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Created March 12, 2014 16:58
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<# This is a auto termination script. It's going to royaly screw an account. So make sure you want that. Okay?
# You really shouldn't monkey around with this as it assumes the following:
# 1. The account running it has exchange admin access
# 2. The computer running is set to EST.
# 3. The account running it has access to the IT share.
# 4. You have the Quest Active Roles AD Cmdlets installed.
# 5. 0-4
# Add Quest CMDLETS
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Get Timestamp
$Date = Get-Date
# Setup Email fields
$SMTP = New-Object Net.Mail.SMTPClient
$SMTP.Host = "mail.DOMAIN.LOCAL"
$SMTP.TargetName = "mail.DOMAIN.LOCAL"
$Subject = "User Termination - $Env:COMPUTERNAME"
# Start crafting the message.
$Message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $EmailFrom, $EmailTO
$Message.Subject = $Subject
$Message.IsBodyHTML = $true
# CSS Style for Email.
$Style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
$Style = $Style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
$Style = $Style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px;}"
$Style = $Style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;}"
$Style = $Style + "</style>"
# Generate a Random Password for the User
Function Generate-Password {
$Password = $null
$Random = $null
#Set up random number generator
$Random = New-Object System.Random
#Generate a new 10 character password
1..10 | ForEach { $Password = $Password + [char]$,127) }
#Connect to Exchange SERVER
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://EXCH\\SERVER/PowerShell/"
Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber
# Import the list of people heading to Château d'If
$Users = Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermUsers.csv"
$Users | ForEach-Object {
# Setup Variables
$User = $_
$TimeZone = $User.TimeZone
$TermUser = $User.OPID
$TermDate = $User.Date
IF (($TermDate -ieq (Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd)) -or ($TermDate -lt (Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd))) {
IF ($TermDate -lt (Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd)) {$RunTerm = "YES"} #If we missed someone this will make sure we get this.
# The task runs an hour after these times. So we're save with this.
ELSEIF (($TimeZone -ieq "EST") -and ($Date.Hour -gt "16")) {$RunTerm = "YES"}
ELSEIF (($TimeZone -ieq "CST") -and ($Date.Hour -gt "17")) {$RunTerm = "YES"}
ELSEIF (($TimeZone -ieq "MNT") -and ($Date.Hour -gt "18")) {$RunTerm = "YES"}
ELSEIF (($TimeZone -ieq "PST") -and ($Date.Hour -gt "19")) {$RunTerm = "YES"}
ELSE {$RunTerm = "NO"}
# Run the termination if it's time.
IF (($RunTerm -eq "YES") -and ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser | Get-QADMemberOf) -notmatch "Disabled Users")) {
# Generate a Random Password for the User
$Password = Generate-Password
# Convert OPID to User Account information for Quest AD Tools
$ADTermUser = Get-QADUser -Identity $TermUser
# Move User to the Disabled User OU
Move-QADObject -Identity $ADTermUser -NewParentContainer (Get-QADObject "Users - Disabled")
# Refresh ADTermUser
$ADTermUser = Get-QADUser -Identity $TermUser
# Try to correct possible human error.
$TermUser = $ADTermUser.LogonName
# Get the Display Name for the User
$ADTermUserDisplayName = $ADTermUser.DisplayName
# Get the User's Manager. If the user doesn't have a manager (OR has an invalid manager) a manager will be assigned to them.
IF ((Get-QADObject -Identity $ADTermUser.Manager) -eq $null) {$ADTermUserManager = Get-QADUser -Identity "disabledusermanager"}
ELSE {$ADTermUserManager = Get-QADObject -Identity $ADTermUser.Manager}
# Set the User's Manager's Logon Name
$TermUserManager = $ADTermUserManager.LogonName
# Get the Manager's Display Name
$ADTermUserManagerDisplayName = $ADTermUserManager.DisplayName
#Set Expire Date
$Expire = $Date.AddMonths(13)
$Log = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "Run Date" -Value $Date -Force
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "Remove After" -Value $Expire -Force
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "User ID" -Value $TermUser -Force
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "User Name" -Value $ADTermUserDisplayName -Force
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "Manager ID" -Value $TermUserManager -Force
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "Manager" -Value $ADTermUserManagerDisplayName -Force
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $Log -Name "Tech" -Value "AUTOMAGICAL" -Force
$TermLog = @()
$TermLog += $Log
$LogPath = "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermLog.csv"
$TermLog | Export-Csv -Append -Force -NoTypeInformation $LogPath
# Disable AD Account and add to Disabled Users Group
Disable-QADUser -Identity $ADTermUser -Confirm:$false
Add-QADGroupMember -Identity "Disabled Users" -Member $ADTermUser -Confirm:$false
# Set Description
$Description = ($AdtermUser.Description + " - Terminated On: $Date")
# Removes Title, Office, Phones, Fax, changes password to random number, set description, and change primary group to Disabled Users.
# It's not on a single line for a reason, go ahead and test the wheels fate; if that's what you're into...
Set-QADUser -Identity $ADTermUser -Title '' -Office '' -PhoneNumber '' -MobilePhone '' -Pager '' -Fax '' -Description $Description -Confirm:$false
Set-QADUser -Identity $ADTermUser -UserMustChangePassword $true -UserPassword $Password -Confirm:$false
Set-QADUser -Identity $ADTermUser -AccountExpires $Expire -Confirm:$false
Set-QADUser -Identity $ADTermUser -objectAttributes @{PrimaryGroupID='99999'} -Confirm:$false
# Remove Groups
$ADTermUser.MemberOf | Remove-QADGroupMember -Member $ADTermUser -Confirm:$false
# Hide the user from the GAL and set forwarding of the user's mail to the manager.
Set-Mailbox -Identity $TermUser -hiddenfromaddresslistsenabled $True -ForwardingAddress $TermUserManager
# Set out of office reply aka Let's people who who got canned.
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity $TermUser -autoreplystate enabled -InternalMessage "Thank you for your email, unfortunately the person you have contacted is no longer with LUA." -ExternalMessage "Thank you for your email, unfortunately the person you have contacted is no longer with LUA, however your email has been forwarded to someone who can help you."
# Give Manager Full Access
Add-MailboxPermission $TermUser -User $TermUserManager -AccessRights fullaccess
# Punches their mail clients and phones in the face.
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $TermUser -OwaEnabled $false -EcpEnabled $false -EwsEnabled $false -MapiEnabled $false -ImapEnabled $false -PopEnabled $false -ActiveSyncEnabled $false -Confirm:$false
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $TermUser -MapiBlockOutlookRpcHttp $true -EwsAllowMacOutlook $false -EwsAllowOutlook $false -EwsAllowEntourage $false -Confirm:$false
# Banishes their phones.
Get-ActivesyncDevice -Mailbox $TermUser | Remove-ActiveSyncDevice -Confirm:$false
# Send an email that the termination is done.
$Body = "AD Termination for $TermUser has completed. <br>"
$Body += "Script Name: Auto_Terminate_User.ps1 <br>"
$Body += "Running on: $Env:COMPUTERNAME <br>"
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER REPORT </b><br>"
$Body += Get-QADUser -Identity $TermUser | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,AccountIsDisabled,UserMustChangePassword,PrimaryGroupId,Manager,AccountExpirationStatus | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER MAILBOX REPORT </b><br>"
$Body += Get-CASMailbox $TermUser | Select-Object DisplayName,MapiEnabled,MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER DEVICE REPORT - <i>Should be empty</i></b><br>"
$Body += Get-ActivesyncDevice -Mailbox $TermUser | Select-Object DeviceType,DeviceId,DeviceUserAgent | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TO TERM </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermLog.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Message.Body = ConvertTo-Html -Head $Style -Body $Body
# Clean Up - This part checks to make sure the user account was terminated correctly and enable MAPI on the mailbox.
# If the user is a member of Disabled Users, account is disabled, mapi is disabled on mailbox, and it's been more than 1 day.
IF (($RunTerm -eq "YES") -and ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser | Get-QADMemberOf) -match "Disabled Users") -and ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser).get_AccountIsDisabled() -eq $true) -and ($Date.AddDays(1) -gt ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser).get_ModificationDate())) -and ((Get-CASMailbox -Identity $TermUser).MAPIEnabled -eq $false)) {
# Enable MAPI
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $TermUser -MapiEnabled $true -MapiBlockOutlookRpcHttp $false -Confirm:$false
# Start Moving The Mailbox
New-MoveRequest -Identity $TermUser -BadItemLimit 5 -TargetDatabase "DISABLEDDATABASE" -Confirm:$false
# Send Email
$Body = "Clean up on $TermUser is done.<br>"
$Body += "MAPI has been enabled on mailbox.<br>"
$Body += "Mailbox is moving to DISABLEDDATABASE Database.<br>"
$Body += "Please check Exchange move requests for errors moving the mailbox. <br>"
$Body += "Script Name: Auto_Terminate_User.ps1 <br>"
$Body += "Running on: $Env:COMPUTERNAME <hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER MAILBOX REPORT </b><br>"
$Body += Get-CASMailbox $TermUser | Select-Object DisplayName,MapiEnabled,MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER REPORT </b><br>"
$Body += Get-QADUser -Identity $TermUser | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,AccountIsDisabled,UserMustChangePassword,PrimaryGroupId,Manager,AccountExpirationStatus | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TO TERM </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermUsers.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TERMLOG </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermLog.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Message.Body = ConvertTo-Html -Head $Style -Body $Body
# If the account is not in the disabled users or disabled run this
ELSEIF (($RunTerm -eq "YES") -and ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser | Get-QADMemberOf) -notmatch "Disabled Users") -or ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser).get_AccountIsDisabled() -eq $false)) {
# Send Email
$Body = "Clean up on $TermUser is not done. <br><br>"
$Body += "Either account is not terminated correctly or is not disabled.<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER REPORT </b><br>"
$Body += Get-QADUser -Identity $TermUser | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,AccountIsDisabled,UserMustChangePassword,PrimaryGroupId,Manager,AccountExpirationStatus | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER MAILBOX REPORT </b><br>"
$Body += Get-CASMailbox $TermUser | Select-Object DisplayName,MapiEnabled,MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TO TERM </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermUsers.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TERMLOG </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermLog.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Message.Body = ConvertTo-Html -Head $Style -Body $Body
# If the account hasn't been terminated for more than one day run this.
ELSEIF (($RunTerm -eq "YES") -and ($Date.AddDays(1) -lt ((Get-QADObject -Identity $TermUser).get_ModificationDate()))) {
# Send Email
$Body = "Clean up on $TermUser is not done. <br><br>"
$Body += "24 hours have not passed since termination.<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TO TERM </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermUsers.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TERMLOG </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermLog.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Message.Body = ConvertTo-Html -Head $Style -Body $Body
# Otherwise, there's nothing to do.
ELSE {$RunTerm = "NO"}
IF ($RunTerm -eq "NO") {
<# Send Email
$Body = "NOTHING TO DO!<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TO TERM </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermUsers.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Body += "<hr>"
$Body += "<b> USER TERMLOG </b><br>"
$Body += Import-Csv "\\SERVER\User Termination Log\TermLog.csv" | ConvertTo-Html
$Message.Body = ConvertTo-Html -Head $Style -Body $Body
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