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Created April 10, 2014 17:09
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[clojure.test :refer :all]
[pallet.actions :refer [exec-checked-script exec-script* minimal-packages
[pallet.api :refer [converge group-spec plan-fn]]
[ :refer [build-actions build-session]]
[pallet.core.api :refer [phase-errors]]
[pallet.core.session :refer [with-session]]
[pallet.crate :refer [is-64bit?]]
[pallet.crate.automated-admin-user :refer [automated-admin-user]]
[ :as java]
[pallet.crate.maven :as maven]
[pallet.crates.test-nodes :as test-nodes]
[pallet.script :refer [with-script-context]]
[pallet.script-test :refer [is-true testing-script]]
[pallet.script.lib :refer [package-manager-non-interactive]]
[pallet.test-env :refer [test-env *compute-service* *node-spec-meta*]]
[pallet.test-env.project :as project]))
(test-env test-nodes/node-specs project/project)
(deftest ^:support default-settings
(let [spec (group-spec "pallet-maven"
:node-spec (:node-spec *node-spec-meta*)
:count 1
{:bootstrap (plan-fn
(package-manager :update)
:settings (plan-fn
(java/settings {})
(maven/archive-settings [3 2 1])
:configure (plan-fn
(java/install {})
(maven/install {}))
:verify (plan-fn
"Maven installed"
(is-true ("mvn" -version "2>/dev/null")
"Verify maven is installed"))))})]
(let [session (converge spec
:phase [:configure :verify]
:compute *compute-service*)]
(testing "install maven"
(is session)
(is (not (phase-errors session)))))
(converge (assoc spec :count 0) :compute *compute-service*)))))
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