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Last active August 6, 2018 10:22
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git grep with fzf on vim
" fzf git grep
command! -bang -nargs=+ Gitgrep call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'git grep -n -I -i <args>',
\ 'sink': function('s:line_handler'),
\ 'dir': s:get_git_base_path(expand("%:p:h")),
\ 'up': '~40%',
\ 'options': '+m'
\ })
" .gitディレクトリがあるパスを取得する
function! s:get_git_base_path(current_dir) abort
if isdirectory(expand(a:current_dir . '/.git'))
return a:current_dir
let sp_dir = split(a:current_dir, '/')
call remove(sp_dir, -1)
return s:get_git_base_path('/' . expand(join(sp_dir, '/'))sn)
" 行が選択された時の動き
function! s:line_handler(line)
let keys = split(a:line, ':')
" path
exec 'e '. keys[0]
" line
exec keys[1]
normal! ^zz
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hsawaji commented Aug 6, 2018

This is an old version.
There is the newest version the include more functions in the following link.

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