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Created November 20, 2024 00:10
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Illustration of expressing a state machine using edfsm
impl Fsm for ClientConnection {
type S = State;
type C = Command;
type E = Event;
type SE = OutputBuffer<SideEffect>;
command!(Disconnected => ConnectClient => ConnectingClient => ClientConnected);
command!(ClientConnected => ConnectServer => ServerConnectionStarted => ConnectingServer);
command!(ClientConnected => HandleCall => CallHandlingDeferred);
command!(ConnectingServer => FailConnectServer => ServerConnectionFailed => ClientConnected);
command!(ConnectingServer => SucceedConnectServer => ServerConnectionSucceeded => HandlingCall | ServerConnected);
command!(ConnectingServer => HandleCall => CallHandlingDeferred);
command!(ServerConnected => HandleCall => CallHandlingStarted => HandlingCall);
command!(ServerConnected => FailConnectServer => ServerConnectionFailed => ClientConnected);
command!(HandlingCall => FailHandlingCall => CallHandlingFailed => HandlingCall | ServerConnected);
command!(HandlingCall => SucceedHandlingCall => CallHandlingSucceeded => HandlingCall | ServerConnected);
command!(HandlingCall => HandleCall => CallHandlingDeferred);
command!(HandlingCall => FailConnectServer => ServerConnectionFailed => ClientConnected);
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