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Last active April 7, 2022 02:55
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upset figure from given column
DF = pd.read_csv('tmpout/merged.maflite', sep = '\t')
# # define a "MATCH"
# in this section we attempted to use a set of columns to define a matching
# id_cols defines a unique event
'altbase', # this is also important to get right
unique_DF = DF.groupby(IDCOLS, as_index=False).agg({'pipeline': lambda x: ','.join(set(sorted(x)))})
DF2 = unique_DF.rename(columns = { 'pipeline' : 'called_by' })\
.merge(DF.drop(columns = ['pipeline']), how = 'left')\
from upsetplot import from_memberships
from upsetplot import plot
def get_overlap(dfa, title):
dfa assumes a column "called_by". a comma separated column of multiple pipelines ("washu,getz")
# upset plot
dfc = dfa.groupby('called_by').size().reset_index(name = 'count').sort_values('called_by')
plot(from_memberships(dfc.called_by.str.split(",").tolist(), dfc['count']),
sort_by = 'degree', sort_categories_by = None,
show_counts = True)
plt.title(title, y=1.08)
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