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Last active June 14, 2023 00:50
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" General Settings
set update.lastchecktime 1686688430225
set update.nag true
set update.nagwait 7
set update.lastnaggedversion 1.14.0
set update.checkintervalsecs 86400
set configversion 2.0
set smoothscroll true
set newtab about:blank
set leavegithubalone true
set theme auto
set modeindicator false
" Binds
bind ,, nohlsearch
bind '' tabclose
bind ! composite get_current_url | blacklistadd
bind <A-p> pin
bind <A-m> mute toggle
bind <F1> help
bind o fillcmdline tab
bind O current_url open
bind w fillcmdline winopen
bind W current_url winopen
bind t fillcmdline tabopen
bind ]] followpage next
bind [[ followpage prev
bind [c urlincrement -1
bind ]c urlincrement 1
bind <C-x> urlincrement -1
bind <C-a> urlincrement 1
bind T current_url tabopen
bind yy clipboard yank
bind ys clipboard yankshort
bind yc clipboard yankcanon
bind ym clipboard yankmd
bind yo clipboard yankorg
bind yt clipboard yanktitle
bind gh home
bind gH home true
bind p clipboard open
bind P clipboard tabopen
bind j scrollline 10
bind <C-e> scrollline 10
bind k scrollline -10
bind <C-y> scrollline -10
bind h scrollpx -50
bind l scrollpx 50
bind G scrollto 100
bind gg scrollto 0
bind <C-u> scrollpage -0.5
bind <C-d> scrollpage 0.5
bind <C-f> scrollpage 1
bind <C-b> scrollpage -1
bind <C-v> nmode ignore 1 mode normal
bind $ scrollto 100 x
bind ^ scrollto 0 x
bind H back
bind L forward
bind <C-o> jumpprev
bind <C-i> jumpnext
bind d scrollpage 1
bind D composite tabprev; tabclose #
bind gx0 tabclosealltoleft
bind gx$ tabclosealltoright
bind << tabmove -1
bind >> tabmove +1
bind u scrollpage -1
bind U undo window
bind r reload
bind R reloadhard
bind x stop
bind gi focusinput -l
bind g? rot13
bind g! jumble
bind g; changelistjump -1
bind J tabprev
bind K tabnext
bind gt tabnext_gt
bind gT tabprev
bind g^ tabfirst
bind g0 tabfirst
bind g$ tablast
bind ga tabaudio
bind gr reader
bind gu urlparent
bind gU urlroot
bind gf viewsource
bind : fillcmdline_notrail
bind s fillcmdline open search
bind S fillcmdline tabopen search
bind M gobble 1 quickmark
bind B fillcmdline taball
bind b fillcmdline tab
bind ZZ qall
bind f hint
bind F hint -b
bind gF hint -qb
bind ;i hint -i
bind ;b hint -b
bind ;o hint
bind ;I hint -I
bind ;k hint -k
bind ;K hint -K
bind ;y hint -y
bind ;Y hint -cF img i => tri.excmds.yankimage(tri.urlutils.getAbsoluteURL(i.src))
bind ;p hint -p
bind ;h hint -h
bind v hint -h
bind ;P hint -P
bind ;r hint -r
bind ;s hint -s
bind ;S hint -S
bind ;a hint -a
bind ;A hint -A
bind ;; hint -; *
bind ;# hint -#
bind ;v hint -W mpvsafe
bind ;V hint -V
bind ;w hint -w
bind ;t hint -W tabopen
bind ;O hint -W fillcmdline_notrail open
bind ;W hint -W fillcmdline_notrail winopen
bind ;T hint -W fillcmdline_notrail tabopen
bind ;z hint -z
bind ;m composite hint -Jpipe img src | open
bind ;M composite hint -Jpipe img src | tabopen
bind ;gi hint -qi
bind ;gI hint -qI
bind ;gk hint -qk
bind ;gy hint -qy
bind ;gp hint -qp
bind ;gP hint -qP
bind ;gr hint -qr
bind ;gs hint -qs
bind ;gS hint -qS
bind ;ga hint -qa
bind ;gA hint -qA
bind ;g; hint -q;
bind ;g# hint -q#
bind ;gv hint -qW mpvsafe
bind ;gw hint -qw
bind ;gb hint -qb
bind ;gF hint -qb
bind ;gf hint -q
bind <S-Insert> mode ignore
bind <AC-Escape> mode ignore
bind <AC-`> mode ignore
bind <S-Escape> mode ignore
bind <Escape> composite mode normal ; hidecmdline
bind <C-[> composite mode normal ; hidecmdline
bind a current_url bmark
bind A bmark
bind zi zoom 0.1 true
bind zo zoom -0.1 true
bind zm zoom 0.5 true
bind zr zoom -0.5 true
bind zM zoom 0.5 true
bind zR zoom -0.5 true
bind zz zoom 1
bind zI zoom 3
bind zO zoom 0.3
bind . repeat
bind m gobble 1 markadd
bind ` gobble 1 markjump
bind --mode=ignore ! composite get_current_url | blacklistremove
bind --mode=ignore <S-Insert> mode normal
bind --mode=ignore <AC-Escape> mode normal
bind --mode=ignore <AC-`> mode normal
bind --mode=ignore <S-Escape> mode normal
bind --mode=ignore <C-o> nmode normal 1 mode ignore
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