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Created September 15, 2020 08:45
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Webform with processed text causing extra DIV wrapper
uuid: 8b7b6e7f-dab7-446e-b640-37a3d6efb6bd
langcode: de
status: open
- webform
open: null
close: null
weight: 0
uid: 1
template: false
archive: false
id: contact
title: Anfrage
description: 'Anfrageformular für Übernachtungen über die Webseite.'
category: ''
elements: "text_mydata:\n '#type': processed_text\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-1\n '#display_on': both\n '#text': |\n <h3 class=\"webform__header webform__header--personal\">Meine Daten</h3>\n \n '#format': full_html\nsex:\n '#type': select\n '#title': Anrede\n '#options':\n f: Frau\n m: Herr\n '#chosen': true\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-1-5 cell--flex-1-1'\nfirstname:\n '#type': textfield\n '#title': Vorname\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-2-5 cell--flex-1-1'\nlastname:\n '#type': textfield\n '#title': Nachname\n '#required': true\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-2-5 cell--flex-1-1'\nstreet:\n '#type': textfield\n '#title': Straße\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-1\nzipcode:\n '#type': textfield\n '#title': PLZ\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-1-5 cell--flex-1-1'\ncity:\n '#type': textfield\n '#title': Ort\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-2-5 cell--flex-1-1'\ncountry:\n '#type': select\n '#title': Land\n '#options': country_codes\n '#chosen': true\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-2-5 cell--flex-1-1'\nphone:\n '#type': tel\n '#title': Telefon\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-1-2 cell--flex-1-1'\n '#international': true\nemail:\n '#type': email\n '#title': E-Mail\n '#required': true\n '#default_value': '[current-user:mail]'\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-1-2 cell--flex-1-1'\ntext_traveldata:\n '#type': processed_text\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-1\n '#display_on': both\n '#text': |\n <h3 class=\"webform__header webform__header--personal\">Reisedaten</h3>\n \n '#format': full_html\narrival:\n '#type': date\n '#title': Anreise\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-2\n '#format': date_notime\n '#datepicker': true\n '#date_date_format': d.m.Y\n '#date_date_min': today\n '#date_date_max': '+1 year'\ndeparture:\n '#type': date\n '#title': Abreise\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-2\n '#format': date_notime\n '#datepicker': true\n '#date_date_format': d.m.Y\n '#date_date_min': '+1 day'\n '#date_date_max': '+1 year'\nadults:\n '#type': number\n '#title': Erwachsene\n '#default_value': '2'\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-2\n '#min': 1\n '#max': 99\n '#step': 1\nchildren:\n '#type': number\n '#title': Kinder\n '#default_value': '0'\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-2\n '#min': 0\n '#max': 99\n '#step': 1\nchildren_age:\n '#type': textfield\n '#title': 'Alter der Kinder'\n '#states':\n visible:\n ':input[name=\"children\"]':\n value:\n greater: '0'\n required:\n ':input[name=\"children\"]':\n value:\n greater: '0'\n invisible:\n - ':input[name=\"children\"]':\n empty: true\n - xor\n - ':input[name=\"children\"]':\n value:\n less: '1'\ntext_roomdata:\n '#type': processed_text\n '#display_on': both\n '#text': |\n <h3 class=\"webform__header webform__header--room\">Ich interessiere mich für...</h3>\n \n '#format': full_html\nroom_quantity:\n '#type': number\n '#title': 'Anzahl Zimmer'\n '#default_value': '1'\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-1-5 cell--flex-1-1'\n '#min': 1\n '#max': 9\n '#step': 1\nwt_room:\n '#type': webform_entity_select\n '#title': Zimmertyp\n '#multiple': true\n '#chosen': true\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - 'cell--flex-sm-4-5 cell--flex-1-1'\n '#format': label\n '#target_type': node\n '#selection_handler': views\n '#selection_settings':\n view:\n view_name: wt_room\n display_name: entity_reference_selectlist\n arguments: { }\nwt_package:\n '#type': webform_entity_select\n '#title': Angebote\n '#multiple': true\n '#chosen': true\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-1\n '#format': label\n '#target_type': node\n '#selection_handler': views\n '#selection_settings':\n view:\n view_name: wt_package\n display_name: entity_reference_selectlist\n arguments: { }\ntext_message:\n '#type': processed_text\n '#display_on': both\n '#text': |\n <h3 class=\"webform__header webform__header--message\">Anmerkungen</h3>\n \n '#format': full_html\nmessage:\n '#type': textarea\n '#title': Sonstiges\n '#wrapper_attributes':\n class:\n - cell--flex-1-1\n '#test': 'Please ignore this email.'\ncaptcha:\n '#type': captcha\n '#captcha_type': recaptcha/reCAPTCHA\nactions:\n '#type': webform_actions\n '#title': 'Submit button(s)'\n '#submit__label': 'Anfrage abschicken'"
css: ''
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- element__firstname
- element__lastname
- element__email
- element__arrival
- element__departure
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- element__children
- element__room_quantity
- element__wt_room
- element__wt_package
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confirmation_title: ''
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roles: { }
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roles: { }
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permissions: { }
roles: { }
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permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
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roles: { }
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permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
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roles: { }
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id: email
label: 'Anfrage Kopie an Kunde'
handler_id: email_confirmation
status: true
conditions: { }
weight: 1
- completed
to_mail: '[webform_submission:values:email:raw]'
to_options: { }
cc_mail: ''
cc_options: { }
bcc_mail: ''
bcc_options: { }
from_mail: _default
from_options: { }
from_name: '[site:name]'
subject: 'Meine Anfrage auf [site:url-brief]'
body: "Vielen Dank, wir haben Ihre Anfrage am [current-date:long] erhalten! Wir werden uns schnellstm&ouml;glich bei Ihnen mit einer pers&ouml;nlichen Antwort zur&uuml;ckmelden.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\nIhr [site:name] Team.<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\nDiese Antwort wurde automatisch generiert und beinhaltet noch einmal Ihre Angaben im Formular auf unserer Webseite [site:url-brief].<br />\r\n<br />\r\n[webform_submission:values]"
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debug: false
reply_to: ''
return_path: ''
sender_mail: ''
sender_name: ''
theme_name: ''
parameters: { }
id: email
label: 'Anfrage Benachrichtigung an Betreiber'
handler_id: email_notification
status: true
conditions: { }
weight: 1
- completed
to_mail: _default
to_options: { }
cc_mail: ''
cc_options: { }
bcc_mail: ''
bcc_options: { }
from_mail: _default
from_options: { }
from_name: '[webform_submission:values:firstname] [webform_submission:values:lastname] via [site:url-brief]'
subject: 'Anfrage [webform_submission:values:arrival] - [webform_submission:values:departure], [webform_submission:values:adults] Pers.'
body: '[webform_submission:values]'
excluded_elements: { }
ignore_access: false
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html: true
attachments: false
twig: false
debug: false
reply_to: '[webform_submission:values:email:raw]'
return_path: ''
sender_mail: ''
sender_name: ''
theme_name: ''
parameters: { }
variants: { }
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