "weapons": 671, "electronicSurv": 15910, "infoRewards": 31000, "travTrain": 1880, "commPrograms": 1405, "other": 26357, "commComp": 7343, "buildImprov": 1206 }]
"aid": "SC0220000",
"aname": "Georgetown County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 56338,
[{ "weapons": 23064, "electronicSurv": 1551, "infoRewards": 17000, "commPrograms": 5000, "other": 9723 }]
"aid": "SC0080300",
"aname": "Goose Creek Police Department",
"total": 105369,
[{ "weapons": 15968, "electronicSurv": 14194, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 8861, "other": 48050, "commComp": 16295 }]
"aid": "SC0230200",
"aname": "Greenville City Police Department",
"total": 1100285,
[{ "weapons": 84953, "electronicSurv": 109197, "travTrain": 443, "other": 467996, "commComp": 436100, "buildImprov": 1595 }]
"aid": "SC0230000",
"aname": "Greenville County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 626960,
[{ "weapons": 80250, "electronicSurv": 74518, "travTrain": 51558, "other": 110976, "commComp": 237723, "buildImprov": 71936 }]
"aid": "SC0240000",
"aname": "Greenwood County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 300951,
[{ "weapons": 6062, "electronicSurv": 19790, "infoRewards": 34000, "travTrain": 4789, "other": 10339, "commComp": 190320, "buildImprov": 35650 }]
"aid": "SC0230300",
"aname": "Greer Police Department",
"total": 62229,
[{ "infoRewards": 100, "travTrain": 9323, "commPrograms": 14424, "salaryOvertime": 9573, "other": 1576, "commComp": 18785, "buildImprov": 8448 }]
"aid": "SC0250000",
"aname": "Hampton County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 508882,
[{ "weapons": 14985, "electronicSurv": 15521, "infoRewards": 13350, "travTrain": 53466, "commPrograms": 2539, "salaryOvertime": 106107, "other": 181278, "commComp": 88074, "buildImprov": 33561 }]
"aid": "SC0260400",
"aname": "Horry County Police Department",
"total": 573259,
[{ "weapons": 13019, "electronicSurv": 42330, "commPrograms": 7500, "other": 465096, "buildImprov": 45314 }]
"aid": "SC0260000",
"aname": "Horry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 97380,
[{ "weapons": 1523, "electronicSurv": 250, "travTrain": 19295, "commPrograms": 800, "other": 74531, "commComp": 980 }]
"aid": "SC0270000",
"aname": "Jasper County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 296460,
[{ "weapons": 1732, "electronicSurv": 17332, "infoRewards": 23179, "travTrain": 5928, "commPrograms": 4000, "salaryOvertime": 233919, "other": 8433, "commComp": 1937 }]
"aid": "SC0280000",
"aname": "Kershaw County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 110132,
[{ "weapons": 11530, "electronicSurv": 5842, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 2296, "other": 63332, "commComp": 22133 }]
"aid": "SC0320000",
"aname": "Lexington County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 348281,
[{ "weapons": 17829, "electronicSurv": 160018, "infoRewards": 22000, "travTrain": 1952, "other": 100042, "commComp": 23551, "buildImprov": 22888 }]
"aid": "SC0340000",
"aname": "Marion County Combined Drug Unit",
"total": 49986,
[{ "weapons": 21477, "electronicSurv": 6980, "travTrain": 6231, "commPrograms": 7410, "other": 7739, "buildImprov": 150 }]
"aid": "SC0100300",
"aname": "Mount Pleasant Police Department",
"total": 90569,
[{ "weapons": 12238, "electronicSurv": 783, "travTrain": 6847, "other": 66076, "commComp": 1352, "buildImprov": 3274 }]
"aid": "SC0360000",
"aname": "Newberry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 61854,
[{ "electronicSurv": 37872, "infoRewards": 600, "travTrain": 17265, "salaryOvertime": 2617, "commComp": 3500 }]
"aid": "SC0100800",
"aname": "North Charleston Police Department",
"total": 544147,
[{ "weapons": 29096, "electronicSurv": 49869, "infoRewards": 48000, "travTrain": 55905, "commPrograms": 59974, "other": 232083, "commComp": 69221 }]
"aid": "SC0260700",
"aname": "North Myrtle Beach Department Of Public Saftety",
"total": 133540,
[{ "weapons": 12080, "electronicSurv": 15037, "infoRewards": 6076, "travTrain": 1462, "other": 43282, "commComp": 55603 }]
"aid": "SC0370000",
"aname": "Oconee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 199627,
[{ "weapons": 3225, "electronicSurv": 2320, "travTrain": 7616, "other": 170039, "commComp": 7798, "buildImprov": 8628 }]
"aid": "SC0380000",
"aname": "Orangeburg County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 174851,
[{ "weapons": 1246, "electronicSurv": 16395, "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 15327, "salaryOvertime": 41560, "other": 43385, "commComp": 42958, "buildImprov": 1980 }]
"aid": "SC0400000",
"aname": "Richland County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1450623,
[{ "weapons": 123, "electronicSurv": 45442, "travTrain": 246628, "other": 1075816, "commComp": 82615 }]
"aid": "SC0270200",
"aname": "Ridgeland Police Department",
"total": 2695387,
[{ "weapons": 33322, "electronicSurv": 110972, "infoRewards": 2300, "travTrain": 59673, "commPrograms": 2000, "salaryOvertime": 736959, "other": 1415911, "commComp": 133578, "buildImprov": 200673 }]
"aid": "SCSHP0000",
"aname": "South Carolina Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 2459643,
[{ "weapons": 282090, "travTrain": 39544, "other": 2138008 }]
"aid": "SCLED0009",
"aname": "South Carolina Law Enforcement Division",
"total": 2749732,
[{ "weapons": 5147, "travTrain": 13671, "other": 2730914 }]
"aid": "SC0402600",
"aname": "South Carolina State Transport Police/Dps",
"total": 90458,
[{ "travTrain": 16862, "other": 73596 }]
"aid": "SC0420000",
"aname": "Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2019396,
[{ "weapons": 153737, "electronicSurv": 135935, "infoRewards": 45880, "travTrain": 29353, "other": 781951, "commComp": 824343, "buildImprov": 48197 }]
"aid": "SC0420100",
"aname": "Spartanburg Public Safety Department Police Div",
"total": 99629,
[{ "weapons": 2348, "electronicSurv": 8926, "infoRewards": 22500, "travTrain": 1586, "other": 34252, "commComp": 30018 }]
"aid": "SC0180200",
"aname": "Summerville Police Department",
"total": 723301,
[{ "weapons": 10846, "electronicSurv": 51695, "travTrain": 41770, "other": 425216, "commComp": 129164, "buildImprov": 64610 }]
"aid": "SC0430000",
"aname": "Sumter County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 383532,
[{ "weapons": 40866, "electronicSurv": 21166, "infoRewards": 25000, "travTrain": 2290, "other": 223748, "commComp": 68935, "buildImprov": 1528 }]
"aid": "SC0460000",
"aname": "York County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 51071,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7410, "infoRewards": 14143, "other": 17919, "commComp": 11598 }]
"st": "SD",
"stn": "South Dakota",
"total": 600968,
[{ "weapons": 137031, "electronicSurv": 93083, "travTrain": 48987, "salaryOvertime": 72995, "other": 132014, "commComp": 64353, "buildImprov": 52503 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "SD0510000",
"aname": "Pennington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 71918,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 71918 }]
"aid": "SDDCI0000",
"aname": "South Dakota Division Of Criminal Investigation",
"total": 423601,
[{ "weapons": 121273, "electronicSurv": 89161, "travTrain": 32237, "other": 99401, "commComp": 57645, "buildImprov": 23884 }]
"st": "TN",
"stn": "Tennessee",
"total": 37477730,
[{ "weapons": 2220238, "electronicSurv": 2996689, "infoRewards": 1738330, "travTrain": 2007579, "commPrograms": 147340, "salaryOvertime": 2539348, "other": 14665580, "commComp": 4727339, "buildImprov": 6435286 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "TN0160500",
"aname": "14th Judicial Drug Task Force",
"total": 99842,
[{ "travTrain": 7055, "commPrograms": 5015, "salaryOvertime": 33096, "other": 30217, "commComp": 7659, "buildImprov": 16800 }]
"aid": "TN0850200",
"aname": "15th Judicial District Dtf/Violent Offender Tf",
"total": 31219,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 31219 }]
"aid": "TN0830700",
"aname": "18th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 300171,
[{ "weapons": 2198, "electronicSurv": 7701, "infoRewards": 220816, "travTrain": 8955, "commPrograms": 2000, "salaryOvertime": 23050, "other": 19134, "commComp": 15513, "buildImprov": 804 }]
"aid": "TN0630500",
"aname": "19th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 377039,
[{ "weapons": 1685, "electronicSurv": 4398, "infoRewards": 75000, "travTrain": 68819, "salaryOvertime": 64852, "other": 138688, "commComp": 10111, "buildImprov": 13485 }]
"aid": "TN019025A",
"aname": "20th Judicial District Attorney's Office",
"total": 38789,
[{ "other": 38789 }]
"aid": "TN0940400",
"aname": "21st Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 658598,
[{ "weapons": 5524, "infoRewards": 55227, "travTrain": 42359, "salaryOvertime": 58104, "other": 323899, "commComp": 160301, "buildImprov": 13185 }]
"aid": "TN0090700",
"aname": "24th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 71056,
[{ "infoRewards": 24000, "other": 34417, "commComp": 12639 }]
"aid": "TN0490600",
"aname": "25th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 318071,
[{ "weapons": 1029, "electronicSurv": 22223, "infoRewards": 34308, "travTrain": 50791, "salaryOvertime": 33176, "other": 160977, "commComp": 15567 }]
"aid": "TN0780500",
"aname": "4th Judicial District Drug & Violent Crime Tf",
"total": 288399,
[{ "weapons": 6747, "electronicSurv": 893, "infoRewards": 108478, "travTrain": 328, "salaryOvertime": 37975, "other": 99051, "commComp": 22036, "buildImprov": 12891 }]
"aid": "TN0070700",
"aname": "8th Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 223117,
[{ "weapons": 1269, "electronicSurv": 608, "infoRewards": 58307, "travTrain": 22140, "other": 112906, "commComp": 8613, "buildImprov": 19274 }]
"aid": "TN0730500",
"aname": "9th District Drug & Violent Crime Task Force",
"total": 223392,
[{ "weapons": 101486, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 48260, "other": 45334, "commComp": 11265, "buildImprov": 13048 }]
"aid": "TN0540100",
"aname": "Athens Police Department",
"total": 119282,
[{ "weapons": 3694, "travTrain": 2632, "other": 2753, "commComp": 68586, "buildImprov": 41616 }]
"aid": "TN0840500",
"aname": "Atoka Police Department",
"total": 48437,
[{ "other": 48437 }]
"aid": "TN0790600",
"aname": "Bartlett Police Department",
"total": 303901,
[{ "weapons": 9227, "electronicSurv": 11316, "other": 164961, "commComp": 118397 }]
"aid": "TN0050000",
"aname": "Blount County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 889777,
[{ "weapons": 54279, "electronicSurv": 16750, "infoRewards": 7650, "other": 374932, "buildImprov": 436165 }]
"aid": "TN0350100",
"aname": "Bolivar Police Department",
"total": 175383,
[{ "weapons": 34060, "electronicSurv": 6077, "infoRewards": 8427, "travTrain": 3037, "commPrograms": 4980, "other": 105845, "commComp": 12458, "buildImprov": 500 }]
"aid": "TN0940300",
"aname": "Brentwood Police Department",
"total": 213320,
[{ "weapons": 22863, "electronicSurv": 9433, "commPrograms": 4800, "other": 140268, "commComp": 35956 }]
"aid": "TN0820100",
"aname": "Bristol Police Department",
"total": 31001,
[{ "weapons": 19750, "electronicSurv": 9064, "commComp": 2187 }]
"aid": "TN0090000",
"aname": "Carroll County Sheriff Department",
"total": 46247,
[{ "weapons": 43648, "other": 2599 }]
"aid": "TN0330100",
"aname": "Chattanooga Police Department",
"total": 381848,
[{ "weapons": 258591, "electronicSurv": 96533, "travTrain": 21124, "commComp": 5600 }]
"aid": "TN0180100",
"aname": "City Of Crossville Police Department",
"total": 176738,
[{ "other": 118106, "commComp": 16744, "buildImprov": 41887 }]
"aid": "TN0830100",
"aname": "City Of Gallatin Police Department",
"total": 123110,
[{ "weapons": 5683, "electronicSurv": 2204, "infoRewards": 3322, "other": 108915, "commComp": 2987 }]
"aid": "TN0330600",
"aname": "City Of Soddy-Daisy Police Department",
"total": 206573,
[{ "buildImprov": 206573 }]
"aid": "TN0630100",
"aname": "Clarksville Police Department",
"total": 95692,
[{ "weapons": 9163, "travTrain": 11513, "other": 70912, "commComp": 4104 }]
"aid": "TN0010100",
"aname": "Clinton Police Department",
"total": 85576,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8976, "travTrain": 6728, "salaryOvertime": 11643, "other": 51901, "commComp": 1735, "buildImprov": 4592 }]
"aid": "TN0790100",
"aname": "Collierville Police Department",
"total": 68550,
[{ "travTrain": 9000, "other": 44305, "commComp": 11835, "buildImprov": 3410 }]
"aid": "TN0600100",
"aname": "Columbia Police Department",
"total": 88237,
[{ "weapons": 35261, "other": 52976 }]
"aid": "TN079015A",
"aname": "District Attorney General's Office 30th Judicial",
"total": 741108,
[{ "weapons": 7146, "travTrain": 173912, "other": 345128, "commComp": 214922 }]
"aid": "TN0230000",
"aname": "Dyer County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 86430,
[{ "weapons": 86430 }]
"aid": "TN0330200",
"aname": "East Ridge Police Department",
"total": 69536,
[{ "weapons": 42744, "other": 26792 }]
"aid": "TN0100100",
"aname": "Elizabethton Police Department",
"total": 129865,
[{ "weapons": 19755, "electronicSurv": 4003, "travTrain": 5027, "commPrograms": 5000, "other": 48097, "commComp": 31675, "buildImprov": 16307 }]
"aid": "TN0900400",
"aname": "First Judicial District Drug Task Force",
"total": 54955,
[{ "electronicSurv": 17022, "infoRewards": 29112, "travTrain": 8821 }]
"aid": "TN0940100",
"aname": "Franklin Police Department",
"total": 309128,
[{ "weapons": 5105, "electronicSurv": 3654, "infoRewards": 29103, "travTrain": 46570, "other": 190243, "commComp": 29182, "buildImprov": 5271 }]
"aid": "TN0790200",
"aname": "Germantown Police Department",
"total": 739863,
[{ "weapons": 85492, "electronicSurv": 66004, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 191610, "salaryOvertime": 73036, "other": 142282, "commComp": 180439 }]
"aid": "TN0280000",
"aname": "Giles County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 71829,
[{ "weapons": 10000, "electronicSurv": 1500, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 2300, "other": 18029, "buildImprov": 25000 }]
"aid": "TN0320000",
"aname": "Hamblen County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 100995,
[{ "weapons": 408, "electronicSurv": 9900, "infoRewards": 11500, "travTrain": 3784, "commComp": 1170, "buildImprov": 74233 }]
"aid": "TN0330000",
"aname": "Hamilton County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 729423,
[{ "weapons": 284154, "electronicSurv": 9394, "infoRewards": 174334, "travTrain": 78464, "commPrograms": 17000, "other": 16800, "commComp": 149277 }]
"aid": "TN0400000",
"aname": "Henry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 51858,
[{ "weapons": 12670, "other": 22647, "commComp": 11388, "buildImprov": 5152 }]
"aid": "TN0570600",
"aname": "Jackson Madison County Metro Narcotics",
"total": 336316,
[{ "weapons": 44036, "electronicSurv": 13010, "travTrain": 2871, "other": 137795, "commComp": 91883, "buildImprov": 46721 }]
"aid": "TN0570100",
"aname": "Jackson Tn Police Dept",
"total": 41839,
[{ "weapons": 13545, "electronicSurv": 1526, "other": 17839, "commComp": 8009, "buildImprov": 921 }]
"aid": "TN0900100",
"aname": "Johnson City Police Bureau",
"total": 230389,
[{ "weapons": 9710, "travTrain": 12422, "other": 113757, "commComp": 8610, "buildImprov": 85890 }]
"aid": "TN0820200",
"aname": "Kingsport Police Department",
"total": 42400,
[{ "commComp": 42400 }]
"aid": "TN047015A",
"aname": "Knox County District Attorney",
"total": 38436,
[{ "travTrain": 5390, "commPrograms": 1000, "salaryOvertime": 3687, "other": 10846, "commComp": 17513 }]
"aid": "TN0470000",
"aname": "Knox County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 239353,
[{ "travTrain": 13466, "salaryOvertime": 22555, "other": 5500, "commComp": 7675, "buildImprov": 190157 }]
"aid": "TN0470100",
"aname": "Knoxville Police Department",
"total": 228738,
[{ "travTrain": 228738 }]
"aid": "TN0750300",
"aname": "Lavergne Police Department",
"total": 383607,
[{ "infoRewards": 80195, "travTrain": 1269, "salaryOvertime": 60000, "other": 107150, "commComp": 65857, "buildImprov": 69137 }]
"aid": "TN0500000",
"aname": "Lawrence County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 81629,
[{ "infoRewards": 23688, "travTrain": 9944, "other": 47998 }]
"aid": "TN0500100",
"aname": "Lawrenceburg Police Department",
"total": 56518,
[{ "other": 56518 }]
"aid": "TN0950100",
"aname": "Lebanon Police Department",
"total": 734337,
[{ "weapons": 41995, "electronicSurv": 74403, "other": 230684, "commComp": 137255, "buildImprov": 250000 }]
"aid": "TN0530100",
"aname": "Lenoir City Police Department",
"total": 162788,
[{ "weapons": 32224, "electronicSurv": 2798, "travTrain": 44434, "commPrograms": 1050, "other": 33076, "commComp": 13108, "buildImprov": 36096 }]
"aid": "TN0590100",
"aname": "Lewisburg Police Department",
"total": 796828,
[{ "other": 5445, "buildImprov": 791382 }]
"aid": "TN0530000",
"aname": "Loudon County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 205146,
[{ "weapons": 39245, "electronicSurv": 12139, "travTrain": 11195, "commPrograms": 38840, "salaryOvertime": 247, "other": 84878, "commComp": 10214, "buildImprov": 8389 }]
"aid": "TNMPD0000",
"aname": "Memphis Police Department",
"total": 4729528,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5420, "infoRewards": 144138, "travTrain": 83961, "salaryOvertime": 1908373, "other": 1272899, "commComp": 1311570, "buildImprov": 3166 }]
"aid": "TN0050700",
"aname": "Metro Knoxville Airport Authority Police",
"total": 164596,
[{ "weapons": 16544, "other": 104411, "commComp": 35856, "buildImprov": 7786 }]
"aid": "TNEQ00010",
"aname": "Metro Major Drug Enforcement Program",
"total": 391328,
[{ "other": 391328 }]
"aid": "TN0190800",
"aname": "Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Dps",
"total": 318355,
[{ "weapons": 58166, "electronicSurv": 170454, "other": 87564, "commComp": 2171 }]
"aid": "TN0190100",
"aname": "Metropolitan Nashville Police Department",
"total": 3872945,
[{ "weapons": 349226, "electronicSurv": 98817, "infoRewards": 439657, "salaryOvertime": 40763, "other": 883824, "commComp": 142254, "buildImprov": 1918405 }]
"aid": "TN0790400",
"aname": "Millington Police Department",
"total": 778742,
[{ "weapons": 16521, "electronicSurv": 63880, "infoRewards": 63305, "travTrain": 31062, "salaryOvertime": 63005, "other": 499029, "commComp": 41206, "buildImprov": 734 }]
"aid": "TN0750100",
"aname": "Murfreesboro Police Department",
"total": 1007489,
[{ "weapons": 190516, "electronicSurv": 35208, "infoRewards": 1237, "travTrain": 271224, "other": 364804, "commComp": 116828, "buildImprov": 27670 }]
"aid": "TN0010300",
"aname": "Oak Ridge Police Department",
"total": 210039,
[{ "weapons": 4633, "electronicSurv": 10645, "infoRewards": 15083, "travTrain": 15934, "other": 132023, "commComp": 31720 }]
"aid": "TN0710000",
"aname": "Putnam County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 45785,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1642, "infoRewards": 32643, "commComp": 2500, "buildImprov": 9000 }]
"aid": "TN0720000",
"aname": "Rhea County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 113851,
[{ "weapons": 6657, "travTrain": 1376, "other": 52700, "buildImprov": 53118 }]
"aid": "TN0730000",
"aname": "Roane County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 41794,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8280, "other": 33514 }]
"aid": "TN0750000",
"aname": "Rutherford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1223227,
[{ "weapons": 900, "electronicSurv": 117213, "travTrain": 179860, "other": 610989, "commComp": 246727, "buildImprov": 67539 }]
"aid": "TN0360100",
"aname": "Savannah Police Department",
"total": 31115,
[{ "electronicSurv": 318, "travTrain": 1539, "commComp": 2414, "buildImprov": 26843 }]
"aid": "TN0820600",
"aname": "Second Judicial Drug Task Force",
"total": 96511,
[{ "weapons": 1893, "electronicSurv": 35362, "infoRewards": 23577, "travTrain": 495, "other": 26855, "commComp": 8329 }]
"aid": "TN0790000",
"aname": "Shelby County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 5324896,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1643295, "travTrain": 19500, "commPrograms": 25000, "other": 2060307, "commComp": 93023, "buildImprov": 1483771 }]
"aid": "TN0930100",
"aname": "Sparta Police Department",
"total": 41888,
[{ "weapons": 12705, "electronicSurv": 9500, "infoRewards": 560, "other": 9854, "commComp": 5120, "buildImprov": 4149 }]
"aid": "TN0820000",
"aname": "Sullivan County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 64931,
[{ "weapons": 915, "electronicSurv": 1297, "infoRewards": 11849, "travTrain": 12205, "other": 14800, "commComp": 20865, "buildImprov": 3000 }]
"aid": "TN0620100",
"aname": "Sweetwater Police Department",
"total": 35599,
[{ "weapons": 8796, "electronicSurv": 20226, "other": 6577 }]
"aid": "TNTBI0000",
"aname": "Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation",
"total": 2199776,
[{ "electronicSurv": 45597, "travTrain": 35700, "other": 2041144, "commComp": 13842, "buildImprov": 63493 }]
"aid": "TNTHP0900",
"aname": "Tennessee Department Of Safety",
"total": 3048702,
[{ "weapons": 83464, "electronicSurv": 283250, "travTrain": 131155, "salaryOvertime": 15327, "other": 1591978, "commComp": 839690, "buildImprov": 103838 }]
"aid": "TN0192100",
"aname": "Tennessee Dept. Of Revenue Special Investigations",
"total": 45546,
[{ "weapons": 7335, "travTrain": 34069, "other": 4142 }]
"aid": "TNQNGCD16",
"aname": "Tennessee National Guard Counterdrug Task Force",
"total": 321866,
[{ "weapons": 895, "electronicSurv": 7561, "travTrain": 41023, "commPrograms": 38930, "other": 111450, "commComp": 51884, "buildImprov": 70124 }]
"aid": "TN0870000",
"aname": "Union County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 33880,
[{ "other": 33880 }]
"aid": "TN0900000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 259999,
[{ "weapons": 8128, "electronicSurv": 1765, "other": 77631, "commComp": 170620, "buildImprov": 1855 }]
"aid": "TN0940000",
"aname": "Williamson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 189132,
[{ "other": 189132 }]
"aid": "TN0950000",
"aname": "Wilson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 235838,
[{ "weapons": 76999, "buildImprov": 158838 }]
"st": "TX",
"stn": "Texas",
"total": 182171703,
[{ "weapons": 19451947, "electronicSurv": 13185608, "infoRewards": 3625664, "travTrain": 7584868, "commPrograms": 1720046, "salaryOvertime": 12576956, "other": 71801914, "commComp": 37407695, "buildImprov": 14817007 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "TX214015A",
"aname": "229th Judicial District",
"total": 216124,
[{ "weapons": 17513, "electronicSurv": 6145, "infoRewards": 39950, "travTrain": 666, "salaryOvertime": 75082, "other": 21931, "commComp": 19126, "buildImprov": 35710 }]
"aid": "TX163015A",
"aname": "38th Judicial District Attorney's Office",
"total": 488287,
[{ "travTrain": 101753, "other": 336072, "commComp": 18064, "buildImprov": 32398 }]
"aid": "TX112015A",
"aname": "8th Judicial District Attorney",
"total": 51017,
[{ "weapons": 26, "travTrain": 3652, "commPrograms": 5555, "commComp": 27713, "buildImprov": 14071 }]
"aid": "TX0430100",
"aname": "Allen Police Department",
"total": 565471,
[{ "weapons": 146880, "electronicSurv": 55649, "infoRewards": 11265, "travTrain": 14598, "commPrograms": 6500, "other": 68311, "commComp": 154804, "buildImprov": 107466 }]
"aid": "TX0220100",
"aname": "Alpine Police Department",
"total": 44089,
[{ "weapons": 27425, "electronicSurv": 5358, "travTrain": 1465, "commComp": 7242, "buildImprov": 2599 }]
"aid": "TX0200100",
"aname": "Alvin Police Department",
"total": 106371,
[{ "weapons": 6422, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 1480, "commPrograms": 2980, "other": 24953, "commComp": 56679, "buildImprov": 12857 }]
"aid": "TX1880100",
"aname": "Amarillo Police Department",
"total": 1418043,
[{ "weapons": 34247, "electronicSurv": 54101, "other": 837567, "commComp": 137586, "buildImprov": 354543 }]
"aid": "TX0020100",
"aname": "Andrews Police Department",
"total": 33569,
[{ "weapons": 15991, "electronicSurv": 458, "infoRewards": 6300, "travTrain": 3833, "buildImprov": 6988 }]
"aid": "TX0710100",
"aname": "Anthony Police Department",
"total": 299411,
[{ "weapons": 14474, "travTrain": 963, "commPrograms": 13716, "salaryOvertime": 16370, "other": 170213, "commComp": 45775, "buildImprov": 37899 }]
"aid": "TX0040000",
"aname": "Aransas County Sheriff",
"total": 89707,
[{ "weapons": 3000, "infoRewards": 13000, "travTrain": 971, "salaryOvertime": 45491, "other": 13945, "commComp": 11076, "buildImprov": 2225 }]
"aid": "TX0040100",
"aname": "Aransas Pass Police Department",
"total": 791986,
[{ "weapons": 81774, "electronicSurv": 44370, "infoRewards": 8500, "travTrain": 33209, "commPrograms": 36595, "salaryOvertime": 5115, "other": 491437, "commComp": 79605, "buildImprov": 11381 }]
"aid": "TX2200100",
"aname": "Arlington Police Department",
"total": 2131700,
[{ "weapons": 139470, "electronicSurv": 43136, "travTrain": 252671, "salaryOvertime": 747556, "other": 136931, "commComp": 460974, "buildImprov": 350963 }]
"aid": "TX2272600",
"aname": "Austin Departmen of Public Safety & Emerg Mgmt",
"total": 106276,
[{ "weapons": 1594, "travTrain": 8386, "other": 96295 }]
"aid": "TX2270100",
"aname": "Austin Police Department",
"total": 1159254,
[{ "weapons": 112230, "electronicSurv": 90132, "travTrain": 214443, "other": 632506, "commComp": 109942 }]
"aid": "TX0100000",
"aname": "Bandera County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 68708,
[{ "weapons": 28070, "infoRewards": 500, "other": 40138 }]
"aid": "TX0110000",
"aname": "Bastrop County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 231773,
[{ "weapons": 50748, "electronicSurv": 13609, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 14815, "commPrograms": 299, "other": 120822, "commComp": 29479 }]
"aid": "TX2200300",
"aname": "Bedford Police Department",
"total": 140611,
[{ "weapons": 68987, "travTrain": 2941, "other": 65646, "commComp": 2944, "buildImprov": 93 }]
"aid": "TX0130000",
"aname": "Bee County Sheriffs Department",
"total": 96684,
[{ "weapons": 6799, "electronicSurv": 11176, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 4876, "salaryOvertime": 5069, "other": 36167, "commComp": 10543, "buildImprov": 12053 }]
"aid": "TX0142400",
"aname": "Bell County Organized Crime Unit",
"total": 54685,
[{ "infoRewards": 5170, "salaryOvertime": 34180, "other": 15334 }]
"aid": "TX1550200",
"aname": "Beverly Hills Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 45511,
[{ "weapons": 17019, "electronicSurv": 5908, "other": 1146, "commComp": 21439 }]
"aid": "TX015025A",
"aname": "Bexar County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 41638,
[{ "weapons": 12052, "electronicSurv": 8094, "travTrain": 11000, "commComp": 10492 }]
"aid": "TX0150000",
"aname": "Bexar County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 867689,
[{ "weapons": 41219, "electronicSurv": 9532, "infoRewards": 81854, "travTrain": 58392, "salaryOvertime": 104074, "other": 253842, "commComp": 158332, "buildImprov": 160445 }]
"aid": "TX1140100",
"aname": "Big Spring Police Department",
"total": 40274,
[{ "weapons": 529, "electronicSurv": 1185, "infoRewards": 2040, "travTrain": 611, "salaryOvertime": 27295, "other": 5327, "commComp": 2375, "buildImprov": 913 }]
"aid": "TX1300100",
"aname": "Boerne Police Department",
"total": 33494,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 33494 }]
"aid": "TX0190000",
"aname": "Bowie County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33016,
[{ "other": 12821, "commComp": 20195 }]
"aid": "TX0200000",
"aname": "Brazoria County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 71810,
[{ "other": 40724, "commComp": 668, "buildImprov": 30418 }]
"aid": "TX0220000",
"aname": "Brewster County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 206706,
[{ "weapons": 6563, "electronicSurv": 17981, "commPrograms": 2024, "salaryOvertime": 4587, "other": 168094, "commComp": 6872, "buildImprov": 585 }]
"aid": "TX2370100",
"aname": "Brookshire Police Department",
"total": 63947,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1665, "infoRewards": 1100, "travTrain": 2577, "other": 42780, "commComp": 14251, "buildImprov": 1574 }]
"aid": "TX031015A",
"aname": "Cameron County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 760170,
[{ "infoRewards": 164320, "travTrain": 18604, "salaryOvertime": 480128, "other": 33939, "commComp": 63179 }]
"aid": "TX0310000",
"aname": "Cameron County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 389029,
[{ "weapons": 19476, "infoRewards": 5482, "salaryOvertime": 87746, "other": 262260, "commComp": 3415, "buildImprov": 10650 }]
"aid": "TX2340100",
"aname": "Canton Police Department",
"total": 135326,
[{ "weapons": 4404, "electronicSurv": 19768, "infoRewards": 1172, "commPrograms": 139, "salaryOvertime": 6029, "other": 86231, "commComp": 16789, "buildImprov": 795 }]
"aid": "TX0570400",
"aname": "Carrollton Police Department",
"total": 642941,
[{ "travTrain": 1695, "commPrograms": 2000, "other": 289388, "commComp": 13855, "buildImprov": 336003 }]
"aid": "TX033015A",
"aname": "Carson District Attorney's Office /100th Judicial",
"total": 69576,
[{ "weapons": 5443, "electronicSurv": 18963, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 6815, "other": 23283, "commComp": 10073 }]
"aid": "TX0340000",
"aname": "Cass County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 115613,
[{ "weapons": 26386, "electronicSurv": 3375, "other": 52676, "commComp": 18735, "buildImprov": 14440 }]
"aid": "TX0570500",
"aname": "Cedar Hill Police Department",
"total": 40106,
[{ "weapons": 6350, "electronicSurv": 2098, "travTrain": 550, "other": 14032, "commComp": 10176, "buildImprov": 6900 }]
"aid": "TX2460900",
"aname": "Cedar Park Police Department",
"total": 32850,
[{ "weapons": 19329, "electronicSurv": 11529, "commComp": 1992 }]
"aid": "TX01400P0",
"aname": "Central Texas Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 54988,
[{ "infoRewards": 5170, "salaryOvertime": 34180, "other": 15637 }]
"aid": "TX0360000",
"aname": "Chambers County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 42401,
[{ "other": 29356, "commComp": 9045, "buildImprov": 4000 }]
"aid": "TX1230100",
"aname": "City Of Beaumont Police Department",
"total": 1250222,
[{ "weapons": 86904, "infoRewards": 209893, "travTrain": 1423, "commPrograms": 5000, "other": 27195, "commComp": 919807 }]
"aid": "TX1810100",
"aname": "City Of Bridge City Police Department",
"total": 35211,
[{ "electronicSurv": 419, "other": 27540, "commComp": 7252 }]
"aid": "TX0310100",
"aname": "City Of Brownsville Police Department",
"total": 1600409,
[{ "weapons": 169942, "infoRewards": 82516, "travTrain": 38455, "salaryOvertime": 10000, "other": 1013438, "commComp": 252421, "buildImprov": 33636 }]
"aid": "TXDPD0000",
"aname": "City Of Dallas Police Department",
"total": 10243919,
[{ "infoRewards": 156336, "travTrain": 43405, "salaryOvertime": 1500000, "other": 8518914, "commComp": 25264 }]
"aid": "TX1080400",
"aname": "City Of Edinburg Police Department",
"total": 649691,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21098, "infoRewards": 15210, "other": 609746, "commComp": 3637 }]
"aid": "TX0840300",
"aname": "City Of Friendswood-Friendswood Police Department",
"total": 68862,
[{ "other": 20010, "commComp": 48852 }]
"aid": "TX1160300",
"aname": "City Of Greenville Police Department",
"total": 41011,
[{ "other": 32859, "commComp": 8152 }]
"aid": "TX0920400",
"aname": "City Of Kilgore Police Department",
"total": 1053217,
[{ "weapons": 37427, "electronicSurv": 66978, "infoRewards": 650, "travTrain": 13330, "other": 863933, "commComp": 38530, "buildImprov": 32369 }]
"aid": "TX0680200",
"aname": "City Of Odessa Police Department",
"total": 115995,
[{ "weapons": 9382, "commComp": 106026, "buildImprov": 587 }]
"aid": "TX0310600",
"aname": "City Of Port Isabel Police Department",
"total": 570056,
[{ "weapons": 28839, "electronicSurv": 14793, "infoRewards": 7791, "commPrograms": 2900, "salaryOvertime": 291420, "other": 101587, "commComp": 116625, "buildImprov": 6100 }]
"aid": "TX0573300",
"aname": "City Of Rowlett Police Department",
"total": 2041550,
[{ "weapons": 161447, "electronicSurv": 212730, "infoRewards": 47655, "travTrain": 186461, "other": 818929, "commComp": 411840, "buildImprov": 202488 }]
"aid": "TX0153700",
"aname": "City Of San Antonio Airport Police Division",
"total": 464753,
[{ "weapons": 25903, "electronicSurv": 3961, "travTrain": 3759, "salaryOvertime": 74366, "other": 216422, "commComp": 60525, "buildImprov": 79816 }]
"aid": "TXSPD0000",
"aname": "City Of San Antonio Police Department",
"total": 2469462,
[{ "weapons": 535486, "electronicSurv": 127811, "infoRewards": 185934, "travTrain": 15238, "salaryOvertime": 379125, "other": 88145, "commComp": 332074, "buildImprov": 805650 }]
"aid": "TX0910400",
"aname": "City Of Sherman Police Department",
"total": 64276,
[{ "travTrain": 13426, "other": 50851 }]
"aid": "TX0140700",
"aname": "City Of Temple Police Department",
"total": 273083,
[{ "electronicSurv": 22355, "other": 220471, "commComp": 30257 }]
"aid": "TX0701000",
"aname": "City Of Waxahachie Police Department",
"total": 38183,
[{ "other": 38183 }]
"aid": "TX1840100",
"aname": "City Of Weatherford Police Department",
"total": 394648,
[{ "weapons": 8639, "electronicSurv": 3357, "infoRewards": 8380, "salaryOvertime": 20000, "other": 170714, "commComp": 183558 }]
"aid": "TX0430000",
"aname": "Collin County Sheriff Office",
"total": 49419,
[{ "weapons": 512, "electronicSurv": 36618, "infoRewards": 12286, "commComp": 3 }]
"aid": "TX0460000",
"aname": "Comal County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 67628,
[{ "weapons": 22048, "travTrain": 11050, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 23411, "commComp": 10119 }]
"aid": "TX0150500",
"aname": "Converse Police Department",
"total": 330365,
[{ "weapons": 32640, "electronicSurv": 13734, "travTrain": 71768, "other": 112292, "commComp": 94555, "buildImprov": 5375 }]
"aid": "TX0570700",
"aname": "Coppell Police Department",
"total": 1008906,
[{ "weapons": 104834, "electronicSurv": 158964, "infoRewards": 13000, "travTrain": 17401, "other": 149180, "commComp": 434930, "buildImprov": 130598 }]
"aid": "TX1780200",
"aname": "Corpus Christi Police Department",
"total": 1862576,
[{ "weapons": 26273, "electronicSurv": 9320, "infoRewards": 26000, "travTrain": 147854, "salaryOvertime": 30482, "other": 710320, "commComp": 350771, "buildImprov": 561555 }]
"aid": "TX0500000",
"aname": "Coryell County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 45881,
[{ "other": 45881 }]
"aid": "TX0574100",
"aname": "Dallas County Constable Pct. 4",
"total": 32229,
[{ "weapons": 2318, "other": 29911 }]
"aid": "TX0573800",
"aname": "Dallas County Constable Precinct 3",
"total": 73725,
[{ "weapons": 37438, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 1194, "other": 26604, "commComp": 6989 }]
"aid": "TX0573900",
"aname": "Dallas County Constable Precint 2",
"total": 33289,
[{ "weapons": 4424, "other": 28865 }]
"aid": "TX057015A",
"aname": "Dallas County Criminal District Attorney",
"total": 875435,
[{ "weapons": 6625, "electronicSurv": 529, "infoRewards": 6500, "travTrain": 9113, "other": 837428, "commComp": 15240 }]
"aid": "TX0570000",
"aname": "Dallas County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 2141835,
[{ "weapons": 282903, "electronicSurv": 97434, "infoRewards": 4500, "travTrain": 54261, "other": 737003, "commComp": 933427, "buildImprov": 32307 }]
"aid": "TX0910200",
"aname": "Denison Police Department",
"total": 62674,
[{ "weapons": 28730, "electronicSurv": 4653, "infoRewards": 5000, "salaryOvertime": 8500, "other": 15790 }]
"aid": "TX0610000",
"aname": "Denton County Sheriff Office",
"total": 1801099,
[{ "weapons": 168113, "electronicSurv": 33676, "infoRewards": 82352, "travTrain": 64699, "salaryOvertime": 9972, "other": 739334, "commComp": 60924, "buildImprov": 642029 }]
"aid": "TX0610200",
"aname": "Denton Police Department",
"total": 321861,
[{ "weapons": 38514, "electronicSurv": 2744, "infoRewards": 50787, "travTrain": 43965, "other": 128252, "commComp": 31810, "buildImprov": 25790 }]
"aid": "TX0570800",
"aname": "Desoto Police Department",
"total": 35382,
[{ "weapons": 887, "electronicSurv": 8816, "infoRewards": 7621, "other": 10572, "commComp": 5601, "buildImprov": 1885 }]
"aid": "TX2203600",
"aname": "Dfw Airport Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 1479294,
[{ "weapons": 130090, "electronicSurv": 56866, "travTrain": 33366, "other": 1099397, "commComp": 110195, "buildImprov": 49379 }]
"aid": "TX0840200",
"aname": "Dickinson Police Department",
"total": 94450,
[{ "weapons": 3943, "electronicSurv": 37287, "travTrain": 8950, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 6081, "commComp": 37188 }]
"aid": "TX1710100",
"aname": "Dumas Police Department",
"total": 38085,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7035, "infoRewards": 26900, "salaryOvertime": 1800, "buildImprov": 2350 }]
"aid": "TX0570900",
"aname": "Duncanville Police Department",
"total": 35112,
[{ "weapons": 702, "electronicSurv": 2510, "other": 6966, "commComp": 23444, "buildImprov": 1490 }]
"aid": "TX0660000",
"aname": "Duval County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 221826,
[{ "electronicSurv": 20155, "infoRewards": 2990, "travTrain": 4212, "commPrograms": 1300, "salaryOvertime": 71637, "other": 96184, "commComp": 22377, "buildImprov": 2970 }]
"aid": "TX1620100",
"aname": "Eagle Pass Police Departmen",
"total": 580721,
[{ "weapons": 173500, "electronicSurv": 14395, "infoRewards": 5125, "travTrain": 14690, "commPrograms": 20313, "salaryOvertime": 726, "other": 290801, "commComp": 55050, "buildImprov": 6122 }]
"aid": "TX0680000",
"aname": "Ector County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 421386,
[{ "weapons": 71512, "electronicSurv": 102464, "travTrain": 15309, "other": 138306, "commComp": 93796 }]
"aid": "TX07100P0",
"aname": "El Paso County Metro Criminal Enterprise Unit",
"total": 1867655,
[{ "weapons": 11253, "electronicSurv": 23720, "infoRewards": 199014, "travTrain": 7546, "salaryOvertime": 305417, "other": 1100805, "commComp": 50340, "buildImprov": 169560 }]
"aid": "TX0712000",
"aname": "El Paso County Sheriff's Inv. Support Center",
"total": 202740,
[{ "electronicSurv": 23340, "infoRewards": 25000, "other": 31765, "commComp": 92932, "buildImprov": 29703 }]
"aid": "TX0710000",
"aname": "El Paso County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 4853281,
[{ "weapons": 98565, "electronicSurv": 49043, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 218976, "commPrograms": 22050, "salaryOvertime": 20744, "other": 3339123, "commComp": 1036291, "buildImprov": 65489 }]
"aid": "TX0710200",
"aname": "El Paso Police Department",
"total": 5950739,
[{ "weapons": 30186, "electronicSurv": 654666, "travTrain": 1275521, "salaryOvertime": 369148, "other": 582262, "commComp": 1415922, "buildImprov": 1623034 }]
"aid": "TX0700000",
"aname": "Ellis County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 597430,
[{ "weapons": 104224, "other": 369489, "commComp": 123717 }]
"aid": "TX2200900",
"aname": "Euless Police Department",
"total": 177068,
[{ "weapons": 593, "electronicSurv": 86504, "travTrain": 8579, "salaryOvertime": 2661, "other": 41816, "commComp": 12023, "buildImprov": 24892 }]
"aid": "TX0571000",
"aname": "Farmers Branch Police Department",
"total": 223905,
[{ "weapons": 28416, "electronicSurv": 8292, "infoRewards": 16, "travTrain": 34928, "commPrograms": 26832, "other": 81926, "commComp": 42822, "buildImprov": 673 }]
"aid": "TX0611200",
"aname": "Flower Mound Police Department",
"total": 59032,
[{ "weapons": 4897, "electronicSurv": 12230, "other": 8643, "commComp": 33262 }]
"aid": "TX079015A",
"aname": "Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 32790,
[{ "travTrain": 6305, "other": 23343, "commComp": 3142 }]
"aid": "TX0792100",
"aname": "Fort Bend County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 175578,
[{ "weapons": 6594, "electronicSurv": 9497, "infoRewards": 45045, "travTrain": 32968, "other": 24267, "commComp": 11848, "buildImprov": 45359 }]
"aid": "TX0790000",
"aname": "Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 2483357,
[{ "weapons": 32987, "electronicSurv": 388519, "travTrain": 24791, "other": 1375289, "commComp": 629380, "buildImprov": 32391 }]
"aid": "TXEQ00062",
"aname": "Fort Worth Dea Task Force In Co/Tcda",
"total": 47806,
[{ "other": 74, "commComp": 47732 }]
"aid": "TX2201200",
"aname": "Fort Worth Police Department",
"total": 3561985,
[{ "weapons": 980692, "electronicSurv": 459151, "infoRewards": 374216, "travTrain": 34177, "commPrograms": 348, "salaryOvertime": 691, "other": 607476, "commComp": 593316, "buildImprov": 511918 }]
"aid": "TX0200500",
"aname": "Freeport Police Department",
"total": 65642,
[{ "weapons": 7144, "electronicSurv": 2260, "travTrain": 10071, "other": 14996, "commComp": 21831, "buildImprov": 9340 }]
"aid": "TX0840000",
"aname": "Galveston County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 146950,
[{ "electronicSurv": 32586, "infoRewards": 9772, "other": 101994, "commComp": 2597 }]
"aid": "TX0840400",
"aname": "Galveston Police Department",
"total": 89848,
[{ "travTrain": 8818, "salaryOvertime": 5250, "other": 3497, "commComp": 72283 }]
"aid": "TX0460700",
"aname": "Garden Ridge Police Department",
"total": 300968,
[{ "weapons": 20366, "electronicSurv": 13009, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 10348, "commPrograms": 594, "other": 173902, "commComp": 68720, "buildImprov": 12030 }]
"aid": "TX0571100",
"aname": "Garland Police Department",
"total": 1506288,
[{ "weapons": 395370, "travTrain": 501, "other": 48158, "commComp": 79341, "buildImprov": 982918 }]
"aid": "TX0890600",
"aname": "Gonzales County Constable Pct 3",
"total": 30348,
[{ "weapons": 3636, "electronicSurv": 566, "infoRewards": 200, "travTrain": 686, "other": 9208, "commComp": 12103, "buildImprov": 3950 }]
"aid": "TX0571200",
"aname": "Grand Prairie Police Department",
"total": 890869,
[{ "weapons": 97067, "electronicSurv": 143264, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 7042, "commPrograms": 15524, "other": 539909, "commComp": 71409, "buildImprov": 16154 }]
"aid": "TX1130500",
"aname": "Grapeland Police Department",
"total": 37365,
[{ "other": 37365 }]
"aid": "TX2201300",
"aname": "Grapevine Police Department",
"total": 125285,
[{ "weapons": 34065, "electronicSurv": 14754, "commComp": 76466 }]
"aid": "TX0921400",
"aname": "Gregg County Drug Enforcement C.O.D.E.",
"total": 247985,
[{ "weapons": 13191, "electronicSurv": 19073, "infoRewards": 15000, "travTrain": 3483, "other": 160826, "commComp": 36413 }]
"aid": "TX0920000",
"aname": "Gregg County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 249825,
[{ "weapons": 36861, "electronicSurv": 10716, "travTrain": 14927, "other": 71501, "commComp": 94936, "buildImprov": 20883 }]
"aid": "TX0940000",
"aname": "Guadalupe County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 1033199,
[{ "weapons": 24085, "electronicSurv": 215696, "infoRewards": 69590, "travTrain": 4717, "commPrograms": 31125, "other": 388009, "commComp": 218014, "buildImprov": 81963 }]
"aid": "TX0310300",
"aname": "Harlingen Police Department",
"total": 4248057,
[{ "weapons": 807377, "electronicSurv": 59451, "infoRewards": 9200, "travTrain": 201477, "salaryOvertime": 22064, "other": 1004942, "commComp": 2043890, "buildImprov": 99656 }]
"aid": "TX1010000",
"aname": "Harris County Tx Sheriff's Office",
"total": 6199281,
[{ "weapons": 661088, "electronicSurv": 60573, "infoRewards": 156282, "travTrain": 784229, "commPrograms": 4841, "salaryOvertime": 116035, "other": 1432984, "commComp": 2972952, "buildImprov": 10298 }]
"aid": "TX1050000",
"aname": "Hays County Sheriff'S Office",
"total": 137778,
[{ "weapons": 7474, "travTrain": 10411, "commPrograms": 1206, "other": 72911, "commComp": 15925, "buildImprov": 29852 }]
"aid": "TX2010100",
"aname": "Henderson Police Department",
"total": 173876,
[{ "travTrain": 3087, "salaryOvertime": 170789 }]
"aid": "TX108015A",
"aname": "Hidalgo County Criminal District Attorney",
"total": 45832,
[{ "travTrain": 17365, "other": 14143, "buildImprov": 14324 }]
"aid": "TX1082700",
"aname": "Hidalgo County Hidta Task Force",
"total": 555809,
[{ "weapons": 25131, "electronicSurv": 4748, "infoRewards": 47601, "travTrain": 32515, "other": 274581, "commComp": 151806, "buildImprov": 19427 }]
"aid": "TX1080000",
"aname": "Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 659379,
[{ "weapons": 12210, "travTrain": 12497, "other": 199554, "commComp": 435118 }]
"aid": "TX1090000",
"aname": "Hill County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 159915,
[{ "weapons": 2268, "travTrain": 17455, "other": 109748, "commComp": 30444 }]
"aid": "TX1090100",
"aname": "Hillsboro Police Department",
"total": 79053,
[{ "weapons": 7464, "travTrain": 2382, "commPrograms": 5000, "other": 13378, "commComp": 42307, "buildImprov": 8522 }]
"aid": "TX1018100",
"aname": "Houston Hidta Task Force",
"total": 889628,
[{ "electronicSurv": 233049, "salaryOvertime": 93375, "commComp": 254809, "buildImprov": 308396 }]
"aid": "TXHPD0000",
"aname": "Houston Police Department",
"total": 13990303,
[{ "weapons": 979658, "electronicSurv": 367533, "infoRewards": 211588, "travTrain": 64342, "commPrograms": 338576, "salaryOvertime": 3279413, "other": 5754940, "commComp": 2945263, "buildImprov": 48989 }]
"aid": "TX2201600",
"aname": "Hurst Police Department",
"total": 58933,
[{ "weapons": 6582, "infoRewards": 1655, "travTrain": 14026, "salaryOvertime": 9772, "other": 13199, "commComp": 13700 }]
"aid": "TX0571500",
"aname": "Irving Police Department",
"total": 596416,
[{ "electronicSurv": 69088, "infoRewards": 21975, "travTrain": 1380, "commPrograms": 14922, "salaryOvertime": 93718, "other": 347457, "commComp": 1956, "buildImprov": 45920 }]
"aid": "TX1230000",
"aname": "Jefferson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 859077,
[{ "weapons": 28945, "electronicSurv": 67313, "travTrain": 83729, "salaryOvertime": 72988, "other": 132811, "commComp": 381975, "buildImprov": 91318 }]
"aid": "TX1240000",
"aname": "Jim Hogg County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 74068,
[{ "weapons": 19626, "electronicSurv": 904, "travTrain": 26475, "other": 10246, "commComp": 16816 }]
"aid": "TX1012700",
"aname": "Katy Police Department",
"total": 258773,
[{ "weapons": 80741, "electronicSurv": 20335, "travTrain": 3937, "other": 121576, "commComp": 27886, "buildImprov": 4298 }]
"aid": "TX1290000",
"aname": "Kaufman County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 69893,
[{ "weapons": 5664, "other": 40106, "commComp": 24123 }]
"aid": "TX1300000",
"aname": "Kendall County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 214812,
[{ "weapons": 12411, "travTrain": 8514, "commPrograms": 20887, "other": 135479, "commComp": 13389, "buildImprov": 24133 }]
"aid": "TX0140400",
"aname": "Killeen Police Department",
"total": 52516,
[{ "weapons": 1268, "electronicSurv": 41021, "other": 10227 }]
"aid": "TX1340000",
"aname": "Kimble County Sheriff Office",
"total": 1588350,
[{ "weapons": 59983, "electronicSurv": 43771, "infoRewards": 12000, "travTrain": 61593, "commPrograms": 16963, "salaryOvertime": 309149, "other": 747839, "commComp": 128820, "buildImprov": 208232 }]
"aid": "TX1370100",
"aname": "Kingsville Police Department",
"total": 305200,
[{ "weapons": 51633, "infoRewards": 48083, "travTrain": 19342, "other": 185602, "commComp": 541 }]
"aid": "TX13700P0",
"aname": "Kingsville Specialized Crimes & Narcotics Tf",
"total": 155035,
[{ "weapons": 11942, "infoRewards": 6250, "travTrain": 15107, "other": 36348, "commComp": 85388 }]
"aid": "TX1360000",
"aname": "Kinney County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 72223,
[{ "travTrain": 16427, "salaryOvertime": 17473, "other": 38323 }]
"aid": "TX1370000",
"aname": "Kleberg County Sheriff Department",
"total": 643778,
[{ "weapons": 30265, "electronicSurv": 39958, "travTrain": 17711, "other": 294143, "commComp": 261700 }]
"aid": "TX1011300",
"aname": "La Porte Police Department",
"total": 557323,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 51050, "other": 94038, "commComp": 40160, "buildImprov": 372075 }]
"aid": "TX0200800",
"aname": "Lake Jackson Police Department",
"total": 54914,
[{ "weapons": 1680, "other": 50901, "commComp": 2333 }]
"aid": "TXEQ00137",
"aname": "Laredo Financial Task Force",
"total": 325610,
[{ "travTrain": 2638, "salaryOvertime": 136742, "other": 175819, "commComp": 10412 }]
"aid": "TX2400100",
"aname": "Laredo Police Department",
"total": 7695302,
[{ "weapons": 356422, "electronicSurv": 25160, "infoRewards": 2220, "travTrain": 179053, "salaryOvertime": 279325, "other": 6512584, "commComp": 226238, "buildImprov": 114299 }]
"aid": "TX1420000",
"aname": "Lasalle County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 62536,
[{ "weapons": 7854, "electronicSurv": 460, "infoRewards": 1000, "other": 2838, "commComp": 44770, "buildImprov": 5615 }]
"aid": "TX0840800",
"aname": "League City Police Department",
"total": 336463,
[{ "weapons": 32732, "electronicSurv": 26968, "infoRewards": 3170, "travTrain": 67, "commPrograms": 550, "other": 70902, "commComp": 202073 }]
"aid": "TX0151000",
"aname": "Leon Valley Police Department",
"total": 671481,
[{ "weapons": 37413, "travTrain": 3915, "salaryOvertime": 3382, "other": 590177, "commComp": 30093, "buildImprov": 6500 }]
"aid": "TX1100100",
"aname": "Levelland Police Department",
"total": 31105,
[{ "weapons": 4391, "electronicSurv": 1170, "other": 19394, "commComp": 6150 }]
"aid": "TX0610600",
"aname": "Lewisville Police Department",
"total": 667080,
[{ "weapons": 268397, "electronicSurv": 42058, "travTrain": 17593, "other": 81414, "commComp": 46855, "buildImprov": 210762 }]
"aid": "TX1490000",
"aname": "Live Oak County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 711871,
[{ "weapons": 55102, "electronicSurv": 32682, "infoRewards": 5644, "travTrain": 12709, "commPrograms": 7000, "salaryOvertime": 141039, "other": 247697, "commComp": 94825, "buildImprov": 115171 }]
"aid": "TX0151600",
"aname": "Live Oak Police Department",
"total": 94306,
[{ "weapons": 17414, "electronicSurv": 8478, "other": 37424, "commComp": 30990 }]
"aid": "TX0920500",
"aname": "Longview Police Department",
"total": 91603,
[{ "weapons": 17014, "infoRewards": 495, "travTrain": 4424, "salaryOvertime": 40, "other": 12249, "commComp": 21151, "buildImprov": 36231 }]
"aid": "TX1550600",
"aname": "Lorena Police Department",
"total": 88357,
[{ "commPrograms": 715, "commComp": 12641, "buildImprov": 75000 }]
"aid": "TX1520000",
"aname": "Lubbock County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 403299,
[{ "weapons": 9320, "electronicSurv": 4257, "infoRewards": 39945, "travTrain": 2287, "salaryOvertime": 945, "other": 208382, "commComp": 69501, "buildImprov": 68662 }]
"aid": "TX1520200",
"aname": "Lubbock Police Department",
"total": 521600,
[{ "weapons": 2359, "electronicSurv": 69838, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 23159, "other": 160046, "commComp": 235455, "buildImprov": 20742 }]
"aid": "TX0030400",
"aname": "Lufkin Police Department",
"total": 42031,
[{ "electronicSurv": 19710, "other": 22321 }]
"aid": "TX2202000",
"aname": "Mansfield Police Department",
"total": 80839,
[{ "electronicSurv": 25592, "commComp": 8476, "buildImprov": 46771 }]
"aid": "TX1080800",
"aname": "Mcallen Police Department",
"total": 1698540,
[{ "weapons": 90429, "electronicSurv": 169308, "travTrain": 65077, "other": 363703, "commComp": 726594, "buildImprov": 283429 }]
"aid": "TX0430500",
"aname": "Mckinney Police Department",
"total": 485234,
[{ "weapons": 141641, "electronicSurv": 46723, "travTrain": 15653, "other": 71772, "commComp": 161131, "buildImprov": 48315 }]
"aid": "TX1550000",
"aname": "Mclennan County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 156724,
[{ "weapons": 20279, "electronicSurv": 1849, "infoRewards": 10651, "travTrain": 3249, "other": 58093, "commComp": 62603 }]
"aid": "TX1560000",
"aname": "Mcmullen County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1138827,
[{ "weapons": 26265, "electronicSurv": 82306, "infoRewards": 2500, "travTrain": 250, "salaryOvertime": 83564, "other": 315648, "commComp": 50542, "buildImprov": 577753 }]
"aid": "TX1630000",
"aname": "Medina County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 185599,
[{ "weapons": 8826, "electronicSurv": 17706, "infoRewards": 14750, "travTrain": 35, "other": 113632, "commComp": 23395, "buildImprov": 7256 }]
"aid": "TX0571800",
"aname": "Mesquite Police Department",
"total": 2932303,
[{ "weapons": 650698, "electronicSurv": 223902, "travTrain": 13472, "other": 875354, "commComp": 915592, "buildImprov": 253286 }]
"aid": "TX1470300",
"aname": "Mexia Police Department",
"total": 52691,
[{ "weapons": 21669, "electronicSurv": 1708, "infoRewards": 1800, "other": 27514 }]
"aid": "TX1650000",
"aname": "Midland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 401957,
[{ "weapons": 90462, "electronicSurv": 867, "travTrain": 73099, "other": 229225, "commComp": 7804, "buildImprov": 500 }]
"aid": "TX1650100",
"aname": "Midland Texas Police Department",
"total": 393270,
[{ "weapons": 6983, "other": 304256, "commComp": 76577, "buildImprov": 5454 }]
"aid": "TX1081000",
"aname": "Mission Police Department",
"total": 1570834,
[{ "weapons": 41868, "electronicSurv": 139097, "travTrain": 22740, "salaryOvertime": 290788, "other": 724378, "commComp": 331698, "buildImprov": 20267 }]
"aid": "TX1700600",
"aname": "Montgomery County Constable Pct. 4",
"total": 184587,
[{ "weapons": 6799, "infoRewards": 800, "travTrain": 13699, "other": 99140, "commComp": 64150 }]
"aid": "TX1700000",
"aname": "Montgomery County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 466659,
[{ "weapons": 73750, "electronicSurv": 82380, "infoRewards": 5355, "travTrain": 47092, "other": 132580, "commComp": 8146, "buildImprov": 117356 }]
"aid": "TX174015A",
"aname": "Nacogdoches County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 69001,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5700, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 6014, "commPrograms": 150, "other": 55836, "commComp": 801 }]
"aid": "TX1740000",
"aname": "Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 252783,
[{ "weapons": 11493, "electronicSurv": 570, "infoRewards": 6652, "travTrain": 58283, "commPrograms": 250, "other": 92505, "commComp": 70567, "buildImprov": 12463 }]
"aid": "TX1631000",
"aname": "Natalia Police Department",
"total": 153028,
[{ "weapons": 1348, "salaryOvertime": 47579, "other": 85051, "commComp": 14438, "buildImprov": 4613 }]
"aid": "TX1750000",
"aname": "Navarro County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 199243,
[{ "infoRewards": 9000, "travTrain": 250, "other": 154871, "commComp": 35122 }]
"aid": "TX1230500",
"aname": "Nederland Police Department",
"total": 75715,
[{ "weapons": 2146, "travTrain": 2186, "other": 27595, "commComp": 29536, "buildImprov": 14252 }]
"aid": "TX0460100",
"aname": "New Braunfels Police Department",
"total": 661764,
[{ "weapons": 102387, "electronicSurv": 34619, "travTrain": 146598, "other": 229143, "commComp": 113164, "buildImprov": 35852 }]
"aid": "TX2202100",
"aname": "North Richland Hills Police Department",
"total": 586664,
[{ "weapons": 74593, "electronicSurv": 85923, "travTrain": 74827, "commPrograms": 86478, "other": 187929, "commComp": 31956, "buildImprov": 44958 }]
"aid": "TXEQ00178",
"aname": "North Texas Hidta",
"total": 1587213,
[{ "weapons": 1114, "electronicSurv": 707864, "infoRewards": 88406, "travTrain": 16480, "commPrograms": 3652, "salaryOvertime": 7250, "other": 762447 }]
"aid": "TXEQ00209",
"aname": "North Texas Hidta Risc",
"total": 91466,
[{ "other": 91466 }]
"aid": "TX0613900",
"aname": "Northlake Police Department",
"total": 42027,
[{ "other": 42027 }]
"aid": "TX1780000",
"aname": "Nueces County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 694957,
[{ "weapons": 11, "travTrain": 16656, "commPrograms": 20700, "other": 570090, "commComp": 69994, "buildImprov": 17506 }]
"aid": "TX162015A",
"aname": "Office Of The District Attorney 293rd Judicial Dis",
"total": 71215,
[{ "weapons": 4792, "travTrain": 13521, "other": 37835, "commComp": 11383, "buildImprov": 3684 }]
"aid": "TX1810200",
"aname": "Orange Police Department",
"total": 423346,
[{ "weapons": 995, "electronicSurv": 60327, "travTrain": 17547, "salaryOvertime": 16305, "other": 225375, "commComp": 101973, "buildImprov": 824 }]
"aid": "TX0010100",
"aname": "Palestine Police Department",
"total": 94345,
[{ "other": 29968, "commComp": 50377, "buildImprov": 14000 }]
"aid": "TX1082200",
"aname": "Palmview Police Department",
"total": 1054573,
[{ "weapons": 27869, "electronicSurv": 4193, "infoRewards": 300, "travTrain": 64154, "other": 802939, "commComp": 73053, "buildImprov": 82065 }]
"aid": "TX1840000",
"aname": "Parker County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 203954,
[{ "weapons": 6308, "electronicSurv": 998, "infoRewards": 28500, "travTrain": 9153, "commPrograms": 337, "other": 60281, "commComp": 29814, "buildImprov": 68563 }]
"aid": "TX1011500",
"aname": "Pasadena Police Dept.",
"total": 3461589,
[{ "weapons": 355063, "electronicSurv": 24310, "infoRewards": 73664, "travTrain": 210559, "salaryOvertime": 371765, "other": 481949, "commComp": 1165033, "buildImprov": 779247 }]
"aid": "TX2270900",
"aname": "Pflugerville Police Department",
"total": 88454,
[{ "weapons": 2623, "electronicSurv": 6948, "travTrain": 2017, "other": 42922, "commComp": 3157, "buildImprov": 30787 }]
"aid": "TX1081100",
"aname": "Pharr Police Department",
"total": 1215344,
[{ "weapons": 208448, "electronicSurv": 170121, "infoRewards": 2894, "travTrain": 125946, "commPrograms": 96734, "salaryOvertime": 23123, "other": 325474, "commComp": 148470, "buildImprov": 114135 }]
"aid": "TX1810300",
"aname": "Pinehurst Police Department",
"total": 97641,
[{ "weapons": 10090, "electronicSurv": 14262, "infoRewards": 10952, "travTrain": 426, "salaryOvertime": 2486, "other": 53969, "commComp": 3261, "buildImprov": 2196 }]
"aid": "TX0430600",
"aname": "Plano Police Department",
"total": 115959,
[{ "weapons": 35609, "electronicSurv": 1750, "other": 4401, "commComp": 43230, "buildImprov": 30969 }]
"aid": "TX1230700",
"aname": "Port Arthur Police Department",
"total": 255612,
[{ "weapons": 96222, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 890, "other": 149518, "buildImprov": 5982 }]
"aid": "TX1230800",
"aname": "Port Neches Police Department",
"total": 38927,
[{ "electronicSurv": 5532, "other": 29669, "buildImprov": 3726 }]
"aid": "TX1781800",
"aname": "Port Of Corpus Christi Police Department",
"total": 39912,
[{ "other": 39912 }]
"aid": "TX2050300",
"aname": "Portland Police Department",
"total": 328860,
[{ "other": 118931, "commComp": 209928 }]
"aid": "TX188013A",
"aname": "Potter County Attorneys' Office",
"total": 243538,
[{ "weapons": 10048, "electronicSurv": 3747, "infoRewards": 45200, "travTrain": 64988, "salaryOvertime": 89132, "other": 22610, "commComp": 7814 }]
"aid": "TX1880000",
"aname": "Potter County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 392468,
[{ "weapons": 73843, "electronicSurv": 37075, "infoRewards": 29886, "travTrain": 1854, "commPrograms": 21558, "other": 109937, "commComp": 113218, "buildImprov": 5097 }]
"aid": "TX1910000",
"aname": "Randall County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 353089,
[{ "weapons": 43810, "electronicSurv": 4977, "travTrain": 11579, "commPrograms": 31072, "other": 96123, "commComp": 4448, "buildImprov": 161079 }]
"aid": "TX0572000",
"aname": "Richardson Police Department",
"total": 500509,
[{ "weapons": 17577, "electronicSurv": 22920, "travTrain": 5168, "other": 120569, "commComp": 138753, "buildImprov": 195521 }]
"aid": "TX1990000",
"aname": "Rockwall County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 34801,
[{ "weapons": 650, "infoRewards": 500, "other": 2651, "commComp": 31000 }]
"aid": "TX1990100",
"aname": "Rockwall Police Department",
"total": 445186,
[{ "weapons": 109373, "electronicSurv": 4002, "infoRewards": 16500, "salaryOvertime": 109500, "other": 124800, "commComp": 42448, "buildImprov": 38564 }]
"aid": "TX19901P0",
"aname": "Rockwall Special Crimes Unit",
"total": 208180,
[{ "weapons": 186, "infoRewards": 39586, "travTrain": 3513, "salaryOvertime": 5968, "other": 63370, "commComp": 26183, "buildImprov": 69374 }]
"aid": "TX0790300",
"aname": "Rosenberg Police Department",
"total": 106672,
[{ "weapons": 97222, "electronicSurv": 2785, "commComp": 6665 }]
"aid": "TX2460500",
"aname": "Round Rock Police Department",
"total": 689636,
[{ "other": 323555, "commComp": 183858, "buildImprov": 182224 }]
"aid": "TX1990200",
"aname": "Royse City Police Department",
"total": 116226,
[{ "weapons": 5175, "travTrain": 4228, "salaryOvertime": 22928, "other": 58027, "commComp": 21903, "buildImprov": 3965 }]
"aid": "TX0310900",
"aname": "San Benito Police Department",
"total": 615113,
[{ "weapons": 149281, "electronicSurv": 14232, "infoRewards": 85725, "travTrain": 54222, "commPrograms": 828, "salaryOvertime": 4011, "other": 137245, "commComp": 133316, "buildImprov": 36253 }]
"aid": "TX1081300",
"aname": "San Juan Police Department",
"total": 1372412,
[{ "weapons": 250074, "electronicSurv": 610, "infoRewards": 410, "travTrain": 48026, "commPrograms": 11769, "salaryOvertime": 100000, "other": 786473, "commComp": 159520, "buildImprov": 15530 }]
"aid": "TX1050100",
"aname": "San Marcos Police Department",
"total": 54494,
[{ "buildImprov": 54494 }]
"aid": "TX0940200",
"aname": "Schertz Police Department",
"total": 278723,
[{ "weapons": 40784, "electronicSurv": 8104, "travTrain": 4918, "other": 51646, "commComp": 121260, "buildImprov": 52010 }]
"aid": "TX1011700",
"aname": "Seabrook Police Department",
"total": 179473,
[{ "weapons": 17430, "electronicSurv": 46410, "travTrain": 20128, "salaryOvertime": 77513, "commComp": 17992 }]
"aid": "TX0572200",
"aname": "Seagoville Police Department",
"total": 64922,
[{ "weapons": 19061, "electronicSurv": 4970, "infoRewards": 400, "travTrain": 288, "other": 28521, "commComp": 5909, "buildImprov": 5774 }]
"aid": "TX0940300",
"aname": "Seguin Police Department",
"total": 41956,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7945, "infoRewards": 4250, "other": 5513, "commComp": 24248 }]
"aid": "TX2100000",
"aname": "Shelby County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 88164,
[{ "weapons": 6202, "electronicSurv": 1640, "infoRewards": 13910, "travTrain": 5416, "commPrograms": 652, "other": 29143, "commComp": 17828, "buildImprov": 13373 }]
"aid": "TX2121400",
"aname": "Smith County Constable Pct 5",
"total": 288530,
[{ "weapons": 2140, "electronicSurv": 1800, "infoRewards": 5500, "travTrain": 17881, "commPrograms": 17181, "other": 239753, "commComp": 4276 }]
"aid": "TX2120000",
"aname": "Smith County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 414394,
[{ "weapons": 7870, "electronicSurv": 15899, "travTrain": 13421, "commPrograms": 500, "other": 358584, "commComp": 18121 }]
"aid": "TX0790400",
"aname": "Stafford Police Department",
"total": 40728,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21350, "other": 9689, "commComp": 9689 }]
"aid": "TX220015A",
"aname": "Tarrant County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 891947,
[{ "infoRewards": 226752, "travTrain": 7306, "salaryOvertime": 1603, "commComp": 71299, "buildImprov": 584987 }]
"aid": "TX2205400",
"aname": "Tarrant County Narcotics Unit Police",
"total": 394713,
[{ "electronicSurv": 53203, "infoRewards": 91689, "travTrain": 43290, "commComp": 9231, "buildImprov": 197300 }]
"aid": "TX2200000",
"aname": "Tarrant County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 374934,
[{ "weapons": 7603, "electronicSurv": 26501, "infoRewards": 40168, "travTrain": 378, "other": 139522, "commComp": 123477, "buildImprov": 37285 }]
"aid": "TX236075C",
"aname": "Tdcj-Office Of The Inspector General",
"total": 509449,
[{ "weapons": 54177, "electronicSurv": 98767, "travTrain": 18765, "other": 110024, "commComp": 208463, "buildImprov": 19253 }]
"aid": "TXDPS4600",
"aname": "Texas Department Of Public Safety",
"total": 25149340,
[{ "weapons": 6862492, "electronicSurv": 5445817, "travTrain": 46610, "other": 5159462, "commComp": 7634959 }]
"aid": "TXQNGCD13",
"aname": "Texas Joint Counterdrug Task Force",
"total": 2149430,
[{ "weapons": 117076, "electronicSurv": 138898, "travTrain": 255666, "commPrograms": 385786, "other": 1126138, "commComp": 125867 }]
"aid": "TX2273200",
"aname": "Texas Office Of The Attorney General",
"total": 387630,
[{ "weapons": 14178, "travTrain": 317819, "salaryOvertime": 6635, "other": 16389, "commComp": 32610 }]
"aid": "TX2277250",
"aname": "Texas State Board Of Pharmacy Police Department",
"total": 46192,
[{ "electronicSurv": 18213, "travTrain": 400, "salaryOvertime": 542, "other": 12414, "commComp": 14623 }]
"aid": "TX2270000",
"aname": "Travis County (Tx) Sheriff's Office",
"total": 299852,
[{ "weapons": 30746, "electronicSurv": 6305, "travTrain": 88778, "commPrograms": 144, "other": 149483, "commComp": 37, "buildImprov": 24360 }]
"aid": "TX2120400",
"aname": "Tyler Police Department",
"total": 239983,
[{ "weapons": 29800, "electronicSurv": 49800, "travTrain": 1208, "other": 4795, "commComp": 105790, "buildImprov": 48590 }]
"aid": "TX2300000",
"aname": "Upshur County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 205120,
[{ "weapons": 23260, "electronicSurv": 5369, "infoRewards": 685, "travTrain": 28532, "commPrograms": 9437, "other": 133865, "commComp": 1967, "buildImprov": 2006 }]
"aid": "TX2320000",
"aname": "Uvalde County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 249075,
[{ "infoRewards": 1342, "salaryOvertime": 52427, "other": 187738, "commComp": 7567 }]
"aid": "TX2340400",
"aname": "Van Police Department",
"total": 36921,
[{ "weapons": 16958, "travTrain": 11967, "salaryOvertime": 650, "other": 6960, "commComp": 386 }]
"aid": "TX2340000",
"aname": "Van Zandt County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 48628,
[{ "weapons": 10620, "infoRewards": 3350, "travTrain": 9800, "other": 20871, "commComp": 3986 }]
"aid": "TX235015A",
"aname": "Victoria County District Attorney's Office",
"total": 39402,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8090, "commPrograms": 700, "other": 30612 }]
"aid": "TX2350100",
"aname": "Victoria Police Department",
"total": 60348,
[{ "weapons": 12580, "electronicSurv": 5108, "travTrain": 6809, "other": 30564, "commComp": 5288 }]
"aid": "TX1551200",
"aname": "Waco Police Department",
"total": 150972,
[{ "weapons": 39883, "electronicSurv": 7300, "travTrain": 18213, "other": 10938, "commComp": 37705, "buildImprov": 36933 }]
"aid": "TX2370000",
"aname": "Waller County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 67339,
[{ "weapons": 60829, "commComp": 6510 }]
"aid": "TX2380000",
"aname": "Ward County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 30539,
[{ "weapons": 8732, "travTrain": 12, "other": 21796 }]
"aid": "TX240015A",
"aname": "Webb County 49th Judicial District Attorney",
"total": 3821658,
[{ "weapons": 38378, "electronicSurv": 12624, "infoRewards": 24372, "travTrain": 231234, "commPrograms": 321164, "salaryOvertime": 1265394, "other": 1151756, "commComp": 400887, "buildImprov": 375849 }]
"aid": "TX240013A",
"aname": "Webb County Attorney's Office",
"total": 31116,
[{ "travTrain": 7083, "commPrograms": 14305, "other": 9728 }]
"aid": "TX2400200",
"aname": "Webb County Constable Pct 1",
"total": 33434,
[{ "weapons": 5010, "travTrain": 974, "commPrograms": 13464, "salaryOvertime": 368, "other": 13618 }]
"aid": "TX2400000",
"aname": "Webb County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 1589045,
[{ "weapons": 47010, "electronicSurv": 70604, "travTrain": 52620, "commPrograms": 64000, "salaryOvertime": 251211, "other": 876221, "commComp": 45426, "buildImprov": 181952 }]
"aid": "TX1012500",
"aname": "Webster Police Department",
"total": 93365,
[{ "weapons": 40666, "electronicSurv": 5653, "travTrain": 37299, "commComp": 8706, "buildImprov": 1041 }]
"aid": "TX1081400",
"aname": "Weslaco Police Department",
"total": 424702,
[{ "weapons": 30692, "electronicSurv": 32767, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 13825, "commPrograms": 3000, "salaryOvertime": 28000, "other": 170526, "commComp": 141893 }]
"aid": "TX2211200",
"aname": "West Central Texas Interlocal Crime Task Force",
"total": 108503,
[{ "infoRewards": 18207, "travTrain": 39527, "salaryOvertime": 37278, "commComp": 13491 }]
"aid": "TX245015A",
"aname": "Willacy County And District Attorney's Office",
"total": 31586,
[{ "other": 31586 }]
"aid": "TX2460000",
"aname": "Williamson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 511412,
[{ "weapons": 29651, "electronicSurv": 108875, "infoRewards": 21487, "travTrain": 5614, "other": 249209, "commComp": 78968, "buildImprov": 17608 }]
"aid": "TX0430800",
"aname": "Wylie Police Department",
"total": 77000,
[{ "commComp": 77000 }]
"aid": "TX2530000",
"aname": "Zapata County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 137914,
[{ "weapons": 1924, "infoRewards": 1830, "travTrain": 13336, "commPrograms": 6801, "other": 69813, "commComp": 37019, "buildImprov": 7192 }]
"st": "UT",
"stn": "Utah",
"total": 6800362,
[{ "weapons": 899874, "electronicSurv": 1336307, "infoRewards": 249363, "travTrain": 545847, "salaryOvertime": 208802, "other": 2535940, "commComp": 891846, "buildImprov": 132383 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "UT0020000",
"aname": "Box Elder Narcotics Strike Force",
"total": 65625,
[{ "travTrain": 454, "other": 55172, "commComp": 1159, "buildImprov": 8839 }]
"aid": "UT0110100",
"aname": "Cedar City Police Department",
"total": 43911,
[{ "travTrain": 4179, "commComp": 38532, "buildImprov": 1200 }]
"aid": "UT0211000",
"aname": "Central Utah Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 209730,
[{ "weapons": 212, "electronicSurv": 38616, "travTrain": 110, "other": 155349, "commComp": 15443 }]
"aid": "UT0061400",
"aname": "Davis Metro Narcotics Strike Force",
"total": 189149,
[{ "weapons": 104, "electronicSurv": 91485, "infoRewards": 58209, "other": 35705, "buildImprov": 3646 }]
"aid": "UTEQ00030",
"aname": "Dea/Metro Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 3067095,
[{ "weapons": 113990, "electronicSurv": 823440, "infoRewards": 22055, "travTrain": 370555, "salaryOvertime": 190969, "other": 1014736, "commComp": 522569, "buildImprov": 8782 }]
"aid": "UT0040300",
"aname": "Helper City Police Department",
"total": 49682,
[{ "weapons": 2559, "electronicSurv": 12945, "other": 13378, "commComp": 20800 }]
"aid": "UT0110000",
"aname": "Iron County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 32559,
[{ "weapons": 32559 }]
"aid": "UTEQ00224",
"aname": "Ogden Police Ogden Weber Metro Gang Unit",
"total": 70854,
[{ "travTrain": 1500, "other": 54328, "commComp": 15026 }]
"aid": "UTEQ18000",
"aname": "Safe Streets Task Force",
"total": 57379,
[{ "weapons": 10746, "travTrain": 32187, "other": 14447 }]
"aid": "UT0180300",
"aname": "Salt Lake City Police Department",
"total": 272877,
[{ "weapons": 225281, "electronicSurv": 7690, "infoRewards": 39906 }]
"aid": "UT018013A",
"aname": "Salt Lake County District Attorney",
"total": 212957,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14167, "other": 198790 }]
"aid": "UT0180500",
"aname": "Sandy City Police Department",
"total": 131330,
[{ "weapons": 53882, "electronicSurv": 2271, "infoRewards": 15977, "travTrain": 10119, "other": 16472, "commComp": 29794, "buildImprov": 2814 }]
"aid": "UT0210000",
"aname": "Sevier County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 42132,
[{ "weapons": 7495, "travTrain": 15364, "salaryOvertime": 8684, "commComp": 6500, "buildImprov": 4089 }]
"aid": "UT0220000",
"aname": "Summit County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 51253,
[{ "weapons": 7836, "infoRewards": 4945, "travTrain": 7016, "commComp": 24812, "buildImprov": 6643 }]
"aid": "UTEQ00276",
"aname": "Tooele Multi Agency Drug Task Force",
"total": 88326,
[{ "weapons": 735, "electronicSurv": 61803, "infoRewards": 1000, "travTrain": 4708, "other": 17079, "commComp": 3000 }]
"aid": "UT0180000",
"aname": "Unified Police Department",
"total": 296618,
[{ "weapons": 204377, "electronicSurv": 22221, "travTrain": 5617, "other": 56400, "commComp": 8002 }]
"aid": "UT0252000",
"aname": "Utah County Major Crimes Task Force",
"total": 203189,
[{ "weapons": 6957, "electronicSurv": 51351, "infoRewards": 36890, "other": 37681, "commComp": 58361, "buildImprov": 11949 }]
"aid": "UTUHP0000",
"aname": "Utah Highway Patrol",
"total": 595523,
[{ "weapons": 39623, "electronicSurv": 55900, "other": 500000 }]
"aid": "UTQNGCD12",
"aname": "Utah National Guard Joint Language Training Center",
"total": 69347,
[{ "travTrain": 37621, "other": 31425, "commComp": 300 }]
"aid": "UT0271600",
"aname": "Washington County Area Task Force",
"total": 118042,
[{ "other": 102271, "commComp": 1129, "buildImprov": 14641 }]
"aid": "UTEQ00116",
"aname": "Weber/Morgan Narcotics Strike Force",
"total": 453824,
[{ "weapons": 136404, "electronicSurv": 51770, "infoRewards": 25381, "travTrain": 38184, "salaryOvertime": 9149, "other": 119748, "commComp": 37485, "buildImprov": 35704 }]
"aid": "UT0180600",
"aname": "West Jordan Police Department",
"total": 93790,
[{ "weapons": 26193, "electronicSurv": 13714, "travTrain": 3825, "other": 43645, "commComp": 2118, "buildImprov": 4295 }]
"aid": "UT0182500",
"aname": "West Valley City Police Department",
"total": 238137,
[{ "weapons": 28419, "electronicSurv": 78853, "infoRewards": 45000, "travTrain": 7511, "other": 22900, "commComp": 33750, "buildImprov": 21704 }]
"st": "VA",
"stn": "Virginia",
"total": 76758306,
[{ "weapons": 4316114, "electronicSurv": 2979728, "infoRewards": 1394833, "travTrain": 3487277, "commPrograms": 584435, "salaryOvertime": 791587, "other": 10100310, "commComp": 16126411, "buildImprov": 36977610 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "VA0050000",
"aname": "Amherst County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 45673,
[{ "electronicSurv": 14333, "infoRewards": 19000, "travTrain": 2185, "other": 9700, "commComp": 455 }]
"aid": "VA0070100",
"aname": "Arlington County Police Department",
"total": 892887,
[{ "weapons": 112036, "infoRewards": 26475, "travTrain": 48198, "other": 317925, "commComp": 153505, "buildImprov": 234749 }]
"aid": "VA0080000",
"aname": "Augusta County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 396526,
[{ "electronicSurv": 22123, "infoRewards": 3400, "travTrain": 3367, "salaryOvertime": 46986, "other": 252390, "commComp": 68261 }]
"aid": "VA0100000",
"aname": "Bedford County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 215626,
[{ "weapons": 23074, "electronicSurv": 11156, "infoRewards": 160006, "travTrain": 2775, "other": 3233, "commComp": 10550, "buildImprov": 4831 }]
"aid": "VA0600100",
"aname": "Blacksburg Police Department",
"total": 56995,
[{ "commComp": 56995 }]
"aid": "VA0120000",
"aname": "Botetourt County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 577072,
[{ "weapons": 14772, "electronicSurv": 30462, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 7750, "other": 146848, "commComp": 20779, "buildImprov": 346461 }]
"aid": "VA1000000",
"aname": "Bristol Virginia Police Department",
"total": 76411,
[{ "weapons": 6699, "travTrain": 18742, "salaryOvertime": 18341, "other": 29492, "commComp": 2740, "buildImprov": 397 }]
"aid": "VA1000100",
"aname": "Bristol Virginia Sheriff Office",
"total": 108055,
[{ "travTrain": 15675, "salaryOvertime": 92380 }]
"aid": "VA0130000",
"aname": "Brunswick County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 48612,
[{ "infoRewards": 4632, "other": 36323, "commComp": 7657 }]
"aid": "VA0160000",
"aname": "Campbell County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 105548,
[{ "weapons": 20392, "electronicSurv": 22375, "infoRewards": 2000, "travTrain": 9541, "salaryOvertime": 511, "other": 49188, "commComp": 1542 }]
"aid": "VA0170000",
"aname": "Caroline County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 36460,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6165, "infoRewards": 10000, "travTrain": 3425, "other": 8702, "commComp": 8169 }]
"aid": "VA0180000",
"aname": "Carroll County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 44637,
[{ "weapons": 12000, "infoRewards": 645, "other": 31992 }]
"aid": "VA1030000",
"aname": "Chesapeake Police Department",
"total": 692060,
[{ "weapons": 35119, "electronicSurv": 2126, "other": 461385, "commComp": 183783, "buildImprov": 9646 }]
"aid": "VA0210100",
"aname": "Chesterfield County Police Department",
"total": 716775,
[{ "weapons": 31646, "electronicSurv": 61436, "infoRewards": 219344, "travTrain": 50715, "other": 241449, "commComp": 104665, "buildImprov": 7520 }]
"aid": "VA0990000",
"aname": "City Of Alexandria Police Department",
"total": 792514,
[{ "weapons": 9750, "electronicSurv": 74233, "travTrain": 80006, "salaryOvertime": 5253, "other": 474346, "commComp": 148769, "buildImprov": 158 }]
"aid": "VA1080000",
"aname": "City Of Falls Church Police Department",
"total": 66874,
[{ "other": 66874 }]
"aid": "VA1100000",
"aname": "City Of Galax Police Department",
"total": 79000,
[{ "weapons": 9131, "electronicSurv": 1970, "infoRewards": 11550, "travTrain": 11044, "commPrograms": 2235, "other": 32980, "commComp": 10090 }]
"aid": "VA0220000",
"aname": "Clarke County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 49370,
[{ "weapons": 317, "electronicSurv": 273, "travTrain": 9604, "salaryOvertime": 5684, "other": 25886, "commComp": 6775, "buildImprov": 831 }]
"aid": "VA100011A",
"aname": "Commonwealth's Attorney -- City Of Bristol Va",
"total": 948130,
[{ "electronicSurv": 148428, "travTrain": 110140, "commPrograms": 174415, "salaryOvertime": 125133, "other": 366821, "commComp": 23194 }]
"aid": "VA0250000",
"aname": "Cumberland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 76027,
[{ "weapons": 33204, "electronicSurv": 5015, "infoRewards": 500, "travTrain": 1184, "other": 15609, "commComp": 17356, "buildImprov": 3158 }]
"aid": "VA1070000",
"aname": "Danville Police Department",
"total": 104099,
[{ "weapons": 18690, "electronicSurv": 2492, "travTrain": 2500, "commPrograms": 1258, "other": 54640, "commComp": 2285, "buildImprov": 22235 }]
"aid": "VADMVRH00",
"aname": "Department Of Motor Vehicles - Law Enforcement Div",
"total": 86889,
[{ "other": 86889 }]
"aid": "VA027013A",
"aname": "Dinwiddie County Commonwealth's Attorney",
"total": 62152,
[{ "travTrain": 21184, "salaryOvertime": 2597, "other": 11472, "commComp": 26898 }]
"aid": "VA0270000",
"aname": "Dinwiddie County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33126,
[{ "weapons": 10778, "electronicSurv": 2812, "travTrain": 4164, "other": 12259, "commComp": 1194, "buildImprov": 1920 }]
"aid": "VA0400100",
"aname": "Emporia Police Department",
"total": 133749,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7600, "other": 94759, "commComp": 31390 }]
"aid": "VA0280000",
"aname": "Essex County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 137000,
[{ "infoRewards": 35000, "travTrain": 2000, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 85625, "commComp": 4375 }]
"aid": "VA0290100",
"aname": "Fairfax County Police Department",
"total": 3867721,
[{ "weapons": 1303487, "electronicSurv": 207583, "travTrain": 589179, "other": 30876, "commComp": 1175925, "buildImprov": 560671 }]
"aid": "VA0730100",
"aname": "Farmville Police Department",
"total": 35906,
[{ "other": 35906 }]
"aid": "VA0300000",
"aname": "Fauquier County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 57036,
[{ "other": 57036 }]
"aid": "VA0310000",
"aname": "Floyd County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 59441,
[{ "weapons": 16168, "other": 24281, "commComp": 11422, "buildImprov": 7569 }]
"aid": "VA0320000",
"aname": "Fluvanna County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 36650,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3173, "other": 33477 }]
"aid": "VA0330000",
"aname": "Franklin County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 510921,
[{ "weapons": 33903, "electronicSurv": 17467, "infoRewards": 108780, "travTrain": 1800, "other": 93805, "commComp": 141072, "buildImprov": 114094 }]
"aid": "VA1085000",
"aname": "Franklin Police Department",
"total": 32510,
[{ "weapons": 10159, "electronicSurv": 7139, "travTrain": 1252, "other": 6764, "commComp": 2256, "buildImprov": 4940 }]
"aid": "VA0340000",
"aname": "Frederick County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 45760,
[{ "electronicSurv": 495, "other": 40952, "commComp": 4313 }]
"aid": "VA0930100",
"aname": "Front Royal Police Department",
"total": 50128,
[{ "weapons": 7746, "electronicSurv": 6580, "commComp": 16669, "buildImprov": 19132 }]
"aid": "VA0360000",
"aname": "Gloucester County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 177212,
[{ "weapons": 2395, "other": 89444, "commComp": 85372 }]
"aid": "VA0370000",
"aname": "Goochland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 91905,
[{ "weapons": 68613, "infoRewards": 2400, "travTrain": 8500, "salaryOvertime": 556, "other": 7186, "commComp": 650, "buildImprov": 4000 }]
"aid": "VA0380000",
"aname": "Grayson County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 31000,
[{ "weapons": 7852, "salaryOvertime": 16148, "other": 7000 }]
"aid": "VA0400000",
"aname": "Greensville County Sheriff's Dept.",
"total": 208896,
[{ "weapons": 79589, "electronicSurv": 2629, "travTrain": 7475, "commPrograms": 6180, "other": 42771, "commComp": 70253 }]
"aid": "VAEO00289",
"aname": "Hampton Commonwealth Attorney",
"total": 60403,
[{ "travTrain": 4965, "salaryOvertime": 895, "other": 1794, "commComp": 39725, "buildImprov": 13024 }]
"aid": "VA1110000",
"aname": "Hampton Police Department",
"total": 40426,
[{ "travTrain": 2453, "other": 37973 }]
"aid": "VA0420000",
"aname": "Hanover County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 391472,
[{ "weapons": 27283, "electronicSurv": 3545, "other": 32422, "commComp": 129869, "buildImprov": 198353 }]
"aid": "VA1120000",
"aname": "Harrisonburg Police Department",
"total": 36000,
[{ "other": 36000 }]
"aid": "VA0430100",
"aname": "Henrico County Police Division",
"total": 770001,
[{ "weapons": 411918, "electronicSurv": 166707, "other": 74026, "commComp": 81291, "buildImprov": 36059 }]
"aid": "VA0440000",
"aname": "Henry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 82543,
[{ "weapons": 28326, "travTrain": 5253, "other": 48964 }]
"aid": "VA0290200",
"aname": "Herndon Police Department",
"total": 89905,
[{ "weapons": 15562, "electronicSurv": 3187, "travTrain": 3136, "other": 4376, "commComp": 19637, "buildImprov": 44007 }]
"aid": "VA0470100",
"aname": "James City County Police Department",
"total": 124659,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6300, "travTrain": 1804, "other": 104760, "commComp": 11795 }]
"aid": "VA1020200",
"aname": "Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement Task Force",
"total": 139500,
[{ "infoRewards": 89500, "commComp": 27226, "buildImprov": 22774 }]
"aid": "VA0520000",
"aname": "Lee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 105464,
[{ "weapons": 19561, "electronicSurv": 6473, "travTrain": 1481, "salaryOvertime": 19138, "other": 43922, "commComp": 14576, "buildImprov": 313 }]
"aid": "VA0530000",
"aname": "Loudoun County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 298717,
[{ "electronicSurv": 57614, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 67629, "commComp": 163474 }]
"aid": "VA0540000",
"aname": "Louisa County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33426,
[{ "weapons": 14207, "infoRewards": 1000, "other": 11401, "commComp": 6819 }]
"aid": "VA1140000",
"aname": "Lynchburg Police Department",
"total": 171086,
[{ "weapons": 71492, "electronicSurv": 23591, "travTrain": 11000, "other": 23992, "commComp": 6000, "buildImprov": 35011 }]
"aid": "VA0750100",
"aname": "Manassas City Police",
"total": 39173,
[{ "infoRewards": 12000, "other": 22073, "commComp": 5100 }]
"aid": "VA0750200",
"aname": "Manassas Park Police Department",
"total": 244299,
[{ "weapons": 22099, "electronicSurv": 3035, "travTrain": 18439, "other": 180485, "commComp": 18947, "buildImprov": 1294 }]
"aid": "VA1150000",
"aname": "Martinsville Police Department",
"total": 108641,
[{ "weapons": 10871, "electronicSurv": 13284, "other": 53210, "commComp": 20768, "buildImprov": 10509 }]
"aid": "VA0580000",
"aname": "Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 100824,
[{ "electronicSurv": 461, "infoRewards": 6000, "other": 94363 }]
"aid": "VA0600000",
"aname": "Montgomery County Sheriff Office",
"total": 73326,
[{ "weapons": 55283, "electronicSurv": 7009, "travTrain": 1500, "commPrograms": 2500, "other": 1350, "commComp": 5685 }]
"aid": "VA1160100",
"aname": "Newport News Parks Recreation And Tourism",
"total": 62585,
[{ "weapons": 20385, "commComp": 42200 }]
"aid": "VA1160000",
"aname": "Newport News Police Department",
"total": 556562,
[{ "weapons": 54016, "electronicSurv": 123290, "travTrain": 126995, "other": 215343, "commComp": 36919 }]
"aid": "VA1170000",
"aname": "Norfolk Police Department",
"total": 454840,
[{ "weapons": 21567, "travTrain": 107084, "salaryOvertime": 39377, "other": 111325, "commComp": 121293, "buildImprov": 54194 }]
"aid": "VAEQ07502",
"aname": "Northern Virginia Gang Task Force",
"total": 255769,
[{ "infoRewards": 20000, "travTrain": 115799, "commPrograms": 10554, "salaryOvertime": 94336, "other": 3824, "commComp": 11255 }]
"aid": "VA122015A",
"aname": "Office Of The Attorney General",
"total": 77926,
[{ "travTrain": 19441, "salaryOvertime": 15637, "other": 31847, "commComp": 11001 }]
"aid": "VA1190000",
"aname": "Petersburg Bureau Of Police",
"total": 425027,
[{ "weapons": 6012, "electronicSurv": 9801, "infoRewards": 127500, "travTrain": 16999, "other": 250732, "commComp": 12947, "buildImprov": 1035 }]
"aid": "VA0710000",
"aname": "Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 241821,
[{ "weapons": 90100, "electronicSurv": 40815, "commPrograms": 4085, "other": 104802, "commComp": 2019 }]
"aid": "VA0980100",
"aname": "Poquoson Police Department",
"total": 76053,
[{ "weapons": 6105, "electronicSurv": 15295, "other": 53974, "buildImprov": 679 }]
"aid": "VA1200000",
"aname": "Portsmouth Police Department",
"total": 369918,
[{ "weapons": 57757, "electronicSurv": 15258, "infoRewards": 6075, "travTrain": 14569, "commPrograms": 2634, "other": 127428, "commComp": 105559, "buildImprov": 40639 }]
"aid": "VA1200100",
"aname": "Portsmouth Sheriff's Office",
"total": 228290,
[{ "weapons": 11170, "electronicSurv": 4966, "travTrain": 21570, "commPrograms": 26800, "other": 94630, "commComp": 69154 }]
"aid": "VA0730000",
"aname": "Prince Edward Sheriff's Office",
"total": 57408,
[{ "weapons": 70, "other": 57338 }]
"aid": "VA075013A",
"aname": "Prince William Co Va Commonwealth's Attorneys Off",
"total": 92563,
[{ "commComp": 3586, "buildImprov": 88977 }]
"aid": "VA0750300",
"aname": "Prince William County Police Department",
"total": 1190438,
[{ "weapons": 142608, "electronicSurv": 156889, "travTrain": 2712, "other": 82043, "commComp": 141820, "buildImprov": 664367 }]
"aid": "VA0920300",
"aname": "Richlands Police Department",
"total": 103922,
[{ "weapons": 15136, "other": 30588, "commComp": 9815, "buildImprov": 48384 }]
"aid": "VA1220000",
"aname": "Richmond Police Department",
"total": 1284799,
[{ "weapons": 245117, "electronicSurv": 37862, "travTrain": 196519, "commPrograms": 28977, "other": 360322, "commComp": 389153, "buildImprov": 26848 }]
"aid": "VA1230000",
"aname": "Roanoke City Police Department",
"total": 1151827,
[{ "weapons": 137484, "electronicSurv": 116846, "infoRewards": 85151, "travTrain": 28629, "salaryOvertime": 48775, "other": 330852, "commComp": 391037, "buildImprov": 13053 }]
"aid": "VA0800300",
"aname": "Roanoke County Virginia Police Department",
"total": 443322,
[{ "weapons": 64356, "electronicSurv": 37966, "infoRewards": 17000, "travTrain": 16555, "other": 175985, "commComp": 68056, "buildImprov": 63404 }]
"aid": "VA0820000",
"aname": "Rockingham County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 65157,
[{ "weapons": 2868, "travTrain": 1066, "other": 56765, "commComp": 1000, "buildImprov": 3458 }]
"aid": "VA0800100",
"aname": "Salem Police Department",
"total": 276568,
[{ "weapons": 15856, "electronicSurv": 19744, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 17167, "salaryOvertime": 324, "other": 169836, "commComp": 42998, "buildImprov": 5644 }]
"aid": "VA0840000",
"aname": "Scott County Sheriffs Office",
"total": 52280,
[{ "weapons": 7933, "electronicSurv": 5899, "infoRewards": 6700, "travTrain": 8800, "other": 11541, "commComp": 11407 }]
"aid": "VA0850000",
"aname": "Shenandoah County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 439563,
[{ "weapons": 4658, "electronicSurv": 8379, "infoRewards": 15530, "travTrain": 33985, "salaryOvertime": 1359, "other": 374148, "commComp": 540, "buildImprov": 964 }]
"aid": "VA0870000",
"aname": "Southampton County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 133205,
[{ "weapons": 22521, "electronicSurv": 3100, "travTrain": 9700, "salaryOvertime": 3368, "other": 27371, "commComp": 67145 }]
"aid": "VAVTF2004",
"aname": "Southwest Virginia Drug Task Force (4m)",
"total": 64518,
[{ "other": 64518 }]
"aid": "VA0890000",
"aname": "Stafford County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 454620,
[{ "electronicSurv": 18512, "infoRewards": 60000, "travTrain": 35725, "salaryOvertime": 50000, "other": 195882, "commComp": 94500 }]
"aid": "VA1260000",
"aname": "Staunton Police Department",
"total": 78010,
[{ "weapons": 23607, "travTrain": 12720, "other": 36683, "commComp": 5000 }]
"aid": "VA1270000",
"aname": "Suffolk Police Department",
"total": 160541,
[{ "weapons": 42372, "infoRewards": 16000, "other": 61000, "commComp": 41169 }]
"aid": "VA0900000",
"aname": "Surry County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 35992,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 6031, "other": 2075, "commComp": 27885 }]
"aid": "VA092013A",
"aname": "Tazewell County Commonwealth's Attorney's Office",
"total": 1065595,
[{ "electronicSurv": 19828, "travTrain": 57112, "commPrograms": 290953, "salaryOvertime": 163284, "other": 189909, "commComp": 73497, "buildImprov": 271012 }]
"aid": "VA0920000",
"aname": "Tazewell County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 643691,
[{ "weapons": 34123, "electronicSurv": 46072, "infoRewards": 242, "travTrain": 9110, "other": 448595, "commComp": 72734, "buildImprov": 32816 }]
"aid": "VA0920400",
"aname": "Tazewell Police Department",
"total": 32590,
[{ "weapons": 13149, "electronicSurv": 2432, "travTrain": 7009, "other": 10000 }]
"aid": "VA0600300",
"aname": "Town Of Christiansburg Police Department",
"total": 112539,
[{ "weapons": 32440, "other": 53991, "commComp": 210, "buildImprov": 25898 }]
"aid": "VA0750600",
"aname": "Town Of Dumfries Police Department",
"total": 42178,
[{ "weapons": 7654, "electronicSurv": 611, "salaryOvertime": 2134, "other": 25044, "commComp": 6735 }]
"aid": "VA0290300",
"aname": "Town Of Vienna Police Department",
"total": 328912,
[{ "other": 31000, "commComp": 297912 }]
"aid": "VA0800200",
"aname": "Town Of Vinton Police Department",
"total": 84450,
[{ "weapons": 15453, "travTrain": 4000, "other": 64981, "commComp": 16 }]
"aid": "VA1280001",
"aname": "Virginia Beach Police Department",
"total": 733228,
[{ "weapons": 130538, "electronicSurv": 104113, "travTrain": 101608, "other": 6313, "commComp": 35658, "buildImprov": 354998 }]
"aid": "VA1300300",
"aname": "Virginia Commonwealth University Police Department",
"total": 197039,
[{ "weapons": 18887, "electronicSurv": 28495, "infoRewards": 3825, "travTrain": 4324, "other": 86094, "commComp": 55415 }]
"aid": "VA0430300",
"aname": "Virginia Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control",
"total": 1132765,
[{ "weapons": 26960, "electronicSurv": 31248, "infoRewards": 180000, "travTrain": 41138, "other": 761680, "commComp": 91739 }]
"aid": "VAVSP0000",
"aname": "Virginia Department Of State Police",
"total": 47067602,
[{ "weapons": 221076, "electronicSurv": 1100917, "infoRewards": 54000, "travTrain": 1324714, "salaryOvertime": 32713, "other": 767620, "commComp": 10572425, "buildImprov": 32994137 }]
"aid": "VA1160300",
"aname": "Virginia Marine Resources Commission",
"total": 77783,
[{ "weapons": 4142, "electronicSurv": 10326, "other": 56829, "buildImprov": 6485 }]
"aid": "VAQNGCD06",
"aname": "Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force",
"total": 52825,
[{ "electronicSurv": 172, "travTrain": 23779, "commPrograms": 239, "other": 6333, "commComp": 19996, "buildImprov": 2306 }]
"aid": "VA0930000",
"aname": "Warren County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 45441,
[{ "weapons": 11074, "electronicSurv": 22914, "other": 6865, "commComp": 4588 }]
"aid": "VA0940000",
"aname": "Washington County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 723351,
[{ "weapons": 75257, "electronicSurv": 12120, "infoRewards": 8000, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 86919, "commComp": 28522, "buildImprov": 502533 }]
"aid": "VA1290000",
"aname": "Waynesboro Police Department",
"total": 51201,
[{ "weapons": 12462, "infoRewards": 5000, "other": 32196, "commComp": 1543 }]
"aid": "VA0950000",
"aname": "Westmoreland County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 65365,
[{ "weapons": 2241, "electronicSurv": 7472, "infoRewards": 32594, "travTrain": 2070, "other": 20989 }]
"aid": "VA1310000",
"aname": "Winchester Police Department",
"total": 34437,
[{ "weapons": 15543, "electronicSurv": 179, "other": 17012, "buildImprov": 1703 }]
"aid": "VA0980000",
"aname": "Yorktown-Poquoson Sheriff's Office",
"total": 189808,
[{ "weapons": 25091, "travTrain": 21628, "other": 32597, "commComp": 90901, "buildImprov": 19591 }]
"st": "VT",
"stn": "Vermont",
"total": 5418451,
[{ "weapons": 448633, "electronicSurv": 154864, "infoRewards": 699233, "travTrain": 341438, "commPrograms": 135499, "salaryOvertime": 331327, "other": 1009894, "commComp": 1650317, "buildImprov": 647245 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "VT0020100",
"aname": "Bennington Police Department",
"total": 31858,
[{ "weapons": 12642, "travTrain": 4880, "commComp": 14336 }]
"aid": "VT0040000",
"aname": "Chittenden County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 704379,
[{ "weapons": 19020, "electronicSurv": 2554, "travTrain": 35993, "salaryOvertime": 51756, "other": 481339, "commComp": 112103, "buildImprov": 1614 }]
"aid": "VT0040100",
"aname": "City Of Burlington Vermont Police Dept.",
"total": 801050,
[{ "weapons": 54589, "electronicSurv": 1173, "travTrain": 13252, "salaryOvertime": 115538, "other": 14081, "commComp": 592425, "buildImprov": 9992 }]
"aid": "VT0040500",
"aname": "Colchester Vermont Police Department",
"total": 47466,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7257, "infoRewards": 16720, "commComp": 23489 }]
"aid": "VT0040200",
"aname": "Essex Police Department",
"total": 1246021,
[{ "weapons": 83207, "electronicSurv": 32099, "infoRewards": 471347, "travTrain": 2627, "salaryOvertime": 64250, "other": 118950, "commComp": 403256, "buildImprov": 70286 }]
"aid": "VT0070000",
"aname": "Grand Isle County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 64306,
[{ "other": 64306 }]
"aid": "VT0140300",
"aname": "Hartford Police Department",
"total": 47239,
[{ "weapons": 4505, "electronicSurv": 21610, "other": 21125 }]
"aid": "VT0080000",
"aname": "Lamoille County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 506910,
[{ "weapons": 2069, "infoRewards": 300, "travTrain": 1160, "salaryOvertime": 5548, "other": 74354, "commComp": 14351, "buildImprov": 409128 }]
"aid": "VT0040600",
"aname": "Milton Police Department",
"total": 37945,
[{ "weapons": 4345, "infoRewards": 33600 }]
"aid": "VT0100100",
"aname": "Newport Police Department",
"total": 39387,
[{ "weapons": 6675, "infoRewards": 3003, "salaryOvertime": 5352, "commComp": 706, "buildImprov": 23650 }]
"aid": "VT0040300",
"aname": "South Burlington Police Department",
"total": 151756,
[{ "weapons": 13393, "electronicSurv": 9720, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 4194, "other": 5661, "commComp": 23789, "buildImprov": 90000 }]
"aid": "VT0060100",
"aname": "St Albans Police Department",
"total": 35463,
[{ "electronicSurv": 11163, "infoRewards": 1000, "other": 15081, "commComp": 1633, "buildImprov": 6586 }]
"aid": "VT0080200",
"aname": "Stowe Police Department",
"total": 55572,
[{ "travTrain": 9300, "commComp": 46272 }]
"aid": "VTVSP0000",
"aname": "Vt Dept. Of Public Safety - Vt State Police",
"total": 1274410,
[{ "weapons": 185145, "electronicSurv": 38437, "infoRewards": 136750, "travTrain": 196153, "commPrograms": 134255, "salaryOvertime": 71564, "other": 151167, "commComp": 337408, "buildImprov": 23532 }]
"st": "WA",
"stn": "Washington",
"total": 18872312,
[{ "weapons": 1331281, "electronicSurv": 726406, "infoRewards": 1900332, "travTrain": 1235489, "commPrograms": 41385, "salaryOvertime": 4037654, "other": 4777518, "commComp": 2519015, "buildImprov": 2303231 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "WA0320600",
"aname": "Airway Heights Police Department",
"total": 241230,
[{ "weapons": 67123, "other": 158301, "commComp": 15806 }]
"aid": "WA0170100",
"aname": "Auburn Police Department",
"total": 94433,
[{ "other": 80958, "commComp": 13475 }]
"aid": "WA0180100",
"aname": "Bremerton Police Department",
"total": 240016,
[{ "infoRewards": 101330, "other": 138686 }]
"aid": "WA0174100",
"aname": "Burien Police Department",
"total": 79326,
[{ "weapons": 2083, "electronicSurv": 48877, "infoRewards": 15695, "travTrain": 11245, "salaryOvertime": 1426 }]
"aid": "WA0320100",
"aname": "Cheney Police Department",
"total": 47743,
[{ "other": 47743 }]
"aid": "WA0270700",
"aname": "City Of Fife Police Department",
"total": 100718,
[{ "travTrain": 17, "salaryOvertime": 86184, "other": 14517 }]
"aid": "WA0340400",
"aname": "City Of Lacey Police",
"total": 62515,
[{ "travTrain": 9505, "salaryOvertime": 2186, "other": 24186, "commComp": 26637 }]
"aid": "WA0030200",
"aname": "City Of Richland - Police Department",
"total": 52134,
[{ "other": 5552, "commComp": 46581 }]
"aid": "WA0390500",
"aname": "City Of Yakima Police Department",
"total": 303810,
[{ "electronicSurv": 22903, "infoRewards": 49472, "salaryOvertime": 165024, "other": 52571, "commComp": 13098, "buildImprov": 742 }]
"aid": "WA0060900",
"aname": "Clark-Skamania Drug Task Force",
"total": 600081,
[{ "electronicSurv": 464, "infoRewards": 90091, "travTrain": 29414, "salaryOvertime": 360, "other": 341909, "commComp": 40732, "buildImprov": 97111 }]
"aid": "WA0174500",
"aname": "Eastside Narcotics Task Force/Bellevue",
"total": 226877,
[{ "electronicSurv": 8751, "infoRewards": 40738, "other": 177388 }]
"aid": "WA0310200",
"aname": "Edmonds Police Department",
"total": 75125,
[{ "weapons": 30962, "infoRewards": 38579, "travTrain": 1594, "commComp": 3990 }]
"aid": "WA0170400",
"aname": "Enumclaw Police Department",
"total": 34343,
[{ "weapons": 6964, "electronicSurv": 22431, "travTrain": 3147, "commComp": 1801 }]
"aid": "WA0173600",
"aname": "Federal Way Department Of Safety",
"total": 144066,
[{ "electronicSurv": 9289, "infoRewards": 21737, "travTrain": 8671, "other": 104368 }]
"aid": "WA0271800",
"aname": "Gig Harbor Police Department",
"total": 51345,
[{ "electronicSurv": 10318, "travTrain": 5000, "other": 13100, "buildImprov": 22926 }]
"aid": "WA0140300",
"aname": "Hoquiam Police Department",
"total": 49905,
[{ "weapons": 5244, "electronicSurv": 1438, "travTrain": 988, "other": 36069, "commComp": 6167 }]
"aid": "WA0030100",
"aname": "Kennewick Police Department",
"total": 188446,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2467, "infoRewards": 26616, "travTrain": 340, "other": 128280, "commComp": 19743, "buildImprov": 11000 }]
"aid": "WA0170700",
"aname": "Kent Police Department",
"total": 184811,
[{ "other": 85326, "commComp": 27051, "buildImprov": 72435 }]
"aid": "WAKCS0000",
"aname": "King County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 1281415,
[{ "weapons": 21807, "infoRewards": 30147, "travTrain": 121252, "salaryOvertime": 979514, "other": 90547, "commComp": 7190, "buildImprov": 30960 }]
"aid": "WA0272300",
"aname": "Lakewood Police Department",
"total": 1586056,
[{ "weapons": 35781, "electronicSurv": 21797, "infoRewards": 3275, "travTrain": 495, "other": 8688, "commComp": 516020, "buildImprov": 1000000 }]
"aid": "WA0391700",
"aname": "Law Enforcement Against Drugs Task Force (LEAD)",
"total": 150377,
[{ "weapons": 32551, "electronicSurv": 18856, "travTrain": 29150, "salaryOvertime": 1143, "other": 23671, "commComp": 43510, "buildImprov": 1496 }]
"aid": "WA0310400",
"aname": "Lynnwood Police Department",
"total": 36201,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7873, "travTrain": 4394, "other": 10800, "commComp": 8689, "buildImprov": 4446 }]
"aid": "WA0310600",
"aname": "Mountlake Terrace Police Department",
"total": 47214,
[{ "electronicSurv": 837, "infoRewards": 15000, "other": 26597, "commComp": 4780 }]
"aid": "WA027013A",
"aname": "Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney's Office",
"total": 112521,
[{ "travTrain": 360, "salaryOvertime": 105982, "commComp": 6178 }]
"aid": "WA0270000",
"aname": "Pierce County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 308563,
[{ "weapons": 33787, "electronicSurv": 14756, "infoRewards": 99980, "travTrain": 498, "salaryOvertime": 157218, "commComp": 2324 }]
"aid": "WA0173200",
"aname": "Port Of Seattle Police Department",
"total": 184753,
[{ "weapons": 6558, "travTrain": 19923, "commPrograms": 17142, "other": 94646, "commComp": 15024, "buildImprov": 31459 }]
"aid": "WA0381700",
"aname": "Quad Cities Drug Task Force",
"total": 87127,
[{ "weapons": 2564, "electronicSurv": 7766, "infoRewards": 3000, "travTrain": 1683, "other": 18453, "commComp": 20764, "buildImprov": 32898 }]
"aid": "WASPD0000",
"aname": "Seattle Police Department",
"total": 4694059,
[{ "weapons": 535775, "electronicSurv": 232504, "infoRewards": 435836, "travTrain": 336654, "commPrograms": 20000, "salaryOvertime": 1458379, "other": 607894, "commComp": 786134, "buildImprov": 280884 }]
"aid": "WA0174300",
"aname": "Shoreline Police Department",
"total": 34599,
[{ "weapons": 1564, "electronicSurv": 12832, "travTrain": 10086, "other": 8497, "commComp": 1051, "buildImprov": 569 }]
"aid": "WA0290262",
"aname": "Skagit County Interlocal Drug Enforcement Unit",
"total": 287864,
[{ "weapons": 9020, "electronicSurv": 12860, "infoRewards": 74872, "travTrain": 79041, "salaryOvertime": 2814, "other": 14642, "commComp": 87036, "buildImprov": 7580 }]
"aid": "WA0300000",
"aname": "Skamania County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 44596,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4061, "infoRewards": 2410, "travTrain": 1973, "commPrograms": 4243, "salaryOvertime": 5300, "other": 22578, "commComp": 4031 }]
"aid": "WA0312300",
"aname": "Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force",
"total": 134160,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4739, "travTrain": 4943, "other": 1141, "commComp": 123337 }]
"aid": "WAEQ00208",
"aname": "South Snohomish County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 220229,
[{ "other": 220229 }]
"aid": "WA0321200",
"aname": "Spokane Airport Police Department",
"total": 40854,
[{ "other": 40854 }]
"aid": "WA0320000",
"aname": "Spokane County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 569705,
[{ "weapons": 29451, "electronicSurv": 1847, "travTrain": 274, "salaryOvertime": 445625, "other": 57440, "commComp": 35069 }]
"aid": "WA0320400",
"aname": "Spokane Police Department",
"total": 482488,
[{ "weapons": 14075, "electronicSurv": 35270, "infoRewards": 248055, "travTrain": 24949, "other": 10156, "commComp": 38234, "buildImprov": 111749 }]
"aid": "WAEQ00045",
"aname": "Spokane Regional Drug Task Force",
"total": 265572,
[{ "weapons": 2245, "infoRewards": 40428, "travTrain": 33769, "salaryOvertime": 46170, "other": 102728, "commComp": 11766, "buildImprov": 28467 }]
"aid": "WA0270300",
"aname": "Tacoma Police Department",
"total": 198447,
[{ "weapons": 20364, "electronicSurv": 127446, "travTrain": 14984, "other": 14928, "commComp": 20725 }]
"aid": "WA0272600",
"aname": "Tahoma Narcotics Enforcement Team",
"total": 416400,
[{ "weapons": 32667, "electronicSurv": 38167, "infoRewards": 139903, "travTrain": 69975, "other": 5058, "commComp": 130629 }]
"aid": "WA0341800",
"aname": "Thurston County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 68564,
[{ "travTrain": 9505, "other": 24186, "commComp": 34872 }]
"aid": "WA0110700",
"aname": "Tri-City Metro Drug Task Force / City Of Kennewick",
"total": 178692,
[{ "infoRewards": 82600, "travTrain": 1716, "salaryOvertime": 1463, "other": 79672, "commComp": 13241 }]
"aid": "WA0172300",
"aname": "Tukwila Police Department",
"total": 70077,
[{ "weapons": 23701, "electronicSurv": 39118, "travTrain": 840, "other": 5938, "buildImprov": 480 }]
"aid": "WA0174600",
"aname": "Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team",
"total": 1196371,
[{ "weapons": 21899, "electronicSurv": 12287, "infoRewards": 124298, "travTrain": 26951, "salaryOvertime": 303677, "other": 571233, "commComp": 102495, "buildImprov": 33531 }]
"aid": "WA0360100",
"aname": "Walla Walla Police Department",
"total": 40831,
[{ "weapons": 4642, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 2626, "other": 10653, "commComp": 18909 }]
"aid": "WA034015G",
"aname": "Washington State Department Of Corrections",
"total": 768941,
[{ "weapons": 312095, "electronicSurv": 3214, "travTrain": 83496, "other": 365175, "commComp": 4960 }]
"aid": "WA0341002",
"aname": "Washington State Gambling Commission",
"total": 481509,
[{ "travTrain": 24066, "other": 14264, "commComp": 64274, "buildImprov": 378904 }]
"aid": "WA0341100",
"aname": "Washington State Liquor Control Board",
"total": 342986,
[{ "weapons": 1464, "travTrain": 170187, "salaryOvertime": 90709, "other": 51992, "commComp": 11122, "buildImprov": 17513 }]
"aid": "WAWSP0020",
"aname": "Washington State Patrol",
"total": 639222,
[{ "weapons": 35016, "travTrain": 21288, "salaryOvertime": 69750, "other": 487066, "commComp": 26101 }]
"aid": "WA0180000",
"aname": "West Sound Narcotics Enforcement Team / Kitsap Co",
"total": 563211,
[{ "weapons": 1132, "infoRewards": 77301, "travTrain": 32580, "salaryOvertime": 1112, "other": 282131, "commComp": 49983, "buildImprov": 118972 }]
"aid": "WA0390564",
"aname": "Yakima City County Narcotics Unit",
"total": 66248,
[{ "infoRewards": 66248 }]
"aid": "WA0390000",
"aname": "Yakima County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 134207,
[{ "salaryOvertime": 79690, "other": 15114, "commComp": 39402 }]
"st": "WI",
"stn": "Wisconsin",
"total": 27711464,
[{ "weapons": 2319791, "electronicSurv": 881905, "infoRewards": 2071796, "travTrain": 3255434, "commPrograms": 56009, "salaryOvertime": 1250715, "other": 6399427, "commComp": 8595362, "buildImprov": 2881026 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "WI0030000",
"aname": "Barron County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 62108,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6871, "infoRewards": 41483, "other": 13357, "commComp": 398 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00078",
"aname": "Brown County Sheriff Drug Task Force",
"total": 555895,
[{ "weapons": 9291, "travTrain": 516, "salaryOvertime": 202404, "other": 343685 }]
"aid": "WI0070000",
"aname": "Burnett County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 84919,
[{ "weapons": 28405, "electronicSurv": 12076, "infoRewards": 5000, "travTrain": 1550, "other": 2952, "commComp": 32415, "buildImprov": 2521 }]
"aid": "WI0540100",
"aname": "City Of Beloit (Wi) Police Department",
"total": 463755,
[{ "weapons": 27791, "travTrain": 4161, "commPrograms": 3000, "other": 258691, "commComp": 169035, "buildImprov": 1077 }]
"aid": "WI0680100",
"aname": "City Of Brookfield Police Department",
"total": 63840,
[{ "weapons": 32105, "electronicSurv": 14302, "travTrain": 2686, "salaryOvertime": 2579, "other": 12169 }]
"aid": "WI0680500",
"aname": "City Of Waukesha Police Department",
"total": 419258,
[{ "weapons": 216958, "electronicSurv": 94708, "travTrain": 13245, "other": 9820, "commComp": 55840, "buildImprov": 28688 }]
"aid": "WI0110000",
"aname": "Columbia County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 197128,
[{ "weapons": 29919, "electronicSurv": 48832, "travTrain": 5384, "other": 68428, "commComp": 19437, "buildImprov": 25128 }]
"aid": "WI0410300",
"aname": "Cudahy Police Department",
"total": 211967,
[{ "weapons": 78958, "electronicSurv": 5509, "infoRewards": 3000, "other": 116366, "commComp": 8134 }]
"aid": "WI0132700",
"aname": "Dane County Narcotics Task Force",
"total": 1145434,
[{ "weapons": 1900, "electronicSurv": 2507, "infoRewards": 66713, "travTrain": 36865, "salaryOvertime": 43643, "other": 505976, "commComp": 148857, "buildImprov": 338972 }]
"aid": "WI0140000",
"aname": "Dodge County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 82744,
[{ "travTrain": 251, "other": 56954, "commComp": 25539 }]
"aid": "WI0150000",
"aname": "Door County Sheriffs Department",
"total": 32934,
[{ "weapons": 475, "electronicSurv": 1500, "infoRewards": 26130, "travTrain": 800, "other": 4029 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00306",
"aname": "Door/Kewaunee Drug Task Force",
"total": 76636,
[{ "weapons": 5177, "electronicSurv": 11978, "infoRewards": 52551, "travTrain": 2966, "commComp": 3963 }]
"aid": "WI0410500",
"aname": "Franklin Police Department",
"total": 49773,
[{ "weapons": 23955, "infoRewards": 2080, "travTrain": 6222, "other": 16375, "commComp": 1141 }]
"aid": "WI0410600",
"aname": "Glendale Police Department",
"total": 45904,
[{ "weapons": 36042, "infoRewards": 450, "other": 1800, "commComp": 7611 }]
"aid": "WI0050200",
"aname": "Green Bay Police Department",
"total": 78613,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6000, "other": 45756, "commComp": 26857 }]
"aid": "WI0410800",
"aname": "Greenfield Police Department",
"total": 47561,
[{ "weapons": 5286, "electronicSurv": 1615, "travTrain": 10325, "other": 3126, "commComp": 27208 }]
"aid": "WI0540200",
"aname": "Janesville Police Department",
"total": 100905,
[{ "weapons": 12920, "other": 87985 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00084",
"aname": "Jefferson County Drug Task Force",
"total": 115484,
[{ "weapons": 4976, "electronicSurv": 11769, "infoRewards": 33600, "travTrain": 820, "other": 39959, "commComp": 16348, "buildImprov": 8012 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00164",
"aname": "Kenosha Drug Operations Group",
"total": 621411,
[{ "weapons": 3760, "electronicSurv": 981, "infoRewards": 110000, "travTrain": 12027, "other": 481662, "commComp": 12981 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00214",
"aname": "Kenosha Police Street Crimes Unit",
"total": 88303,
[{ "weapons": 4422, "electronicSurv": 15317, "infoRewards": 27977, "travTrain": 8745, "other": 22950, "commComp": 8892 }]
"aid": "WI0650300",
"aname": "Lake Geneva Police Department",
"total": 35152,
[{ "weapons": 3099, "electronicSurv": 2446, "other": 21110, "commComp": 8497 }]
"aid": "WI0710011",
"aname": "Lake Winnebago Area Meg-Drug Unit",
"total": 1139662,
[{ "weapons": 3043, "electronicSurv": 20935, "infoRewards": 434451, "travTrain": 16275, "salaryOvertime": 26517, "other": 82334, "commComp": 196986, "buildImprov": 359122 }]
"aid": "WI0130100",
"aname": "Madison Police Department",
"total": 111418,
[{ "weapons": 7750, "infoRewards": 900, "other": 58079, "commComp": 44690 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00074",
"aname": "Manitowoc County Metro Drug Unit",
"total": 115445,
[{ "weapons": 3507, "electronicSurv": 19479, "travTrain": 663, "other": 50421, "commComp": 27166, "buildImprov": 14209 }]
"aid": "WI0370000",
"aname": "Marathon County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 106103,
[{ "weapons": 7656, "electronicSurv": 35197, "infoRewards": 87, "travTrain": 2861, "other": 50488, "commComp": 9814 }]
"aid": "WI0390000",
"aname": "Marquette County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 40284,
[{ "weapons": 9826, "electronicSurv": 6174, "commPrograms": 648, "other": 13075, "commComp": 10561 }]
"aid": "WI0680300",
"aname": "Menomonee Falls Police Department",
"total": 80671,
[{ "weapons": 36826, "electronicSurv": 27272, "travTrain": 4307, "other": 1000, "commComp": 11265 }]
"aid": "WI0410000",
"aname": "Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 854164,
[{ "weapons": 27693, "travTrain": 116722, "commPrograms": 7882, "other": 666121, "commComp": 35747 }]
"aid": "WI0410073",
"aname": "Milwaukee Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Group",
"total": 375123,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6514, "infoRewards": 94558, "travTrain": 9277, "salaryOvertime": 51678, "other": 213096 }]
"aid": "WIMPD0000",
"aname": "Milwaukee Police Department",
"total": 7797067,
[{ "weapons": 262722, "electronicSurv": 211975, "travTrain": 530802, "commPrograms": 26326, "other": 612415, "commComp": 4588759, "buildImprov": 1564067 }]
"aid": "WI0680400",
"aname": "New Berlin Police Department",
"total": 396092,
[{ "weapons": 109284, "other": 209920, "commComp": 71610, "buildImprov": 5279 }]
"aid": "WI0038001",
"aname": "Northeast Tri-County Drug Enforcement Group",
"total": 54826,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3722, "infoRewards": 29253, "travTrain": 6094, "other": 12171, "commComp": 572, "buildImprov": 3015 }]
"aid": "WI0411000",
"aname": "Oak Creek Police Department",
"total": 92053,
[{ "weapons": 32762, "electronicSurv": 780, "infoRewards": 2200, "travTrain": 29041, "commPrograms": 1000, "other": 20496, "commComp": 73, "buildImprov": 5700 }]
"aid": "WI0440000",
"aname": "Oneida County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 113183,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2191, "travTrain": 29623, "other": 81369 }]
"aid": "WI0710301",
"aname": "Oshkosh Police Department",
"total": 38404,
[{ "electronicSurv": 7041, "other": 21075, "commComp": 10287 }]
"aid": "WI0460000",
"aname": "Ozaukee County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 86367,
[{ "weapons": 12174, "electronicSurv": 7965, "other": 56329, "commComp": 9900 }]
"aid": "WI0490000",
"aname": "Polk County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 44378,
[{ "weapons": 25736, "infoRewards": 3000, "commComp": 15642 }]
"aid": "WI0500000",
"aname": "Portage County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 127702,
[{ "weapons": 29786, "electronicSurv": 25034, "other": 28970, "commComp": 5584, "buildImprov": 38328 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00127",
"aname": "Racine County Sheriff's Office-Metro Drug Unit",
"total": 344130,
[{ "weapons": 234736, "electronicSurv": 7331, "salaryOvertime": 40000, "other": 62063 }]
"aid": "WI0520200",
"aname": "Racine Police Department",
"total": 1050394,
[{ "weapons": 146345, "electronicSurv": 8578, "infoRewards": 72000, "travTrain": 6503, "other": 367577, "commComp": 406927, "buildImprov": 42463 }]
"aid": "WI0440200",
"aname": "Rhinelander Police Department",
"total": 39641,
[{ "infoRewards": 464, "travTrain": 9814, "other": 29363 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00266",
"aname": "Richland-Iowa-Grant Drug Task Force",
"total": 103935,
[{ "weapons": 179, "electronicSurv": 563, "infoRewards": 64935, "travTrain": 3865, "other": 31000, "commComp": 3393 }]
"aid": "WI0540001",
"aname": "Rock County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 139979,
[{ "weapons": 8197, "electronicSurv": 8584, "travTrain": 1608, "other": 58563, "commComp": 63028 }]
"aid": "WI0570000",
"aname": "Sauk County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 91783,
[{ "weapons": 18473, "electronicSurv": 16346, "infoRewards": 30394, "travTrain": 1215, "other": 6918, "commComp": 18436 }]
"aid": "WI0580000",
"aname": "Sawyer County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 34180,
[{ "weapons": 12217, "electronicSurv": 7233, "infoRewards": 9000, "travTrain": 674, "commComp": 2965, "buildImprov": 2091 }]
"aid": "WI0590000",
"aname": "Shawano County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 65388,
[{ "weapons": 17024, "electronicSurv": 7246, "travTrain": 280, "salaryOvertime": 1355, "other": 32188, "commComp": 6924, "buildImprov": 370 }]
"aid": "WI0600000",
"aname": "Sheboygan County Sheriff Dept.",
"total": 38162,
[{ "weapons": 3665, "travTrain": 1800, "other": 28860, "commComp": 3837 }]
"aid": "WI0411400",
"aname": "South Milwaukee Police Department",
"total": 31405,
[{ "weapons": 18174, "electronicSurv": 368, "other": 9397, "commComp": 3467 }]
"aid": "WI0560000",
"aname": "St. Croix County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 33198,
[{ "travTrain": 4356, "salaryOvertime": 3362, "other": 25481 }]
"aid": "WI0500100",
"aname": "Stevens Point Police Department",
"total": 59121,
[{ "weapons": 11288, "electronicSurv": 2899, "travTrain": 14205, "other": 9269, "commComp": 20751, "buildImprov": 710 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00167",
"aname": "Walworth County Drug Enforcement Unit",
"total": 236130,
[{ "weapons": 1968, "electronicSurv": 6380, "travTrain": 23525, "salaryOvertime": 30749, "other": 128063, "commComp": 45445 }]
"aid": "WI0670000",
"aname": "Washington County MJDG",
"total": 57782,
[{ "weapons": 14332, "electronicSurv": 12826, "other": 26579, "commComp": 2406, "buildImprov": 1639 }]
"aid": "WI0680000",
"aname": "Waukesha County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 894297,
[{ "weapons": 354276, "travTrain": 26598, "commPrograms": 10000, "other": 311248, "commComp": 182038, "buildImprov": 10136 }]
"aid": "WI0411500",
"aname": "Wauwatosa Police Department",
"total": 210826,
[{ "weapons": 22107, "infoRewards": 16000, "other": 27986, "commComp": 33105, "buildImprov": 111628 }]
"aid": "WI0411600",
"aname": "West Allis Police Department",
"total": 1299991,
[{ "weapons": 77910, "electronicSurv": 33102, "infoRewards": 39646, "travTrain": 68156, "other": 307941, "commComp": 671904, "buildImprov": 101332 }]
"aid": "WIEQ00119",
"aname": "West Central Drug Task Force",
"total": 450610,
[{ "electronicSurv": 4995, "infoRewards": 182618, "travTrain": 31393, "other": 135617, "commComp": 88185, "buildImprov": 7803 }]
"aid": "WI0320101",
"aname": "West Central Metropolitan Enforcement Group",
"total": 624659,
[{ "electronicSurv": 21378, "infoRewards": 138723, "travTrain": 10241, "salaryOvertime": 282428, "other": 153326, "commComp": 18563 }]
"aid": "WIDCI0000",
"aname": "Wisconsin Department Of Justice",
"total": 2949673,
[{ "electronicSurv": 57366, "infoRewards": 343764, "travTrain": 1418016, "salaryOvertime": 307757, "other": 12021, "commComp": 668328, "buildImprov": 142420 }]
"aid": "WI0138100",
"aname": "Wisconsin Department Of Justice",
"total": 1208427,
[{ "infoRewards": 200142, "travTrain": 378322, "salaryOvertime": 233488, "commComp": 396474 }]
"aid": "WIQNGCD26",
"aname": "Wisconsin National Guard Drug Control Program",
"total": 353931,
[{ "electronicSurv": 2092, "travTrain": 241779, "commPrograms": 3143, "other": 34576, "commComp": 59676, "buildImprov": 12664 }]
"aid": "WIWSP0000",
"aname": "Wisconsin State Patrol/Dept of Transp",
"total": 381037,
[{ "weapons": 12918, "travTrain": 133002, "other": 150422, "commComp": 84695 }]
"st": "WV",
"stn": "West Virginia",
"total": 31315281,
[{ "weapons": 1242632, "electronicSurv": 2183309, "infoRewards": 2085541, "travTrain": 334180, "commPrograms": 22893, "salaryOvertime": 72537, "other": 9010575, "commComp": 6251554, "buildImprov": 10112059 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "WV0410100",
"aname": "Beckley Police Department",
"total": 187381,
[{ "weapons": 8491, "electronicSurv": 18271, "travTrain": 1110, "other": 102370, "commComp": 57139 }]
"aid": "WV0030000",
"aname": "Boone County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 108314,
[{ "weapons": 7369, "infoRewards": 3029, "commPrograms": 8050, "other": 69542, "commComp": 18454, "buildImprov": 1870 }]
"aid": "WV0340800",
"aname": "Central West Virginia Drug Task Force",
"total": 53446,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1000, "infoRewards": 36000, "travTrain": 2800, "commComp": 13646 }]
"aid": "WV0200200",
"aname": "City Of Charleston Police Department",
"total": 346300,
[{ "weapons": 33854, "electronicSurv": 17060, "infoRewards": 54455, "travTrain": 62852, "commPrograms": 8665, "other": 112514, "commComp": 56901 }]
"aid": "WV0020600",
"aname": "Eastern Panhandle Drug And Violent Crimes Task For",
"total": 216948,
[{ "infoRewards": 214791, "commComp": 2156 }]
"aid": "WV0310900",
"aname": "Granville Police Department",
"total": 33707,
[{ "weapons": 11361, "electronicSurv": 5245, "other": 12838, "commComp": 4264 }]
"aid": "WV0150700",
"aname": "Hancock-Brooke-Weirton Hidta Drug Task Force",
"total": 230262,
[{ "weapons": 7750, "electronicSurv": 12826, "infoRewards": 58259, "travTrain": 13086, "other": 71944, "commComp": 20966, "buildImprov": 45432 }]
"aid": "WV0060200",
"aname": "Huntington Police Department",
"total": 941309,
[{ "weapons": 176131, "electronicSurv": 38167, "infoRewards": 271440, "travTrain": 27969, "commPrograms": 4310, "other": 333685, "commComp": 68132, "buildImprov": 21475 }]
"aid": "WV0061000",
"aname": "Huntington Violent Crimes/Drug Task Force",
"total": 253998,
[{ "weapons": 518, "electronicSurv": 1091, "infoRewards": 150592, "travTrain": 7897, "other": 75771, "commComp": 18129 }]
"aid": "WV0200000",
"aname": "Kanawha County Sheriff's Office / Led",
"total": 174156,
[{ "weapons": 9431, "infoRewards": 1500, "travTrain": 578, "other": 149277, "commComp": 13370 }]
"aid": "WV0230000",
"aname": "Logan County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 42860,
[{ "electronicSurv": 6691, "infoRewards": 600, "travTrain": 200, "other": 29513, "commComp": 5855 }]
"aid": "WV0260000",
"aname": "Marshall County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 30751,
[{ "weapons": 23868, "infoRewards": 1000, "commPrograms": 1429, "other": 4454 }]
"aid": "WV0203600",
"aname": "Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Network Team",
"total": 798505,
[{ "weapons": 2477, "electronicSurv": 23337, "infoRewards": 65166, "travTrain": 24304, "other": 466363, "commComp": 65145, "buildImprov": 151714 }]
"aid": "WV0311400",
"aname": "Mon Valley Drug Task Force",
"total": 101909,
[{ "weapons": 2158, "electronicSurv": 8384, "infoRewards": 4400, "other": 57247, "commComp": 29068, "buildImprov": 652 }]
"aid": "WV0200400",
"aname": "Nitro Police Department",
"total": 31983,
[{ "weapons": 11902, "electronicSurv": 1711, "infoRewards": 300, "travTrain": 426, "commPrograms": 264, "other": 8378, "commComp": 9002 }]
"aid": "WV0351000",
"aname": "Ohio Valley Drug Task Force",
"total": 246653,
[{ "weapons": 2277, "electronicSurv": 26304, "infoRewards": 42500, "travTrain": 3600, "other": 83991, "commComp": 87981 }]
"aid": "WVEQ00133",
"aname": "Potomac Highlands Drug & Violent Crimes Task Force",
"total": 589442,
[{ "weapons": 6361, "electronicSurv": 85513, "infoRewards": 79733, "travTrain": 12584, "commComp": 121956, "buildImprov": 283295 }]
"aid": "WV0400000",
"aname": "Putnam County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 195680,
[{ "weapons": 87318, "electronicSurv": 8633, "infoRewards": 11500, "travTrain": 10200, "other": 65434, "commComp": 12595 }]
"aid": "WV0200500",
"aname": "Saint Albans Police Department",
"total": 34811,
[{ "weapons": 8625, "buildImprov": 26186 }]
"aid": "WV0200600",
"aname": "South Charleston(Wv) Police Department",
"total": 86961,
[{ "weapons": 42461, "electronicSurv": 14329, "travTrain": 5470, "other": 2350, "commComp": 3100, "buildImprov": 19251 }]
"aid": "WV0281300",
"aname": "Southern Regional Drugs & Violent Crime Task Force",
"total": 146301,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1295, "infoRewards": 68165, "travTrain": 8208, "salaryOvertime": 49922, "commComp": 8944, "buildImprov": 9767 }]
"aid": "WV0171400",
"aname": "The Greater Harrison County Drug Task Force",
"total": 211100,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1432, "infoRewards": 126697, "travTrain": 6265, "other": 37086, "commComp": 39622 }]
"aid": "WV0251600",
"aname": "Three Rivers Drug And Violent Crimes Task Force",
"total": 49400,
[{ "electronicSurv": 1356, "infoRewards": 5000, "other": 40559, "commComp": 2485 }]
"aid": "WV0480000",
"aname": "Tyler County Sheriff's Office",
"total": 180632,
[{ "weapons": 42209, "electronicSurv": 18664, "infoRewards": 4000, "travTrain": 2464, "salaryOvertime": 2615, "other": 107441, "commComp": 2561, "buildImprov": 678 }]
"aid": "WV0230900",
"aname": "U.S. 119 Drug Task Force",
"total": 102480,
[{ "electronicSurv": 3336, "infoRewards": 53100, "travTrain": 7265, "other": 7597, "commComp": 31182 }]
"aid": "WVWSP0007",
"aname": "West Virginia State Police",
"total": 25659832,
[{ "weapons": 727626, "electronicSurv": 1884222, "infoRewards": 822838, "travTrain": 127250, "other": 7047484, "commComp": 5510101, "buildImprov": 9540311 }]
"aid": "WV0350100",
"aname": "Wheeling Police Department",
"total": 37849,
[{ "weapons": 3200, "commPrograms": 175, "other": 21533, "commComp": 12942 }]
"st": "WY",
"stn": "Wyoming",
"total": 528427,
[{ "weapons": 42715, "electronicSurv": 18321, "infoRewards": 1122, "travTrain": 52528, "salaryOvertime": 18118, "other": 207901, "commComp": 168852, "buildImprov": 18869 }],
"agencies": [
"aid": "WY0110100",
"aname": "Cheyenne Police Department",
"total": 106422,
[{ "travTrain": 7070, "salaryOvertime": 18118, "other": 81234 }]
"aid": "WY0110000",
"aname": "Laramie County Sheriff's Department",
"total": 211169,
[{ "weapons": 22910, "electronicSurv": 15001, "travTrain": 31802, "other": 34464, "commComp": 89468, "buildImprov": 17525 }]
"aid": "WYWHP0000",
"aname": "Wyoming Highway Patrol",
"total": 64803,
[{ "other": 32928, "commComp": 31875 }]
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