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Created January 4, 2019 02:32
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configuration for vim
" ============= BEGIN BASIC CONFIGURATION =============
set nocompatible
set number
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
filetype on
filetype indent on
filetype plugin on
set clipboard=unnamed
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Set mouse
if has('mouse')
set mouse=a
" Set default font and size
set guifont=Monaco:h16
" Auto load when file changed
set autoread
set autowrite
set nobackup
set nowb
set noswapfile
set backupdir=~/tmp,/tmp
set backupcopy=yes
set backupskip=/tmp/*,$TMPDIR/*,$TMP/*,$TEMP/*
set directory=/tmp
" Set spell check
set spell spelllang=en_ca
let loaded_netrwPlug = 1
let mapleader=" " " Set Space for Leader key
" remap splitting windows
nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j
nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l " remap splits
nmap :vs :vsplit
nmap :s :split
" Indent for each language
autocmd FileType ruby setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2
autocmd FileType eruby setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2
" ============= END BASIC CONFIGURATION ============
set nocp
call pathogen#infect()
" Fzf search enable
set rtp+=/usr/local/opt/fzf
" set ctrlP plugin
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
" allow vim to jump through directories for ctags
set tags=tags;/
syntax enable
let g:solarized_termcolors = 16
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" ============= BEGIN INSTALL PLUGINS ============
" Ocean theme VS
Plug 'mhartington/oceanic-next'
if (has("termguicolors"))
set termguicolors
colorscheme OceanicNext
set background=dark
let g:oceanic_next_terminal_italic = 1
let g:oceanic_next_terminal_bold = 1
" plugin on GitHub repo
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" Scala highlights
Plug 'derekwyatt/vim-scala'
" show git diff in vim
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
" Auto completed
" Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
" Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
" Plug 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'
" let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
" Install L9 and avoid a Naming conflict if you've already
" installed a
" different version somewhere else.
Plug 'ascenator/L9', {'name': 'newL9'}
Plug 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby'
Plug 'tpope/vim-rails'
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise'
Plug 'tpope/vim-bundler'
Plug 'thoughtbot/vim-rspec'
Plug 'MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils'
Plug 'tomtom/tlib_vim'
Plug 'garbas/vim-snipmate'
" Fzg plugin
Plug '/usr/local/opt/fzf'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" remap envoke key
" nnoremap <silent> <C-z> :FZF<CR>
" Ripgrep
Plug 'jremmen/vim-ripgrep'
let g:rg_highligh = 1
" Quick comment toggling
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
noremap <Leader>/ :Commentary<CR>
" Files stucture tree
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
" Multiple cursors
Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
" ============= END INSTALL PLUGINS ============
call plug#end()
" Move up and down in autocomplete with <c-j> and <c-k>
inoremap <expr> <c-j> ("\<C-n>")
inoremap <expr> <c-k> ("\<C-p>")
" Customize fzf key
nnoremap <c-p> :Files<CR>
nnoremap <c-b> :Buffer<CR>
nmap <Leader>f :GFiles<CR>
nmap <Leader>F :Files<CR>
nmap <Leader>b :Buffers<CR>
nmap <Leader>h :History<CR>
nmap <Leader>t :BTags<CR>
nmap <Leader>T :Tags<CR>
" Customize fzf colors to match your color scheme
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl': ['fg', 'Comment'],
\ 'fg+': ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg+': ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
\ 'hl+': ['fg', 'Statement'],
\ 'info': ['fg', 'PreProc'],
\ 'border': ['fg', 'Ignore'],
\ 'prompt': ['fg', 'Conditional'],
\ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
\ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'] }
" vim-ruby
let g:ruby_indent_access_modifier_style = 'normal'
let g:ruby_indent_assignment_style = 'variable'
let g:ruby_indent_block_style = 'do'
" NERDTree Configuration
" How can I close vim if the only window left open is a NERDTree?
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif
" using - to toggle NERDTree
map - :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <leader>r :NERDTreeFind<cr> " this is the key to jump to the nerdtree window from any other window
" autocmd BufWinEnter * NERDTreeFind
map ] :NERDTreeFind<CR> " pressing this inside any open file in vim will jump to the nerdtree and highlight where that file is -> very useful when you have multiple files open at once
let g:NERDTreeChDirMode=2
let g:NERDTreeIgnore=['\.rbc$', '\~$', '\.pyc$', '\.db$', '\.sqlite$', '__pycache__', 'node_modules', 'tmp']
let g:NERDTreeSortOrder=['^__\.py$', '\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
let g:NERDTreeShowBookmarks=1
let g:nerdtree_tabs_focus_on_files=1
let g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent = '<RightMouse>'
set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.pyc,*.db,*.sqlite
nmap <Leader>v :e ~/.vimrc<CR> " Quickly edit .vimrc file
noremap <Leader><Leader>s :so ~/.vimrc<CR> " Source .vimrc file
" Multiple cursors
function! Multiple_cursors_before()
if exists(':NeoCompleteLock')==2
exe 'NeoCompleteLock'
function! Multiple_cursors_after()
if exists(':NeoCompleteUnlock')==2
exe 'NeoCompleteUnlock'
" Rename current file
function! RenameFile()
let old_name = expand('%')
let new_name = input('New file name: ', expand('%'), 'file')
if new_name != '' && new_name != old_name
exec ':saveas ' . new_name
exec ':silent !rm ' . old_name
map <Leader>rnf :call RenameFile()<cr>
" Configuration for markdown preview
let g:instant_markdown_slow = 1
let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 0
nmap :preview :InstantMarkdownPreview
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