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Created November 25, 2019 08:50
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use clang format in sublime text
# refer to
# clang-format-sublime:
# diff-match-patch:
import os
from sublime import *
from sublime_plugin import *
from sublime_lib import *
from .diff_match_patch import *
def is_available(view):
file_name = view.file_name()
if not file_name: return False
_, extname = os.path.splitext(file_name)
return extname in ['.c', '.cpp']
def sel(view):
ret = []
for region in view.sel():
if not region.empty():
if not ret:
ret.append(Region(0, view.size()))
return ret
def make_format_command(view):
command = ['clang-format']
for region in sel(view):
offset = min(region.a, region.b)
length = abs(region.b - region.a)
command.extend(['-offset', str(offset),
'-length', str(length)])
command.extend(['-assume-filename', view.file_name() or '(none)'])
return command
def get_encoding(view):
subl_enc = view.encoding()
if subl_enc == 'Undefined':
subl_enc = 'UTF-8'
return encodings.from_sublime(subl_enc)
def subproc(command, stdin=None):
startupinfo = None
if == 'nt':
startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
proc = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo)
return proc.communicate(stdin)
def make_patch(view, edit, stdin, output):
dmp = diff_match_patch()
patch = dmp.patch_make(stdin, output)
for obj in patch:
point = obj.start1
for i, text in obj.diffs:
if i == 0:
point += len(text)
elif i == 1:
view.insert(edit, point, text)
point += len(text)
elif i == -1:
view.erase(edit, Region(point, point + len(text)))
class ClangFormatCommand(TextCommand):
def is_enabled(self):
return is_available(self.view)
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
command = make_format_command(view)
encoding = get_encoding(view)
stdin = view.substr(Region(0, view.size()))
output, error = subproc(command, stdin.encode(encoding))
if error: return print(error)
output = output.decode(encoding)
make_patch(view, edit, stdin, output)
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