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Last active October 11, 2018 16:34
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#version 430 core
#extension GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle : enable
#extension GL_NV_shader_thread_group : enable
#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops : enable
layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter;
layout(packed, binding=1) readonly restrict buffer Predicates { uint8_t[] predicates; };
layout(packed, binding=2) readonly restrict buffer IntputData { uint[] inputData; };
layout(packed, binding=3) writeonly restrict buffer OutputDate { uint[] outputData; };
uniform uint algorithm = 0u;
uint outIndex() {
switch (algorithm) {
case 0u:
return atomicCounterIncrement(counter);
case 1u:
uint act = activeThreadsNV(),
total = bitCount(act),
leader = findLSB(act),
rank = bitCount(gl_ThreadLtMaskNV & act),
warpRes = 0u;
if (rank == 0u)
warpRes = atomicCounterAddARB(counter, total);
return shuffleNV(warpRes, leader, gl_WarpSizeNV) + rank;
layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 8) in;
void main(void) {
uint off = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
if (off >= inputData.length())
if (predicates[off] == 1u)
outputData[outIndex()] = inputData[off];
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