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Created November 4, 2022 19:34
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Find files not imported.
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { promises, readFileSync } from 'fs';
const { readdir } = promises;
const ignoreFolders = ['__generated__', '__tests__'];
const notImported: string[] = ['/webpack.config', '/globals.d'];
const fileContent: Record<string, string> = {};
(async () => {
const files = [
...(await getFiles('./src', false)),
...(await getFiles('./src/components')),
...(await getFiles('./src/shared')),
...(await getFiles('./src/routes')),
const data: Data[] = => ({
name: file.slice(file.lastIndexOf('/'), file.lastIndexOf('.')),
console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', `\n${data.length} files found\n`); //cyan
const isImported: Data[] = [];
const isNotImported: Data[] = [];
const checkIfFilesAreImported = async (index: number) => {
const { name } = data[index];
if (notImported.includes(name)) return;
const found = data.some(({ file }) => readFile(file).includes(name));
if (found) isImported.push(data[index]);
else isNotImported.push(data[index]);
await loader(data.length, checkIfFilesAreImported);
console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', `isImported: ${isImported.length}`); //cyan
console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', `isNotImported: ${isNotImported.length}`); //yellow
.map((data) => {
return data.file.slice(data.file.indexOf('src'));
type Data = { file: string; name: string };
async function loader(
callbackCount: number,
callback: (index: number) => Promise<void>,
barLength = 50,
) {
for (let i = 0; i < callbackCount; i++) {
const percent = i / callbackCount;
const loadedLength = percent * barLength;
const dots = '.'.repeat(loadedLength);
const empty = ' '.repeat(barLength - loadedLength);
/* use `process.stdout.write` as it doesn't print newline character */
/* \r clear the current line and then print the other characters making it looks like it refresh */
process.stdout.write(`\r[${dots}${empty}] ${Math.round(percent * 100)}%`);
await callback(i);
async function getFiles(dir: string, recursive = true): Promise<string[]> {
const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
const files = (dirent) => {
const res = resolve(dir,;
const isDirectory = dirent.isDirectory();
if (ignoreFolders.some((ignoreFolder) => res.endsWith(ignoreFolder)))
return [];
if (!recursive && isDirectory) return [];
return isDirectory ? await getFiles(res) : [res];
return (await Promise.all(files)).flatMap((files) => files);
function readFile(path: string): string {
if (!(path in fileContent)) fileContent[path] = readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
return fileContent[path];
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