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Last active September 20, 2016 22:39
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Client Script / QML button for recollecting Overlays back into the visible viewport area

// Client Script for recollecting Overlays back into the visible viewport area
// 2016.08.27 humbletim
// NOTE: recollection could also be triggered from another script via message; eg:
// Messages.sendMessage('recollectOverlays', 8, true /*localOnly*/)
// QML has better access to the "desktop" so all the heavy lifting is currently done on that side
var window = new OverlayWindow({
title: ' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)',
source: Script.resolvePath('recollectOverlays.qml'),
//source: Script.resolvePath('recollectOverlays.qml#' + new Date().getTime().toString(36)),
visible: true,
width: 320,
height: 240
window.fromQml.connect(function(evt) { evt.type === 'stop' && Script.stop(); });
// experimental Messages triggering
Script.scriptEnding.connect(function() {
function receiver(channel, message, sender, local) {
if (!local || channel !== 'recollectOverlays') return;
var evt = { type: 'recollect' };
try { evt.margin = !isNaN(message) ? message*1 : 1*JSON.parse(message).margin; } catch(e) { print('recollectOverlays.js receiver error:', e); }
// QML dialog button for recollecting Overlays back into the visible viewport area
// 2016.08.27 humbletim
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
Item {
id: root
property var margin: 16
signal sendToScript(var message);
Component.onDestruction: sendToScript({type:'stop'})
function fromScript(evt) { if (evt.type === 'recollect') window ? recollect(evt) : recollect.scheduled = evt; }
anchors.fill: parent
Settings {
id: settings
category: 'recollectOverlays'
property alias margin: root.margin
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: 'black'
Item {
id: bar
height: button.height
Keys.onEscapePressed: window.shown = false
Keys.onPressed: (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) && event.key === Qt.Key_F1 && Keys.onEscapePressed(event)
Button {
id: button
text: 'recollect'
implicitWidth: 128
implicitHeight: 128
width: Math.max(implicitWidth, root.width)
onClicked: recollect({ margin: root.margin })
focus: true
TextArea {
visible: root.height > bar.height*1.5
id: output
text: margin
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.topMargin: bar.height
backgroundVisible: false
wrapMode: TextEdit.NoWrap
textFormat: TextEdit.PlainText
readOnly: true
style: TextAreaStyle { textColor: 'white' }
// hook into our container Window
property var window
Binding { target: root; property: 'window'; value: parent.parent }
Binding { target: root.window; property: 'minSize'; value: Qt.vector2d(button.implicitWidth,button.implicitHeight) }
Binding { target: root.window; property: 'pinnable'; value: false }
Binding { target: root.window; property: 'destroyOnHidden'; value: false }
Binding { target: root.window; property: 'closable'; value: true }
Binding { target: root.window; property: 'width'; value: button.width; when: !window.width }
Binding { target: root.window; property: 'height'; value: button.height; when: !window.height }
Connections {
target: window || null
onVisibleChanged: window.visible && button.forceActiveFocus()
onWindowChanged: {
if (!window) return;
window.x = window.frame.frameMarginLeft + margin;
window.y = window.frame.frameMarginTop + margin;
recollect.scheduled && recollect(recollect.scheduled)
// hook into MenuInterface
property var menu
Binding { target: root; property: 'menu'; value: MenuInterface }
Connections {
target: root
onMenuChanged: {
//'MENU', menu);
menu.addSeparator("Display", "--recollector--");
Component.onDestruction: {
menu.removeSeparator("Display", "--recollector--");
Connections {
target: menu || null
onMenuItemEvent: arguments[0] === 'Recollector' && (window.shown = !window.shown)
// recollection logic
function getLogicalViewport(margin) {
return {
x: desktop.x + margin,
y: desktop.y + margin,
width: desktop.width - margin*2,
height: desktop.height - margin*2
function findChildren(obj, index, seen) {
//if (!/QQuick|Proxy|Shadow|Constants/.test(obj))print('findChildren', obj.frame, obj, index, seen.length);
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return;
if (!~seen.indexOf(obj))
obj.children && [], function(o,i) {
return seen;
// heuristics for identifying Mini Mirror, floating toolbars and OverlayWindows
function findOverlays() {
return findChildren(desktop, 0, [])
.filter(function(c,i) {
return c.objectName === 'AvatarInputs' || ('frame' in c && 'x' in c && 'width' in c && 'visible' in c)
function recollect(evt) {
recollect.scheduled = null;
output.text = margin+'\n'+JSON.stringify(evt)+'';
if (evt && !isNaN(evt.margin))
margin = evt.margin;
var isHMD = typeof HMD === 'object' &&;
var print = function() {
var message = []' ');
output.text += '\n' + message;;
print('recollect', window);
var viewport = getLogicalViewport(0);
print('viewport', viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.x+viewport.width, viewport.y+viewport.height);
var bounds = getLogicalViewport(margin);
if (isHMD) {
bounds.x += bounds.width/4;
bounds.width -= bounds.width/2;
bounds.y += bounds.height/4;
bounds.height -= bounds.height/2;
print('adjusted to hmd mode:', JSON.stringify(bounds, 0,2));
var floaters = findOverlays();
var backup = {}; // WIP; in future could save and restore placement snapshots or something
floaters.forEach(function(c) {
var X=c.x, Y=c.y, ID=c.title||||c.objectName;
//print('checking', ID, c.x, c.y, c.x+c.width, c.y+c.height, '('+c+')');
if (true || c.width < bounds.x) {
if ((c.x+c.width) > (bounds.x+bounds.width))
X = bounds.width - c.width;
else if (c.x < bounds.x)
X = bounds.x;
if (true || c.height < bounds.y) {
if ((c.y+c.height) > (bounds.y+bounds.height))
Y = bounds.height - c.height;
else if (c.y < bounds.y)
Y = bounds.y;
if (c.x !== X || c.y !== Y) {
if (ID) backup[ID] = { x: c.x, y: c.y, width: c.width, height: c.height };
c.x = X;
c.y = Y;
print('recollected', ID, c.x, c.y, c.x+c.width, c.y+c.height, '('+c+')');
print('backup:', JSON.stringify(backup,0,2));
return backup;
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