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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 9 should actually have 26 columns, instead of 21. in line 8.
Name,Phys,Str,Sls,Thr,Mag,Fire,Light,Dark,Poise,Poison,Bleed,Petrify,Curse,Dur,Weight,Scaling,Prerequisite,Reinforcement,Effect,Def/Weight,Poise/Weight,Magic/Weight,Total Magic Def,Total Defense,Total Def/Weight
Alonne Captian Helm,53,50,56,53,11,17,7,11,12,6,12,0,0,90,5.1,C,,Titanite,Fire Def +,10.39,2.35,2.25,46,205,40.2
Alonne Captian Helm+10,106,100,112,106,22,34,15,22,12,11,25,0,0,90,5.1,C,,Titanite,Fire Def +,20.78,2.35,4.56,93,411,80.59
Alonne Knight Helm,49,47,52,49,9,15,7,9,9,5,10,0,0,80,4.6,C,,Titanite,,10.65,1.96,2.17,40,188,40.87
Alonne Knight Helm+10,99,94,104,99,18,29,14,18,9,9,21,0,0,80,4.6,C,,Titanite,,21.52,1.96,4.29,79,376,81.74
Alva Helm,38,36,39,37,10,11,8,11,6,11,15,0,0,80,3.7,C,,Titanite,,10.27,1.62,2.7,40,152,41.08
Alva Helm+10,75,72,78,74,21,23,16,22,6,22,23,0,0,80,3.7,C,,Titanite,,20.27,1.62,5.54,82,306,82.7
Archdrake Helm,49,49,49,49,16,15,26,15,7.5,13,11,0,0,80,5.4,C,,Titanite,,9.07,1.39,3.33,72,219,40.56
Archdrake Helm+10,98,98,98,98,31,30,51,29,7.5,26,22,0,0,80,5.4,C,,Titanite,,18
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// load the csv file!
d3.csv("body.csv", function(data) {
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.Phys = +d.Phys;d.Weight = +d.Weight;d.Poise = +d.Poise;d.Dur = +d.Dur;d.Mag = +d.Mag;d.Fire = +d.Fire;d.Light = +d.Light;d.Dark = +d.Dark;d['Total Defense'] = +d['Total Defense'];
durD = [0, 0.73537253793028479, 255, 28.412505932894664]
totalD =[0, -3.8152939360143563, 1559, 21.764254501971635]
physD = [0, -1.2297935879109552, 437, 22.496383451350237]
poiseD = [0, 4.0077181112133058, 47.0, 21.730141021739236]
magD = [0, 9.4949059782753427, 135, 6.0664293336673314]
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<title>Dark Souls II Body Armor Comparison</title>
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.yaxis path,
.yaxis line,
.xaxis path,
.xaxis line {
def run(simulations=1000):
totalvalue = 0
env1a = []
env2a = []
env1 = 0
env2 = 0
for i in range(simulations):
envelopes = [random.randint(2,20)]
select = random.randint(0,1)
if select==1:
def fib(length):
first, second = 1, 1
if length < 2:
return length
length -= 2
for i in range(length):
second, first = first+second, second
return second
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<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
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.yaxis path,
.yaxis line,
.xaxis path,
.xaxis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #222;
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<style type="text/css">
.yaxis path,
.yaxis line,
.xaxis path,
.xaxis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #222;
d3.csv('iris.csv', function(data)
'cx': function(d, i) {
return i*5;