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Created September 24, 2019 10:36
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// Sum Numbers over an array
const sum = array => array.reduce((acum, number) => {
return acum + number;
}, 0);
console.log('01', { sum: sum([ 1, 5, 9 ]) });
// Sum Numbers multiplied by a factor
const sumProduct = array => array.reduce((acum, pair) => {
const [ number, factor ] = pair;
return acum + number * factor;
}, 0);
console.log('02', { sumProduct: sumProduct([ [ 1, 1 ] , [ 5, 3 ], [ 9, 2 ] ]) });
// Get the max value
const maxNumber = array => array.reduce((acum, number) => {
if (!acum) return number;
if (acum < number) return number;
return acum;
}, null);
console.log('03', { maxNumber: maxNumber([ 1, 5, 9 ]) });
// Implement "map" function over an array
const map = (array, fn) => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
return [ ...acum, fn(elem) ];
}, []);
console.log('04', { map: map([ 1, 2, 3 ], x => x * 2) });
// Implement "filter" function over an array
const filter = (array, fn) => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
if (!fn(elem)) return acum;
return [ ...acum, elem ];
}, []);
console.log('05', { filter: filter([ 1, 2, 3 ], x => x >= 2) });
// Filter (first) and then Map over the array
const filterMap = (array, fnFilter, fnMap) => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
if (!fnFilter(elem)) return acum;
return [ ...acum, fnMap(elem) ];
}, []);
console.log('06', { filterMap: filterMap([ 1, 2, 3 ], x => x >= 2, x => x * 2) });
// Implement "flatMap" function over an array
const flatMap = (array, fn) => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
if (Array.isArray(elem)) return [ ...acum, ];
return [ ...acum, fn(elem) ];
}, []);
console.log('07', { flatMap: flatMap([ [ 1, 2 ], 3, [ 4, 5 ] ], x => x * 2) });
// Implement "unique" function over an array
const unique = array => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
if (acum.includes(elem)) return acum;
return [ ...acum, elem ];
}, []);
console.log('08', { unique: unique([ 1, 1, 3, 5, 3, 9 ]) });
// Implement "sort" function over an array, even with non-unique elements
const sort = array => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
const lesserOrEqual = acum.filter(item => item <= elem);
const greater = acum.filter(item => item > elem);
return [ ...lesserOrEqual, elem, ...greater ];
}, []);
console.log('09', { sort: sort([ 3, 1, 5, 9, 4, 2, 4, 1 ]) });
// Implement "reverse" function over an array
const reverse = array => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
return [ elem, ...acum ];
}, []);
console.log('10', { reverse: reverse([ 9, 5, 2, 1 ]) });
// Object to Array
const objToArray = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acum, key) => {
return [
{ key, value: obj[key] },
}, []);
console.log('11', { objToArray: objToArray({ name: 'Jose', age: 44, dog: 'Apolo' }) });
// Array to Object
const arrayToObj = array => array.reduce((acum, elem) => {
const { id, ...attrs } = elem;
return {
[id]: attrs,
}, {});
console.log('12', { arrayToObj: arrayToObj([
{ id: 'e1', name: 'Jose', type: 'human' },
{ id: 'e2', name: 'Apolo', type: 'dog' },
{ id: 'e3', name: 'Chess', type: 'passion' },
]) });
// "Augment" an array by adding elements, useful for example for list organized by sections
const sections = [
{ num: 1, name: 'Chess Pieces' },
{ num: 2, name: 'Chess World Champions' },
const items = [
{ section: 1, name: 'Queen' },
{ section: 1, name: 'King' },
{ section: 1, name: 'Pawn' },
{ section: 2, name: 'Magnus Carlsen' },
{ section: 2, name: 'Garry Kasparov' },
{ section: 2, name: 'Bobby Fischer' },
{ section: 2, name: 'Alexander Alekhine' },
const augmented = items.reduce((acum, elem, index) => {
const findSection = sections.find(item => item.num === elem.section);
const addSection = index === 0 || index > 0 && elem.section !== items[index - 1].section;
if (addSection) acum.push({ type: 'section', name: });
return [
{ type: 'item', name: },
}, []);
console.log('bonus', { augmented });
// Process promise chain with reduce
const processor = steps => steps.reduce((p, fn) => {
let proceed = true;
return p
.then(res => {
if (proceed) return fn(res);
.catch(err => {
proceed = false;
}, Promise.resolve({}));
const aPromise = text => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
console.log('A PROMISE: ', text);
}, 1000));
const task1 = [
() => aPromise('step1'),
res => aPromise(`${res} - step2`),
res => aPromise(`${res} - step3`),
// ref =>
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